.bk J05 .fl S821jW.j .fd daily journal for S821 and feature description .fn feature f163 .ei jW .ed S821 .rd S821 .ri jW -wk All nineteen workmen currently assigned reported. Ibrahim Hessu excused at breakfast for possible injury. Eight workmen from A20 assigned to this unit for the rest of the season reeported. -sf lH still in Damascus for Masters Degree examinations. sNP worked on the objects in the house after breakfast. -eq Moved the shafat to locus k32 to assist in removing the north and east baulks. -sy Removed markers m4968, m4829, m4425, m4906, m4959, and m4960 because of baulk removals. k 32 dy Removed the north baulk, which was treated as volumetric material, f162, since the stratigraphy had already been documented by drawing and photography as topsoil and a single accumulation under it. k 23 dy Finished excavating the volumetric material, f153, comprising the north baulk. The southern part of staircase, f21, was exposed, but we still do not understand the link between it and the arrangement of stones to its south, f126, which may represent a damaged structure that originally abutted the staircase. k 100 dy Finished excavating the northern projections of unexcavated baulks, f110. Near the south face of revetment wall, f3, continued to excavate natural accumulation, f157, to find the escarpment which we have found to the west, f74, which abuts wall f41 and to the east, features 189 and 239 in unit J1. gB believes that we will have to dig deepaer to reach it since it slopes severely from northeast to southwest and from north to south. k 22 dy With two teams we excavated a considerable amount of natural accumulation, f157, from the area to the south of revetment wall, f3, in a strip about 100cm wide. Because we expect that the escarpment rises from east to west and because we see part of it as f74 as it abuts wall, f41 along the outer west face of f3, we expected to trace f74 around the corner of f3 as it turned to the east. However, pickman Hussein stated that he was seeing a variety of textures, colors, and inclusions (including brick pieces and ash) in the soil he was excavating, not the hard material he had encountered next to f41. ar In a meeting with jW, gB stated that he believed that the part of the revetment wall, f3, that we are seeing may be a late addition which includes the pavement of stones contained by it and juts out to the south of the original line of f41. On the other hand, f41, is a much earlier structure that passes under f3. As such we still may have not yet reached the escarpment even though we are below the third course of stones which comprise f3. f 163 ds A stone threshold and pavement running east to west in the far northwest corner of k43. It links stone installation, f28, in k44 with stone installation, f71, in k44. The stones are melon-sized, with larger stones where the pavement meets the edge of each line of stones closest to it. -sg In a meeting with jW and dL, gB suggested that the only way we might possibly determine whether wall f3 and its associated pavement was built during Phase 6 and whether wall 41 was built in Phase 1 was to sink a 50cm square probe behind each and then examine the ceramics. (There is a recognizable change in the stones used to construct f3 to the east and to the west so it will be possible to chose an appropriate location even though we will not be able to trace f41. f 41 ar gB has stated that this curving line of stones may be a bin structure associated with a very early phase of the temple complex. As it became covered, f3, then a combination of stones and pavement was built as a substitue. Finally, when that was covered, the stone circle formed by installations, f37 and f46 was a replacement in the final stages of use before abandonment.