.bk J05 .fl S806lH.j .fd daily journal for S806 .ei lH .ed S806 .rd S806 .ri lH k 14 dy We continued excavating the hard crusted natural accumulation, f106, where we found two big limestones, f109, in the northwestern quadrant of this locus. In the next pick run we noticed that these two stones aren`t founded, but sits in f106. Also we found traces of another line of stones, f108, at the northern border of this locus on the line of the stones of f14 in k24, even though it`s about 1 m higher. k 34 dy We started excavating the eastern baulk of this locus. We removed the topsoil, f55, and the upper natural accumulation, f59, as one feature, f103. We removed the natural accumulation of f94 as separate feature for chronological and pottery typological reasons. The last mentioned accumulation may be linked with the Middle Assyrian floor accumulation, f42, in k34. Tomorrow we will remove the Mittani features, f98 and f100, as a third separate feature. k 33 dy For this eastern baulk, we started to remove it as one feature, f107, because all of the collected pottery from k23 is Mittani style.