.bk A16 .fl M904LR2.J .fd -MX12-99.J***M904LR2.J .rd M904 -SG While excavating k208 a few questions arose as to the phases of the material being excavated. We are uncertain whether the material left in k110 is phase 3 or 4 therefore careful excavation of the material in k208 is needed. We were using the big pick since we planned to excavate this quickly but after reviewing the situation decided that it was best to use the small pick in order to understand clearer this situation. We are hoping that the pottery can help in answering our questions. Tomorrow we plan to remove the rest of k208 with a small pick and also remove the tannur f180 and the burial a18. .bk A16 .fl M904LR2.J .fd N304LR2.J***M904LR2.J .rd M904 -DY Today we continued to excavate the east baulk of k110, which we have assigned k209. We finished excavating it completely to the level of k110, which was a good 90 cm below the top of the baulk. In the afternoon we began to excavate k208 the northern portion of k110 east baulk. We also excavated i83 the burial jar out of the soil since we did not want to leave it overnight. i 83 C01 This item was surveyed today by BP using the GTS. She was not able to see the vessel so a point was placed to mark the position 10 cm above the object. Photograph v91 shows were the item was surveyed and it's elevation should be subtracted 10cm. Towards the end of the day we decided to remove the object which was half way excavated on it's side. Due to security reasons on the site we did not want to leave the object exposed over night. A dental pick was used to dislodge the soil from its edges then it was pulled out leaving a wonderful impression in the soil. Tomorrow we plan on coming down to the burial after removing the tannur f180 that sits on top of the burial and excavating the skeletal remains that is emerging. k 208 B11 northern section of k110 east baulk running from the middle of the pit curve (seen in k108). It contains 127 cm of soil from top to bottom and contains f205, wall f215, and f202, which we put together as f257. The locus begins by the north section and is 50cm thick then widens out in the center extending south.