.bk A16 .fl L815LR.J .fd -M726-A.J***L815LR.J .ri lr .rd L802 i 49 B11 The vessel is a black over fired jar (i49) in a poor state of preservation. The jar was found sitting upright in a bricky red material in k108 and was photographed, triangulated, and then removed. Due to the poor state of the jar, the item had to be photographed with a trowel holding the item in place. It was removed in pieces since it was so over fired that it fell apart instantaneously. While removing the vessel small bones were found inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal, likely a small animal since the bones are rather small or a small child (i50). The bones and jar have been defined as a burial and treated as one. i 50 B11 Bones found inside i49 an over fired ceramic vessel. The bones are too small to belong to an infant and either belongs to a fetus or a small animal. The bones were not photographed and have been sent to the natural science storage unit for further analysis. k 108 C01 In the northern portion of k108 we hit stone pavement at elevation 8491, the brick pavement is at 8470 and to the south the stone pavement is at 8503. The stone pavement continues to slope south to north and again down from east to west since k108 is higher than k109. In the south east part of k108, the pot smash has been removed item 48 but some of the pot extends into the baulk and has been left in place. we decided to remove the pot smash that sat on top of the stone pavement since it would most likely have been further damaged and lost if left in place. ;C01 The baulk separating k2, and k6 was removed on L731 and we have assigned k108 to this whole area. A few features from a2 an a11 have not been removed and these are all located on the eastern portion of k108. f132, the wall running north-south in former k2 and f8 wall running north south in former k6, and the southern portion of f9 wall running east-west have not been removed and defines the eastern perimeter of k108. These walls in k108 make the locus somewhat narrow. C03 We have two possible situations, one that the fired bricks are an earlier phase, a pavement under the palace or that the fired bricks are part of a drainage system since it is in line with the drain found in A13, and may continue underneath the eastern portion of the stone pavement. C99 In the western portion of k108 we have left the red material which protrudes approximately 60 cm east of the western baulk, which we have interpreted as bricks since a few mortar lines and a few white plaster lines have been identified. This red bricky material is difficult to define due to its poor state of preservation and we have left this material to the west incase it is a phase 3 wall. We have also pedastooled the tannur f180 located in the south east corner of k108 and currently are 260 cm down from the beginning of the pit a13. While excavating inside k108 we noticed a clear line forming a circular pattern that we have defined as the cut of the pit/hallow a13. This cut links all the material in former k2 and k6 below a11, and a2 together since it all belongs to the same pit. This cut is marked very well by a hard compacted reddish brown material that forms no brick shapes just a massive accumulation measuring approximately 50 cm down. The material inside the circle (the fill) peels away easily from the red material and also curves slightly in at the base. The fill inside the circle is gray and brown, softer and full of pottery and bones. We proceeded to excavate the fill first f183. C99 (continue) After 15 cm down the material became browner and 35 cm down we came down on a hard layer of clay, almost fired which was only 5-6 cm in thickness. this material chunked off with the brown material making it difficult to expose the area in its entirety with this clay. We excavated the area in some cases mixing both the brown and the clay together and underneath we hit something hard which we first interpreted as stone since this was the prediction of the courtyard. After cleaning the area we noticed that the material was not stone but fired bricks f194. The bricks are a pink and yellow color and cover the bottom of the circle with a chunky clay material running north-south in the east. This may be a possible damaged area by the pit cut f189. After excavating the circle in its entirety we noticed large stones forming the same shape as the cut, circular. We then decided to excavate in the southern portion of k108 since we can follow the stones from the pavement in the courtyard to better understand the relationship between the fired bricks and the stone pavement. What we found was that the stones sit on top of the bricks and we have hypothesized that the stones were cut by the pit since the stones from the pavement form a circular shape and the bricks are below. k 110 ;C01 In k110 we have quit excavating in this area since it is too large and we will not reach our projected goal of reaching the stone pavement. In realizing this we have concentrated all our effort in exposing the stones in the small trench to the north (k109) and the northern portion of k108. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L815LR.J ;.fd F-L819.J***L815LR.J .rd L609 f 1 co brown P01 L627 f 2 co brown P01 L627 f 3 co brownish P01 L625 f 4 K03 bk co light brown P1 L724 f 5 K03 bk co light brown P01 L724 f 7 K03 bk co light brown P1 L724 f 8 B10 ^w D01 k6 K03 brick, clay co reddish brown K07 hard P1 current f 9 B10 ^w D01 k6 K03 brick, clay co reddish brown K07 hard P1 current f 10 B10 ^w D01 k6 K03 bk, clay co reddish brown K07 hard P1 L730 f 11 B10 ^ac D01 k6 co gray K07 medium K08 silty P1 L722 f 12 B10 ^ac D01 k1 K03 brickfall co multiple K07 hard K08 silty clay loam P1 L611 f 13 B10 ^pt D01 k2 K03 hole K03 loam K07 soft f 14 B10 ^ts D01 k7 co brown K07 medium soft K08 silty loam P1 L619 f 15 B10 ^bf D01 k2 K03 clay chunks, brick fragments co mixed red, gray, brown K07 compact P1 L721 f 16 B10 ^ts D01 k8 co brown K07 medium soft K08 silty loam P1 L612 f 17 B10 ^ts D01 k4 co brown K07 medium soft K08 silty loam P1 L619 f 18 B10 ^w D01 k7 K03 bricks co reddish brown K07 medium soft K08 crumbly clay P1 current f 19 B10 ^w D01 k7 K03 bricks co reddish brown K07 medium soft K08 crumbly clay P1 current f 20 B10 ^w D01 k7 K03 bricks co reddish brown K07 medium soft K08 crumbly clay P1 current f 21 B10 ^bf D01 k7 K03 brick pieces co mixed,red gray brown K07 hard K08 coarse blocky clay P1 L704 f 22 ad accumulation b D01 k6 co pinkish gray K06 7.5YR 7/2 K07 medium soft K08 silty loam P1 L722 f 23 B10 ^fi D01 k5 co brown K07 soft P1 L614 f 24 B10 ^ab D01 k5 co pink K06 5YR 7/4 K07 hard K08 silty; granular/blocky P1 L717 f 25 B10 ^bf D01 k5 ;K03 brickmelt co multiple colors K07 hard K08 blocky clay with silt P1 L710 f 26 B10 ^bu D01 k5 P1 L613 f 27 B10 ^bf D01 k1 K03 brickmelt co multiple colors K07 hard K08 blocky clay with silt P1 L714 f 28 df ^ac D01 k1 co light reddish brown K06 2.5YR 6/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L721 f 29 B10 ^fa D01 k6 P1 L722 f 30 B10 ^ac D01 k6 co light brown K07 hard P1 L705 f 31 B10 ^pt D01 k6 P1 L716 f 32 B10 ^fi D01 k6 K03 ash co brown, dark gray K07 soft K08 silty loam P1 L716 f 33 D01 k6 co gray K06 5YR 6/1 K07 soft K08 silty; very fine granular P1 L716 f 34 B10 ^bf D01 k6 K03 bricks co light reddish brown (melted bricks)/reddish/greyish/yellow K07 hard K08 brick, silty clay loam; blocky P1 L705 f 35 ad accumulation b D01 k6 co light gray K06 10YR 7/2 K07 hard K08 silty P1 L722 f 36 B10 ^fa D01 k1 co white K06 10YR 8/2 K07 hard K08 silty; fine crumb P1 L725 f 37 B10 ^ba D01 k1 co light reddish brown K06 5YR 6/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty clay loam; granular/blocky P1 MZ12 A13 f 38 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co gray K06 5YR 6/1 K07 soft K08 silty; very fine granular P1 MZ12 A13 f 39 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co pink K06 5YR 7/4 K07 hard K08 silty; fine crumb P1 L718 f 40 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co pale yellow K06 5Y 7/3 K07 hard K08 silty; fine crumb f 41 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co pink K06 5YR 7/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty; granular P1 L712 f 42 B10 ^ly D01 k1 f 43 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co very pale brown K06 10YR 7/4 K07 medium K08 silty clay loam P1 L712 f 44 B10 ^ly D01 k1 K03 ash and loam co gray K06 5YR 6/1 K07 soft K08 silty; very fine granular f 45 B10 ^ab D01 k7 f 46 B10 ^ts D01 k8 K03 topsoil with brickmelt K03 loam with clay co brown K07 medium P1 L624 f 47 B10 ^bf D01 k3 P1 L710 f 48 B10 ^bf D01 k4 P1 L710 f 49 ad ^ac D01 k8 K03 brickmelt co multiple K07 hard K08 silty blocky clay P1 L630 f 50 B10 ^aa D01 k5 co pink K06 7.5YR 7/4 K07 hard K08 silty P1 L624 f 51 B10 ^fa D01 k5 co white K06 10YR 8/1 K07 very hard K08 silty; fine crumb P1 L625 f 52 B10 ^w D01 k4 K03 bk K03 clay co pink K06 7.5yr7/4 K07 hard P1 current f 53 B10 ^ad D01 k4 P1 L621 f 54 B10 ^bf D01 k4 P1 L624 f 55 B10 ^ly K03 brickmelt co multiple K07 hard K08 silty blocky clay P1 L625 f 56 P1 L705 f 57 co light brown K06 7.5R 6/4 K07 soft K08 silt loam P1 L626 f 58 ;co light yellowish brown K06 10yr6/3 dry ;K07 hard P1 L625 f 59 P1 L624 f 60 B11 compact with silty patches P1 L716 f 62 co white K06 10YR 8/1 K07 compact K08 silty f 63 K03 li co white f 64 co light gray K06 10YR 7/2 K07 soft K08 silty P1 L625 f 65 K03 brickfall co multiple colors K07 compact K08 blocky silty clay P1 L625 f 66 K03 hole P1 L707 f 67 K03 bricks P1 L707-current f 68 K03 hole P1 L707 f 69 D01 k4 P1 L626-current f 70 B10 ^is D01 k4 P1 current f 71 B10 ^bf D01 k8 P1 L627 f 72 B10 ^w D01 k3 K03 bricks co brownish red K07 hard K08 cl P1 current f 73 B10 ^w D01 k3 K03 bk co brownish red K07 hard K08 cl P1 current f 74 B10 ^a D01 k3 co brown K07 soft K08 silty clay loam P1 L722 f 75 B10 ^be D01 k8 P1 current f 76 B10 ^ly D01 k2 co pink K07 hard K08 silty P1 L701 f 77 B10 ^ly D01 k2 K03 ash/charcoal co gray K07 soft K08 silty P1 L711 f 78 B10 ^bf D01 k8 K03 brick pieces co multiple colors K07 hard K08 compact P1 L715 f 79 B10 ^pf D01 k2 K03 bricks, clay co gray K07 hard P1 L702 f 80 B10 ^w D01 k4 K03 mud co brown P1 current f 81 B10 ^aa D01 k4 co medium brown K07 soft K08 silty P1 L718 f 82 B10 ^a D01 k4 K03 bricks co gray red brown K07 compact K08 bricky P1 L715 f 83 B10 ^bf D01 k105 K03 bricks co gray red brown K07 compact K08 bricky P1 L708 f 84 B10 ^bf D01 k105 K03 bricks co gray red brown K07 compact K08 bricky P1 L710 f 85 B10 ^pt D01 k8 K07 soft K08 silty f 86 B10 ^ly D01 k2 co pink K07 compact K08 silty P1 L714 f 87 ;B10 ^vr D01 k3 K03 plaster co light brown K07 compact K08 smooth f 88 B10 ^fc D01 k7 K03 beaten earth co light gray K06 10YR711 K07 compact K08 smooth and silty P1 L710 f 89 B10 ^is D01 k8 K03 baked clay K03 clay co reddish yellow ;K06 5yr7/8 K07 hard P1 current f 90 B10 ^pt D01 k3 co medium brown K07 soft K08 silty P1 L704 f 91 B10 ^a D01 k105 K03 bricks co gray red brown K07 compact K08 bricky P1 L709 f 92 B10 ^fc D01 k105 K03 mud co brown K07 compact f 93 B10 ^w D01 k105 K03 mud co brown K07 compact f 94 B10 ^ts D01 k107 K03 loam co brown K07 soft P1 L709 f 95 B10 ^w D01 k106 K03 bricks, fine clay co reddish K07 hard f 96 B10 ^w D01 k106 K03 bricks, fine clay co reddish K07 hard P1 current f 98 B10 ^ly D01 k107 K03 brickmelt co red and gray K07 medium K08 blocky P1 L711 f 99 B10 ^ly D01 k105 ;K03 ^bf and ^ac K03 bricks co red and gray K07 soft K08 silty with brick chunks P1 L711 f 100 B10 ^ly D01 k106 K03 bricks, soil co red and gray K07 soft P1 L711 f 101 B10 ^ly D01 k5 K03 ^bf and ^ac K07 soft P1 L711 f 102 B10 ^ta D01 k4 K03 clay K03 clay co yellowish red K06 5yr5/6 K07 hard P1 current f 103 B10 ^a D01 k106 co reddish brown K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L725 f 104 B10 ^a D01 k105 co reddish brown K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L716 f 105 ad accumulation D01 k5 P1 L718 f 106 B10 ^a D01 k105 P1 L719 f 107 B10 ^w D01 k105 K03 bricks, clay co pink K07 hard P1 current f 108 B10 ^w D01 k105 K03 bricks, clay co pink K07 hard P1 current f 109 B10 ^w D01 k105 K03 bricks, clay co pink K07 hard P1 current f 110 B10 ^fi D01 k105 P1 L715 f 111 B10 ^a D01 k105 P1 L723 f 112 B10 ^fc D01 k106 f 113 B10 ^w D01 k4 K03 bricks, clay K07 hard P1 current f 114 B10 ^w D01 k107 K03 bricks, clay K07 hard P1 current f 115 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co light reddish brown K06 2.5YR 6/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty f 116 B10 ^ly D01 k105 K03 clay co blue-gray K07 hard K08 blocky fine clay P1 current f 117 B10 ^ly D01 k1 co reddish f 118 ;ad ^pb D01 k1 ;K03 ^li co white P1 L729 f 119 B10 ^pv D01 k105 K03 pebbles co multiple colors K07 hard K08 small pebbles and sherds P1 current f 120 B10 ^fc D01 k1 K03 pebbles co light gray K06 10YR 7/1 K07 hard K08 silty with inclusions of pebbles and sherds P1 L721 f 121 B10 ^fc D01 k1 f 123 B10 ^aa D01 k1 co light reddish brown K06 5YR 6/3 K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L724 f 124 B10 ^aa co very pale brown K06 10YR 7/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty f 125 B10 ^fc D01 k106 f 126 B10 ^aa D01 k106 P1 L717 f 127 B10 ^ly D01 k2 K03 brickmelt f 128 B10 ^a D01 k105 P1 L723 f 129 B10 ^a D01 k105 P1 L722 f 130 B10 ^a D01 k4 P1 L718 f 131 B10 ^a D01 k105 P1 L722 f 132 B10 ^w D01 k2 P1 current f 133 B10 ^fa D01 k2 co white K06 10YR 8/2 K07 very hard K08 silty; fine crumb f 134 B10 ^f D01 k4 P1 L719 f 135 B10 ^w D01 k105 K03 bricks, clay co light brown K07 hard P1 current f 136 B10 ^w D01 k6 K03 bricks, clay co pink K07 hard P1 L731 f 137 ;B10 ^vr D01 k6 ;K03 cl ;K03 fired smooth clay ;co reddish brown ;K07 hard ;P01 L731 f 138 B10 ^vr D01 k6 K03 ^li ;K03 worked stone co white K07 very hard P1 L731 f 139 B10 ^a D01 k3 P1 L721 f 140 B10 ^fa D01 k3 P1 L719 f 141 B10 ^aa D01 k3 f 142 B10 ^w D01 k5 K03 bricks co reddish f 143 ;B10 ^uk B10 bricks D01 k6 K03 bricks, clay co pink K07 hard P1 L731 f 144 B10 ^pv D01 k8 K03 sherds/pebbles co multiple colors P1 current f 145 B10 ^aa D01 k2 co light reddish brown K06 2.5YR 6/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty f 146 B10 ^fc D01 k2 co pinkish white K06 5YR 8/2 K07 hard K08 silty f 147 B10 ^aa D01 k2 f 148 ;B10 ^ly D01 k5 K03 ashy ;co dark grey, reddish K07 soft K08 silty; very fine granular P1 L722 f 149 B10 ^pt D01 k5 f 150 B10 ^ly D01 k6 ;co pale brown ;K06 10yr6/3 K07 hard ;K08 silty clay P1 L723 f 151 B10 ^a D01 k2 co reddish brown K06 2.5YR6/4 K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L722 f 152 B10 ^a D01 k2 co pink red K07 soft K08 silty P1 L722 f 153 B10 ^fi D01 k6 P1 L724 f 154 B10 ^pt D01 k6 K03 cut f 155 B10 ^fi D01 k6 P1 L723 f 156 B10 ^fi D01 k6 K07 soft K08 silty clay loam P1 L723 f 157 B10 ^a D01 k6 co brown P1 L726 f 158 B10 ^w D01 k107 P1 current f 159 ;B10 ^pv D01 k107 K03 sherds f 160 B10 ^a D01 k3 K03 ashy co gray K07 soft K08 fine f 161 B10 ^a D01 k2 P1 L725 f 162 B10 ^ly D01 k5 K03 sherds co gray tx ashy f 163 B10 ^ly D01 k5 co reddish brown K07 medium hard P1 L801 f 164 B10 ^pt D01 k5 ;K03 cut P1 current f 165 B10 ^fi D01 k5 K03 ash co light to dark gray K07 soft to medium K08 silty, fine P1 current f 166 ;B10 ^ly B10 ^a D01 k1 K03 pv, a, ash co brown, gray K07 medium soft P1 L730 f 167 B10 ^fi D01 k3 co brown and gray ash K07 medium hard K08 silty P1 L725 f 168 B10 ^w D01 k3 K03 bricks, clay co reddish brown K07 hard ;P1 current f 169 B10 ^pt D01 k2 K03 cut f 170 B10 ^fi D01 k2 K03 ashy co light pink to gray K07 soft K08 fine P1 L725 f 171 ad ^a D01 k2 K03 mixed co light pink to gray K07 compact K08 granular f 172 ;B10 ^pb df stone foundation ct installations D01 k1 K03 ^li co white K07 very hard K08 rough f 173 B10 ^fi D01 k1 K03 mixed co light white gray K07 very soft K08 fine with slag inclusions P1 L726 f 174 B10 ^pt D01 k1 ;K03 cut f 175 B10 ^a D01 k1 K03 clay co light olive brown K06 10yr5/3 K07 soft K08 silty clay P1 L729 f 176 B10 ^ly D01 k6 K03 clay K03 clay co light yellowish brown co grayish brown when wet K06 10yr6/3 K06 10yr5/2 wet K07 medium K08 plastic when wet P1 L726 f 177 B10 ^ly D01 k6 co red mixed with gray K07 medium K08 silty clay P1 L728 f 178 B10 ^ly D01 k5 K03 sherds co multi colored sherds ;P1 current f 179 B10 ^ly D01 k1 K03 ash K03 fine silt loam co dark brown to black ;K06 7.5yr3/2 K07 very soft P1 L729 f 180 B10 ^ta D01 k6 K03 clay K07 hard f 181 B10 ^w D01 k6 K03 bricks, clay co light brown K06 7.5yr6/4 K07 hard f 182 B10 ^ly D01 k6 K03 cl co light yellowish brown K06 10yr6/3 dry K06 10yr4/3 wet K07 medium hard K08 silty clay f 183 B10 ^fi D01 k6 co grayish brown co dark olive brown when wet K06 10yr5/2 dry K06 10yr3/3 wet K07 soft K08 silty clay loam P1 L729 f 184 B10 ^la D01 k5 K03 li co black ashy K07 medium hard f 185 B10 ^ly D01 k2 co red and gray f 186 B10 ^ly D01 k109 f 187 B10 ^a D01 k108 f 188 B10 ^ly D01 k108 K03 cl K03 fired clay co reddish brown K07 hard f 189 B10 ^pt D01 k108 K03 cut f 190 B10 ^ly D01 k108 K03 clay co reddish brown K07 hard K08 silty clay f 191 B10 ^aa D01 k109 K03 clay co red K07 hard P1 L802 f 192 B10 ^pv D01 k109 K03 li co white K07 stone P1 current f 193 B10 ^pv D01 k109 K03 li co white K08 stone P1 current f 194 ad pavement D01 k108 K03 bricks K03 fired clay co yellow and pink K07 hard P1 current f 195 B10 ^fi D01 k108 co brown K07 soft K08 silty clay P1 L802 ;.bk A16 ;.fl L815LR.J ;.fd L821-A16.J***L815LR.J .rd L802 -DY today we are cleaning the area and sections since it is the last day of excavation. In k110 we have quit excavating in this area since it is too large and will not reach the stone pavement and have concentrated all our efforst to exposing the stones in k109 and the northern portion of k108. k109 is two meters in width and at the end of the day we hit stones which extend throughout the entire locus. The elevation of the stones in k109 is 8486. In k108 we removed portions of the western red bricky material since we could not identify any clear brick lines to make the western section straight. A ceramic vessel was found in the north portion of k108 in the western area, black overfired jar in poor state of conservation. The jar was sitting upright in this bricky red material. It was triangulated and removed in pieces since it is so overfired that it fell apart easily. While removing the vessel, small bones were noticed inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal, likely a small animal since the bones are rather small but it has been defined as a burial and treated as one. ;In the northern portion of k108 we hit stone pavement at 8491, the brick pavement is at 8470 and to the south the stone pavement is at 8503. The stone pavement continues to slope south to north and again down from east to west since k108 is higher than k109. In the South-East part of k108, the potsmash has been removed i48 but some of the pot extends into the baulk and has been left in place. We decided to remove the potsmash that sat ontop of the stone pavement since it would most likely have been further damaged and lost if left in place. -SU (first part) for the past few days we have been digging below strata 5b in the large khabur hallows that lie underneath the structures a1, a2, and a11 in k1, k2, k5, and k6. We have made three new loci to facilitate digging and q-lot assignment in these loci. k108 includes k2, and k6, k109 inlcudes the northern portion of k1, and k110 includes the southern portion of k1, k5 and the northern baulk of k5. The baulk seperating k2, and k6 was removed on L731 and we have assigned k108 to this whole area. A few features from a2 an a11 have not been removed and these are all located on the eastern portion of k108. f132 the wall running North-South in former k2, and f8 wall running North-South in former k6, and the southern portion of f9 wall running East-West have not been removed and defines the eastern perimeter of k108. These walls in k108 make the locus somewhat narrow. In the western portion of k108 we have left the red material which protudes approximately 60 cm east of the western baulk, which we have interpreted as bricks since a few morter lines and a few white plaster lines have been identified. This red bricky material is difficult to define due to its poor state of preservation and we have left this material to the West in case it is a phase 3 wall. We have also pedastooled the tannur f180 located in the south east corner of k108 and currenlty are 260 cm down from the beginning of the pit. While excavating inside k108 we noticed a clear line forming a circular pattern that we have defined as the cut of the pit/hallow. This cut links all the material in former k2 and k6 below a11, and a2 together since it all belongs to the same pit. This cut is marked very well by a hard compacted reddish brown material that froms no brick shapes just a massive accumulation measuring approximately 50 cm down. The material inside the circle (the fill) peels away easily from the red material and also curves slightly in at the base. -SU (second part) The fill inside the circle is gray and brown, softer and full of pottery and bones. We proceeded to excavate the fill first. After 15 cm down the material became browner and 35 cm down we came down on a hard layer of clay, almost fired which was only 5-6 cm in thickness. This material chunked off with the brown material making it difficult to expose the area in its entirety with this clay. We excavated the area in some cases mixing both the brown and the clay together and underneath we hit something hard which we first interpreted as stone since this was the prediction of the courtyard. After cleaning the area we noticed that the material was not stone but fired bricks. The bricks are a pink and yellow collor and cover the bottom of the circle with a drack chunky clay material running North-South in the east. This may be a possible damaged area by the pit cut. After excavating the circle in its entirety we notices large stones forming the same shape as the cut, circular. We then decided to excavate in the southern portion of k105 since we can follow the stones from the pavement in the courtyard to better understand the relationship between the fired bricks and the stone pavement. What we found was that the stones sit ontop of the bricks and we have hypothesized that the stones were cut by the pit since the stones from the pavement form a circular shape and the bricks are below. We have two possible situations, one that the fired bricks are an earlier phase, a pavement under the palace or that the fired bricks are part of a drainage system since it is in line with the drain found in A13, and may continue underneath the eastern portion of the stone pavement. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L815LR.J ;.fd L824-A16.J***L815LR.J .rd L802 ;-DY todya we are cleaning the area and sections since it is the last day of excavation. In k110 we have quit excavating in this area since it is too large and will not reach the stone pavement and have concentrated all our efforst to exposing the stones in k109 and the northern portion of k108. k109 is two meters in width and at the end of the day we hit stones which extend throughout the entire locus. the elevation of the stones in k109 is 8486. In k108 we removed portions of the western red bricky material since we could not identify any clear brick lines to make the western section straight. A ceramic vessel was found in the north portion of k108 in the western area, black overfired jar in poor state of conservation. the jar was sitting upright in this bricky red material. It was triangulated and removed in pieces since it is so overfired that it fell apart easily. While removing the vessel small bones were noticed inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal, likely a small animal since the bones are rather small but it has been defined as a burial and treated as one. In the northern portion of k108 we hit stone pavement at 8491, the brick pavement is at 8470 and to the south the stone pavement is at 8503. The stone pavement continues to slope south to north and again down from east to west since k108 is higher than k109. In the south east part of k108, the potsmash has been removed item 48 but some of the pot extends into the baulk and has been left in place. we decided to remove the potsmash that sat ontop of the stone pavement since it would most likely have been further damaged and lost if left in place. ;.bk A16 ;.fl L815LR.J ;.fd N203LR2.J***L815LR.J .rd L802 -DY For the past few days we have been digging below Phase 5b in the large Khabur hollows that lie underneath the structures a1, a2, and a11 in k1,k2,k5, and k6. We have made three new loci to facilitate digging and q-lot assignment. Locus k108 includes k2, and k6; locus k109 includes the Northern portion of k1; and locus k110 includes the Southern portion of k1, k5 and the Northern baulk of k5. -DY In the Northern portion of k108 we hit stone pavement at an elevation of 8491. The brick pavement f194 is at 8470 and to the South the stone pavement is at 8503. The stone pavement continues to slope South to North and again down from East to West since k108 is higher than k109. In the Southeast part of k108, the pot smash i48 has been removed but some of the pot extended into the baulk and has been left in place. We decided to remove this pot smash since it sits on top of the stone pavement and would most likely suffer further damaged and lost if left in place until next season when we remove the baulk. -DY While excavating the large pit a13 we hit baked bricks instead of the anticipated stone courtyard. These bricks lie under the stone courtyard, seen by the cut f189 of the pit a13, which removed the stones, and left exposed the bricks f194 below. a 13 C01 While excavating inside k108 we noticed a clear line forming a circular pattern, which we defined as the cut of the pit/hollow a13. This cut links all the material in former k2 and k6 (below a11 and a2) together since it all belongs to the same pit a13. A hard compact reddish-brown material that forms a massive accumulation measuring approximately 50cm in thickness marks this cut. The material inside the circle (the fill) peels away easily from the red material and also curves slightly in at the base. The fill inside the circle is gray-brown, softer and full of pottery and bones. While removing the fill of a13 we did encounter a layer of chunky hard clay. f 180 C01 We have pedestaled the tannur f180 located in the Southeast corner of k108 and currently are 260cm down from the beginning of the pit a13. f 183 C01 In excavating the large pit we proceeded to excavate the fill first, f183. After 15cm down the material became browner and 35cm down we came upon on a hard layer of cay, almost fired, which was only 5-6 cm in thickness. This material chunked off with the brown material making it difficult to expose the entire clay surface. Underneath this clay we found baked bricks lying flat on a surface. f 189 C01 While excavating inside k108 we noticed a clear line forming a circular pattern, which we defined as the cut of the pit/hollow a13. This cut links all the material in former k2 and k6 (below a11 and a2) together since it all belongs to the same pit a13. A hard compact reddish-brown material that forms a massive accumulation measuring approximately 50cm in thickness marks this cut. The material inside the circle (the fill) peels away easily from the red material and also curves slightly in at the base. The fill inside the circle is gray-brown, softer and full of pottery and bones. While removing the fill of a13 we did encounter a layer of chunky hard clay. f 194 C01 We excavated the area around the pit a13 and cut f189, in some cases mixing both the brown and the clay chunky layer together. When the clay layer was removed we encountered a hard surface, which we presumed was the stone pavement of the courtyard. After cleaning the area we noticed that the material was not stone but fired baked bricks, f194. The bricks are a pink and yellow color (when moist) and cover the bottom of the circular pit cut f189 with a chunky clay material running North-South in the East. This may be a possible damaged area by the pit cut f189. After excavating the circle in its entirety we noticed large stones forming the same shape as the cut, circular. We then decided to excavate in the Southern portion of k108 since we can follow the stones from the pavement. What we found was that the stones sit on top of the bricks and we have hypothesized that the stones were cut by the pit since the stones from the pavement form a circular shape and the bricks are below. However, we do not know if the bricks belong to the stone courtyard as an installation or whether they represent an earlier floor. C03 We have two possible situations, one that the fired bricks are an earlier phase, a pavement under the palace or that the fired bricks are part of a drainage system since it is in line with the drain found in A13, and may continue underneath the Eastern portion of the stone pavement. i 48 C01 In the Southeast part of k108, the pot smash i48 has been removed but some of the pot extended into the baulk and has been left in place. We decided to remove this pot smash since it sits on top of the stone pavement and would most likely suffer further damaged and lost if left in place until next season when we remove the baulk. i 49 C01 In k108 we removed portions of the Western red bricky material to make the Western area straight since we could not identify any clear brick lines to define it as a wall. A ceramic vessel was found in the North portion of k108 in the Western area. The vessel is a black over- fired jar i49 and is in poor state of preservation. ;C99 The jar was sitting upright in this bricky red material and was photographed before being removed. It was triangulated and removed in pieces since it is so over fired that it fell apart instantaneously. While removing the vessel small bones were noticed inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal. These remains are labeled as i50. The bones and jar have been defined as a burial and treated as one. k 108 B11 The baulk separating k2 and k6 was removed on L731 and we have assigned k108 to this whole area. A few features from a2 and a11 have not been removed and these are all located on the Eastern portion of k108. f132, the wall running North-South in former k2, f8 wall running North-South in former k6, and the Southern portion of f9 wall running East-West have not been removed and defines the Eastern perimeter of k108. These walls in k108 make the locus somewhat narrow. C01 In k108 we removed portions of the Western red bricky material to make the Western area straight since we could not identify any clear brick lines to define it as a wall. A ceramic vessel was found in the North portion of k108 in the Western area. The vessel is a black over- fired jar i49 and is in poor state of preservation. C01 In the Western portion of k108, there is red clay protruding approximately 60cm East of the Western baulk. We have interpreted this material as bricks since a few mortar and white plaster lines are visible. This red bricky material is in poor state of preservation making boundary definition difficult. In any case, we have decided to leave this material since it may be the remains of a phase 3 wall, or wall collapse. While excavating the pit fill, which covers the majority of this locus, we encountered the cut of a13. We also found a thin hard clay layer covering the bottom surface of the locus. We removed this hard clay layer and thought we hit stones (of the courtyard) but resulted in discovering baked bricks. The situation is still unclear and we need to uncover the rest of the locus to understand these bricks and there relationship to the courtyard. C01 We have made three new loci to facilitate digging and q-lot assignment. Locus k108 includes k2, and k6; locus k109 includes the Northern portion of k1; and locus k110 includes the Southern portion of k1, k5 and the Northern baulk of k5. C99 The jar was sitting upright in this bricky red material and was photographed then removed. It was triangulated and removed in pieces since it is so over-fired that it fell apart instantaneously. While removing the vessel small bones were noticed inside which may belong to an infant or a small animal. These remains are labeled as i50. The bones and jar have been defined as a burial and treated as one. k 109 C01 At present k109 is two meters in width and at the end of the day we hit the stones of the courtyard, which extend throughout the entire locus. The elevation of the stones in k109 is 8486 at the Northeast side but shifts throughout the loci. C01 We have made three new loci to facilitate digging and q-lot assignment. Locus k108 includes k2, and k6; locus k109 includes the Northern portion of k1; and locus k110 includes the Southern portion of k1, k5 and the Northern baulk of k5. k 110 C01 In k110 we have decided to terminate excavations in this area since it is too large and we will not reach our projected goal of exposing the stone pavement. In realizing this we have concentrated all our effort in exposing the stone pavement in the small trench k109 located in the North of k110 and the Northern portion of k108. We hope to finish excavating k110 in season MZ15 in 2002. C01 We have made three new loci to facilitate digging and q-lot assignment. Locus k108 includes k2, and k6; locus k109 includes the Northern portion of k1; and locus k110 includes the Southern portion of k1, k5 and the Northern baulk of k5. .rd R728 .ri sC f 137 df is .rd R728 .ri sC f 159 B10 fc .rd R731 .ri sC f 172 ;B10 ^w