.bk A9 .fl J712jl.j .fd object descriptions .ei jl .ed J712 .rd J704 .ri jl q 279.1 df ca ds fragment of pot base or stand, flat base, tapering and then opening cylindrical body, hollow, edges broken, similar in appearance to an egg cup ht 3.7 w1 4.8 th 0.9 wm cl c# 10yr7/2 co light gray P2 zs12.36 q 338.1 df la ds small four-sided stone pyramid, trapezoidal base, bevelled edges, smooth sides ht 1.3 lg 1.6 w1 0.9 wm li P2 zs12.39 .rd J706 q 327.1 df la ds 4 flint cores, 1 dark gray stone fragment P2 zs12.38 q 332.1 df shell ds 1 seashell P2 zs12.42 q 333.1 df la ds 6 flint blades P2 zs12.38 q 334.1 df la ds 2 flint blades, flint core P2 zs12.38 q 344.2 df uk ds clay lump, smoothed sides, flaking surface, purpose unknown lg 4.9 w1 4.0 ht 3.0 wm cl P2 zs12.36 q 344.3 df sm ds slag sample P2 zs12.23 q 341.1 df la ds flint shard P2 zs12.38 q 342.1 df fg ds hindquarters of an animal figurine w3 4.3 ht 3.7 lg 6.2 wm cl c# 2.5y7/2 co light gray P2 zs12.43 q 342.2 df ca ds small clay disk, smooth faces, rounded edges c# 10yr7/4 co pale red w1 3.8 th 0.9 wm cl P2 zs12.36 q 344.1 df si ds seal impression, originally labelled clay lump P99 sent to MKB .rd J707 q 346.1 df bd ds fragmented clay bead, shiny surface w1 1.0 lg 1.6 th 0.3 wm cl P2 zs12.04 q 346.2 df si ds seal impression P99 sent to MKB q 347.1 df la ds fragment of red stone, incised marks around circumference, smooth P2 zs12.38 i 47 df ma ds complete bronze nail/pin, including head lg 7.8 w1 0.5 wm mt P99 sent to conservation i 48 df ma ds bronze/copper ring, one strand twisted around over itself w1 1.6 th 0.5 wm mt P99 sent to conservation q 329.1 df po ds large pot almost completely intact P99 sent to conservation q 354.1 df ca ds piece of worked clay, shaped like an axe-handle, broken off partway lg 4.3 w1 2.2 th 2.0 c# 10yr3/1 co very dark gray wm cl P2 zs12.36 q 354.2 df cl ds clay lump, possible sealing, no impression P2 zs12.37 q 355.1 df la ds small black stone, smooth P2 zs12.38 q 355.2 df cl ds clay lump P1 discarded q 359.1 df la ds 2 pieces of flint P2 zs12.38 q 360.3 df sm ds slag sample P2 zs12.23 q 360.1 df cl ds 4 clay lumps P1 discarded q 360.2 df la ds 2 chunks of flint, one unknown pebble P2 zs12.38 q 361.1 df la ds 2 shards of obsidian P2 zs12.38 q 363.1 df cl ds 2 lumps of baked, possibly worked clay P2 zs12.37 i 49 df si ds seal impression P99 sent to MKB i 50 df si ds seal impression P99 sent to MKB q 366.1 df cl ds clay lump, baked, flat surface and pinched edge, perhaps sealing P2 zs12.21 q 368.1 df ma ds 2 small lumps of bronze P99 sent to conservation q 368.2 df ca ds fragment of clay object, channel in middle smoothed in shape of a finger, perhaps a mold for a figurine, channel narrows in the middle, flat base with incised line across narrowest point lg 7.3 w1 4.0 ht 2.5 w2 2.7 wm cl c# 10yr7/2 co light gray P2 zs12.45 q 368.3 df sl ds seal impression from clay lumps P99 to MKB q 368.5 df fg ds part of the body of a large figurine, fur pattern ht 6.5 lg 5.8 w1 4.1 wm cl P2 zs12.45 i 52 df fg ds broken head of a humanoid figurine, conical shape, large eyes and nose, possible mouth painted on with charcoal ht 4.5 w2 2.9 w3 1.5 wm cl c# 5yr7/6 co reddish yellow P2 zs12.45 q 360.4 df sm ds 3 samples of soft, white stone, perhaps gypsum P2 zs12.42 q 373.1 df la ds smooth, rounded white stone P2 zs12.44 q 374.1 df ca ds clay bobbin, groove around middle, bottom concave, rim rounded, top convex, similar to A1 i57 w1 2.2 th 1.4 wm cl c# 5yr6/6 co reddish yellow P2 zs12.45 q 374.2 df wh ds broken type I wheel w1 7.2@rim w1 2.0@hub w1 0.5@axle th 4.2@hub th 0.5@rim wm cl P2 zs12.40 q 374.3 df la ds flint flake P2 zs12.44 q 376.1 df la ds 4 obsidian flakes P2 zs12.44 q 378.2 df la ds obsidian blade fragment P2 zs12.44 q 380.1 df la ds 2 large, rough, shaped stones P2 zs12.44 q 380.2 df sp ds small shell P2 zs12.42 q 384.1 df la ds flint core P2 zs12.44 q 368.4 df la ds 10 flint flakes, 1 flint core, 4 black rough stones, one clear crystal P2 zs12.44 q 382.2 df bo ds burnt bone P2 zs12.42 q 382.1 df fg ds fragment of a figurine, perhaps human P2 zs12.45 q 383.1 df wh ds type IV wheel, small w1 2.3@rim th 1.5@hub wm cl P2 zs12.40 .rd J710 q 378.1 df cl ds clay lump P1 discarded q 381.1 df si ds seal impression P99 to MKB q 381.2 df di ds seal impression P99 to MKB q 387.2 df si ds seal impression P99 to MKb q 387.4 df cl ds clay lump with peg impression P2 zs12.21 q 387.5 df cl ds clay lump P1 discarded q 387.6 df sl ds sealing P99 to MKB q 387.7 df sl ds sealing P99 to MKB i 55 df fg ds body, neck, most of head of an equid figurine, mane c# 7.5yr6/8 co reddish yellow w1 3.3 w2 2.9 w3 3.7 lg 9.7 ht 5.9 wm cl P2 zs12.45 i 54 df bd ds shell bead lg 1.3 w1 0.8 th 0.7 P2 zs12.04 q 385.1 df cl ds flat flake of clay, almost blade-like P2 zs12.37 q 387.1 df la ds chunk of flint P2 zs12.44 q 388.1 df la ds obsidian flake P2 zs12.44 q 389.1 df fg ds clay claw/horn (bos?) P2 zs12.45 q 390.1 df la ds flake of obsidian P2 zs12.44 q 390.2 df sm ds slag lump P2 zs12.23 q 397.1 df la ds large broken stone with depression P2 zs12.44 q 387.3 df sl ds sealing with palm print P2 zs12.21 q 387.8 df sl ds sealing with peg impression P2 zs12.21 q 387.9 df si ds seal impression P99 to MKB q 387.10 df si ds seal impression P99 to MKB q 387.11 df si ds seal impression P99 to MKB q 398.2 df wh ds small type IV wheel w1 2.2 th 1.0 wm cl P2 zs12.40 q 401.1 df la ds door post holder P2 zs12.27 .rd J711 q 398.1 df la ds large perforated stone bead, part broken off lg 5.7 w1 4.5 th 1.8 wm li P2 zs12.39 q 403.1 df la ds 7 pieces of flint, one unknown shiny black stone P2 zs12.44 q 408.1 df la ds small, possibly worked stone P2 zs12.44 q 403.2 df se ds part of a sealing P99 to MKB q 404.1 df cl ds clay lump P1 discarded .rd J712 q 405.1 df sp ds fragment of shell P2 zs12.42 q 409.1 df sp ds fragment of shell P2 zs12.42 q 409.2 df sm ds lump of slag P2 zs12.23 q 410.2 df wh ds type I wheel, somewhat fragmented w1 4.5@rim th 2.7@hub wm cl P2 zs12.40 q 413.1 df cl ds clay lump P1 discarded q 414.1 df la ds large chunk of black stone with smoothed surface, 2 pieces of obsidian P2 zs12.46 q 414.2 df ma ds dirt encrusted lump of corroded bronze P99 to conservation