.bk A16 .fl R731pC.j .fd adding of aggregate and f sm and other info regarding f .rd R731 .ri pC .ed R731 .ei pC f 203 sm f203 is located in the south part of k110 that contained a ceramic jar i52 whith a possibly human body i51 (it is unclear whether these belong to a small child or an animal). a 29 df bu ds Burial found in f203 in k110 that includes the ceramic jar i52 whith a possibly human body i51 (it is unclear whether these belong to a small child or an animal), found at an elevation of 8617 ;G09 f203,i52,i51 A12 v0069 f 206 sm f206 is the fill inside the square tomb (cut f209), part of burial a16 in locus k110. f 210 sm accumulation that covers the whole square k110 .ed R801 .ei pC f 25 sm Brickfall part of a4 which spread throughout the area, abutting the eastern wall f4 of a1, sloping from east to west. f 28 sm accumulation of compacted gray material with some sherds liyng flat above floor surface f120, f36, located in the eastern part of k1. It is the same as f77, f115. f 100 sm interface layer between brickfall f47 and accumulation f103 in k106. f 107 A12 v0035 f 108 A12 v0035 f 113 sm mudbrick wall running North-South, bonded whith f52, part of structure a10 A12 v0045a f 114 sm Wall running south west to north east protruding out of the north baulk in k107, height 16 courses of bricks (brick k10cm thick). Underneath lies f158, most likely the foundation for f114. A12 v0073e f 115 A12 v0042 f 118 df is A12 v0043a sm Four large stones shaping an "L" East of structure a1 in the south east side of k1. This installation has the same orientation of a1: f118 and the wall f172 underneath f7 belonged to an earlier structure in phase 5 ha I choose the definition installation for f118, since it does not seem to me a pavement even a wall f 120 sm pebble floor belonging to an open area North West of wall f7 of a1 and to the North abuts pavement f159. ;***pb f120 ab f159 .rd R802 f 122 nl This feature number has not been assigned f 301 A01 A13f114 A01 A13f113 A01 A13f118 f 302 D1 k205 df ly ds Reddish-brown layer below f282 located in k205 cut by pit f250 co reddish-brown ;O01 v0102 ;O01 v0107 f 250 tc cu f302 f 304 sm fill 10 cm thick found in the ceramic vessels i114 and i115, part of burial a20 located under tannur f180. f 305 df ac ds f305 is the accumuation below f180 found next to the burial a18. A12 v0095 f 258 ds accumulation of burial a18 underneath tannur f180. nl f258 is the same feature of f305 f 307 D06 8564 @bottom f 313 A12 v0100 A1 f314 A1 f318 A1 f301 sm Phase 4 red material of a uniform color containing chunks of bright reddish clay with calcar inclusions, sitting directly on top of the stone pavement a12 in k205, part of a27. f 314 A1 f313 A1 f318 A1 f301 sm Phase 4 red material of a uniform color containing chunks of bright reddish clay with calcar inclusions, part of a27, sitting directly on top of the stone pavement a12 in k203. f 317 sm Burnt area in k202 crossing k203, between f314 and the stone pavement a12. It consists of bright red bricks, gray ash, black ash mixed together. f 318 sm Phase 4 red material sitting directly on top of the stone pavement a12 in k203, part of a27. f 319 sm Layer below f302 in the western part of k205, cut by pit f250 f 324 sm gray layer mixed with the red material f318 and f313, part of a27, below the burial a21 and above the stone pavement a12. f 194 A12 v0118a sm Baked bricks under stone pavement f193. f194 could be an earlier phase of the pavement a12 or part of a drainage system, since it is in line with the drain found in A13 and slopes towards South-West. It is part of a24 f 326 df drain ;I3 s23c-AAC f 327 ;I3 s23c-AAC ;a 16 ;G09 f331 f 333 nl This feature number has not been assigned