.bk A15 .fl ZG101jW.j .fd missing feature descriptions and tc's .ri jW .rd ZG101 .ed ZG101 .ei jW f 547 df fb ds Several baked bricks in k4 that form part of a floor just to the N of platform f214. They abut hard-packed clay, f506, that forms the rest of the floor under accumulation f533. nv Elevation was 8596, the same elevation (8600) as the baked bricks f561 east of f214 and the same elevation (8594) of floor, f534, of room a36 in k14. These three features may be linked on the basis of proximity and elevation. f 533 tc co f547 ;f 547 ;tc ab f506 f 548 ds Unexcavated block of accumulation oriented E-W and eminating from the W baulk in k13. Composition and dimensions not well documented. Abuts major E-W structural wall f528 in k2 and k12 tc ab f528 f 553 tc co f554 f 565 ;ds Two deeply founded stones in k93 just south of the line of worked stone blocks, f537, that may have demarcated rooms f38 and f41 on their west sides. ds Three stones with flat tops beneath and pre-dating floor f558. They were exposed when a small trench was excavated alongside stone installation f537 to determine whether it was founded. The stones of f565 give the appearance of a substatial floor that predates the Tupkish palace. Regrettably, no elevation was taken but it can be reliably estimated to be about 8510. Therefore, these stones may very well be associated with a baked brick surface below the stones of the formal courtyard just adjacent to the north. f 563 ds Stone wall, under platform f214 that runs N-S in k94 and with a similar wall, f550 (running E-W) forms the SW corner of rrom f41. In size and orientation, both f550 and f563 resemble the foundation stones for substantial brick walls in the Phase 2 palace. tc bo f550 f 214 tc co f563 f 559 ds Hard-packed red clay with white inclusions (bakaya?) in k4 that constitutes the floor enclosed by the stones of platform f214. f 560 ds Gray accumulation in k4 below stone and sherd pavement, f208. Eight q-lots containing copious amounts of ceramics, likely some from f208. f 208 tc co f560 tc co f577 f 566 ds Reddish-gray accumulation in k4 west of accumulation f560. Eight q-lots containing copious amounts of ceramics. tc ab f560 f 569 ds Stones arranged in an L shape in k4 that partially contain the accumulation f566. tc ab 566 f 561 ds Line of three baked bricks in k13 along the E side of platform f214. No apparent function. f 562 ds Line of stones in k13 that run SW to NE under wall f520. f 520 tc co f562 f 573 ds Yellowish-red accumulation in k13 directly to the south of wall f548. tc co f548 f 574 ds patch of fist-sized pebbles f574 in k13 that may be the southern passage between N-S wall f528 in k2 and a possible northward extension of N-S wall f520. Stone surface under accumulation f573 in k13 to the south of wall f573. f 579 ds Low extension to the west of wall f520 in k13 forming a benc or ledge. f 520 tc bo f579 f 577 ds layer of stones and pebbles in k4 to the west of the stones of f569. Possibly below f208. f 567 ds Small section of plaster floor in k14. f 575 ds Group of stones under stones of f568 along the S baulk of k94. f 576 ds Two courses of baked brick in k94 that fill a gap in the western part of stone wall f550 tc ab f550 f 578 ds Large, isolated stone in the SW corner of room a41. Purpose is unknown. tc si f555 f 580 ds Patch of gully wash seen in the S baulk of k94. f 570 ds A small sounding was taken in k93 to explore the substructure of the large mudbrick floor, f558 of room f41. This feature (first encountered) is a reddish yellow layer that serves as a subfloor. tc co f571 f 571 ;ds Pinksh gray subfloor in k93 below subfloor f570. df pb ds Three large stones with flattened tops at the same elevation. Disturbed by excavation. Possible formed a floor in a pre-palace structure. tc si f586 ;tc co f572 f 572 ds Yellowish brown layer of soil under the line of stones, f537, in k93. From view v252 it can be seen that this feature is actually the north end of floor f558. tc re f554 ;f 537 ;tc re f572 f 581 ds Crude wall built of stones and mortar extending west out of the east baulk in k1 that forms the east face of doorway a51, the entrance into the formal flagstone couryard immediately to the north. f 583 ds Large, cut stones laid hoizontally in k91 that form the tread of doorway a51 that leads north from room a38 to the formal flagstone courtyard. tc ab f581 tc ab f582 f 582 ds Large, cut stone cube that forms the west end of doorway a51 that leads north from room a38 to the formal flagstone courtyard. f 584 ds Drain for room a38, inserted into its floor, f554. It runs S to N and empties into the formal flagstone couryard. tc in f554 a 51 df dw ds Abbreviated doorway leading from reception room a38 to the uncovered flagstone courtyard. Comprises a low stone and mortar wall, f581, a low stone block wall, f582, and a stone step, f583. Function probably decorative rather than substantial as at most, room a38 would have been covered but not roofed while the flagstone couryard was open to the weather. f 544 df w ds Short segment low wall seen in the NW corner of k3. It functions as a patch to EW major wall foundation f550 tc si f550 f 524 tc co f544 f 543 ds small section of floor surface in k3 just to the north of the north face of wall f537 tc ab f537