.bk J03 .fl U921jW1.j .fd daily journal for U920 .ei jW .ed U921 .rd U920 .ri jW -wk Assigned workmen reported and were dispatched to work in A20 for the day. -dy aK, with the assistance of jW continued to excavate the infant's skeleton, i32. At one point to insure that the bones could be extracted in one piece, they were consolidated with commercial glue. Also a part of the burial, a20, were an animal bone, i34, and a pottery sherd, i35. Just before lunch, aK finished the excavation of i32. In the afternoon work period, jW removed the rest of the burial vessel, which was a large jar, probably broken in half. The jar was placed upside-down and probably broken in half. After the infant was placed in the jar, the bottom was placed over the top to protect it. i33 was screened to look for missed bones and grave goods items (none found). aK and jW completed the burial forms originated by lR to document for the global record. i 33 G99 gB suggested that we designate the soil in the jar as an item in lieu of a feature, which is reserved for the material (fill or accumulation) which surrounds the burial vessel. Therefore any material in q-lot q425 should properly be designated as coming from i33 and assigned their own item number. We can do this because the position of the jar and its contents were recorded as relays. q 425 G99 gB suggested that we designate the soil in the jar as an item in lieu of a feature, which is reserved for the material (fill or accumulation) which surrounds the burial vessel. Therefore any material in q-lot q425 should properly be designated as coming from i33 and assigned their own item number. We can do this because the position of the jar and its contents were recorded as relays. a 20 G99 This aggregate consists of the burial jar and the items contained with it. These are: i31 - jar; i32 - heman remains; i33 - soil, i34 - animal bone; and i35 -sherds within the soil matrix. i 31 in 260 bottom or N bottom -ar Met briefly with gB, mKB, and fAB to discuss a possible end point for the excavations in MZ23:
We seem to be excavating a substantial public building which may extend both north and west into adjacent excavated and unexcavated loci;
there is not enough time or resouces to accomplish extensive additional excavations;
the possibility of finding additional significant artifacts means that we should procede slowly;
mKB will leave early, meaning that we will not have the capability for ceramic or glyptic analysis;
we now have enough basic material to see that there was considerable activity high on the BA temple mound in the LC3 period. All of the above points tend to indicate that we should end the current excavation in the next few days and prepare for a more extensive exploration in a future season. -sg gB, jW, and fAB met briefly to discuss strategy for U921. First, we will ascertain whether i31 rests on floor, f357. Second we will clear the south wall of pit a19 and explore south to see if we can find the south end of wall, f348, then follow it east to find its eastern extent, which is obscured by brick debris in locus k110. Third, we will trace floor, f357 to the west and north. i 32 df hb ct organic K92 According to aK, the skeleton was that of an infant less than 1 year old. It was a primary burial, placed in the bottom of the upturned jar in a flexed position. The head was to the north, it was laying on its left side, with its face to the east. Almost all bones were recovered, most undamaged, except for the skull and some of the long bones.