.bk J03 .fl R718jW1.j .fd A12 and sm for a1-a10 .ei jW .ed R717 .rd R717 .ri jW a 1 B12 v24 sm A human burial in k104 consisting of a well-preserved skeleton and grave goods in fill beneath the baqaya surface of the glacis, f50, of the BA Temple mound. a 2 B12 v23 sm An animal burial in fill at the base of the revetment wall, f11, in k104. It was near to but not definitely associated with human burial a1. a 3 B12 v158 sm The elements of the first reconstruction of the BA Temple mound accomplished during the Mittani period. It comprises a wahal glacis, f123 and f152, and a line of stones, a16, placed atop the revetment wall, f11, which had been covered with aeolian accumulation. a 4 B12 v72 sm Five large limestone blocks arranged in an E-W line at the same elevation in k13. a 5 B12 v87 sm A shallow hemispherical pit and its associated fills in the NW corner of k13. a 6 B12 v62 sm A shallow hemishpereical pit and its associated fills in the NE corner of k23. a 7 B12 v92 sm An installation consisting of an X-shaped array of large limestone blocks, a4, f110, f169 , f195, f216 ; floor surfaces, f4, f143; and a tannur, f3, all located in the four-corner region of loci k12, k13, k22, and k23. a 8 B12 v117 sm An arc of large limestone blocks located south of the memory stones, a16, in k109. a 9 B12 v143 sm A cluster of four large limestone blocks that surround a group of four smaller ones located south of the memory stones, a16, in k109. a 10 B12 v144 sm A pit with a rectangular-shaped cut located in the NW corner of k23.