.bk A16 .fl R718cjc.j .fd reviewing notes .ri fab .rd R718 a 1 nr It becomes clear from the record that the recovery of a1 was problematic, especially with regard to the southern walls f5 and f142. Compounding the problem was the fact that this was the first structure found in the season, and the excavators were still new to the UGR documentation system. nr The fact that f5 and f142 were so close to the surface seems to have made more difficult the interpretation, especially with regard to the issues of bonding. v 107 gf 297 a 1 ;G9 f297 pb No further information given regarding tomb structure. .ri cJC .rd R718 .fn Added summaries for features that had previously been mixed with other files f 21 sm Layer of brickfall in locus k7 that is equal to brickfall f83 in k105, and is part of a4. The brickfall is compact and contains red, brown and gray bricky material. A12 v15a f 29 sm Very hard compacted light gray floor inside of structure a2. f 46 sm Medium hard topsoil layer covering locus k8. It is equal to topsoil f16 in the same locus. f 47 sm Brickfall covering locus k3. This brickfall is part of the larger area of brickfall subsumed under the aggregate a4. A12 v14a f 48 sm Brickfall covering locus k4. This brickfall is part of the larger area of brickfall subsumed under the aggregate a4. A12 v30 f 98 sm Layer of blocky red and gray brickmelt directly below the topsoil. f 99 ;sm Layer of soft red and gray material between brickfall f83 and accumulation f104. A12 v50f f 100 ;***Unclear if this layer is the same as f99, f101 so no summary was written pending resolution f 101 ;***Unclear if this layer is the same as f99, f100 so no summary was written pending resolution f 102 sm Tannur of hard baked clay with sand and straw inclusions recovered from outdoor living area a8. A12 v0046 f 103 sm Medium hard reddish accumulation covering the locus k106 under the interface layer of f100. A12 v31 f 104 sm Accumulation of a reddish brown silty material in structure a9. A12 v0035 f 105 sm Accumulation of light brown material across k5 ;***This summary is redundant due to paucity of information in the original record co light brown hd compact A12 v50f f 106 ;***Paucity of information makes summary unneccessary A12 v50f