.bk A16 .fl R714sG.j .fd list of problems with features f192-f225 .fn Summaries added by sG on R718 .rd R714 .ri sG .ed R714 .ei sG ; NB x IKO: file R714sG (related to f192-224) checked by pC: for update probems, see excel file R801pC-feature check file f 192 sm White stone pavement extending throughout entire area of locus k109, part of a12. ;***Elevation given only as 8486 A12 v0072 f 193 ;***Elevation given only as 8491 (north) 8503 (south) A12 v0067 f 194 ;sm Baked brick pavement under stone pavement f193, eroded in some areas. Either this pavement belongs to an earlier phase of the palace and was later overlaid with a stone pavement, or it is contemporary with the stone pavement and served as its drainage system. A final conclusion has not yet been reached. ;***Elevation given only as 8470 ;***No image f 195 sm Fill consisting of soft brown silty clay with small bones inside poorly preserved ceramic vessel i49, within locus k108. This has been defined and treated as a child burial although no conclusion was reached as to whether the bones belong to an infant or to a small animal. ;***No image f 196 sm Layer of granular material below topsoil in north section of locus k1, sloping to the east. df ly tx granular A12 v0073d lc k1 f 197 wm clay co reddish hd hard D1 k108 ;***No image f 198 df ly wm ash D1 k107 ;***f198 appears to be labeled differently in associated templates (v73d, v73e, v73g). Best view was therefore not selected. f 199 sm Large, poorly preserved tannur with gray ashy fill f200 which sits on white plaster floor f201. These three features together comprise aggregate a14 within locus k110. A12 v0068 ;***Elevation given only as 8774 @top f 200 co gray wm ash with bone and kiln waste inclusions A12 v0068 sm Gray ashy fill in large, poorly preserved tannur f199 which sits on white plaster floor f201. These three features together comprise aggregate a14 within locus k110. ;***Elevation given only as 8774 @top f 201 A12 v0068 sm White plaster floor below large, poorly preserved tannur f199 with gray ashy fill f200. These three features together comprise aggregate a14 within locus k110. ;***Elevation given only as 8774 @top f 202 A12 v0070 sm Accumulation spread throughout entire locus k110 at level below ashy fill of pit f165. This feature contains varied inclusions and many small, irregular lenses, bands and layers. ;***Elevation given only as 8774 @top f 203 sm Jar burial of small bones (i52) within poorly preserved upside-down ceramic jar (i51), located on the south side of locus k110. This has been defined and treated as a child burial although no conclusion was reached as to whether the bones belong to an infant or to a small animal. A12 v0069 el 8617 ;***Elevation given only as 8617 (information taken from description) f 204 ;sm Fill of pit located in the middle of the east baulk of locus k110. A12 v0070 ;***Elevation given only as 8852 @top ;***Summary duplicates description except for addition of locus information f 205 ;sm Accumulation measuring 120 x 120 x 30 cm in the middle of the east baulk of locus k110. ;***No image ;***Elevation given only as 8838 @top ;***Summary duplicates description except for addition of locus information f 206 ;sm Square tomb f206, part of burial a16 in locus k110. Tomb contains human bones (i54, i60), ceramic vessels (i58, i59) and the metal blade of either a spear or a knife (i56). A12 v0071 ;***Feature described as both "fill" and "cut" ;***Elevation given only as 8567 @top f 207 sm Sherd and pebble pavement below accumulation f208 within locus k110. ;***Elevation given only as 8567 @top ;***No image f 208 sm Accumulation above sherd and pebble pavement f207 within locus k110. This accumulation contained a stone stamp seal with incised sun motif, i53. ;***Elevation given only as 8570 @top ;***No image f 209 sm Cut of square tomb f206, part of burial a16 in locus k110. ;***Elevation given only as 8567 @top ;***No image f 210 ;***No information given beyond "accumulation next to f207 and f208" ;***No image f 211 A12 v0070 A12 v0070a ;***What is a "hollow fill"? Summary cannot be written until this is clarified. ;***Elevation given only as 8834 @top .ri lR .rd L827 f 163 ad accumulation C ;Information taken from f211 by sG R714 .ri sG .rd R714 f 212 A12 v0074d wm ash sm Dark ashy fill of small pit inside larger pit a17 in locus k110. ;***Note that definition is "fill" but description is "pit" -- summary may have to be revised once this is clarified. f 213 ;***Description unclear, does not give links to associated features -- summary cannot be written until this is clarified. ;***No image f 214 ;***No image f 215 A12 v0073g ;***f215 = f225 f 216 ;***a best view was not selected. no photo f 217 A12 v0072 f 218 ;***No image f 219 A12 v0074d wm clay co reddish brown f 220 wm ash tx soft ;***No image f 221 A12 v0074d co reddish f 222 ;***No image f 223 A12 v0071 f 224 ;***No image