.bk A16 .fl R712cJC.j .fd sm and best image for f59-f95 .fn Notes preceded by semicolons are inconsistencies or questions noticed by cJC while attempting to create summaries. RESOLVED means it has been properly researched and resolved or I have spoken to gB to determine the appropriate solution .rd R712 .ri cJC .ed R712 .ei cJc f 59 sm Rectangular indentation in floor f51 of structure a1. f 60 sm Pit cut into north side of wall f52 and brickfall f54. Originally believed to be part of a drainage system a5, however it was later identified as a result of rodent activity. A12 v0010a f 61 sm Brickfall in k4 that is equal to f54 and in part overlays aggregate a4 f 62 sm White compacted floor with large stones (f63) sitting in depressions in the floor surface. It is in the center of structure a1 in locus k5. A12 v0043 f 63 sm Three large white (likely limestone) stones sitting in depressions of floor f62 in structure a1. A12 v0043 f 64 sm Thin accumulation of soft light gray ashy material in structure a1 between the floor f51 and floor f62. f 66 sm Originally believed to be part of a drain system (a5), but later identified as the result of rodent activity. f 68 sm Originally believed to be part of a drain system (a5), but later identified as the result of rodent activity. f 69 sm Accumulation in doorway f70 (previously thought to be a niche)in wall f52. There are very few inclusions in the light brown material, that is likely the same as accumulation f81 in a8. A section of f69 was left unexcavated as support for wall f52. co Light brown tx Silty/Loamy hd Soft f 70 sm Doorway in wall f52. Accumuation f69 was found within it and left partially unexcavated for support reasons. The doorway would allow access between area a10 and the outdoor living area a8. A12 v0024 f 71 sm Pink/gray brickfall with large brick material equal to feature f84 in a4. A12 v0024b f 72 sm Mudbrick wall, apparently vaulted, forming the southern wall of structure a6 A12 v0022 f 73 A12 v0022 f 74 sm Accumulation of soft brown material and also including brickfall, inside of structure a6. A12 v0028 f 76 sm Pink/gray ashy layer in the eastern part of k2 and is equal to the accumulation f33 in k2. A12 v0073g f 77 sm Soft charcoal layer under the layer f76 as seen in sections of k2 and k6. f 78 ;sm Compact brickfall composed of bricks of multiple colors. Located in western k8 and corresponds with brickfall f54 in k4, f47 in k3 and f21 in k7. f 79 ;sm Plastered platform outside the western wall of structure a6. It may be associated with a6 but it is unclear. A12 v0049a f 80 sm Compacted mud wall, constructed mostly of compacted mud with some bricks. It abuts wall f52 as well as the hearth, f89. The wall closes off the outdoor living space, a8 on its western side. A12 v0037 f 81 sm Accumulation of soft brown material with charcoal and red clay inclusions. It is found in the outdoor living space, a8. A12 v0031 f 82 sm Hard compact brickmelt to the west of wall f80 in k4 f 84 sm Brickfall in k105, subsuming brickfall f71 and brickfall f78 in k8 which is all considered part of brickfall a4 f 86 A12 v0054 f 87 sm Smooth light brown plaster on wall f72 which forms part of structure a6. ;***pb It remains unclear on which face of the wall the plaster is attached to A12 v0034a f 88 sm Outside floor surface of light gray beaten earth found to the north side of structure a3 A12 v0026 f 89 sm Hearth constructed on brick pillar, f246, in outdoor area a8. The hearth is constructed of 2 or 3 bricks with an east to west groove in the center. The material of the surface of the hearth is a very hard burnt clay. The pillar structure (f246) and the hearth abut the packed mud wall f80. A12 v0024a f 91 ;sm Accumulation of brickfall containing large bricks immediately covering floor f92 ;***Again, should this be labeled accumulation or brickfall? consistency? Also this summary almost duplicates the description due to lack of details in original record f 92 sm Mud floor with rolling elevations covering western part of k105 outside structure a3 and linking with floor f88 in k7. f 93 sm Compacted mud wall extending into the east bulk of k8. This low wall, with wall f80, encloses the outdoor living space a8. This wall abuts the mudbrick wall f52. A12 v0037 f 94 ;sm Topsoil of locus k107 ;***This summary is redundant because there is not enough information in record f 95 sm Red mudbrick wall under wall f52 oriented east/west. It may bond with wall f96 but was not fully excavated. It is located in k106. ;***Should the record include that it is bonded to f96 (under contact association) if it remains unclear? Also its relationship to areas a10 and a8 is undefined. f 96 sm Plastered mudbrick wall forming part of structure a10. It is constructed of the same bricks as f52 and it is also bonded with f52. It is presumed to also be bonded to wall f95 which lies underneath wall f52. A12 v0045a th 56 .rd R730 .ri pC f 69 pb This record includes references to the drain system a5: in this case f69 is not part of it, but is the accumulation in doorway f70. f 75 pb f75 was labeled at the beginning as bench or wall, and then by mistake given another feature number, f246. =l f246 f 89 pb During the excavation this feature was understood as a hearth; at times f89 refers to the whole column, thereby including f75 (also f246). ;v 20 ;gf 246 ;v 24 ;gf 246 v 31 gf 246 v 33 gf 246 v 37 gf 246 v 41 gf 246 v 45 gf 246 v 46 gf 246 v 50 gf 246