.bk A16 .fl R719cJC.J .fd Item corrections i1- .rd R719 .ri cJC i 1 ha Alternative measurements occur because the initial measurement was revised when the object was cleaned and measured in the lab. Both measurements are retained here. i 2 ha Two definitions were given and jar was selected as the respresentative definition as it is more precise than the generic form, ceramic vessel. Both definitions have been retained. ;i 3 ;ha Two definitions were given in the record and pin was selected as the respresentative definition as it is more precise than the field identification of 'metal object'. Both definitions have been retained. i 4 sm Large khabur jar with five painted stripes. i 10 sm beer strainer ev Originally thought to be a javelin this was defined as a weapon. After cleaning in the lab it was found to be a metal strainer, thus correcting the definition from the field. Both definitions have been retained. .rd R720 .ri cJC ;i 13 ;ev Originally thought to be a small vessel in the field it was later identified as a figurine in the lab. i 14 tc si f3 df ja i 15 tc si f24 ;i 35 ;ha It remains unclear if this sealing had a seal impression on it and therefore the alternate definitions have been left in place. i 36 sm Silver earring, matching i33, found in burial a9 with human body i31. i 33 sm Silver earring, matching i36, found in burial a9 with human body i31. i 42 df fg i 48 sm Potsmash located above the stone pavement a12 i 56 A12 L_V15d4622 A16.56 Mx05 sb ma.jpg i 57 A12 L_V15d4538 A16.57 M922 gg ma bc cr.jpg i 58 A12 L_V15d4630 A16.58 Mx09 ms cv ac cr.jpg i 59 A12 L_V15d4666 A16.59 Mx10 ms cv.jpg i 62 A12 L_V15d4507 A16.62 M910 gg.jpg i 63 A12 L_V15d4505 A16.63 M910 gG.jpg i 52 A12 v0069 i 41 A12 L_V16d5002 A16.41 N730 gg.jpg i 31 A12 v40a ;i 25 ;A12 L_V16d5027N804gG ;i 16 ;A12 L_V14d4505L716mS ;i 14 ;A12 L_V14d4505L716mS ;i 10 ;A12 L_V14d4511L717gG ;i 9 ;A12 L_V14d4502 L716 mS.jpg ;i 3 ;A12 V14d4501 A16.3 L714 gg zc bt.JPG