.bk A16 .fl L729SV2.J .fd L729SV2.J .fn Edited by cJC on R714 .rd L710 .ri sV f 4 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick f 5 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick .rd L721 f 8 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick ;K05 pale yellow (brick) f 9 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick K05 pale yellow (brick) K06 10YR 8/3 f 10 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick K05 pale yellow (brick) f 22 ;D06 8800 @top .rd L710 f 25 K03 brick, melted brick .rd L714 f 27 ;B11 most western part of ^bf a4 abuting the wall f114 on the NW part and the walls of a1 on the S part of locus ;D06 (upper) @top 8926 @bottom 8833 (lower) @top=@bottom 8758 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick .rd L723 .rd L721 f 29 D06 8800 @bottom D06 8873 @top .rd L716 f 34 K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick .rd L714 f 37 D06 (upper) @top 9017 @bottom 8926 (lower) @top 8815 @bottom 8758 .rd L714 f 44 ;D06 8787 @top 8782 @bottom f 57 ;D06 (upper) @top 9107 @bottom 8976 (lower) @top 8928 @bottom 8868 ;K06 7.5R 6/4 ;co light brown .rd L712 f 62 ;B11 medium compacted floor underneath the thin accumulation f64 which separates it from floor f51. Two large white stones f63 are associated to and sit on a depression of this floor. Two other large stone components can be seen to the left of f63 but are less regular in the shape. Another deep circular depression associated to this floor is visible next to the N wall f7; it is not excluded that could house another large stone component ;D06 8748 @top f 63 B11 two large white (limestone) stones, circular in shape, sitting in a depression in the middle of a1, associated to the ^fb f62. The installation was possibly re-used in ^fa f51 as the indentation f59 found in the late floor f5 shows just in correspondance of those stones. Then a well preserved brick resting on on the same floor appears to be aligned to the stones and it is not excluded that this belonged to the "new" installation of f51. f 64 ;D06 8753 @top .rd L721 f 115 ;B11 (=f28?) accumulation underneath the gray ^ly f43 but more compacted and with a more fine texture, seen in N and E section of locus ;D06 m2505 -127 @top .rd L723 f 118 ;B11 installation consisting of four large stones shaping an "L"; the first three stones, measuring 1 m ca, fall in line with the stone foundation of N wall f7 of the one room structure a1, the fourth angular stone is parallel to the opposite angular one of the same basament (f172) with which formed probably a doorway. The f118 and f172 likely belonged to an earlier structure (Ph b?) whose only the second one was re-used to build the "house" a1 (Ph c?) D06 (upper) @top 8774 @bottom 8760 D06 (lower) @top 8772 @bottom 8760 K03 stone (limestone?) f 120 ;D06 8756 @top f 121 ;B11 medium compacted floor spreading out only in the eastern part of locus, underneath the accumulation f124 and next to (covering?) the pebble floor f159 which instead slopes down in the western part of K. ;D06 8756 @top f 123 D06 8740 @top f 124 ;D06 8730 @top .rd L721 f 133 D06 8791 @top .rd L710 f 142 B11 southern external mudbrick wall of a1 running from SW to NE. It is 120 cm wide and 330 cm long and bonded with E wall f4 but not with the contiguous wall f5. The wall appears not well done, particularly in the core where does consist of a mixture of loam, broken and melted bricks. K03 mudbrick, mortar, melted brick .rd L721 f 145 D06 8786 @top .rd L712 f 148 B11 fill of pit f149 consisting in ashy and reddish layers. D06 8812 @top .rd L723 f 159 D06 8706 @top (W edge)