.bk A16 .fl L708SV.J .fd -M726-A.J***L708SV.J .fn some B10 entries bypassed, see Rx19gB.J .fn df revised Rx30 gB .rd L624 .ri tR i 16 ;B10 ^cv ;B11 circular clay object containing holes. Edges are decorated with an incised decoration, possibly some type a filter for water or other liquids. J01 2.35 J04 6.52 K03 cl .ri eD q 76 B21 qi007601 q 77 B21 qi007701 .ri lR q 97 B21 qi009701 B21 qi009702 q 116 B21 qi011601 q 117 B21 qi011701 q 118 B21 qi011801 q 27.4 K03 li q 27.3 B11 worked ceramic sherd J02 4.52 J03 3.59 K03 cl q 51.1 ;B11 rectangular shaped stone tool J02 7.59 J03 4.82 K03 li .ri lR q 54.2 ;B11 ca ;B11 over fired clay artifact, square piece, perhaps a brick ;J02 10 ;J03 7 q 63.3 B10 uc ct laf B11 piece of basalt J01 8 J02 13 J03 7 K03 basalt .ri tR q 67.1 P01 discarded .ri eD q 68.99 B10 bl B11 lower portion of a lithic point J01 0.7 J02 2.6 J03 1.6 K03 li q 69.1 B10 uc ct laf J01 12 J04 17 K03 li q 76.1 ;B10 ^la J01 0.8 J02 3.7 J03 2.7 ;K03 li q 77.1 ;B11 section of a round donut shaped artifact (sandstone) J02 7 J04 5.2 K03 li .ri tR q 83.1 ;B11 worked stone, square shaped, unknown use J01 5.8 J02 5.55 J07 3.88 .ri lR q 84.1 ;ad ^ca ;B11 gray clay piece pinched and formed into a triangular shape ;J02 4.5 ;J03 5 ;J07 1 q 85.1 ;B11 quartz crystal smooth on one side J03 2 J07 1 .ri tR q 86.1 P01 discarded q 86.2 ;B11 worked stone tool probably a hammer stone with smooth faces on both side with rough edges J04 10.15 K03 li .ri lR q 87.1 ad scraper B11 obsidian curved piece, possibly a blade or a scraper; edges are worked J02 3.4 J03 1.5 J07 0.3 q 97.1 ;B11 dark gray possible seal impression ;P01 discarded P99 to mKB .ri eD q 97.2 ;B10 ^la ;B11 obsidian point .ri lR B11 gray wheel type II df wh ;J01 0.6 ;J02 3.3 .ri lR J02 2 .ri eD ;J03 1 .ri lR J03 1.7 J07 1 .ri eD ;K03 OB .ri tR q 107.1 ;B10 ^la B11 worked stone probably used as a mortar J01 13.11 J03 8.89 ;K03 li .ri lR ;q 116.1 ;B10 ^rf ;ad ^wh ;B11 reddish clay lump with one smooth side and gray lines ;B11 wheel type V ;J02 4.7 ;J03 3.9 ;J04 2.5 ;J07 0.5 ;J07 3 ;K03 cl q 116.1 df rf lg 4.7 w1 3.9 th 3 wm cl ds reddish clay lump with one side smooth, gray and lines running on it q 116.99 df wh w2 2.5 th 0.5 wm cl ds wheel type V q 117.1 B10 ^vr ;B11 piece of pottery mistaken for a q-item ;P99 back in pottery lot q 118.1 B10 ^wh ;B11 clay wheel type II J04 4.1 .bk A16 .fl L708SV.J .fd N128LR.J***L708SV.J .rd L624 .ri tR i 16 B11 Circular ceramic strainer with decorated incised edges. The strainer contains small circular perforations throughout the body and possibly served as a type of filter for water or other liquids. q 27.4 B11 worked stone, possibly a stone tool .ri lR q 54.2 B11 Over-fired clay object, square in shape similar to a brick. .ri eD q 76.1 A21 bl B11 Black lithic artifact, possibly a blade or scraper. It shows on one side the bulb of percussion and lateral retouches on the other side. .ri tR q 83.1 B11 Square shaped stone artifact .ri lR q 84.1 B11 Gray clay piece pinched and formed into a triangular shaped artifact. K05 gray q 85.1 B11 Quartz crystal with one smooth flat surface .ri tR q 86.2 ;B11 Worked stone tool, probably a hammer stone with smooth faces on both sides retaining rough edges. .ri lR q 87.1 ;B11 Curved fragment of obsidian with worked edges, possibly a blade or a scraper. q 97.1 B11 Sealing clay fragment, dark gray in color, possibly sealed. K03 cl K05 dark gray ;P01 discarded; not sealed q 97.2 B11 Wheel type II, perforated K03 cl K05 gray .ri tR ;q 107.1 ;B11 worked stone, mortar shaped .ri lR q 116.1 B11 Clay lump presumably from roofing material with one smooth side containing gray lines. ;B11 Wheel type V, perforated K05 reddish q 117.1 P99 back in pottery lot q117 q 118.1 B11 Clay wheel type II, perforated K03 cl