.bk A16 .fl N303LR.J .fd N303LR.J .fn edited by sG on R719, R720 .rd M922 .ri lR a 12 C01 The situation below the tomb f206 is rather unclear. In this area the tomb a16 cut all the way to the stones and placed the bodies i60 i54 on top of the stones. When all of the burial was removed including the bricks of f233 and f234 on the north side it revealed to have stones below them part of a12, but these stones are lower than the rest of the pavement. One stone seen through the burial cut is at the same level of the pavement and appears that the stones either slope down or are part of a stairway/step. Between the high stones and low stones is the packing f344 characterized by its blocky structure and reddish/purple color. This packing covers the eastern area around f206 cut and it is unclear whether the stones continue under the red packing. To the south it appears that the stones are in a line and may form a corner. In k202 the stone pavement comes to a sudden end. It is unclear whether the end was intentional or that the stones were removed at a later time. The end does not form a clear line to suggest any function. .rd M929 C01 The stone pavement was cut by f189, which removed the stones and exposed a series of baked bricks underneath, a24. These bricks measure 30 x 30 centimeters and alternate from a pale yellow color to an orange color with cracks running through the bricks. These bricks are baked, hard, and arranged in rows. There are 8 rows of bricks visible with some damage in the northern and southern portion. .rd M919 a 16 C01 Today we uncovered the remains of i60, part of a burial, which was left in place from last season due to lack of time and comprehension of the situation. The bones were covered up with nylon then back-filled to protect them from the elements. This season after reviewing the tomb f206 it became visible that the pit face extended further east and therefore we had not finished excavating the fill of the tomb. The bones i60 are localized in the Eastern end of the tomb and are in an extremely fragile condition making removal difficult. When brushed they turn into white powder and we have resorted to scooping up the bones with our trowels and placing them in a box. Last season they were also in a fragile condition but after being exposed for one year they have become even more brittle. They are mixed with animal bones and several jaw fragments were recovered indicating that this is a multi-burial believed to be a re-use since the bones are found in a pile (not laid out) concentrated towards the eastern side. The main burial was found in the west suggesting that someone at a later date re-used this tomb and simply moved the older bones to the side. These bones are on top of some stones and red packing material. .rd M903 a 18 B11 Child burial found below the tannur f180 in k108 resting in fetal position. This burial contained one small over fired clay jar i84 sitting upright next to the skull of the child i83. No other burial items or structures were found associated with this burial and is presumably a phase 4 burial cut into reddish material. .rd M914 a 20 B11 Child burial lying across the inside of a broken/split ceramic vessel. The child was found with a pair of bronze earrings on the side of the head facing west. .rd M922 a 21 C01 Diadin is carefully articulating the bones today and you can see that some damage has occurred due to water seepage. The bones break off at the slightest touch and there is some evidence of laminations around the body. The body faces Northeast exactly in the same position as a19 burial and a18. This is presumably the body of an adult based on the size of the bones and likely female. The body rests on the left side in fetal position, a very typical position encountered in A16. All of the burials recovered in A16 are in fetal position with the exception of the jar burials. The arms of i156 human body are bent at the elbow with the hands under the chin. Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking. C04 We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. The burial was articulated the next day using a dental pick, brush, spoon, and an air brush. It was then photographed by gG and drawn by fLP. The jars were cleaned and labeled then sent back to the field and set in place for photographs. The burial was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins i158, i159 were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and i160 located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160 a metal rounded item may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory. a 22 B11 Large pit found in k205 that cut the stone pavement a12 creating a circular cut pit. The pit measured 2.6 meters deep and is 1.6 meters below the level of the stone pavement. The pit was noticed one meter above the stone pavement, which is presumably the beginning of the pit. The lower fill of this pit below the stones was extremely ashy, gray alternating in layers of gray ash, white ash, and brown ash. The fill was soft and moist filled with large fragments of pottery and yielded a number of items. The cut of this pit provides a wonderful window into the workings of the stone pavement and the possible drain below. Bricks are seen in the lower portion some vertically placed. .rd M929 a 24 C01 The stone pavement was cut by f189, which removed the stones and exposed a series of baked bricks underneath. These bricks measure 30 x 30 centimeters and alternate from a pale yellow color to an orange color with cracks running through the bricks. These bricks are baked, hard, and arranged in rows. There are 8 rows of bricks visible with some damage in the northern and southern portion. The first row to the north has 3 bricks visible with the northern edges cut or eroded away. The first brick goes under the stones but the third brick to the east appear to end does not continue under the stones. In this area the bricks are immediately below the stones with a thin layer of packing material and it appears that the bricks do not continue further north. In the south the packing material increases appearing that the bricks slope down. The first 4 rows of bricks have some kind of eroded areas but the next two rows south are complete and in good condition. There are 9 bricks in each row with no clear pattern. The bricks are in line but not evenly spaced or symmetrically placed, there is also no order to the color purely arbitrary whether the orange or yellow brick was used. The last three rows in the south appear to make a sudden slope upwards with one brick row placed at a sharp slant then the next row flat. The last row contains only 2 complete bricks in view, there is however either brick mortar or the shape the packing material retained from the bricks showing traces of lines and a flat surfaces almost like a brick. When this area was poked and scraped it revealed nothing below. This may be the impression of the bricks that were removed. The rest of the southern area has traces of disintegrated bricky material but appears that the brick pavement also ends in the south. C03 There are several arguments for the eroded areas; one that the bricks were cut by the pit a13 that left gaps of disintegrated bricks, or two that the presence of water seeped in through the cracks and eroded small areas. One eroded area measures 40 x 10 cm linear in shape running north to south across 3 rows of bricks. There is a small circular hole in one of the northern stones that may have funneled water causing the eroded bricks. It is unclear whether this circular hole is natural or man made but was in place when the stone pavement was in use and therefore inadvertently caused water to funnel through this hole and settle on the baked bricks possibly eroding them over time. f 194 B11 The stone pavement was cut by f189, which removed the stones and exposed a series of baked bricks underneath. These bricks measure 30 x 30 centimeters and alternate from a pale yellow color to an orange color with cracks running through the bricks. These bricks are baked, hard, and arranged in rows. There are 8 rows of bricks visible with some damage in the northern and southern portion. The first row to the north has 3 bricks visible with the northern edges cut or eroded away. The first brick goes under the stones but the third brick to the east appears to end and does not continue under the stones. In this area the bricks are immediately below the stones with a thin layer of packing material and it appears that the bricks do not continue north. In the south the packing material increases appearing that the bricks slope down. The first 4 rows of bricks have some kind of eroded areas but the next two rows south are complete and in good condition. There are 9 bricks in each row with no clear pattern. The bricks are in line but not evenly spaced or symmetrically placed, there is also no order to the color purely arbitrary whether the orange or yellow brick was used. The last three rows in the south appear to make a sudden slope upwards with one brick row placed at a sharp slant then the next row flat. The last row contains only 2 complete bricks in view, there is however either brick mortar or the shape the packing material retained from the bricks showing traces of lines and a flat surfaces almost like a brick. When this area was poked and scraped it revealed nothing below. This may be the impression of the bricks that were removed. The rest of the southern area has traces of disintegrated bricky material but appears that the brick pavement also ends in the south. .rd M919 f 206 ;C01 This season after reviewing the tomb f206 it became visible that the pit face extended further east and therefore we had not finished excavating the fill of the tomb. This season we will remove i60 and completely excavate this burial. f 295 C01 The soil above the laminations was removed and left a thin gray layer that runs through k208 and k209 seen in section. A small pit f295 close in the south side was also removed. Portions of the east section k208, k209 are being removed today. .rd M922 f 313 C01 Today we are continuing to remove the phase 4 red in the entire area f313, f314, and f318. The northern side is mostly exposed to the stones but the western side contains a thicker layer of red material at a higher elevation and will take a few more days to remove it. We have decided to only remove 10 centimeters at a time in case we find structures or seal impressions, however we are under the assumption that this red material is red wall fall of the palace and contains no structures or features below. The red material should sit directly on top of the stone pavement a12. f 314 C01 Today we are continuing to remove the phase 4 red in the entire area f313, f314, and f318. The northern side is mostly exposed to the stones but the western side contains a thicker layer of red material at a higher elevation and will take a few more days to remove it. We have decided to only remove 10 centimeters at a time in case we find structures or seal impressions, however we are under the assumption that this red material is red wall fall of the palace and contains no structures or features below. The red material should sit directly on top of the stone pavement a12. f 318 C01 Today we are continuing to remove the phase 4 red in the entire area f313, f314, and f318. The northern side is mostly exposed to the stones but the western side contains a thicker layer of red material at a higher elevation and will take a few more days to remove it. We have decided to only remove 10 centimeters at a time in case we find structures or seal impressions, however we are under the assumption that this red material is red wall fall of the palace and contains no structures or features below. The red material should sit directly on top of the stone pavement a12. .rd MZ01 f 344 B11 Red packing material spread throughout the entire lower A16 area. This packing material is seen below the stone pavement (viewed inside pits), which fills in between stones and baked bricks. Seen best in f216, f250, and f189 cut. The packing has a very distinct look and feel. Retains a blocky structure, purple/reddish color, and very hard clay with calcar inclusions. This material does not turn into individual grains and consists of a solid massive structure. When scraped the packing comes off in blocky chunks and when crushed breaks off into more blocky chunks. This material is ideal for palace packing material due to its hardness, retention of structure when wet, and clay attributes. .rd M922 C01 In-between the high stones and low stones of a12 is the packing f344 characterized by its blocky structure and reddish/purple color. This packing covers the eastern area around f206 cut and it is unclear whether the stones continue under the red packing. i 122 C01 Three ceramic vessels were found with the body i156. One next to the feet i122 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar and i157 that was under i139. C04 We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. i 139 C01 Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking. C04 We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. i 146 C01 We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. i 147 C01 We first removed i122 and i139 since we did not want to leave the ceramic vessels exposed over night. At the lab I removed the soil inside and made them into samples i146 and i147. The jar i122 was filled with soil containing some bone fragments but i139 only contained a dirt coating at the top and when removed exposed it hollow. gB suggested that it may have been filled with liquid which evaporated leaving only a coating of soil at the very top. i 156 C01 While excavating the area, Diadin encountered the remains of an adult burial. i156 is the human remains of the burial. The bones break off at the slightest touch and there is some evidence of laminations around the body. The body faces Northeast exactly in the same position as a19 burial and a18. This is presumably the body of an adult based on the size of the bones and likely female. The body rests on the left side in fetal position, a very typical position encountered in A16. All of the burials recovered in A16 are in fetal position with the exception of the jar burials. The arms of i156 human body are bent at the elbow with the hands under the chin. A number of items were found associated with this burial a21. i 157 C01 Three ceramic vessels were found with the body. One next to the feet i222 (similar to a19) and two vessels next to the head, i139 complete jar, and i157 that was under i139. The ceramic vessel i139 is in wonderful condition but i157 a cooking vessel appears fragmented. The condition of i157 is noted as fragile since it is fragmented and cracking. i 158 C01 The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory. i 159 C01 The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory. i 160 C01 The burial a21 was removed in the afternoon and three more items were found while removing the bones. Two bronze pins (i158, i159) were found on each shoulder with the ends pointed at each other and silver fragment i160 was located under the skull. The pins are likely used to hold a garment in place and i160, a rounded metal item, may possibly be a hair ornament due the item's location by the head. The metals have been sent to the conservation laboratory. .rd MZ01 i 175 C01 The body appears secondarily fired given that the bones are a darker color and very hard. Usually the skeletons uncovered are brittle and white, these bones are hard and solid much like cooked animal bones. The pit fill f343 is all ash with chunks of charcoal found around the body. It is possible that either the body was filled with soil then later secondarily fired from the top, or that during burial it was fired. We removed the bones after photographing them and will leave the situation as it is until next season when we have more time to excavate this fill and understand better the situation. K10 The skull of i175 was excavated three years ago by A13 and re-covered. Cloth was placed on top of the bones then plastic and covered with soil to protect the bones. When uncovered this year, some damage occurred over the years. The cloth had dissolved and attached to some of the skull creating black splotches. The skull became more brittle and cracked. Evidence of water seepage was seen by the chin, which contained laminations. Better methods for preserving exposed bones must be employed. Likely the best technique is to cover the bones only with soil avoiding plastic and cloth. .rd M922 k 202 C01 The stones of the pavement a12 stop abruptly before we anticipated. We expected the stones to continue until the end of our west section primarily because the trench k109 yielded stones throughout the area. The stones end roughly at the same point but are not regular in line suggesting that they were removed at a later date. Next season we plan to excavate the material abutting the stone pavement to the east, which may possibly yield stones at a lower level like the two stones under f206. .rd M919 k 209 C01 The soil above the laminations was removed and left a thin gray layer that runs through k208 and k209 seen in section. A small pit f295 close in the south side was also removed. Portions of the east section k208, k209 are being removed today.