.bk A14 .fl O725jw.j .fd daily journal for O725, feature descriptions f105, 213, 282, 286-288 .ei jw .ed O725 .rd O725 .ri jw -wk Two more workmen reported bringing the total to 31, divided into 5 crews and a relay assistant. Deldar Omo departed at 1030 for business at home. Excused by jw after unsuccessfully seeking gb for permission. -sf gm sick at home. Processed a20 jar cache and visited doctor in Qamishlie. dc and jw on site all day. -sy bp on site to install markers for the excavation of k11. k 11 dy Did preparatory cleaning in order to open this locus tomorrow. It incorporates the northern edge of the entrance to the abi and we expect it will provide important evidence about the late use of the structure. k 21 dy Opened this locus, which incorporates the southern edge and the main access to the abi to investigate the architecture of the entrance during the late use of the structure. k 22 dy Finished excavating this locus after encountering a level surface with a number of pebbles scattered throughout, f288. It probably is a layer formed by the action of ancient gully wash, but it is of adequate depth to provide a frame this season for the investigation of the abi entrance to the east. k 4 dy Continued to excavate lining accumulation f278, which covered a pise floor, f213, upon which rested a number of jars, a20. sg We expect to finish excavating in this locus tomorrow, stopping when the entire floor, f213 is exposed. f 213 df fc ds Pise floor extending south from the palace edge throughout most of locus k4 and upon which a number of jars, a20, and processing impliments (e.g grindstones) rested. It also contains at least two small circular patches of hard, blue-black material, which may indicate a very intense fire of short duration. k 12 dy Finished excavating here after removing the features left at the end of the MZ16 (2003) season. Encountered a lens of small stones in the SE corner, f286, and a pit, a21, in the NW corner. This should provide a framework for excavating at the entrance to the abi in loci k11 and k21. k 24 dy Finished removing the east baulk. k 3 dy Continued excavating the accumulation, f268, below the stopping point of the MZ16 (2003) season. Removed f105, which was saved as a mound, possibly a wall, but which turned out to be a layer formed of a single course of bricks. Finished uncovering layer, f287, which will be photographed and removed on O726. f 105 df ly ds A single course of reddish bricks, saved as a mound in the NE quadrant of k3. As seen in section, it is about 2 meters long, beginning in the north, rising slightly in the first 50cm, then descending as it ends in the south. f 282 df ts ds Topsoil in locus k21, immediately to the west of the abi entrance. f 286 df l ds lens of small stones concentrated in the SE corner of locus k12. Its deposition may be related to some part of the entrance to the abi, the northern edge of which is framed in large stones immediately to the east. f 287 df ly ds layer of ashy material in the SW quadrant of k3 and atop a large, cut stone. It contains a number of charcoal bits and charred seeds, some of which were saved as a sample. f 288 df ly ds Level layer of scattered pebbles in accumulation in locus k22.