.bk A16 .fl W315lC.j .fd drawings for views all seasons .ed W315 .ei lC .rd L906 .ri lR w 43 go n gk 108 gf 152,161,171,185,212,219 ds Drawing showing multi-layer f152 above pit material f161 and f171. Reddish material f219 on top of stone pavement a12. .rd L906 .ri lR w 44 go n gk 8,7,6,5,108,110 ga 1,2,4,8 gf 16,49,81,126,125,99,106,21,111,129,34,33,32,31,30,10,153,157,176,163,165,89,246 ds Composite section of entire north baulk of k5, k6, k7, k8 earlier version. Shows reference drawing numbers of cross sections, feature numbers, and locations of cross baulks. This drawing has been modified. .rd L907 .ri lR w 45 go oh gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ga 10,8,3,6,9,11,2,5 ds Plan view of A16 for use as a reference for section drawings. Contains lines illustrating location of section drawing and the drawing number. .rd L907 .ri lR w 46 go n gk 4 ga 10 gf 113,96,67 ds Inside a10 north section showing the bricks of the presumed platform, the end of structural collapse, and accumulation below the platform. The drawing also shows the vaulting form of the a10 structure. This drawing has been used for a composite and thus any reference should be made to w46 since the final version contains more detail and numbers. O99 Refer to composite drawing w41 ***w46 or w41? Same confusion in entry in L910lr2. Drawing missing. .rd L906 .ri lR w 47 go n gk 1,2,3,4,106,109 ga 4,6,10 gf 1,127,15,76,77,86,160,161,171,185,212,219,193,247,189,152,192,191,186,166,175,159,123,120,198 gf 173,179,124,36,42,43,44,41,40,39,38,27,196,37,57,215,226,17,54,56,67,96,130,134,113,112,139,121,100,103,104,47,55,2 ds Composite drawing of entire north section of A16 with different colors illustrating the various strata in area section. This drawing is identical to w41 but has been enlarged to fit two pages and used for strata assignments. O99 Refer to w41 for other version .rd L911 .ri lR w 48 gi 29,31,33,34,36,37 gk 105 ga 9 gf 128 ds Assemblage of a9 tomb objects with burial drawing. Burial drawing with item position, ceramic jar drawing, bronze bucket found above burial, and two drawings of the metal earrings found on the skeleton. Contains drawing w16. .rd L907 .ri lR w 49 go n gk 1,108 gf 152,161,171,185,212,219,173,175,179,166,248,186,191 ds Portions of A16 north section used for the composite drawing of the entire north section w41. These drawings do not contain any elevations or numbers. O99 Refer to composite w41 .rd W315 .ri lC w 50 O99 The drawing and all the informations is the same as w47 .rd L911 .ri lR w 51 go oh gi 31 gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,107 ga 8,10,3,9,6,2,11,1 gf 93,81,126,125,113,52,96,102,80,89,246,116,119,144,75,18,106,111,129,168,107,135,19,109,110 gf 128,167,168,139,74,141,140,73,79,138,8,29,9,10,143,137,136,132,118,4,5,142,3,24,50,51,64,62,7,28,120,123,159,158,114,96,72 ds Plan drawing of entire A16 area with loci, features and aggregate numbers. The drawing does not contain any feature numbers for excavations in k108 and k110 (refer to w57 for the lower excavation feature numbers). k107 is not labeled but consists of k8 and k7 (excluding a3). O99 Refer to w55 for locus locations. .rd W315 .ri lC w 52 pb The drawing is missing .rd L915 .ri jMF w 53 go e gk 108 gf 153,238,239,157,240,241,242,243,244,185,183,187,193,189,194 ds East section of k108, large pit and structures above. This drawing was done at the end of the season and detail still needs to be added and modified. This is page 1 of 3; refer to w58 for composite. O99 Same drawing as w58. For more informations see w58. .rd L716 .ri lR w 54 go oh ga 2,11 ds Drawing of bricks of a2 and a11 done to scale using autocad plot as base. Used in composite drawing. O99 This drawing has been removed .rd M709 .ri lR w 55 go oh gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112 ds Drawing with various stages of loci locations. Contains five plan views of A16 with loci numbers. .rd L716 .ri lR w 56 go oh ga 1,2,3,10 ds Detailed drawing of bricks used for composite drawing w21 O99 Refer to composite w21, the drawing has been included under w21 .rd L917 .ri lR w 57 go oh gk 108,109,110,111 ga 10,8,3,6,9,11,2,12 gf 180,214,194,215,217,206,237,250,233,249,114,216,251,193,192,234 ds Final floor plan of A16 showing the stone pavement f193, the pit that cut the pavement, bricks below and new features in area. .rd L915 .ri jMF w 58 go e gk 108 ga 11 gf 37,8,153,157,180,182,253,190,193,187,185,194,244,243,242,241,240,239,238,161,171,183,221,219,212 ds Composite of east section k108: the large pit. This drawing will be modified in the field and is comprised of drawings w53, w66 and w67. .rd W315 .ri lC w 59 O99 The drawing is missing. w 60 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w32 w 61 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w32 w 62 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w17 w 63 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w29 .rd L716 .ri lR w 64 go e gk 1 gf 38,43,44,115,39,40,133,145,146 ds East section of k1 showing the layers of pink and ash which extend west. The section string was placed at 8813. Composite drawing w38 contains this section and w41 shows the western extent of these layers through the north section of A16. O99 Refer to w38 for composite w 65 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w41 w 66 O99 Drawing included under composite drawing w58 .rd M730 .ri lR w 67 go oh gk 2,6,1,5,3 ga 2,1 gf 1,8,10,9,4,5,7,3 ds Floor plan of excavation site in the beginning L610 with only four squares open excavations in k2 removal of the topsoil and k5 excavation inside a1. .rd M708 .ri lR w 68 go oh ga 1,10,8,3,6,9,11,2 ds Identical to drawing w21 but bricks are shaded in. O99 a1 mislabeled as a5 .rd M731 .ri lR w 69 go oh gk 3,1,2,5,6 ga 2,1 gf 2,14,13,1,8,10,9,12,3 ds Floor plan for L611 shows the opening of square k3 and all the areas excavated on that day. .rd M730 .ri lR w 70 go oh gk 4,3,8,7,2,6,1,5 ga 1,2 gf 17,2,21,18,19,15,8,10,9,12,3 ds Floor plan for L612 showing daily excavation .rd M730 .ri lR w 71 go oh gi 4,2 gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ga 1,2,3 gf 17,2,21,20,18,19,15,8,22,10,9,24,28,27,12,24 ds Floor plan for L615 showing daily excavation .rd M801 .ri lR w 73 go oh gi 4 gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,102,103,104 ga 1,2,3 gf 52,17,46,49,47,21,43,19,15,8,22,9,35,10,29,36,28,27,12,25,50,51,3,24 ds Floor plan for L619. this shows the creation of new loci k102, k103, k104, the continual removal of brickfall,the slope in k8 and k7,the emerging wall f52,and excavations in a2 and a1. .rd M801 .ri lR w 76 go oh gi 4 gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,102,103,104 ga 1,2,3 gf 54,52,51,46,49,47,21,43,19,15,10,8,22,29,35,9,36,28,27,12,25,50,51,24,3 ds Floor plan for L623 showing daily excavation .rd M801 .ri lR w 77 go oh gi 4 gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ga 1,2,3 gf 60,68,69,67,66,52,55,58,65,49,47,21,19,43,20,15,8,29,10,22,10,35,9,36,28,27,25,51,63,62 ds Floor plan for L625 showing daily excavation .rd M802 .ri lR w 78 go oh gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,8, ga 1,2,3,5,6 gf 60,68,67,52,81,80,48,84,82,75,83,85,73,72,74,79,86,77,8,29,10,22,9,36,27,12,25,63,64,62 ds Floor plan for L711 showing daily excavation .rd M802 .ri lR w 79 go oh gk 1,5,6,105,106,107 ga 1,2,3,6,8 gf 60,93,81,102,80,89,67,96,104,112,73,74,72,79,86,77,106,75,43,41,105,98,114,51,63,62,8,10,9,109,110,107,111,113 ds Floor plan for L713 showing daily excavation .rd M806 .ri lR w 80 go oh gi 31 gk 1,5,6,105,106,107 ga 1,2,6,8,9 gf 60,67,96,93,125,126,102,80,89,104,116,119,111,129,109,107,108,8,9,105,51,63,62,118,121,28,120,123,114,78,79,74 ds Floor plan for L715 showing daily excavation .rd M807 .ri lR w 81 go oh gk 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,107 gf 167,161,153,157,170,166,163 ds Floor plan for L725 showing daily excavation .rd M808 .ri lR w 82 go oh gk 108,109,110 ga 16,12 gf 180,9,193,132,194,189,219,212,213,217,192,165,208,207,223,210,201,199,216,220 ds Floor plan for L828 showing daily excavation .rd M812 .ri lR w 83 go oh gk 108,109,111,112 ga 16,12 gf 116,194,180,193,215,214,217,216,237,251,250,206,234,233,249,114 ds Floor plan for L903 showing daily excavation .rd M812 .ri lR w 84 go oh ga 10,8,3,9,6,1 gf 113,130,134,93,81,126,125,120,80,89,96,52,112,144,116,119,75,129,108,128,135,140,79,155,138,132,136,143,10,153,157,148,152,118,159,172,158,63,142 ds Floor plan for L723 showing daily excavation .rd W316 .ri lC w 72 ga 1 gi 2,9,11,16 ds Drawing showing some of the vessels (i2, i9, i16) and a possible libation vessel (i16) found inside room a1. Its function is unclear, but some elements seem showing a possible burial. w 74 ga 4 gi 10,17,23,25 ds Composite plate showing some of the most important objects coming from the large brickfall a4. w 75 O99 the drawing is the same as w48. See w48 for all rilevant informations. w 85 go oh gi 139,157,156,122 gk 206 ga 21 gf 320 ds Drawing showing burial a21 with adult skeleton in fetal position with some vessel (i122, i157 and i139). w 86 O99 Drawing included under drawing w85 w 87 go n gk 206,207 ga 12 gf 306,318 ds Drawing of north section k206 and k207, showing the lower Phase 4 accumulations on top of stone pavement a12. It is formed by reddish bricky material (possibly coming from the destruction of the Akkadian Palace walls)?. w 88 go n gk 206,207 gf 266 ds Drawing showing reddish layer f266 above alternating layers of gray and pink/reddish material. w 89 go e gk 210 ds Drawing probably showing reddish bricky material above stone pavement a12. O99 All other informations are missing w 90 gk 208 gf 307,308,312,313,216,327,339 ga 12 ds Drawing showing section of 208. The reddish material f313 and f312 was found on top of stone pavement a12. The pit f216 cut throught stone pavement a12, baked bricks pavement f327 and the red packing f339. w 91 O99 This number was assigned to an already labeled drawing, w35 w 92 O99 This number was assigned to an already belled drawing, w35 w 93 O99 the drawing is missing w 94 O99 the drawing is missing w 95 go oh gk 108,109 ga 12,22,25 gf 216,194,189 ds Drawing of the uncovered surface of the stone pavement a12, paving the courtyard of Palace AK. The pavement was slightly damaged to the west and by some pits (f216, f189, a22, a25). Pits f189 uncoverd part of a baked bricks structure (f194) probably an earlier pavement.