.bk A16 .fl M907LR.J .fd -MX12-99.J***M907LR.J .rd M907 f 249 B10 ^w C01 Excavated around this wall in k202 and k203 to find the face but did not encounter anything that resembled a clear brick face. We are under the assumption that this is a mud wall since the material is harder and more compacted than the material around it. i 83 C99 we removed this jar a few days ago before exposing the entire burial since we did not want to leave the jar exposed overnight. The jar was brought back to the field for photos today. D99 this item was surveyed 10cm above its current location since it was out of range of the GTS unit. K10 the jar is over fired and the rim is cracking off i 84 B11 The body rests in fetal position facing north with the left side of the body in the ground. The burial contained an over fired jar i83 with rope like incisions around the neck. ;C99 The skull was removed three days earlier since it was cut by the previous year (or cut by the large pit) and could not support itself on the pedastooled area. k 203 C01 We excavated 10cm in this loci trying to find the face of the wall f249. We did not find the face but the material is harder than the surrounding matrix. The workmen also pointed out that in the eastern half the material is softer. This area also uncovered several seal impressions yesterday and today we made a box for possible seal impressions which was filled, we will look at these clay lumps tomorrow to see if any contain impressions once they dry out. The area was also scraped and cleaned, no pits were noticed in this area. .bk A16 .fl M907LR.J .fd N304LR2.J***M907LR.J .rd M907 -DY The main concentration today was on the cleaning of the entire A16 lower area. We still do not know when phase 4 begins so we are placing our efforts into cutting back the sections to expose a fresh face to see the layers and by leveling the upper surface of the area to see if there are any pits in view. These pits are extremely important to remove before excavating the material around it since we are assuming these pits are Khabur and may contaminate the area if not removed. The loci were surveyed in by bp and include relay numbers r307-r325. The burial a18 was also completely articulated and drawn by flp and photographed by gg. a 18 C01 The burial has been completely articulated, exposing the body of a small child. f 216 C01 the small section inside this pit was excavated today. Last season we assigned f216 to the pit fill until the stones below then it was given f220 since it was ashy. This season we kept f216 for the small section, which was primarily f220 (the material below f216). This pit was cleaned today with plans to remove all traces of fill and photograph the stones, packing below the stones, and the baked bricks below. To date, this pit is the deepest we have gone in A16. It cuts throughout the stone pavement and exposes a thick red chunky packing below followed by baked bricks. The pit cuts through the bricks and below is a reddish material that may be more packing or a possible drain collector. This theory of a drain collector below the stone pavement was suggested last season with the baked bricks alluding to the use of water. Taking into consideration the slope of the courtyard, it is possible that a "collector" of a sort lies below the stones and is used to hold used water then drain out through another channel. C02 We plan to excavate this pit once we arrive to the level of the stone pavement a12. i 84 C99 The skull was removed three days earlier since it was cut by the previous year (or cut by the large pit a17, a13) and could not support itself on the pedastalled area. k 201 C01 This locus was not excavated today but was scraped thoroughly then brushed to expose a clean surface in which to decide a strategy for tomorrow. The north section of this area is A10 North section and since it has not been excavated since 1999 the section is heavily weathered. The section once cleaned revealed a large dark gray ash pit underneath Khabur structures. The ashy pit goes all the way down until it stops and the soil becomes an orange brown approx 50 cm from the level that the locus is at. The surface of these loci shows traces of dark gray ash in layers, which may be a continuation of the A10 pit and mixed with the orange brown soil. C02 Tomorrow we will scrape the south section of this small locus to see what it includes. The sun prohibited us from distinguishing the layers and will do this early in the morning. D19 The north and east sections have been recovered from A10 (without feature numbers) A10w119 and A10w08, and will include them into the A16 book, making the layers more understandable and include A16 feature numbers. k 202 C01 Last season we saw lines that appeared to form a wall of some sort; f249, in this area. We began by removing 10cm from the area to see if we could expose the face of the wall. The wall shows no clear brick faces but is harder than the material around it making it a possible "pize" wall or a simple mud wall. The entire surface that was excavated was leveled, scraped, and cleaned. k 205 C01 We removed a small portion on the west side following one of the layers seen in section. We decided to stop excavating the area and concentrate on scraping and cleaning the surface. The southern cut of the section was also shaved back 10cm, which exposed a fresh section with clear sloping lines that matched the surface layers (a photograph was taken of this v94). From plan view one can see the top lines of these layers seen in the south section. k 206 C01 The southern cut of the section was shaved back 10cm, which exposed a fresh section with clear sloping lines that matched the surface layers (a photograph was taken of this v94). From plan view one can see the top lines of these layers seen in the south section. The layers alternate from gray soft ashy to harder orange clay soil. The slope goes from west (being the lowest point) sloping up to the east. k 207 C01 we excavated 10cm from the entire area, which exposed three small gray pits and a brick structure of some sort. One of the small pits is seen in the south section and only goes down 5-10 cm. The bricks are located in northeast area and contains several gray bricks and orange bricks. The bricks do not form a line or pattern and may be a burial. The pits and the bricks have not been assigned feature numbers.