.bk A14 .fl O910jw.j .fd Q-item log for O718 to O826 (q651.2-q837.1) .ei jw .ed O910 .rd O715 .ri jw qi 651.2 la white calcite fragment from worked object .rd O718 .ri gm 676.1 la 0.5 2 1.3 ob black obsidian fragment 675.1 bk 11 12 10 cl tan brick fragment 677.1 cl 1 5 2 cl tan clay lump 679.1 la 0.2 4 1.8 li brown flint flake 679.2 ca 2.5 8.5 6 cl tan tannur fragment 679.3 kw 1.5 1.8 1.8 cl tan kiln waste (3 pcs) 678.1 ma 10 0.3 mt tan metal object 682.1 ca 4.5 3 1.8 cl tan clay artifact-in pottery bag 683.1 la 2 5.2 2 li brown flint core 685.1 fg 5.5 8 3.5 cl tan animal 681.1 cl 2 4 3.5 cl brown clay lump 681.2 fg 4.5 6.5 4 cl tan animal 684.1 ca 2.5 3 4.5 cl tan fragment of sling ball-from pottery bag 689.1 cl 2 3.5 3 cl tan clay lump 695.1 sp 2 0.6 cl shell .rd O719 .ri dc 699.1 la 0.7 4.8 2.8 li pale gray flint blade 699.2 cl 0.5 3.1 2.2 cl black decorated clay lump 700.1 sm charcoal (2 pcs) 700.2 cl 2 2.4 cl burnt clay lump-no signs on it 702.1 la 0.8 4.7 3 li gray flint blade 705.1 ca 1.8 7 5.6 cl pale brown fragment of a brick, a roof, or tannur 705.2 ca 2 6.3 4.3 cl pale brown fragment of a brick, a roof, or tannur 705.3 ca 3.3 2.3 cl pale brown fragment of a brick, a roof, or tannur 697.1 sm brown sample of soil taken from i177 (frinolet) .rd O720 708.1 ca 4 9 7.5 cl light brown piece of tannur? 708.2 ca 5 6 5 cl light brown piece of tannur? 708.3 ca 2.5 7 6 cl light brown piece of tannur? 706.1 la 1.5 5.5 1.7 li tan lithic tool (curved) 712.1 la 0.4 2.6 1.2 li black obsidian blade 708.4 si 2.7 2.7 1.7 cl black seal impression-probably decorated 706.2 la 0.5 4 1.5 li tan lithic tool 708.5 la 1 5.5 3.5 li lithic tool 710.1 ca 2.3 1 cl pale brown part of a clay artifact 715.1 ca 6.5 9 7 cl red fragment of tannur with bitumen layer 715.2 cl 2.5 3.5 2 cl brown clay lump 715.3 cl 2 4 2 cl brown clay lump 715.4 cl 1.8 4 2.8 cl gray clay lump 706.3 la 1.2 4 3 li tan flint flake 707.1 cl 2 3.5 2.5 cl gray 2 pcs of clay lump 715.5 cl 3 2 1 cl dark gray clay lump 715.6 la 0.3 2.5 1.8 ob black flake of obsidian 715.7 fg 4.3 1.4 1 cl pale brown leg of figurine 716.1 la li gray blade of flint 717.1 ca 3.8 4.1 4 cl brown piece of tannur with bitumen 717.2 ca 2.2 6.7 5.3 cl brown piece of tannur with bitumen 717.3 ca 6.5 5.4 5.3 cl brown piece of tannur with bitumen 717.4 ca 2.6 9.2 5 cl brown piece of tannur with bitumen 717.5 ca cl brown piece of tannur with bitumen 715.8 la li gray piece of flint .rd O721 .ri jw 719.1 la 0.5 2.7 1.2 ob black obsidian blade 723.1 ca 10.3 3.8 cl pale brown oval shaped clay artifact with finger prints on it 721.1 la 2.7 8.5 5.2 li gray tool 718.2 cl 2.6 2.3 cl dark gray clay lump 722.1 cl 1.2 2.6 2 cl dark gray lump of clay with probable decoration 723.2 ca 1.8 2.5 cl pale brown rounded base 719.3 ca 3.8 4.5 5 cl brown edge of a clay artifact 719.4 ca 2 3.5 2.5 cl brown rounded end of a clay artifact 724.1 la 0.7 3 2.5 li brown fragment of a lithic artifact 722.2 la 4.5 9.6 7.2 li black fragment of a grinding stone 724.2 la li gray flint blade 724.3 cl cl gray/black lump of clay with fingerprints on it 724.4 sm burnt charcoal 724.5 sm burnt sample 724.6 sm burnt sample 724.7 sm burnt sample 724.8 sm burnt sample 730.1 la 0.5 3.5 0.7 ob black 3 obsidian flakes 730.2 la li piece of stone bracelet? 724.9 kw fragment of kiln waste 724.10 cl 1.8 2.5 1.4 clay lump 724.11 sm burnt charcoal 730.4 sm 2 pieces of charcoal 730.5 sm sample of white material 608.1 si 6.45 4.33 1.27 cl light brown seal impression on sherd from pottery bag 725.1 la li chert debitage 730.6 la 2 0.5 li piece of stone bracelet? .rd O722 .ri jw 733.1 la 1.2 5.5 2.5 li light gray flint core 735.1 la 3 6.5 3 li gray stone tool 733.2 cl 1.8 2.5 2.2 cl dark gray clay lump 732.1 la 0.2 3.9 1 ob black obsidian flake 737.1 ca 2.7 4.2 4.3 cl pale brown end of a rectangular clay artifact 737.2 cl 1.3 3.2 2.2 cl black clay lump 737.3 ca 1.6 3.3 cl pale brown rounded fragment of a clay artifact 737.4 ca 3.2 5 cl pale brown broken slingball 733.3 cl cl black lump of clay with lines on it 742.1 cl cl black clay lump 742.2 la ob black obsidian flake 742.3 cl cl black clay lump 742.4 ca cl pale brown sling ball almost entirely preserved 742.5 cl pale brown clay lump 738.1 la ob black obsidian blade 738.2 la li gray flint blade 743.1 ca cl brown rectangular clay artifact-painted? 748.1 ca cl black clay wheel? .rd O725 .ri jw 750.1 ca 5 3 cl brown sling ball 753.1 cl 0.5 2 1.5 cl brown 2 pieces of clay lumps 753.2 cl cl brown clay lump 753.3 cl cl brown clay lump 753.4 cl cl brown clay lump 756.1 fg cl pale brown fragment of a figurine 753.5 ca cl brown rounded end of a clay artifact (part of a ([lipid]sp?) 748.2 ja jar restored from fragments 758.1 la 4 fragments of the same flint blade 760.1 sp 1.4 1.8 sh white quite well-preserved shell 759.1 la 0.4 1.8 1.6 li dark gray fragment of flint 751.1 ca cl pale brown end of an oblong object from SE corner of S baulk 763.1 sm sample of charred seeds and charcoal 758.2 la 0.3 3.3 2.3 li light gray flint blade 758.3 cl black clay lump .rd O726 .ri gm 768.1 bd 3 2.5 2 sh tan snail shell bead 761.1 cl 0.7 2 1.3 cl gray little clay lump (si?) 771.1 ca 1.5 4.5 cl tan clay artifact (rim?) 768.2 ja tan jar fragments (i212). Deleted (q-lot 803). 768.3 la 3.5 10.5 10 li gray lithic tool 768.4 la 3.5 8 3 li gray lithic tool 768.5 ma 2 0.5 mt green fragment of bronze 770.1 la 3.5 2 li dark gray pointed end of a lithic artifact 768.6 cl 1.5 3 2.5 cl tan clay lump (si?) 768.7 cl 2 3.5 3 cl tan clay lump (si?) 768.8 ja tan jar fragments (i217). Deleted (q-lot 799). 768.9 la 3 2 2 li white quartz artifact 772.1 ca 2.1 2 2.5 pale brown quadrangular end of a clay artifact 773.1 la 1.2 6.3 3.7 li gray lithic tool 776.1 sm black pumice 776.2 sm black bitumen 768.10 ja light red jar fragments (i218). Deleted (q-lot 800). 768.11 la 0.8 3.7 2.5 li gray flint flake 768.12 fg 3.5 4 2 cl tan animal? 768.13 ja jar fragments (i219). Deleted (q-lot 801). 768.14 ja jar fragments (i222). Deleted (q-lot 802). 768.15 cl 2 3 3 cl gray clay lump 761.2 sm brown sample of white material 768.17 sm bitumen 768.16 sm black charcoal in dirt matrix .rd O727 783.1 sm black charcoal in dirt matrix 783.2 sm brown dirt matrix with white material 786.1 cl 0.8 2.3 1.3 cl brown clay lump (si?) 784.1 la 6 13 10 li tan fragment of a grindstone 787.1 sp 1.5 2.3 1.8 transparent mineral fragment (worked?) 781.1 fg 3.7 4.2 2.1 cl pale brown horse (?) 782.1 cl cl dark gray clay lump 782.2 fg 1.9 1.1 cl pale brown leg of figurine 789.1 bd 0.5 3 cl tan clay disk 794.1 la li gray 2 chert flakes 795.1 la 3 4.5 4.5 li stone tool 795.2 la 3 6 4 li stone tool 799.1 ja jar restored from fragments .rd O728 809.1 cl cl brown clay lump 805.1 cl gray clay lump (2pcs) (si?) 806.1 la 6 6.5 li gray pestle 807.1 ca 4.5 3 cl light brown sling ball 805.2 la 0.3 2.7 2.5 li gray flint flake 805.3 la 0.5 2.7 2.5 li gray flint flake 805.4 la 0.3 1.3 1 ob black fragment of obsidian blade 812.1 la 0.8 3.7 2.6 li gray flint flake 812.2 cl 3.5 4.3 3 cl brown clay lump 809.2 la 0.5 2.5 2.4 li tan flint flake 812.5 kw cl kiln waste (3pcs) 810.1 sp 2 1 sh brown little shell 816.1 la 2.6 1.6 0.9 ob black obsidian tool (eraser?) 805.5 cl cl tan clay lump 817.1 la li bluish gray lithic artifact 812.3 ma mt brown 2 iron objects 816.2 sp red modern whistle 805.6 la li gray flint flake 819.1 bk cl fragment of cooked brick 816.3 fg 5.5 5 3.3 cl tan animal 812.4 la 7 11.5 10.5 li gray fragment of grind stone .rd O729 .ri dc 822.1 cl 1 2 1.7 cl dark gray clay lump 822.2 ca 2.3 3.2 cl pale brown rounded clay artifact with a central hole 822.3 ca 11.5 4.5 cl brown oblong clay artifact 828.1 sm black bitumen 828.2 sm black charcoal inside i109 831.1 fg 3 3 3 cl tan hindquarters of animal 831.2 cl cl dark gray fragments of clay lump, maybe connected with seal impression i239 828.3 sm brown sample of brown material (maybe wool) 831.3 la 7 41 29 li black large, concave basalt grindstone 831.4 la 4 9 li tan half of stone bagel 831.5 la 6 15 13 li black broken batard-shaped basalt grindstone 824.1 ja jar restored from fragments 827.1 ja jar restored from fragments .rd O730 834.1 ca cl fragment of a sling ball 834.2 ba bn brown 3 pieces of bone needles (2 tools) 834.3 cl cl dark gray clay lumps-maybe connected with seal impression i239 834.4 cl Formerly designated as 834.3.1 but re-designated as 835.4 so that it could be processed by the JD program. 834.5 cl Formerly designated as 834.3.2 but re-designated as 835.4 so that it could be processed by the JD program. .rd O731 836.1 fg pale brown head of an animal 835.1 cl clay lumps-maybe connected with seal impression i239 835.2 la li stone tool-broken 835.3 ma 0.4 2.5 0.7 mt bronze piece 835.4 cl Formerly designated as 835.1.1 but re-designated as 835.4 so that it could be processed by the JD program. 835.5 cl Formerly designated as 835.1.2 but re-designated as 835.4 so that it could be processed by the JD program. 836.2 cl cl clay lumps-maybe connected with seal impression i239 836.3 cl Formerly designated as 836.2.1 but re-designated as 835.4 so that it could be processed by the JD program. .rd O826 837.1 ca 3.5 3 cl tan cone-shaped object, broken at base