.bk A16 .fl 801LR.J .fd -M726-A.J***L801LR.J .fn Edited by cJC on R714 .rd L801 .ri lR f 49 B10 ^ly B11 brickmelt consisting of a medium blocky structure with chunks of different color clay melted together. When dry this is very difficult to crush, and sticks to the fingers when wet. Silty clay texture. f 52 ;K06 7.5yr6/2 K08 clay massive structure, straw inclusions f 58 K05 light yellowish brown (dry) olive brown (wet) K06 10yr4/3 wet ;K06 10yr6/3 K07 medium hard f 89 B11 A simple hearth located on the southern end of the mud wall f80. This installation includes the three brick-like installations at the top, which form a smooth groove in the center. The bricks sit on a brick pillar f246,which goes all the way down 13 bricks in height (128cm) and is 60cm in width. A color sample was taken from the three brick installation, which is very hard burnt two toned clay, a reddish color similar to the brick pillar underneath, and a dark gray-brown. ev Previously this feature had been assigned for the entire pillar and hearth, but after realizing that the pillar continues to go down the two were given seperate feature numbers. ;K06 5yr7/8 to 10yr3/2 ;K06 7.5yr4/6 to 10yr3/1 f 150 K05 pale brown to brown ;K06 5yr4/3 f 156 K05 pinkish gray to brown f 176 B11 fine clay, turns grayish brown 10yr5/2 when wet and is also plastic when wet. f 179 K06 7.5yr3/3 dry K06 7.5yr2.5/1 wet f 180 K05 reddish yellow to yellowish red K08 massive structure with straw inclusions f 181 K08 clay, sticky when wet .bk A16 .fl L801LR.J .fd L802LR.J***L801LR.J .fn Edited by cJC on R714 .rd L801 .ri lR f 52 ;K08 cl massive structure, straw inclusions f 58 B11 this soil when dry is hard to crush and forms into small clumps, it holds together in medium granular structure and when wet is sticky, easy to crush. This soil contains different color clay inclusions K07 hard to crush when dry f 89 ;B11 this feature is the hearth located on the southern end of the mud wall f80. This installation includes the three brick-like installations at the top, which form a smooth groove in the center. The bricks sit on another brick instalation that is flat, that are ontop of a brick pillar that go all the way down 13 bricks in height (128 cm) and is 60 cm in width. The color sample was taken from the three brick installation, which is very hard burnt clay. It is massive and two toned, a reddish color similar to the brick pillar underneath, and a dark gray-brown. K06 5yr7/8 to 10yr3/2 dry, 7.5yr4/6 to 10yr3/1 wet f 102 B11 tannur with small sand and straw inclusions in the form of white thin hairs and stray impressions on the clay. The material is very hard, and holds together in a massive structure. K06 5yr5/6 dry, 5yr4/6 wet f 150 K06 10yr6/3 dry 7.5yr4/3 wet f 156 K06 7.5yr6/2 dry 7.5yr4.2 wet f 175 B11 soil contains granular inclusions, small sand grains, and is soft to crush when dry. It also contains reddish clay inclusions. f 180 K06 5yr6/6 dry 5yr4/6 wet f 182 B11 small pebble inclusion and small pieces of charcoal. soft to crush when wet and turns to 10yr4/3 olive brown when wet. ;B11 cibtaubs (R731sC) -DY Continuing excavating in the west of k5, extending it to 6 meters. Three new loci were created k108, k109, k110. In k110 removed the foundation stones from a1. In k108 we still have not reached the stone pavement and are deeper than 8500 which is the elevation of the pavement of A13. We decided to pound in a metal shish to see if the stones underneath and found that the shish hit something hard. The metal shish was pounded in at the elevation of 8498 and we believe to hit something by the next 25-30 cm. .rd L707 ;three lithic grinding stones were found in f48 brickfall. These itesm have been labeled as components 1,2,3 and a photo has been taken showing the position in which they were recovered within the brickfall. These three lithic grinding stones may belong to the same artifact and shows the slope of the brickfall. .rd L801 f 93 B11 pize wall similar to f80 but located on the eastern side. Only part of it exposed and appears to continue into the east baulk. The wall is constructed of compacted mud and abuts f52. It is the same height as f80. f 168 B11 wall associated with a9 contains one brick and a half in width and is currently two courses down. This wall abuts f72 of a6 and forms a corridor to the entrance of the a9. The wall appears to be plastered. .rd L723 .ri sV -DY The find of Khabur pottery inside the pit in k5 helps us to better understand the situation in terms of chronology of the whole area A16. The Khabur sherds from the pit would belong to the phase 5a which is below the floor f29 of the structure a2. This belongs to the phase 5b (a2) and seems to be the only well preserved structure of this phase. The other structures to the west of a2 shows a more complicated situation. The North wall of this house f7 appears to be on a slint basement which fAB believes to belong to the phase 5b, contemporary to the large stone components f118 aligned with the north wall to the East of it and supposed to be the basement of an earlier wall then destroyed (still in the phase 5b). fAB suggests that the reddish accumulation above the stones of the wall f7, a sort of fill between those and the bricks above, could belong to the following phase 5c similerly to the floor f51 and the accumulations above f50 and f24 within a1. Outside the house, we have to the North a series of three floors whose the upper one shows many inclusions of pebbles and sherds and can be associated to the stone basement of the South side and to the wall f114 on the North side of the locus. The floors are probably associated to an open area as the irregularity and the slope westward of their surface show. Above the wall which represents the North-West boundary of this outside area we can see a 30cm reddish accumulation at the bottom of the wall f114 to be attributed to phase 5c. -DY To the west a series of accumulations (cut by a pit f149 next to the north east corner of a1) included between the North wall of a2 f10 and the wall f132 appearing in the East part of locus k2, which we supposed to come still from phase 5b since they lie underdeath the ashy layer f22=f33 k6. This layer appears also on the top of the phase 5b east wall of a2. Some questions are not yet solved with regard to the a1 structure. The South wall appears to be consisting of two walls. The external one which we labelled f142 would seem to be bonded with the first wall f4 whereas the interneal one f5 shown a kind of bond with either of next walls. This wall is 70cm ends like one ethier buutress in wall distinguishable next to the north wall f7. At this moment we are removing slowly and accurately the courses of the bricks from each wall to bring to light the actual relationship between those walls and the floors below f50 and f51. .rd L730 -DY Removed f138 c1,c2,c3. This feature is associated to f136 the wall East-West in k2 and to the basin f137, consisting of three limestone door sockets irregular in shape. C1: northern door socket measuring 33x20x15cm C2: middle door socket measuring 31x22x19cm C3: southern door socket meauring 24x14x16cm .rd L818 .ri lR a 5 B11 Initially we found a series of holes in the same level along f52 and defined it as a drainage system. We assigned f66 to the drain hole running east to west along the north side of f52 based on a round hole along the west side of the wall and the one half brick layer form a ledge north of f52. f68 was assigned to the drain running north south that runs through f70. These features were assigned on L625 and after excavating the area it is evident that no drainage system exists and perhaps the holes that were found are caused by rodents or other small animals and misidentified as drains. f 67 ev we first described this feature as a brick plaform since several bricks were lying flat and showed a difference from brickfall. After excavating the area only two-three flat bricks at the top were actual bricks (which we have defined as wall f113) f67 refers then to the half brick ledge located north of f52 which we thought continued north but only runs east-west along the north side of f52. ;*** not clear if it is a platform, part of the wall or simply part of the brikfall (R730 pC) .rd L627 .ri tR f 69 B11 the accumulation is soft and semi-compact with no visible inclusions. It is light brown in color and has a silty/loamy texture. C01 this is an ^ac contained by a5 which is the drainage system. It is also contained by a niche on the south face of f52 which is a wall running east-west. at this point it is not clear whether the niche is part of the system of drains or whether it is an independent feature altogether. As of now we will assume it is integrated into the drainage system and call it part of f68. .bk A16 .fl L801LR.J .fd N203LR2.J***L801LR.J .rd L801 f 49 ;K08 silty clay f 150 K08 silty clay, fine crumb structure plastic when wet f 179 B11 Structure-less fine silt loam that holds together in single grain. When wet turns to black co#7.5yr2.5/1 f 183 B11 soft powder-like fine crumb structure when wet turns to dark olive brown 10yr3/3 f 246 B11 A brick installation likely the remains of an earlier wall. We have termed this feature the "pillar" since it is shaped in this fashion with 13 courses of bricks in height. Initially we referred to f89 as this feature but since we have interpreted this as two separate features we decided to leave the hearth installation as f89 and rename the "pillar" as f249. .ri pc .rd R730 f 67 df wall nr From the description and photos this seems to have been a part of the roof of a10, which explains also why such a small part has been preserved.