.bk J03 .fl Q828vE1.j .fd daily journal for J3 East .fn edited by eI R815 and jW on R924 .ri vVE .rd Q828 .ed Q828 .ei vVE -dy In k01 the deposits in front of the top of the revetment wall were excavated as f571. bP measured many points of f532. In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. k 1 dy The deposits in front of the top of the revetment wall were excavated today: the remains of f534 in the Southern half of k1 and the underlying f571 in all of k1. Several new large boulders were uncovered today and these must belong to the top of the revetmet wall. f 534 dy f534 had not yet been excavated in the Southern half of k1, but was removed there too today. f 571 dy Because the naturally compacted floor f534 had been removed yesterday we started to excavate the new feature f571 which is a natural accumulation.30 cm North of m4389 a thin band of soft deposits mixed with black ashes ran from the West baulk some 45 cm to the East at an elevation of m4389 +104 -162.Most likely it was an animal hole because all of the surrounding areas seem to be the same harder deposit of f571. ds Feature, f571, is a natural accumulation consisting of reddish light brown clay and containing many very small pebble inclusions. It is relatively hard accumulation. k 106 dy We started to excavate f552 again after having removed f554 and f555.1-4. f 552 dy Today we started to excavate f552 again in order to uncover the face of the revetment wall. k 107 dy In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Feature f570 is a wash layer and it is the same deposit as the ashy deposit in the East section of the East baulk of k107. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. f 570 dy In k107 we opened f570 which is the natural deposit that lies between the second apron and the revetment wall and which underlies the second apron f532. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. Under f570 appeared baqaya and possibly the edges of two pits that were cut into the baqaya glacis. ds Accumulation f570 is a very light reddish light grey deposit that is slightly ashy. It is the same deposit as the ashy deposit in the East section of the East baulk of k107. Many small bones were found here and therefore we decided to sift all the deposits from this small area. No pits were visible at the top of f570 and the bones were lying very scattered. These observations and the information from the section indicate that f570 is a wash layer that lies under the second apron f556. hPU remarked also after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and after an initial review said that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3. At the bottom of f570 we found a baqaya surface most likely the glacis. Two pits seem to have been dug into the baqaya but most of these pits remains hidden under the stones of f556. nt hPU remarked after looking at the bones that their small size and shape seem to indicate a wash layer context. He also said that it mainly consisted of sheep/goat and pig. ns mKB looked at the pottery from f570 and her initial (preliminary) view was that it was mixed (some Chalcolithic sherds) but most likely was phase 3.