.bk A16 .fl L708LR.J .fd -M726-A.J***L708LR.J .fn Edited by cJC on R714, by sG on R717 .rd L708 .ri lR -SN cI has drawn the north section of k3 and began drawing k4 north section. ;a 4 ;F02 co f0072 ;F02 co f0073 ;F02 co f0074 ;F02 co f0076 a 6 C01 In a6, the box structure, 80cms has been excavated inside. The fill of the box contains broken bricks, pottery, and animal bones. The northern face shows clear brick faces with a mud plaster coating. The faces suggest a vaulted shape inside the structure. The brickfall to the west of the structure was also excavated which exposed a clearer view of the platform at the base of the box structure that protrudes one brick and a half west of the box. f 68 B11 drain running north to south f 69 B11 accumulation inside the niche on the south side of the wall f52 f 71 B11 brickfall underneath the brickmelt f49 part of a4 f 72 ;D06 9013 f 75 ad wall f 76 B11 layer of pink accumulation top elevation m2598-156. this layer is underneath the brickfall and above the charcoal layer f77. f 77 B11 charcoal layer under f76. Soft in texture F02 co f0086 f 78 A01 f0084 B11 brickfall in west side of square part of a4 f 81 B11 accumulation in between f80 and f93. Contains charcoal inclusions and is soft in texture. ;D06 9053 f 82 B11 brickmelt on the west side of f80, chunks of bricky material and more granular in texture f 83 B11 brickfall in the west part of k105, same as f21, part of a4 f 84 A01 f0078 B11 brickfall in the east part of k105, part of a4 f 85 B11 small pit in the north west corner, 15 cm deep f 86 B11 pink layer underneath f77 charcoal layer ;F02 co f0077 f 87 B10 plaster B11 mud plaster on top of f72 covering ts western portion D06 9013 @bottom f 88 A01 f0092 B11 floor found on the northern side of a3, outside floor with rolling elevations. f 89 B11 possible hearth on top of several bricks forming a square. f 90 B11 pit or animal hole found on the eastern side of the box structure a6 f 91 ad accumulation c f 92 A01 f0088 B11 floor found on the northern side of a3, outside floor with rolling elevations f 93 B11 mud wall similar to f80 on the east side extending under the baulk. 15cm in width k 105 B11 extends from the east baulk in k8 and continues until the western end of k7. Includes all of k7 from the north side of a3 and all of k8. k 106 B11 this locus was created to facilitate the q-lots since with the removal of the baulks it was difficult to separate the features and existing loci. This locus extends from the eastern end of a6 in k3 to the east baulk in k4 and includes half of k3 and all of k4. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L708LR.J ;.fd L708LR.J .rd L708 .ri lR ;a 4 ;B11 tc co f72 ;B11 tc co f73 ;B11 tc co f74 ;B11 tc co f76 f 70 B11 niche at the base of the wall f 52, found on the southside of the wall and contains no bricks. f 72 B11 southern wall running west to east of the possible tomb or cistern. The wall is constructed of mudbricks five bricks and a half in lenght and appears to be vaulted. f 73 B11 northern mudbrick wall running west to east of the possible tomb or cistern. f 75 B11 wall or bench in the west side of k8 that links up with the curving wall in A15. This wall is half a brick in width with only the top portion resembling brick, the rest is compacted mud. f 79 B11 platform or wall at the base of the box structure with the same alignment. Appears to be plastered and is one brick and a half in width. f 80 B11 Thin mud wall similar to f75. Is half a brick in width with only the top portion resembling brick the rest appears to be compacted mud. Appears to abut f52 and f89 the hearth. f 91 B11 accumulation above floor f92 the last 10-15 centimeters of the brickfall a4. Contains large flat bricks and chunky pieces of brick. .rd R730 .ri pC ; pb not sure if it belongs to a4 .rd L708 .ri lR k 106 B11 extends from the east baulk in k8 and continues until the western end of k7. Includes all of k7 from the northside of a3 and all of k8. k 105 B11 this locus was created to facilitate the q-lots since with the removal of the baulks it was difficult to separate the features and existing loci. This locus extends from the eastern end of a6 in k3 to the east baulk in k4 and includes half of k3 and all of k4. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L708LR.J ;.fd L821-A16.J***L708LR.J .rd L708 .ri lR -DY continued to remove the remaining brickfall throughout k105, k106, k3 and k5. In a6, the box structure, 80 cms has been excavated inside. The fill of the box contains broken bricks, pottery, and animal bones. The northern face shows clear brick faces with a mud plaster coating. The faces suggest a vaulted shape inside the structure. The brickfall to the west of the structure was also excavated which exposed a clearer view of the platform at the base of the box structure that protrudes one brick and a half west of the box. cI has drawn the north section of k3 and began drawing k4 north section. ;f 74 ;pb tc a4 co f74 ;k 105 ;B11 this locus was created to facilitate the q-lots since with the removal of the baulks it was difficult to separate the features and existing loci. This locus extends from the eastern end of a6 in k3 to the east baulk in k4 and includes halk of k3 and all of k4. k 106 B11 extends from the east baulk in k8 and continues until the western end of k7. Includes all of k7 from the northside of a3 and all of k8. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L708LR.J ;.fd N204LR.J***L708LR.J .rd L708 -SG For the box structure a6 we plan to excavate the triangular area f160 between f73 and the North baulk to see if we can find the Northern face of the structure. The remaining brickfall will be completely excavated by L709, which allows time for the final photograph of all Phase 5b structures, which will then be removed in order to expose Phase 5a structures. The wall f52 will remain since it is believed that the base of the wall is actually Phase 5a construction then reused in Phase 5b. The basis for this argument as proposed by fAB is that the Western face of the wall ends but then is continued only indented several centimeters to the East suggesting that the wall below is earlier and could belong to 5a. Bricks found on the North side of f52 suggest that it is a Phase 5a cross wall running North to South. a 4 C02 The remaining brickfall will be completely excavated by L709, which allows time for the final photograph of all 5b structures, which will then be removed in order to expose 5a structures. a 6 C02 For the box structure a6 we plan to excavate the triangular area f160 between f73 and the North baulk to see if we can find the Northern face of the structure. f 52 C02 we plan on removing all phase 5b structures but plan on leaving f52 since the base of the wall is actually a 5a construction that was re-used in 5b. The basis for this argument as proposed by fab is that the Western face of the wall ends but then is continued at a lower elevation but is indented several centimeters to the East suggesting that the wall below is earlier and could belong to 5a. Bricks found on the North side of f52 suggest that it is a 5a cross wall running North to South. f 67 B11 one brick extension North from the wall f52, a possible bench. Elevation at top 9094 and is several courses deep. f 74 B11 accumulation in-between f72 and f73 inside structure a6. Contains a large number of bricks that are from the possible collapse of the vault. k 3 C01 Castro has drawn the North section C01 continuing to remove the brickfall C01 removing brickfall k 4 C01 Castro and I started drawing the North section today k 5 C01 removing brickfall k 105 C01 removing brickfall