.bk J03 .fl Q829bl.j .fd feature description .fn Edited by cJC on R818 .ei bL .ed Q829 .rd Q829 .ri bL f 181 ds This feature is soft, friable and powdery, it comes out in medium chunks. It present small white roots. There are few little stones, the colour is very pale brown. It covers f182. f 194 ds It is sandy but hard, grayish with few small stones and pebbles. f 182 ds this feature is an accumulation that contains very fine material, there were very few sherds of pottery, it covers f184. In k109. f 183 ds floating limestonestone. f 187 ds limestone that sits in f182. f 191 ds Feature in k109 under the topsoil. It is granular and there are few small stones, sherds and some roots. It comes out in little chunks. It is compact and hard an some pottery, even in big sherds, is present. It covers f193. f 185 ds limestone that sits in f182. f 186 ds limestone that sits in f182 f 188 ds limestone that sits in f182 f 196 ds friable and hard feature, the colour is brownish. f 197 ds It is more greyish than f196, there are less small white roots. It is compact and it presents some pottery sherds. There are some limestones and some soft stones (maybe sandstones). f 189 ds topsoil, very hard with many roots, it covers f191, there were 47 pottery sherd and 5 rings. It covers f191. f 193 ds Granular feature with medium chunks. It isn't very friable and there are very few small stones and few pottery. It presents small white roots and it is a lamination. It covers f194, f196 and f197. f 198 ds topsoil in the southern part of k31, it is hard with many roots and few pottery, it covers f199. f 199 ds Feature under the topsoil, it is very hard and comes out in big and hard chunks. It presents a lot of roots and some little pottery sherds. We found a limestone (f200) in it. ;f 200 ;ds floating limestone that sits in f199.