.bk A16 .fl R716cJC.j .fd Summaries,Additions and Corrections to a20-28 by cJC .rd R716 .ri cJC .ed R716 .ei cJC a 21 sm Burial of an adult skeleton (i156) in the fetal position including two metal pins (i158, i159), another metal object (i160) and several whole ceramic vessels (i122, i139). lc k205 ;***Locus was added based on given locus of constituent features a 22 sm Large circular pit cut through the stone pavement (a12) containing pottery, burnt bone and some objects. A12 v102 a 23 sm Tannur (f328) sitting on a gray ashy layer (f341) overlaying the stone pavement (a12). ;a 24 ;sm Baked brick pavement or drainage system underlying the stone pavement a12. This aggregate appears as f326 in pit f216, f327 in pit f216 and f194 in the large pit f189. a 25 sm Human burial (i175) discovered to the north side of pit f342 and mixed with the pit fill f343. The bones are hard and burnt, possibly from secondary firing as a result of their inclusion in the pit. lc k205 ;***The locus was added based on location of one of the constituent features. a 26 sm Two holes (f336, f335) in a stone that forms part of the stone pavement a12. These were filled with dirt and some pottery sherds (f337). The holes may have been used to hold poles or posts of some sort in the courtyard. lc k204 ;***The features associated with this aggregate need better articulation. f335 is almost completely with description. a 27 ;sm Aggregate formed to encompass several equivalent layers across different loci (f313 and f318 in k205; f322 in k209; f190 in k108; f260 in k110; f314 in k203). The layer is thick and made of a bright red clay material with calcar inclusions. It rests on the stone pavement a12 and may be red wall fall from the walls of the palace. lc 205 lc 209 lc 108 lc 110 lc 203 ;***Loci were added by looking at the separate loci of each constituent part of the aggregate a 28 sm Aggregate formed to encompass the several pits that are cut into a12 stone pavement including pits dug as burials (f276, f209, f217), mostly empty pits (f273,f298,f299,f295), storage/trash pits (f250, f216), the large pit (f183) as well as two infant burials with no observable pit (f304, f305).