.bk J03 .fl V206jW.j .fd Feature descriptions .fn f346 to f368 .ei jW .ed V206 .rd Ux07 .ri jW list2 f ds 346 Fill beneath and sealed by the baqaya glacis, f109 and f50 (exposed in MZ19 and MZ20). It covered the what most likely was a previous glacis, f368, which in turn covered the major LC3 wall segment, f348. Ceramics within were all from the Late Chalcolithic 3 period, but the time of deposition may be from the Later Early Dynastic period when the revetment wall, f11, was built. Fill, f346, may have been applied as part of a remodel of the BA Temple mound using soil already there. 347 A pocket of disturbed soil formed by a colony of social animals. Our first analysis concluded that it was the fill of a pit, but as the k13 east section was examined prior to drawing, one could see the individual burrows which cut through f346 and intruded into the top of wall, f348. 348 At the close of the excavation season this feature appears to be the southwest corner of a substantial wall constructed of red mudbricks. There is a double niche at the corner which may be a buttress. The wall foundation appears to be a mudbrick platform, f363. The wall extends into both the east and north baulks. It has been damaged by burrowing animals in several locations. The top of the wall has been cut down, sloping from north to south to provide a surface for a glacis, f368, probably associated with construction of the BA temple mound. The courses of bricks of the wall are not horizontal. They slope down from north to south, possibly as a result of settling. 351 We originally thought that this feature was a glacis consisting of bricks with a crusty surface. Upon removal we see that it had two components; a crusty surface, redesignated f368 and a bricky fill to the south of the south face of wall, f348. The fill will remain designated f351 and probably consisted of the brick and mortar debris from the shaving of the top of wall, f348, to form the glacis. 352 This feature could be one of two things (or both); either it is a floor accumulation above a gray mudbrick floor, f355, or fill placed above the floor surface to the top of the cutdown wall, f348, to form the support base for glacis f368. 355 A small section of mudbrick pavement along the west face of red brick wall, f348. The pavement bricks were gray and laid horizontally with gray mortar. It is possible that we cut a portion of it while excavating to find the west face of wall, 348. Less clear was whether the pavement was a single line of bricks running north to south along the wall face or whether there were other courses that extended to the west. The bricks covered fill, f356, in which at the south end of the bricks was burial, a20. 356 This feature is a fill above the floor accumulation, f357, which in turn is above a highly compacted dirt floor, f358. The sherds in it were randomly oriented supporting the assumption that it was fill. The burial jar of a20 appeared to have been placed on f357 before the space was filled with f356. 357 This is the compacted accumulation above dirt floor, f358. A large burial jar, f31 rests on it. It has small charcoal inclusions, patches of white decayed vegetative matter, and significant ceramics. Some are pressed flat, while others lean against wall, f348, which this floor accumulation abuts. 358 This is a highly compacted dirt floor that extends to the west of the west face of wall, f348, to at least the west baulk of k13. It is presently bounded on the south by the poorly defined brick structure f361. On the north side it goes into the north baulk of k13 where it is bounded on the east and west by pillars of gray mudbricks. 359 The fill of a shallow pit in the NW corner of k12. It contained nothing to indicate what the purpose of the pit was. 360 The cut of a shallow pit in the NW corner of k12. It intrudes into a poorly defined brick structure, f361. 361 A poorly defined structure of red mudbricks in the northwest corner of k12. At present, all we see is the top, which is covered on the west side by an unexcavated uniform layer of soil or brick. 362 This is a the nonmudbrick material (probably fill) to the west and south of the gray mudbricks, f355. It most likely is the smoothed top surface of fill, f356. 363 This structure, consisting of red bricks laid with gray mortar, lays to the south of the perimeter of brick wall, f348, which is made of the same material. The most likely function is to serve as a foundation for the wall 364 This feature is the fill of a pit dug for a human burial, a22, along the western edge of k12. 365 This feature is the cut of a pit dug for a human burial, a22, along the western edge of k12. 366 This feature is the volumetric material contained in a small sliver of the west baulk of k13 which was removed to improve sightlines for final photographs. 367 Hole dug into wall, f348, by a fox after MZ23 excavations were completed. It is located near the NE corner of locus k110. 368 Crusty surface of deteriorated mudbrick atop wall, f348 and fills, f351 and f352. It is of the approximate thickness and hardness of the baqaya glacis, f50 and f109, and probably served as an effective seal for features below. At the close of excavations we formally designated this layer as a feature and glacis. endlist