.bk A16 .fl L723LR.J .fd L723LR.J .ri lR .rd L723 f 144 A1 f119 f 151 A1 f145 ;tc co f133 ;tc f95 bo f96 f 97 B11 this feature does not exist-was deleted f 94 tc co f98 f 99 B11 interface layer between brickfall and accumulation. This feature contains remnents of bricks and is softer in texture than the brickfall. f 83 tc co f99 f 99 tc co f104 f 100 B11 interface layer between brickfall and accumulation. Similar to f101. f 106 ;tc co f103 f 47 ;tc co f106 f 101 ;tc ab f4 ;tc co f105 f 25 tc co f101 f 102 B11 tannur in northwest corner of a8 south of f52, east of f80. The tannur is in the small space between these two features. It has a wider circular diameter at its base and the top is less in diameter. The tannur is reddish-brown in color, compact and a small portion of the lip is visible. f 107 B11 wall running east west in a9 composed of mudbricks pinkish in color, 90 cm in height and one brick in width. f 108 B11 mudbrick wall running north south on the west side part of a9. this wall is vaulted and one brick in width 90cm hieght. f 109 B11 wall running north south on the eastside part of a9, one brick in width 90cm height. f 110 B11 accumulation inside a9, fill f 111 B11 accumulation outside of a9 f 112 B11 floor surface east of a6 in k106 f 113 B11 wall running north to sout in the east side bonded with f52 wall next to the east baulk in the north f 114 ;B11 wall running east to west north side of k f 115 B11 gray layer below f43 f 116 B11 clay black with ash inclusions in the east half of k8 f 117 B11 reddish layer below floor f133 f 118 B11 large components, four stones east of f7 in the south east side of k1 f 119 sm pebble and sherd floor along the east side of the wall f75 and into A15. f 120 B11 pebble floor below f28 f 121 B11 floor below f36 f 123 B11 accumulation below f120 f 124 B11 accumulation between f36 and f121 f 125 B11 floor inside a8 below f126 f 126 B11 accumulation within a8 below f81, the same as f81 but 10-15 cm above floor surface f 127 B11 layer of brickmelt f 128 B11 accumulation associated with the burial in a9 f 129 ;B11 accumulation mixed with ash below f111 f 130 B11 accumulation with charcoal inclusions same as f81, located in a10 north of f52 f 131 B11 accumulation below f88 and above f110 in the doorway area f 132 B11 wall running north to south with plaster face, located in the eastern portion of k2. f 133 ;B11 floor in west part of k2 f 134 B11 floor inside a10, located in the southern area close to the doorway f 135 B11 small wall running north to south located north of a3 and south of a9 contains two bricks in lenght and four bricks deep. ;B11 tc f135 ab a3 ;B11 tc f135 ab a9 f 136 tc ab f132 B11 wall running east to west abutts f132 part of a11 f 137 B11 basin constructed of a very hard conglomerate located between f10 wall and f143 wall inbetween bricks and to the east the stone door sockets. Same width and length as the bricks around it. f 136 tc ab f138 ;tc ab f143 ;B11 tc f137 ab f10 f 137 tc ab f138 ;tc ab f143 f 140 tc ab f10 f 138 B11 three stone doorsockets closely associated with f136 and f137. These three stones run north to south, are located east of f143 in the same width as the wall. The stone in the south is rounder then the other two which hold an irregular pattern. Small depressions are found at the center of these stones and it is unusual that three are placed in a row with f137 the basin located to the west. f 139 B11 accumulation below f112 floor f 140 B11 floor in a6 below f74 ;tc ab f72 tc ab f73 f 141 tc co f140 f 74 tc co f141 f 141 B11 accumulation last 10cm between f74 and f140 f 142 B11 southern external wall of a1 bonded with wall f4 ;tc bo f4 f 5 ;tc ab f142 ;tc ab f4 f 143 B11 unkown set of bricks west of door sockets f138. These mudbricks may form a wall, they are three bricks in lenght and two bricks in width. This feature abuts f10, f138, f136 f 144 B11 pebble and sherd pavement found north of a3 and curves around f75 and continues south to A15 tc ab f116 ;tc ab f75 f 145 B11 accumulation above floor f146 and below f133 in west part of k2 f 146 B11 floor below f145 in west part of k2 f 147 B11 accumulation above floor f133 f 148 B11 ashy layer inside pit f149 f 149 B11 pit next to the east wall in north west corner- pit cut f 150 B11 layer compact hard on top of bricks of f9 only 10 cm thick in the east portion f 151 B11 accumulation below f133 ;=f145 f 152 B11 accumulation alternating layers of pink, red and ash east of wall f132 tc ab f132 f 153 B11 fill interface between house accumulation of a2 and pit f 154 B11 pitcut that cut entire k6- used for the south east corner- mostly excavated by A13 in MZ12 f 155 B11 fill of cut from f154 f 156 B11 fill of cut in northwest corner similar to f155, parallel but on the north west corner- mostly excavated by A13 in MZ12 f 157 B11 accumulation, ash with reddish chunks, below f153 f 153 tc co f157 f 159 B11 sherd and pebble pavement under f120 f 120 tc co f159 f 160 B11 ashy accumulation on the north side of a6 f 161 B11 accumulation below f152 f 162 B11 lense of layer of ash and pottery f 163 B11 layer interface between house accumulation of a1 and pit tc co f165 f 164 B11 pit cut in k5 f 165 B11 fill of f164 f 167 B11 fill inside doorway cooridor of a9 f 168 B11 wall running north-south part of a9 on the eastside forming a doorway cooridor f 169 B11 pit cut of sherd pit in k2 f 170 B11 fill of pit f169, composed of a large number of sherds found in the southwest area of k2. f 171 B11 accumulation below f161 f 152 tc co f161 f 161 tc co f171 f 172 B11 stone foundations of wall f7 of a1 consists of one row of stones running east to west f 173 B11 fill of a small pit filled with a high concentration of pottery and kiln waste. The pit fill consisted of a white powderlike ash and was located in the northern part of k107 sout of f158 f 174 B11 pit cut of f173 f 175 B11 accumulation reddish brown in color that covers both k107 and k1 ;B11 tc f174 ab f175 f 176 B11 red layer below gray fill mixed with red chunks f 177 B11 red layer f176 mixed with ashy pit fill of f153, this is the interface between the end of the pit and reddish accumulation f 178 ;B11 pottery lense seen in a12 north section found in k5 south west area. This lense does not form a pavement or road and appears to be a dumping of a large quanitiy of sherds within an area. f 179 B11 ashy layer in the southwest side of k1 found around f118 with the highest concentration of burning within the inside corner of f118. f 118 ;tc co f179 f 175 ;tc co f179 f 180 B11 tannur in the south east corner of k6 f 181 B11 red material in the western end of the locus with brown morter lines visible in the west section but clear bricks indestinguishable, possible wall. f 182 A01 f0190 B11 red layer next to wall f181 located on the western side of the locus. f 183 B11 gray pit fill in the western end of the k that cuts f181 f 184 B11 stone lense f 185 B11 interface between pitfill and red accumulation- the end of the pit in k2 f 186 B11 mixture of layer below f166 f 187 B11 accumulation below f183 f 188 B11 red clay chunky hard layer ontop of brick pavement f 189 B11 pit cut for the pit in k108 f 190 A01 f0182 B11 red layer next to wall =f182 f 191 B11 accumulation on top of stone pavement, red chunky clay 6-8 cm thick f 192 B11 stone pavement in k109 found throughout entire area f 193 B11 stone pavement in k108, part of a12, found in the south and north that was cut by the pit f189 f 194 df drain B11 brick pavement found under the stone pavement exposed by the pit cut f189. Fired brick pavement containing yellow and pinkish bricks in the western end a groove with brown chunky clay is found which may have resulted from damage caused by the pit cut. The pavement slopes down from south to north. f 195 B11 fill inside i49, an overfired ceramic vessel where small bones where found which we have defined as either an infant or a small animal. The fill consisted of soft silty clay with bone and sherd inclusions. .rd R730 .ri sC f 133 A1 f145 f 145 A1 f133