.bk A16 .fl M928LR2.J .fd -MX12-99.J***M928LR2.J .fn edited by sG on R714 .rd L818 f 196 ;B11 layer seen in the north section below the topsoil. This feature is in the very top of k1 and shows the slope going the contrary direction as the brick fall. This material appears very granular possibly extremely decomposed bricks and rain runoff. This feature is important for it shows that the walls to the west (A11) eroded after the brick fall. f 197 B11 The last 6-7 cm of material on top of the stone pavement f194 in k108. This material is reddish in color and hard clay f 198 B11 Ash layer below the wall f114 and above the wall f158. This ashy layer may be a kind of packing material that joins wall f114 to the foundation f158. f 200 ;B11 fill inside the tannur f199- gray ashy material f 201 ;B11 fragmented white plastered floor that the tannur f199 sits on f 202 B11 accumulation that contains more ash in k110 .rd L822 f 203 B11 Jar burial found in the south side of k110 on the edge of the section cut. This jar was found upside down with the human remains inside. .ri jLW f 204 B11 fill of pit located in the middle of the east baulk in k110. f 205 B11 accumulation 120x120x30 cm block in the middle of the east baulk of k110 .rd L827 f 206 B11 fill inside the square tomb of burial a16 K05 yellowish brown K06 10YR5/4 K07 moderate ;K08 crumbly .ri lR f 207 B11 sherd and pebble pavement ;F02 co f0208 f 208 ;B11 accumulation on top of f207 ;F02 co f0207 .ri fab f 210 B11 accumulation over and next to f207 and f208 f 211 B11 hollow fill in the east baulk same as f163 belonging to a1 khabur houses and fill below .ri lr f 212 B11 smaller pit inside the big pit a17 located on the north side with a darker ashy fill f 213 B11 interface between ashy pit fill and red- on top of the bricks in the south side of the east baulk f 214 B11 bricks forming a wall found in the south side of the east baulk under accumulation f213 .rd L830 .ri fAB f 215 A01 f0225 .rd L827 .ri lR B11 bricks seen in k110 east section located in the north side under f204 pit fill f 216 B11 Small pit and fill located in the eastern end of k110 towards the middle f 217 B11 pit cut in the north east corner filled with gravel f236- part of a15 jar burial f 218 B11 Seen in the south section of k110- Vertical bricks forming a vault-like structure perhaps from a tomb that was cut by the pit a17 f 219 B11 reddish brown clay found in the north of k108- this material may be possible pit lining. f 221 B11 reddish material to the south of f219 and above the stones f 222 B11 hollow fill below f204 .rd L830 .ri jLW f 223 B11 accumulation below f206 fill in the square tomb a16 f 224 B11 accumulation south of the jar burial a15 next to the east baulk. .ri fAB f 225 A01 f0215 B11 retaining wall in k110 east baulk northern portion f 226 B11 hollow fill to the east of f225 f 227 B11 fill in burial jar i71 part of a15 burial f 228 B11 fill inside jar i69 part of a15 burial f 230 B11 fill inside bowl i77 part of a15 burial .rd L901 .ri lR f 231 B11 accumulation below f207 pebble and sherd pavement- includes the sherd pavement excavated with this feature. f 232 B11 red layer in the east side of k111 f 233 B11 Northern tomb wall inside the square tomb f206 part of a16 located on the stone pavement below. This wall is mud brick and only one course in height. f 234 B11 Southern tomb wall inside the square tomb f206 part of a16 located on the stone pavement below. This wall is mud brick and only one course in height. This wall is badly preserved. f 235 B11 stone pavement in k110 part of a12 f 236 ;B11 fill of pit for burial i71- gravel like fill f 237 B11 hollow fill under f207 in k112 .rd L902 f 239 B11 pit fill gray under f238 same as f157 f 240 B11 layer in the east baulk "pillar" pit fill under f239 lighter gray in color f 241 B11 layer in the east baulk pillar under f240 more compact material and light gray .rd L903 .ri jLW f 242 B11 the east baulk pillar- fill under f241 f 243 B11 layer under f242 located in the pillar section f 244 B11 layer in the east baulk part of the pillar- fill under f243 f 245 B11 last feature in the pillar under f244 f 246 B11 series of orange bricks stacked up to form a column under f89 hearth located in k4 part of a8 f 248 B11 stones in the north section appears to form a kind of retaining wall along with f215 wall to retain the pit f247 ;.bk A16 ;.fl M928LR2.J ;.fd N303LR.J***M928LR2.J .rd L818 f 196 B11 layer seen in the north section below the topsoil. This feature is located at the very top of k1 and assigned a feature number later on. This feature is seen in the north section of k1 and shows a layer similar to brickmelt sloping sharply to the east, going the contrary direction as the brickfall a4. This material appears very granular possibly extremely decomposed bricks and rain runoff. This feature is important for it shows that the walls to the west (A11) eroded after the brickfall. f 199 B11 Large tannur with smooth sides 90cm in diameter with gray ash inside. This tannur sits on a fragmented white floor f201. .rd L827 f 208 B11 accumulation on top of f207; sherd and pebble pavement f 220 B11 Inside f216- lower fill, which is ashy and softer in texture than f216 fill .rd L830 .ri fAB f 209 B11 square pit associated with the fill of square tomb f206; together these form burial a16. Excavation area A10 excavated the western half of this aggregate. The eastern portion which remains is very difficult to distinguish. From the top we see clear lines marking this tomb but when the pit cut is approached from the inside the soil continues to fall away from the section without giving a clear line to the pit wall. This may suggest that the tomb "bowls" in, with the pit wall remaining farther from the center of the pit than at the top. This effect however could be caused by rain or water seeping into the excavation, and not the pit wall at all. What we are then excavating are these cracks that dislodge the soil, and not the pit fill at all. The fact that bones continue to be found in this area suggests that we are still in the pit fill, so we procede with a careful excavation maintaining this feature number for the cut and f206 for the fill. f 229 B11 fill inside carinated bowl i68 part of a15 burial .rd L903 .ri jLW f 247 ;B11 pit cut associated with f212 in the north part of the locus- 2nd pit .rd R801 .ri sC f 236 B11 fill of pit made for i71 (i.e. a large ceramic jar used as a burial)