.bk A16 .fl M926LR.J .fd -MX12-99.J***M926LR.J .rd M925 .ri lR ;removed by gB R928 ;a 12 ;F02 co f0340 .rd M927 a 23 B11 tannur like feature with small circular holes on the inner surface. Retains a rounded shape made of clay and may have been used as a cooking surface. .rd M925 f 189 F02 cu f0194 F02 cu f0340 ;f 194 ;F02 co f0340 ;F02 cu f0189 ;F02 ov f0330 .rd M926 f 216 C01 We decided to continue excavating in this pit after reviewing the deeper pit f250. Last season the matrix slowly changed from gray material to a reddish color with a few cobbles in view. This marked the interface between end of pit and the material below. Yesterday a few cm of this material was removed to see if it was the end of the pit and it resulted in the cobbles continuing through the pit wall marking it clearly non-pit. Several arguments were proposed including the possibility of a septic tank like installation below the stone pavement. The baked brick f194 would be the covering for this installation. f216 would then be a cut into this installation and after a brief meeting with gB we decided to remove the cobbles to see if drain-like material begins to emerge. The cobbles were removed from the bottom and a brown matrix with charcoal inclusions was found below the layer of cobbles. The situation remains unclear. .rd M925 ;F02 co f0332 .rd M926 F02 cu f0338 F02 cu f0339 .rd M907 .ri aP f 271 B10 ^ly B11 mixed layer seen in the south baulk 10 cm from the border. This layer dips down D01 k110 .rd M908 .ri lR f 272 ;B11 small pit to the south D01 k207 D06 8540 @top 8528 @bottom f 273 ;B11 small pit to the north of f272 D01 k207 f 274 B10 ^pb B11 bricks on top of burial a19 D01 k207 f 275 B10 ^ly B11 mixed layer below f262 ashy with orange brown soil D01 k201 f 276 B10 ^pt B11 pit cut of burial a19- square cut D01 k207 f 277 B10 ^fi B11 fill of pit cut f276 burial part of a19 D01 k207 f 278 B10 ^ly B11 above laminations contains charcoal inclusions D01 k204 .ri fAB f 279 B10 ^ac B11 removal of pillar to south of k108, uppermost feature containing wall pieces D01 k210 D06 8870 @top D06 8757 @bottom ;F02 co f0280 f 280 B10 ^fi ;B11 fill of large pit a17- gray below ;khabur houses and the interfaces D01 k210 D06 8757 @top D06 8699 @bottom F02 co f0281 f 281 ;F02 co f0280 .rd M912 f 295 B10 ^fi B11 below f294 and between red. The fill of small hollows D01 k207 D06 8557 @top .ri lR f 296 B10 ^pt B11 Small gray pit middle of the locus D01 k205 f 297 B10 ^w B11 row of bricks, possibly a tomb wall associated with burial a21 north of the pot smash burial a20. D01 k205 .rd M913 f 298 B10 ^pt B11 small pit D01 k207 f 299 B10 ^pt B11 small round pit located east of the pot smash burial a21. This pit contains very ashy fill with lots of pottery. D01 k206 .ri aP f 300 B10 ^ly B11 reddish layer below gray f292 seen in the south section. D01 k206 .ri fAB f 301 B10 ^ly B11 red bricky material throughout loci D01 k202 D06 8528 @top .rd M915 .ri lR f 303 B10 ^ly D01 k206 .rd M914 f 304 B10 ^fi .ri aP B11 fill of i114 and i115 .ri lR pr fill of burial a20 located in the padastooled area under the tannur f180. Due to the pit cut of a17, we could not find the cut associated with this burial. Therefore we really could not clearly distinguish between fill material and the material around the burial. This feature was assigned after excavating the burial for stratigraphic purposes. The soil was removed using a dental pick, brush, and spoon. B11 fill of the ceramic vessels lying on their sides i114 and i115. These items turned out to be a burial a20. The fill was only 10 cm in thickness, thicker in certain places but noticed immediately that it was a burial. .ri aP D01 k205 .ri lR ;D01 k210 f 306 B10 ^ly B11 The material north of burial a21. Gray in color with some red brick inclusions and spreads out through the north section. D01 k206 .ri fAB f 307 B10 ^a B11 accumulation above laminations f308 D01 k208 D06 8570 @top F02 co f0308 f 308 B10 lamination ad layer B11 laminations under f307 D01 k208 D06 8543 @top D06 8520 @bottom ;F02 co f0307 F02 co f0312 f 309 B10 ^ly B11 similar to f264 brown material in the baulk of k206 and k207 D01 k206 .rd M915 .ri lR f 310 B10 ^ly B11 Same layer as f263 located along the north side of f206 burial. North baulk of k205 D01 k205 f 311 B10 ^ly B11 the north side of k208- khabur pit material next to stones f248 and below it 1 meter thick. D01 k208 f 312 B10 ^a B11 below laminations f308 D01 k208 .rd M918 .ri lR f 313 B10 ^ly B11 red material spread throughout three loci k205, k206, k207 which is the beginning of phase 4. This material goes all the way down to the stones. D01 k205 f 314 B10 ^ly D01 k203 f 315 B10 ^ly B11 red material 5-10cm on top of the stone pavement = f191 in k109. D01 k204 .ri aP f 316 B10 ^ly B11 gray layer below the burial a21 jar. D01 k205 .rd M919 .ri fAB f 317 B10 ^a B11 burnt brick and ash in k202, k203 D01 k202 D06 8504 @top .ri lR f 318 B10 ^ly B11 red material above the stones all throughout k205, k206, k207. D01 k205 f 319 B10 ^ly B11 The western end of the loci where the stones end. This material is gray in color and below f302. D01 k205 .ri aP f 320 B10 ^fi B11 fill of burial a21 D01 k205 .rd M921 .ri lR f 321 B10 ^ly B11 Material north of the burial a21. Gray in color equals f306. D01 k205 D06 8510 .rd M922 f 322 B10 ^ly B11 Red seen in the east baulk same as f313, part of a27. D01 k209 .ri fAB f 323 B10 ^ly B11 the last 10cm of material above the stone pavement a12. D01 k108 D06 8522 @top K05 brown .ri lR f 324 B10 ^ly B11 material below the burial a21 mixed with f318 and f313. This feature was given since the cut for the burial was approx 15cm above the stone and likely contaminated the surrounding area. This feature measures 150cm X 150cm and is 15cm thick until the stone pavement. The material alternated from gray to brown. D01 k208 .ri aP f 325 B10 ^ly B11 The material in the East baulk which is a mixture of red and gray bricks. D01 k209 D06 8550 @top .ri lR f 326 ad pavement B B11 baked bricks seen inside f250 pit (which were cut by the pit) below the stone pavement, part of a24 drainage system. These bricks are orange in color seen only in the east section and below these bricks it appears that there are more bricks below but vertical. To the south the bricks appear to slope down. ;They are part of a24 brick pavement D01 k205 f 327 B10 ^pb B11 baked bricks seen inside f216 pit. f216 cut these bricks which are associated with f194 baked bricks part of a24. D01 k207 .rd M923 f 328 B10 ^ta B11 possible tannur found on top of a thin gray ash layer on the stone pavement a12 located inside the East baulk on the southern end. Only a portion of this feature remains and has a rounded body flat in the center with the sides sloping up. When it was first discovered we assumed it was a tannur based on the roundness but after excavating the fill inside it revealed to have a number of holes on the inner surface. D01 k209 ;F02 co f0329 F02 re f0341 N99 The conservator sB was called to view this feature and see if it can be properly conserved and removed from its location. She made a mixture of glue and brushed it on the surface using a paint brush to consolidate it. The material was then left to dry and will be removed by cutting it from the thin ash layer f341 in which it sits on. f 329 B10 ^fi B11 fill in the possible tannur or bricky installation f328 on top of the stone pavement a12 located inside the East baulk on the southern end of k209. D01 k209 F02 co f0328 .rd M925 f 330 B10 ^fi B11 the last few centimeters of pit fill f183 of a17 large khabur pit found in the cut f189 and left from last season. This fill is found in the south western part of k108 contained in the cut and included lots of pottery sherds and small stones which we believe are a part of the large stone pavement- they are the smaller stones in between that were too small to take out when the pit was cut. Underneath this fill in the southern end red palace packing f340 was found and to the north the continuation of f194 baked brick pavement. D01 k108 F02 ov f0194 F02 ov f0340 .ri aP f 331 B10 ^ly .ri lR B11 This feature was assigned to the cutting back of f206 tomb into section. It contains red bricky material, red packing, and some gray. It is below the stone pavement but at the same elevation as the lower stones found in the tomb f206. .ri aP D01 k205 f 332 B10 ^fi .ri lR B11 Material below f216 pit includes the cobble layer f338 and matrix around it. May contain some pit fill of f216 mixed with the material below. This feature measures 10cm .ri aP D01 k207 .ri lR F02 co f0216 F02 co f0338 .rd M926 f 334 B10 ^ly B11 Orange colored material below the baked bricks f326 inside the pit f250. This material is similar to f339 in pit f216. D01 k205 f 335 B10 ^ho D01 k204 f 336 B10 ^ho B11 circular hole found on the top of the stone pavement a12. This hole is carved into one stone along with a companion hole to the north f335 a few cm from each other in line. This hole cuts into the stone and goes straight down forming a point at the bottom. These holes may be post holes used to support something. D01 k204 f 337 B10 ^fi B11 Fill of the post holes f335 and f336. This fill contained some pottery sherds and was completely removed today using a dental pick, spoon, and air pump. It is part of a26 D01 k204 .ri fAB f 338 B10 ^pb B11 stones at the bottom of f216 but not pit fill: phase 2 .ri lR B11 Small to medium sized river cobbles with rounded smoothed edges white in color that were found below the pit f216. These cobbles are mixed with a brown matrix and do not belong to the pit f216 which we initially thought. The cobbles continue to go through the pit wall and are localized in the South east side of the hole created by the pit. C01 Yesterday we decided to continue digging f216 pit after reviewing the deeper pit f250. These pits are the only windows into the function of the baked bricks f194 that are below the stone pavement. The pit f216 showed a reddish material with some river cobbles emerging which we believed to be the end of the pit fill. We removed some of these cobbles f338 but they continued going down and a bright red material f339 was found to the west of the cobbles. Today we continued to remove some of these cobbles to see if it was still pit fill and since they continued through the pit wall seen inside they cannot be pit fill. We removed all the cobbles at the bottom until a brown soil with traces of charcoal and pottery emerged leaving f339 to the west. .ri fAB D01 k204 .rd M925 ;.ri lR ;F02 co f0332 .rd M926 F02 ab f0339 ;F02 co f0216 f 339 B10 ^ly B11 Red packing material localized in the western half of f216. The pit f216 cut into this orange red material. The cobble layer f338 abuts it in the east. This material is below the baked bricks and does not look like palace packing material. C01 while excavating f216 we came across this feature to the west with the cobbles localized in the east. We did not excavate f339 and left it in place assuming that it is the material in which f216 pit cut into. D01 k204 ;F02 ab f0338 ;F02 cu f0216 .rd M925 f 340 B10 ^ly B11 Red palace packing material on top of the baked bricks f194 and below the stones a12 found in the entire stone courtyard. This packing material is seen inside the cut f189, in the pit f250, and in the smaller pit f216. We assume that this packing material continues throughout the entire courtyard and used as a leveling material in between baked bricks and stone pavement. This material is extremely hard, blocky structure, solid clay. It is dark red almost purple when damp and retains a very distinct appearance when scraped. It does not scrape easily but chunks off in small to medium sized blocks. Does not dissolve when wet. D01 k108 F02 co f0194 ;F02 cu f0189 F02 ov f0330 .rd M927 f 341 B10 ^ly D01 k209 ;.rd M923 ;F02 re f0328 .rd M927 K05 gray .bk A16 .fl M926LR.J .fd N303LR.J***M926LR.J .rd M926 a 12 C01 Two small holes were found on the pavement- one stone that resemble post holes. They are f336 and f335 .rd M908 .ri fAB f 280 B11 fill of large pit a13- gray below Khabur houses and the interfaces .rd M915 .ri lR f 303 B11 layer below f299 pit- this material is not part of the pit, which we initially thought, and contains a partially exposed jar i122, likely part of a burial. .rd M918 f 314 ;B11 red layer throughout the loci, which is the beginning of, phase 4 same feature as f313 in k205, k206, and k207. This red material goes all the way down to the stones. .rd M922 f 327 ;B11 baked bricks seen inside f216 pit. f216 cut these bricks, which are associated with f194 baked bricks part of a24. .rd M923 f 328 M99 It was suggested that these holes may be used for cooking with a wooden shish- placing the meat on skewers and sticking the skewers in the holes. Coals would then be placed on the inner surface, which would roast the meat. .rd M926 f 336 C01 These holes were noticed while I was drawing the stone pavement, it seemed odd that two circular shapes appeared on one stone. I quickly poked the surface with my trowel, exposing the holes. .rd M927 f 341 B11 thin gray layer found underneath the possible tannur f328. This gray layer is only found in the area of the tannur, which is on top of the stone pavement a12.