.bk A16 .fl R712sG.j .fd test of summary field .rd R712 .ri sG .ed R712 .ei sG f 154 ;***Date of prior excavations = "MZ12" -- change dating to more accessible format? ;***No image ;***Elevation listed as only 8902 -- ? f 155 ;sm Fill of f154, pit cut in southeast corner of ;k6, mostly excavated by work in A13 during ;previous season. ;***No image ;***In contact with f29, which does not exist in list of features ;***Elevation listed as only 8902 -- ? f 156 ;sm Fill of cut in northwest corner of k6, similar to fill f155, mostly excavated by work in A13 during previous season. ;***Elevation listed as only 8934 -- ? A12 v0049a f 157 ;sm Accumulation of ash and red clay below house accumulation layer f153, in k6 and extending through north baulk into k2. ;***Elevation listed as only 8711 -- ? ;***Contact association information entered under "Description/Count" instead of "Contact association" A12 v0061 f 158 sm Mud brick wall in k107 most likely serving as foundation of wall f114. A12 v0073e f 159 ;***Cannot reconcile contradictory descriptions: "mixed pit fill" not = to "sherd and pebble pavement" --? ;***Contact association information entered under "Description/Count" instead of "Contact association" ;***Elevations as entered are confusing -- "8745" and "8706 @top" A12 v0059 f 160 sm Ashy accumulation on north side of structure a6 within k3. ;***Elevation listed as only 8893 -- ? A12 v0049a f 161 sm Accumulation below layer f152 east of wall f132 within k2. ;***Elevation listed as only 8792 -- ? A12 v0074 f 162 sm Lens of layer of ash and pottery in k5. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed as only 8790 -- ? f 163 sm Layer interface in k5 between accumulation of structure a1 and pit. ;***Elevation listed as only 8753 -- ? A12 v0070 A12 v0070a f 164 ;sm Pit cut in k5. ;***No image ;***Adds nothing to current description. ;***Elevation listed as only 8740 -- ? f 165 sm Ashy fill of pit f164 in k5. ;***Elevation listed as only 8740 -- ? ;***Contact association information entered under "Description/Count" instead of "Contact association" A12 v0070a f 166 sm Mixed accumulation of thin layers in k107 under wall f158. ;***Elevation listed as only 8745 -- ? A12 v0073d A12 v0073f f 167 sm Fill inside doorway corridor of tomb structure a9 within k3. ;***No image f 168 sm Wall, perhaps plastered, abutting wall f72 of vaulted structure a6 and forming corridor to entrance of tomb structure a9 within k3. ;***No image f 169 ;sm Pit cut of sherd pit in k2. ;***Adds nothing to current description. A12 v0060 f 170 ;sm Pit below accumulation f161 in k2, below structure a2, filled with many sherds all probably dumped at same time. ;***Elevation listed as only 8751 -- ? A12 v0060 f 171 ;sm Fill around sherd pit f170 in k2, part of large pit a13. ;***Contact association information entered under "Description/Count" instead of "Contact association" ;***Elevation listed as only 8745 -- ? A12 v0060 A12 v0073g f 172 sm Stone foundation of wall f7 of structure a1 within k1. A12 v0057 f 173 ;sm Mixed fill of small pit south of wall f158. ;***Inconsistencies in k records: is f173 within k1? k107? k109? ;***Elevation listed only as 8712 -- ? ;***Entry under "Recovery/Assignment" includes "f***", which seems to be place-holder notation. A12 v0073e f 174 ;sm Pit cut of mixed fill of small pit f173 south of wall f158 within k1. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8712 -- ? f 175 sm Soft accumulation with sand and clay inclusions covering both k107 and k1. ;***Elevation listed only as 8712 -- ? A12 v0073d A12 v0073f f 176 sm Fine clay layer in k6. ;***Elevation listed only as 8691 -- ? A12 v0061 f 177 ;sm Interface between end of pit with ashy fill f153 and reddish accumulation f176 within k6. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8656 -- ? f 178 sm Pottery lens in southwest area of k5. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8648 -- ? ;***Descriptions inconsistent -- is lense seen in north section of a12 or A13? f 179 ;sm Mixed ash and fine silt loam around L-shaped stone installation f118 within k1. ;***Images of f179 and f118 do not appear to show this relationship -- needs clarification by excavator. ;***Elevation listed only as 8725 -- ? ;***Contact association information entered under "Description/Count" instead of "Contact association" ;***3 different color #s given -- one when wet, plus two different numbers not explained further, 7.5yr3/2 and 7.5yr3/3. A12 v0073g f 180 sm Collapsed tannur in southeast corner of k6. ;***Elevation listed only as 8683 -- ? A12 v0090a f 181 sm Poorly preserved mud brick wall in k6, visible within fill f157 of large pit a13. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8682 -- ? f 182 ;sm Layer next to wall f181 in k6. ;***f182 = f190?? ;***"cibtaubs" in description ;***Much variation in color descriptions -- red, light yellowish brown, olive brown when wet -- acceptable range of variation? ;***Elevation listed only as 8638 -- ? A12 v0067 f 183 ;sm Gray fill in large pit a17 that cuts wall f181, within k6. ;***Most thumbnails are broken and one available view is not good, so image was not selected. ;***Elevation listed only as 8638 -- ? f 184 sm Stone lense in k5. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8677 -- ? f 185 sm Interface layer between fill of pit and red accumulation in k2. ;***These associated features are not indicated further and cannot be identified in summary by number. A12 v0065 A12 v0074g f 186 sm Mixed layer below layer f166 in k109. ;***Where is this feature: k1? k107? k109?? ;***Elevation listed only as 8653 -- ? A12 v0073f f 187 sm Accumulation below fill f183 in k108. ;***No image ;***Elevation listed only as 8513 -- ? f 188 sm Chunky red clay layer above baked brick pavement in k108. ;***No image f 189 ;sm Cut of pit a13 in k108, which incorporates k2, k6 and baulk separating the two (removed). ;A12 v0102 tc cu f193 ;***f189 = f280 f 190 sm Red Layer part of a27, next to wall f181 in k6, above the stone pavement a12. A12 v0088c ;***f190 = f182 ;***Elevation given only as 8632 -- ? f 191 sm Red chunky clay accumulation, part of a27, in k109 above f192 (the stone pavement). ;***Stone pavement not identified further -- should be listed as feature?? A12 v0073d A12 v0073f