Entries authored by cjc

Processed on 06-09-2016

--I.riT719This year's excavations in the J2 area are intended to explore questions regarding the chronology of the construction of the staircase, apron and associated walls. In order to achieve this goal we will be excavating immediately to the south of the apron, to expose any layers which might help determine the dates of construction. Due to the detailed nature of this work the excavations will be relatively limited in size. The questions that we hope to answer include finding out if the second staircase was built at the same time as the apron or not and also retrieving data (primarily ceramics) that will help date the earliest levels of construction of the apron. Secondary concerns include understanding the construction of the wall to west of the apron (f127) and its relationship with the small wall (f334) that it is connected with. We will also be exploring the area just south of the revetment wall to try and find the escarpment that was found in J1 and explore if the construction in front of the wall is the same in J2 as J1. [T720CJC.J]
--I.riT827At the end of the season MZ22 (2009) that last numbers are as follows, q:902, i:26, f:391, a:12, r:1142, and v:220. Any subsequent excavations should use numbers beginning with the next number in each sequence (i.e. q:903). [T827CJC3.J]
-DYT719Yesterday yM, cJC and sH went to the field to discuss the strategy with fAB for both J02 and J06. The purpose of this year's excavation in J2 is to understand the stratigraphy of the layers immediately in front of the apron. If there is time we also would like to excavate to the west of the apron and the small wall (f127) in order to clarify the relationship of the area west of the apron and the plaza area, perhaps allowing for comparisons with J1. The goals for the season include the clarification of the chronology of the construction of the staircase and the apron as well as exposure of the earliest layers associated with the bottom of the apron. To begin we will open some limited areas, probably 2 loci immediately in front of the apron in order to maintain tight control over the excavation. We plan to leave to baulks running north-south leading up to the apron to clarify the relationship of any floors, etc. that may be recovered. We will work with limited workmen due to the small area and the need for close control. [T720CJC.J]
-DYT723Today we cut the south section of J2 back about 40 centimeters to get rid of the eroded pieces and to create more room for excavation. After breakfast we tried to install the shaffat but unfortunately it was the wrong size and so it had to be removed again. We will try a different shaffat on Saturday after the day off. The dirt removal was slow as a result and we did not finish removing the section. [T725CJC.J]
-DYT810Today we focused work primarily in k15 working with our two pickmen both in the same area. Because we have so many different layers and the cut of the erosion we are proceeding slowly to understand each layer before removing it. [T810CJC.J]
-DY.rdT809Today in the early morning we continued excavating in k4 and k5 along the border of the two loci. We did our best to only remove the brownish feature (f367) while preserving f369 underneath and any remaining portions of the plaster (f370). Because we were excavating using only the small pick and the brush (no trowel) this task took one pickman (Mohammed Kher) the whole day. We also began excavating in k15. We followed f364 across through our section but found that instead of being just f365 underneath as in k4 and k5 we found a more complicated situation. Therefore, we continued very slowly also in k15. [T809CJC.J]
-DY.riT720Today we had our first day of work. We will begin with 8 workmen, 2 pickmen, 4 shovelmen and 1 wheelbarrow driver. Today we had 7 workmen as one workman did not come because his son is sick. We spent most of the time before breakfast cleaning the staircase and the apron. After breakfast we removed the backfill dirt and the plastic at the bottom of the apron and cleaned the tops of the sections. Work was slow because all the dirt had to be carried up the cement staircase next to J7. sH and cJC were in the field to supervise the work. When we removed the plastic the area underneath was damp and the layer underneath appeared to have laminations. These are presumably due to the accumulation of water under the plastic during the past 4 inactive years not due to any ancient reasons. We will scrape the whole area tomorrow. [T720CJC.J]
-DY.riT721Today we finished cleaning J2 before breakfast. We had seven workmen today. We cleaned the area just west of the apron. The plastic had been removed and the area cleaned in MZ21 for kite photos so the work went quickly. After we finished cleaning we removed the small curtain wall that was to the west of f127, the north-south wall to the west of the apron. mO came to help remove the stones, we also had assistance from some of the workmen from J6. After we removed the stones we excavated f336 under the wall. Dirt removal was slow as the workmen had to carry all the dirt up the cement staircase of J7 in zambils. [T721CJC.J]
-DY.riT722Today we continued cleaning and we removed the baulk in k54. After discussions with fAB, pC, cJC and sH it was decided that it is best to retain this baulk in the same location even if it makes the locus north of it (the area running up to the revetment wall) fairly narrow. We want to keep the sections the same as those from the previous J2 excavations where possible. [T722CJC.J]
-DY.riT725Today in the morning we finished removing the southern baulk in k54 (f338). We were finally able to install the shaffat. It is placed on the raised section south of the apron in k4. Afterwards we [T725CJC.J]
-DY.riT726Today in the morning we continued working in k14 and k5. We spent most of the morning helping Adeeb to put in the squares. We have resolved the placement issues by running an east-west line and then a north-south line and seeing where they cross. We have measured all the squares and baulks from that one established corner. We continued excavating the brickfall (f341) in k14 [T726CJC.J]
-DY.riT727Today first thing in the morning we cleaned the whole area so it could be photographed. We anticipated beginning excavation today and wanted to photograph the area with the squares in place and after everything was cleaned, cut back and scraped. After photographs we relayed several stones (f345) that we then removed. We continued to remove the brickfall f341 in k14. We began to excavated the small south portion of k110 that is being cut back to match the south section of the other squares. We removed one hard sloping floor (f344). After breakfast we scraped the west section of k100 so it can be drawn this afternoon. We also began removing f335 in k14. [T727CJC.J]
-DY.riT728Today we spent the morning taking measuremnts, relaying f349 and f346. sG and cJC finished drawing the west sections of k100. The workmen cleaned and removed some of the conservation materials while the staff took measurements. Before breakfast we had a meeting with gB and fAB. We discussed the strategy for J2. Kameron scraped the west section of k100 along the part that borders J7k6 so we can draw it when we have time. [T728CJC.J]
-DY.riT729Today there was a sandstorm and so we will work inside the house instead of in the field. This will give us the opportunity to catch up on the UGR documentation. cJC will focus on templates, data entry and running the programs while sH will work with sG on object descriptions. [T729CJC.J]
-DY.riT801Today we were able to begin going down in all of k110. First we removed the remaining portions of the floor f355 before going down about 15cm across the whole square. Mohammed Ker, one of the pickmen, did not come back after breakfast due to a family emergency so we continued with only 2 pickmen. Before breakfast sG and sH finished drawing the western section of k100. It will be photographed tomorrow when the light is better. [T801CJC.J]
-DY.riT802Today in the morning we continued removing the layers in k110. The goal was to expose the salmon-colored layer, f359. We were able to remove the last of f357 and expose f359. We spent some time then discussing the strategy (see sg entry). fAB gave a lecture to the workmen explaining the importance of our area and the importance of the f359 as a stratigraphic seal. After breakfast we started excavating in k5 to expose the salmon layer. We had some difficulties correlating the layers in k5 with k110 so we decided to stop for today and discuss the strategy in the afternoon with fAB and gB. [T802CJC.J]
-DY.riT803Today the first hour of work the workmen cleaned J7 while sG and cJC drew the west section of k110. After that we removed the portions of the west section of k110 layer by layer. We intend to follow the layers across the baulk and go down in k5 without the east baulk (same as west baulk k110). After breakfast we photographed the pebble floor f362 and removed it. The work is proceeding slowly because we are primarily using the small pick to avoid cutting through any layers. [T803CJC.J]
-DY.riT805Today we continued excavating only in k5. We had hoped to reach the salmon-colored floor (f359) in this locus today but we were unable to. Work was slow as we are only using the small pick to avoid cutting through any layers. Also, we stopped several times for Adeeb to remeasure our markers. We decided to change features about 10cm down into f363 as the matrix became slightly more reddish. This was called f364. At noon the workmen went for a lecture about the site with gB so we ended work early. [T805CJC.J]
-DY.riT808Today in k5 we started the day hoping to expose all of f359. We finished following it to the west. After cJC and sH drew the north section of k5 we began excavating k4 up to the apron. We did not find f359 continuing north up to the apron f131. Instead we found a gray layer with some larger sherds (f368) sloping up and abutting the apron (f131). Just south of this feature, but partially overlaying it we found brownish red layer we called f367. It is similar to f365 but not identical. f367 overlays f359 and f369. f359 slopes down sharply and partially overlays the gray floor surface of f369. We decided to excavate f367 first because it seems to be the latest as it overlays all the other features. When we began removing it we noticed what appear to be pieces of a broken plaster floor. At this point fAB and gB came to visit J2. They discussed the possible relationships of the plaster floor to the other features as well as discussing what might have caused the break in continuity of f359. pC suggested that perhaps water came down from the apron and created a puddle which destroyed some of the layers immediately in front of the apron (f131) including f359. We discussed the different possibilities of relationships of the features, with the most puzzling being the break in f359 and the relation of the plaster to the other features. gB would like us to change the way we excavate and stop using trowels and instead use only the small pick and brush to avoid creating artifical surfaces which he thinks may clarify the situation. He gave a demonstration to the workmen. Also during the day we finished removing the brickfall in k111 (f352) and sH and mCT drew the west section of k5. [T808CJC.J]
-DY.riT811Today we worked only in k15. In the morning we mostly cleaned for the first year as the area we wanted to excavate was damp from having the plastic covering it. Once we had cleaned everything we did our best to expose f375, the floor with plaster inclusions. We photographed it when we thought it had reached its full extent but then as we were removing f365 we found it continued and so we photographed it again. After that we removed f375 and started removing the accumulations of f365 by moving from the west section of k5 in a westward direction. In the south portion of k15 f365 came down on top of the salmon-colored floor f359 just as we expected. We did not finish exposing f359 and will work on exposing its extent tomorrow. In the north part of k15 we found the situation was more disturbed possibly due to erosion as we saw in k5 with the erosion of f359 and the brown accumulation of f367. It seems that f367 continues into k15 with some disturbed accumulations (not in nice thin layers of accumulations like f365) and some sherds that are not lying flat as well as some pebbles. We will explore this area tomorrow. We met with gB and fAB after breakfast and gB reminded the workmen again to only use the brush and not the trowel to avoid creating artificial surfaces. [T811CJC.J]
-DY.riT812Today we continued working in k15 to finish removing f365 and then proceed down to expose all of f359. We found that it was difficult to follow f359 as it appears to have been damaged by erosion (the cut of the erosion has been assigned f376). We appear to have a similar situation in k15 as we had in k4 and k5 where the salmon-colored floor (f359) was cut by erosion exposing the gray floor f369 and then the cut of the erosion was filled in by a softer brown accumulation f367. In k15 we find that the erosion (f376) did not completely remove the salmon-colored floor f359 but instead only damaged its top surface (the hard gray/salmon color layer). Then f359 was partially overlaid by the brown accumulation f367. It appears that the pink layer (f373) is in fact a continuation of f359 but is heavily damaged and very soft unlike the rest of f359 which was hard and formed a nice surface. I say that are likely the same though because we seem to have a stratigraphic continuation from f359 across to f373 with no interruption and the damaged portions of f359 are slightly darker in color but of the same consistency. Also today, In the morning we cleaned and then dM came to take a video of the pickmen working with the pick and the brush for the archives. At noon, as we have finally exposed all of f359, we began cleaning for the views we will take this afternoon. Today pC will go with dM to the field in the afternoon to take the views. gB and fAB want nice views of f359 and its relation to the apron (f131) because they have suggested that it is the first floor associated with the construction of the apron. [T812CJC.J]
-DY.riT813Today we first cleaned the area and took a few photos of the overall area showing the extent of f359 and then we removed f359 in k110, excavated the feature underneath, f377 and exposed f379 and removed a portion of f379 to reveal f381 with an animal pawprint in it. [T815CJC.J]
-DY.riT815Today we continued working in k110. We started by removing the remaing portion of f379. In the process of removing this feature we uncovered more impressions in f381 which is immediately below. Some of the prints appear to be of human feet so we decided to stop, clean, photograph and make plaster casts of the impressions. Then, before breakfast gB and fAB came and we discussed leaving the footprints to be excavated next season instead of doing it this year. gB thought we should pedestal the south portion of k110 and only work in north k110 but I would rather not as the area is very small. At breakfast there was a strategy meeting between pC, fAB, gB and cJC to discuss how to proceed. After discussing several options (excavating north k110, working in k13, cutting a trench in front of the apron, excavating down in J6k84, and making a sounding in k100) we decided to work in k100. We will remove the backfill and then go down to see if we can find the bottom of the first staircase (f380) and get enough ceramic material for a solid date of construction. After breakfast we began removing the backfill of k100. We will continue tomorrow. [T815CJC.J]
-DY.riT816We continued removing the backfill in k100. We used v127 as a guideline for how the features looked at the end of 2005. Before breakfast we finished removing all the backfill and began excavating what appears to be a pit (a12) or at least some kind of cut. We started removing the fill (f382) and found it went down quite far. We excavated f382 for the rest of the day. Akmed and sH tried to take 2 more casts of the footprints in k110 but they were unsuccessful. We decided not to try again and to backfill k110 today or tomorrow. [T816CJC.J]
-DY.riT817We continued removing the fill (f383) of the pit (a12) in the southwest corner of k100. At the bottom we found a row of small stones, relatively straight (f384) sitting in a hard surface (f385). We decided this was a good stopping point for the pit for this season. We decided to remove the pebble floor from last season (f292) and proceed down in the rest of k100. Under f292 we found a nice sherd and bone floor (f386)that took awhile to expose. We also cut back the section of the pit cut (f382) to look for a good stopping point for the rest of k100. We continued work in the afternoon so we can reach a good point and achieve some of our goals of finding the floors associated with the construction of the lower staricase (f380). [T819CJC.J]
-DY.riT818We worked in k100 removing a series of sherd and pebble pavements and their subfloors. We removed f386 and its subfloor, f387 and then floor f388 and its subfloor f389 before stopping at the exposure of f390. gB and fAB came to give candy to our workmen and make a video of the workmen giving them candy. gB had a discussion about the archaeology of J2 with the workmen. In the afternoon we worked to reach a good stopping point and also to cut back the west section of k100. [T819CJC.J]
-DY.riT830Today we removed the backfill from k100 for final photographs. We also cleaned all of J2. We will attempt to rephotograph the human footprints as well. [T830CJC.J]
-SFT719J2 excavations will take place this year under the supervision of pC, who will be primarily excavating in J6 with much of the day-to-day supervision by cJC. sH and sG will assist. As of the beginning of the excavation only cJC and sH are present. [T720CJC.J]
-SFT801sG has joined our team for the next week. She will assist in J2 as well as J6. [T801CJC.J]
-SFT805sG is only working in the field before breakfast. After breakfast today sH went to work on site presentation with gB. [T805CJC.J]
-SGT720Today fAB and cJC discussed the placement of the loci for the season. In order to achieve the goals of understanding the chronology of the construction of the apron and the associated walls it is necessary to place one section north-south running up to the the apron and one section north-south hitting the wall (f127) to the west of the apron. These loci will likely not conform to the site-wide grid due to the constraints imposed by our goals as well as the difficulty in reestablishing the squares in this area. We will create new loci numbers for these areas. [T720CJC.J]
-SGT722Today fAB, pC, cJC and sH met in the field to discuss the strategy for the season. We will follow the strategy outlined in the introduction. We discussed where to place the loci. Ideally we will be able to follow the site-wide grid but if the sections do not fall in the places we need to accomplish our goals we will create new squares. Adeeb, the surveyor, is unsure if it is possible to reestablish the squares in our unit as only one corner marker is remaining in J2. [T722CJC.J]
-SGT725After meeting with fAB, gB and pC several times we are still deciding a strategy. gB wants to follow the floors from the cut of k100 across in front of the apron. He says this will help us to find the floors and avoid cutting through them by coming down from the top. The main question is if we will follow the floors east to west or extend the area slightly south into J7. We will try and reestablish the squares from the previous excavations to see if it will be feasible to keep the same squares as were used in the previous J2 excavations. [T725CJC.J]
-SGT728We will stop working in k15 as it appears we have cut through a surface. We also decided to remove f346 after breakfast. We will also draw the 3 sections from J7 when there is time so we can cut down the floor for a better view and approach to the apron and the staircase when it is entered from the J7 area. We will cut the whole of J7k6 down about 20 centimeters. [T728CJC.J]
-SGT802In the morning we had a long meeting with fAB, pC, cJC, sG and sH to discuss the strategy for J2 now that we have reached the stratigraphic 'seal' of the salmon-colored layer (f359). fAB would prefer to expose the salmon layer in all the squares (k5, k15) before going down any further. He argues that this offers the advantage of seeing f359 exposed in all the squares at the same time. He thinks this is especially important if f359 proves to be the first floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131) and the second staircase (f132). I would prefer to go down in just k110 where we can easily follow the layers because they are exposed in the west section of k110. This allows for the careful excavation of each layer and allows us to keep the pottery separate as best possible. Then we could draw the west section of k110 before removing it while excavating k5. This again allows the advantage of following the section across ensuring that we can match up the features from k110 with those in k5. This second strategy does not allow us to see the same feature in all the squares. We decided to implement fAB's plan and began excavating in k5. We exposed several layers but it became difficult to match them with k110 despite having the south section. I met again with gB and fAB in the time after breakfast and we decided to table the discussion of strategy until tomorrow. [T802CJC.J]
-SGT802fAB suggested not collecting the pottery from the first 10-15cms in front of the apron for each feature as sherds may have slipped down into the cracks between the surfaces and the stones during the years. We will do our best to implement this strategy. [T802CJC.J]
-SGT803After having a meeting with pC, fAB and gB yesterday we decided to draw the west baulk of k110 and then remove it above the salmon-colored floor (f359) so we can follow the layers across the baulk from k110 to k5 and go down all together. We will keep a small portion of the baulk just south of the apron so we can see how the layers go up and touch the apron (f131). We will not have a north baulk in k5 as it will impede our view of how the layers come up against the apron. When possible to distinguish them, we will assign the same feature numbers to the features in k5 as in k110. Presumably many of them should continue across the whole area. [T803CJC.J]
-SGT808Because we did not find the salmon-colored floor (f359) covering all of k5 and k4 as expected we will have to implement a new strategy. In south k4 and north k5 we found that f359 sloped down sharply, overlays f369 and does not continue to the north. Also overlaying both f359 and f369 right at the border of k4 and k5 is f367. Abutting the apron and sloping down and away from the apron (f131) is a gray layer with some sherds laying on it - we called it f368. We decided to excavate f367 first as it overlays the other features and so is the latest. When removing it we found what appears to be a very damaged plaster floor. gB suggested that we continue removing f368 using only a small pick and a brush to avoid damaging the original surface of f369 and to see if f369 slopes up and serves as the base for the plaster. Once we have finished removing f367 I would like to temporarily stop in k4 and k5. At that point we will have the exposure of all of f359 that still exists as well as some features that may be just below in the north area next to the apron (f131). The next step would be to continue across the west baulk of k5 to k15 and see if the f359 continues to the west. This should give us the complete exposure of f359. We will still leave the small baulk stubs right next to the apron to provide a nice sequence of the layers abutting the apron. Once we finish exposing f359 according to our original strategy we should go down in k110 to achieve the original goals set by the season of reaching the earliest floors associated with the apron (f131) and exposing the edge of the lower staircase and seeing if it continues west. With the last 10 days of excavation we should be able to expose all of f359 and then reach the earliest levels in k110. Excavating in k110 also has the advantage of exposing the gray layer we see in the west section of k100 to see if it is the same as f369 that we find in k4/k5 just under f359. This will not allow us time to achieve our goals of studying the early escarpment in k13 but it will be enough to complete some of our goals, notably the most important for our season of reaching the earliest floors associated with the apron. [T808CJC.J]
-SGT809Today we found several new features in k15 and it appears it may not be as simple as we thought to follow the features across the west baulk of k5 into k15 so we will slightly alter our strategy from yesterday. Instead of just following the features across we instead will work from the most recent features down in k15 as we find them. For tomorrow that means excavating f372 and f339. We hope that this will allow us to see what relationship f365 (that we see in the west section k5) has to the newly discovered features including the brickfall. Some of the changes we see delimited from east to west may be a result of a combination of the erosion we see in the south section and the possible difference in features that were in front of the apron (f131) and those that are west of the western wall of the apron (f127). We still intend to go down to f359 if possible in k15. After we finish exposing f359 in k15 (or alternatively, exploring its western edge)we will continue with yesterday's strategy which is to continue down in k110. We hope to add another pickman once we move to k110 to ensure we reach the earliest levels by the end of excavations. [T809CJC.J]
-SGT810We discussed it with fAB and he suggested we return to the original strategy of following the layers across through the section of k5 to see how they relate to the newly exposed layers. In the west section we can see f365 and a thin yellow line which we have assigned f375. We wanted to remove f365 above f375 and see how it comes up against the pink layer f373. It seems that f365 would have covered the pink layer f373 but it was cut by the erosion. By following f365 across from the east to the west we should be able to answer this question. Before we could remove all of f365 we needed to expose the plaster layer (f375) and see its extent. We used the small pick and the brush to expose as much of this delicate layer as possible. Tomorrow we hope to finish exposing the plaster (f375) relay and photograph it before removing it. After we finish with f375 we will continue removing f365 across to see its relationship to the pink (f373) and the salmon-colored floor (f359). [T810CJC.J]
-SGT811Our main goal for the next day is to clear the accumulations above the salmon-colored floor (f359) in k15. We do not want to expend too much time focusing on k15 because we also want to finish excavating k110 down to the earliest layers associated with the apron (f131) and the staircase (f130) before the end of excavations. We are finding that in the south portion of k15 the layers roughly conform to that which we found in the south part of k5 - that is, a series of thin accumulations (f365) covering the salmon-colored floor (f359). We will go down to f359 in this section and then move northwards exploring the full extent of f359. We anticipate finding some indications of erosion in the northern part of k5 as we already saw eroded layers in north k5 and in k4. We discussed our strategy with gB and fAB and they suggested that after 2 days we stop in k15 even if we have to make it a smaller square with a north-south section about halfway across. They suggested this because we are all worried that we will not have enough time to finish in k110. Also we will no longer remove our dirt via shaffat but instead will only move it down the trench (J6k200, J7k200) so we can have it available for backfill as we will want to backfill above f359 in k4, k5 and k15 [T811CJC.J]
-SGT812Today we finished working in k15 as we have exposed the full extent of the salmon-colored floor (f359) in k110, k5 and k15. Our strategy for proceeding is to take the views of f359 this afternoon and then begin working only in k110 for the rest of the excavation season. We will backfill k5 and k15 at the end of the season and we are finished working in these two loci for now. In k110 we intend to proceed with our two pickmen removing each layer and collecting all the pottery so we can date the earliest layers associated with both the construction of the apron (f131) as well as to explore how far west the steps of the lower staircase (f380) extend. We hope to achieve our goals of finding a date for the earliest levels of the staircase and also to see the extent of the lower staircase (f380) before the end of the season. [T812CJC.J]
-SGT813For the rest of the season we intend to go down in only k110 following the layers in the west section of k100 so we can find the first floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131) and the second staircase (f130). If there is time we would like to go down enough to expose the western extent of the first staircase (f380). [T815CJC.J]
-SGT815Because today we found human footprints in f381 in k110 gB suggested we stop in south k110 for this season to leave the footprints to be excavated next year. He suggested we make a sounding in only north k110. I suggested that instead of doing this we work in another area as north k110 is very small and it would be difficult next year to exactly correlate the features of the sounding with south k110. gB, fAB, pC and cJC had a strategy meeting at breakfast to discuss how to proceed. After discussing several options (excavating north k110, working in k13, cutting a trench in front of the apron, excavating down in J6k84, and making a sounding in k100) we decided to work in k100. We will remove the backfill and then go down to see if we can find the bottom of the first staircase (f380) and get enough ceramic material for a solid date of construction. We have three full days of excavation left so we should be able to go down a substantial amount as k100 is very narrow. [T815CJC.J]
-SGT817Today we decided to go down until the bottom of the pit (a12) in the southwest corner of k100. We will remove all of the fill f383 until we reach the bottom and then we will use the section of the cut (f382) to decide how to proceed in the rest of k100. We should be able to see in the section if there is a good stopping point. [T819CJC.J]
-SGT818We will remove as many of the pebble and sherd floors as possible to reach a suitable stopping point for the season. We hope to reach the gray layer we see in the section of the cut (f382). We will also try and cut back all our sections to make them as neat as possible for the final photos. [T819CJC.J]
-SG.riT723We had a meeting with gB, fAB and pC. The strategy will be to start excavation in front of the revetment wall (f128) in k13, down to the escarpment and then following the escarpment around in front of the apron. gB would prefer not to excavate in front of the apron as not to damage it. [T725CJC.J]
-SG.riT730We have settled on a strategy in which we will begin the excavations by following the layers visible in the west section of k100 across k110. We will go down in k110 before attempting to follow the layers in any of the other loci such as k4 and k5. We will not leave a north baulk as it would block the apron and prevent us from seeing the connections of the layers with the apron (f131). Because k110 is only 3.5m the south section will serve as the east-west section (instead of the traditional north section). [T801CJC.J]
-SG.riT810Today we focused on understanding the accumulations in k15. Yesterday we decided that the best strategy was to excavate down from the latest features (f371, f339) and try and follow them in k15 instead of going across from the west baulk of k5. We started by removing f371, the flaky gray layer on top of f339. We wanted to remove the hard gray layer f339. It was relayed and then we began removing it. We wanted to investigate this feature as pC had suggested it may have been the glacis (f319) referred to in the earlier excavations, now only preserved in the areas we removed under the baulks we cut back at the beginning of the season (f338 and f341). When we picked the hard layer however it came apart very differently in the two areas where the pickmen were working. Coming down from the north Kamiron found that the hard gray layer was very hard and thick (about 3cm or more) and when picked it removed a 10cm layer underneath as well. In contrast, in the SW corner where Mohammed Kher was working we found that f339 was extremely thin and came off easily revealing a dramatic pink layer (f373). This layer is soft and easily damaged with the pick. Because we found the gray layer (f339) overlaying several different features we suppose it is part of the erosion we see in the south section the cut of which we have defined as f336. I think it is likely that f339 is the last moment after the erosion when a small surface forms on top of all the layers which were exposed by the erosion which is then covered by the brickfall (f338, f341). Because we have now exposed several layers (f373, f348, f374)due to the nature of the removal of f339 we decided to change our strategy slightly. [T810CJC.J]
-SYT725Ideally we would like to reestablish the previous squares following the site-wide grid for excavations this year. bP is not in the field this year and so her former assistant Adeeb is doing to surveying. Unfortunately J2 is down so low and is lacking in previously established points making it difficult to reestablish the squares. Today we tried to place some squares but they were in the wrong place. Tomorrow we will try again by placing to lines, one on the north-south grid and one on the east-west grid and then placing a stake where they cross. From there we can reestablish some squares. This may be less accurate than using the surveying machine, but right now it is impossible to put the points using the survey machine. [T725CJC.J]
-SYT801There are still problems with the markers, they have not been entered into the computer yet and may not be accurate. We are awaiting the arrival of a new surveyor to double-check the points. Until then we will relay any markers before removing them so we can check them against older points if needed. [T801CJC.J]
-SYT805Adeeb came to remeasure our markers today for the correct elevations. We hope to be able to have the measurements next week. [T805CJC.J]
-SY.riT826After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. [T826CJC.J]
-WKT802Hussein, a pickman, has gone to work in J6. We will continue the excavations in J2 one locus at a time with only 2 pickmen (Mohammed Ker and Kamiron). We will retain all 5 shovelmen (Akmed, Fawass, Abdee, Khudur, and Saleh) and our two wheelbarrow drivers (Ali and Rodi). [T802CJC.J]
-WKT808Saleh did not come today. Abdee had a toothache but stayed to work anyways. We were able to manage as we were excavating close to the shaffat. Our team now consists of 2 pickmen, 5 shovelmen (when all are present) and 1 wheelbarrow driver. [T808CJC.J]
-WKT809Saleh returned to work today and Abdee was feeling better so we are operating at full strength. We seem to have to many shovelmen now that we have started excavating with so much detail and using the brushes. I spoke to fAB about possibly adding a pickman and suggested that perhaps I could give a shovelman to another unit in exchange for a pickman. [T809CJC.J]
-WKT816Last Thursday we gave 2 shovelmen to J6 so we are operating with a team of six workmen. Two pickmen, 3 shovelmen and a wheelbarrow driver. We take the dirt down the big trench (J6k200, J2k200) so it will be available for backfill. [T816CJC.J]
A0001O01V104v0522 [T921CJC.J]
A0005A03UZ03^use3 [T914CJC.J]
A0006A01UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
A0007A01T817^mnacs [T914CJC.J]
A0008O01UZ17v0509 [T921CJC.J]
A0009A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
A0009O01V104v0520 [T921CJC.J]
A0010O99V105There is no photograph of this aggregate or its constituent components. [T816CJC.J]
A0012A21T816pit [T816CJC.J]
A0012A35T816v197b [T816CJC.J]
A0012B11T816sharp cut across the southeast corner of k100 (f382) and its fill (f383) [T816CJC.J]
A0012G09T816f304 [T816CJC.J]
A0012G09T816f382 [T816CJC.J]
A0012G09T816f383 [T816CJC.J]
A0012O01T816v0193 [T827CJC.J]
F0001I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0001I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0001I12V516Cleaning of trench [V516CJC.J]
F0001O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0001O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0002A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0002I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0002I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0002I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0002O03UY19w0005 [UY19CJC.J]
F0002O03UY19w0009 [UY19CJC.J]
F0002O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0002O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0003I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0003I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0003I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0008 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0009 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0003O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0004I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0004I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0004O03UY19w0005 [UY19CJC.J]
F0004O03UY19w0009 [UY19CJC.J]
F0004O03UY19w0020 [UY19CJC.J]
F0004O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0004O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0005I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0005I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0005O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
F0005O03UY19w0009 [UY19CJC.J]
F0005O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0005O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0005O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0006A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0006I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0006I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0006I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0006O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
F0006O03UY19w0007 [UY19CJC.J]
F0006O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0006O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0007A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0007I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0007I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0007I12VY21Elevation [VY21CJC.J]
F0007O03UY19w0007 [UY19CJC.J]
F0007O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0007O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0008I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0008I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0008I12V516Based on v7 it appears to overlay f24 (stones). [V516CJC.J]
F0008O03UY19w0005 [UY19CJC.J]
F0008O03UY19w0020 [UY19CJC.J]
F0008O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0008O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0009A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0009I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0009I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0009I12V516Tannur sits in f7, dates to same stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0009I12VY21Tannur feature of scattered use [VY21CJC.J]
F0009O03UY19w0001 [UY19CJC.J]
F0010A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0010I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0010I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0010I12V516Fill of tannur that sits in f7 [V516CJC.J]
F0010I12VY21Tannur feature of scattered use [VY21CJC.J]
F0011I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0011I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0011I12VY21Elevation same as tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0011O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
F0011O03UY19w0011 [UY19CJC.J]
F0011O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0011O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0011O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0012A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0012I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0012I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0012I12V516working floor associated with tannur. [V516CJC.J]
F0012I12VY21Floor near tannur [VY21CJC.J]
F0012O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
F0013I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0013I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0013I12V516Sits inside of f7, which is just under topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0013O03UY19w0001 [UY19CJC.J]
F0014I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0014I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0015A03UZ03^use3 [T914CJC.J]
F0015I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0015I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0015I12V516Association with the floating stones (f26) indicates that this layer was deposited during a period of scattered use. No conclusive date from ceramics. [V516CJC.J]
F0015O03UY19w0007 [UY19CJC.J]
F0015O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0015O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0016A03UZ03^use3 [T914CJC.J]
F0016I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0016I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0016I12V516Association with the floating stones (f24) indicates that this layer was deposited during a period of scattered use. No conclusive date from ceramics. [V516CJC.J]
F0016O03UY19w0005 [UY19CJC.J]
F0016O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0016O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0017A03UZ03^use3 [T914CJC.J]
F0017I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0017I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0017I12V516Association with the floating stones (f26) indicates that this layer was deposited during a period of scattered use. No conclusive date from ceramics. [V516CJC.J]
F0017O03UY19w0002 [UY19CJC.J]
F0018A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0018I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0018I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0018I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0018O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0018O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0019A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0019I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0019I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0019I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0020A03T914^apr2 [T914CJC.J]
F0020C10UZ22This feature was originally thought to be part of the revetment wall but as pC discusses above it was later understood to be part of the second apron (^apr2). Because there are no photographs it is difficult to determine. The relays suggest it is in the location of the apron rather than the wall. [U809YM.J]
F0020I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0020I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0020I12V516Although this feature was originally identified as part of the revetment wall (f128) further analysis by pC indicates that it was actually a line of stones associated with the second apron (f132) and thus has been assigned to the stratum with the second apron, rather than the revetment wall. [V516CJC.J]
F0020I12VY21Part of second apron [VY21CJC.J]
F0020O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0021A03T914^apr1 [T914CJC.J]
F0021B11UZ22Line of stones that form the western edge of the first apron (^apr1). [U809YM.J]
F0021I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0021I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0021I12V516This feature is a row of stones that is part of the construction of the first apron (f131). The apron has been dated by the ceramics that abut the lower steps and this upper layer has been assigned to the same stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0021I12VY21Part of first apron [VY21CJC.J]
F0022A03UZ03^use3 [T914CJC.J]
F0022D06UZ229165 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0022I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0022I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0022I12V516Association with the floating stones (f27) indicates that this layer was deposited during a period of scattered use. No conclusive date from ceramics. [V516CJC.J]
F0022I12VY21Scattered use associated with floating stones. [VY21CJC.J]
F0022O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0022O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0022O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0023I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0023I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0024I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0024I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0024I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. [V516CJC.J]
F0025I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0025I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0025I12V516Layer just below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0025O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0026I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0026I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0026I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. [V516CJC.J]
F0026O03UY19w0002 [UY19CJC.J]
F0027I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0027I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0027I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. [V516CJC.J]
F0027I12VY21Elevation of this feature is low enough to be part of accumulations associated with the large floating stones. [VY21CJC.J]
F0028I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0028I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0028I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. [V516CJC.J]
F0028O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0028O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0029A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0029I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0029I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0029I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0029O03UY19w0008 [UY19CJC.J]
F0029O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0029O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0030I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0030I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0030I12VY21Just below topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0030O03UY19w0008 [UY19CJC.J]
F0030O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0030O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0030O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0031I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0031I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0031I12VY21Thick feature, may include multiple strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0031O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0031O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0032I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0032I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0032O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0033A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0033I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0033I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0033I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0034A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0034I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0034I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0034I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0034O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0034O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0035C10UZ22Bottom elevation recovered from type of contact, using top elevation of f121. [U809YM.J]
F0035D01UZ22k14 [U809YM.J]
F0035D06UZ229137@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0035I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0035I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0035I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0036A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0036I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0036I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0036I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0037I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0037I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0037I12V516Accumulation just below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0037I12VY21Accumulation under topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0037O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0037O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0038A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0038I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0038I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0038I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0039I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0039I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0039I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0040D01UZ22k82 [U809YM.J]
F0040D01UZ22k92 [U809YM.J]
F0040I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0040I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0040I12V516Modern cut of German trench [V516CJC.J]
F0040O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0041D01UZ22k72 [U809YM.J]
F0041I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0041I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0041I12V516Modern cut of German trench [V516CJC.J]
F0042A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0042D01UZ22k33 [U809YM.J]
F0042I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0042I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0042I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0043I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0043I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0043I12V516Same as f34 and f37. Includes material from both s30 and s20. [V516CJC.J]
F0043I12VY21Same as f37 [VY21CJC.J]
F0044C10UZ22Elevations were recovered from the q-lot [U809YM.J]
F0044D06UZ229232@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0044D06UZ229272@top [U809YM.J]
F0044I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0044I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0044I12V516Topsoil. This feature is thick and also includes material below the topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0045I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0045I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0045I12VY21Scattered stones [VY21CJC.J]
F0045O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0046D06UZ239223@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0046I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0046I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0047I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0047I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0047O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0047O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0048I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0048I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0048I12VY21Accumulation above the staircase, may be part of use [VY21CJC.J]
F0049I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0049I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0049I12VY21Pit from last use dug into this feature [VY21CJC.J]
F0050A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0050I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0050I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0050I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0051D06UZ239113 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0051I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0051I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0051I12VY21layer at the same elevation as some of the floating stones in the upper layers. See v27 [VY21CJC.J]
F0051O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0051O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0051O08UZ15p0009 [T330PC.J]
F0052D06UZ239247 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0052I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0052I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0052I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0053A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0053I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0053I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0053I12V516Topsoil. This feature is thick and also includes material below the topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0054C10UZ23Bottom elevation was not recorded because the pit was not excavated. See note on f55 [U809YM.J]
F0054I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0054I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0054I12VY21Pit from last use in J2 [VY21CJC.J]
F0055I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0055I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0055I12VY21Pit from last use in J2 [VY21CJC.J]
F0056D06UZ239257 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0056D06UZ239332 @top [U809YM.J]
F0056I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0056I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0056I12V516Topsoil. This baulk is thick and also includes material below the topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0057A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0057I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0057I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0057I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0057I12VY21topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0058A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0058I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0058I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0058I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0058I12VY21topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0058O03UY19w0010 [UY19CJC.J]
F0058O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0059I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0059I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0059I12VY21Ashy use associated with the pits [VY21CJC.J]
F0059K08UZ23ashy [U809YM.J]
F0060I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0060I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0060I12V516Based only on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0060I12VY21Pit from last use in J2 cuts down into this feature. [VY21CJC.J]
F0061I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0061I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0061I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. [V516CJC.J]
F0061I12VY21Accumulation associated with the floating stones above the monumental access, pit from later use cuts down into this layer. [VY21CJC.J]
F0062I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0062I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0062I12VY21Accumulation associated with the floating stones above the monumental access [VY21CJC.J]
F0063I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0063I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0063I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0064A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0064I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0064I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0064I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0064O03UY19w0012 [UY19CJC.J]
F0064O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0065I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0065I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0065I12V516Although this layer is just under topsoil it is very thick and includes more deposits from s60 than s30. [V516CJC.J]
F0065I12VY21Although this feature is just below the topsoil it probably includes material from multiple strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0065O03UY19w0010 [UY19CJC.J]
F0065O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0066I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0066I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0066I12V516Although this layer is just under topsoil it is very thick and includes more deposits from s60 than s30. [V516CJC.J]
F0066I12VY21This baulk is very thick, almost 1 meter in depth. It likely includes material from multiple strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0067A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0067A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0067I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0067I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0067I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0067I12VY21Scattered use including tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0067K05UZ23brown [U809YM.J]
F0067K08UZ23compact with pebbles [U809YM.J]
F0068A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0068I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0068I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0068I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0068O03UY19w0013 [UY19CJC.J]
F0069A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0069I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0069I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0069I12V516Tannur sits in this feature, belongs with layers associated with tannurs and reuse of the area. [V516CJC.J]
F0069I12VY21Scattered use including tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0070I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0070I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0070I12V516Topsoil. Baulk may include other layers, not just topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0071D06UZ239200@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0071I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0071I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0071I12V516Topsoil. Baulk may include other layers, not just topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0072I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0072I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0072I12V516Tannur indicates that this is the period of reuse. [V516CJC.J]
F0072I12VY21Scattered use including tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0073I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0073I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0073I12V516Fill of tannur associated with area reuse. [V516CJC.J]
F0073I12VY21Scattered use including tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0074A35UZ27v57 [U809YM.J]
F0074D06UZ279200 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0074I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0074I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0074I12V516Bakaya layer associated with the construction of ^apr1, ^stair1 and ^mnacs [V516CJC.J]
F0074I12VY21Bakaya surface associated with the construction of the temple terrace. [VY21CJC.J]
F0074O03UY19w0012 [UY19CJC.J]
F0074O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0075C33UZ27Because this feature was excavated as a baulk, many attributes such as color, hardness, and texture were not recorded. Also, there is no photograph of this feature. [U809YM.J]
F0075I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0075I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0075I12V516Layer below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0076D06UZ279189 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0076I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0076I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0076I12V516Below the scattered accumulations, period of abandonment while the MA focus is on the western area (J5) [V516CJC.J]
F0076O03UY19w0016 [UY19CJC.J]
F0076O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0076O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0077I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0077I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0077I12V516Topsoil. Baulk includes layers under topsoil as well. [V516CJC.J]
F0078A03UZ03^use4 [T914CJC.J]
F0078I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0078I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0078I12V516Tannur sits in this feature, belongs with layers associated with tannurs and reuse of the area. [V516CJC.J]
F0078I12VY21Scattered use including tannurs [VY21CJC.J]
F0078O03UY19w0012 [UY19CJC.J]
F0079I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0079I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0079I12V516This feature is thick and mixed from more than one strata but the uppermost levels belong to the assigned strata. [V516CJC.J]
F0080I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0080I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0080I12V516Accumulations covering the revetment wall [V516CJC.J]
F0080I12VY21Accumulations building up with area no longer in use [VY21CJC.J]
F0080O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0080O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0080O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0081A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0081D06UZ279072 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0081I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0081I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0081I12VY21Accumulation covering the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0081O03UY19w0017 [UY19CJC.J]
F0081O03UY19w0018 [UY19CJC.J]
F0081O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0081O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0081O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0082A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0082C33UZ27The color, texture and hardness were not recorded for this feature. Additionally, the bottom elevation was not recorded either in the feature or the q-lots. [U809YM.J]
F0082I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0082I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0082I12VY21Accumulation covering the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0082O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0082O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0083I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0083I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0083I12V516Scattered use of the area after majority of the area, except the upper levels of the second apron (^apr2), are covered. Elevation sme as stones f26 and f24. [V516CJC.J]
F0084I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0084I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0084I12V516Floating stones above second apron. High elevation indicates they are earlier. [V516CJC.J]
F0084I12VY21Floating stones in the elevations above when the area was covered, including most of the second apron. [VY21CJC.J]
F0085I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0085I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0085I12V516Tannur indicates that this is the period of reuse. [V516CJC.J]
F0085I12VY21Scattered use at the end of J2's use [VY21CJC.J]
F0086I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0086I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0086I12V516Fill of tannur associated with area reuse. [V516CJC.J]
F0086I12VY21Scattered use at the end of J2's use [VY21CJC.J]
F0087A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0087I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0087I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0087I12VY21Accumulation covering the top of the revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0087O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0087O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0087O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0088C33UZ27Because this feature was excavated volumetrically as a baulk it was not photographed and descriptive attributes were not recorded. [U809YM.J]
F0088D06UZ279130 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0088I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0088I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0088I12V516Topsoil. Baulk includes layers under topsoil as well. [V516CJC.J]
F0088I12VY21Baulk including multiple features. Topmost features are topsoil level. [VY21CJC.J]
F0089D06UZ279175 @top [U809YM.J]
F0089I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0089I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0089I12V516Bakaya layer associated with the construction of ^apr1, ^stair1 and ^mnacs [V516CJC.J]
F0089I12VY21Bakaya surface associated with the construction of the temple terrace. [VY21CJC.J]
F0089O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0090A35UZ27v10 [U809YM.J]
F0090I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0090I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0090I12V516same as f32 [V516CJC.J]
F0090I12VY21Accumulations supporting floating stones [VY21CJC.J]
F0091C10UZ27Elevations recovered from q-lots. Top elevation is probably higher as there are 2 q-lots without elevations recorded before the elevation given here. [U809YM.J]
F0091D06UZ279103 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0091D06UZ279123 @top [U809YM.J]
F0091I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0091I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0091I12V516same as f32 [V516CJC.J]
F0091I12VY21Accumulations supporting floating stones [VY21CJC.J]
F0092I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0092I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0092I12V516Mixed layers but highest levels are topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0092I12VY21Baulk including multiple features. Topmost features are topsoil level. [VY21CJC.J]
F0093I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0093I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0093I12VY21Scatterred stones in upper elevations [VY21CJC.J]
F0094C33UZ27Because this feature was excavated volumetrically as a baulk descriptive attributes were not recorded. There is also no photograph of this feature. [U809YM.J]
F0094I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0094I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0094I12V516Based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0094I12VY21No view and only one elevation makes this assignment not completely secure. Elevaiton suggests it belongs to this stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0095A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0095I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0095I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0095I12VY21Revetment wall is beginning to be covered. The use areas associated with the flat stone (f154) are covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0095O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0095O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0095O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0096I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0096I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0096I12V516Based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0096I12VY21This feature is fairly thick and may include multiple strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0097A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0097I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0097I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0097I12V516Under the scattered accumulations that represent s60 [V516CJC.J]
F0097I12VY21Associated with f98 and f99 which are place in this stratum based on elevations. [VY21CJC.J]
F0098A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0098I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0098I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0098I12V516Under the scattered accumulations that represent s60 [V516CJC.J]
F0098I12VY21Based on elevation. There is no view of this feature. [VY21CJC.J]
F0099A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0099I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0099I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0099I12V516Under the scattered accumulations that represent s60 [V516CJC.J]
F0099I12VY21Just covering the use after the brickfall, as the revetment wall is beginning to be covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0100I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0100I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0100I12VY21Large stones floating in upper levels above staircase. [VY21CJC.J]
F0101A03UZ03^use2 [T914CJC.J]
F0101I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0101I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0101I12V516Immediately above the brickfall, associated with the reuse of the area after it was covered by brickfall [V516CJC.J]
F0101I12VY21Use above the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0102I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0102I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0102I12V516Associated with f101, which is above the brickfall, yet this feature is below the scattered reuse in subsequent phases [V516CJC.J]
F0102I12VY21Use floor associated with the use after the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0102O03UY19w0017 [UY19CJC.J]
F0102O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0102O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0103A03UZ03^use2 [T914CJC.J]
F0103A35UZ27v40 [U809YM.J]
F0103I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0103I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0103I12V516Directly under f95 [V516CJC.J]
F0103I12VY21Revetment wall is beginning to be covered. The use areas associated with the flat stone (f154) are covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0103O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0103O03UY19w0021 [UY19CJC.J]
F0103O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0103O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0103O03WX17w0021c [UY19CJC.J]
F0104I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0104I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0104I12V516Modern cut of German trench [V516CJC.J]
F0104I12VY21Remnant of previous excavations [VY21CJC.J]
F0104O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0104O03UY19w0016 [UY19CJC.J]
F0104O03UY19w0019 [UY19CJC.J]
F0104O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0104O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105A03UZ03^use2 [T914CJC.J]
F0105I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0105I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0105I12V516Associated with the ashy use phases that are linked to the use of the large stone f154 [V516CJC.J]
F0105I12VY21Bricky surface, indicating the use on top of the degraded brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0105O03UY19w0017 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105O03UY19w0018 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0105O03WX17w0021b [UY19CJC.J]
F0106A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0106I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0106I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0106I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0106I12VY21Bricky surface, indicating the use on top of the degraded brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0107D06UZ279237 @top [U809YM.J]
F0107I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0107I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0107I12VY21Floating stones in the elevations above when the area was covered, including most of the second apron. [VY21CJC.J]
F0108I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0108I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0108I12V516Above the brickfall, possibly part of the reuse of the area after a period of abandonment. [V516CJC.J]
F0108I12VY21Ashy reuse after the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0109A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0109I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0109I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0109I12V516Under f76 [V516CJC.J]
F0109I12VY21Covering use towards end of brickfall, coming up to elevations equal to top of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0109K07UZ27soft [U809YM.J]
F0109K08UZ27powdery [U809YM.J]
F0109O03UY19w0019 [UY19CJC.J]
F0109O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0109O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0110I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0110I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0110I12V516Large volumetric feature that may include several levels of accumulations, but its top surface is the same as f105 and so it has been assigned to the same stratum as f105. [V516CJC.J]
F0110I12VY21Top portion is level with the use after the brickfall but the feature is very thick and extends down and therefore likely also includes some brickfall material. [VY21CJC.J]
F0111I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0111I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0111I12V516This feature is a meter in depth and probably includes multiple strata. [V516CJC.J]
F0111I12VY21Thick accumulation, mostly falls into the post-brickfall use, but builds-up to cover that use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0111O03UY19w0016 [UY19CJC.J]
F0111O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0111O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0111O03WX17w0021a [UY19CJC.J]
F0112A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0112A35UZ27v50 [U809YM.J]
F0112I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0112I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0112I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0112I12VY21Just below the flat stone f154, associated with the use after the brickfall, see v77 [VY21CJC.J]
F0113I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0113I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0113I12V516Layer just below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0113I12VY21Accumulation under the topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0114I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0114I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0114I12V516See pC's reasoning. [V516CJC.J]
F0114I12VY21This feature is a baulk feature in the upper levels, it probably is mostly accumulations after the area was used, but due to overall depth may contain material from earlier strata as well. [VY21CJC.J]
F0115I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0115I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0115I12V516See pC's reasoning. [V516CJC.J]
F0115I12VY21Baulk feature spanning more than 1 meter in depth. May contain materials from multiple strata. Dated to latest strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0116I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0116I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0116I12V516Elevation at the same levels as other use areas. [V516CJC.J]
F0116I12VY21This feature spans elevations equivalent to different use areas and accuulations. It has a small walking floor in it which can probably be attributed to s155-J2A (post-brickfall use). There are more accumulations then covering the revetment wall which spans the phase of s150-J2A. The upper portion likely is part of the later accumulations attributed to s80-J2A [VY21CJC.J]
F0117A35UZ27v62 [U809YM.J]
F0117I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0117I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0117I12V516Layer just below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0117I12VY21Accumulation under the topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0118I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0118I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0118I12V516Layer just below topsoil, same as f113. [V516CJC.J]
F0118I12VY21Accumulation under the topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0118O03UY19w0022 [UY19CJC.J]
F0119I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0119I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0119I12VY21Elevation indicates this feature is just above the brickfall, and the packed sherds indicate that it was a part of the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0120I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0120I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0120I12V516Column under stones f84 [V516CJC.J]
F0120I12VY21Accumulation supporting stones of late use above second apron. [VY21CJC.J]
F0121C33UZ27Because this feature was excavated volumetrically as a baulk descriptive attributes were not recorded and no photograph was taken. [U809YM.J]
F0121I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0121I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0121I12V516See pC's reasoning. [V516CJC.J]
F0121I12VY21Thick baulk feature that may contail multiple deposits [VY21CJC.J]
F0122I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0122I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0122I12V516Accumulation covering f129. The layers above this feature are part of s60 and so even though this feature does not share the indications of scattered use that other features in s70 do, it is at the same elevation and fits stratigraphically into this stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0123I01VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0123I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0123I12VY21This feature is a baulk and may contain multiple deposits. [VY21CJC.J]
F0124A35UZ27v41 [U809YM.J]
F0124I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0124I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0124I12V516No types of contact were recorded but in v41 it appears to cover f118. The alternative is that it is a baulk feature equal to f118. Because of the ambiguity I have assigned it to the same stratum as f118. [V516CJC.J]
F0124I12VY21Equivalent to f118, which was the natural accumulation under the topsoil. [VY21CJC.J]
F0124O03UY19w0022 [UY19CJC.J]
F0125A03UZ03^use2 [T914CJC.J]
F0125I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0125I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0125I12V516Associated with the levels linked to the use of f154, the large flat stone on top of the apron (f131) [V516CJC.J]
F0125I12VY21Exposed during the use of stone f154 [VY21CJC.J]
F0125O03UY19w0021 [UY19CJC.J]
F0125O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0125O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0126C30UZ27The elevation given in the feature log was listed using a relay which produced the top elevation error. When the elevation is calculated by hand using the elevation of the relay as a starting point the elevation is calculated at 8994, which is below the listed bottom elevation. The top elevation is therefore unknown. [U809YM.J]
F0126D06UZ278994 @top [U809YM.J]
F0126I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0126I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0126I12VY21Although this feature contains mixed materials from f125 and f103 it can not be securely dated. Likely the majority of the material belongs to f155, the period of post-brickfall use, however, the upper portions, just under the stone (as well as the stone) are part of the accumulation after. [VY21CJC.J]
F0127A03T817^mnacs [T914CJC.J]
F0127A03UY15^wall3 [T914CJC.J]
F0127F02T721<8ab f0334 [T721CJC.J]
F0127I01VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0127I03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0127I10T916Appears to be a later construction, an addition to the apron. It is probably dated to this strata as this is the only phase where major modifications were made to the temple terrace in all JP. There is no specific data from J2 to support assignment to this strata but based on comparison with J1 and the building of the second escarpment it fits with the general development of the temple terrace. [T916CJC.J]
F0127I12V516Appears to be a later construction, an addition to the apron. It is probably dated to this stratum as this is the only phase where major modifications were made to the temple terrace in all JP. There is no specific data from J2 to support assignment to this stratum but based on comparison with J1 and the building of the second escarpment it fits with the general development of the temple terrace. [V516CJC.J]
F0127I12VY21The construction of this wall indicates that it was a later addition to the monumental complex. It is not bonded to either the first apron (f131) or the revetment wall (f128). gB has also noted that it appears to cut through one of the triangle "mountain" shapes that are patterned into the revetment wall, indicating it was not part of the initial design. Despite not being part of the initial construction the addition came not long after the construction as indicated by the few layers that had time to build-up between the two moments of construction. Based on comparisons with J1 it seems that this stratum was a period of rebuilding and remodeling to prevent water damage. Likely this wall was added to prevent the runoff of water and erosion on the western edge of the apron. [VY21CJC.J]
F0127O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T719v0148 [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T719v0148b [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0153 [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0153a [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
F0127O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0127O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0127O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0031 [UY19CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0048 [UY19CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0127O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128A03T817^mnacs [T914CJC.J]
F0128A03T914^wall1 [T914CJC.J]
F0128I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0128I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0128I12V930The first escarpment of area J1 is dated to the early EDIII period and it is believed to be associated with the construction of this wall. In J2 the first accumulation associated with the base of the wall was not clearly identified, but the layers associated with the lowest levels of the revetment wall are primarily dated to early EDIII or the mid EDIII, which fits with the J1 material. [V930CJC.J]
F0128O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T719v0149 [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0153a [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0128O01T725v0161a [T826CJC3.J]
F0128O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0128O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0128O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0128O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0128O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0128O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0015 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0040 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0128O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0129A03UY15^wall2 [T914CJC.J]
F0129F02V105<6le f0333 [U809YM.J]
F0129I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0129I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0129O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T719v0149 [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
F0129O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0129O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0129O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0129O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0129O01T921v0206b [T921CJC.J]
F0129O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0129O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0130A03T817^mnacs [T914CJC.J]
F0130A03T914^stair2 [T914CJC.J]
F0130F02T819>1ov f0380 [T819CJC2.J]
F0130I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0130I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0130O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T719v0149 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T719v0150 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
F0130O01T725v0160 [T826CJC3.J]
F0130O01T725v0160a [T826CJC3.J]
F0130O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
F0130O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
F0130O01T812v0180a [T826CJC3.J]
F0130O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0206b [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0130O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0041 [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0042 [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0049a [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0049b [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0049c [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
F0130O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131A03T817^mnacs [T914CJC.J]
F0131A03T914^apr1 [T914CJC.J]
F0131F02T808<8ab f0368 [T808CJC.J]
F0131F02T829<8ab f0365 [T829CJC.J]
F0131F02T829<8ab f0378 [T829CJC.J]
F0131F02T830<8ab f0365 [T830CJC.J]
F0131I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0131I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0131O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T719v0148b [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T719v0149 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T719v0150 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
F0131O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T801v0164 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T801v0164b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0166b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0166c [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T802v0167b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T806v0169 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0170 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0170a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0170b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0180 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0180a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0181a [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
F0131O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0187c [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0188 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T813v0189a [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T814v0191 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T814v0191a [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0131O01T827v0191 [T827CJC3.J]
F0131O01T827v0191a [T827CJC3.J]
F0131O01T921v0205 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0205a [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0206b [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0043 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0045 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0046 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0047 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0131O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0132A03T914^apr2 [T914CJC.J]
F0132I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0132I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0132I12V516Second apron, constructed after the first apron was no longer in use. [V516CJC.J]
F0132I12V930Based on discussions with jW about the continuation of the second apron in J3 we are now unable to identify why this feature was assigned to the Mittani period. Some of the accumulations that abut the stones are Mittani but these may have been a result of the covering of the area during the Mittani period. If the accumulations against the apron were early Mittani it would argue more strongly in favor of a Mittani assignment as the accumulations in J2 were relatively low during the early Mittani period. If the accumulations, however, are late Mittani it might suggest that they only accumulated after the plaza had been filled and the accumulations covered the whole area. The bakaya found under the apron probably dates to the time of construction of the monumental access, reflecting the surface of the terrace in the third millennium. [V930CJC.J]
F0132O01T719v0148 [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
F0132O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
F0133I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0133I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0133I12V516Bakaya layer associated with the construction of ^apr1, ^stair1 and ^mnacs [V516CJC.J]
F0133I12VY21Bakaya between stones. The Bakaya on top of the temple terrace has been attributed to the third millennium everywhere it was found. It appears that during the period of construction and use of the Temple terrace it was covered on top with a red bricky layer and backed with bayaka to protect the area. This bakaya at the top of the revetment wall is contemperaneous with the other constructions around the JP area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0134I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0134I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0134I12V516Fill between the revetment wall and second apron that is possibly related to the construction phase of the second apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0134I12VY21This gap was created when the second apron was constructed. It is unclear when after construction the gap filled in. gB suggested that this gap was intentionally created as a water diversion tactic [VY21CJC.J]
F0135I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0135I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0135I12V516Upper layers of brickfall based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0135I12VY21Elevation equivalent to upper level brickfall features, covers some of the features associated with the brickfall use areas. Exposed between seasons so possibly contaminated. [VY21CJC.J]
F0136I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0136I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0136I12V516brickfall [V516CJC.J]
F0136I12VY21Elevation equivalent to upper level brickfall features, covers some of the features associated with the brickfall use areas. Exposed between seasons so possibly contaminated. [VY21CJC.J]
F0137A35UZ29L_W18d0907 J2w107 T311 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0137I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0137I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0137I12V516Upper, highly eroded portion of brickfall [V516CJC.J]
F0137I12VY21Although this feature is potentially contaminated due to inter-season build-up, it is at the elevation equivalent with the post-brickfall use of the area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0137O03UY19w0102 [UY19CJC.J]
F0137O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0137O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0137O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0138I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0138I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0138I12V516Upper layers of brickfall based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0138I12VY21Same as accumulation of k140 which is clearly part of the use during brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0138O03UY19w0029 [UY19CJC.J]
F0139I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0139I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0139I12V516Covers wall f144, indicating it is part of the second phase of the brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0139I12VY21Covering use towards end of brickfall [VY21CJC.J]
F0140I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0140I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0140I12V516Upper layers of brickfall based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0140I12VY21Use area during brickfall, between construction of f232 and f144 [VY21CJC.J]
F0140O03UY19w0029 [UY19CJC.J]
F0140O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0140O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0141A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0141I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0141I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0141I12V516Laminations on top of first brickfall layers, possibly indicating the area was exposed to water, it abuts the floor f142 [V516CJC.J]
F0141I12VY21Use area during brickfall, between construction of f232 and f144. see v78 [VY21CJC.J]
F0142A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0142C10UZ29The sherd that was identified as "Khabur" (q373.3) is likely a Mittani sherd based on the stratigraphy of the area. [U809YM.J]
F0142C33UZ29Bottom elevation was not recorded for the feature or the q-lot. [U809YM.J]
F0142I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0142I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0142I12V516Notes indicate there was a Khabur sherd embedded in this, but it could also be Mittani. This layer probably represents the upper levels of the late Mittani occupation before the construction of the second apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0142I12VY21Use floor associated with the use during the brickfall. Eventually this use was covered up and the stone f154 was put in place. Although the sherds are noted as Khabur by the excavators it is clear that this period should date to the Mittani phase. [VY21CJC.J]
F0143A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0143I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0143I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0143I12V516Associated with the use of wall f144 [V516CJC.J]
F0143I12VY21Use area during brickfall, between construction of f232 and f144. see v78 [VY21CJC.J]
F0144A02V103f0265 [U809YM.J]
F0144A03T914^ctwl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0144I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0144I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0144I12V516small curtain wall inside the brickfall layers. This wall, along with f232, argue that the brickfall either took place over a long time or as two distinct events. The walls were built while the area was still filling in with brickfall. mH notes that it might have been a reconstruction of f232 that was keep the brickfall away from the staircase [V516CJC.J]
F0144I12VY21Small curtain wall construction during the mid-brickfall use. An attempt to reclaim the area that was ultimately unsuccessful. [VY21CJC.J]
F0144O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0145A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0145I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0145I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0145I12VY21Use area during brickfall, between construction of f232 and f144. see v78 [VY21CJC.J]
F0146I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0146I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0146I12V516Collapse of edges of trench, no stratigraphic importance. [V516CJC.J]
F0146I12VY21Cleaning operation in k100 so without proper context [VY21CJC.J]
F0147C10UZ29The elevations are recovered from the relays. They do not represent the top or bottom of an individual stone but rather represent the range of elevations in which the stones fall. [U809YM.J]
F0147D06UZ298949 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0147D06UZ298976 @top [U809YM.J]
F0147I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0147I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0147I12V516Same elevation as curtain wall f144 (see v78). [V516CJC.J]
F0147I12VY21At te same elevation as use areas between brickfall. See v80. [VY21CJC.J]
F0148B11UZ29Pedestal under stones of f147. Approximately the same as f139 the material that surrounded the area around the stones. [U809YM.J]
F0148I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0148I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0148I12VY21At the same elevation use areas between brickfall. See v80. [VY21CJC.J]
F0149I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0149I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0149I12V516Abuts f144 indicating it was an accumulation that built up while the wall was in use. [V516CJC.J]
F0149I12VY21Brickfall covering use area associated with wall f144. [VY21CJC.J]
F0150A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0150B11UZ29Ashy red accumulation associated with the use in front of the apron during the brickfall phase. See v100. [U809YM.J]
F0150I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0150I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0150I12V516Use of the area after the brickfall 1 (during process of brickfall) with scattered intensive use, burning, ash, hard patches, etc. [V516CJC.J]
F0150I12VY21At the level of the small curtain walls. See v115. Although this feature is discussed as possibly similar to f174 and f171, it is not. At the time of the notes the excvators had not yet seen the slope of the accumulations near the revetment wall. These feature sloped down away from the wall and therefore accumulations such as f150 are coming up, filling in the sloped area, with the top elevations the same as EDIII accumulations closer to the wall in some cases. [VY21CJC.J]
F0151I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0151I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0151I12V516Elevation. Sits in brickfall layers associated with use. See v100. [V516CJC.J]
F0151I12VY21This stone is embedded in the middle brickfall accumulation, indicates it probably fell sometime during the use before it was covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0152F02Y117<5si q0400 [Y117CJC.J]
F0152F02Y117<5si q0405 [Y117CJC.J]
F0152I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0152I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0152I12V516Upper layers of brickfall based on elevation, many small finds, appears weathered in views. [V516CJC.J]
F0152I12VY21Upper level of brickfall, might be topped with the use area associated with the large stone f154. [VY21CJC.J]
F0152O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0153I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0153I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0153I12V516Mixed accumulations from the collapse of a trench wall. The collapse portion can be tentatively linked to the pavements and floors in front of the staircase in k100, therefore I have assigned it to this early strata. The context for this deposit is not seperated by feature, however, and may include deposits from other strata and so this feature should not be considered as part of the statistical analyses of this period. [V516CJC.J]
F0153I12VY21This feature includes the scraping and cutting of EDIII accumulations in the lower part of k100. Although all the material is from the early layers it is impossible to assign this kind of operation to a specific strata, so it was left unassigned. [VY21CJC.J]
F0154I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0154I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0154I12V516Use of the area with burning and ashy patches. Could be linked to the construction of the second apron when this area was again used for cultic purposes and the upper levels of the 1st staircase and apron were retouched and the second apron was constructed. At this point they possibly added this large flat stone for ritual purposes. [V516CJC.J]
F0154I12VY21Since this stone has not been removed the materials underneath it are unknown. After the brickfall it appears the area was reused with small patchy accumulations above the brickfall. These use areas and floors may be associated with the use of the this stone as an offering stone. See v76. There are several small patchy areas such as f142 which may be the period of use associated with the placement and use of this stone. [VY21CJC.J]
F0154O01UZ17v0510 [T921CJC.J]
F0155A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0155F02Y117<5si q0406 [Y117CJC.J]
F0155I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0155I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0155I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, covers f144 so part of later brickfall phase [V516CJC.J]
F0156F02Y117<5si q0407 [Y117CJC.J]
F0156I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0156I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0156I12VY21Elevation puts this feature in the range of the post-brickfall use, but it was exposed between seasons and may be contaminated. [VY21CJC.J]
F0156O03UY19w0026 [UY19CJC.J]
F0157A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0157A35UZ29v80 [U809YM.J]
F0157F02Y117<5si q0408 [Y117CJC.J]
F0157I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0157I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0157I12V516About the same elevation as top of revetment wall. See w200. [V516CJC.J]
F0157I12VY21Likely part of the same deposit as f158, but potentially contaminated as it was exposed between seasons. [VY21CJC.J]
F0157O03UY19w0023 [UY19CJC.J]
F0157O03UY19w0024 [UY19CJC.J]
F0157O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0158A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0158I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0158I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0158I12VY21At an elevation equal to the top of the revetment wall, part of the accumulations that covered the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0158O03UY19w0023 [UY19CJC.J]
F0158O03UY19w0024 [UY19CJC.J]
F0158O03UY19w0025 [UY19CJC.J]
F0158O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0158O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0159I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0159I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0159I12V516Same elevation as f125, see w203 [V516CJC.J]
F0159I12VY21This feature spans the transition from the use area associated with the post-brickfall period, and the build-up that covered that use along with the large stone f154. [VY21CJC.J]
F0159O03UY19w0026 [UY19CJC.J]
F0159O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0159O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0160A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0160I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0160I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0160I12VY21Baulk feature spanning almost 1 meter in depth. May contain materials from multiple strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0161A35UZ29L_W18d0912 J2w203 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0161I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0161I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0161I12V516Same elevation as f137, which is abraded upper section of brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0161O03UY19w0026 [UY19CJC.J]
F0161O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0162I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0162I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0162I12V516Layer is within brickfall elevations, inclusion of lots of pottery is typical of brickfall. Although dated to the Khabur it can not be because it is above the Mittani brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0162I12VY21Just after the brickfall, this area with numerous sherds is likely part of the use areas that accumulated on top of the degraded brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0162O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0162O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0162O03Y104w0028 [UY19CJC.J]
F0163I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0163I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0164A35UZ30v123 [U809YM.J]
F0164I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0164I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0164I12V516Just below f154 [V516CJC.J]
F0164I12VY21The upper elevation of this feature indicateds it was likely part of the post-brickfall use of the area, althought the lower portions of this feature (which is almost 1 meter thick) may belong to last phase of brickfall s158-JPD. [VY21CJC.J]
F0164O03UY19w0024 [UY19CJC.J]
F0164O03UY19w0025 [UY19CJC.J]
F0164O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0165I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0165I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0165I12VY21Based on elevation it is part of the post-brickfall use of the area, although it could be the uppermost levels of the degraded brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0166I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0166I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0166I12VY21Mittani sherds (although mixed with some earlier sherds) indicate that this feature is one of the first Mittani deposits in the area in front of the revetment wall. May be mixed because EDIII accumulations were sloping and might be included in later features if the area was excavated in levels. Like f171 and f174 it is difficult to assign these features to an exact strata. They are at a higher elevation than some other Mittani deposits in J2, but they may actually be earlier due to the high elevations of the sloping EDIII layers underneath. It is likely that this feature belongs to sometime in the early Mittani, perhaps contemperaneous with the use after the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0166O03UY19w0029 [UY19CJC.J]
F0166O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0166O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0167A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0167I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0167I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0167I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0167I12VY21Topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0168A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0168A35UZ30v88 [U809YM.J]
F0168I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0168I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0168I12V516At the same elevation as f87. [V516CJC.J]
F0168I12VY21Based on the elevation this layer may include more than one stratum. The majority probably belongs to this stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0168O03UY19w0027 [UY19CJC.J]
F0168O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0169C10UZ30The bottom elevation is the ending elevation of excavations, however, the feature was not completely excavated and may continue down. [U809YM.J]
F0169D06UZ309254@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0169I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0169I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0169I12V516Layer below topsoil. [V516CJC.J]
F0169I12VY21Stratigraphically just under the topsoil, belongs to recent accumulation. [VY21CJC.J]
F0170A35UZ30v89 [U809YM.J]
F0170I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0170I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0170I12V516This stone sits in the layers that were excavated by the German team so it is difficult to assign to a stratum. Based on the elevation between the layers f194 and f381 it may be part of the EDIII layers. Because it can not be determined I am leaving it unassigned. [V516CJC.J]
F0170I12VY21Floating stones sitting in potentially contaminated features, but likely belong to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [VY21CJC.J]
F0171A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0171I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0171I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0171I12V516Equal to f150 [V516CJC.J]
F0171I12VY21Includes mixed EDIII and Mittani sherds. Uppermost levels of EDIII accumulation before covered with Mittani debris. It is unclear which Mittani stratum this feature belongs to. It is at roughly the equivalent elevation as the post-brickfall use (similar to f174), but it would have already been high in the EDIII period, meaning that if it is part of post-brickfall use, there is no build-up during the pre-brickfall Mittani or during the brickfall phase. It may be that this area close to the revetment wall was kept clean and protected from build-up by the construction of the Mittani curtain wall (f288). [VY21CJC.J]
F0171O03UY19w0029 [UY19CJC.J]
F0171O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0171O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0172I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0172I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0172I12VY21Pedestal holding tent pole in k101, that is roughly equivalent to features such as f174, and f140 so it spans several strata. For that reason it is left unassigned. [VY21CJC.J]
F0173I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0173I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0173I12V516Backfill. [V516CJC.J]
F0173I12VY21Contaminated by backfill [VY21CJC.J]
F0174A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0174I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0174I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0174I12V516Ashy layer above brickfall, equal to f150 [V516CJC.J]
F0174I12VY21Interface of EDIII and Mittani. This feature is confusing as the excavators note is is roughly similar to f150, which is the post-brickfall use of the area, but there are no features equivalent to brickfall in k13 so it is possible that during the brickfall phase there was little build-up in this area as it was already higher and sloping down towards the curtain wall (f228), but then how would the upper curtain wall f224, get up so high in relation this feature? Probably because the accumulations from the EDIII slope down away from the revetment wall to the south. Close to the revetment wall this feature is at similar levels to the accumulations associated with the phase right after the brickfall, but as it goes south it slopes down, and is covered by the accumulations such as f200, which has the small curtain wall f224 resting on it. [VY21CJC.J]
F0174O03UY19w0029 [UY19CJC.J]
F0174O03UY19w0107 [UY19CJC.J]
F0174O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0175I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0175I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0175I12VY21Sitting in layers associated with the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0176I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0176I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0176I12VY21The use area after the brickfall begins at approximately tthis elevation. [VY21CJC.J]
F0177A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0177I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0177I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0177I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0177I12VY21Based on the elevation this layer probably belongs to the post-brickfall accumulation, but the excavators did describe it as bricky in consistency, so it could be part of the upper level of the brickfall if it extended higher in some areas. [VY21CJC.J]
F0178A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0178I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0178I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0178I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0178I12VY21Upper brickfall layers after f144 is covered [VY21CJC.J]
F0179A35UZ30v89 [U809YM.J]
F0179I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0179I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0179I12V516Backfill of trench [V516CJC.J]
F0179I12VY21Contaminated by backfill [VY21CJC.J]
F0180A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0180I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0180I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0180I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0180I12VY21Belongs to later brickfall phase as it is above the curtain wall f144. [VY21CJC.J]
F0181A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0181A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0181A35UZ30L_W18d0909 J2w200 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0181I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0181I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0181I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0181I12VY21Uppermost deposits of brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0181O03UY19w0032 [UY19CJC.J]
F0181O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0182I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0182I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0182I12V516Sloping accumulation against the bottom of revetment wall, post construction. Ceramics dated to Late EDIII [V516CJC.J]
F0182I12VY21Upper EDIII accumulation at the base of the revetment wall. Same as f183. [VY21CJC.J]
F0183A35UZ30v93 [U809YM.J]
F0183I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0183I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0183I12V516Sloping accumulation against the bottom of revetment wall, post construction. Ceramics dated to Late EDIII [V516CJC.J]
F0183I12VY21Accumulation abutting the flanking wall f127 (see v93). It is one of the last EDIII deposits [VY21CJC.J]
F0184A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0184A35UZ30L_W18d0904 J2w104 T311 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0184I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0184I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0184I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0184O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0184O03UY19w0039 [UY19CJC.J]
F0184O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0185A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0185A35UZ30v88 [U809YM.J]
F0185I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0185I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0185I12V516Sits in f193, must be before f168 which surrounds it (see w203). This conflicts with v88 in which it is raised above f168. I have used the drawing to make the strata assignment. [V516CJC.J]
F0185I12VY21According to w203, these stones are on the level with the top of the revetment wall, and ar dated to the period just as the revetment wall was covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0185O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0185O03Y104w0030 [UY19CJC.J]
F0186A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0186A35UZ30v88 [U809YM.J]
F0186I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0186I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0186I12VY21According to sC, this feature is the same as f195, but the top elevation is perhaps higher, therefore this feature may include material from a later phase as well. [VY21CJC.J]
F0187A35UZ30L_W18d0904 J2w104 T311 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0187I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0187I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0187I12V516Layer below topsoil. It is very thick, however, and may include some material from the stratum below. [V516CJC.J]
F0187O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0187O03UY19w0039 [UY19CJC.J]
F0187O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0188A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0188I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0188I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0188I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, covers f144 so part of later brickfall phase [V516CJC.J]
F0188I12VY21Upper level of brickfall [VY21CJC.J]
F0188O03UY19w0032 [UY19CJC.J]
F0188O03UY19w0033 [UY19CJC.J]
F0188O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0188O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0188O03Y104w0036 [UY19CJC.J]
F0189A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0189I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0189I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0189I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, covers f144 so part of later brickfall phase [V516CJC.J]
F0189I12VY21Upper level of brickfall [VY21CJC.J]
F0189O03UY19w0033 [UY19CJC.J]
F0190I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0190I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0190I12V516same as other brickfall elevations according to mH [V516CJC.J]
F0190I12VY21Due to the thickness of this feature it likely includes multiple strata. The topmost elevations of this feature are in the range of the last Mittani use of the area although the lower elevations probably include portions of the post-brickfall use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0191I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0191I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0191I12V516Sits inside f190 [V516CJC.J]
F0191I12VY21Floating stone sitting in upper portion of f190 [VY21CJC.J]
F0192A35UZ30v89 [U809YM.J]
F0192I01VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0192I03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0192I12V516Although this layer is at a low elevation it includes backfill and so has been assigned to modern stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0192I12VY21Includes backfill material [VY21CJC.J]
F0193A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0193A35UZ30v115 [U809YM.J]
F0193I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0193I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0193I12VY21This feature likely contains several strata of material. In v117 it appears to contain the brickfall in the southern-most part of k15, while the top elevaitons indicate it is probably beginning around the level of the later Mittani use areas (s155-J2A) or possibly as high as the last Mittani use (s150-J2A). Due to the uncertainty I have assigned it to the latest possible strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0193O03UY19w0027 [UY19CJC.J]
F0193O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0193O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0194I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0194I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0194I12V516Not clear if this feature is Akkadian or EDIII. According to the stratigraphy it should be in between EDIII floors but it is listed as Akkadian in preliminary analysis, plus it matches the records of the German excavation. [V516CJC.J]
F0194I12VY21This feature is one of the topmost features excavated in k100. The trench was already very deep from previous excavations, once the backfill was removed this feature was one of the first exposed. Based on the stratigraphy, it is just above the pebble pavements associated with the early EDIII but it may be contaminated. The floors in k110 to the east are also EDIII, which indicates that this feature should also belong to the EDIII. I have assigned it to this strata based on the connections to the underlying features but further excavations in k110 could help illuminate the dating of this level. [VY21CJC.J]
F0195A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0195I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0195I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0195I12VY21The elevation and relation to features such as f206, indicate it is at the level with the use towards the end of the Mittani. This feature is a natural accumulation, indicating the open air nature of the area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0196I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0196I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0196I12V516Floor layers at the same elevation as the lowest step of f130. This feature is between the pebble floors dated to earley EDIII strata but before the later transitional EDIII such as the f381. [V516CJC.J]
F0196I12VY21This feature is one of the topmost features excavated in k100. The trench was already very deep from previous excavations, once the backfill was removed this feature was one of the first exposed. Based on the stratigraphy, it is just above the pebble pavements associated with the early EDIII but it may be contaminated. I have assigned it to this strata based on the connections to the underlying features but further excavations in k110 could help illuminate the dating of this level. [VY21CJC.J]
F0197A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0197I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0197I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0197I12V516Use layer [V516CJC.J]
F0197I12VY21Use layer abutting small curtain wall f224 [VY21CJC.J]
F0198A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0198I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0198I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0198I12V516Use layer [V516CJC.J]
F0198I12VY21Stratigraphic connections with f199 indicate it is part of the use layer during the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0199A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0199I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0199I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0199I12V516Ashy layer above brickfall, equal to f150 [V516CJC.J]
F0199I12VY21Based on the stratigraphic connections with f198 and f202 it appears to belong to the use phase during the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0200A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0200I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0200I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0200I12V516This feature may include multiple strata. See pC's note. [V516CJC.J]
F0200I12VY21This feature extends through several features, including the interface between Mittani and EDIII near the revetment wall. Because it is more than 60cm deep and spans an area with sloping accumulations it is difficult to assign to a stratum. It probably includes material from s610-JPD, s170-JPD, s160-JPD and s158-JPD [VY21CJC.J]
F0200O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0200O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0201I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0201I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0201I12VY21Accumulation just under the top layers [VY21CJC.J]
F0201O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0201O03UY19w0039 [UY19CJC.J]
F0201O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0202A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0202I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0202I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0202I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0202I12VY21Elevations indicate it is in the upper levels of brickfall, likely after the use area had been covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0202O03UY19w0031 [UY19CJC.J]
F0203A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0203I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0203I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0203I12V516Based on elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0203I12VY21Thick feature, approximately 60cm, which covers the top of the revetment wall, indicating it is part of the last use of the area, before the wall was covered and the area no longer important for access. [VY21CJC.J]
F0203O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0203O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0204I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0204I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0204I12VY21Elevation equivalent to brickfall features. [VY21CJC.J]
F0205A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0205B11UZ30Pebble floor composed of small pebbles set in a soil matrix. The floor is confined to the SW corner of the k100. [U809YM.J]
F0205D06UZ308681 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0205F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0205I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0205I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0205I12VY21Uppermost pebble pavement in k100, but borders area contaminated by backfilling due to earlier excavations. Likely belongs to the Early EDIII but may be contaminated. [VY21CJC.J]
F0205O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0205O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0205O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0205O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0205O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0206A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0206I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0206I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0206I12V516This feature is almost 1m thick, it probably includes material from both s155-J2A and s150-J2A. [V516CJC.J]
F0206I12VY21This feature is includes almost 1 meter of accumulation. Because it is a baulk, it is unclear if it includes more than one feature. Elevation suggests that the top level is above the stone, f154, which indicates the upper portion would be part of the final use of the area in the Mittani period. [VY21CJC.J]
F0206O03Y104w0030 [UY19CJC.J]
F0207A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0207A35UZ30L_W18d0909 J2w200 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0207I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0207I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0207I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, upper layers [V516CJC.J]
F0207I12VY21Brickfall at elevation above the curtain walls. [VY21CJC.J]
F0207O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0208A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0208A35UZ30L_W18d0909 J2w200 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0208I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0208I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0208I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, upper layers [V516CJC.J]
F0208I12VY21Brickfall after the small curatin wall f232 [VY21CJC.J]
F0208O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0209A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0209D06UZ308676 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0209I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0209I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0209I12VY21Early EDIII pavement, mKB identified it as the topmost securely dated feature in k100. [VY21CJC.J]
F0210A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0210A35V105v133 [U809YM.J]
F0210I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0210I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0210I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0210I12VY21Thick accumulation, may cover all three phases of brickfall. I have assigned it to the last brickfall phase. [VY21CJC.J]
F0210O03UY19w0103 [UY19CJC.J]
F0210O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0210O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0210O03Y104w0034 [UY19CJC.J]
F0211A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0211I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0211I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0211I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0211I12VY21Sloping brickfall [VY21CJC.J]
F0211O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
F0212A35UZ30v96c [U809YM.J]
F0212I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0212I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0212I12V516Part of the construction of f130 [V516CJC.J]
F0212I12VY21Hole cut into stone of staircase, probably is contemperaneous with placement of the stone. [VY21CJC.J]
F0213A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0213I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0213I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0213I12VY21Early EDIII pavement, stratigraphically located between 2 EDIII layers [VY21CJC.J]
F0214A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0214D06UZ308698@top [U809YM.J]
F0214I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0214I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0214I12VY21Small pebble pavement dating to the same phase as the other pebble pavements, based on ceramics and stratigraphy [VY21CJC.J]
F0215A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0215F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0215I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0215I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0215I12VY21Pebble pavement above the N5-EDIII transition. Belongs to early EDIII layers in J2. [VY21CJC.J]
F0215O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0215O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0215O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0215O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0215O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0216A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0216D06UZ308883@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0216I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0216I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0216I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, middle layers that build up while f144 and f232 are in use [V516CJC.J]
F0216I12VY21Brickfall layers associated with small curtain walls. [VY21CJC.J]
F0216O03UY19w0032 [UY19CJC.J]
F0216O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0216O03Y104w0036 [UY19CJC.J]
F0217A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0217I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0217I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0217I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, middle layers that build up while f144 and f232 are in use [V516CJC.J]
F0217I12VY21Brickfall layers associated with small curtain walls. [VY21CJC.J]
F0218A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0218C10UZ30The elevation at the bottom was not recovered. The feature may go down deeper but this was the lowest recorded elevation for the feature based on the q-lots. [U809YM.J]
F0218D06UZ308870@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0218I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0218I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0218I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf, middle layers that build up while f144 and f232 are in use [V516CJC.J]
F0218I12VY21Brickfall layers associated with small curtain walls. [VY21CJC.J]
F0219A35UZ30v135 [U809YM.J]
F0219F02WX13<2cu f0393 [WX08CJC.J]
F0219I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0219I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0219I12VY21This feature is a baulk, and is likely composed of numerous features. See v130, which shows the multiople layers in the section that are part of the baulk. The majority of the features probably belong to the later EDIII period when the area was filling up with sloping accumulations. It is impossible to separate the feature into individual strata so it is assigned tentatively to the later strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0220A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0220I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0220I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0220I12V516This feature includes multiple strata, toplevels are approximately at the level of s150-J2A. [V516CJC.J]
F0220I12VY21This feature is approximately 1 meter deep so may include multiple strata. The top elevation is at the levels associated with the later use of the area after the brickfall was covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0221I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0221I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0221I12V516Layer contaminated by modern backfill. [V516CJC.J]
F0221I12VY21Contaminated by backfill [VY21CJC.J]
F0222A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0222I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0222I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0222I12V516Sits in f220 [V516CJC.J]
F0222I12VY21Elevation indicates this stone is in upper levels, may or not be associated with use during this stratum [VY21CJC.J]
F0223A35UZ30v97 [U809YM.J]
F0223I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0223I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0223I12VY21Belongs to same stratum as f194, just above the pebble pavements, but before the construction of the monumental access (^mnacs) [VY21CJC.J]
F0224A03UY15^ctwl3 [T914CJC.J]
F0224A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0224I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0224I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0224I12V516Wall built during the brickfall phase [V516CJC.J]
F0224I12VY21Curtain wall on top of earlier wall (f288). It is an attempt to rebuild and maintain area after brickfall has already begun to cover area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0225I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0225I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0225I12V516Assigned to brickfall layer based on elevation. It appears to be embedded in k100 at the level associated with brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0225I12VY21Elevation [VY21CJC.J]
F0226A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0226I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0226I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0226I12V516Associated with wall f144 and f232 [V516CJC.J]
F0226I12VY21Accumulation inside of curtain walls associated with use during brickfall [VY21CJC.J]
F0227I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0227I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0227I12V516EDIII based on ceramics [V516CJC.J]
F0227I12VY21Accumulations after construction of flanking wall near base of revetment wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0228I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0228I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0228I12V516Unclear, ceramics dated to Phase 1, but higher than the sloping accumulations associated with Phase 1 near the revetment wall [V516CJC.J]
F0228I12VY21Accumulations after construction of flanking wall near base of revetment wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0229I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0229I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0229I12V516Under f182, part of the sloping accumulations against revetment wall. [V516CJC.J]
F0229I12VY21Accumulations after construction of flanking wall near base of revetment wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0230A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0230D06UZ308886 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0230I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0230I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0230I12V516Between the two walls f144 and f232 which indicate a period of use between brickfalls. [V516CJC.J]
F0230I12VY21Accumulation between the two small curtain walls that define the use during the brickfall phase. [VY21CJC.J]
F0231I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0231I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0231I12V516Accumulation coming against the revetment wall, based on ceramics and stratigraphy. Abuts f127. [V516CJC.J]
F0231I12VY21Accumulation after flanking wall was built, near base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0232A03T914^ctwl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0232I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0232I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0232I12V516Use period between brickfalls [V516CJC.J]
F0232I12VY21Curtain wall inside of brickfall layers indicating attempts at reclamation and reuse during brickfall phase. [VY21CJC.J]
F0232O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
F0232O03Y104w0036 [UY19CJC.J]
F0233I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0233I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0233I12V516Based on elevations this baulk appears to be about the same level as f210 and so has been assigned to same stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0233I12VY21Elevation indicates it is roughly equivalent to upper levels of brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0234C10UZ30Bottom elevation recovered from q-lots. It is possible that it is a little bit lower. [U809YM.J]
F0234D06UZ308822 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0234I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0234I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0234I12V516Accumulations after the building of the revetment wall, same as f236 that abuts f127 so must be after construction of f127. [V516CJC.J]
F0234I12VY21Accumulation after the construction of the flanking wall, near base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0234O01UZ17v0511 [T921CJC.J]
F0235I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0235I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0235I12VY21Accumulation after the construction of the flanking wall, near base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0236I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0236I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0236I12VY21Accumulation after the construction of the flanking wall, near base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0237A35UZ30v108 [U809YM.J]
F0237C10UZ30Because this feature is the scraping of the section it actually includes multiple features. As the materials were not collected stratigraphically the materials from this feature should be considered mixed and not representative of any one feature, phase or strata. [U809YM.J]
F0237I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0237I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0237I12V516Unassigned because it was a cleaning operation with no stratigraphic importance. [V516CJC.J]
F0237I12VY21Scraping of section, therefore includes mixed strata and features [VY21CJC.J]
F0238C10UZ30The top elevation was originally listed as 7366 which is obviously too low, not to mention that it is lower than the ending elevation. Based on a comparison with the ending elevation of the previous feature and an examination of the q-lot entries it seems more likely that the top elevation should be 8836. [U809YM.J]
F0238D06UZ308836@top [U809YM.J]
F0238I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0238I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0238I12V516Sloping accumulation in front of revetment wall, elevation just above the sloping layers associated with the construction of the revetment wall [V516CJC.J]
F0238I12VY21This accumulation abuts f240, so likely belongs to the same stratum [VY21CJC.J]
F0239I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0239I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0239I12V516Sloping accumulation in front of revetment wall. Unclear if it is from the same stratum as the first sloping accumulations associated with the revetment wall. Mixed metallic ware and ED sherds. [V516CJC.J]
F0239I12V930This feature was assigned to s650-JPC, indicating it was contemporary with the building of the revetment wall, but upon further review it is unclear if it is associated with the revetment wall (f128) or the is after the construction of the flanking wall (f127) which is currently dated to s630-JPC. The types of contact with these two walls were not recored. See v105 which does not show the type of contact clearly but may indicate that the feature was after the construction of both walls. As of 2011 the q-lots have not been analyzed. [V930CJC.J]
F0239I12VY21Accumulation after the first construction, probably goes under f127, see v105. [VY21CJC.J]
F0240I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0240I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0240I12V516mKB dates sherds to Phase 1 (Ninevite 5 and ED in JPB sequence). Based on pottery and stratigraphy this layer can be placed in the EDIII period. Abuts the base of the wall, probably dates to just after the construction phase. [V516CJC.J]
F0240I12VY21Accumulation after the first construction, does not quite cover f248 and f247. see v107 [VY21CJC.J]
F0241A35UZ30L_W18d0909 J2w200 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0241I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0241I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0241I12V516Same as feature 234 [V516CJC.J]
F0241I12VY21Accumulation with ash, pottery and pebbles indicates it was part of the use of the area after the brickfall. Elevation indicates it is part of the latest use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0241O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0241O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0242A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0242A35UZ30L_W18d0909 J2w200 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0242I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0242I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0242I12V516Floor at the same elevation as the use areas associated with the stone f154. [V516CJC.J]
F0242I12VY21Use area just on top of the brickfall, [VY21CJC.J]
F0242O03UY19w0035 [UY19CJC.J]
F0242O03UY19w0104 [UY19CJC.J]
F0243A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0243A35UZ30L_W18d0901 J2w100 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0243D06UZ309229@top [U809YM.J]
F0243I01VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0243I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0243I12V516Topsoil [V516CJC.J]
F0243I12VY21Topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0243O03UY19w0037 [UY19CJC.J]
F0243O03UY19w0038 [UY19CJC.J]
F0243O03UY19w0100 [UY19CJC.J]
F0243O03UY19w0105 [UY19CJC.J]
F0243O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0244I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0244I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0244I12V516Lowest levels, before f127 [V516CJC.J]
F0244I12V930This feature is considered to be part of f239. There are no views or other types of contact that might indicate if it is before or after the construction of the flanking wall f127. [V930CJC.J]
F0244I12VY21Just after the construction, accumulations begin to fill in area at the base of the revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0245C33UZ30Bottom elevation for this feature was not recorded. [U809YM.J]
F0245I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0245I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0245I12VY21This feature is stratigraphically just above the early features associated with the construction of the revetment wall. It is unclear what relation it has to the flanking wall (f127), but it is likely just before the reconstruction associated with the flanking wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0246D01UZ30k103 [U809YM.J]
F0246I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0246I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0246I12VY21Accumulation after the first construction, does not quite cover f248 and f247. see v107 [VY21CJC.J]
F0247I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0247I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0247I10V930The lowest excavated levels at the bottom of the revetment wall f128 are the two sloping accumulations f247 and f248. They are at approximately the same elevation as the base of the wall which is calculated at 8806 so they are presumed to be part of the initial construction. They are sloped to the south to direct water away from the base of the wall. Their relationship to the wall, f127 was not recorded although it is presumed they were built before the wall was constructed. [V930CJC.J]
F0247I12V516Sloping feature in k103, abutting the revetment wall. May be similar to first escarpment in J1. Ceramics dated to "Phase 1" using the JPA sequence, which is now considered EDIII. [V516CJC.J]
F0247I12VY21Sloping accumulation, hard and gray, may possibly be the laid floor from the moment of construction of the revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0247O01V104v0521 [T921CJC.J]
F0248I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0248I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0248I10V930The lowest excavated levels at the bottom of the revetment wall f128 are the two sloping accumulations f247 and f248. They are at approximately the same elevation as the base of the wall which is calculated at 8806 so they are presumed to be part of the initial construction. They are sloped to the south to direct water away from the base of the wall. Their relationship to the wall, f127 was not recorded although it is presumed they were built before the wall was constructed. [V930CJC.J]
F0248I12V516Equal to feature 247 [V516CJC.J]
F0248I12VY21Sloping accumulation, hard and gray, may possibly be the laid floor from the moment of construction of the revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0248O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0249A03VY18^accum2 [T914CJC.J]
F0249D06UZ309000@bottom [U809YM.J]
F0249I01VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0249I03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0249I12V516Elevation. Also, the pits in this layer indicate it is part of the period of reuse during the time of the second apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0249I12VY21This walking surface has pits and ceramics on top of the brickfall. Probably associated with the attempts to continue to use the area after the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0250I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0250I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0250I12V516Hole intruding into stratum 610 [V516CJC.J]
F0250I12VY21Hole cutting through numerous features, appears to cut through lower accumulations at base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0251I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0251I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0251I12V516Hole intruding into stratum 610 [V516CJC.J]
F0251I12VY21Hole cutting through numerous features, appears to cut through lower accumulations at base of revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0252A35UZ30L_W18d0905 J2w105 T311 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0252I01VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0252I03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0252I12V516Layer below topsoil. It is very thick, however, and may include some material from the stratum below. [V516CJC.J]
F0252O03UY19w0037 [UY19CJC.J]
F0252O03UY19w0038 [UY19CJC.J]
F0252O03UY19w0100 [UY19CJC.J]
F0252O03UY19w0105 [UY19CJC.J]
F0253I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0253I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0253I12V516Just above the lowest layers abutting the bottom of the revetment wall. Very early pottery, including some N5. [V516CJC.J]
F0253I12VY21This accumulation is one of the lowest at the base of the revetment wall. It probably dates to immediately after the wall was constructed. [VY21CJC.J]
F0254I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0254I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0254I12V516Elevation. Also, the pits in this layer indicate it is part of the period of reuse during the time of the second apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0254I12VY21Pit south of the revetment wall, it is dug into layer after the large stone f154 was already covered. Belongs to the last major use of the area, probably towards the end of the Mittanni period. [VY21CJC.J]
F0255I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0255I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0255I12V516Elevation. Also, the pits in this layer indicate it is part of the period of reuse during the time of the second apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0255I12VY21Pit south of the revetment wall, it is dug into layer after the large stone f154 was already covered. Belongs to the last major use of the area, probably towards the end of the Mittanni period. [VY21CJC.J]
F0256A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0256I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0256I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0256I12VY21Accumulation between pebble pavements, associated with earliest EDIII deposits in J2. [VY21CJC.J]
F0257I01VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0257I03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0257I12VY21Leaning stone against flanking wall f127, part of the original construction of this wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0257O01UZ17v0515 [T921CJC.J]
F0258A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0258F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0258I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0258I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0258I12VY21Pebble pavement above the N5-EDIII transition. Belongs to early EDIII layers in J2. [VY21CJC.J]
F0258O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0258O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0258O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0258O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0258O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0259I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0259I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0259I12V516Sits in f193. [V516CJC.J]
F0259I12VY21Same as f193 [VY21CJC.J]
F0260A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0260I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0260I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0260I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0260I12VY21Portion of the brickfall just under the small curtain wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0261A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0261A35V103v100 [U809YM.J]
F0261I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0261I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0261I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0261I12VY21See v100. This portion of the brickfall comes up against the small curtain walls indicating it was part of the second portion of the brickfall that covered the use. [VY21CJC.J]
F0262A35V103L_W18d0905 J2w105 T311 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0262I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0262I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0262I12V516Stone sits in f252. [V516CJC.J]
F0262I12VY21Elevation and location relative to to f252 indicate this stone is part of the later floating stones. [VY21CJC.J]
F0262O03UY19w0038 [UY19CJC.J]
F0262O03UY19w0105 [UY19CJC.J]
F0263A35V103v119 [U809YM.J]
F0263I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0263I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0263I12V516Overlaid by f252, with stones sitting on it indicates this feature is part of the stratum associated with the stones. [V516CJC.J]
F0263I12VY21Elevation and location relative to to f252 indicate this stone is part of the later floating stones. [VY21CJC.J]
F0263O03UY19w0037 [UY19CJC.J]
F0263O03UY19w0038 [UY19CJC.J]
F0263O03UY19w0100 [UY19CJC.J]
F0263O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
F0264I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0264I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0264I12V516Unassigned as there is no stratigraphic information to indicate stratum. [V516CJC.J]
F0265A03V103f0144 [U809YM.J]
F0265I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0265I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0265I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0265I12VY21Part of the curtain wall f144 that is part of the use during the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0266A03WX16^pv3 [T914CJC.J]
F0266I01VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0266I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0266I12VY21Part of the early EDIII deposits associated with the construction and use of the sequene of pebble pavements [VY21CJC.J]
F0267A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0267F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0267I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0267I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0267I12VY21Pebble pavement above the N5-EDIII transition. Belongs to early EDIII layers in J2. [VY21CJC.J]
F0267O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0267O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0267O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0267O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0267O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0268I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0268I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0268I12V516Associated with the cut in the southwest corner of k100 [V516CJC.J]
F0268I12VY21Fill of the pit cut in the SW corner of k100. Originally not recognized as the fill of pit, but it is clear from v118 that it is part of the pit. [VY21CJC.J]
F0269I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0269I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0269I12V516Accumulations under wall f224. See v117. [V516CJC.J]
F0269I12VY21It is unclear to me if this feature is actully part of the construction of the small curtian wall or not. If it is it likely belongs to the earlier Mittani deposits in the area, if it is an accumulation against the wall, then it should be presumed to be a later deposit. Furthermore, it is unclear if the upper stones of the wall, designated as f224 is a later addition to the wall f288. [VY21CJC.J]
F0270I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0270I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0270I12VY21This feature is a volumetric feature, it was left in place to suport the stones that had collapsed from f127 before they were removed. See v117. Because it was volumetrically defined it likely includes multiple deposits. The upper sloping layers however, come against the small curtain wall suggested they accumulated after the wall was constructed. For this reason I have assigned these features to the same phase as the brickfall when the area was filling up, even though this feature itself is not composed of brickfall material. [VY21CJC.J]
F0271A35V103v100 [U809YM.J]
F0271I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0271I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0271I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0271I12VY21This deposit is a small pedastal under a fallen stone. Based on the elevation the accumulated material probably belongs to the middle of the brickfall strata. [VY21CJC.J]
F0272A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0272I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0272I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0272I12VY21This thin layer between pebble floors was originally attributed to a later stratum, but after f380 was recognized as an earlier construction the pebble floors and associated deposits such as this feature were determined to be earlier. Based on the ceramnics from the surrounding pebble pavements this deposit belongs in the Early EDIII. [VY21CJC.J]
F0273A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0273D06V1038832 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0273I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0273I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0273I12V516Part of large brickfall ^bf [V516CJC.J]
F0273I12VY21Very thick brickfall layer. Possibly includes brickfall from all three phases of the brickfall. Dated to middle portion. [VY21CJC.J]
F0274I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0274I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0274I12V516Same elevation as f252. [V516CJC.J]
F0274I12VY21At same elevation as deposits just below the topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F027401D03V126946 (39711 49864 - 9137 / Relay location: NW corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F027401D03V126948 (39659 49895 - 9121 / Relay location: SE corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F027401D03V126949 (39686 49925 - 9134 / Relay location: NE corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F027402D03V126950 (39578 49893 - 9120 / Relay location: S corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F027402D03V126951 (39604 49883 - 9126 / Relay location: W corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F027402D03V126952 (39607 49902 - 9130 / Relay location: N corner) [V126CJCR.J]
F0275I01VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0275I03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0275I12VY21Inside of a feature just below the topsoil [VY21CJC.J]
F0276A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0276I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0276I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0276I12VY21Just after the Ninevite 5 floors this floor is one of the earliest EDIII deposits in J2. [VY21CJC.J]
F0276O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0276O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0276O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0277C10V103The bottom elevation was not recorded. The elevation given above is recovered from the q-lots, but may not be the absolute bottom of the feature. It reflects the lowest elevation recorded for this feature. [U809YM.J]
F0277D06V1038812 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0277F02Y117<5si q0773 [X925CJC.J]
F0277I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0277I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0277I12V516brickfall [V516CJC.J]
F0277I12VY21This features is composed of brickfall, it is very deep and probably spans both phases of the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0278C10V103The bottom elevation of the hole was not recorded but the bottom elevation of the fill was listed as 8825, which is presumably also the bottom of the hole. [U809YM.J]
F0278D06V1038825 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0278I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0278I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0278I12V516Hole is likely contemporeanous with the placement of the stones. [V516CJC.J]
F0279I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0279I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0279I12V516Fill of hole. It is unknown when, after the construction of the apron, this hole was filled in. I have assigned it to the stratum associated with the the use of the brickfall when the use of the area has changed and presumably the holes would no longer be emptied if they filled up. The fill is presumably the same as f286 according to the excavators. [V516CJC.J]
F0280C10V104The bottom elevation of the hole was not recorded but the bottom elevation of the fill was listed as 8830, which is presumably also the bottom of the hole. [U809YM.J]
F0280D06V1048830 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0280I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0280I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0280I12V516Hole is likely contemporeanous with the placement of the stones. [V516CJC.J]
F0281I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0281I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0281I12V516Fill of hole. It is unknown when, after the construction of the apron, this hole was filled in. I have assigned it to the stratum associated with the the use of the brickfall when the use of the area has changed and presumably the holes would no longer be emptied if they filled up. The fill is presumably the same as f286 according to the excavators. [V516CJC.J]
F0282I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0282I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0282I12V516Hole is likely contemporeanous with the placement of the stones. [V516CJC.J]
F0283I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0283I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0283I12V516Fill of hole. It is unknown when, after the construction of the apron, this hole was filled in. I have assigned it to the stratum associated with the the use of the brickfall when the use of the area has changed and presumably the holes would no longer be emptied if they filled up. The fill is presumably the same as f286 according to the excavators. [V516CJC.J]
F0284I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0284I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0284I12V516Hole is likely contemporeanous with the placement of the stones. [V516CJC.J]
F0284I12VY21Hole in apron stone [VY21CJC.J]
F0285I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0285I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0285I12V516Fill of hole. It is unknown when, after the construction of the apron, this hole was filled in. I have assigned it to the stratum associated with the the use of the brickfall when the use of the area has changed and presumably the holes would no longer be emptied if they filled up. The fill is presumably the same as f286 according to the excavators. [V516CJC.J]
F0285I12VY21Fill of hole associated with f286 [VY21CJC.J]
F0286F02Y117<5si q0773 [X925CJC.J]
F0286I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0286I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0286I12V516Under layers with pits and under f150 indicating it is present before use during the brickfall process. [V516CJC.J]
F0286I12VY21f286 was excavated on a level surface and is also 70cm thick. Therefore it may contain more than one moment in time. In the east it appears to be just above the EDIII deposits, while in the west is certainly composed of brickfall. There are some pits cut into this feature that suggest it might have been present during the time of the use of the brickfall (s159-JPD) or it may lie just under the brickfall. Due to the uncertainty I am assigning it to the first phase of the brickfall. It does not appear to be EDIII, and definitely includes some brickfall features. The uppermost (and easternmost) portions might be more properly assigned to s159-JPD. [VY21CJC.J]
F0286O01V104v0520 [T921CJC.J]
F0287A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0287F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0287I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0287I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0287I12VY21Pebble floor of transition between late Ninevite 5 and early EDIII. mKB dates it to EDIII based on ceramics [VY21CJC.J]
F0287O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0287O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0287O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0287O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0287O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0288A01T822f0334 [T822CJC.J]
F0288A03T914^ctwl1 [T914CJC.J]
F0288B11V104When this wall was removed (see f334) it was found to 2 more layers of stones underneath and continues into the western baulk. It was partially collapsed in the western baulk (see f346). [U809YM.J]
F0288C10V104In 2009 this feature was inadvertanly assigned a new number, f334. For all of 2009 it was refered to as f334 and all information recorded there. [U809YM.J]
F0288F02T830<8ab f0346 [T830CJC.J]
F0288I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0288I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0288I12V516Early Mittanni construction of a curtain wall. Based on similarities with the J1 curtain walls as well as mixed EDIII and Mitanni ceramics inside the wall. [V516CJC.J]
F0288I12VY21This feature was cut into the earlier EDIII deposits so contains some mixed materials. [VY21CJC.J]
F0289A01T822f0335 [T822CJC.J]
F0289D06V1048808 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0289I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0289I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0289I12V516Inside of wall f288, part of construction. [V516CJC.J]
F0289I12VY21This feature appears to be part of the construction of the wall f288, but was in actuality a baulk so it possibly contains multiple features. It is primarily associated with the construction of the wall and so has been tentatively assigned to that stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0290I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0290I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0290I12V516Accumulations building up between the revetment wall (f128) and curtain wall (f288) [V516CJC.J]
F0290I12VY21Ashy build-up between curtain wall f288 and revetment wall (f128). Appears to be under the bricky material of f293. These accumulations seem to be uneven and probably represent the period when the area was not maintained during the Early Mittani. [VY21CJC.J]
F0291A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0291I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0291I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0291I12VY21mKB dated this feature to Late Ninevite 5 based on the ceramics. [VY21CJC.J]
F0292A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0292B11V104Pebble floor composed of large pebbles embedded in a brown soil matrix. It was exposed in 2005 but not excavated until 2009. [U809YM.J]
F0292C01T816Today we exposed what remains of this feature in k100. It was easy to identify but appears to be slightly damaged from the backfill and the backfill removal. It was photographed (v192) to show its current state. [T816CJC.J]
F0292C01T817We removed this pebble floor. It was formed entirely of large pebbles and was sitting in a brown soil. [T819CJC.J]
F0292D06T8178574 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0292D06T8178640 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0292F02T817<5si q0894 [T826CJC2.J]
F0292F02T822>1ov f0386 [T822CJC.J]
F0292F02T822>1ov f0387 [T822CJC.J]
F0292F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0292I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0292I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0292I12VY21Stratigraphically this feature is under f291 which was dated to the Late Ninevite 5. It is the topmost pebble floor before the transition to EDIII and so one would expect some mixed EDIII sherds as well. [VY21CJC.J]
F0292K03T817pebbles [T822CJC2.J]
F0292K05T817gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0292K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0292O01T816v0192 [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T816v0192a [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T816v0192b [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T816v0192c [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T816v0193 [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T817v0198 [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0292O01T825v0202b [T825CJC.J]
F0292O01T825v0202c [T825CJC.J]
F0292O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0292O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0292P02T817T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0293I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0293I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0293I12V516Brickfall against f288, lower levels. [V516CJC.J]
F0293I12VY21This feature is described by the excavators as "bricky", which suggests it may be part of the brickfall in area. It is located north of the wall f288, however, which was not known to have any brickfall. See v161, which indicates the brickfall did not extend north of the wall. It is possible that it is bricky material associated with the construction of the wall rather than actual brickfall. It seems that this accumulation probably dates to the period immediately after the construction of the wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0294A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0294I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0294I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0294I12VY21mKB dated this feature to Late Ninevite 5 based on the ceramics. [VY21CJC.J]
F0295I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0295I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0295I12V516This feature has conflicting assignments based on previous excavators and pottery. Based on the ceramics and the seal impression it probably dates to the EDIII period. The Khabur sherds may be introduced from another feature above this (as per the excavators), however, the elevations are roughly the same as f303, also in k14 which is dated to the EDIII as well. [V516CJC.J]
F0295I12VY21This featue may contain some intrusive later sherds but likely belongs to later phases of EDIII. [VY21CJC.J]
F0296D06V1049142 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0296I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0296I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0296I12VY21Same as f150 which is an ashy use area associated with the construction of the small curtain walls during the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0297I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0297I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0297I12V516Below f182 which is dated to EDIII by ceramics. It abuts the revetment wall and is sloping like the EDIII accumulations in this area. [V516CJC.J]
F0297I12VY21One of the uppermost layers associated with the EDIII period. [VY21CJC.J]
F0298A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0298I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0298I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0298I12V516Cuts through f286, dated to the Mittani based on stratigraphy and ceramics. These pits are in the layers under the wall f144 and f232. They are the first use of the area during the brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0298I12VY21Pit that cuts through f286, it is right after the first brickfall begins, part of the use of the area during the brickfall. It is just before the small curtain walls are built in the same area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0299A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0299I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0299I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0299I12V516Fill of pit f298 which is Mittani based on stratigraphy. These pits are in the layers under the wall f144 and f232. They are the first use of the area during the brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0299I12VY21Pit that cuts through f286, it is right after the first brickfall begins, part of the use of the area during the brickfall. It is just before the small curtain walls are built in the same area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0300A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0300I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0300I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0300I12V516Pit cut in f286, dated to Mittani based on stratigraphy. These pits are in the layers under the wall f144 and f232. They are the first use of the area during the brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0300I12VY21Pit that cuts through f286, it is right after the first brickfall begins, part of the use of the area during the brickfall. It is just before the small curtain walls are built in the same area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0301A03UZ03^use1 [T914CJC.J]
F0301I01VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0301I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0301I12V516Fill of pit f300 which is Mittani based on stratigraphy. These pits are in the layers under the wall f144 and f232. They are the first use of the area during the brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0301I12VY21Fill of pit that cuts through f286, it is right after the first brickfall begins, part of the use of the area during the brickfall. It is just before the small curtain walls are built in the same area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0302A03WX16^pv2 [T914CJC.J]
F0302I01VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0302I03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0302I12V516Under pebble floor f292 which is dated to EDIIIa based on ceramics [V516CJC.J]
F0302I12VY21Based on the stratigraphic location below f292, this feature is likely dated to the late Ninevite 5, similar to f291 and 294. [VY21CJC.J]
F0303B11V826Compact accumulation [U906YM.J]
F0303I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0303I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0303I12VY21Part of the later EDIII deposits in J2. Although the elevation is below the base of the revetment wall this is due to the slope in the area and it would actually be the same as the higher deposits immediately south of the revetment wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0304A01T816f0383 [T816CJC.J]
F0304A40V105fill [T816CJC.J]
F0304C01T816Today we reexcavated k100 and removed all the backfill revealing what remains of f304. [T816CJC.J]
F0304C03V105Once k100 was excavated in 2009 it became apparent that the triangular deposition of a softer soil in the SE corner of k100 was not part of the original depositional sequence linked to the pavements but instead was the fill of pit. It appears that f304 is part of this pit fill. [T816CJC.J]
F0304C04T816It was unclear if we had the same feature this year as was described in the UGR as f304 so we assigned it a new feature number f383 but it is now apparent they are the same. For the rest of this season we will refer to this accumulation by its new number f383 [T816CJC.J]
F0304I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0304I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0304I12VY21Although this feature was originally identfied by the excavators in 2005 as part of the pebble floor deposits it was clear in 2009 that it was the fill of the pit in the SE corner of k100, therefore it is assigned to the stratum associated with this cut. [VY21CJC.J]
F0305A35V105L_W18d0913 J2w205 T313 pC.jpg [U809YM.J]
F0305I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0305I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0305I12V516based on elevations only. [V516CJC.J]
F0305I12VY21Elevations indicate it is in the upper levels of brickfall, likely after the use area had been covered. [VY21CJC.J]
F0305O03UY19w0044 [UY19CJC.J]
F0305O03UY19w0203 [UY19CJC.J]
F0306I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0306I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0306I12V516Dated to late EDIII based on ceramics. It is one of the sloping layers that abuts the bottom of the revetment wall (f128). [V516CJC.J]
F0306I12VY21Sloping layer, probably dating towards end of EDIII occupation in k14. This was then overlaid by f303 and then by the early Mittani deposits. [VY21CJC.J]
F0307I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0307I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0307I12V516Under f306 which is dated to the late EDIII based on ceramics. It is one of the sloping layers that abuts the bottom of the revetment wall (f128) [V516CJC.J]
F0307I12VY21Just after the construction of the flanking wall. Unclear exact periodization as ceramics are still unanalyzed. Could be subject to further revision [VY21CJC.J]
F0308I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0308I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0308I12V516Under f306 which is dated to the late EDIII based on ceramics. It is one of the sloping layers that abuts the bottom of the revetment wall (f128) [V516CJC.J]
F0308I12VY21Just after the construction of the flanking wall. Unclear exact periodization as ceramics are still unanalyzed. Could be subject to further revision [VY21CJC.J]
F0309I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0309I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0309I12V516Under f306 which is dated to the late EDIII based on ceramics. It is one of the sloping layers that abuts the bottom of the revetment wall (f128) [V516CJC.J]
F0309I12VY21Just after the construction of the flanking wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0310I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0310I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0310I12V516This feature is correlated with f350 that was dated to late EDIII based on ceramics, however, it is also at an elevation similar to brickfall layers. It is probably a mixed feature that was eroded and therefore includes both EDIII and Mittani. I have dated it to the later period as it is probably mixed. [V516CJC.J]
F0310I12VY21Possibly the same as f350 which is dated by ceramics to Late EDIII, probably belongs to early Late EDIII based on stratigraphy. It is at roughly the same elevation as the lower brickfall and so is probably eroded. It may include mixed ceramics, especially if it was excavated on level plane, it would have been cut by erosion in the west. [VY21CJC.J]
F0310O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0311I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0311I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0311I12V516cuts through f310 which is a floor layer dated to late EDIII [V516CJC.J]
F0311I12VY21Part Mittani restructuring? Shallow pits dug through EDIII layers, just under brickfall. Probably date to phase right before the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0312I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0312I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0312I12V516fill of pit f311 which cuts through f310 which is provisionally dated to the late EDIII [V516CJC.J]
F0312I12VY21Part Mittani restructuring? Shallow pits dug through EDIII layers, just under brickfall. Probably date to phase right before the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0313A21V105mx [U809YM.J]
F0313B11V105This feature appears to be a baulk that was removed volumetrically from the northern portion of k24. The elevations were not recorded but as k24 was not excavated very deep it probably includes the upper layers. [U809YM.J]
F0313C33V105Very little information was recorded about this feature, there is no photo and no descriptive attributes were recorded. In addition there are no elevations recorded for this feature or its corresponding q-lots. [U809YM.J]
F0313I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0313I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0313I12V516Unable to assign to a stratum based on lack of elevations or localization. [V516CJC.J]
F0313I12VY21Baulk with no elevations or localization. Recording Error. [VY21CJC.J]
F0314I01VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0314I03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0314I12V516pC identified this stratum based on elevations [V516CJC.J]
F0314I12VY21Upper layers against the revetment wall. Baulk feature so it is difficult to correlate with use areas. [VY21CJC.J]
F0315C32V105The elevation listed for this feature appears incorrect as the elevations for the feature below (f316) are higher than the listed elevation by about 20-30cms. [U809YM.J]
F0315I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0315I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0315I12V516This feature is correlated with f353 that was dated to late EDIII based on ceramics [V516CJC.J]
F0315I12VY21Should be same as f353 although elevations are unclear. [VY21CJC.J]
F0316A35V105v133 [U809YM.J]
F0316C10V105The elevation originally listed for the top of this feature contradicts the elevations given in the q-lots. According to the q-lot log this feature spans an elevation from 8789-8769. [U809YM.J]
F0316D06V1058769 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0316D06V1058789 @top [U809YM.J]
F0316I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0316I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0316I12V516This feature is under f315 that was matched to f353 and is dated to late EDIII based on ceramics [V516CJC.J]
F0316I12VY21This feature is approximately the same elevation as f353 and is also located south of the apron. The notes from mH indicate that the ceramics were mixed in date but this may be due to the erosion f366, which cuts some of the floor features in the west, meaning that some features that were excavated on a level plane included some material from the brickfall as well. [VY21CJC.J]
F0317I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0317I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0317I12V516Two eroded stones, possibly come to rest at the end of the early Mittanni before the brickfall. This assignment is provisional. [V516CJC.J]
F0317I12VY21It is difficult to assign when these stones came to rest on the apron. They are relatively low on the apron, suggesting that they fell before the area was substantially covered. They probably belong to the period immediately before the brickfall or right at the beginning of the brickfall. The elevation would suggest they are inside the brickfall but they may have fallen before being covered by brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0318A35V105v115 [U809YM.J]
F0318I01VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0318I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0318I12V516This baulk overlays a brickfall feature (f188) [V516CJC.J]
F0318I12VY21This baulk is composed of brickfall (see v115) and overlays the small curtain wall f323. This small curtain wall defines the use phase inside the brickfall and therefore the brickfall of f318 which comes over it must belong to the second phase of the brickfall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0319F02T829<1ov f0335 [T829CJC.J]
F0319F02T829<1ov f0336 [T829CJC.J]
F0319F02T829<1ov f0337 [T829CJC.J]
F0319F02T829<1ov f0352 [T829CJC.J]
F0319F02T830<1ov f0352 [T830CJC.J]
F0319F02T902<1ov f0354 [T830CJC.J]
F0319I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0319I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0319I12V516This hard sloping layers is the lowest level excavated and abuts the bottom of the revetment wall (f128). It is under EDIII accumulations and so is dated to the same period as the other EDIIIb accumulations above it. [V516CJC.J]
F0319I12VY21Hard gray layer associated with the construction of the monumental access. The type of contact with f127, the flanking wall, was not recorded originally but it likely runs underneath. In future excavations when the baulk just south of f127 is removed this question can be investigated further. [VY21CJC.J]
F0319O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0319O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0319O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0319O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0319O01T921v0207a [T921CJC.J]
F0320I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0320I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0320I12V516sits in f171 [V516CJC.J]
F0320I12VY21These stones are sitting in f171 which is the transition point of EDIII and Mittani. These stones probably fell in place some time after the EDIII use, representing the non-maitainence of the area. For that reason I have dated them to early Mittani. [VY21CJC.J]
F0321D06V1058835 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0321I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0321I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0321I12V516sits in f171 [V516CJC.J]
F0321I12VY21Same as f171 which is uppermost levels of sloping accumulations from EDIII period. f171 includes mixed ceramics from EDIII and Mittani. Unclear which phase exactly to assign the feature since it is mixed. [VY21CJC.J]
F0322I01VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0322I03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0322I12V516Accumulations building up between the revetment wall (f128) and curtain wall (f288) [V516CJC.J]
F0322I12VY21Mixed feature of accumulations that stones for f127 collapsed onto. It is unknown when excactly the stones collapse but it is presumably during the Mittani times when the area was no longer kept up. [VY21CJC.J]
F0323D06V1059127 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0323I01VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0323I03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0323I12V516See pC's reasoning. [V516CJC.J]
F0324D06V1058746 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0324I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0324I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0324I12V516Prossibly Mittani, at the elevation similar to erosion, might be mixed EDIII and Mittani materials. Dated to later stratum but could be moved with further analysis. [V516CJC.J]
F0324I12VY21This feature includes Mittani sherds but may in fact be earlier. The erosion created an uneven surface in front of the apron and when features were excavated on a level surface they may have accidentally included both third and second millennium materials. [VY21CJC.J]
F0325C10V105Bottom elevation was not recorded. It is reconstructed here from the top elevation of the feature below. [U809YM.J]
F0325D06V1058710 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0325I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0325I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0325I12V516Associated with early Mittani curtain wall [V516CJC.J]
F0325I12VY21This feature was originally considered to be Mittani based on inclusion of Mittani sherds, but instead those sherds might have been included through the process of constructing the wall f288. It is possible then that this feature is actually from the third millennium. Above it is f310 which is tentatively associated with f350 which was dated to the late EDIII period. [VY21CJC.J]
F0326A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0326I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0326I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0326I12V516Plaster floor, similar to f370. Also at the same elevations as other EDIII floors. [V516CJC.J]
F0326I12VY21Should be assigned to same as f329 [VY21CJC.J]
F0327A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0327I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0327I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0327I12V516Equal to f353 [V516CJC.J]
F0327I12VY21This feature has mixed Mittani deposits it in but that may because the erosion cut of f366 was not noticed at first and features that were excavated on a level plain would include brickfall in the western sections and third millennium material in the east. Roughly the same elevation and description as f355 from later excvations. f355 was dated to Late EDIII, or late-Mid-EDIII [VY21CJC.J]
F0328A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0328C10V105In 2005 this feature was not excavated. In 2009 when the area was excavated the features were difficult to reestablish. As a result this feature number was not reused. [U809YM.J]
F0328C33V105Elevations were not recorded. Based on v132 this feature appears to be at almost the same elevation as f327 which has a top elevation of 8751 and a bottom elevation of 8740. [U809YM.J]
F0328I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0328I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0328I12VY21At approximately the elevation where the securely dated features transition from Mid-EDIII to Late EDIII. Could feasibly be assigned to either grouping. [VY21CJC.J]
F0328P01V105exposed, not excavated [U809YM.J]
F0329A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0329C10V105In 2005 this feature was not excavated. In 2009 when the area was excavated the features were difficult to reestablish. As a result this feature number was not reused. [U809YM.J]
F0329I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0329I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0329I12VY21At approximately the elevation where the securely dated features transition from Mid-EDIII to Late EDIII. Could feasibly be assigned to either grouping. [VY21CJC.J]
F0329P01V105exposed, not excavated. [U809YM.J]
F0330A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0330A35V105v133c [U809YM.J]
F0330C10V105In 2005 this feature was not excavated. In 2009 when the area was excavated the features were difficult to reestablish. As a result this feature number was not reused. [U809YM.J]
F0330C32V105mH's notes on the stratigraphy note that this feature may be above the plaster floor (possibly refering to f329). The types of contact are not listed and therefore it can not be determined the exact contact. [U809YM.J]
F0330C33V105Elevations were not recorded for this feature but based on the notes it appears to be of a similar elevation to f329 at 8743 [U809YM.J]
F0330I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0330I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0330I12VY21At approximately the elevation where the securely dated features transition from Mid-EDIII to Late EDIII. Could feasibly be assigned to either grouping. [VY21CJC.J]
F0330P01V105exposed, not excavated. [U809YM.J]
F0331C33V105No q-lots are listed for this feature. Also, no elevations were given. [U809YM.J]
F0331I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0331I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0331I12V516Based on elevation this baulk appears to be within the brickfall layers [V516CJC.J]
F0331P01V105P913 [U809YM.J]
F0332I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0332I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0332I12VY21Based on comparative elevations this feature should be around the elevation of mid-EDIII features such as f358 [VY21CJC.J]
F0333F02V105>6le f0129 [U809YM.J]
F0333I01VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0333I03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0333I12V516Associated with the construction of the flanking wall f129 [V516CJC.J]
F0333I12VY21Part of construction of f127 [VY21CJC.J]
F0334A01T727f0346 [T727CJC.J]
F0334A01T822f0288 [T822CJC.J]
F0334A03T914^ctwl1 [T914CJC.J]
F0334A21T721wall [T822CJC2.J]
F0334A30T901Wall running east-west in k14 that abuts f127. It is the same as f288 and is part of the same wall as f346. It is a small curtian wall in front of the revetment wall (f128) with several large limestones. [T901CJC.J]
F0334A35T901v153a [T901CJC.J]
F0334A98T822Because this feature remained from the previous year but we did not have access to the previous feature number at the beginning of MZ22 we assigned it a new number. It is however now known that it is, in actuality, f288. [T822CJC.J]
F0334B11T721This feature is the remains of the wall just west of the west apron wall (f127). It had been excavated in 2005 but we assigned it a new feature in MZ22 (2009). Two points, the Southeast corner and the southwest corner, were measured by the surveyor Adeeb for plots (m6130 is the SW point, m6131 is the SE point). We assigned each stone inside the wall a component number 1-9. In previous years there was another row of stones on top of those that we surveyed but these were removed. This feature therefore only represents the bottom row of stones of the whole wall. This wall abuts wall f127. [T721CJC.J]
F0334C10T729When we first began excavations we assigned the whole J2 area (except k13 and k100) to k54 because we did not have squares strung yet. Now that we have the squares this feature can be assigned to k14. [T729CJC.J]
F0334D01T721k54 [T822CJC2.J]
F0334D01T729k14 [T729CJC.J]
F0334D06T7218799 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0334D06T7218807 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0334F02T721<5si q0829 [T729CJC3.J]
F0334F02T721<8ab f0335 [T721CJC.J]
F0334F02T721>0co f0336 [T721CJC.J]
F0334F02T721>8ab f0127 [T721CJC.J]
F0334F02T721>8ab f0335 [T721CJC.J]
F0334F02T820>0co f0335 [T820CJC.J]
F0334F02T829<8ab f0346 [T829CJC.J]
F0334F02T830<8ab f0346 [T830CJC.J]
F0334I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0334I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0334I10T916Before the Mittani brickfall that comes up against the wall. Corresponds in time with other curtain walls. [T916CJC.J]
F0334I12V516Before the Mittanni brickfall that comes up against the wall. Corresponds in time with other curtain walls. [V516CJC.J]
F0334I12VY21Mittani wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0334K03T721st [T822CJC2.J]
F0334K05T721brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0334K07T721very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0334O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T721v0153 [T729CJC2.J]
F0334O01T721v0153a [T729CJC2.J]
F0334P02T721T721 [T822CJC2.J]
F0335A01T729f0336 [T729CJC.J]
F0335A01T820f0352 [T820CJC.J]
F0335A01T822f0289 [T822CJC.J]
F0335A21T721bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0335A30T827Accumulation of reddish soil with some white accumulations. It is bricky in consistency and comes apart in chunks. Although orginally f335 was intended to refer to the accumulation abutting the wall f334 in the west, through a recording problem it instead became the accumulation under the wall. This accumulation was directly under the wall f346, with the stones of f349 embedded in it. It abuts the wall f127 in the east. It probably formed a foundation for the stone wall f346. [T827CJC2.J]
F0335A35T901v153 [T901CJC.J]
F0335A98T822We excavated f335 as the materials under the wall f334 but in previous years it had been left as a baulk which was refered to as f289 which, when excavated, eventually was separated into 3 features f335, f336 and f349. [T822CJC.J]
F0335B11T721This accumulation abuts f334 in the east. It contains bricky material, including articulated brick pieces. This may be part of the overall brickfall area that was noted in the whole J2 area. The material was very chunky and broke apart in fist-sized pieces. f335 was exposed for several years so it was eroded and crumbly. [T721CJC.J]
F0335B11T820Accumulation under the wall f334. It comes apart in large chunks, including a bricky material. It is relatively thick and may form a base or foundation for the wall (f334). Inside f335, at the bottom we found some stones, confined only to the area immediately under the wall which we labeled f349. With the bricky material of f335 and the stones of f349 it is very likely that these were placed to form a foundation for the larger stones of f334. [T820CJC.J]
F0335C01T727Today we continued excavating this feature after several days of not working in this area. Some smaller stones were uncovered. Their relationship to the wall (f334) that covered f335 is unclear. [T727CJC.J]
F0335C04T729This feature was accidentally confused with f336 in the field. The result of this confusion is that f336 pottery was collected using feature number f335. This is not a major problem as both f336 and f335 are accumulations associated with the wall f334. Originally f335 was just the material from inside the wall. Unfortunately because of the mix up f335 is now both the material from inside the wall as well as from immediately underneath (which should have been f336). [T729CJC.J]
F0335C10T902When we first began excavations we assigned the whole J2 area (except k13 and k100) to k54 because we did not have squares strung yet. Now that we have the squares this feature can be assigned to k14. [T830CJC.J]
F0335C30T820f336 was not really used so all types of contact now refer to f335 as the accumulation under the wall, not as it was originally intended as the inclusion inside of the wall. [T820CJC.J]
F0335D01T721k54 [T822CJC2.J]
F0335D01T902k14 [T830CJC.J]
F0335D03T7211023 (39461 50054 - 8947) [T728CJCR.J]
F0335D06T7218807 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0335D06T7218947 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0335F02T721<5si q0830 [T729CJC3.J]
F0335F02T721<8ab f0334 [T721CJC.J]
F0335F02T721>8ab f0334 [T721CJC.J]
F0335F02T727<5si q0844 [T729CJC3.J]
F0335F02T728<5si q0845 [T729CJC3.J]
F0335F02T804<5si f0349 [T804CJC3.J]
F0335F02T820<0co f0334 [T820CJC.J]
F0335F02T829>1ov f0319 [T829CJC.J]
F0335F02T829>1ov f0354 [T829CJC.J]
F0335I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0335I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0335I10T916Based on ceramics, this feature is mixed EDIII and Mitanni but the Mitanni remains are probably introduced through the construction of the wall, not originally part of this deposit. Additionally, there are very few Mitanni sherds so this feature is understood to be an EDIIIB deposit. [T916CJC.J]
F0335I12V516Directly under the wall f334, presumably built at the same time [V516CJC.J]
F0335I12VY21Accumulation inside and under Mittani curtain wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0335K03T721cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0335K05T721red and gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0335K07T721hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0335K08T721chunky [T822CJC2.J]
F0335O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T721v0153 [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T721v0153a [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T721v0156 [T729CJC2.J]
F0335O01T725v0161 [T826CJC3.J]
F0335O01T725v0161a [T826CJC3.J]
F0335O01T725v0161c [T826CJC3.J]
F0335O01T725v0161d [T826CJC3.J]
F0335P02T721T721 [T822CJC2.J]
F0336A01T729f0335 [T729CJC.J]
F0336A21T721a [T822CJC2.J]
F0336A30T901Accumulation under the wall f334. This number was only used for one q-lot and then f335 was accidentally used to refer to the accumulation under wall f334. For summary purposes f335 and f336 should be considered the same accumulation. [T901CJC.J]
F0336A35T901v152c [T901CJC.J]
F0336B11T721This accumulation was directly under the wall f334. It abuts the west wall of the apron (f127). It comes apart in large chunks. The color is reddish with some small white spots. When picked it comes apart in a chunk. There do not appear to be any bricks acting as a foundation for the wall f334. This feature was presumably left in place to support the wall f334 which had not been removed, but it may have also formed a portion of a baulk. [T721CJC.J]
F0336C04T729This feature was accidentally confused with f335 in the field. The result of this confusion is that f336 pottery was collected using feature number f335. This is not a major problem as both f336 and f335 are accumulations associated with the wall f334. Originally f335 was just the material from inside the wall. Unfortunately because of the mix up f335 is now both the material from inside the wall as well as from immediately underneath (which should have been f336). [T729CJC.J]
F0336C10T902When we first began excavations we assigned the whole J2 area (except k13 and k100) to k54 because we did not have squares strung yet. Now that we have the squares this feature can be assigned to k14. [T830CJC.J]
F0336C30T820This feature was confused with f335. From now on all information refering to f336 will assume that f335 and f336 are the same feature, that is, the accumulation under the wall. The feature that would have been f336 essentially no longer exists as a separate feature due to the mix-up. [T820CJC.J]
F0336D01T721k54 [T822CJC2.J]
F0336D01T902k14 [T830CJC.J]
F0336D03T7211024 (39382 50329 - 8807 / Relay location: NE corner) [T728CJCR.J]
F0336D06T7218735 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0336D06T7218807 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0336F02T721<0co f0334 [T721CJC.J]
F0336F02T721<5si q0831 [T729CJC3.J]
F0336F02T829>1ov f0319 [T829CJC.J]
F0336F02T829>1ov f0354 [T829CJC.J]
F0336I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0336I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0336I10T916Based on ceramics, this feature is mixed EDIII and Mitanni but the Mitanni remains are probably introduced through the construction of the wall, not originally part of this deposit. Additionally, there are very few Mitanni sherds so this feature is understood to be an EDIIIB deposit. [T916CJC.J]
F0336I12V516Directly under the wall f334, presumably built at the same time [V516CJC.J]
F0336I12VY21Accumulation under the Mittani wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0336K03T721cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0336K05T721red and gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0336K07T721medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0336K08T721chunky [T822CJC2.J]
F0336O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0336O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0337A21T722vm [T822CJC2.J]
F0337A30T901North baulk of k14. This was excavated as volumetric feature. [T901CJC.J]
F0337A35T901v152 [T901CJC.J]
F0337B11T722This feature was the leftover stub of a baulk from previous J2 excavations. It would have been the north baulk of k14. We decided to remove it as it was heavily eroded. We removed it down to almost the bottom but left just a little piece in place so we can continue to use the same baulk in this year's excavations. The feature was made of some hard chunky materials mixed with ashy lenses. [T722CJC.J]
F0337C10T902When we first began excavations we assigned the whole J2 area (except k13 and k100) to k54 because we did not have squares strung yet. Now that we have the squares this feature can be assigned to k14 [T830CJC.J]
F0337D01T722k54 [T822CJC2.J]
F0337D01T902k14 [T830CJC.J]
F0337D03T7221025 (39646 50455 - 8855 / Relay location: NE corner) [T728CJCR.J]
F0337D06T7228791 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0337D06T7228855 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0337F02T722<5si q0832 [T729CJC3.J]
F0337F02T829>1ov f0319 [T829CJC.J]
F0337I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0337I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0337I10T916Elevation [T916CJC.J]
F0337I12V516Elevation [V516CJC.J]
F0337I12VY21Mixed Mittani and EDIII, unidentified ashy features inside. [VY21CJC.J]
F0337K03T722cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0337K05T722brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0337K07T722medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0337O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
F0337O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0337O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
F0337O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
F0337O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0337P02T722T721 [T822CJC2.J]
F0338A01T820f0341 [T820CJC.J]
F0338A21T723bf [T725CJC.J]
F0338A21T723mx [T822CJC2.J]
F0338A30T901Large brickfall in south k15 and k5. It is composed of red and gray bricks. Probably Mittanni in date. [T901CJC.J]
F0338A35T901v179 [T901CJC.J]
F0338B11T723This feature is the south section of all of J2. We have assigned it to k54 which is an over-arching locus we have been using for all the cleaning operations at the beginning of MZ22 (2009) before the squares are reestablished. The section is clearly composed of brickmelt and brickfall. The section was cut back about 50 centimeters to remove the eroded pieces and also to create more room in front of the apron for the J2 excavations of this year. Several q-lots were collected from this feature. [T725CJC.J]
F0338B11T820Very large brickfall accumulation. It is composed of red and gray bricks. It was originally the cut of the south section but when removed it was completely composed of brickfall. At the lowest part there are large partial pieces of bricks, as we move up the section we see small portions of bricks, brickmelt and at the top the pieces of brick are almost indistinguisable but certainly still the same material only more degraded. [T820CJC.J]
F0338C03T803The scraping of the south section of k15 and k5 revealed only brickfall. Originally this feature was described as mixed but now we can see it is very uniformly brickfall. This is the same situation as the scraping of the west section of k14 and k15, therefore, both f338 and f341 (section scraping) are brickfall and are the same feature. [T804CJC2.J]
F0338C10T902When we first began excavations we assigned the whole J2 area (except k13 and k100) to k54 because we did not have squares strung yet. Now that we have the squares this feature can be assigned to k15 and k5. [T830CJC.J]
F0338D01T723k54 [T822CJC2.J]
F0338D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0338D01T902k5 [T830CJC.J]
F0338D06T7238707 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0338D06T7238895 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0338F02T724<5si q0833 [T729CJC3.J]
F0338F02T724<5si q0834 [T729CJC3.J]
F0338F02T829<5si f0345 [T829CJC.J]
F0338F02T829>0co f0339 [T829CJC.J]
F0338F02T829>0co f0366 [T829CJC.J]
F0338F02T829>1ov f0344 [T829CJC.J]
F0338F02T830<5si f0345 [T830CJC.J]
F0338F02T830>0co f0344 [T830CJC.J]
F0338I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0338I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0338I12V516Part of the large Mitanni brickfall, dated to the middle Mitanni based on the dating of erosion to the early Mitanni. [V516CJC.J]
F0338K03T723cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0338K05T723brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0338K07T723medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0338K08T723bricky [T822CJC2.J]
F0338O01T719v0148 [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T719v0148a [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T719v0148b [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T721v0157 [T729CJC2.J]
F0338O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
F0338O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0212a [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0338O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0338O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0338O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0338P02T723T723 [T822CJC2.J]
F0339A21T725fb [T822CJC2.J]
F0339A30T901Very hard gray surface in k15. This surface was probably created by the erosion (f366) seen in the south section. Water from the erosion made it very hard. Originally thought to be a either a glacis (f319) or a sloping surface across the whole area (k110, k5 and k15) it turned out to be an erosion surface confined primarily to k15. [T901CJC.J]
F0339A35T901v174 [T901CJC.J]
F0339B11T725Very compacted surface with some small pebbles inside. It was exposed when removing f338. It is very hard and a light gray color. [T725CJC.J]
F0339B11T802This surface slopes down from east to west. In k5 it is 8930(m6151+158-143) in the SE corner sloping down to 8855 (m6152-124+143) in the SW corner. [T802CJC.J]
F0339B11T810The surface of f339 is a very flat gray surface. It is very hard and appears smooth. When the materials above it were picked they separated easily from the surface of f339. Because it overlays more than one feature it comes apart slightly differently. In the northern part when picked it comes off attached to large brown chunks (about 15cm in size). Under these chunks we found the reddish layer f348. In contrast in the SW portion of f339 when picked it comes off in an extremely thin layer and immediately overlays a pink layer (f373). The portion underlying f339 in the north with the chunks has occasional charcoal inclusions and small white laminations from roots or water. [T810CJC.J]
F0339C03T810I think that this layer is probably a result of the erosion we see in the south section of k110, k5 and that continues in k15. I suggest this because f339 overlays more than one feature (including f365, f373 and f348) which indicates that the layers underneath were eroded before they were overlaid by the gray layer of f339. I think the reason that it comes apart in different ways when picked is because after the erosion the water and dust settled and bonded with the different exposed layers in different ways. For example in the southwest corner it only rested on top of the pink (f373) while in the northern part it became more bonded with the layer underneath (f348). Also, the brickfall rests directly on top of this layer which suggests it was the last moment in time, sealing off the eroded layers before the brickfall fell on top of it. [T810CJC.J]
F0339C10T902When we first began excavating we thought that perhaps f339 extended across all of J2, but when we excavated it, f339 was contained to only k15. [T830CJC.J]
F0339C40T802We attributed this feature to the accumulation immediately under the brickfall when we scraped back the south section of k5 and k15. It was a hard gray layer sloping down from east to west. It appeared to be the same as f344 in k110. When we began removing the feature it became unclear if this was the same feature as it appears in the SW corner of k5 that the brickfall directly overlays an uneven surface with embedded pebbles. When we remove the pebble-surface (f362) we hope to see if f362 is a wash that cut the surface of f339 or if f339 did not continue under the brickfall as assumed. We will use the south section to verify the slope (or non-existence) of this feature. [T802CJC.J]
F0339C99T725We have not excavated this feature yet. [T725CJC.J]
F0339D01T725k4 [T822CJC2.J]
F0339D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0339D03T8101102 (39154 49915 - 8705 / Relay location: SW corner of remaining portion) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D03T8101103 (39211 50023 - 8721 / Relay location: Center point of NW edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D03T8101104 (39232 50175 - 8733 / Relay location: NE corner point) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D03T8101105 (39233 50100 - 8724 / Relay location: NW corner point) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D03T8101106 (39041 50098 - 8714 / Relay location: SE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D03T8101107 (39148 50173 - 8724 / Relay location: point on eastern edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0339D06T7258712 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0339D06T7258724 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0339F02T801<1ov f0354 [T801CJC.J]
F0339F02T810<5si q0882 [T826CJC2.J]
F0339F02T810>0co f0373 [T810CJC.J]
F0339F02T810>1ov f0348 [T810CJC.J]
F0339F02T810>1ov f0365 [T810CJC.J]
F0339F02T829<0co f0338 [T829CJC.J]
F0339F02T829<1ov f0341 [T829CJC.J]
F0339F02T829<1ov f0371 [T829CJC.J]
F0339F02T830<1ov f0371 [T830CJC.J]
F0339F02T830>1ov f0374 [T830CJC.J]
F0339I01VY11s161-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0339I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0339I10T916Assigned to the same stratum as the erosion (f366) that presumably created this feature. [T916CJC.J]
F0339I12V516Possibly formed by the erosion of f366 [V516CJC.J]
F0339I12VY21The nature of this feature is unclear, but it appears to be a surface formed by the processes of erosion. It may have been partially eroded in the third millennium but it was furhter damaged in the mid-Mittani when the erosion of f366 happened. For this reason I have assigned this feature to the Mittani although it could be revised with further information. Similar to f371. [VY21CJC.J]
F0339K03T725cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0339K05T725gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0339K07T725very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0339K07T829very hard [T829CJC.J]
F0339K08T725platy [T822CJC2.J]
F0339K08T829smooth surface [T829CJC.J]
F0339O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
F0339O01T721v0156 [T729CJC2.J]
F0339O01T721v0157 [T729CJC2.J]
F0339O01T721v0157a [T729CJC2.J]
F0339O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
F0339P02T725T811 [T822CJC2.J]
F0340A01T725f0342 [T725CJC.J]
F0340A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0340A21T725bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0340A30T901Small area next to the cement staircase and immediately under the cement staircase that was removed when the south section was cut back. It was composed entirely of brickfall. [T901CJC.J]
F0340A35T901v151 [T901CJC.J]
F0340B11T725This feature was assigned to the removal of the dirt edging the cement staircase. It had been left in place as a border to the stairs to prevent erosion of the stairs. It was very small. It is composed of brickfall. [T725CJC.J]
F0340C01T802Today we finished removing a portion of the area under the staircase. This portion (corresponding to q-lot q862) appears to have not been disturbed in the construction of the staircase. We collected the pottery, it appears that a portion of the reddish layer, f361, was removed in removing this feature. [T802CJC.J]
F0340D01T725k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0340D06T7258806 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0340D06T7258842 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0340D06T8028757 [T802CJC.J]
F0340F02T725>0co f0342 [T725CJC.J]
F0340F02T802<5si q0862 [T804CJC.J]
F0340F02T829>1ov f0343 [T829CJC.J]
F0340F02T830>1ov f0343 [T830CJC.J]
F0340I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0340I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0340I12V516Part of large Mitanni brickfall [V516CJC.J]
F0340K03T725cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0340K05T725brown and red [T822CJC2.J]
F0340K07T725medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0340K08T725bricky [T822CJC2.J]
F0340O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0340O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0340O99T901There is no direct view of this feature as a separate feature but it is part of the large brickfall f338. The best view was chosen from the pre-excavation photos and f340 is visible in the area just to the east of the cement staircase. [T901CJC.J]
F0340P02T725T725 [T822CJC2.J]
F0341A01T820f0338 [T820CJC.J]
F0341A21T725bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0341A30T901Large brickfall composed of red and gray bricks, seen clearly in section that covers the western part of k15. It is part of the same brickfall as f338. The bricks at the bottom are larger and more clearly articulate and appear more degraded towards the top of f341. This feature was originally excavated as a volumetric feature but it was composed entirely of brickfall. [T901CJC.J]
F0341A35T901v156 [T901CJC.J]
F0341B11T725This feature is the remains of a baulk from the previous excavations. It is in the western part of k14. It is very large, extending 6.5 meters south from its NE corner (r1028) and 70 centimeters to the west. It abuts the south section of J2 (f338) [T725CJC.J]
F0341B11T726Some large chunks of carbonized wood. The largest was the size of a fist. pC removed the largest pieces from the section. They were collected as a sample. We also found large reddish brick chunks with white inclusions. [T726CJC.J]
F0341D01T725k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0341D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0341D03T7251028 (39487 50008 - 8859 / Relay location: NE corner of removal of baulk stub in k14, k15) [T728CJCR.J]
F0341D06T7258724 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0341D06T7258859 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0341F02T728<5si q0846 [T729CJC3.J]
F0341F02T829<5si f0345 [T829CJC.J]
F0341F02T829>1ov f0339 [T829CJC.J]
F0341F02T829>1ov f0373 [T829CJC.J]
F0341F02T829>1ov f0374 [T829CJC.J]
F0341F02T829>8ab f0346 [T829CJC.J]
F0341F02T830<5si f0345 [T830CJC.J]
F0341I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0341I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0341I12V516Part of the large Mitanni brickfall, dated to the middle Mitanni based on the dating of erosion to the early Mitanni. [V516CJC.J]
F0341K03T725cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0341K05T725brown and red [T822CJC2.J]
F0341K05T829red and gray [T829CJC.J]
F0341K07T725medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0341K08T725bricky [T822CJC2.J]
F0341O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T719v0148 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T719v0148b [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0153 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0156 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0157 [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T721v0157a [T729CJC2.J]
F0341O01T725v0161 [T826CJC3.J]
F0341O01T725v0161d [T826CJC3.J]
F0341O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0341O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0341O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0341P02T725T725 [T822CJC2.J]
F0342A01T725f0340 [T725CJC.J]
F0342A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0342A21T725bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0342A30T901Removal of brickfall in south k5 under the cement staircase. This feature is the same as f341, both refering to removal of brickfall surrounding the cement staircase. [T901CJC.J]
F0342A35T901v151 [T901CJC.J]
F0342B11T725The removal of the remaining brickfall in the south part of k5. It is composed of red and gray brick pieces. It is hard and comes apart in bricky chunks when picked. In MZ21 this area was part of J7. [T725CJC.J]
F0342D01T725k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0342D06T7258786 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0342D06T7258806 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0342F02T725<0co f0340 [T725CJC.J]
F0342F02T829>0co f0360 [T829CJC.J]
F0342F02T829>0co f0366 [T829CJC.J]
F0342I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0342I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0342I12V516Part of the large Mitanni brickfall, dated to the middle Mitanni based on the dating of erosion to the early Mitanni. [V516CJC.J]
F0342K03T725cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0342K05T725brown and red [T822CJC2.J]
F0342K07T725medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0342K08T725bricky [T822CJC2.J]
F0342O99T901There is no direct view of this feature as a separate feature but it is part of the large brickfall f338. The best view was chosen from the pre-excavation photos and f342 is the portion of the brickfall hidden by the cement staircase. [T901CJC.J]
F0342P02T725T725 [T822CJC2.J]
F0343A21T726mx [T822CJC2.J]
F0343A30T901Dirt, including backfill from under the cement staircase. Has no stratigraphic importance [T901CJC.J]
F0343B11T726Removal of dirt from under cement staircase. This was partially composed of backfill and partially of brickfall. [T726CJC.J]
F0343C02T726Although it has no real context we collected the pottery and assigned a feature. [T726CJC.J]
F0343D01T726k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0343D03T7251030 (38895 50752 - 8759 / Relay location: NE corner) [T728CJCR.J]
F0343D06T7268755 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0343D06T7268823 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0343D06T8298755 @bottom [T829CJC.J]
F0343F02T726<5si q0842 [T729CJC3.J]
F0343F02T829<1ov f0340 [T829CJC.J]
F0343F02T829>1ov f0360 [T829CJC.J]
F0343F02T830<1ov f0340 [T830CJC.J]
F0343F02T830>1ov f0360 [T830CJC.J]
F0343I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0343I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0343I10T916Unassigned, includes backfill from cement staircase. [T916CJC.J]
F0343I12V516Includes backfill from cement staircase. [V516CJC.J]
F0343K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0343K05T726light brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0343O99T901There is no view of this feature as it has no archaeological significance. [T901CJC.J]
F0343P02T726T726 [T822CJC2.J]
F0344A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0344A21T726fb [T822CJC2.J]
F0344A30T901Hard compact surface in south k110. It is about 10cm thick in section and a very distinct gray color. It has some sherds and pebbles embedded in it. [T901CJC.J]
F0344A35T901v158a [T901CJC.J]
F0344B11T726Very hard surface with some small pebbles and sherds. Highly compacted and appearing to slope down to the southwest of J2. It is covered by the brickfall (f338, f342). It is a light gray color. [T726CJC.J]
F0344D01T726k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0344D03T7251033 (38782 50706 - 8784 / Relay location: SW corner of f344) [T728CJCR.J]
F0344D03T7251034 (38826 50712 - 8779 / Relay location: NW corner of f344) [T728CJCR.J]
F0344D06T7268772 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0344D06T7268783 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0344F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0344F02T829<1ov f0338 [T829CJC.J]
F0344F02T829>0co f0347 [T829CJC.J]
F0344F02T830<0co f0338 [T830CJC.J]
F0344F02T830>0co f0347 [T830CJC.J]
F0344F99T829f344 is covered by a thin layer in section, it has not been possible to correlate the features seen in the south section of k110 (the locus in which we found f344) with the previous excavations. It is possible that f310 is the feature covering f344 although there is no feature under the brickfall (which was a large feature f286) that matches the description of f344. Therefore, no types of contact have been assigned covering f344. [T829CJC.J]
F0344I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0344I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0344I10T916Based on ceramics dated to EDIIIB [T916CJC.J]
F0344I12V516Based on ceramics dated to EDIII [V516CJC.J]
F0344I12VY21Late EDIII floor in front of the apron. This is the highest preserved floor. It is possible there were more floors above this feature but they were destroyed or removed in antiquity due to erosion. The brickfall falls directly on this feature. [VY21CJC.J]
F0344K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0344K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0344K07T726hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0344K08T726smooth [T822CJC2.J]
F0344O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
F0344O01T721v0158a [T826CJC3.J]
F0344O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0344O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0344O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0344O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0344O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0344O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0344O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0344O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0344O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0344O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0344O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0344P02T726T721 [T822CJC2.J]
F0345A21T726floating stones [T822CJC2.J]
F0345A21T727st [T727CJC.J]
F0345A30T909Six floating stones inside the large brickfall. They are all at about the same elevation but do not form any kind of structure. [T901CJC.J]
F0345A35T909v157 [T901CJC.J]
F0345B11T727Six floating stones in k15. They are floating in the brickfall of f341 and f338. Components were assigned to each stone f345.1, f345.2, f345.3, f345.4, f345.5, f345.6 and relayed. [T727CJC.J]
F0345D01T726k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0345D06T7268749 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0345F02T829>5si f0338 [T829CJC.J]
F0345F02T829>5si f0341 [T829CJC.J]
F0345F02T830>5si f0338 [T830CJC.J]
F0345F02T830>5si f0341 [T830CJC.J]
F0345I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0345I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0345I10T916Inside the Mittani brickfall and thus dated to the same stratum. [T916CJC.J]
F0345K03T726st [T822CJC2.J]
F0345K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0345K07T726very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0345O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0345O01T721v0156 [T729CJC2.J]
F0345O01T721v0157 [T729CJC2.J]
F0345O01T721v0157a [T729CJC2.J]
F0345O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0345O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0345O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0345O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0345O01T921v0212a [T921CJC.J]
F0345O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0345P02T726T726 [T822CJC2.J]
F034501D03T7271035 (38965 50268 - 8749 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F034502D03T7271036 (38985 50202 - 8744 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F034503D03T7271037 (39038 50110 - 8741 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F034504D03T7271038 (39122 49945 - 8742 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F034505D03T7271039 (39204 49953 - 8766 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F034506D03T7271040 (39256 49908 - 8768 / Relay location: center of stone) [T728CJCR.J]
F0346A01T727f0334 [T727CJC.J]
F0346A03T914^ctwl1 [T914CJC.J]
F0346A21T726w [T822CJC2.J]
F0346A30T909Small curtain wall in front of the revetment wall (f128) to the west of the the wall f127. f346, together with f334, is one wall that abuts the western wall (f127) of the apron (f131). It is composed of large limestones, some with a triangular shape. The f346 portion of the wall was partially collapsed when excavated. [T901CJC.J]
F0346A35T909v161 [T901CJC.J]
F0346B11T727Accumulation of stones in k14. They appear to form a wall. The stones to the north of the wall appear to be stones that have fallen off the top of the wall. [T727CJC.J]
F0346B11T728This wall is composed of several large stones. It is held together with a brown soil. It is probably a continuation of f334 although there was no direct contact visible between f346 and f334 when f334 was removed. Very few sherds were found inside of the wall. 20 stones of this feature were relayed, only 18 were visible before dismantling the wall. Most of the stones were medium sized (approximately 30x30cm) while some were quite large (approximately 50x60cm). [T728CJC.J]
F0346C02T727We will assign one feature to all the stones, even those that have fallen off the top. Although this wall appears to line up with f334, we have given it a separate feature as it was not found touching f334 and could conceivably be different, however, I believe it is a continuation of wall f334. [T727CJC.J]
F0346D01T726k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0346D06T7268741 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0346D06T7268798 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0346F02T728<5si f0351 [T728CJC.J]
F0346F02T728>0co f0352 [T728CJC.J]
F0346F02T829<8ab f0341 [T829CJC.J]
F0346F02T829>8ab f0334 [T829CJC.J]
F0346F02T830>8ab f0288 [T830CJC.J]
F0346F02T830>8ab f0334 [T830CJC.J]
F0346I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0346I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0346I10T916This feature is stratigraphically before the Mittani brickfall that comes up against the wall. It corresponds in time with other curtain walls. [T916CJC.J]
F0346I12V516Before the Mittanni brickfall that comes up against the wall. Corresponds in time with other curtain walls. [V516CJC.J]
F0346K03T726st [T822CJC2.J]
F0346K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0346K07T726hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0346K08T726stony [T822CJC2.J]
F0346K99T728The brickfall (f341) comes up to the south face of this wall. The wall appears to have already collapsed by the time the brickfall comes and covers it. This suggests that the wall had already fallen into disuse and had had several stones fall over before the brickfall came and covered it. [T728CJC.J]
F0346O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
F0346O01T721v0156 [T729CJC2.J]
F0346O01T725v0161 [T826CJC3.J]
F0346O01T725v0161a [T826CJC3.J]
F0346O01T725v0161b [T826CJC3.J]
F0346O01T725v0161c [T826CJC3.J]
F0346O01T725v0161d [T826CJC3.J]
F0346O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0346P02T726T728 [T822CJC2.J]
F034605D03T9011072 (39523 50105 - 8801 / Relay location: edge of stone) [T901CJCR.J]
F034606D03T9011073 (39552 50030 - 8776 / Relay location: edge of stone) [T901CJCR.J]
F034618D03T9011074 (39616 50126 - 8788 / Relay location: center of stone) [T901CJCR.J]
F0347A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0347A21T726fb [T822CJC2.J]
F0347A30T909Very compact gray floor in k110. It is part of a long sequence of floors in front of the apron (f131) indicating the long-use of the area. [T901CJC.J]
F0347A35T909v213 [T901CJC.J]
F0347B11T727Very hard compacted floor in south k110. It is a grayish color with some flat sherds embedded in it. [T727CJC.J]
F0347D01T726k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0347D06T7268767 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0347D06T7268772 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0347F02T728<5si q0848 [T729CJC3.J]
F0347F02T803<5si q0865 [T804CJC.J]
F0347F02T804>0co f0350 [T804CJC3.J]
F0347F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0347F02T820>0co f0350 [T820CJC.J]
F0347F02T829<0co f0344 [T829CJC.J]
F0347F02T830<0co f0344 [T830CJC.J]
F0347I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0347I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0347I10T916Floor above (f344) dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [T916CJC.J]
F0347I12VY21Late EDIII deposit in south k110 [VY21CJC.J]
F0347K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0347K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0347K07T726hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0347K08T726coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0347O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0347O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0347O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0347O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0347O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0347O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0347O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0347O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0347O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0347O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0347O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0347P02T726T728 [T822CJC2.J]
F0348A21T726fa [T822CJC2.J]
F0348A30T909Very red granular accumulation in k15. It may form a subfloor for the f359 and f373. This feature was only partially exposed and was not excavated. [T901CJC.J]
F0348A35T909v175 [T901CJC.J]
F0348B11T822This feature is a granular red layer that crumbles easily. It is much redder than anything around it. It is soft and in some places it comes off when we pick the layer above it (f339). [T822CJC.J]
F0348C01T728Reddish layer under f339 that we have not excavated yet. It was slightly exposed in the SW corner of k15. [T728CJC.J]
F0348C03T822This feature is probably the same as f379 in k110 although we do not have a direct connection. [T822CJC.J]
F0348D01T726k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0348D03T8221137 (39239 49894 - 8712 / Relay location: NW corner) [T823CJCR.J]
F0348D03T8221138 (39175 50160 - 8719 / Relay location: NE corner) [T823CJCR.J]
F0348D06T7268712 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0348F02T810<1ov f0339 [T810CJC.J]
F0348F02T819<1ov f0373 [T819CJC2.J]
F0348F02T829>1ov f0374 [T829CJC.J]
F0348F02T830>1ov f0374 [T830CJC.J]
F0348I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0348I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0348I10T916Assumed to be the same as floor f379 which is from a more stratified context based on the matrix and composition of the feature. [T916CJC.J]
F0348I12VY21Although there is not direct stratigraphic connection it appears to be similar to f379 which is dated to the moment between the construction of the monumental access and the flanking wall. The reddish color, however, suggests that it may be similar to f359, the salmon floor which is presumed constructed at the same time as the flanking wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0348K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0348K05T726red [T822CJC2.J]
F0348K06T7265YR7/6 [T822CJC2.J]
F0348K07T726soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0348K08T726granular [T822CJC2.J]
F0348O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0177a [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0348O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0348O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0348O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0348O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0348O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0348O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0348O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0348O01T921v0207a [T921CJC.J]
F0348O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0348P02T726Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0349A21T726st [T822CJC2.J]
F0349A30T909A group of large pebbles, about 10-20cm in size, sitting in the accumulation (f335) under the wall f334. They may form a part of the base of the wall. [T901CJC.J]
F0349B11T804Grouping of 22 stones in k14 under the area of the wall f334. These stones are sitting in f335. The stones were smaller than those composing the wall f346 and f334. The stones were approximately 20-30cms in size. [T804CJC3.J]
F0349C02T804These stones were relayed together as a group by pC and sH but each stone was assigned a component number. pC sketched the location of the stones. [T804CJC3.J]
F0349C03T804The stones seem to form a base to the wall f334, overlayed with some soil with the larger stones of f334 sitting on top. It was not defined as a wall because it is only one row of stones, with no height. [T804CJC3.J]
F0349C33T804No photos were taken of this feature. [T804CJC3.J]
F0349D01T726k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0349D06T7268764 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0349D06T7268807 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0349D06T8298807 @bottom [T829CJC.J]
F0349F02T804>5si f0335 [T804CJC3.J]
F0349I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0349I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0349I10T916Directly under the wall f334, it is presumably built at the same time as a foundation [T916CJC.J]
F0349I12VY21Stones associated with construction of Mittani curtain wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0349K03T726st [T822CJC2.J]
F0349K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0349K07T726very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0349K08T726stony [T822CJC2.J]
F0349O99T909There is no view of this feature as it was accidentally removed before photographing. [T901CJC.J]
F0349P02T726T728 [T822CJC2.J]
F0350A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0350A21T726fb [T822CJC2.J]
F0350A30T909Soft, sandy layer with a reddish color. It is a very thin accumulation. It is one of a series of 11 level floors and accumulations in south k110. [T901CJC.J]
F0350A35T909v213 [T901CJC.J]
F0350A98T820This feature was only recovered in the south section of k110 where we cut back the baulk. Possibly equal to f310 [T820CJC.J]
F0350B11T728Sandy reddish layer. Very crumbly and coarse. [T728CJC.J]
F0350B11T804This feature is very thin, less than 5cm thick. In the section is is clearly distinguishable because it is soft and crumbles easily. The sandy particles are very coarse and are red and white. We only exposed this feature when we cut back the south section of k110. [T804CJC3.J]
F0350D01T726k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0350D06T7268757 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0350D06T7268767 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0350F02T728<5si q0849 [T729CJC3.J]
F0350F02T803<5si q0866 [T804CJC.J]
F0350F02T804<0co f0347 [T804CJC3.J]
F0350F02T804>0co f0353 [T804CJC3.J]
F0350F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0350F02T820<0co f0347 [T820CJC.J]
F0350F02T820>0co f0353 [T820CJC.J]
F0350I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0350I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0350I10T916Floor above (f344) dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [T916CJC.J]
F0350I12VY21Late EDIII deposit in south k110 [VY21CJC.J]
F0350K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0350K05T726reddish [T822CJC2.J]
F0350K07T726soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0350K08T726sandy [T822CJC2.J]
F0350O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0350O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0350O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0350O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0350O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0350O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0350O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0350O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0350O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0350O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0350O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0350P02T726T728 [T822CJC2.J]
F0351A21T726a [T822CJC2.J]
F0351A30T909Brown accumulation inside of the wall f346. [T901CJC.J]
F0351A35T909v161 [T901CJC.J]
F0351B11T728Brown soil found inside of wall f346. It is full of fist-sized rocks but not much pottery. It is possibly the mortar of the wall. It is not very compacted. [T728CJC.J]
F0351D01T726k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0351D06T7268741 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0351D06T7268798 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0351F02T728<5si q0850 [T729CJC3.J]
F0351F02T728>5si f0346 [T728CJC.J]
F0351I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0351I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0351I10T916It is inside of wall f346, which is assigned to the this strata based on its stratigraphic relationship to the brickfall. [T916CJC.J]
F0351I12VY21Inside of Mittani wall [VY21CJC.J]
F0351K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0351K05T726brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0351K07T726soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0351K08T726crumbly [T822CJC2.J]
F0351O01T725v0161 [T826CJC3.J]
F0351O01T725v0161c [T826CJC3.J]
F0351O01T725v0161d [T826CJC3.J]
F0351P02T726T728 [T822CJC2.J]
F0352A01T820f0335 [T820CJC.J]
F0352A21T726l [T822CJC2.J]
F0352A30T909Accumulation under the wall f346. It is only partially excavated as we did not remove all of the wall. [T901CJC.J]
F0352A35T909v161 [T901CJC.J]
F0352B11T820Accumulation under the wall f346. [T820CJC.J]
F0352B11T909Comes aprt in chunks, has a reddish and brown colors. Very similar to f335. [T901CJC.J]
F0352D01T726k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0352D06T7268741 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0352D06T7268752 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0352F02T728<0co f0346 [T728CJC.J]
F0352F02T728<5si q0851 [T729CJC3.J]
F0352F02T829>1ov f0319 [T829CJC.J]
F0352F02T830>1ov f0319 [T830CJC.J]
F0352I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0352I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0352I10T916This deposit is thought to be the same as the f335 and thus is assigned to the same stratum, despite being associated with the wall f334, which is dated to the Mitanni. [T916CJC.J]
F0352I12V516Directly under all f346, presumably part of the same construction [V516CJC.J]
F0352I12VY21Under the Mittani wall, may contain mixed ceramics from both third and second millennium as the construction of the wall seems to have disturbed the surrounding accumulations somewhat. See v130 for the disturbance of third millennium deposits north of the wall. [VY21CJC.J]
F0352K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0352K05T726brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0352K07T726medium soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0352K08T726chunky [T822CJC2.J]
F0353A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0353A21T726f [T822CJC2.J]
F0353A30T909Reddish accumulation in south k110, one of the series of 11 floors and accumulations in this area demonstrating the long use. This layer is distinguished from f350 as it is less sandy and is more compact. [T901CJC.J]
F0353A35T909v213 [T901CJC.J]
F0353A98T820This feature was only recovered in the south section of k110 where we cut back the baulk. It still needs to be correlated with the features from the previous excavation but is possibly f315 [T820CJC.J]
F0353B11T801Coarse material with reddish particles. [T801CJC.J]
F0353B11T804This layer is similar to the one immediately above it but it is harder and less sandy. It is still reddish in color. It is very coarse with larger particles. It feels rough in your hand. It includes some small pebbles. We only exposed this section when we cut back the south section of k110. [T804CJC3.J]
F0353D01T726k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0353D06T7268757 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0353D06T7268761 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0353F02T730<5si q0853 [T804CJC.J]
F0353F02T801>0co f0355 [T801CJC.J]
F0353F02T804<0co f0350 [T804CJC3.J]
F0353F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0353F02T820<0co f0350 [T820CJC.J]
F0353I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0353I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0353I10T916Floor above (f344) dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [T916CJC.J]
F0353I12VY21Late EDIII based on ceramics from mKB [VY21CJC.J]
F0353K03T726cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0353K05T726gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0353K07T726medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0353K08T726coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0353O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0353O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0353O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0353O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0353O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0353O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0353O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0353O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0353P02T726T730 [T822CJC2.J]
F0354A21T730lens [T822CJC2.J]
F0354A30T909Accumulation immediately to the west of f127, where it met with the curtian wall f344. It is composed of gray laminations overlaying the hard gray layer, f319. This feature was probably created by water collecting near the base of the corner of the two walls (f344 and f127). [T901CJC.J]
F0354A35T909v174 [T901CJC.J]
F0354B11T801Layer covering the hard gray layer (f319) in k14. This feature comes apart in flaky layers. It is probably composed of laminations created by water. It is a mix of the gray surfaces with brown softer soil. It is located to the south of where wall f334 was located. It is possible that the laminations were caused by the location of the wall. It is not very compacted. [T801CJC.J]
F0354D01T730k14 [T822CJC2.J]
F0354D06T7308736 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0354D06T7308757 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0354F02T730<5si q0854 [T804CJC.J]
F0354F02T801>1ov f0339 [T801CJC.J]
F0354F02T829<1ov f0335 [T829CJC.J]
F0354F02T829<1ov f0336 [T829CJC.J]
F0354F02T902>1ov f0319 [T830CJC.J]
F0354I01VY11s161-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0354I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0354I10T916This feature is possibly the same erosion and water damage that formed f339 and f371 and is thus assigned to the same feature. [T916CJC.J]
F0354I12VY21Although this feature is directly on top of the f319 which was dated to the construction of the monumental access it appears to be considerably later. Any accumulations that may have overlaid f319 appear to have been removed by erosion. The thin laminations of these layers indicates the presence of water, probably water that caused the erosion f366. As a result I have assigned the damaged features in this corner near the flanking wall f127 to the same stratum as the major erosion event. [VY21CJC.J]
F0354K03T730cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0354K05T730gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0354K07T730soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0354K08T730flaky [T822CJC2.J]
F0354O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0354O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0354P02T730T730 [T822CJC2.J]
F0355A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0355A21T730pc [T822CJC2.J]
F0355A30T909Floor composed of pebbles and sherds laying flat, recovered only in the southern portion of k110. [T901CJC.J]
F0355A35T909v162 [T901CJC.J]
F0355B11T801Pebble and sherd floor in the southern portion of k110. Presumably the floor covered the entire locus but we have only the portion remaining where we are cutting down the south section of k110. The floor is about 5cm thick with the sherds mostly lying flat. There are many pebbles in both the surface of the floor and also the matrix that makes up the subfloor. The surface of the floor appears gray but when picked it is a rich brown color. The soil is coarse but when you rub it between your fingers it is very soft and fine. [T801CJC.J]
F0355C03T803Appears to be the same as f327 from the previous excavations [T803CJC.J]
F0355D01T730k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0355D06T7308752 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0355D06T7308757 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0355F02T730<5si q0856 [T804CJC.J]
F0355F02T801<0co f0353 [T801CJC.J]
F0355F02T801>1ov f0357 [T801CJC.J]
F0355F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0355I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0355I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0355I10T916Floor above (f344) dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [T916CJC.J]
F0355I12VY21Late EDIII based on ceramics from mKB, elevation similar to f327. [VY21CJC.J]
F0355K03T730cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0355K05T730reddish [T822CJC2.J]
F0355K07T730medium hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0355K08T730coarse with pebbles and sherds [T822CJC2.J]
F0355O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T730v0162a [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T730v0162b [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T730v0162c [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0355O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0355O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0355O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0355O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0355O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0355O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0355O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0355P02T730T730 [T822CJC2.J]
F0356A03T914^bf [T914CJC.J]
F0356A21T730bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0356A30T909Brickfall in k111. This feature was an arbitrary 20 cm deep to remove a portion of the brickfall to allow for easier access from the J7 vantage point to J2. [T901CJC.J]
F0356A35T909v163 [T901CJC.J]
F0356B11T801Brickfall in J7k6, it was excavated as part of J2 this year. We removed about 20cm to make access from J7 easier. This was part of the site presentation project, not really part of the objectives of J2. The feature contained articulated red and gray bricks similar to those seen in the south section of J2k14 and visible in all of the west sections of J7. [T801CJC.J]
F0356D01T730k111 [T822CJC2.J]
F0356D06T7308815 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0356D06T7308827 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0356F02T730<5si q0855 [T804CJC.J]
F0356I01VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0356I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0356I10T916Part of the large Mittani brickfall, dated to the middle Mittani based on the dating of erosion to the early Mittani. [T916CJC.J]
F0356I12VY21Brickfall directly on cut of erosion. [VY21CJC.J]
F0356K03T730cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0356K05T730brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0356K07T730medium soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0356K08T730bricky [T822CJC2.J]
F0356O01T730v0163 [T826CJC3.J]
F0356O01T730v0163a [T826CJC3.J]
F0356O01T802v0165 [T826CJC3.J]
F0356O01T802v0165a [T826CJC3.J]
F0356P02T730T730 [T822CJC2.J]
F0357A01T803f0363 [T803CJC.J]
F0357A01T805f0364 [T805CJC.J]
F0357A01T819f0365 [T819CJC2.J]
F0357A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0357A21T801fd [T822CJC2.J]
F0357A30T909Thick deposit of several natural accumulations. This feature was created by several different depositional events but was excavated as one feature. It has many flaky layers and breaks apart into layers very easily. [T901CJC.J]
F0357A35T909v213 [T901CJC.J]
F0357A98T803When we were excavating this layer it appeared to be one feature, however, in the west section we were later able to define some subtle differences. Therefore we will assign new feature numbers in k5 to the different layers that composed f357 in k110 and more than one layer in k5 will be equal to f357 in k110. [T803CJC.J]
F0357B11T801This feature is a flaky gray layer that covers all of k110. Portions of this feature were exposed for several seasons as this is the elevation at which the previous J2 excavations ended. It has a gray surface but when picked it comes part in flat layer. The layers are sandy with red and white inclusions. It is very coarse. [T801CJC.J]
F0357D01T801k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0357D06T8018743 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0357D06T8018752 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0357F02T801<1ov f0355 [T801CJC.J]
F0357F02T801<5si q0857 [T804CJC.J]
F0357F02T801<5si q0858 [T804CJC.J]
F0357F02T801<5si q0859 [T804CJC.J]
F0357F02T801>0co f0358 [T801CJC.J]
F0357F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0357F02T820>1ov f0359 [T820CJC.J]
F0357F02T820>1ov f0378 [T820CJC.J]
F0357F02Y117<5si q0861 [Y117CJC.J]
F0357I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0357I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0357I10T916Dated to transitional EDIIIA-EDIIIB based on ceramics. [T916CJC.J]
F0357I12V516Floor above f334 dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [V516CJC.J]
F0357I12VY21Dated to Mid-EDIII based on ceramics, also stratigrapically below features assigned to Late EDIII [VY21CJC.J]
F0357K03T801cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0357K05T801gray brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0357K07T801soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0357K08T801flaky [T822CJC2.J]
F0357O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0160 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T725v0160a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T730v0162 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T730v0162a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T730v0162c [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T801v0164 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T801v0164a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T801v0164b [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T802v0166b [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T812v0180 [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T812v0180a [T826CJC3.J]
F0357O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
F0357O01T813v0189a [T827CJC.J]
F0357O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0357O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0357O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0357O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0357O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0357O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0357P02T801T801 [T822CJC2.J]
F0358A03UY28^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
F0358A21T801l [T822CJC2.J]
F0358A21T829ld [T829CJC.J]
F0358A30T909Lens of pebbles in the southern part of k110. It is probably created by the same natural processes that created the deposits of f357. [T901CJC.J]
F0358A35T909v164 [T901CJC.J]
F0358B11T801Small lens in the south portion of k110. The lens is a slightly harder brown and gray material and the main portion of it contains a high concentration of sherds and pebbles. The portion to the south does not contain as many sherds or pebbles but has the same soil matrix. It is irregular in shape and does not appear to be a floor as the sherds and pebbles are not aligned and are not lying flat. The material is very hard and has a coarse texture. It is similar to f357. [T801CJC.J]
F0358C03T820This feature appears to be a lens that is a part of the same depositional process that created all the natural accumulations of f357 and is perhaps not a distinct depositional event but instead is a small deposit within the large deposition of several natural accumulations that make up f357. [T820CJC.J]
F0358D01T801k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0358D03T8011079 (38752 51000 - 8738 / Relay location: Point on east edge of f358) [T820CJCR.J]
F0358D03T8011080 (38795 50856 - 8730 / Relay location: Point on north-east edge of f358) [T820CJCR.J]
F0358D03V1261081 (38831 50900 - 8732 / Relay location: Point on northern edge of f358) [V126CJCR.J]
F0358D03V1261082 (38816 50860 - 8729 / Relay location: East point on northern edge of f358) [V126CJCR.J]
F0358D06T8018708 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0358D06T8018726 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0358F02T801<0co f0357 [T801CJC.J]
F0358F02T820>1ov f0359 [T820CJC.J]
F0358F02Y117<5si q0860 [Y117CJC.J]
F0358I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0358I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0358I10T916Dated to transitional EDIIIA-EDIIIB based on ceramics. [T916CJC.J]
F0358I12V516Floor above f334 dated to EDIII with ceramics and floor below (f359) is also EDIII so all layers between were also assigned to EDIII based on stratigraphy. [V516CJC.J]
F0358I12VY21Dated to Mid-EDIII based on ceramics, also stratigrapically below features assigned to Late EDIII [VY21CJC.J]
F0358K03T801cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0358K05T801gray brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0358K07T801hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0358K08T801coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0358O01T801v0164 [T826CJC3.J]
F0358O01T801v0164a [T826CJC3.J]
F0358O01T801v0164b [T826CJC3.J]
F0358O01T826v0166b [T826CJC.J]
F0358O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0358O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0358O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0358P02T801T801 [T822CJC2.J]
F0359A01T819f0373 [T819CJC2.J]
F0359A21T801f [T822CJC2.J]
F0359A30T909Salmon-colored floor covering the whole area in front of the apron (f131). It is cut by erosion in front of the apron but presumably continued up to the base of the apron. Might be the first floor associated with the construction of the apron. It is a reddish orange color in section and gray with reddish patches when viewed from the top. It is hard with a smooth surface. [T901CJC.J]
F0359A35T909v181 [T901CJC.J]
F0359B11T802This feature was first identified in the west section of k100 in front of the stairs f130. It is a very dramatic salmon-color. When we came down from the top, however, the color was more patchy but still distinctive. f359 slopes up and abuts the bottom visible stone of the apron f131. [T802CJC.J]
F0359B11T820This layer had a hard and relatively smooth surface where the surface was preserved. The layers above separate easily when using the trowel or when using only the pick and the brush. f359 extends across k110, k5 and k15. It is about 10 cm thick and is only salmon-colored when scraped, otherwise it mostly looks gray from the surface. Although originally we thought it sloped up to abut the apron it is heavily damaged and difficult to tell. There is a portion of the salmon floor visible in the west section of k100 that comes up to the apron (f131) and there is a small portion of a red layer near the apron in k4 which may either be a remaining portion of f359 or possibly part of the redder layer under f359 (f348, f379). [T820CJC.J]
F0359C01T813Today we removed this feature in k110. It was very hard and when picked it came off in chunks. We did not recover that many sherds. At 7:30 in the morning mKB and hQ came to review our pottery and they said that it appears from the few sherds we have that probably a provisional date of EDIII can be suggested for f359. [T815CJC.J]
F0359C03T802We have discussed the possibility of f359 being the layer associated with the construction of the apron (f131) and the second staircase (f130). fAB argues that it may be possible as f359 laps up against the last visible stair of the apron (f131). pC thinks the first layer may be lower based on comparisons with the oblique stone east of the staircase (f130) in J6. [T802CJC.J]
F0359C03T813It is likely that f359 is not the first floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131) for two reasons. First, there are accumulations underneath (f369, f378) that slope up to the bottom stones of the apron which could not happen if they were cut to place the apron. Second, mKB provisionally dated the materials in the floor to EDIII and we expect an EDII date for the construction. [T815CJC.J]
F0359D01T801k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0359D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0359D01T902k5 [T830CJC.J]
F0359D06T8018728 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0359D06T8018743 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0359F02T808<0co f0365 [T808CJC.J]
F0359F02T808<1ov f0367 [T808CJC.J]
F0359F02T813<5si q0889 [T826CJC2.J]
F0359F02T813>0co f0377 [T815CJC.J]
F0359F02T819<2cu f0376 [T819CJC2.J]
F0359F02T819>1ov f0369 [T819CJC2.J]
F0359F02T820<1ov f0357 [T820CJC.J]
F0359F02T820<1ov f0358 [T820CJC.J]
F0359F02T820<2cu f0366 [T820CJC.J]
F0359I01VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0359I03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0359I10T916Dated to transitional EDIIIA-B based on ceramics and connections with the apron. [T916CJC.J]
F0359I12V516Dated to EDIII based on ceramics and connections with the apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0359I12VY21It appears that this feature is associated with the construction of the flanking wall f127. It may represent a purposefully laid floor designed to perserve and protect the area in front of the apron. The exact connections to f127 are not clear as there is a baulk at the base of the wall and additionallly f359 is damaged by erosion close to the base of the apron (f131). [VY21CJC.J]
F0359K03T801cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0359K05T801orange [T822CJC2.J]
F0359K05T803Yellowish red [T803CJC.J]
F0359K06T8015YR5/6 [T822CJC2.J]
F0359K06T8025YR7/3 [T802CJC.J]
F0359K06T8035YR5/6 wet [T803CJC.J]
F0359K07T801hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0359K08T801compact [T822CJC2.J]
F0359O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T725v0159b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T725v0159c [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T725v0160 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T725v0160a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T802v0166b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T802v0166c [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0180 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0180a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0181a [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
F0359O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T813v0187c [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T813v0189a [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0205 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0212a [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0359O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0359O03UY19w0206 [UY19CJC.J]
F0359O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0359O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0359P01T902Not removed in k5 and k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0359P01T902removed in k110 on T813 [T830CJC.J]
F0360A03UZ17^ts [T914CJC.J]
F0360A21T801mx [T822CJC2.J]
F0360A21T802ts [T802CJC.J]
F0360B11T802This feature is primarily composed of the removal of the remaining portions of the surface of k5. It also includes the removal of some of the remaining brickfall in the section. This feature was used during the cutting back of the section in k5 and then the removal of the portions that remained under the cement staircase. [T802CJC.J]
F0360C06T802This feature was intended to include only the mixed features of the section but ended up including a small portion of the sloping features in section, probably including f344 and f347. [T802CJC.J]
F0360D01T801k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0360D06T8018749 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0360D06T8018755 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0360F02T802<5si q0863 [T804CJC.J]
F0360F02T802>0co f0361 [T802CJC.J]
F0360F02T829<0co f0342 [T829CJC.J]
F0360F02T829<1ov f0343 [T829CJC.J]
F0360F02T830<1ov f0343 [T830CJC.J]
F0360I01VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0360I03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0360I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0360I12V516Unassigned cleaning operation. Includes mixed features. [V516CJC.J]
F0360K03T801cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0360K05T801gray brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0360O99T909There is no view of this feature as it was originally intended just for cleaning and scraping the square. In the views of the south section of k5 (v211) It would have been where f344 and f347 are now labeled. [T901CJC.J]
F0360P02T801T801 [T822CJC2.J]
F0361A21T801fd [T822CJC2.J]
F0361A30T909This feature is a reddish layer with small pebbles and sandy inclusions. It is the continuation of f350 and f353 from k110 into k5. It was excavated as one feature instead of two. [T901CJC.J]
F0361A35T909v211 [T901CJC.J]
F0361B11T802Small portion of a reddish layer. It is sandy and coarse. There are many small pebbles included in the matrix but they do not form any kind of surface. Generally they are about 1-2cm in size. The layer sometimes comes apart in chunks, and when broken these chunks reveal small red and white sandy inclusions. [T802CJC.J]
F0361C03T802This feature may be the same as f350 or f353 in k110 [T802CJC.J]
F0361C06T802A portion of this feature was cut while excavating the area under the cement stairs (f340) so some material may have been included with q862. [T802CJC.J]
F0361D01T801k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0361D03T8011084 (38867 50683 - 8751 / Relay location: east point north edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0361D03T8011085 (38871 50637 - 8751 / Relay location: center point north edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0361D03T8011086 (38874 50593 - 8753 / Relay location: north edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0361D03T8011087 (38862 50518 - 8749 / Relay location: west point ) [T820CJCR.J]
F0361D06T8018751 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0361D06T8018769 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0361F02T802<0co f0360 [T802CJC.J]
F0361F02T802>0co f0362 [T802CJC.J]
F0361F02T829<2cu f0366 [T829CJC.J]
F0361F02T830<2cu f0366 [T830CJC.J]
F0361I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0361I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0361I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0361I12VY21Late EDIII based on connections with f353 and f355. [VY21CJC.J]
F0361K03T801cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0361K05T801reddish [T822CJC2.J]
F0361K08T801coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0361O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0361O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0361O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0361P02T801T802 [T822CJC2.J]
F0362A21T802pc [T822CJC2.J]
F0362A21T803fd [T803CJC.J]
F0362A30T909Accumulation of small pebbles and sherds in the southeast corner of k5. It is the continuation of f355 from k110 into k5. It is eroded on its western edge where it is cut by f366. [T901CJC.J]
F0362A35T909v168 [T901CJC.J]
F0362B11T802Gray layer with uneven surface. There are pebbles embeddeed in the matrix but it is very uneven, unlike a laid floor. There are also sherds included. This layer is possibly a result of water flow. The pebbles in the eastern portion are larger and become smaller as it moves to the west, possibly because the larger pebbles settled out of the water sooner than the small pebbles. [T802CJC.J]
F0362B11T803This feature is composed of pebbles (5cm and smaller) and a brown matrix. The layer is very hard and the soil is coarse. The surface is uneven with some sherds laying flat. It is contained to the southeast corner of k5 (including the east baulk). It slopes down slightly to the south-west and does not continue across the whole square. The western edge does not appear to be cut. [T803CJC.J]
F0362C01T803We exposed this feature completely, relayed and photographed it, and removed it. The pottery was sent to mKB for analysis. [T803CJC.J]
F0362C03T802May be the same as f358 in k110 but right now there is no stratigraphic connection. [T802CJC.J]
F0362C03T803May be the same as f355 but it is more disturbed and with larger pebbles. It is, however, at the same elevation and does appear to follow across through the east baulk of k5. [T803CJC.J]
F0362D01T802k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0362D06T8028751 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0362D06T8028756 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0362F02T802<0co f0361 [T802CJC.J]
F0362F02T804<0co f0362 [T804CJC3.J]
F0362F02T804>0co f0362 [T804CJC3.J]
F0362F02T819>1ov f0364 [T819CJC2.J]
F0362F02T829<2cu f0366 [T829CJC.J]
F0362F02T830<2cu f0366 [T830CJC.J]
F0362F02U819<5si q0902 [TX6HQ.J]
F0362I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0362I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0362I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0362I12VY21Possibly the same as f355 which is dated by ceramics to Late EDIII, probably belongs to early Late EDIII based on stratigraphy [VY21CJC.J]
F0362K03T802cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0362K05T802brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0362K07T802very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0362K08T802with large pebbles [T822CJC2.J]
F0362O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0362O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0362O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0362O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0362O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0362O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0362P02T802T803 [T822CJC2.J]
F0363A01T803f0357 [T803CJC.J]
F0363A21T803fd [T822CJC2.J]
F0363A30T909Naturally accumulated surface with many plate-like layers. It is brown and soft. [T901CJC.J]
F0363A35T909v211 [T901CJC.J]
F0363A98T803In the west section of k110 we can see some slight differences in the layers that were not visible when picking and removing from above. This lead to f357 in k110 being very thick, we will try and follow the thinner layers in k5. For this reason we have assigned a new feature number to f363 instead of using f357, however, f363 is the same as the top portion of f357. [T803CJC.J]
F0363B11T803Flaky with a plate-like structure. The soil is primarily brown with medium-fine particles. Some chunks come out, about 5cm in size, usually with a flat bottom. Each plate-like layer is about 5cm in thickness and can be separated with the trowel although occasionally it is very hard and needs to be picked. [T803CJC.J]
F0363C01T805Today we continued removing this feature. It was composed of many flakey layers and it was difficult to follow just one layer. The layers separate easily with the trowel. [T805CJC.J]
F0363D01T803k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0363D06T8038742 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0363D06T8038751 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0363F02T802<5si q0864 [T804CJC.J]
F0363F02T803<5si q0869 [T804CJC.J]
F0363F02T805>0co f0364 [T805CJC.J]
F0363F02T829<2cu f0366 [T829CJC.J]
F0363F02T830<2cu f0366 [T830CJC.J]
F0363I01VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0363I03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0363I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0363I12VY21Similar in elevation to f330, f329 in same area. [VY21CJC.J]
F0363K03T803cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0363K05T803gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0363K07T803hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0363K08T803plate-like [T822CJC2.J]
F0363O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0363O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0363O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0363O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0363O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0363O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0363P02T803T805 [T822CJC2.J]
F0364A01T805f0357 [T805CJC.J]
F0364A21T805fd [T822CJC2.J]
F0364A30T909Naturally accumulated floor surface with plate-like layers, similar to f363 but more red and coarse. [T901CJC.J]
F0364A35T909v211 [T901CJC.J]
F0364B11T805This feature is composed of plate-like layers with reddish inclusions. It is sandy and very coarse. The particles are irregularly shaped. When picked it comes off in layers. The small chunks are very friable, they break apart easily when you rub them between your fingers. [T805CJC.J]
F0364C99T805This feature is very similar to f363 which is immediately above it, however, it is slightly more red in color so we assigned it a new feature. In k110 it would be equal to f357. f357 in k110 appeared to be one feature composed of many layers (similar to both f363 and f364) so we assigned it only one feature, however, now we are following the features in k5 across using the west section of k5 so we have a greater control for separating features so we are able to assign separate features to f363 and f364. [T805CJC.J]
F0364D01T805k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0364D06T8058733 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0364D06T8058742 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0364F02T805<0co f0363 [T805CJC.J]
F0364F02T805<5si q0871 [T826CJC2.J]
F0364F02T819<1ov f0362 [T819CJC2.J]
F0364F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0364F02T819>1ov f0365 [T819CJC2.J]
F0364F02T829>0co f0365 [T829CJC.J]
F0364F02T830>0co f0365 [T830CJC.J]
F0364I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0364I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0364I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0364I12VY21Just above f365, it does not appear to be significantly later in time. It continues around to the area south of the revetment wall and may serve as one feature to help connect the two areas. [VY21CJC.J]
F0364K03T805cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0364K05T805gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0364K07T805hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0364K08T805coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0364O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T802v0167b [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T806v0169 [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T808v0171 [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T808v0171a [T826CJC3.J]
F0364O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0364O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0364O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0364O03UY19w0207 [UY19CJC.J]
F0364O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
F0364O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0364P02T805T805 [T822CJC2.J]
F0365A01T819f0357 [T819CJC2.J]
F0365A21T806fd [T822CJC2.J]
F0365A30T909Naturally accumulated floor with many plate-like layers, it has many inclusions and is very coarse. It continues across the whole area in front of the apron (f131). [T901CJC.J]
F0365A35T909v169 [T901CJC.J]
F0365B11T819Natural accumulation of many plate-like layers. It is a gray-yellow color. It continues across all the loci in front of the apron (f131) including k110 (where it is referred to as f357), k5 and k15. It is very coarse and difficult to break apart. It has sandy inclusions and some pebbles. There are some sherds laying flat between the layers but no distinguishable individual floor surfaces. It is very friable. [T819CJC2.J]
F0365C10T819Because we were able to follow this feature across the loci without separations caused by baulks we were able to use the same feature number in all the loci. [T819CJC2.J]
F0365D01T806k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0365D01T819k15 [T819CJC2.J]
F0365D01T819k4 [T819CJC2.J]
F0365D06T8068727 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0365D06T8068733 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0365F02T08<5si q0876 [-T826CJC2.J]
F0365F02T08<5si q0878 [-T826CJC2.J]
F0365F02T808>0co f0359 [T808CJC.J]
F0365F02T808>0co f0367 [T808CJC.J]
F0365F02T808>0co f0368 [T808CJC.J]
F0365F02T810<1ov f0339 [T810CJC.J]
F0365F02T810<5si q0883 [T826CJC2.J]
F0365F02T811<5si f0375 [T811CJC.J]
F0365F02T811<5si q0884 [T826CJC2.J]
F0365F02T811<5si q0886 [T826CJC2.J]
F0365F02T819<1ov f0364 [T819CJC2.J]
F0365F02T819<2cu f0366 [T819CJC2.J]
F0365F02T820>0co f0376 [T820CJC.J]
F0365F02T829<0co f0364 [T829CJC.J]
F0365F02T829>1ov f0372 [T829CJC.J]
F0365F02T829>8ab f0131 [T829CJC.J]
F0365F02T830<0co f0364 [T830CJC.J]
F0365F02T830>1ov f0372 [T830CJC.J]
F0365F02T830>8ab f0131 [T830CJC.J]
F0365F99T829Due to the erosoin cut f366 that we see in the south section of k110, k5 and k15 we can determine that several layers were truncated in the west, which is probably the case with f365. It seems to end somewhere in the middle of k15, disappearing as we followed it from east to west. Although it was likely eroded explaining why it is not present in the western half of k15, I assume it would have originally covered f373, f372 and f348. [T829CJC.J]
F0365I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0365I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0365I10T916Same as features in k110 which are all assigned to EDIII [T916CJC.J]
F0365I12VY21This feature is clearly after the construction of the flanking wall. It may be considered to be Late EDIII in which case it should be assigned to a slightly later strata. The ceramics appear to indicate that it may be a mid-EDIII feature with some later sherds mixed in. It seems to me that the later sherds could be a result of the use of the area and the damages of erosion. [VY21CJC.J]
F0365K03T806cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0365K05T806yellow gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0365K07T806hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0365K08T806crumbly, coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0365O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T802v0167b [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T806v0169 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0170 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0170a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0170b [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0171 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T808v0171a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0177a [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
F0365O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T813v0187c [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0365O01T921v0212a [T921CJC.J]
F0365O03UY19w0206 [UY19CJC.J]
F0365O03UY19w0207 [UY19CJC.J]
F0365O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0365P02T806T808 [T822CJC2.J]
F0366A03UY28^ersn2 [T914CJC.J]
F0366A21T806erosion cut [T822CJC2.J]
F0366A30T909Erosion cut seen in the south section of all k110, k5 and k15. It is very large and slopes sharply in eastern k5 before leveling off to a more gentle slope in the west. The surface underneath (f339) is very hard and has forms a sharp division between the features above and below suggesting the cut was caused by water erosion. The brickfall rests immediately on top of the cut. [T901CJC.J]
F0366A35T909v179 [T901CJC.J]
F0366B11T819This feature is the erosion cut that is seen in the south section in most of J2 (south k110, k5, k15). It slopes down from east to west and cuts through many layers. It slopes more sharply near the middle of the apron (f131). It has damaged or totally removed many features, virtually all seen in the south section of k110 as well as removing all the layers that would have extended into k5. [T819CJC2.J]
F0366D01T806k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0366D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0366D06V1058711 @bottom [U809YM.J]
F0366D06V1058815 @top [U809YM.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0344 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0347 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0350 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0353 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0355 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0357 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0364 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T819>2cu f0365 [T819CJC2.J]
F0366F02T820>2cu f0359 [T820CJC.J]
F0366F02T829<0co f0338 [T829CJC.J]
F0366F02T829<0co f0342 [T829CJC.J]
F0366F02T829>2cu f0361 [T829CJC.J]
F0366F02T829>2cu f0362 [T829CJC.J]
F0366F02T829>2cu f0363 [T829CJC.J]
F0366F02T830>2cu f0361 [T830CJC.J]
F0366F02T830>2cu f0362 [T830CJC.J]
F0366F02T830>2cu f0363 [T830CJC.J]
F0366I01VY11s161-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0366I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0366I10T916Because the Mittani brickfall rests directly on this feature, it must have been created in the phase immediately preceding the brickfall. [T916CJC.J]
F0366I12V516Immediately before the Mittanni brickfall. [V516CJC.J]
F0366I12VY21This erosion happens immediately before the brickfall. If there were earlier Mittani activities they were erased by this erosion. [VY21CJC.J]
F0366O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
F0366O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0366O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0366O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
F0366O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
F0366O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0211 [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0212 [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0212a [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0366O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0366P01T902Only seen in section, not removed. [T830CJC.J]
F0367A21T806l [T822CJC2.J]
F0367A30T909Fill of erosion cut f376. It is soft and similar to the natural accumulation immediately above (f365). It extends across k5 near the apron and into k15. It contains some larger sherds and is brown and flaky in consistency. [T901CJC.J]
F0367A35T909v172 [T901CJC.J]
F0367A40T819fill type 2 [T819CJC2.J]
F0367A40T819lens type d [T819CJC2.J]
F0367B11T808This feature is composed of a reddish brown matrix with some gypsum inclusions. It is medium hard and comes apart partially in flakes. It is similar to f365 which covered it. [T808CJC.J]
F0367B11T819After we excavated f367 we found it was an accumulation that filled in the erosion cut (f376). It is a natural accumulation with some larger sherds and pebbles in it that may have been deposited there when the erosion cut was filled by accumulations brought down the apron (f131) by water. [T819CJC2.J]
F0367C03T808I think the plaster (f370) is either partially overlaying f367 or is embedded in f367 as it is very thin and damaged and seems to be part of the same matrix as f367. Because the plaster is so damaged it is difficult to assess its relationship to any of the features. [T808CJC.J]
F0367D01T806k4 [T822CJC2.J]
F0367D01T902k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0367D03T8081093 (38998 50717 - 8724 / Relay location: SE corner of f367) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8081094 (39003 50554 - 8719 / Relay location: Middle point of south edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8081095 (39072 50361 - 8711 / Relay location: SW corner of f367) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8081096 (39110 50369 - 8724 / Relay location: NW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8081097 (39122 50488 - 8722 / Relay location: Middle point of north edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8081098 (39055 50752 - 8729 / Relay location: NE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8221140 (39004 50172 - 8706 / Relay location: SW corner) [T823CJCR.J]
F0367D03T8221141 (39065 50217 - 8711 / Relay location: NW corner) [T823CJCR.J]
F0367D06T8068721 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0367D06T8068727 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0367F02T08<5si q0879 [-T826CJC2.J]
F0367F02T808<0co f0365 [T808CJC.J]
F0367F02T808>1ov f0359 [T808CJC.J]
F0367F02T808>1ov f0368 [T808CJC.J]
F0367F02T808>1ov f0369 [T808CJC.J]
F0367F02T829>0co f0370 [T829CJC.J]
F0367F02T830>5si f0376 [T830CJC.J]
F0367I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0367I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0367I12V516Fill of cut assigned to stratum 610, same as f365 aslo assigned to stratum 610 [V516CJC.J]
F0367I12VY21Cuts into f359 so must be after, although not too long after as f359 was still visible and being used. [VY21CJC.J]
F0367K03T806cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0367K05T806brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0367K07T806soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0367K08T806granular [T822CJC2.J]
F0367O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T809v0173d [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0367O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0367P02T806T809 [T822CJC2.J]
F0368A01T809f0369 [T809CJC.J]
F0368A21T806f [T822CJC2.J]
F0368A30T909Hard gray layer sloping up to the base of the apron (f131) with some large sherds embedded in it. When f367 was excavated it became apparent that f368 is, in fact, the same feature as f369. [T901CJC.J]
F0368A35T909v172 [T901CJC.J]
F0368B11T808Gray layer sloping down away from the apron. It has some larger sherds (10cm) embedded in its surface. It seems to have laminations on its surface but we have not excavated it yet. [T808CJC.J]
F0368C40T809After removing f367 we found that f369 which is a flakey gray layer, appears to be the same as the gray layer we found abutting the apron stair (f131) which was f368. In the future we will refer to the combination of the features as only f369. [T809CJC.J]
F0368D01T806k4 [T822CJC2.J]
F0368D06T8068730 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0368F02T808<0co f0365 [T808CJC.J]
F0368F02T808<1ov f0367 [T808CJC.J]
F0368F02T808>8ab f0131 [T808CJC.J]
F0368F02T829<1ov f0370 [T829CJC.J]
F0368F02T830<3in f0376 [T830CJC.J]
F0368I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0368I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0368I12VY21Part of f369 which was found under f359. [VY21CJC.J]
F0368K03T806cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0368K05T806gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0368K07T806hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0368K08T806smooth surface [T822CJC2.J]
F0368O01T808v0170 [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0170a [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0170b [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
F0368O01T809v0173d [T826CJC3.J]
F0368P02T806Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0369A01T809f0368 [T809CJC.J]
F0369A03UY28^fl1 [T914CJC.J]
F0369A21T806fc [T822CJC2.J]
F0369A30T909Hard gray layer that extends out from the base of the apron, where it was called f368, and continues under the salmon-colored floor f359. It comes up against the apron and may be associated with the construction of the apron. [T901CJC.J]
F0369A35T909v181 [T901CJC.J]
F0369B11T808Hard gray layer. It is gray colored and is very flakey. When we pick the layer above (f367) f369 is easily exposed although the very thin laminations sometimes break apart. [T808CJC.J]
F0369C01T808We have only exposed it in a very small area. [T808CJC.J]
F0369C01T809Today we exposed all of this feature that is not covered by f359. [T809CJC.J]
F0369C03T819This feature is probably the same as f374 in k15 and as f378 in k110 but we do not have a direct connection due to the presence of the baulk in east k15 and in east k4. Also, we have not excavated these features this year but have only partially exposed them. All three features (f369, f374 and f378) are sloping gray layers with laminations. Additionally, where they are not eroded they appear to be overlaid with the same sequence of features (a red layer f379, f348) and then the salmon-colored floor f359. [T819CJC2.J]
F0369C40T809After removing f367 we found that f369 which is a flakey gray layer, appears to be the same as the gray layer we found abutting the apron stair (f131) which was f368. In the future we will refer to the combination of the features as only f369. [T809CJC.J]
F0369D01T806k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0369D06T8068721 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0369F02T808<1ov f0367 [T808CJC.J]
F0369F02T819<1ov f0359 [T819CJC2.J]
F0369F02T830<3in f0376 [T830CJC.J]
F0369I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0369I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0369I12VY21Under f359, only visible where the erosion cut through f359 and exposed lower layers. [VY21CJC.J]
F0369K03T806cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0369K05T806gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0369K07T806very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0369K08T806flaky [T822CJC2.J]
F0369O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T812v0181a [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
F0369O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T813v0187c [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0369O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0369P02T806Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0370A21T809fa [T822CJC2.J]
F0370A30T909Plaster 'floor' in k5. It is composed a few fragmentary pieces of plaster on a level surface that may have originally formed a floor but now it is heavily damaged and difficult to determine. It is composed of 3 main patches of plaster, which contain very fragmentary plaster pieces and no complete surface. [T901CJC.J]
F0370A35T909v173 [T901CJC.J]
F0370A40T809At first we thought this feature was a plaster floor but it is not positive. It may instead be an eroded portion of something plastered that has washed down and been included in the features immediately in front of the apron (f131). We hope to find the answer to this question by investigating the thin white/yellow layer seen in the west section of k5 to see if it is a plaster floor. [T809CJC.J]
F0370B11T809Very damaged plaster floor. It is only visible in small patches which are very damaged and retain almost no surface. The feature is composed of small pieces of plaster, about 1-2 cm in size that are grouped together on the same plane giving the appearance of a floor. [T809CJC.J]
F0370C02T809Because we cannot conclusively determine if this is a plaster floor based on the few remaining patches exposed in k4 we hope to examine closely the white/yellow thin line we see in the west section of k5 to see if it is a plaster floor which would allow us to more safely suggest that f370 is indeed a plaster floor. [T809CJC.J]
F0370C03T819This feature may be the same as the thin plaster layer seen in the west section of k5 which we have labeled f375. f375 is much more defined and less patchy but it is plausible they were connected at one point. It seems unlikely that the floor was completely plastered unless it was heavily damaged because we found no remaining large pieces of plaster but only tiny whitish yellow inclusions. [T819CJC2.J]
F0370D01T809k4 [T822CJC2.J]
F0370D03T8091099 (39011 50718 - 8714 / Relay location: Center point of SW small patch f370) [T820CJCR.J]
F0370D03T8091100 (39048 50695 - 8712 / Relay location: center point middle patch f370) [T820CJCR.J]
F0370D03T8091101 (39083 50674 - 8719 / Relay location: NW patch of plaster f370) [T820CJCR.J]
F0370D06T8098719 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0370F02T829<0co f0367 [T829CJC.J]
F0370F02T829>1ov f0368 [T829CJC.J]
F0370F99T829This feature is extremely fragmentary and consists of only three small patches. In some areas it appears to overlay f368, while in other areas it appears to be sitting in the erosion f367 with portions of f367 covering it. In the types of contact I have only described it as covered by f367 and overlaying f368 for ease of explanation but the situation is not very clear. [T829CJC.J]
F0370I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0370I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0370I10T916Sits inside EDIII features identified by ceramics and stratigraphy [T916CJC.J]
F0370I12VY21Floor just after the rebuilding, Associated with f367, f368. [VY21CJC.J]
F0370K03T809plaster [T822CJC2.J]
F0370K05T809white [T822CJC2.J]
F0370K07T809soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0370K08T809crumb [T822CJC2.J]
F0370O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
F0370O01T809v0173d [T826CJC3.J]
F0370P02T809Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0371A21T809ad [T822CJC2.J]
F0371A30T909Gray laminations on top of the northern portion of f339. This feature is very flaky and comes apart easily. [T901CJC.J]
F0371A35T909v174 [T901CJC.J]
F0371B11T809gray flakey layer on top of f339. The layers are very thin and come apart easily. [T809CJC.J]
F0371C01T809At this point it is unclear if this feature is the same as f339 but damaged by water or if it is a series of thin accumulations on top of f339. Today we began excavating this feature but did not recover any pottery so there is no q-lot. [T809CJC.J]
F0371C03T819This feature was a thin flaky layer immediately on top of f339 that separated easily. It appears to be a damaged portion of f339 rather than a separate deposition. Because f339 is thought to be the moment after the erosion (f366) when a harder 'crust' developed on top of the eroded layers it seems plausible that these accumulations on top are part of the erosion and formation of the crust (f339) before the brickfall (f338, f341). [T819CJC2.J]
F0371C40T829This layer of thin laminations is probably part of the same depositional process that created all the small laminations in the southeast corner of k14, f354. It is likely that f354 and f371 are the same or at least created by the same process. [T829CJC.J]
F0371D01T809k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0371D06T8098721 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0371D06T8098729 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0371F02T809>1ov f0372 [T809CJC.J]
F0371F02T829>1ov f0339 [T829CJC.J]
F0371F02T830>1ov f0339 [T830CJC.J]
F0371I01VY11s161-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0371I03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0371I10T916Probably part of f339, this feature is associated with early Mittani erosion. [T916CJC.J]
F0371I12VY21Part of erosion processes. Inconclusively dated as there is no pottery but it seems to be damaged by erosion. It could possibly be a third millennium floor damaged by erosion but for now it has been attributed to the period of erosion. [VY21CJC.J]
F0371K03T809cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0371K05T809gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0371K07T809soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0371K08T809flaky [T822CJC2.J]
F0371P02T809T810 [T822CJC2.J]
F0372A21T809bf [T822CJC2.J]
F0372A30T830Feature with some articulated bricks, small stones and without clearly defined boundaries. [T830CJC.J]
F0372A35T909v177 [T901CJC.J]
F0372A40T830This feature was not fully explored this season as we finished the excavations in k15 before fully exposing it. At first it appeared to be a bricky material but we found that nearby there were also some disturbed layers and small stones and heavy erosion to the west. It is possible then that this is not a brick surface or brickfall but rather a combination of different materials all mixed together by erosion. This question remains open for next year when this area will likely be excavated fully. [T830CJC.J]
F0372B11T809Bricky material, possibly brickfall. On the surface we see some partially defined brick pieces of red and gray color. It appears to be the same color brickfall of f338 but it is probably not the same brickfall as they are separated by f339 and f371. [T809CJC.J]
F0372D01T809k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0372D06T8098726 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0372F02T809<1ov f0371 [T809CJC.J]
F0372F02T829<1ov f0365 [T829CJC.J]
F0372F02T829>1ov f0374 [T829CJC.J]
F0372F02T830<1ov f0365 [T830CJC.J]
F0372F02T830>1ov f0374 [T830CJC.J]
F0372I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0372I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0372I10T916Based on elevation, this feature is assigned to the same strata as those immediately around it. [T916CJC.J]
F0372K03T809cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0372K05T809gray and red [T822CJC2.J]
F0372K07T809soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0372O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0372O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0372P01T819This feature was not excavated and will remain when k15 is backfilled. [T819CJC2.J]
F0372P02T809Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0373A01T819f0359 [T819CJC2.J]
F0373A21T810l [T822CJC2.J]
F0373A30T909Pink layer in the southwest corner of k15. It is very fine powder and forms no real surface. It is probably a damaged portion of f359. [T901CJC.J]
F0373A35T909v175 [T901CJC.J]
F0373A98T819This feature when it first was excavated seemed very dissimilar to anything else we excavated in consistency and color but when we followed the hard salmon-colored floor (f359) across from east to west it appears to connect with f373. [T819CJC2.J]
F0373B11T810Dramatic pinkish layer. Very soft and apparently contained to the southwest corner of k15. The matrix is very fine. [T810CJC.J]
F0373C01T810We have only exposed this layer but not removed it yet. [T810CJC.J]
F0373C03T819We now think that f373 is a damaged portion of the salmon-colored floor (f359). The heavy erosion in k15 could explain why the consistency of this portion of the floor seems so different. We did not remove this feature so this question could be further explored in subsequent excavations. [T819CJC2.J]
F0373D01T810k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0373D06T8108714 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0373F02T810<0co f0339 [T810CJC.J]
F0373F02T819>1ov f0348 [T819CJC2.J]
F0373F02T829<1ov f0341 [T829CJC.J]
F0373I01VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0373I03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0373I10T916Same as f359 [T916CJC.J]
F0373I12VY21Part of salmon-floor f359 which has been associated with the construction of f127. [VY21CJC.J]
F0373K03T810cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0373K05T810pink [T822CJC2.J]
F0373K06T8105YR8/4 [T822CJC2.J]
F0373K07T810soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0373K08T810fine [T822CJC2.J]
F0373O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0373O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0373O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0373O01T811v0177a [T826CJC3.J]
F0373O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0373O01T921v0207a [T921CJC.J]
F0373P02T810not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0374A21T810fc [T822CJC2.J]
F0374A30T909Hard gray sloping layer. It was not excavated but may form a surface that extends completely from k15 to the base of the revetment wall. [T901CJC.J]
F0374A35T909v175 [T901CJC.J]
F0374B11T810Gray flaky layer with apparent laminations. It slopes sharply from north to south in the northern part of k15. [T810CJC.J]
F0374C01T810We have only exposed this layer and have not yet excavated it. [T810CJC.J]
F0374C03T819This feature is probably the same as f369 in k4 and k5 and as f378 in k110 but we do not have a direct connection due to the presence of the baulk in east k15 and in east k4. Also, we have not excavated these features this year but have only partially exposed them. All three features (f369, f374 and f378) are sloping gray layers with laminations. Additionally, where they are not eroded they appear to be overlaid with the same sequence of features (a red layer f379, f348) and then the salmon-colored floor f359. [T819CJC2.J]
F0374D01T810k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0374D06T8108724 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0374F02T829<1ov f0341 [T829CJC.J]
F0374F02T829<1ov f0348 [T829CJC.J]
F0374F02T829<1ov f0372 [T829CJC.J]
F0374F02T830<1ov f0339 [T830CJC.J]
F0374F02T830<1ov f0348 [T830CJC.J]
F0374F02T830<1ov f0372 [T830CJC.J]
F0374I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0374I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0374K03T810cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0374K05T810gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0374K07T810hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0374K08T810flaky [T822CJC2.J]
F0374O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T811v0177a [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
F0374O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0374O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
F0374O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0374O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
F0374O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0374O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0374O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0374O01T921v0207a [T921CJC.J]
F0374P02T810not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0375A21T810fa [T822CJC2.J]
F0375A30T909Surface with plaster inclusions, possibly a plaster floor. It is very friable with small white inclusions. It is limited to a small area in eastern k15. [T901CJC.J]
F0375A35T909v177 [T901CJC.J]
F0375B11T810This feature was first identified in the west section of k5 where it appeared as a thin yellowish white line. Once we removed the feature above it (f365) we were able to explore the idea that this may be a plaster floor similar to f370 in k5 (although at a slightly higher elevation). When we began exposing it we found it appears mostly gray from above with small white and yellow nodules. [T810CJC.J]
F0375B11T811This feature when totally exposed appears mostly as a gray flaky layer with white inclusions. It is unclear if it was completely covered in plaster or if the white is just a kind of inclusion. [T811CJC.J]
F0375C01T810We began exposing this feature using the small pick and the brush. Tomorrow we hope to expose it completely, photograph it and remove it. [T810CJC.J]
F0375C01T811We exposed this feature, relayed it and photographed it. We also removed it today. [T811CJC.J]
F0375D01T810k15 [T822CJC2.J]
F0375D03T8101108 (39065 50327 - 8714 / Relay location: SE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0375D03T8101109 (39041 50234 - 8707 / Relay location: SW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0375D03T8101110 (39116 50160 - 8712 / Relay location: point on western edge f375) [T820CJCR.J]
F0375D03T8101111 (39178 50269 - 8728 / Relay location: NW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0375D03T8101112 (39078 50340 - 8723 / Relay location: NE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0375D06T8108714 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0375D06T8108730 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0375F02T811<5si q0885 [T826CJC2.J]
F0375F02T811>5si f0365 [T811CJC.J]
F0375F99T811Because we only identified this feature in section and did not see it while we were excavating f365 it is both covered by f365 and also overlays f365. I have decided to say that it sits in f365 but I want to clarify that it is a distinct layer, clearly visible both in section and when we came down on top of it in k15 (although not in k5). [T811CJC.J]
F0375I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0375I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0375I10T916Sits inside EDIII features identified by ceramics and stratigraphy [T916CJC.J]
F0375I12VY21Should be assigned to same as f365 as it was only identified in section. [VY21CJC.J]
F0375K03T810plaster [T822CJC2.J]
F0375K05T810yellow white [T822CJC2.J]
F0375K06T81010YR8/2 [T822CJC2.J]
F0375K07T810soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0375K08T810fine [T822CJC2.J]
F0375O01T808v0171 [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T808v0171a [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0175a [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0176 [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0176b [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0176c [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0177 [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O01T811v0177a [T826CJC3.J]
F0375O03UY19w0207 [UY19CJC.J]
F0375P02T810T811 [T822CJC2.J]
F0376A03UY28^ersn1 [T914CJC.J]
F0376A21T812erosion cut [T822CJC2.J]
F0376A30T909Cut of erosion that extends as a very shallow channel from east to west in front of the apron, removing some floors, notably f359. It was filled with a natural accumulation of f367. [T901CJC.J]
F0376A35T909v186 [T901CJC.J]
F0376B11T819cut of erosion across k4, k5 and k15. It was filled by f367. It is a shallow cut with uneven edges. It cuts from the northeast corner of k4 where it touches the apron (f131) down to the southeast corner of k15. f376 has cut through f359, and reaches its bottom at the hard layer f369. This cut was probably formed by erosion caused by water that came down the apron and the staircase. [T819CJC2.J]
F0376D01T812k5 [T822CJC2.J]
F0376D01T830k15 [T830CJC.J]
F0376D06T8128721 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0376D06T8128743 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0376F02T819>2cu f0359 [T819CJC2.J]
F0376F02T820<0co f0365 [T820CJC.J]
F0376F02T830<5si f0367 [T830CJC.J]
F0376F02T830>3in f0368 [T830CJC.J]
F0376F02T830>3in f0369 [T830CJC.J]
F0376I01VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0376I03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0376I10T916This feature has transitional EDIIIA-B accumulations above and below it and is part of EDIII use and erosion in front of the apron. [T916CJC.J]
F0376I12V516Part of EDIII use and erosion in front of the apron. [V516CJC.J]
F0376I12VY21Cuts into f359 so must be after, although not too long after as f359 was still visible and being used. [VY21CJC.J]
F0376O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
F0376O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
F0376O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
F0376O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
F0376P02T812Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0377A21T812l [T822CJC2.J]
F0377A30T909Layer immediately under f359, it is thin and has a plate-like structure. It may be a subfloor for f359. It is not well defined and is not very thick. [T901CJC.J]
F0377A35T909v189 [T901CJC.J]
F0377B11T813Gray layer with an uneven surface. The matrix is soft and fine although the surface is hard. It separates easily like a flake from the accumulation underneath. This feature is thin in the northern portion of k110 and easily damaged by the pick, while in the southern portion it is thicker and separates easily from the other features. [T815CJC.J]
F0377C01T813We relayed the northern edge of this feature. It extends from the relayed line all the way to the south of k110 covering the whole square. [T815CJC.J]
F0377C04T813This feature was only excavated using only the pick and brush. [T815CJC.J]
F0377C99T813When first exposing this feature we thought that it had a subsurface of ashy material but instead we came to understand that was a separate feature that we now call f379. Therefore, q-lots associated with f377 may include some material from f379. [T815CJC.J]
F0377D01T812k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0377D03T8131114 (42303 50281 - 8861 / Relay location: NE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0377D03T8131115 (42479 50271 - 8861 / Relay location: center point north edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0377D03T8131116 (42562 50242 - 8862 / Relay location: NW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0377D06T8128711 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0377D06T8128728 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0377F02T813<0co f0359 [T815CJC.J]
F0377F02T813<5si q0890 [T826CJC2.J]
F0377F02T813>0co f0379 [T815CJC.J]
F0377F02T819>1ov f0378 [T819CJC2.J]
F0377I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0377I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0377I12V516Forms subfloor of f359 which is assigned to stratum 630 [V516CJC.J]
F0377I12VY21Above f392 which is presumed first floor but under f359 which belongs to the construction of the flanking wall f127. If is actually subfloor of f359 (which is unclear) it should be moved to later stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0377K03T812cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0377K05T812gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0377K07T812soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0377K08T812granular [T822CJC2.J]
F0377O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
F0377O01T813v0189a [T827CJC.J]
F0377P02T812T812 [T822CJC2.J]
F0378A21T812f [T822CJC2.J]
F0378A30T909Hard gray layer that abuts the lowest visible step of the apron, may be part of the first floor associated with the apron. [T901CJC.J]
F0378A35T909v191 [T901CJC.J]
F0378B11T819Gray hard surface that abuts the lowest visible step of the apron. It has a laminated surface and is very hard. [T819CJC2.J]
F0378C03T819This feature is probably the same as f374 in k15 and as f369 in k4 and k5 but we do not have a direct connection due to the presence of the baulk in east k15 and in east k4. Also, we have not excavated these features this year but have only partially exposed them. All three features (f369, f374 and f378) are sloping gray layers with laminations. Additionally, where they are not eroded they appear to be overlaid with the same sequence of features (a red layer f379, f348) and then the salmon-colored floor f359. [T819CJC2.J]
F0378C03T819This may be the same as f369 in k4 but we have not removed the baulk in east k4 to see if they connect. It appears to possibly be the same feature as f381 in k110 but as we did not remove either feature it is difficult to tell. There are no impressions in f378. [T819CJC2.J]
F0378D01T812k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0378D06T8128736 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0378F02T819<1ov f0377 [T819CJC2.J]
F0378F02T820<1ov f0357 [T820CJC.J]
F0378F02T829>8ab f0131 [T829CJC.J]
F0378I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0378I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0378I12VY21Above f392 which is presumed first floor but under f359 which belongs to the construction of the flanking wall f127 [VY21CJC.J]
F0378K03T812cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0378K05T812gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0378K05T830gray [T830CJC.J]
F0378K07T812hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0378K08T812plate-like [T822CJC2.J]
F0378O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T725v0160 [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T725v0160a [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T802v0166c [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T812v0181a [T826CJC3.J]
F0378O01T813v0188 [T827CJC.J]
F0378O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
F0378O01T813v0189a [T827CJC.J]
F0378O01T814v0191 [T827CJC.J]
F0378O01T814v0191a [T827CJC.J]
F0378O01T827v0191 [T827CJC3.J]
F0378O01T827v0191a [T827CJC3.J]
F0378O01T921v0205 [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0205a [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0378O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0378O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0378P01T819This feature was not removed and will remain when k110 is backfilled. [T819CJC2.J]
F0378P02T812Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0379A21T812fb [T822CJC2.J]
F0379A30T909Thick layer of ashy accumulation mixed with hard reddish inclusions. It also has a very granular texture in some places. It may be part of a subfloor for f359. [T901CJC.J]
F0379A35T909v191 [T901CJC.J]
F0379A40T813This feature may be the same as f348 in k15 although we have no direct contact between the features. I suggest this because it looks very similar in the damaged area, with a reddish granular matrix. When we brush it with the whisk brush it looks almost exactly the same. [T815CJC.J]
F0379B11T813Dark gray (ashy) and red mix. The red portions are hard and seem to come apart in chunks where the darker gray parts are softer and ashy. We also found some pieces of charcoal inside the feature. There were some friable kiln waste of a green color that was not collected as it disintegrated to dust while excavating. The reddish yellow chunks correspond to 7.5YR8/6. A portion of f379 in the center of k110 appears to be damaged and is very red and granular. [T815CJC.J]
F0379C04T813This feature was excavated with the pick and the brush [T815CJC.J]
F0379C99T813When first exposing f377 we thought that it had a subsurface of ashy material but instead we came to understand that was a separate feature that we now call f379. Therefore, q-lots associated with f377 may include some material from f379. [T815CJC.J]
F0379D01T812k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0379D03T8131117 (42230 50102 - 8837 / Relay location: SE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0379D03T8131118 (42331 50070 - 8845 / Relay location: East edge south point) [T820CJCR.J]
F0379D03T8131119 (42394 50218 - 8848 / Relay location: East edge) [T820CJCR.J]
F0379D03T8131120 (42457 50232 - 8854 / Relay location: north edge center point) [T820CJCR.J]
F0379D06T8128711 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0379D06T8128716 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0379F02T813<0co f0377 [T815CJC.J]
F0379F02T813>0co f0381 [T815CJC.J]
F0379F02T813>1ov f0381 [T815CJC.J]
F0379I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0379I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0379I12V516Forms subfloor of f359 which is assigned to stratum 630 [V516CJC.J]
F0379I12VY21Above f392 which is presumed first floor but under f359 which belongs to the construction of the flanking wall f127 [VY21CJC.J]
F0379K03T812cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0379K05T812red [T822CJC2.J]
F0379K05T813Reddish Yellow [T815CJC.J]
F0379K06T8125YR7/6 [T822CJC2.J]
F0379K07T812hard with ashy portions [T822CJC2.J]
F0379K08T812combination of hard chunks and very fine ash [T822CJC2.J]
F0379O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0379O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0379O01T814v0191 [T827CJC.J]
F0379O01T814v0191a [T827CJC.J]
F0379O01T827v0191 [T827CJC3.J]
F0379O01T827v0191a [T827CJC3.J]
F0379O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0379O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0379O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0379O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
F0379O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0379P02T812T814 [T822CJC2.J]
F0380A03T914^stair1 [T914CJC.J]
F0380A21T812staircase [T822CJC2.J]
F0380A30T909Staircase under the main visible staircase (f130) that is part of the larger monumental structure. f380 likely represents an earlier construction phase based on the large step up between f380 and f131. This staircase has only 3 visible steps with a fourth possible under f130. It was assigned its own feature number in MZ22 to distinguish the first staircase (f380) from the second staircase (f130). [T901CJC.J]
F0380A35T909v203 [T901CJC.J]
F0380A98T819Previously the whole staircase was referred to as f130 but this season we found it necessary to refer to the two building phases separately and so we have assigned f380 to the lower (first) staircase. [T819CJC2.J]
F0380B11T819Lower monumental staircase. It has three main steps and may possibly include the first stones under the staircase of the main building phase (f130). It possibly extends further to the east and west into the baulks of k100. [T819CJC2.J]
F0380D01T812k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0380F02T817<8ab f0386 [T819CJC.J]
F0380F02T818<8ab f0391 [T819CJC.J]
F0380F02T819<1ov f0130 [T819CJC2.J]
F0380F02T830<8ab f0387 [T830CJC.J]
F0380F02T830<8ab f0388 [T830CJC.J]
F0380F02T830<8ab f0389 [T830CJC.J]
F0380I01VY11s730-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0380I03VY11h3b-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0380K03T812st [T822CJC2.J]
F0380K05T812gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0380K07T812hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0380O01T725v0160 [T826CJC3.J]
F0380O01T725v0160a [T826CJC3.J]
F0380O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
F0380O01T812v0180a [T826CJC3.J]
F0380O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T816v0192 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T816v0192a [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T816v0192b [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T816v0192c [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T817v0199 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T817v0199a [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T817v0199b [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T817v0199c [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0200 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0200a [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0200b [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0200c [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0202 [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0202a [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0202b [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T818v0202c [T827CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0203 [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0203a [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0206b [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0380O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0380O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0380P02T812Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0381A21T812mud [T822CJC2.J]
F0381A30T909Mud layer with impressions in it. Probably created by pooling of water in front of the apron. [T901CJC.J]
F0381A35T909v196 [T901CJC.J]
F0381B11T813Hard gray surface. It has impressions in it implying it was a muddy wet surface that allowed pawprints to be imprinted in it. It is a level surface, with a slight slope down from the north near to the apron (f131) towards the south. The surface is relatively uneven with impressions and slight rises in it. [T815CJC.J]
F0381C01T813We found a pawprint of what is probably a dog in this feature. We photographed it as we found it and also after filling it in with powder to see if it would photograph better. [T815CJC.J]
F0381C01T815After discovering human footprints in this feature we have decided not to excavate it. We photographed the impressions and then decided with fAB to make plaster casts of the prints. After trying several different combinations we settled on a process using a wood frame, baby powder covering the dirt and then filling the frame with gypsum plaster. We tested the process and it seems to work fine to we took a cast of one print. We are still awaiting the final results but the initial result was a clear print. We may have a problem with the baby powder clinging to the dirt in the excavation area. [T815CJC.J]
F0381C01T816Today we found three human footprints impressed in f381 in addition to the animal print we had already found. We photographed the prints and took plaster casts. Only one plaster cast really turned out so we stopped casting them and decided to backfill until next year. [T819CJC2.J]
F0381C01T830We removed the backfill covering f381 today. We removed the backfill using brushes, small wooden skewers and a tootbrush. We will rephotograph the human footprints and try and take more casts. [T830CJC.J]
F0381D01T812k110 [T822CJC2.J]
F0381D06T8128719 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0381F02T813<0co f0379 [T815CJC.J]
F0381F02T813<1ov f0379 [T815CJC.J]
F0381I01VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0381I03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0381I10T916Accumulation above the presumed first floor associated with apron [T916CJC.J]
F0381I12V516Accumulation above the presumed first floor associated with apron [V516CJC.J]
F0381I12VY21Above f392 which is presumed first floor but under f359 which belongs to the construction of the flanking wall f127 [VY21CJC.J]
F0381K03T812cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0381K05T812gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0381K07T812hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0381K08T812smooth surface [T822CJC2.J]
F0381O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
F0381O01T725v0159a [T826CJC3.J]
F0381O01T813v0190 [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T813v0190a [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T814v0191 [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T814v0191a [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0194 [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0194a [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0195 [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0195a [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0196 [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0196a [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T816v0196b [T827CJC.J]
F0381O01T827v0191 [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T827v0191a [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T827v0195 [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T827v0195a [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T827v0196 [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T827v0196b [T827CJC3.J]
F0381O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0205 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0205a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0213 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0213a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01T921v0214 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0215 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0215a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0215b [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0215c [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0216 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0216a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0216b [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0216c [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0216d [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0217 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0217a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0217b [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0217c [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0218 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0219 [T921CJC.J]
F0381O01UZ17v0219a [T921CJC.J]
F0381O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0381P02T812Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0382A21T816cut [T822CJC2.J]
F0382A30T909Cut in the southeast corner of k100. It is a very deep (more than 50cm already excavated) with a very straight edge where exposed. The fill (f383) is relatively clean. [T901CJC.J]
F0382A35T909v198 [T901CJC.J]
F0382A98T909This feature forms an aggregate, a12, with f383 [T901CJC.J]
F0382B11T816Cut through the southeast corner of k100. It is very straight and appears to cut through many features. [T816CJC.J]
F0382B11T819Straight cut in southeast corner of k100. At first it appeared to be the cut of a pit but now we see it is too straight. It cuts through several pebble floors and accumulations. [T819CJC2.J]
F0382C01T816We assigned this feature today as we found that f383 is the fill of a cut. We can see the cut of the pebble floors in the east section very clearly. Right now we are not sure how far down the cut goes as we have not reached the end of f383. [T816CJC.J]
F0382D01T816k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0382D03T8171128 (38686 51242 - 8553 / Relay location: NE corner cut) [T820CJCR.J]
F0382D06T8168556 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0382D06T8168594 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0382F02T830<5si f0383 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830<5si f0385 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0205 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0215 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0258 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0267 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0287 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0292 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0386 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0387 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0388 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0389 [T830CJC.J]
F0382F02T830>2cu f0390 [T830CJC.J]
F0382I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0382I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0382I12V516Cuts from above and through pebble floors that date to stratum 665 [V516CJC.J]
F0382O01T816v0192 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T816v0192a [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T816v0192b [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T816v0192c [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T816v0193 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T817v0198 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T817v0199 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T817v0199a [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T817v0199b [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T817v0199c [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0200 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0200a [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0200b [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0200c [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0202 [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0202a [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0202b [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T818v0202c [T827CJC.J]
F0382O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0382P01T819We cut this feature back to make it a regular section to see the features it had cut through. [T819CJC2.J]
F0382P02T816T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0383A01T816f0304 [T816CJC.J]
F0383A21T816f1 [T822CJC2.J]
F0383A30T909Fill of cut f382. It is very soft and contains very little cultural material. It is wet when excavated and has a deep rich brown color. There are some bricks possibly seen in section. [T901CJC.J]
F0383A35T909v193 [T901CJC.J]
F0383B11T816Soft, wet brown soil. Some small pieces of brick can be seen when the surface is scraped but they never come apart in actual brick chunks. There are reddish inclusions and also some charcoal. Appears to be the fill of the cut f382. The soil is sticky and clings to the tools. It separates from the hard accumulations to the northwest which tells us there was a cut which was filled by the softer brown soil of f383. [T816CJC.J]
F0383C01T816Today we excavated about 50cm of f383 and we still have not found the bottom. We photographed it after about 25cm to show what appear to be melted bricks inside (v193). [T816CJC.J]
F0383D01T816k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0383D03T8171123 (38563 51069 - 8571 / Relay location: SE point of cut near section) [T820CJCR.J]
F0383D06T8168556 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0383D06T8168604 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0383F02T816<5si q0892 [T826CJC2.J]
F0383F02T817>0co f0384 [T819CJC.J]
F0383F02T817>0co f0385 [T819CJC.J]
F0383F02T830>0co f0384 [T830CJC.J]
F0383F02T830>0co f0385 [T830CJC.J]
F0383F02T830>5si f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0383I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0383I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0383I10T916Associated with cut f382 [T916CJC.J]
F0383K03T816cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0383K05T816brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0383K06T81610YR4/6 [T822CJC2.J]
F0383K07T816soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0383K08T816wet [T822CJC2.J]
F0383O01T816v0192 [T827CJC.J]
F0383O01T816v0192a [T827CJC.J]
F0383O01T816v0192b [T827CJC.J]
F0383O01T816v0192c [T827CJC.J]
F0383O01T816v0193 [T827CJC.J]
F0383P02T816T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0384A21T817stones [T822CJC2.J]
F0384A30T909Small row of pebbles inside the cut of f382 that runs parallel to the cut. The stones are embedded in a hard layer f385. [T901CJC.J]
F0384A35T909v197 [T901CJC.J]
F0384B11T817Row of large pebbles in the bottom of f383, sitting in the hard layer f385. It cuts diagonally across the southeast corner of k100 roughly parallel to the cut of the pit (f382). The stones are in a nice row and it is unclear if they formed there naturally or were laid. When removed they were sitting in a very hard flat layer (f385). [T819CJC.J]
F0384D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0384D03T8171124 (38566 51104 - 8560 / Relay location: NW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0384D03T8171125 (38546 51128 - 8556 / Relay location: SW corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0384D03T8171126 (38609 51223 - 8548 / Relay location: SE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0384D03T8171127 (38631 51224 - 8548 / Relay location: NE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
F0384D06T8170 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0384D06T8178492 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0384D06T8298503 @top [T829CJC.J]
F0384F02T817<0co f0383 [T819CJC.J]
F0384F02T817>5si f0385 [T819CJC.J]
F0384F02T830<0co f0383 [T830CJC.J]
F0384I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0384I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0384I10T916Associated with cut f382 [T916CJC.J]
F0384K03T817st [T822CJC2.J]
F0384K05T817gray [T822CJC2.J]
F0384K07T817very hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0384K08T817stony [T822CJC2.J]
F0384P02T817T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0385A21T817a [T822CJC2.J]
F0385A30T909Very hard complact layer at the presumed bottom ofthe cut f382. [T901CJC.J]
F0385A35T909v197 [T901CJC.J]
F0385B11T817Hard layer associated with the bottom of the cut f382. It has a row of small stones (f384) sitting in it. It is very hard and wet and difficult to pick. We only excavated the very top of this feature. It is a very dark brown color. [T819CJC.J]
F0385C01T817We found this feature at the bottom of our sounding in k100's southeast corner and we excavated only a portion (about 4cm) before deciding it would be a good stopping point for the season. [T819CJC.J]
F0385D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0385D06T8178492 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0385D06T8178503 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0385F02T817<0co f0383 [T819CJC.J]
F0385F02T817<5si f0384 [T819CJC.J]
F0385F02T817<5si q0895 [T826CJC2.J]
F0385F02T830<0co f0383 [T830CJC.J]
F0385F02T830>5si f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0385I01VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0385I03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0385I10T916Associated with cut f382 [T916CJC.J]
F0385K03T817cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0385K05T817brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0385K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0385K08T817coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0385O01T817v0198 [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T817v0199 [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T817v0199a [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T817v0199b [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T817v0199c [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0200 [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0200a [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0200b [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0200c [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0202 [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0202a [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0202b [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T818v0202c [T827CJC.J]
F0385O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0385P02T817only partially removed T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0386A03T914^pv1 [T914CJC.J]
F0386A21T817pc [T822CJC2.J]
F0386A30T909Sherd and bone pavement in front of the lower staircase f380 [T901CJC.J]
F0386A35T909v199 [T901CJC.J]
F0386B11T817Sherd, bone and small pebble floor. This floor is primarily composed of very small (about 2-4cm) sherds and bones. The bones break apart very easily and are difficult to excavated. The sherds are almost uniformly tiny. The floor was very colorful with many green sherds and many light colored sherds and some red sherds. Combined with the bones the sherds stood out very well from the background of the brown soil that the forms the main underlying layer of the floor. The sherds are very firmly embedded and the surface is very hard when picked. [T819CJC.J]
F0386C01T817Today we exposed this pavement in the afternoon, photographed and relayed it and began removing it. [T819CJC.J]
F0386C03T817mKB says the size of the sherds is indicative of a well-used walking surface, normally a street. This may indicate a heavy use of the area immediately in front of the staircase f380. [T819CJC.J]
F0386C04T817When removing this feature we scooped the dirt into zambils with either our hands or with the dustpan so we could be sure to collect the most sherds rather than with the shovel. [T819CJC.J]
F0386D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0386D06T8178560 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0386D06T8178574 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0386F02T817<5si q0896 [T826CJC2.J]
F0386F02T817>8ab f0380 [T819CJC.J]
F0386F02T818<5si q0897 [T826CJC2.J]
F0386F02T822<1ov f0292 [T822CJC.J]
F0386F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0386F02T830>0co f0387 [T830CJC.J]
F0386I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0386I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0386I10T916Dated to EDIIIA based on ceramics [T916CJC.J]
F0386I12VY21Late Ninevite V decorated body sherds [VY21CJC.J]
F0386K03T817bone, sherds [T822CJC2.J]
F0386K05T817brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0386K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0386K08T817coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0386O01T817v0199 [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T817v0199a [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T817v0199b [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T817v0199c [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T817v0199d [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0386O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0386O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0386P02T817T817 [T822CJC2.J]
F0387A03T914^pv1 [T914CJC.J]
F0387A21T817a [T822CJC2.J]
F0387A30T909Accumulation forming the subfloor for the sherd and bone pavement f386 [T901CJC.J]
F0387A35T909v201 [T901CJC.J]
F0387B11T818Softer brown accumulation underneath pavement f386. It may have been a subfloor for the pavement. The soil is medium coarse and breaks apart easily. With the pick it comes off in small pieces, but is not chunky. It covers a pebble floor (f388). [T819CJC.J]
F0387D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0387D06T8178554 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0387D06T8178560 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0387F02T818>0co f0388 [T819CJC.J]
F0387F02T822<1ov f0292 [T822CJC.J]
F0387F02T830<0co f0386 [T830CJC.J]
F0387F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0387F02T830>8ab f0380 [T830CJC.J]
F0387I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0387I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0387I10T916Dated to EDIIIA based on ceramics [T916CJC.J]
F0387I12VY21Based on stratigraphic connection to f386 [VY21CJC.J]
F0387K03T817cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0387K05T817soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0387K07T817soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0387K08T817medium coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0387O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0387O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0387O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0387P02T817T818 [T822CJC2.J]
F0388A03T914^pv1 [T914CJC.J]
F0388A21T817pc [T822CJC2.J]
F0388A30T909Pebble and sherd floor, less dense than either f386 or f390, but also with very small sherds. [T901CJC.J]
F0388A35T909v200 [T901CJC.J]
F0388B11T818Pebble floor composed of small pebbles (almost sandy) embedded in a hard brown dirt. Very few larger pebbles, fewer bones that the other pavement (f386). It has a hard surface and a softer subsoil (f389). This floor is not as clearly laid as the other pavement (f386) but does form a clear surface, possibly a walking floor that was not intentionally laid. [T819CJC.J]
F0388D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0388D06T8178548 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0388D06T8178554 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0388F02T818<0co f0387 [T819CJC.J]
F0388F02T818<5si q0899 [T826CJC2.J]
F0388F02T818>0co f0389 [T819CJC.J]
F0388F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0388F02T830>8ab f0380 [T830CJC.J]
F0388I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0388I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0388I10T916Dated to EDIIIA based on ceramics [T916CJC.J]
F0388I12V516Based on ceramics, presence of Ninevite 5 sherds [V516CJC.J]
F0388I12VY21Late Ninevite V shapes and decoration and also Metallic ware sherds. [VY21CJC.J]
F0388K03T817sherds, pebbles [T822CJC2.J]
F0388K05T817brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0388K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0388K08T817coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0388O01T818v0200 [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T818v0200a [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T818v0200b [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T818v0200c [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T818v0200d [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0388O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0388O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0388P02T817T818 [T822CJC2.J]
F0389A03T914^pv1 [T914CJC.J]
F0389A21T817ac [T822CJC2.J]
F0389A30T909Subfloor for f388, soft brown soil. [T901CJC.J]
F0389A35T909v201 [T901CJC.J]
F0389B11T818Soft brown accumulation under the floor (f388). The soil is medium coarse and is easy to pick. It may form a subfloor for f388. [T819CJC.J]
F0389D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0389D06T8178542 @bottom [T822CJC2.J]
F0389D06T8178548 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0389F02T818<0co f0388 [T819CJC.J]
F0389F02T818<5si q0900 [T826CJC2.J]
F0389F02T818>0co f0390 [T819CJC.J]
F0389F02T818>0co f0391 [T819CJC.J]
F0389F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0389F02T830>8ab f0380 [T830CJC.J]
F0389I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0389I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0389I10T916Dated to EDIIIA based on ceramics [T916CJC.J]
F0389I12V516Based on ceramics, presence of Ninevite 5 sherds [V516CJC.J]
F0389I12VY21This feature was possibly thought to be EDIII, but further examination indicates a presence of Late Ninevite 5 incised and grooved sherds. As a result this feature was assigned to the late Ninevite 5. [VY21CJC.J]
F0389K03T817cl [T822CJC2.J]
F0389K05T817brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0389K07T817soft [T822CJC2.J]
F0389K08T817sandy [T822CJC2.J]
F0389O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0389O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0389O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0389O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0389P02T817T818 [T822CJC2.J]
F0390A03T914^pv1 [T914CJC.J]
F0390A21T817pc [T822CJC2.J]
F0390A30T909Sherd, bone and pebble pavement. [T901CJC.J]
F0390A35T909v202 [T901CJC.J]
F0390B11T818Sherd and bone floor similar to f386. It is composed of small sherds (about 3-5cm in size) and bones. There are some pebbles also, usually about the same size as the sherds or smaller. It is also very colorful with the most notable color sherds being green and red. [T819CJC.J]
F0390D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0390D06T8178542 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0390F02T818<0co f0389 [T819CJC.J]
F0390F02T818<8ab f0391 [T819CJC.J]
F0390F02T830<2cu f0382 [T830CJC.J]
F0390I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0390I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0390I10V930Based on the stratigraphic location below f388 and f389 which were dated to s670-JPC based on the presence of incised Ninevite 5 sherds. See notes on pottery in f388. [V930CJC.J]
F0390I12V516Based on elevation below Ninevite 5 floors [V516CJC.J]
F0390I12VY21This feature was not excavated but based on its stratigraphic location under f389 which was dated to Late Ninevite 5 it should belong to the same stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0390K03T817sherds, pebbles [T822CJC2.J]
F0390K05T817brown [T822CJC2.J]
F0390K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0390K08T817coarse, sandy [T822CJC2.J]
F0390O01T818v0201 [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T818v0202 [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T818v0202a [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T818v0202b [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T818v0202c [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T818v0202d [T827CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0203 [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0203a [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0204 [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0204a [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
F0390O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0390O03UY19w0210 [UY19CJC.J]
F0390P02T817not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0391A21T817l [T822CJC2.J]
F0391A30T909Bakaya-like layer at the base of the last visible step of the lower staircase f380. It is contained to the 10cm immediately in front of the step. [T901CJC.J]
F0391A35T909v203 [T901CJC.J]
F0391B11T818Red bakaya-like layer lapping up to the lowest stones of f380. It is contained only to the area right in front of the stairs and does not extend more than 10cm in front of the stairs. The consistency is hard and it is a bright red when scraped. It may be part of the contstruction of staircase f380. [T819CJC.J]
F0391C01T818This floor was only exposed and not excavated. When k100 is backfilled this feature will still be remaining. [T819CJC.J]
F0391C01T818We only exposed and photographed this feature as we did not have time this season to excavate it. [T819CJC.J]
F0391D01T817k100 [T822CJC2.J]
F0391D06T8178557 @top [T822CJC2.J]
F0391F02T818<0co f0389 [T819CJC.J]
F0391F02T818>8ab f0380 [T819CJC.J]
F0391F02T818>8ab f0390 [T819CJC.J]
F0391I01VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0391I03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0391I10V930As this feature was not excavated the sherds can not give a date. Based on the stratigraphic location below f388 and f389 which were dated to s670-JPC based on the presence of incised Ninevite 5 sherds. See notes on pottery in f388. [V930CJC.J]
F0391I12V516Based on elevation below Ninevite 5 floors [V516CJC.J]
F0391I12VY21This feature was not excavated but based on its stratigraphic location under f389 which was dated to Late Ninevite 5 it should belong to the same stratum. [VY21CJC.J]
F0391K03T817bakaya [T822CJC2.J]
F0391K05T817red [T822CJC2.J]
F0391K07T817hard [T822CJC2.J]
F0391K08T817coarse [T822CJC2.J]
F0391O01T818v0202 [T827CJC.J]
F0391O01T818v0202b [T827CJC.J]
F0391O01T818v0202c [T827CJC.J]
F0391O01T921v0203 [T921CJC.J]
F0391O01T921v0203a [T921CJC.J]
F0391O01T921v0209 [T921CJC.J]
F0391P02T817Not removed [T822CJC2.J]
F0392A03UY28^fl1 [T914CJC.J]
F0392A21VY16floor [V930CJC.J]
F0392B11VY16This feature was only identified in section. It is a thick gray layer seen in the west section of k100. It has been assigned a feature number as it is thought to possibly be the first floor associated with the construction of the monumental access. [V930CJC.J]
F0392C03VY16This feature may be the first floor associated with the construction of the ^mnacs based on several factors. First, it is a thick layer of relatively uniform material - suggesting it may have been intentionally laid. Furthermore, it slopes up against the stone visible in the western edge of k100, that is likely a patch stone added to connect the apron with the earlier staircase when the apron was constructed. [V930CJC.J]
F0392D01VY16k110 [V930CJC.J]
F0392I01VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0392I03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0392I12VY21This gray floor was only identified in section. It is suggested that it is a floor associated with the first moment of construction of the monumental access. As a result it has been assigned to the same stratum as the construction. When this feature is excavated this assignment should be reviewed. [VY21CJC.J]
F0392K03VY16cl [V930CJC.J]
F0393A21WX13cut [WX08CJC.J]
F0393B11WX13This feature is only seen in section. It is a cut through several sloping layers that alternate brown and ashy. The cut can be clearly seen in v161, v130 and v114. It seems this cut was intentional and associated with the building of the curtain wall f288/f334. [WX08CJC.J]
F0393C03WX13This feature was probably an intentional cut to create a space for the construction of the curtain wall f288/f334. This removed several EDIII layers and created a sloping area south of the revetment wall. The sharp angles of the cut suggest that it was not caused by erosion as that would have smoothed the edges of the cut. [WX08CJC.J]
F0393D01WX13k14 [WX08CJC.J]
F0393D06WX138827 @bottom [WX08CJC.J]
F0393D06WX138928 @top [WX08CJC.J]
F0393F02WX13>2cu f0219 [WX08CJC.J]
F0393I01VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
F0393I03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3B-J2BI04VY11s730-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3H-J2BI04VY11s685-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3J-J2BI04VY11s670-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3L-J2BI04VY11s660-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3L-J2BI04VY11s665-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3M-J2BI04VY11s650-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3N-J2BI04VY11s640-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3P-J2BI04VY11s630-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3S-J2BI04VY11s620-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H3U-J2BI04VY11s610-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7C-J2BI04VY11s190-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7F-J2BI04VY11s176-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7J-J2BI04VY11s158-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7J-J2BI04VY11s159-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7J-J2BI04VY11s160-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7J-J2BI04VY11s161-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7M-J2BI04VY11s148-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H7V-J2BI04VY11s122-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H8M-J2BI04VY11s70-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H8M-J2BI04VY11s80-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H8R-J2BI04VY11s60-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H9M-J2BI04VY11s20-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H9M-J2BI04VY11s30-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H9P-J2BI04VY11s10-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
H9Z-J2BI04VY11s0-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
I0001A35Y102L_V17d0301 J2.1 O713 gg li.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0003A35Y102L_V22d2603 J2i3 T804 dM ma.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0004A35Y102L_V17d0302 J2.4 O727 gg si.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0005A35Y102L_V17d0309 J2.5 O727 gg si.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0006A35Y102L_V22d2787 J2i6 T826 dM cv f140.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0006J04Z6083 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0006K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0006K04Z608c [ZA608CJC.J]
I0006ZcaS4Z608xrg [ZA608CJC.J]
I0011A35Y102L_V22d2830 J2i11 T908 dM cg f189.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0012A35Y102L_V18d2608 J2i12 P823 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0013B11V826Unknown metal artifact [U906YM.J]
I0015A35Y102L_V22d2559 J2i15 T804 dM wh f213.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0017A21UZ14seal impression [U906YM.J]
I0017B11UZ14Seal impression [U906YM.J]
I0017C30UZ14This item was listed as stored in mKB's office but could not be located during the 2010 season to be described or photographed. [U906YM.J]
I0019A35Y102L_V22d2841 J2i19 T908 dM ca f256.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0020A35Y102L_V22d2612 J2i20 T804 dM cv f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0022A35Y102L_V18d2701 J2.22 P906 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0023A35Y102L_V18d2630 J2i23 P903 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0025A35Y102L_V20d3301 J2i25 R823 dM ma f310.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0026A35Y102L_V18d2649 J2.26 P911 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
I0026J03Z6086 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026K04Z608p [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026ZcaD2Z608K4 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026ZcaS3Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
I0026ZcaS4Z608xdc [ZA608CJC.J]
K0002A35YX24L_W18d0850 J02w0050 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0002O03UY19w0012 [UY19CJC.J]
K0002O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
K0002O03Y104w0050 [UY19CJC.J]
K0003A35YX24L_W18d0851 J02w0051 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0220 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0220a [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0220b [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0500 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0502 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0503 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0504 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0507 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O01UZ17v0516 [T921CJC.J]
K0003O03UY19w0108 [UY19CJC.J]
K0003O03UY19w0201 [UY19CJC.J]
K0003O03UY19w0205 [UY19CJC.J]
K0003O03Y104w0051 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004A35YX24L_W18d0852 J02w0052 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0004B11T822In MZ22 this locus was only partially excavated. The northern part of this locus contains the apron f131 while only about 1 meter extending south from the apron was excavated. It is defined in the south by m6150 and m6152. In the north the excavated area is bounded by the lowest visible step of the apron (f131) and markers m6154 and m6156. It's east baulk is defined by m6155 and m6151. [T822CJC.J]
K0004C01T809Yesterday at the very end of the day we exposed several features which I described in yesterday's daily. Today we decided to continue removing f367 until we have only f369 and f359 showing. The small isolated plaster patches were assigned f370 and were relayed and photographed and then left in place. Once we removed f367 it became more apparent that f368 and f369 are likely the same as f369 seems to slope up and meet f358 under f367. I decided with fAB and pC that once we finished exposing f369 by removing f367 we should stop excavating temporarily in k4 and k5 and focus our efforts on reaching f359 in k15. Mohammed Kher removed all of f367 with only the small pick and the brush and so it took all day but we achieved a nice result. [T809CJC.J]
K0004C32T826After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. [T826CJC.J]
K0004O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
K0004O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
K0004O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
K0004O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
K0004O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0167b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T806v0169 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0170a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0170b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T809v0173d [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0180 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0181a [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
K0004O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T813v0187b [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T813v0187c [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T813v0188 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T818v0183 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T818v0184 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T818v0186 [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0206b [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0207 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0207b [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0208 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0208a [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01T921v0210 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0220 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0220a [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0220b [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0500 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0502 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0503 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0504 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0506 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0507 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0514 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0516 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O01UZ17v0518 [T921CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0006 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0009 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0017 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0018 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0032 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0033 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0200 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0202 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03WX17w0021b [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03Y104w0036 [UY19CJC.J]
K0004O03Y104w0052 [UY19CJC.J]
K0005A35YX24L_W18d0853 J02w0053 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0005B11T822In MZ22 this locus was only partially excavated. The southern part consists of a raised baulk while the northern half was excavated. The northern points are m6152 in the NW and m6150 in the NE. The southern corners of the locus are m6157 in the SW and r1077 in the SE. The east baulk is defined by only one point, m6151. [T822CJC.J]
K0005C01T805Today we only worked in k5. We went down only about 20 centimeters because we are working with the small pick. We have 2 pickmen working in the square. We had only 2 features and 2 q-lots. [T805CJC.J]
K0005C01T813We are finished excavating in this locus. It will be backfilled at the end of the season. [T815CJC.J]
K0005C32T826After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. [T826CJC.J]
K0005D03T8011083 (38794 50674 - 8775 / Relay location: SW corner eastbaulk ) [T820CJCR.J]
K0005O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
K0005O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
K0005O01T721v0154b [T729CJC2.J]
K0005O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
K0005O01T721v0158 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0166 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0167 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0167a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0167b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T802v0167c [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T806v0169 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T806v0169a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0170 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0170a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0170b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0170c [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0171 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0171a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0172 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0172a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0172b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T808v0172c [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T809v0173 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T809v0173a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T809v0173b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T809v0173c [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T811v0176a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T811v0178a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T811v0178b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T812v0179b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T812v0180 [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T812v0181 [T826CJC3.J]
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K0005O01T812v0181b [T826CJC3.J]
K0005O01T813v0187 [T827CJC.J]
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K0005O01T813v0189 [T827CJC.J]
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K0005O01T818v0184a [T827CJC.J]
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K0005O01T818v0186a [T827CJC.J]
K0005O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
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K0005O01T921v0211a [T921CJC.J]
K0005O01UZ17v0220 [T921CJC.J]
K0005O01UZ17v0220a [T921CJC.J]
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K0005O01V104v0520 [T921CJC.J]
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K0005O03Y104w0053 [UY19CJC.J]
K0012A35YX24L_W18d0854 J02w0054 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0012O03Y104w0054 [UY19CJC.J]
K0013A35YX24L_W18d0855 J02w0055 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0013O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T721v0152a [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
K0013O01T725v0161a [T826CJC3.J]
K0013O01T812v0182 [T826CJC3.J]
K0013O01T921v0206 [T921CJC.J]
K0013O01T921v0206a [T921CJC.J]
K0013O01T921v0206c [T921CJC.J]
K0013O01UZ17v0220 [T921CJC.J]
K0013O01UZ17v0220a [T921CJC.J]
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K0013O01UZ17v0507 [T921CJC.J]
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K0014C01T725Today we began to remove the remaining baulk stub in the western part of k14. We are calling this f341. It is composed primarily of brickfall. We will excavate it from the top down in 50cm increments until it is level with the current bottom of k14. [T725CJC.J]
K0014C01T726Today we continued removing f341. In the northern portion of f341 we uncovered a grouping of stones. It appears that they are a continuation of f334, the curtain wall of k14 (also assigned to k54 at the beginning of the excavations during cleaning). Tomorrow we will photograph the stones and assign a new feature and component numbers for the stones. We also found several medium-sized stones floating in the brickfall of f341. We didn't finish removing f341 today because the shaffat had to be shut down while Adeeb established the points. [T726CJC.J]
K0014C01T727Today we continued removing f341, the brickfall. We are almost to the bottom. The wall in the south part of f341, called f346, is almost completely exposed. Tomorrow we will relay the stones and remove it. We also began removing the accumulation under the wall, f334, that we removed last week. [T727CJC.J]
K0014C02T726In the southern part of f341 we have exposed a line of stones. These probably belong to f334. We will expose them, photograph them to show thier relationship to the brickfall of f341 and then remove them. Also under these stones is a very hard compacted mud layer. It is visible if you stand north of f341 and look south. It may not be an ancient feature but rather created in the past few years by water accumulating in the corner, which is the low point of the area. We will investigate this question after we remove the stones. [T726CJC.J]
K0014D03T7251026 (39568 50419 - 8806 / Relay location: SE corner) [T728CJCR.J]
K0014D03T7251027 (39654 50464 - 8819 / Relay location: NE corner) [T728CJCR.J]
K0014O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0153 [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0153a [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0154c [T729CJC2.J]
K0014O01T721v0155 [T729CJC2.J]
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K0014O01T811v0175 [T826CJC3.J]
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K0014O01T811v0178 [T826CJC3.J]
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K0014O03WX17w0021a [UY19CJC.J]
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K0014O03Y104w0056 [UY19CJC.J]
K0015A35YX24L_W18d0857 J02w0057 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0015B11T822In the MZ22 season this locus was only partially excavated. It's northern half lies in the area of excavation. It is defined in the north by normal corner points m6180 and m6152. In the south it is defined by two points, m6157 and r1139. The southwest corner is not a corner but rather has a diagonal cut across it as the corresponding section in the upper part of southern J2 is cut at an angle for stablization purposes. The east baulk is defined by only one point, m6153 and we did not leave a northern baulk. [T822CJC.J]
K0015C01T809Today we began excavating in k15. Before today we had mostly only cleaned the area and removed the south and west sections to give more room to work. At the beginning of excavation we had what appeared to be several features already showing. We decided the clearest way to excavate would be to follow the west section of k5 across. We were hoping to expose the salmon-colored floor (f359) all the way across the loci in front of the apron f131 and try and follow it around the north turn next to the wall f127 if it turned that way. By following f364 across through the section we found several different features. There is the plate-like accumulation which we is the same as f365 (immediately under f364) which is what we expected based on k5. f365, however, does not continue all the way west. Instead we found a reddish layer which we have not yet really exposed or excavated and some plaster, possibly similar to that found in k5 (f370) or that seen in the west section of k5. I decided we should try and excavate the latest moment in time first and so we removed a small accumulation of f364 in the middle of the northern edge of the square that seemed to possibly be overlaying f372 but when we removed it we found bricky material underneath which is actually overlaid by the gray layer f371. So we decided to stop in that small area and instead to photograph and remove both f339 and f371. We will first remove the flaky structure of f371 and see if it overlays the very hard gray later that is f339 or if it is actually a damaged section of f339. [T809CJC.J]
K0015C01T810Yesterday we decided that the best strategy was to excavate down from the latest features (f371, f339) and try and follow them in k15 instead of going across from the west baulk of k5. We started by removing f371, the flaky gray layer on top of f339. We wanted to remove the hard gray layer f339. It was relayed and then we began removing it. When we picked the hard layer however it came apart very differently in the two areas where the pickmen were working. Coming down from the north Kamiron found that the hard gray layer was very hard and thick (about 3cm or more) and when picked it removed a 10cm layer underneath as well. Underneath he found the dramatic reddish layer (f348) and a gray layer which we assigned as f374. In contrast, in the SW corner where Mohammed Kher was working we found that f339 was extremely thin and came off easily revealing a dramatic pink layer (f373). This layer is soft and easily damaged with the pick. Because we have now exposed several layers (f373, f348, f374)due to the nature of the removal of f339 we decided to follow the layers across through the section of k5 to see how they relate to the newly exposed layers. In the west section we can see f365 and a thin yellow line which we have assigned f375. We wanted to remove f365 above f375 and see how it comes up against the pink layer f373. It seems that f365 would have covered the pink layer f373 but it was cut by the erosion. By following f365 across from the east to the west we should be able to answer this question. Before we could remove all of f365 we needed to expose the plaster layer (f375) and see its extent. We used the small pick and the brush to expose as much of this delicate layer as possible. Tomorrow we hope to finish exposing the plaster (f375) relay and photograph it before removing it. After we finish with f375 we will continue removing f365 across to see its relationship to the pink (f373). (This daily is revised version of today's strategy entry). [T810CJC.J]
K0015C01T811We exposed the floor with plaster inclusions (f375), photographed and relayed it and removed it. We then went down following the layers seen in the west section of k5. Once we had cleaned everything we did our best to expose f375, the floor with plaster inclusions. We photographed it when we thought it had reached its full extent but then as we were removing f365 we found it continued and so we photographed it again. After that we removed f375 and started removing the accumulations of f365 by moving from the west section of k5 in a westward direction. In the south portion of k15 f365 came down on top of the salmon-colored floor f359 just as we expected. We did not finish exposing f359 and will work on exposing its extent tomorrow. In the north part of k15 we found the situation was more disturbed possibly due to erosion as we saw in k5 with the erosion of f359 and the brown accumulation of f367. It seems that f367 continues into k15 with some disturbed accumulations (not in nice thin layers of accumulations like f365) and some sherds that are not lying flat as well as some pebbles. We will explore this area tomorrow. [T811CJC.J]
K0015C01T813We are finished excavating in this locus. It will be backfilled at the end of the season. [T815CJC.J]
K0015C32T826After plotting the J2 loci from MZ22 it became apparent that they do not exactly match the squares of the previous years. This is not totally unexpected as we had many problems at the beginning of the season trying to reestablish the squares due to the small number remaining markers in J2 as well as the depth of J2 compared to the remaining markers. The differences are not substantial but should be noted. [T826CJC.J]
K0015D03T8221139 (39106 49934 - 8632 / Relay location: SW corner) [T823CJCR.J]
K0015O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
K0015O01T721v0154a [T729CJC2.J]
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K0015O01T808v0171 [T826CJC3.J]
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K0022O03Y104w0058 [UY19CJC.J]
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K0023O03Y104w0059 [UY19CJC.J]
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K0024O03UY19w0105 [UY19CJC.J]
K0024O03Y104w0060 [UY19CJC.J]
K0025B11UZ14This loci was never assigned. The relays were measured but the area was never excavated. [S206PC.J]
K0033A35YX24L_W18d0861 J02w0061 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0033O01V104v0522 [T921CJC.J]
K0033O03Y104w0061 [UY19CJC.J]
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K0043O03Y104w0062 [UY19CJC.J]
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K0053O03Y104w0063 [UY19CJC.J]
K0054B11T722This locus was assigned to the area west of wall f127 at the beginning of MZ22 (2009) when we began cleaning the J2 area. The original idea was that the 50-series of loci would correspond to the same as previous squares (for example, k54 would be the new k4) however, we were unable to determine the exact location of the squares before beginning work so k54 does not correspond to a previous area. Eventually the normal squares were reestablished and the rest of the excavations continued using the old assignments such as k4, k5 etc. [T722CJC.J]
K0054O01T719v0147 [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T719v0147b [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T719v0148 [T729CJC2.J]
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K0054O01T719v0148b [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T721v0151 [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T721v0152 [T729CJC2.J]
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K0054O01T721v0152b [T729CJC2.J]
K0054O01T721v0152c [T729CJC2.J]
K0082A35YX24L_W18d0864 J02w0064 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0082O03Y104w0064 [UY19CJC.J]
K0083A35YX24L_W18d0865 J02w0065 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
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K0084A35YX24L_W18d0866 J02w0066 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0084O03Y104w0066 [UY19CJC.J]
K0085O03UY19w0022 [UY19CJC.J]
K0092A35YX24L_W18d0867 J02w0067 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0092O03Y104w0067 [UY19CJC.J]
K0093A35YX24L_W18d0868 J02w0068 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0093O03UY19w0014 [UY19CJC.J]
K0093O03UY19w0106 [UY19CJC.J]
K0093O03Y104w0068 [UY19CJC.J]
K0093O08UZ15p0009 [T330PC.J]
K0095O03UY19w0013 [UY19CJC.J]
K0100A35YX24L_W18d0869 J02w0069 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0100B11T815This year k100 is defined in the east by J6k106 and J2k110 in the west. In the north this locus is bounded by the lower staircase f380. The south section is defined by markers along the site-wide grid. [T815CJC.J]
K0100B11T902This season k100 is defined by r1129 (SW), r1130 (SE), r673 (NW), and r670 (NE). [T830CJC.J]
K0100C01T815Today we decided to remove the backfill in this area and go down and see if we can find enough material to date the construction of the lower staircase (f380). We started removing the backfill which was pretty deep. We found lots of garbage and plastic in the backfill. [T815CJC.J]
K0100C01T816In the morning we finished removing the backfill in k100. We were aided by v127. We were able to find f292 and f304 with no difficulties. We also cleaned out the sounding of k105. After we exposed all of k100 as it appeared at the end of the previous excavations we found that f304 from the previous excavations was probably a pit. We assigned it a new feature number f383 in case it wasn't exactly the same but it appears in the east section that in fact f304 is the same as our new f383. Because f383 would be the latest moment in time in k100 we decided to excavate it first. This took the rest of the morning and we still haven't finished. We will continue tomorrow. [T816CJC.J]
K0100C01T817We finished removing the fill of a12 which was f383 and found a row of small stones at the bottom (f384) sitting in a hard accumulation f385. We removed the stones and excavated a small portion of f385 to see if the pit continues but we now think that f385 is the bottom so we stopped in the pit sounding. Instead we started excavating in the rest of k100 and we started by removing the pebble floor (f292) under which we found a nice sherd and bone pavement (f386). We exposed f386 in the afternoon and then photographed it and began removing it. We will continue removing it tomorrow and hopefully reach a good stopping point beneath it. [T819CJC.J]
K0100C01T818First we continued removing f386 which took a long time as it was composed of very small sherds. After we removed f386 we found a brown subsoil (f387) which overlaid another surface (f388) which also had a brown softer subsoil (f389). We exposed f388, photographed it and decided that we should try and go down to a better, clearer, stopping point. We removed f388 and the softer layer below it (f389) and found another sherd and bone floor (f390) which we decided would be a good stopping point. We also found a red bakaya-like layer right in front of the lowest step we have, lapping up against the stones (f391). We did not have enough time to fully explore this feature this season so we will leave it for next season. We exposed all of f390 and then cut back the west section before finishing for the season. [T819CJC.J]
K0100D03T8171129 (38566 51027 - 8667 / Relay location: SW corner k100) [T820CJCR.J]
K0100D03T8171130 (38514 51205 - 8667 / Relay location: SE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
K0100O01T719v0147a [T729CJC2.J]
K0100O01T719v0150 [T729CJC2.J]
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K0100O01T725v0159 [T826CJC3.J]
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K0100O01T802v0166a [T826CJC3.J]
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K0101A35YX24L_W18d0870 J02w0070 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
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K0101O03Y104w0070 [UY19CJC.J]
K0103A35YX24L_W18d0871 J02w0071 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0103O03Y104w0071 [UY19CJC.J]
K0104A35YX24L_W18d0875 J02w0075 Yx24 cJC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
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K0105A35YX24L_W18d0872 J02w0072 T327 pC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0105C01T816Today we cleaned out k105 which was the sounding in front of the monumental staircase (f380). We will no longer use this locus but instead will excavate all of k100. [T816CJC.J]
K0105O01T816v0192 [T827CJC.J]
K0105O01T816v0192a [T827CJC.J]
K0105O01T816v0192b [T827CJC.J]
K0105O01T816v0192c [T827CJC.J]
K0105O01T817v0198 [T827CJC.J]
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K0105O01T817v0199c [T827CJC.J]
K0105O03Y104w0072 [UY19CJC.J]
K0106B11T902This locus was assigned to the construction of the cement staircase in the south of J2 k5. The staircase extends from the surface of the tell, east of the panorama down to the level even with the lowest step of the apron (f131). The staircase was constructed in MZ20 (2007) by a team of workmen under the direction of lC. This staircase was built to give access to the monumental staircase and the apron from the south. It was rendered obsolete in MZ21 when J7 was excavated and the entry to J2 was provided via the long trench and a small staircase in the south of J7. Q-items were collected and records kept but the records were lost in MZ21. In MZ22 the q-items were located and were assigned new numbers as the numbers used by lC were reused by the excavations in MZ22. All the q-lots from MZ20 were reassigned to one q-lot, q901, which is the last of the MZ22 sequence. These items have all been located and renumbered to the best of our ability in MZ22. [T902CJC2.J]
K0110A35YX24L_W18d0873 J02w0073 Yx24 cJC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0110B11T727This locus is assigned to the area between k100 and the east baulks of k4 and k5. It is smaller than a traditional 5x5m square due to the cut of k100 to the east. [T727CJC.J]
K0110B11T801k110 is an irregular locus. It is bounded by the cut of k100 to the east and by squares k4 and k5 to the east. It is defined in the south by relays r1077 (in the south-west corner of the locus) and r1078 in the south-east corner of the locus. In the north it is defined by m6154 in the north-west. [T801CJC.J]
K0110B11T822This locus is irregular in shape. In the south it is defined by r1078 and r1077, in the north it is bounded by the apron(f131) and r1142 and m6154 in the north. [T822CJC.J]
K0110C01T801We are going to begin excavating the whole of locus k110 today. Our goal is to expose the salmon colored layer that is available in the west section of k100. We removed the remaining portion of f355 and then began removing f357. We did not reach the salmon layer but we should tomorrow. [T801CJC.J]
K0110C01T813Today we began removing f359 in k110. Now that we have exposed f359 in k110, k5 and k15 we are going to make a sounding in all of k110. We began by removing f359 in k110. mKB and hQ came during our daily meeting with gB and fAB and said that although we did not have enough sherds to be conclusive the sherds we collected from f359 are provisionally from the EDIII period. This confirms our suspicions that f359 is not the floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131). We excavated the layers by first examining the west section of k100 and using the layers there as a starting point for exploring the features across k110 from east to west. Under f359 in section was a gray layer which we named f377. It appeared to be thick in section but as it moved southwest across the locus it became apparent that there was a difference, with f377 becoming thinner in the south portion of the locus overlaying a very thick red layer with ash in it which we called f379. Some of f379 was removed before we understood the differences in the layers from north to south and under f379 we exposed a mud surface f381 which had the paw print of a dog in it. We photographed the pawprint normally and then experimented with filling it with powder to make it show up better in pictures. [T815CJC.J]
K0110C01T819The southern portion of k110, covering the human footprints, was backfilled first with clean dirt, then a cloth covering, then plastic capped with more dirt. Next year it should be possible to still see the human footprints. [T819CJC2.J]
K0110C02T801If we followed the site-wide grid the baulk would run right through the middle so instead we will excavate without a north baulk, relying on the south section for drawing. This should not be a problem due to the small size of the locus. A north baulk would also inhibit our understanding of how the layers relate to the apron. We have decided it is better to excavate the area as delimited by the boundaries specified here. [T801CJC.J]
K0110D03T7301077 (38757 50755 - 8726 / Relay location: SW corner of k110) [T820CJCR.J]
K0110D03T7301078 (38659 51030 - 8726 / Relay location: SE corner of k110) [T820CJCR.J]
K0110D03T8221142 (39044 51072 - 8745 / Relay location: NE corner) [T823CJCR.J]
K0110H99T813The accumulations (beginning with f359 but including f377 and f379) are thicker in the southern portion of k110 than in the northern portion closer to the apron. This may be due to water flowing away from the apron (f131) or due to heavy use of the area immediately in front of the apron (f131). [T815CJC.J]
K0110O01T721v0154 [T729CJC2.J]
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K0110O01UZ17v0215 [T921CJC.J]
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K0110O01UZ17v0502 [T921CJC.J]
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K0110O01UZ17v0518 [T921CJC.J]
K0110O01V104v0520 [T921CJC.J]
K0110O03UY19w0208 [UY19CJC.J]
K0110O03UY19w0209 [UY19CJC.J]
K0110O03YX24w0073 [YX24CJC.J]
K0111A35U821v179 [U821CJC.J]
K0111A35YX24L_W18d0874 J02w0074 Yx24 cJC.jpg [YX24CJC.J]
K0111B11U821This loci is the same overlaps with J7k6. It was excavated in MZ22 (2009) as part of J2. The operations in MZ22 were mostly cleaning and the removal of brickfall. [U821CJC.J]
K0111C02U821The brickfall (f356) in J7k6 was excavated as part of J2 this year. We removed about 20cm to make access from J7 easier. This was part of the site presentation project, not really part of the objectives of J2. f356 contained articulated red and gray bricks similar to those seen in the south section of J2 k14 and visible in all of the west sections of J7. [U821CJC.J]
K0111O01T730v0163 [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T730v0163a [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T802v0165 [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T802v0165a [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T812v0179 [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T812v0179a [T826CJC3.J]
K0111O01T813v0187a [T827CJC.J]
K0111O03YX24w0074 [YX24CJC.J]
N0001B11T830Animal print, probably canine, impressed in f381 in k110. [T830CJC.J]
N0002B11T830Human footprint impressed in f381 in k110. It is a right footprint and is oriented with the toes to the northwest. [T830CJC.J]
N0002N04T830A cast was made of this negative. [T830CJC.J]
N0003B11T830Human footprint impressed in f381 in k110. It is a right footprint. [T830CJC.J]
N0003N04T830A cast was made of this negative. [T830CJC.J]
N0004B11T830Human footprint in f381 in k110. It is a right footprint and is in the middle of k110 close to the western edge. It is the least clear of the three footprints (n2, n3 and n4) [T830CJC.J]
N0004N04T830A cast was made of this negative. [T830CJC.J]
N0005A35UZ17v215 [T830CJC.J]
N0005B11UZ17Possible human footprint along western edge of k110, imprinted in f381. See v215. [T830CJC.J]
P0009B11UZ15Floating stones over the staircase in k93 [T330PC.J]
P0009O12UZ15f51 [T330PC.J]
P0009O15UZ15k93 [T330PC.J]
P0012B11UY05This plot number was never assigned [T330PC.J]
P0014B11UY05This plot number was never assigned [T330PC.J]
P0020B11UY05This plot number was never assigned [T330PC.J]
Q0001B21Y102qi000101 [Y102CJC.J]
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Q0072-P01J03XZ3120 [X925CJC.J]
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Q0257B21Y102qi025703 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0258B21Y102qi025801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0266B21Y102qi026601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0282B21UY16qi028201 [U920BS.J]
Q0282B21V826qi028201 [U906YM.J]
Q0282C30WX20q282-p1-9 were removed from TP files since duplicate entries were found. If the excel file could be checked against the original sherds we could resolve this problem. Until then we have left them out of the record. [WX08CJC.J]
Q0291B21UY16qi029104 [U920BS.J]
Q0291B21V826qi029104 [U906YM.J]
Q0291B21Y102qi029102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0291B21Y102qi029103 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0292B21Y102qi029201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0294B21Y102qi029401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0298B21Y102qi029801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0299B21Y102qi029901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0300B21Y102qi030001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0301B21Y102qi030101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0301B21Y102qi030102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0301B21Y102qi030103 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0301B21Y102qi030104 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0302B21Y102qi030201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0304B21UY15qi030403 [U912BS.J]
Q0304B21V826qi030403 [U906YM.J]
Q0304B21Y102qi030401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0304C30Z608There is some confusion in the record over the feature to which this qlot belongs. It was initially recorded as f112, and numerous sherds were assigned with this feature, however, it appears that it was corrected to f106 in the past. In some places f112 is still given (e.g. written directly on the sherds). It seems most likely that the qlot does in fact belong to f106, however, it is not absolutely certain. [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0305B21Y102qi030501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0307B21Y102qi030701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0311B21U904qi031101 [O826WO.J]
Q0314B21U822qi031403 [O824WO.J]
Q0314B21Y102qi031401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0314B21Y102qi031402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0316B21X925qp031609 [X925CJC.J]
Q0316-P09J03X92527 [X925CJC.J]
Q0319B21Y102qi031906 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0323B11UY05According to the q-log this q-lot was never assigned. [U821CJC.J]
Q0324B11UY05According to the q-log this q-lot was never assigned. [U821CJC.J]
Q0325B11UY05According to the q-log this q-lot was never assigned. [U821CJC.J]
Q0326B11UY05According to the q-log this q-lot was never assigned. [U821CJC.J]
Q0326C30UY05Although ceramics have been assigned to this lot it appears to be a mistake and they should be assigned to q328 instead. [U821CJC.J]
Q0327B11UY05According to the q-log this q-lot was never assigned. [U821CJC.J]
Q0328B21U905qi032802 [O802AP3.J]
Q0331B21Y102qi033101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0335B21U905qi033501 [U821CJC.J]
Q0342B21Y102qi034201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0348B21Y102qi034801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0351B21Y102qi035101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0351B21Y102qi035102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0353B21Y102qi035301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0353B21Z806qp035301 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01A21Z806b [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01A21Z806tti [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01B20Z8061 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01J03Z80621 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01K04Z806b [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01K99Z806interior tab handle [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0353-P01ZcaS4Z806tti [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0354B21Y102qi035401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0360B21Y102qi036001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0360C30WX08During the 2012 study season it was realized that the q360 sherds had been mislabeled so that there are several repeats of -p numbers. Since we are not in Mozan and can not check the original numbers on the sherds we have left the duplicate numbers in place. In the future we should be able to check these sherd numbers against the originals. Since the sherds were analyzed and could be used for the statistical analysis we chose to leave them as is rather than removing the record. [WX08CJC.J]
Q0362B21Y102qi036201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0363B21Y102qi036301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0365B21U905qi036502 [T911SH.J]
Q0365B21Y102qi036501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0367B21Y102qi036701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0368B21Y102qi036801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0370B21Y102qi037001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0370B21Y102qi037003 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0370B21Y102qi037004 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0371B21Y102qi037101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0373B21Y102qi037302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0373B21Y102qi037303 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0373B21Z608qi037303 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0374B21Y102qi037401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0374B21Y102qi037402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0375B21U901qi037502 [P803AL4.J]
Q0376B21Y102qi037602 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0377B21Y102qi037701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0377B21Y102qi037702 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0377B21Y102qi037703 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0381B21Y102qi038101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0381C30Y117In the q-log the markers were recorded incorrectly (only 3 of 4 numbers given), therefore the qlot could not be entered through the q-log. Information salvagable from the paper copy of qlog entered by cJC on Y117 [X925CJC.J]
Q0382C30Y117Information about this q-lot added from paper scan of q-log since the information was unable to be processed due to lack of marker recording. [X925CJC.J]
Q0385B21U905qi038501 [U821CJC.J]
Q0385B21Y102qi038501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0385B21Y102qi038502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0389B21Y102qi038901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0389B21Y102qi038902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0391B21Y102qi039101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0391B21Y102qi039103 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0392B21Y102qi039201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0392B21Y102qi039203 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0393B21X925qp039314 [X925CJC.J]
Q0393B21X925qp039315 [X925CJC.J]
Q0393B21Y102qi039301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0393B21Y102qi039302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0393-P14J03X92513 [X925CJC.J]
Q0393-P15J03X92534 [X925CJC.J]
Q0394B21Y102qi039401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0396B21Y102qi039601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400A21Y117pbi [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040002 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040004 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040005 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040007 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040008 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400B21Y102qi040009 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0400D01Y117k4 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400D13Y117m3969 (9069) + 141 (height of instrument) - 119 - 20 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400D20Y117m3967 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400D21Y117100 cms North, 600 cms East [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400D22Y1179047 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400D23Y1179027 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0400F02Y117>5si f0152 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0402B21Y102qi040201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0405A21Y117pi [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405B21Y102qi040501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0405B21Y102qi040502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0405D01Y117k4 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405D13Y117m3967 (9075) + 142 (height of instrument) - 95 - 10 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405D20Y117m3967 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405D21Y117100 cms North, 600 cms East [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405D22Y1179028 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405D23Y1179018 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0405F02Y117>5si f0152 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406A21Y117pi [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406B21Y102qi040601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0406B21Y102qi040602 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0406D01Y117k4 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406D13Y117m3969 (9069) + 142 (height of instrument) - 52 - 10 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406D20Y117m3967 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406D21Y117100 cms North, 600 cms East [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406D22Y1178979 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406D23Y1178969 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0406F02Y117>5si f0155 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407A21Y117p [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407B21Y102qi040701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0407B21Y102qi040702 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0407B21Y102qi040703 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0407B21Y102qi040704 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0407D01Y117k14 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407D13Y117m3967 (9075) + 142 (height of instrument) - 99 - 10 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407D20Y117m3964 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407D21Y117340 cms East, 390 cms East [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407D22Y1179032 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407D23Y1179022 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0407F02Y117>5si f0156 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408A21Y117p [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D01Y117k5 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D13Y117m3967 (9075) + 142 (height of instrument) - 179 - 10 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D20Y117r483 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D21Y117350 cms East, 350 cms South [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D22Y1179112 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408D23Y1179102 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0408F02Y117>5si f0157 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0411B21UY15qi041101 [U819JS.J]
Q0411B21V826qi041101 [U906YM.J]
Q0411B21Y102qi041102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0414B21Y102qi041401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Y102qi041501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Y102qi041503 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Y102qi041504 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Y102qi041505 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Y102qi041507 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0415B21Z608qi041501 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0420B21Y102qi042001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0420B21Y102qi042002 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0420B21Y102qi042003 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0422B21Y102qi042201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0422B21Y102qi042202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0422B21Y102qi042203 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0422B21Y102qi042204 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0423B21Y102qi042301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0423B21Z608qi042301 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0424B21U90qi042401 [-P821SC2.J]
Q0424B21Y102qi042402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0426B21Y102qi042601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0426B21Y102qi042603 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0426B21Z608qi042603 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0427B21Y102qi042701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0428B21Y102qi042801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0435B21UY14qi043506 [U920BS.J]
Q0435B21V826qi043506 [U906YM.J]
Q0435B21Y102qi043501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0435B21Y102qi043503 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0435B21Y102qi043504 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0435B21Y102qi043505 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0435B21Z608qi043504 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0435B21Z608qi043505 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0437B21Y102qi043701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0437B21Y102qi043702 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0439B21Y102qi043901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0443B21Y102qi044301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0443B21Z608qi044301 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0444B21Y102qi044401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0449B21X925qp044904 [X925CJC.J]
Q0449-P04J03X92544 [X925CJC.J]
Q0455B21Y102qi045501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0459B21Y102qi045901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0463B21Y102qi046301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0464B21Y102qi046401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0464B21Y102qi046402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0467B21Y102qi046701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0488B21Y102qi048801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0490B21Y102qi049001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0494B21X925qp049402 [X925CJC.J]
Q0494-P02J03X92520 [X925CJC.J]
Q0497B21Y102qi049701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0498B21Y102qi049802 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0499B21UY14qi049901 [U809JS.J]
Q0499B21V826qi049901 [U906YM.J]
Q0499B21Y102qi049902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0500B21Y102qi050001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0501B21Y102qi050101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0502B21Y102qi050201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0502B21Y102qi050202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0503B21Y102qi050301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0503B21Y102qi050302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0508B21Y102qi050803 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0511B21Y102qi051101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0511B21Y102qi051102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0514B21Y102qi051401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0516B21Y102qi051601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0516B21Y102qi051602 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0518B21Y102qi051801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0519B21Y102qi051902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0519B21Y102qi051903 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0520B21Y102qi052001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0521B21Y102qi052101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0522B21Y102qi052202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0523B21Y102qi052301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0525B21Y102qi052501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0525B21Y102qi052502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0526B21Y102qi052601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0535B21UY12qi053502 [U912BS.J]
Q0535B21V826qi053502 [U906YM.J]
Q0537B21X925qp053701 [X925CJC.J]
Q0537-P01C10X925Two different diameters were recorded for this sherd. The sherd analyzer (hH) recorded a diameter of 20, while the person who drew the sherd recorded a diameter of 13. The small percentage of rim perserved may account for this discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0538B21Y102qi053801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0539B21Y102qi053902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0539B21Y102qi053904 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0540B21Y102qi054001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0542B21Y102qi054201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0545B21UY12qi054502 [U912BS.J]
Q0545B21V826qi054502 [U906YM.J]
Q0545B21Y102qi054503 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0546B21Y102qi054601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0548B21Y102qi054801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0550B21Y102qi055001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0551B21Y102qi055102 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0554B21Y102qi055401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0554B21Y102qi055402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0557B21UY12qi055701 [U912BS.J]
Q0557B21V826qi055701 [U906YM.J]
Q0565B21UY12qi056501 [U912BS.J]
Q0565B21UY12qi056502 [U920BS.J]
Q0565B21UY12qi056503 [U920BS.J]
Q0565B21V826qi056501 [U906YM.J]
Q0565B21V826qi056502 [U906YM.J]
Q0571B21UY12qi057101 [U920BS.J]
Q0571B21V826qi057101 [U906YM.J]
Q0573B21Y102qi057301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0575B21UY12qi057502 [U920BS.J]
Q0575B21V826qi057502 [U906YM.J]
Q0581B21UY12qi058101 [U920BS.J]
Q0581B21V826qi058101 [U906YM.J]
Q0596B21X925qp059601 [X925CJC.J]
Q0596-P01C10X925Two different wares were recorded for this sherd when it was analyzed separately by hH and mKB [X925CJC.J]
Q0604B21WX08qp060401 [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604B21WX08qp060402 [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604B21WX08qp060469 [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604B21X925qp060403 [X925CJC.J]
Q0604B21X925qp060405 [X925CJC.J]
Q0604B21Z318qp060469 [J2ZA608B.J]
Q0604-P01A98WX08The drawing of this sherd is a combination of q604-p1 and q604-p2. [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604-P02A98WX08This sherd was combined with sherd q604-p1. [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604-P03C10X925Two different diameters were recorded for this sherd. The sherd analyzer (hH) recorded a diameter of 38, while the person who drew the sherd recorded a diameter of 24. The small percentage of rim perserved may account for this discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0604-P05J03X92533 [X925CJC.J]
Q0604-P69B11WX08p69 contains 3 sherds from q604 and 1 from q596 [WX08CJC.J]
Q0604-P69B20Z3181 [J2ZA608B.J]
Q0604-P69K99Z318unknown shape. Possibly belongs to portion of an unidentified object. [J2ZA608B.J]
Q0608B21UY12qi060801 [U920BS.J]
Q0608B21V826qi060801 [U906YM.J]
Q0608B21X925qp060809 [X925CJC.J]
Q0608-P09J03X92520 [X925CJC.J]
Q0612B21Y102qi061201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0617B21X925qp061705 [X925CJC.J]
Q0617-P05J03X92526 [X925CJC.J]
Q0621C30Y117The qlog entry for this qlot used a markers number that does not exist, therefore localization information was discarded. Other information salvaged from qlog Y117 by cJC [X925CJC.J]
Q0624B21X925qp062402 [X925CJC.J]
Q0624-P02J03X92527 [X925CJC.J]
Q0626B21UY12qi062601 [U912BS.J]
Q0627B21UY12qi062701 [U912BS.J]
Q0627B21UY12qi062702 [U912BS.J]
Q0627B21V826qi062702 [U906YM.J]
Q0631B21UY12qi063102 [U912BS.J]
Q0631B21V826qi063102 [U906YM.J]
Q0632B21T902qi063201 [T902CJC.J]
Q0641B21Y102qi064101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0642B21X925qp064202 [X925CJC.J]
Q0642B21X925qp064206 [X925CJC.J]
Q0642B21Z825qp064202 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642B21Z826qp064206 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P02A21X925c [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P02A21Z825c [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P02B20Z8251 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P02J03X9257 [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P02J03Z8257 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P02K03X925NIN [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P02K03Z825NIN [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P02K04Z825c [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P06A21X925b [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P06A21Z826b [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P06B20Z8261 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P06J03X92517 [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P06J03Z82617 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P06K03X925WS [X925CJC.J]
Q0642-P06K03Z826WS [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0642-P06K04Z826b [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0643B21T830qi064301 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0645B21UY12qi064501 [U912BS.J]
Q0645B21Y102qi064501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0650B21X925qp065001 [X925CJC.J]
Q0650B21X925qp065003 [X925CJC.J]
Q0650B21X925qp065008 [X925CJC.J]
Q0650-P01A40X925This sherd was recorded as two different wares by the sherd analysis and on the drawing. Currently this discrepency is unable to be resolved. [X925CJC.J]
Q0650-P03J03X92511 [X925CJC.J]
Q0650-P08J03X92533 [X925CJC.J]
Q0656B21Y102qi065601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0656B21Y102qi065603 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0657B21T902qi065707 [T902CJC.J]
Q0657B21U905qi065708 [T911SH.J]
Q0657B21Z608qi065708 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0659B21UY10qi065905 [U912BS.J]
Q0659B21V826qi065905 [U906YM.J]
Q0667B21Y102qi066702 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0670B21Y102qi067003 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0682B21Y102qi068202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0686B21Y102qi068601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0688B21Y102qi068801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0691B21UY10qi069102 [U912BS.J]
Q0694C10Y117feature corrected in qlog by cJC on V117 [X925CJC.J]
Q0695C10Y117feature corrected in qlog by cJC on V117 [X925CJC.J]
Q0696C10Y117feature corrected in qlog by cJC on V117 [X925CJC.J]
Q0699C10Y117feature corrected in qlog by cJC on V117 [X925CJC.J]
Q0700B21Y102qi070002 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0701D03V126945 (39099 50330 - 9258 / Relay location: SW corner) [V126CJCR.J]
Q0708B21T902qi070801 [T902CJC.J]
Q0714B21Y102qi071402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0720B21Y102qi072001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0721B21UY11qi072101 [U920BS.J]
Q0721B21V826qi072101 [U906YM.J]
Q0737B21Y102qi073701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0741B21X925qp074101 [X925CJC.J]
Q0741B21X925qp074102 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0741B21X925qp074102 [X925CJC.J]
Q0741-P01J03X9258 [X925CJC.J]
Q0741-P02A21X925j [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0741-P02A21X925j [X925CJC.J]
Q0741-P02B20X9251 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0741-P02C30X925The original coding of this sherd was not found in the record. This information has been recovered from the drawing. [X925CJC.J]
Q0741-P02J03X92510 [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0741-P02J03X92510 [X925CJC.J]
Q0741-P02K04X925j [J2ZA609S.J]
Q0744B21UY11qi074401 [U920BS.J]
Q0744B21V826qi074401 [U906YM.J]
Q0746B21X925qp074604 [X925CJC.J]
Q0746-P04A40X925Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0752B21UY11qi075202 [U920BS.J]
Q0752B21V826qi075202 [U906YM.J]
Q0760B21UY11qi076002 [U920BS.J]
Q0760B21V826qi076002 [U906YM.J]
Q0765B21Y102qi076502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0769B21UY10qi076901 [U912BS.J]
Q0773C10Y117These notes recovered from paper copy scan of qlog. [X925CJC.J]
Q0773D01Y117k4 [X925CJC.J]
Q0773D01Y117k5 [X925CJC.J]
Q0773F02Y117>5si f0277 [X925CJC.J]
Q0773F02Y117>5si f0286 [X925CJC.J]
Q0788B21UY11qi078803 [U920BS.J]
Q0788B21Y102qi078802 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0798B21Y102qi079801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0820B21UY10qi082001 [U912BS.J]
Q0822B21V826qi082201 [U906YM.J]
Q0829A21T721p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D01T721k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D13T721m6130 (8799) + 0 (height of instrument) - 0 - 60 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D20T721m6130 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D21T72150 cms North, 200 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D22T7218799 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829D23T7218739 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0829F02T721>5si f0334 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830A21T721p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830B21T721qi083001 [T823SH.J]
Q0830B21Y102qi083001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0830D01T721k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830D13T721m6128 (8908) + 61 (height of instrument) - 100 - 60 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830D20T721r1023 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830D21T72150 cms North, 50 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830D22T7218947 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830D23T7218887 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0830F02T721>5si f0335 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831A21T721p [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D01T721k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D13T721m6128 (8908) + 54 (height of instrument) - 155 - 30 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D20T721r1024 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D21T72150 cms South, 400 cms West [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D22T7219009 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831D23T7218979 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0831F02T721>5si f0336 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832A21T722p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832B21T722qi083201 [T722CJC.J]
Q0832B21T827qi083202 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0832B21T827qi083203 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0832B21T827qi083204 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0832B21T827qi083205 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0832B21UY10qi083201 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0832B21V826qi083201 [U906YM.J]
Q0832B21Y102qi083202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0832B21Y102qi083203 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0832B21Y102qi083204 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0832B21Y102qi083205 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0832B21Z608qi083212 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0832B21Z608qi083214 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0832B21Z608qi083215 [ZA608CJC.J]
Q0832D01T722k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832D13T722m6128 (8908) + 155 (height of instrument) - 102 - 50 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832D20T722r1025 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832D21T722100 cms South, 400 cms West [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832D22T7228855 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832D23T7228805 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0832F02T722>5si f0337 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0833A21T724p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0833B21T825qi083301 [T825CJC.J]
Q0833B21Y102qi083301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0833B21Y102qi083302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0833B21Y102qi083303 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0833B21Y102qi083304 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0833D01T724k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0833F02T724>5si f0338 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0834A21T724p [T729CJC3.J]
Q0834D01T724k54 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0834F02T724>5si f0338 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0835B21Y102qi083501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0835B21Y102qi083502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0836B21Y102qi083601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0836B21Y102qi083602 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0837B21Y102qi083701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0837B21Y102qi083702 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0838B21Y102qi083801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0838B21Y102qi083802 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0838C99T725This q-lot was assigned to k5 but the eastern half extends beyond k5. The eastern area has not yet been assigned a k. [T725CJC.J]
Q0840B21T726qi084004 [T823SH.J]
Q0840B21T726qi084005 [T823SH.J]
Q0840B21Y102qi084004 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0840B21Y102qi084005 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0842A21T726p [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842B21Y102qi084201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0842D01T726k5 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842D13T726m6150 (8759) + 130 (height of instrument) - 194 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842D20T726r1030 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842D21T726100 cms South, 135 cms West [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842D22T7268823 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0842F02T726>5si f0343 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844A21T727p [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844B21T827qi084402 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0844B21Y102qi084401 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0844B21Y102qi084402 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0844D01T727k14 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844D13T727m6167 (8832) + 117 (height of instrument) - 50 - 10 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844D20T727r1041 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844D21T72770 cms South, 260 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844D22T7278765 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844D23T7278755 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0844F02T727>5si f0335 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845A21T728p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D01T728k14 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D13T728m6153 (8752) + 150 (height of instrument) - 162 - 10 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D20T728r1041 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D21T72870 cms South, 260 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D22T7288764 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845D23T7288754 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0845F02T728>5si f0335 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846A21T728p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D01T728k15 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D13T728m6153 (8752) + 150 (height of instrument) - 119 - 10 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D20T728r1028 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D21T728110 cms West, 350 cms South [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D22T7288721 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846D23T7288711 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0846F02T728>5si f0341 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0847B11T822This q-lot was never assigned and was not used [T822CJC.J]
Q0848A21T728p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D01T728k110 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D13T728m6150 (8759) + 151 (height of instrument) - 164 - 5 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D20T728r1031 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D21T72877 cms North, 235 cms West [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D22T7288772 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848D23T7288767 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0848F02T728>5si f0347 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849A21T728p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849B21T728qi084901 [T823SH.J]
Q0849B21X925qp084909 [X925CJC.J]
Q0849B21Y102qi084901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0849D01T728k110 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849D13T728m6150 (8759) + 97 (height of instrument) - 105 - 7 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849D20T728r1031 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849D21T72877 cms North, 235 cms West [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849D22T7288767 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849D23T7288760 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849F02T728>5si f0350 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0849-P09A40X925Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0850A21T728p,b [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850B21T728qi085001 [T823SH.J]
Q0850B21Y102qi085001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0850D01T728k14 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850D13T728m6166 (8793) + 151 (height of instrument) - 156 - 50 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850D20T728r1063 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850D21T728110 cms South, 110 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850D22T7288798 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850D23T7288748 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0850F02T728>5si f0351 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851A21T728p [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851B21T728qi085101 [T823SH.J]
Q0851B21Y102qi085101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0851D01T728k14 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851D13T728m6167 (8832) + 151 (height of instrument) - 60 - 20 @bottom [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851D20T728r1063 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851D21T728110 cms South, 110 cms East [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851D22T7288741 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851D23T7288721 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0851F02T728>5si f0352 [T729CJC3.J]
Q0853A21T730p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D01T730k110 [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D13T730m6151 (8757) + 154 (height of instrument) - 158 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D20T730r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D21T73077 cms South, 110 cms West [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D22T7308761 [T804CJC.J]
Q0853D23T7308756 [T804CJC.J]
Q0853F02T730>5si f0353 [T804CJC.J]
Q0854A21T730p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D01T730k14 [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D13T730m6153 (8752) + 154 (height of instrument) - 159 - 10 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D20T730m6153 [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D21T73085 cms West, 130 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D22T7308757 [T804CJC.J]
Q0854D23T7308747 [T804CJC.J]
Q0854F02T730>5si f0354 [T804CJC.J]
Q0855A21T730p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0855B21T730qi085501 [T823SH.J]
Q0855B21T730qi085502 [T823SH.J]
Q0855B21Y102qi085501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0855B21Y102qi085502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0855D01T730k111 [T804CJC.J]
Q0855D13T730m6150 (8759) + 39 (height of instrument) - 107 - 40 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0855D20T730r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0855D21T730500 cms South, 250 cms East [T804CJC.J]
Q0855D22T7308827 [T804CJC.J]
Q0855D23T7308787 [T804CJC.J]
Q0855F02T730>5si f0356 [T804CJC.J]
Q0856A21T730p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0856B21Y102qi085601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0856B21Y102qi085602 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0856B21Y102qi085604 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0856D01T730k110 [T804CJC.J]
Q0856D13T730m6150 (8759) + 153 (height of instrument) - 151 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0856D20T730r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0856D21T730285 cms East, 78 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0856D22T7308757 [T804CJC.J]
Q0856D23T7308752 [T804CJC.J]
Q0856F02T730>5si f0355 [T804CJC.J]
Q0857A21T801p [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D01T801k110 [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D13T801m6150 (8759) + 153 (height of instrument) - 151 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D20T801r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D21T801285 cms East, 78 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D22T8018757 [T804CJC.J]
Q0857D23T8018752 [T804CJC.J]
Q0857F02T801>5si f0357 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858A21T801p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0858B21T801qi085801 [T801CJC.J]
Q0858B21T801qi085801 [T823SH.J]
Q0858B21X925qp085805 [X925CJC.J]
Q0858B21Y102qi085801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0858D01T801k110 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858D13T801m6150 (8759) + 147 (height of instrument) - 140 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0858D20T801r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858D21T801285 cms East, 355 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0858D22T8018752 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858D23T8018747 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858F02T801>5si f0357 [T804CJC.J]
Q0858-P05J03X92511 [X925CJC.J]
Q0859A21T801p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0859B21T801qi085901 [T823SH.J]
Q0859B21T801qi085902 [T823SH.J]
Q0859B21Y102qi085901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0859B21Y102qi085902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0859D01T801k110 [T804CJC.J]
Q0859D13T801m6150 (8759) + 147 (height of instrument) - 136 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0859D20T801r1077 [T804CJC.J]
Q0859D21T801285 cms East, 355 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0859D22T8018748 [T804CJC.J]
Q0859D23T8018743 [T804CJC.J]
Q0859F02T801>5si f0357 [T804CJC.J]
Q0860A21Y117p,b [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D01Y117k110 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D13Y117m6154 (8747) + 87 (height of instrument) - 66 - 5 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D20Y117r1079 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D21Y117285 cms West, 40 cms North [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D22Y1178726 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860D23Y1178721 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0860F02Y117>5si f0358 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861A21Y117p [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861B21Y102qi086101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0861D01Y117k110 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861D13Y117m6150 (8759) + 143 (height of instrument) - 127 - 5 @bottom [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861D20Y117m6154 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861D21Y117200 cms East, 170 cms North [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861D22Y1178743 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861D23Y1178738 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0861F02Y117>5si f0357 [Y117CJC.J]
Q0862A21T802p [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D01T802k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D13T802m6151 (8757) + 143 (height of instrument) - 158 - 35 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D20T802r1083 [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D21T80250 cms West, 50 cms South [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D22T8028772 [T804CJC.J]
Q0862D23T8028737 [T804CJC.J]
Q0862F02T802>5si f0340 [T804CJC.J]
Q0863A21T802p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D01T802k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D13T802m6152 (8747) + 143 (height of instrument) - 124 - 10 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D20T802r1083 [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D21T802400 cms West, 100 cms North [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D22T8028728 [T804CJC.J]
Q0863D23T8028718 [T804CJC.J]
Q0863F02T802>5si f0360 [T804CJC.J]
Q0864A21T802p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D01T802k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D13T802m6151 (8757) + 144 (height of instrument) - 156 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D20T802r1083 [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D21T80275 cms North, 170 cms West [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D22T8028769 [T804CJC.J]
Q0864D23T8028764 [T804CJC.J]
Q0864F02T802>5si f0363 [T804CJC.J]
Q0865A21T803p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0865B21T801qi086501 [T823SH.J]
Q0865B21Y102qi086501 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0865D01T803k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0865D13T803m6151 (8757) + 147 (height of instrument) - 168 - 12 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0865D20T803r1083 [T804CJC.J]
Q0865D21T80350 cms North, 90 cms East [T804CJC.J]
Q0865D22T8038778 [T804CJC.J]
Q0865D23T8038766 [T804CJC.J]
Q0865F02T803>5si f0347 [T804CJC.J]
Q0866A21T803p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D01T803k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D13T803m6151 (8757) + 147 (height of instrument) - 154 - 2 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D20T803r1083 [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D21T80350 cms North, 90 cms East [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D22T8038764 [T804CJC.J]
Q0866D23T8038762 [T804CJC.J]
Q0866F02T803>5si f0350 [T804CJC.J]
Q0868B21T801qi086801 [T823SH.J]
Q0868B21Y102qi086801 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0869A21T803p,b [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D01T803k5 [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D13T803m6151 (8757) + 147 (height of instrument) - 141 - 5 @bottom [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D20T803m6150 [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D21T803240 cms South, 500 cms West [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D22T8038751 [T804CJC.J]
Q0869D23T8038746 [T804CJC.J]
Q0869F02T803>5si f0363 [T804CJC.J]
Q0871A21T805p [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871B21T805qi087101 [T823SH.J]
Q0871B21T805qi087102 [T823SH.J]
Q0871B21T830qi087101 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0871B21T830qi087102 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0871D01T805k5 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871D13T805m6152 (8747) + 147 (height of instrument) - 132 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871D20T805m6152 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871D21T805220 cms South, 500 cms East [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871D22T8058732 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871D23T8058722 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0871F02T805>5si f0364 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0872B21T805qi087201 [T823SH.J]
Q0872B21T830qi087201 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0873B21T825qi087301 [T825CJC.J]
Q0873B21T825qi087302 [T825CJC.J]
Q0873B21T830qi087304 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0873B21T902qi087303 [T902CJC.J]
Q0873B21Y102qi087301 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0873B21Y102qi087302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0873B21Y102qi087303 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0876A21T08p,b [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D01T08k5 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D13T08m6152 (8747) + 133 (height of instrument) - 110 - 5 @bottom [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D20T08m6152 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D21T08220 cms South, 250 cms East [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D22T088724 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876D23T088719 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0876F02T08>5si f0365 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0877B21T825qi087701 [T825CJC.J]
Q0877B21Y102qi087701 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0878A21T08p [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878B21T830qi087801 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0878D01T08k4 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878D13T08m6151 (8757) + 138 (height of instrument) - 123 - 15 @bottom [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878D20T08m6151 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878D21T08400 cms West, 70 cms North [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878D22T088742 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878D23T088727 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0878F02T08>5si f0365 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879A21T08p,b [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D01T08k4 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D13T08m6151 (8757) + 138 (height of instrument) - 105 - 10 @bottom [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D20T08r1093 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D21T0863 cms North, 400 cms West [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D22T088724 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879D23T088714 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0879F02T08>5si f0367 [-T826CJC2.J]
Q0881B21X925qp088102 [X925CJC.J]
Q0881-P02C10X925Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0882A21T810p [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882B21T825qi088201 [T825CJC.J]
Q0882B21Y102qi088202 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0882D01T810k15 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882D13T810m6180 (8718) + 149 (height of instrument) - 164 - 25 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882D20T810r1107 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882D21T810227 cms West, 220 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882D22T8108733 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882D23T8108708 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0882F02T810>5si f0339 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883A21T810p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883B21T825qi088301 [T825CJC.J]
Q0883B21T825qi088302 [T825CJC.J]
Q0883B21T830qi088303 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0883B21Y102qi088302 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0883D01T810k15 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883D13T810m6153 (8752) + 149 (height of instrument) - 125 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883D20T810m6152 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883D21T810200 cms South, 210 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883D22T8108728 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883D23T8108718 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0883F02T810>5si f0365 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884A21T811p [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D01T811k15 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D13T811m6153 (8752) + 142 (height of instrument) - 122 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D20T811m6152 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D21T811200 cms South, 210 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D22T8118732 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884D23T8118727 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0884F02T811>5si f0365 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885A21T811p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885B21T825qi088502 [T825CJC.J]
Q0885B21T830qi088501 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0885B21Y102qi088502 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0885D01T811k15 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885D13T811m6153 (8752) + 142 (height of instrument) - 120 - 3 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885D20T811m6152 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885D21T811150 cms South, 210 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885D22T8118730 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885D23T8118727 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0885F02T811>5si f0375 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886A21T811p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886B21T825qi088601 [T825CJC.J]
Q0886B21Y102qi088601 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0886D01T811k15 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886D13T811m6153 (8752) + 142 (height of instrument) - 110 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886D20T811m6152 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886D21T811200 cms South, 210 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886D22T8118720 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886D23T8118715 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0886F02T811>5si f0365 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0888B21T827qi088802 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0888B21Y102qi088802 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0888D03T8121113 (39096 50360 - 8725 / Relay location: NE corner) [T820CJCR.J]
Q0889A21T813p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889B21T825qi088904 [T825CJC.J]
Q0889B21T827qi088901 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0889B21T827qi088902 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0889B21T827qi088903 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0889B21T830qi088905 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0889B21XZ31qp088901 [X925CJC.J]
Q0889B21Y102qi088901 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0889B21Y102qi088902 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0889B21Y102qi088903 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0889B21Y102qi088904 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0889D01T813k110 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889D13T813m6152 (8747) + 144 (height of instrument) - 115 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889D20T813r1077 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889D21T813285 cms East, 355 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889D22T8138718 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889D23T8138708 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889F02T813>5si f0359 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0889-P01J03XZ3123 [X925CJC.J]
Q0890A21T813p [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890B21T827qi089002 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0890B21T830qi089001 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0890B21X925qp089005 [X925CJC.J]
Q0890B21Y102qi089002 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0890C10WX20In 2012 during the study season I realized that q840 had two sets of records for sherds, notes, etc. It became clear that one of the sets was actually q890 based on its feature number. The data has been renamed and moved to q890. [WX08CJC.J]
Q0890D01T813k110 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890D13T813m6224 (8751) + 144 (height of instrument) - 121 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890D20T813m6223 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890D21T813285 cms East, 300 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890D22T8138728 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890D23T8138723 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890F02T813>5si f0377 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0890-P05J03X9255 [X925CJC.J]
Q0891B21T825qi089103 [T825CJC.J]
Q0891B21T827qi089101 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0891B21T830qi089104 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0891B21V826qi089102 [U906YM.J]
Q0891B21Y102qi089101 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0892A21T816p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892B21T825qi089201 [T825CJC.J]
Q0892B21T825qi089203 [T825CJC.J]
Q0892B21T825qi089204 [T825CJC.J]
Q0892B21T825qi089205 [T825CJC.J]
Q0892B21T825qi089206 [T825CJC.J]
Q0892B21T830qi089202 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0892B21Y102qi089201 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0892B21Y102qi089203 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0892B21Y102qi089204 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0892B21Y102qi089206 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0892D01T816k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892D03T8171122 (38692 51240 - 8604 / Relay location: NE corner q892) [T820CJCR.J]
Q0892D13T816m6227 (8693) + 144 (height of instrument) - 55 - 30 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892D20T816r1122 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892D21T816170 cms South, 160 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892D22T8168604 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892D23T8168574 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0892F02T816>5si f0383 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0893B21T830qi089301 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0894A21T817p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894B21X925qp089413 [X925CJC.J]
Q0894D01T817k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894D03T8171131 (42169 50444 - 8775 / Relay location: NE corner q894) [T820CJCR.J]
Q0894D13T817m6223 (8718) + 160 (height of instrument) - 82 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894D20T817r1131 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894D21T817160 cms South, 195 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894D22T8178640 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894D23T8178630 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894F02T817>5si f0292 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0894-P13J03X92511 [X925CJC.J]
Q0895A21T817p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D01T817k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D13T817m6227 (8693) + 160 (height of instrument) - 20 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D20T817r1122 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D21T81760 cms South, 195 cms West [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D22T8178553 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895D23T8178548 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0895F02T817>5si f0385 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896A21T817p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896B21T816qi089601 [T823SH.J]
Q0896B21T830qi089601 [T830CJC2.J]
Q0896D01T817k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896D13T817m6242 (8617) + 140 (height of instrument) - 97 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896D20T817r1136 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896D21T817195 cms West, 180 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896D22T8178574 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896D23T8178569 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0896F02T817>5si f0386 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897A21T818p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897B21X925qp089713 [X925CJC.J]
Q0897D01T818k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897D13T818m6242 (8617) + 140 (height of instrument) - 97 - 5 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897D20T818r1136 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897D21T818195 cms West, 180 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897D22T8188574 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897D23T8188569 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897F02T818>5si f0386 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0897-P13C10X925Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0899A21T818p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899B21X925qp089910 [X925CJC.J]
Q0899D01T818k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899D13T818m6242 (8617) + 141 (height of instrument) - 78 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899D20T818r1136 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899D21T818195 cms West, 180 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899D22T8188554 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899D23T8188544 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899F02T818>5si f0388 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0899-P10A21X925xf [X925CJC.J]
Q0899-P10J03X9254 [X925CJC.J]
Q0900A21T818p,b [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900B21T827qi090001 [T827CJC3.J]
Q0900B21X925qp090001 [X925CJC.J]
Q0900B21Y102qi090001 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0900D01T818k100 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900D13T818m6242 (8617) + 160 (height of instrument) - 91 - 10 @bottom [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900D20T818r1136 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900D21T818195 cms West, 180 cms North [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900D22T8188548 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900D23T8188538 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900F02T818>5si f0389 [T826CJC2.J]
Q0900-P01C10X925Two different diameters were recorded by the sherd analyzer (hH) and the person who did the drawing. The small percentage preserved of the rim may account for the discrepency. [X925CJC.J]
Q0901B11T902This q-lot encompasses all the q-items collected during the construction of the cement staircase in south J2. There are no pottery lots associated [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090101 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090102 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090103 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090104 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090105 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21T909qi090106 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901B21Y102qi090103 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0901B21Y102qi090104 [Y102CJC.J]
Q0901C06T902Information was originally recorded about the different levels of excavation in k106 during the construction of the cement staircase but it was lost. All the q-items have therefore been reassigned to q901. [T902CJC2.J]
Q0901D01T902k106 [T902CJC2.J]
Q0902A21U819p [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902C06U819This q-lot was assigned after it was realized that q864 was used for both f363 and f362. This qlot was assigned to those sherds that came from f362. [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902C33U819Because this q-lot was assigned post-excavation it does not have a relay. It is simply assigned to f362. [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902D01U819k5 [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902D13U819m6151 (8757) + 144 (height of instrument) - 156 - 5 @bottom [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902D22U8198769 [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902D23U8198764 [TX6HQ.J]
Q0902F02U819>5si f0362 [TX6HQ.J]
QI000101A35Y102L_V22d2776 J2q1.1 T826 dM ca f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI000102A35Y102L_V22d2593 J2q1.2 T804 dM se f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI000902A35Y102L_V23d2618 J2q9.2 U824 dM ls f3.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI001501A35Y102L_V23d2477 J2q15.1 U823 dM la.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI001701A35Y102L_V23d2541 J2q17.1 U824 dM f54.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI001901A35Y102L_V23d2553 J2q19.1 U824 dM f8.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI002002A35Y102L_V23d2220 J2q20.2 U824 dM ca f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI002901A35Y102L_V22d2755 J2q29.1 T822 dM kw f12.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI003401A35Y102L_V23d2239 J2q34.1 U824 dM la f16.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI003402A35Y102L_V23d2679 J2q34.2 U824 dM f16.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI004101A35Y102L_V23d2657 J2q41.1 U824 dM f19.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005401A35Y102L_V23d2492 J2q54.1 U824 dM kw f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005402A35Y102L_V23d2724 J2q54.2 U825 dM f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005403A35Y102L_V23d2624 J2q54.3 U824 dM sp f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005403B11U904This object is clearly a stone but it retains the shape of a clam shell. It is unclear if it is simply an unusually shpaed stone or if it is actually a fossilized shell. It appears to retain some of the shape where the two shells that form a clam join. [O713MH2.J]
QI005405A35Y102L_V23d2584 J2q54.5 U825 dM f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005406A35Y102L_V23d2642 J2q54.6 U824 dM kw f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI005701A35Y102L_V23d2627 J2q57.1 U824 dM ls f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI006201A35Y102L_V23d2382 J2q62.1 U823 dM fg f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI006602A35Y102L_V23d2639 J2q66.2 U824 dM f25.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI007201A35Y102L_V23d2888 J2q72.1 U904 dM f33.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI007301A35Y102L_V23d2726 J2q73.1 U825 dM f34.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI008702K05U904black [O713MH2.J]
QI008702O99U904This q-item was not photographed [O713MH2.J]
QI009001A35Y102L_V23d2233 J2q90.1 U824 dM f32.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010401A35Y102L_V23d2551 J2q104.1 U824 dM gr f44.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010402A35Y102L_V23d2501 J2q104.2 U824 dM f44.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010403A35Y102L_V23d2565 J2q104.3 U824 dM gr f44.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010601A35Y102L_V23d2547 J2q106.1 U824 dM gr f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010602A35Y102L_V23d2537 J2q106.2 U824 dM gr f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010603A35Y102L_V23d2529 J2q106.3 U824 dM gr f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010802A35Y102L_V23d2731 J2q108.2 U825 dM f44.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI010803A35Y102L_V23d2218 J2q108.3 U824 dM f49.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011201A35Y102L_V23d2535 J2q112.1 U824 dM la f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011202A35Y102L_V23d2533 J2q112.2 U824 dM gr f33.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011203A35Y102L_V23d2549 J2q112.3 U824 dM la f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011204A35Y102L_V23d2561 J2q112.4 U824 dM gr f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011205A35Y102L_V23d2555 J2q112.5 U824 dM gr f46.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011401A35Y102L_V23d2571 J2q114.1 U624 dM kw f51.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011402A35Y102L_V23d2496 J2q114.2 U824 dM f51.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI011901A35Y102L_V23d2563 J2q119.1 U824 dM gr f56.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012001K04Z608s [ZA608CJC.J]
QI012201A35Y102L_V22d2501 J2q122.1 T727 dM la.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012301A35Y102L_V23d2227 J2q123.1 U824 dM la f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012302A35Y102L_V22d2824 J2q123.2 T908 dM f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012304A35Y102L_V23d2838 J2q123.4 U823 dM kw f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012305A35Y102L_V23d2822 J2q123.5 U823 dM kw f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012306A35Y102L_V23d2592 J2q123.6 U825 dM la f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012501A35Y102L_V23d2868 J2q125.1 U823 dM kw f49.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012701A35Y102L_V23d2733 J2q127.1 U825 dM la f59.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012702A35Y102L_V23d2636 J2q127.2 U824 dM kw f59.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012703A35Y102L_V23d2557 J2q127.3 U824 dM la f59.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI012801A35Y102L_V23d2371 J2q128.1 U823 dM kw f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013101A35Y102L_V23d2237 J2q131.1 U824 dM la f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013102A35Y102L_V23d2515 J2q131.2 U824 dM kw f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013103A35Y102L_V23d2333 J2q131.3 U824 dM la.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013301A35Y102L_V23d2832 J2q133.1 U823 dM f35.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013601A21UY16cv [U912BS.J]
QI013602A35Y102L_V23d2559 J2q136.2 U824 dM la f61.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013801A35Y102L_V23d2573 J2q138.1 U624 dM cl f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI013902A35Y102L_V22d2812 J2q139.2 T907 dM fg.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI014101A20UY16laf [U912BS.J]
QI014101A21UY16uk [U912BS.J]
QI014101B11V826Unknown stone artifact, could not be located in 2010 to be described. [U906YM.J]
QI014301A35Y102L_V23d2369 J2q143.1 U823 dM fg f57.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI015001A35Y102L_V23d2585 J2q150.1 U825 dM f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI015101A35Y102L_V23d2578 J2q151.1 U825 dM f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI015203C10UY16Although this q-item is third in the sequence it appears that q152.1 and q152.3 were never assigned. This q-item will not be renumbered although it appears out of sequence. [U912BS.J]
QI015203O99U902This q-item will not be photographed [Q819MNH.J]
QI015301A35Y102L_V22d2793 J2q153.1 T829 dM fg.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016101A35Y102L_V23d2621 J2q161.1 U824 dM f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016302A35Y102L_V23d2539 J2q163.2 U824 dM la f65.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016401A35Y102L_V23d2441 J2q164.1 U828 dM la f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016601A35Y102L_V23d2881 J2q166.1 U823 dM kw f63.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016701A35Y102L_V23d2676 J2q167.1 U824 dM la f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI016702A35Y102L_V23d2531 J2q167.2 U824 dM la f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017201A35Y102L_V23d2582 J2q172.1 U825 dM la f66.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017202A35Y102L_V23d2590 J2q172.2 U825 dM la f66.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017203A35Y102L_V23d2651 J2q172.3 U824 dM la f66.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017401A35Y102L_V17d0398 J2q174.1 O902 dia ca f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017801A35Y102L_V17d0391 J2q178.1 O902 dia ca f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017802A35Y102L_V23d2841 J2q178.2 U823 dM kw f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017803A35Y102L_V23d2645 J2q178.3 U824 dM f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI017901A35Y102L_V23d2648 J2q179.1 U824 dM f63.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018201A35Y102L_V17d0410 J2q182.1 O902 dia la f64.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018301A35Y102L_V17d0403 J2q183.1 O902 dia la f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018302A35Y102L_V23d2229 J2q183.2 U824 dM la f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018303A35Y102L_V23d2884 J2q183.3 U823 dM f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018501A35Y102L_V23d2885 J2q185.1 U904 dM f68.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018601A35Y102L_V22d2655 J2q186.1 T805 dM fg f65.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI018801A35Y102L_V17d0427 J2q188.1 O902 dia bd f65.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI019101A35Y102L_V23d2544 J2q191.1 U824 dM cv f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI019102A35Y102L_V23d2730 J2q191.2 U825 dM la f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI019401A35Y102L_V23d2337 J2q194.1 U824 dM la f67.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020201A35Y102L_V23d2580 J2q202.1 U825 dM la f62.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020602A35Y102L_V22d2807 J2q206.2 T907 dM ca.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020603A35Y102L_V17d0314 J2q206.3 O731 gg.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020702A35Y102L_V17d0436 J2q207.2 O902 dia la f65.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020901A35Y102L_V23d2339 J2q209.1 U824 dM la f77.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI020902A35Y102L_V23d2630 J2q209.2 U824 dM uk f83.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI021101A98U822This q-item tag was misread as q211.9 but it is actually q211.1 [O824WO.J]
QI021201A35Y102L_V17d0433 J2q212.1 O902 dia ca f79.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI022701A35Y102L_V22d2610 J2q227.1 T804 dM la f83.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI022703A35Y102L_V22d2650 J2q227.3 T805 dM kw f83.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI022901A35Y102L_V22d2753 J2q229.1 T822 dM kw f81.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI022902A35Y102L_V22d2751 J2q229.2 T822 dM kw f81.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023401A35Y102L_V22d2637 J2q234.1 T805 dM la f77.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023501A35Y102L_V22d2620 J2q235.1 T804 dM la f8.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023502A35Y102L_V22d2668 J2q235.2 T805 dM la f78.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023504A35Y102L_V22d2643 J2q235.4 T805 dM la f78.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023601A20UY16laf [U920BS.J]
QI023601A21UY16flake [U920BS.J]
QI023601A35Y102L_V23d2569 J2q236.1 U624 dM f87.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023602B11V826Flint blade [U906YM.J]
QI023603A35Y102L_V22d2716 J2q236.3 T816 dM la f87.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023803A35Y102L_V17d0401 J2q238.3 O902 dia kw f97.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI023901A35Y102L_V22d2680 J2q239.1 T808 dM wh f88.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI024501A35Y102L_V22d2674 J2q245.1 T808 dM la f91.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI024502A35Y102L_V22d2623 J2q245.2 T804 dM cl f91.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI024503A35Y102L_V22d2618 J2q245.3 T804 dM ca f91.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI024901A35Y102L_V17d0430 J2q249.1 O902 dia la f32.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI025101A35Y102L_V17d0423 J2q251.1 O902 dia la f79.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI025202A21UY15kw [U912BS.J]
QI025202B11V826Kiln waste [U906YM.J]
QI025301A35Y102L_V17d0389 J2q253.1 O902 dia ca f94.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI025401A35Y102L_V17d0417 J2q254.1 O902 dia bd f1.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI025703A35Y102L_V22d2626 J2q257.3 T804 dM fg f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI025703C10UY15Although there is no q257.1 or q257.2, this item was labeled q257.3 and it has been left that way rather than attempt to renumber it for the sake of the numerical sequence. [U912BS.J]
QI025801A35Y102L_V17d0395 J2q258.1 O902 dia la f94.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI026601A35Y102L_V17d0406 J2q266.1 O902 dia bd f95.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI028201A20UY16laf [U920BS.J]
QI028201A21UY16core [U920BS.J]
QI028201B11V826Stone artifact. Field logs indicate it is a flint core. [U906YM.J]
QI029102A35Y102L_V17d0326 J2q291.2 O901 dia sm f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI029103A35Y102L_V17d0323 J2q291.3 O901 dia la f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI029104A20UY16laf [U920BS.J]
QI029104A21UY16debitage [U920BS.J]
QI029104B11V826Stone artifact. Field logs indicate it is a flint flake. [U906YM.J]
QI029201A35Y102L_V17d0377 J2q292.1 O901 dia kw f105.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI029401A35Y102L_V17d0346 J2q294.1 O901 dia bd f107.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI029801A35Y102L_V17d0334 J2q298.1 O901 dia la f106.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI029901A35Y102L_V17d0349 J2q299.1 O901 dia fg f112.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030001A35Y102L_V23d2457 J2q300.1 U823 dM bd f113.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030101A35Y102L_V17d0337 J2q301.1 O901 dia la f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030102A35Y102L_V17d0328 J2q301.2 O901 dia la f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030103A35Y102L_V17d0357 J2q301.3 O901 dia kw f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030104A35Y102L_V17d0379 J2q301.4 O901 dia fg f185.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030201A35Y102L_V17d0359 J2q302.1 O901 dia kw f105.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030401A35Y102L_V17d0383 J2q304.1 O902 dia sh f106.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030403A21UY15brick [U912BS.J]
QI030403B11V826According to field log this item is a brick. [U906YM.J]
QI030501A35Y102L_V17d0343 J2q305.1 O901 dia kw f103.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI030701A35Y102L_V17d0340 J2q307.1 O901 dia la f107.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI031101O99U904This q-item will not be photographed [O826WO.J]
QI031401A35Y102L_V23d2254 J2q314.1 U810 dM ca f117.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI031402A35Y102L_V17d0331 J2q314.2 O901 dia fg f117.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI031403O99U822This q-item will not be photographed [O824WO.J]
QI031906A35Y102L_V17d0414 J2q319.6 O902 dia la f111.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI032802A20U905laf [O802AP3.J]
QI032802A21U905sp [O802AP3.J]
QI032802B11U905Field records indicate this item is a piece of quartz [O802AP3.J]
QI032802P99U905This qitem could not be located in 2010 to be redescribed. The storage information has been lost. [O802AP3.J]
QI033101A35Y102L_V17d0361 J2q331.1 O901 dia la f107.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI033501A21U905cl [U821CJC.J]
QI033501B11U905Field records indicated this item is a clay lump. [U821CJC.J]
QI033501P99U905This q-item can not be located in 2010 to be redescribed. [U821CJC.J]
QI034201A35Y102L_V22d2658 J2q342.1 T805 dM wh f116.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI034801A35Y102L_V22d2683 J2q348.1 T808 dM la f49.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI035101A35Y102L_V22d2605 J2q351.1 T804 dM cl f105.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI035102A35Y102L_V22d2648 J2q351.2 T805 dM kw f105.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI035301A35Y102L_V22d2689 J2q353.1 T808 dM la f117.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI035401A35Y102L_V22d2746 J2q354.1 T822 dM la f125 socket.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036001A35Y102L_V22d2615 J2q360.1 T804 dM fg f121.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036201A35Y102L_V22d2665 J2q362.1 T805 dM la f121.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036301A35Y102L_V22d2712 J2q363.1 T816 dM la f122.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036401O99P802This q-item will not be phtographed [P803AL4.J]
QI036501A35Y102L_V18d2550 J2q365.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036502A21U905cart [T911SH.J]
QI036502B11U905This is the front piece of a chariot or cart. The sides are complete but the top and the back are broken. A hole is pierced through the front, possibly to attach a string to pull the cart. [T911SH.J]
QI036701A35Y102L_V23d2835 J2q367.1 U823 dM f139.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI036801A35Y102L_V22d2860 J2q368.1 Tx05 dM shell f140.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037001A35Y102L_V23d2031 J2q370.1 U816 dM la f139.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037003A35Y102L_V23d2312 J2q370.3 U818 dM la f139.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037004A35Y102L_V23d2261 J2q370.4 U818 dM la f139.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037101A35Y102L_V19e1074 J2q371.1 Q923 dM cl f138.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037302A35Y102L_V23d2303 J2q373.2 U818 dM f140.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037303A35Y102L_V22d2695 J2q373.3 T813 dM cv f40.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037303K03Z608FC [ZA608CJC.J]
QI037303K99Z608body sherd [ZA608CJC.J]
QI037303ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI037303ZcaD2Z608K4 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI037401A35Y102L_V23d2347 J2q374.1 U821 dM f138.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037402A35Y102L_V23d2525 J2q374.2 U824 dM kw f138.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037502O99U901This q-item will not be photographed [P803AL4.J]
QI037602A35Y102L_V23d2742 J2q376.2 U825 dM f138.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037701A35Y102L_V23d2670 J2q377.1 U824 dM kw f141.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037702A35Y102L_V23d2028 J2q377.2 U816 dM sl f141.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI037703A35Y102L_V23d2282 J2q377.3 U818 dM kw f141.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI038101A35Y102L_V23d2297 J2q381.1 U818 dM la f145.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI038501A20U905laf [U821CJC.J]
QI038501A21U905stamp seal [U821CJC.J]
QI038501A35Y102L_V18d2543 J2q385.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI038501B11U905Conically shaped stamp seal. The design is concentric circles. Similar items are also made in clay (see q1.2). [U821CJC.J]
QI038501C30U905This q-item was sent to the museum before being described. The description here is from the photographs. [U821CJC.J]
QI038501K03U905LI [U821CJC.J]
QI038501K05U905gray [U821CJC.J]
QI038502A35Y102L_V19e1107 J2q385.2 Q828 dM fg f143.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI038901A35Y102L_V23d2306 J2q389.1 U818 dM cl f145.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI038902A35Y102L_V23d2318 J2q389.2 U818 dM la f145.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039101A35Y102L_V23d2469 J2q391.1 U823 dM la f149.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039103A35Y102L_V23d2376 J2q391.3 U823 dM bd f149.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039201A35Y102L_V23d2462 J2q392.1 U823 dM wh f149.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039203A35Y102L_V23d2575 J2q392.3 U825 dM fg f149.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039301A35Y102L_V23d2070 J2q393.1 U816 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039302A35Y102L_V23d2374 J2q393.2 U823 dM kw f150.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039401A35Y102L_V23d2567 J2q394.1 U824 dM gr f150.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI039601A35Y102L_V23d2384 J2q396.1 U823 dM f146.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040001A35Y102L_V23d2315 J2q400.1 U818 dM la f89.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040002A35Y102L_V23d2379 J2q400.2 U823 dM cl f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040004A35Y102L_V23d2087 J2q400.4 U816 dM f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040005A35Y102L_V23d2350 J2q400.5 U821 dM f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040007A35Y102L_V23d2728 J2q400.7 U825 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040008A35Y102L_V19e1065 J2q400.8 Q829 dM bd f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040009A35Y102L_V23d2090 J2q400.9 U816 dM f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040201A35Y102L_V23d2288 J2q402.1 U818 dM la f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040501A35Y102L_V23d2294 J2q405.1 U818 dM la f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040502A35Y102L_V23d2046 J2q405.2 U816 dM la f152.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040601A35Y102L_V18d2521 J2q406.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040602A35Y102L_V23d2431 J2q406.2 U828 dM gr f155.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040701A35Y102L_V22d2526 J2q407.1 T729 dM token f156.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040702A35Y102L_V22d2772 J2q407.2 T826 dM fg f156.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040703A35Y102L_V23d2064 J2q407.3 U816 dM cl f156.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI040704A35Y102L_V23d2327 J2q407.4 U818 dM f156.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041101A21UY15soil [U819JS.J]
QI041101B11V826According to field log it is a soil sample [U906YM.J]
QI041101C30V826This q-item was untraceable using the master storage lists but it was probably sent to the soil lab for analysis. [U906YM.J]
QI041102A35Y102L_V23d2059 J2q411.2 U816 dM cl f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041401A35Y102L_V18d2509 J2q414.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041501A35Y102L_V23d2301 J2q415.1 U818 dM cv f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041501K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI041501K99Z608stripes, body sherds [ZA608CJC.J]
QI041501ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI041501ZcaD2Z608K4 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI041503A35Y102L_V18d2536 J2q415.3 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041504A35Y102L_V23d2756 J2q415.4 U825 dM kw f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041505A35Y102L_V23d2498 J2q415.5 U824 dM kw f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI041507A35Y102L_V18d2697 J2q415.7 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042001A35Y102L_V23d2615 J2q420.1 U824 dM kw f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042002A35Y102L_V23d2008 J2q420.2 U810 dM f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042003A35Y102L_V23d2740 J2q420.3 U825 dM bk f159.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042201A35Y102L_V23d2005 J2q422.1 U810 dM f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042202A35Y102L_V23d2067 J2q422.2 U810 dM f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042203A35Y102L_V23d2429 J2q422.3 U828 dM kw f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042204A35Y102L_V23d2001 J2q422.4 U810 dM f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042301A35Y102L_V18d2529 J2q423.1 P825 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042301K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042301K04Z608c [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042301K99Z608Body sherd of cup with tall neck and globular body. Rib at base neck. Decoration is painted dotted circles and half circles between parallel lines. [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042301ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042301ZcaD2Z608M22 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042401O99U90This q-item will not be photographed [-P821SC2.J]
QI042402A35Y102L_V23d2330 J2q424.2 U816 dM f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042601A35Y102L_V23d2513 J2q426.1 U824 dM kw f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042603A35Y102L_V23d2062 J2q426.3 U816 dM f158.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042603K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042603K04Z608c [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042603K99Z608white on black paint [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042603ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042603ZcaD2Z608M6 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042603ZcaS4Z608s [ZA608CJC.J]
QI042701A35Y102L_V19e1036 J2q427.1 Q829 dM cv f162 .jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI042801A35Y102L_V23d2489 J2q428.1 U823 dM f162.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043501A35Y102L_V23d2348 J2q435.1 U821 dM f162.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043503A35Y102L_V18d2666 J2q435.3 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043504A35Y102L_V22d2774 J2q435.4 T826 dM cv f162 decorated.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043504K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043504K99Z608Dark amorphous design painted on body sherd [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043504ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043504ZcaD2Z608M22 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043505A35Y102L_V22d2663 J2q435.5 T805 dM cv f162.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043505K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043505K99Z608Red triangles painted on body sherd [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043505ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043505ZcaD2Z608M17 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI043506A21UY14cl [U920BS.J]
QI043506B11V826clay lump [U906YM.J]
QI043701A35Y102L_V23d2483 J2q437.1 U823 dM kw f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043702A35Y102L_V18d7059 J2q437.2 P831 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI043901A35Y102L_V18d7054 J2q439.1 P831 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI044301A35Y102L_V23d2014 J2q443.1 U816 dM f140.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI044301K03Z608FC [ZA608CJC.J]
QI044301K99Z608dark paint on light, body sherd [ZA608CJC.J]
QI044301ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI044301ZcaD2Z608M17 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI044401A35Y102L_V18d2674 J2q444.1 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI045501A35Y102L_V23d2455 J2q455.1 U823 dM cl f171.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI045901A35Y102L_V19e1061 J2q459.1 Q828 dM wh f174 .jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI046301A35Y102L_V18d2693 J2q463.1 p901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI046401A35Y102L_V19e1062 J2q464.1 Q828 dM wh f174.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI046402A35Y102L_V18d2565 J2q464.2 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI046701A35Y102L_V23d2527 J2q467.1 U824 dM kw f177.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI048801A35Y102L_V23d2415 J2q488.1 U828 dM kw f178.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI049001A35Y102L_V18d2571 J2q490.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI049701A35Y102L_V23d2856 J2q497.1 U823 dM fg f181.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI049802A35Y102L_V23d2273 J2q498.2 U818 dM cl f179.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI049901A21UY14fg [U809JS.J]
QI049901B11V826Body of animal figurine [U906YM.J]
QI049902A35Y102L_V18d2677 J2q499.2 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050001A35Y102L_V23d2738 J2q500.1 U825 dM f168.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050101A35Y102L_V23d2507 J2q501.1 U824 dM gr f181.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050201A35Y102L_V23d2373 J2q502.1 U823 dM f162.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050202A35Y102L_V18d2670 J2q502.2 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050301A35Y102L_V23d2264 J2q503.1 U818 dM la f187.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050302A35Y102L_V23d2291 J2q503.2 U818 dM f187.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI050803A35Y102L_V23d2093 J2q508.3 U816 dM f187.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051101A35Y102L_V18d2680 J2q511.1 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051102A35Y102L_V18d2623 J2q511.2 P903 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051401A35Y102L_V23d2486 J2q514.1 U823 dM fg f168.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051601A35Y102L_V18d2610 J2q516.1 P903 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051602A35Y102L_V18d7068 J2q516.2 P831 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051801A35Y102L_V23d2363 J2q518.1 U821 dM f193.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051902A35Y102L_V23d2084 J2q519.2 U816 dM bk f194.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI051903A35Y102L_V18d2511 J2q519.3 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052001A35Y102L_V18d2578 J2q520.1 P831 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052101A35Y102L_V18d2586 J2q521.1 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052202A35Y102L_V18d2686 J2q522.2 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052301A35Y102L_V23d2351 J2q523.1 U821 dM f195.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052501A35Y102L_V23d2353 J2q525.1 U821 dM cl f196.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052502A35Y102L_V18d2595 J2q525.2 P823 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI052601A35Y102L_V22d2845 J2q526.1 T908 dM cl f162.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI053502A20UY12caf [U912BS.J]
QI053502A21UY12pipe [U912BS.J]
QI053502B11V826According to field log item is an Ottoman pipe head. [U906YM.J]
QI053801A35Y102L_V18d2689 J2q538.1 P901 dM.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI053902A35Y102L_V23d2673 J2q539.2 U824 dM la f202.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI053904A35Y102L_V18d2599 J2q539.4 P822 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI054001A35Y102L_V23d2859 J2q540.1 U823 dM fg f188.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI054201A35Y102L_V23d2205 J2q542.1 U809 dM kw f203.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI054502A20UY12laf [U912BS.J]
QI054502A21UY12flake [U912BS.J]
QI054502B11V826Obsidian flake [U906YM.J]
QI054503A35Y102L_V18d2616 J2q545.3 P903 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI054601A35Y102L_V23d2449 J2q546.1 U828 dM gr f204.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI054801A35Y102L_V23d2443 J2q548.1 U828 dM gr f208.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI055001A35Y102L_V19e1077 J2q550.1 Q923 dM cl f256.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI055102A35Y102L_V23d2424 J2q551.2 U828 dM gr f210.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI055401A35Y102L_V19e1087 J2q554.1 Q828 dM la f209.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI055402A35Y102L_V19e1132 J2q554.2 Q828 dM f209 ca.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI055701A21UY12cl [U912BS.J]
QI055701B11V826Clay lump [U906YM.J]
QI056501A21UY12bl [U912BS.J]
QI056501B11V826Blade [U906YM.J]
QI056502A20UY12laf [U920BS.J]
QI056502A21UY12flake [U920BS.J]
QI056502B11V826Obsidian flake [U906YM.J]
QI056503A20UY12laf [U920BS.J]
QI056503A21UY12flake [U920BS.J]
QI056503B11UY12Obsidian flake [U920BS.J]
QI056503C30UY12This q-item could not be located in 2010 to be described. One photograph exists and so it was described from the photograph, as a result there are no measurements. [U920BS.J]
QI056503K03UY12OB [U920BS.J]
QI057101A20UY12caf [U920BS.J]
QI057101A21UY12uk [U920BS.J]
QI057101B11V826Unidentified clay object [U906YM.J]
QI057301A35Y102L_V22d2835 J2q573.1 T908 dM ca f202.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI057502A20UY12laf [U920BS.J]
QI057502A21UY12flake [U920BS.J]
QI057502B11V826Lithic flake [U906YM.J]
QI058101A20UY12caf [U920BS.J]
QI058101A21UY12uk [U920BS.J]
QI058101B11V826Unidentified clay object [U906YM.J]
QI060801A21UY12wh [U920BS.J]
QI060801B11V826Clay wheel [U906YM.J]
QI061201A35Y102L_V22d2521 J2q612.1 T729 dM fg f220.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI062601A21UY12bl [U912BS.J]
QI062601B11UY12Flint blade with trapezoidal shape in section, reworked with chipped edges on both sides and towards the end it is worked inwards, perhaps so it could be attached to a stick as an arrowhead or other tool. [U912BS.J]
QI062601C33UY12This q-item was described and the description was lost. It is described here from the photograhps. [U912BS.J]
QI062701C30UY12Originally two artifacts were assigned this number. When the problem was discovered in 2010 the clay artifact was renumbered as q627.2 [U912BS.J]
QI062702A98UY12This q-item has been renumbered q672.2 from q672.1 in the UGR only as of today. In 2011 it should be renumbered q672.2 on its tags and in storage. [U912BS.J]
QI062702B11V826Figurine [U906YM.J]
QI062702C30UY12Originally two artifacts were assigned to q627.1. When the problem was discovered in 2010 the clay artifact was renumbered as q627.2. [U912BS.J]
QI063102A20UY12laf [U912BS.J]
QI063102A21UY12uk [U912BS.J]
QI063102B11V826Unidentified lithic artifact [U906YM.J]
QI063201A20T902caf [T902CJC.J]
QI063201A21T902uk [T902CJC.J]
QI063201B11T902fragment of an unknown clay object. One side is flat and the other side has a ridge that divides it. [T902CJC.J]
QI063201J01T9022.1 [T902CJC.J]
QI063201J02T9023.7 [T902CJC.J]
QI063201J03T9022.8 [T902CJC.J]
QI063201K05T902very pale brown [T902CJC.J]
QI063201K06T90210YR8/2 [T902CJC.J]
QI064101A35Y102L_V22d2530 J2q641.1 T729 dM fg f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI064301B11T830Unknown clay artifact, clearly burned. It has a flat base and 2 sides rising up to form a corner. The inside is smooth and one of the breaks has also been smoothed. It has small pebble inclusions. [T830CJC2.J]
QI064501A20UY12caf [U912BS.J]
QI064501A21UY12seal [U912BS.J]
QI064501A35Y102L_V18d2658 J2q645.1 P904 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI064501B11UY12Conical stamp seal with floral pattern on stamp portion. The center of the flower is indented to produce a raised center when stamped. [U912BS.J]
QI064501C33UY12This object was never described or measured except in the field. It has been described here based on the photographs. [U912BS.J]
QI065601A35Y102L_V22d2850 J2q656.1 T908 dM ca f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI065603A35Y102L_V22d2533 J2q656.3 T729 dM fg f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI065707A21T902chariot [T902CJC.J]
QI065707B11T902Front piece of a chariot model. One side is smooth and at the base you can see where the axle would have gone through but it is broken now. The other side is not as smooth and is broken at the bottom where it flares out. It is a pale brown color with visible chaff marks on the surface. It is broken on both ends. [T902CJC.J]
QI065708A20U905caf [T911SH.J]
QI065708A21U905cv [T911SH.J]
QI065708B11U905Base of a jar [T911SH.J]
QI065708C10Z608Description of shape and decoration added based on drawing. [ZA608CJC.J]
QI065708P99U905Taken by mKB to be drawn by ceramic drafter. [T911SH.J]
QI065708ZcaD1Z6081 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI065708ZcaD2Z608M3 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI065708ZcaS4Z608xrg [ZA608CJC.J]
QI065905A20UY10laf [U912BS.J]
QI065905A21UY10uk [U912BS.J]
QI065905B11V826Unidentified lithic artifact [U906YM.J]
QI066702A35Y102L_V22d2702 J2q667.2 T813 dM ca f256.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI067003A35Y102L_V22d2555 J2q670.3 T804 dM wh.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI068202A35Y102L_V22d2588 J2q682.2 T804 dM wh f193.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI068601A35Y102L_V22d2549 J2q686.1 T804 dM ca f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI068801A35Y102L_V22d2645 J2q688.1 T805 dM ca f164.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI069102C33UY10This q-item is listed in storage but has apparently never been described. It should be described in 2011. [U912BS.J]
QI069102P99UY10ZSB 16-77 [U912BS.J]
QI070002A35Y102L_V22d2628 J2q700.2 T805 dM wh f193.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI070801A40T902fg [T902CJC.J]
QI070801B11T902Head of an animal figurine, probably a horse head. There are two holes, one on each side, probably indicating the eyes. The end that is not broken preserves a nose with flaring nostrils. There is a ridge running along the top. Light brown color. [T902CJC.J]
QI071402A35Y102L_V22d2660 J2q714.2 T805 dM la f273.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI072001A35Y102L_V22d2710 J2q720.1 T816 dM la f279.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI072101A20UY11laf [U920BS.J]
QI072101A21UY11uk [U920BS.J]
QI072101B11V826Stone specimen [U906YM.J]
QI073701A35Y102L_V22d2699 J2q737.1 T813 dm la f290.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI074401A21UY11cv [U920BS.J]
QI074401B11V826Ceramic sherds [U906YM.J]
QI075202A21UY11sample [U920BS.J]
QI075202B11V826According to q-item field log this item was a sample [U906YM.J]
QI076002A21UY11sh [U920BS.J]
QI076002B11V826According to field logs this item is a shell specimen. [U906YM.J]
QI076502A35Y102L_V22d2721 J2q765.2 T816 dM cv f305.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI076901C33UY10Because there is a q769.2 we assume there is a q769.1 in the sequence although it is possible that this number was never used. [U912BS.J]
QI078802A35Y102L_V18d2640 J2q788.2 P911 gG.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI078803A98UY11This q-item was originally labeled q788.2 but two items were assigned that number by accident. q788.2 has been sent to the museum so I have changed the label of the brick sample to q788.3. It has not been relabeled in storage yet and should be relabeled in 2011. [U920BS.J]
QI079801A35Y102L_V22d2565 J2q798.1 T804 dM wh f314.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI082001A20UY10caf [U912BS.J]
QI082001A21UY10uk [U912BS.J]
QI082001B11UY10This artifact is a flat clay object with a thin point extruding from one end. [U912BS.J]
QI082201B11V826Obsidian fragment [U906YM.J]
QI083001A35Y102L_V22d2678 J2q830.1 T808 dM la f335.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083001BA1T721bl [T823SH.J]
QI083001BA6T721li [T823SH.J]
QI083001BA8T721bl [T823SH.J]
QI083001BA9T721broken obsedian blade [T823SH.J]
QI083201A20UY10laf [T827CJC3.J]
QI083201A21UY10core [T827CJC3.J]
QI083201B11V826Small flint core. Lost in the field. [U906YM.J]
QI083201C06T722This q-item was lost in the field. The bag blew away and the item fell out. It was a small flint core. [T722CJC.J]
QI083202A35Y102L_V22d2538 J2q832.2 T801 dM house f337.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083202B11T827Rectangular clay object with a thinner rectangle attached to one side. The back side is smooth and the edges form a small lip. The interior is reddish and the outside is a yellow gray color. Both sides of the rectangular protrusion have an intentional large hole that are at the same place on either side but do not meet in the middle. Where the rectangular protrusion is attached the edges were smoothed, apparently with a finger. The object is broken at both the top and the bottom and in half of one side, suggesting that it originally formed a corner that is not preserved. [T827CJC3.J]
QI083203A35Y102L_V22d2504 J2q832.3 T729 dM house f337.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083203B11T827Unknown clay artifact. The main portion is composed of a relatively flat thick piece of clay in a square shape. Attached is a rectangular protrusion that probably originally had a "T" shape but is now broken. On either side of the "T" in the base are holes that go all the way through the base. In the middle of the T there is a hole that does not penetrate the object. The back is not worked but it is relatively flat, possibly suggesting this was a plaque. The surfaces are not smoothed and seem to be made quickly. There are some shallow incisions on the base but they do not seem to be purposeful. Similar to q832.4 and q832.5 [T827CJC3.J]
QI083204A35Y102L_V22d2516 J2q832.4 T729 dM house f337.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083204B11T827L-shaped clay artifact. It is of baked clay and it has four ridges on it in the upper portion and 2 ridges on the lower half of the "L". There are small holes in the middle two ridges of the upper portion and a larger hold in the lower portion. It has a reddish color. The back is uneven but apparently finished. fAB suggested that it is similar to some house models although the back suggests that it may be more like a plaque. It is broken in several places. Some of the squared ridges appear to have been added as appliqué based on the scoring that can be seen in the joins where the object is broken. It is not well finished and has many unsmoothed marks from when it was formed. Possibly from the same object as q832.5 and q832.3 [T827CJC3.J]
QI083205A35Y102L_V22d2511 J2q832.5 T729 dM house f337.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083205B11T827Flat piece of baked clay with a long rectangular piece of clay attached to its flat surface. It is apparent that the rectangular portion was attached to the flat piece as some scoring can be seen where the object is broken and the flat back piece has detached from the rectangle. Where the rectangle joins the flat piece it has been smoothed while the clay was still wet and the groove is about the size of a finger. The back of the object is not flat and has some impressions in it. The back also appears to be broken along the side without the impressions. One side is preserved completely and the other is broken. The core of the object is gray and the outside is reddish. fAB suggested it may be part of a house model. Similar to q832.4 and q832.2 [T827CJC3.J]
QI083212K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083212K99Z608Possibly part of a cart model. Incised horizontal V-shaped pattern. [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083212ZcaD1Z6082 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083212ZcaS4Z608r [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083214K03Z608RC1 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083214K99Z608Possibly part of a cart model. Incised V-shaped pattern. [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083214ZcaD1Z6082 [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083215ZcaS4Z608xrg [ZA608CJC.J]
QI083301A35Y102L_V22d2598 J2q833.1 T804 dM sh f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083301K10T825This shell was broken during processing. [T825CJC.J]
QI083302A35Y102L_V22d2635 J2q833.2 T805 dM f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083303A35Y102L_V22d2596 J2q833.3 T804 dM la f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083304A35Y102L_V22d2582 J2q833.4 T804 dM la f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083501A35Y102L_V22d2561 J2q835.1 T804 dM wh f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083502A35Y102L_V22d2563 J2q835.2 T804 dM wh f338.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083601A35Y102L_V22d2735 J2q836.1 T822 dM la f340 socket.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083602A35Y102L_V22d2687 J2q836.2 T808 dM la f340.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083701A35Y102L_V22d2573 J2q837.1 T804 dM la f341.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083702A35Y102L_V22d2568 J2q837.2 T804 dM la f341.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083801A35Y102L_V22d2601 J2q838.1 T804 dM sh f342.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI083802A35Y102L_V22d2685 J2q838.2 T808 dM la f342.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084004A35Y102L_V22d2708 J2q840.4 T816 dM la f341.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084004BA1T726gr [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA2T7265 [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA3T72610 [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA4T7268 [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA6T726li [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA8T726dark gray [T823SH.J]
QI084004BA9T726hand grinding stone,kind of t-shaped [T823SH.J]
QI084005A35Y102L_V22d2691 J2q840.5 T813 dM ca f341.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084005BA1T726li [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA2T7261 [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA3T7263 [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA4T7261 [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA6T726li [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA8T726black [T823SH.J]
QI084005BA9T726long blade stone,possibly shaped [T823SH.J]
QI084201A35Y102L_V22d2571 J2q842.1 T804 dM kw f344.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084401A35Y102L_V22d2585 J2q844.1 T804 dM fg f335.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084402A35Y102L_V22d2785 J2q844.2 T826 dM sh f335.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084402B11T827Complete half of an oyster shell. It has a smooth shiny interior and a white/yellow exterior. It is unbroken. [T827CJC3.J]
QI084901A35Y102L_V22d2576 J2q849.1 T804 dM fg f350.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI084901BA1T728fg [T823SH.J]
QI084901BA6T728cl [T823SH.J]
QI084901BA8T728yellow brown [T823SH.J]
QI084901BA9T728rear half of animal figurine [T823SH.J]
QI085001A35Y102L_V22d2652 J2q850.1 T805 dM la f346.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085001BA1T728gr [T823SH.J]
QI085001BA6T728li [T823SH.J]
QI085001BA8T728gray [T823SH.J]
QI085001BA9T728hand sized grinding stone [T823SH.J]
QI085101A35Y102L_V22d2579 J2q851.1 T804 dM kw f352.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085101BA1T728sg [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA2T7286 [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA3T7288 [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA4T7285 [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA6T728cl [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA8T728brown [T823SH.J]
QI085101BA9T728possible peg-style door sealing [T823SH.J]
QI085501A35Y102L_V22d2557 J2q855.1 T804 dM wh f356.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085501BA1T730wh [T823SH.J]
QI085501BA2T7305 [T823SH.J]
QI085501BA4T7302.5 [T823SH.J]
QI085501BA6T730cl [T823SH.J]
QI085501BA8T730yellow brown [T823SH.J]
QI085501BA9T730complete wheel [T823SH.J]
QI085502A35Y102L_V22d2693 J2q855.2 T813 dM kw f356.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085502BA1T730kw [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA2T7302 [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA3T7301 [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA4T7303 [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA6T730cl [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA8T730black [T823SH.J]
QI085502BA9T730black kiln waste [T823SH.J]
QI085601A35Y102L_V22d2553 J2q856.1 T804 dM kw f355.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085602A35Y102L_V22d2591 J2q856.2 T804 dM ca f355.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085604A35Y102L_V22d2631 J2q856.4 T805 dM la f355.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085801A35Y102L_V22d2671 J2q858.1 T808 dM bd f357.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085801BA1T801bd [T823SH.J]
QI085801BA2T8011 [T823SH.J]
QI085801BA6T801cl [T823SH.J]
QI085801BA8T801dark brown [T823SH.J]
QI085801BA9T801small broken bead [T823SH.J]
QI085801K10T801This q-item was broken in transport from the field. When it was recovered in the field it was an almost complete bead. It is now broken into about 3 pieces. It is very fragile. [T801CJC.J]
QI085901A35Y102L_V22d2676 J2q859.1 T808 dM la f357.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085901BA1T801IS [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA2T8014 [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA3T8015 [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA4T8010.5 [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA6T801li [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA8T801dark gray [T823SH.J]
QI085901BA9T801lithic artifact, possibly worked [T823SH.J]
QI085902A35Y102L_V22d2697 J2q859.2 T813 dM kw f357.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI085902BA1T801kw [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA2T8011 [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA3T8016 [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA4T8013 [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA6T801cl [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA8T801green [T823SH.J]
QI085902BA9T801kiln waste [T823SH.J]
QI086101A35Y102L_V22d2633 J2q861.1 T805 dM kw f357.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI086501A35Y102L_V22d2608 J2q865.1 T804 dM kw f347.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI086501BA1T801kw [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA2T8010.7 [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA3T8012.5 [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA4T8011.7 [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA6T801cl [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA8T801yellow brown [T823SH.J]
QI086501BA9T801kiln waste [T823SH.J]
QI086801A35Y102L_V22d2724 J2q868.1 T816 dM la f362.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI086801BA1T801ob [T823SH.J]
QI086801BA2T8010.5 [T823SH.J]
QI086801BA3T8013 [T823SH.J]
QI086801BA4T8011.2 [T823SH.J]
QI086801BA6T801li [T823SH.J]
QI086801BA8T801black [T823SH.J]
QI087101B11T830Soil sample from f364 [T830CJC2.J]
QI087101BA1T805sm [T823SH.J]
QI087101BA6T805soil [T823SH.J]
QI087101BA8T805brown [T823SH.J]
QI087101BA9T805soil sample from f 364,near apron [T823SH.J]
QI087101P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI087102B11T830Small black seeds [T830CJC2.J]
QI087102BA1T805sm [T823SH.J]
QI087102BA6T805seeds [T823SH.J]
QI087102BA8T805black [T823SH.J]
QI087102BA9T805small black seeds from f364 [T823SH.J]
QI087102P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI087201B11T830Sherd, probably broken in half with the black part representing the internal portion. It is large and has a chaff temper [T830CJC2.J]
QI087201BA1T805kw [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA2T8051.5 [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA3T8059 [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA4T8056 [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA6T805cl [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA8T805brown [T823SH.J]
QI087201BA9T805a large piece of kiln waste [T823SH.J]
QI087201P99T830Returned to its q-lot [T830CJC2.J]
QI087301A35Y102L_V22d2732 J2q873.1 T819 dM stone f365.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI087301B11T825Translucent stone, probably quartz. It has a columnar structure. Not worked. [T825CJC.J]
QI087302A35Y102L_V22d2734 J2q873.2 T819 dM la f365.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI087302B11T825Light colored lithic flake, probably chert. It has a sharp point that appears to be incidental from its initial creation, not secondarily worked. One side is very smooth while the other preserves an edge from the initial flaking. [T825CJC.J]
QI087303A35Y102L_V22d2767 J2q873.3 T826 dM kw f365.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI087303B11T902smooth dark piece of kiln waste. [T902CJC.J]
QI087304B11T830Soil sample from f365 [T830CJC2.J]
QI087304P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI087701A35Y102L_V22d2728 J2q877.1 T819 dM la f356.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI087701B11T825Two fragments of obsidian. Unclear if they initially formed one piece. One piece shows secondary chipping of the edges. The other shows no signs of being worked. They are both black. [T825CJC.J]
QI087801B11T830carbon sample [T830CJC2.J]
QI088201B11T825carbon sample [T825CJC.J]
QI088202A35Y102L_V22d2801 J2q882.2 T907 dM cl f339.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088301B11T825Small portion of a figurine. It is broken on both ends so it is impossible to determine a type or to say what part of the body it may be. It might possibly be a neck of an animal but it is uncertain. The clay item is shaped like a cone with the top and bottom both broken off. [T825CJC.J]
QI088302A21T825sh [T825CJC.J]
QI088302A35Y102L_V22d2738 J2q883.2 T822 dM sh f365.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088302B11T825Small snail shell, completely intact. It is white in color and forms a tiny spiral. [T825CJC.J]
QI088303B11T830Small black seeds [T830CJC2.J]
QI088303P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI088501B11T830Soil sample from f375 [T830CJC2.J]
QI088501P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI088502A21T825soil [T825CJC.J]
QI088502A35Y102L_V22d2783 J2q885.2 T826 dM cl f375.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088502B11T825Sample of a piece of plaster from f375, the plaster floor. It is white and soft. It is chalky in texture and crumbles easily. [T825CJC.J]
QI088601A35Y102L_V22d2719 J2q886.1 T816 dM kw f365.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088601B11T825Kiln waste with a smooth bulbous projection on one side and a rough broken surface on the other. [T825CJC.J]
QI088802A35Y102L_V22d2747 J2q888.2 T822 dM kw f367.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088802B11T827Very large kiln waste, possibly just a piece of burnt clay. It is mostly brown with some greenish areas. It is broken into several smaller pieces. [T827CJC3.J]
QI088901A35Y102L_V22d2742 J2q889.1 T822 dM kw f359.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088901B11T827Very porous piece of kiln waste. It is a dark green/gray color. [T827CJC3.J]
QI088902A35Y102L_V22d2757 J2q889.2 T822 dM la f359.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088902B11T827Obsidian flake with visible bulbous percussion. No apparent secondary working. [T827CJC3.J]
QI088903A35Y102L_V22d2744 J2q889.3 T822 dM kw f359.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088903B11T827Smooth black kiln waste. It has rounded edges except at one end where it appears to be broken. [T827CJC3.J]
QI088904A35Y102L_V22d2726 J2q889.4 T816 dM la f359.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI088904B11T825This is a small black lithic flake. It is black but does not appear to obsidian. It may be a black colored chert. It has a bulbous percussion mark from where it was struck to remove it from the core. The edges do not appear to be secondarily worked. [T825CJC.J]
QI088905A21T830soil [T830CJC2.J]
QI088905B11T830Soil sample from f359 [T830CJC2.J]
QI088905P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI089001B11T830Carbon sample, has been touched. [T830CJC2.J]
QI089002A35Y102L_V22d2740 J2q890.2 T822 dM kw f377.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089002B11T827Extremely friable green piece of kiln waste [T827CJC3.J]
QI089101A35Y102L_V22d2749 J2q891.1 T822 dM kw f379.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089101B11T827Very broken pieces of green friable kiln waste [T827CJC3.J]
QI089102B11V826kiln waste [U906YM.J]
QI089103B11T825carbon sample [T825CJC.J]
QI089104B11T830Soil sample from f379 [T830CJC2.J]
QI089104P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI089201A35Y102L_V22d2765 J2q892.1 T822 dM cl f382.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089201B11T825Piece of burnt clay, black and without impression. [T825CJC.J]
QI089201P01T825discarded [T825CJC.J]
QI089202B11T830Untouched carbon sample [T830CJC2.J]
QI089203A35Y102L_V22d2763 J2q892.3 T822 dM cl f382.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089203B11T825Clay lump. Thought to possibly have an impression in the field but it is simply a burnt piece of clay. [T825CJC.J]
QI089203P01T825discarded [T825CJC.J]
QI089204A35Y102L_V22d2761 J2q892.4 T822 dM cl f382.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089204B11T825Piece of burnt clay. Has some organic impressions, probably of no significance. It is black and has rough edges. [T825CJC.J]
QI089205A20T825laf [T825CJC.J]
QI089205A21T825uk [T825CJC.J]
QI089205B11T825This was thought to possibly be a clay lump in the field but when washed it was a stone. It has been discarded [T825CJC.J]
QI089205P01T825discarded [T825CJC.J]
QI089206A21T825cl [T825CJC.J]
QI089206A35Y102L_V22d2759 J2q892.6 T822 dM cl f383.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI089206B11T825Piece of burnt clay. No impression. [T825CJC.J]
QI089301B11T830Soil sample [T830CJC2.J]
QI089301P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI089601B11T830Soil sample taken from f386 [T830CJC2.J]
QI089601BA1T816sm [T823SH.J]
QI089601BA6T816soil [T823SH.J]
QI089601BA8T816brown [T823SH.J]
QI089601BA9T816soil sample from f386 [T823SH.J]
QI089601P01T830To the natural sciences lab for analysis [T830CJC2.J]
QI090001A35Y102L_V22d2778 J2q900.1 T826 dM la f389.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI090001B11T827Small smooth, black, unworked stone. It is broken on one end and the other forms a rounded tip, almost like a bullet shape. [T827CJC3.J]
QI090101B11T909Body of an animal figurine. No head or appendages preserved. It has a ridge along its back and the genetalia is preserved. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090101K90T909This q-item was formerly labeled as q832.1 from level 4 k106 on R806 by lC and was changed to its current number by cJC on T903. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090102B11T909Unknown pieces of a figurine, t-shaped and broken on all 3 sides. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090102K90T909This q-item was formerly labeled as q838.1, k106 on R807 by lC and was changed to its current number by cJC on T903. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090103A35Y102L_V22d2819 J2q901.3 T907 dM stone_bowl fnone.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI090103K90T909This item ws formerly q841-p from k106, level 8 recovered by lc on R807 and was reassigned to the current number by cJC on T904. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090104A35Y102L_V22d2640 J2q901.4 T805 dM fg.jpg [Y102CJC.J]
QI090104K90T909This q-item was formerly labeled as q830.1 from k106 level 2 by lC in MZ20 and was changed to its current number by cJC on T903. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090105A20T909laf [T902CJC2.J]
QI090105A21T909uk [T902CJC2.J]
QI090105B11T909Round stone artifact with a hole through the top, the edge around the hole is narrower. It is a bale brown stone, probably limestone. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090105K90T909This q-item was formerly labeled as q842.1, baulk k106 on R811 by lC and was changed to its current number by cJC on T903. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090106B11T909Half of a door socket with a half of a small round hole, possibly where the door post would go in. It is made of a white brown stone. [T902CJC2.J]
QI090106K90T909This q-item was formerly labeled as q840.2, level 8, k106 on R807 by lC and was changed to its current number by cJC on T903. The excavations relating to the construction of the cement staircase in k106 during MZ20 were excavated using q-lots and levels, but this information was lost in MZ21. The q-lots were then reused in MZ22 and so the k106 items have all been reassigned to q901 in k106. [T902CJC2.J]
R0067C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0072C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0307C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0356C10V125It appears from the log that this number was never used. [V125CJC.J]
R0438C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0439C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0440C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0441C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0442C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0443C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0444C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0449C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0476C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0477C10V125This relay has two sets of measurements. It appears that the second set was added when the first was found to be inaccurate. I have left both measurements shown so to preserve the integrity of the record. [V125CJC.J]
R0490C10V125It appears this relay number was never assigned. [V125CJC.J]
R0500C10V125It appears this relay number was never assigned. [V125CJC.J]
R0544C10V125There are two sets of points given for this relay. I assume that the number was simply used twice and they represent two separate sets of measurements as they appear to be taken on the same day, therefore the second measurements are not likely to be a corrected version of the original. [V125CJC.J]
R0747C10V125It appears this relay number was never assigned. [V125CJC.J]
R0770C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0771C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0772C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0773C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0774C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0775C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0776C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0777C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0778C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0779C10V125It appears from the relay log that numbers r770-779 were inadvertently skipped. [V125CJC.J]
R0910C10V125It appears this relay number was never assigned. [V125CJC.J]
R0933C30V125This relay is missing a marker in the original record and can not be resolved. [V125CJC.J]
R0945D04V12639099 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D05V12650330 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D06V1269258 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D07V126SW corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D08V126q701 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D11V126mm4213 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D12V126mm3968 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D13V126m4084: 9013+410-165 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D14V12687 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D15V126521 [V126CJCR.J]
R0945D16V126165 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D04V12639711 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D05V12649864 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D06V1269137 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D07V126NW corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D08V126f274.1 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D13V126m4166: 9281+20-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D14V126333 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D15V12676 [V126CJCR.J]
R0946D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0947C04V125This relay did nor resolve. There was an error in the field measuremnts. [V125CJC.J]
R0948D04V12639659 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D05V12649895 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D06V1269121 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D07V126SE corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D08V126f274.1 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D13V126m4166: 9281+4-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D14V126389 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D15V126127 [V126CJCR.J]
R0948D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D04V12639686 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D05V12649925 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D06V1269134 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D07V126NE corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D08V126f274.1 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D13V126m4166: 9281+17-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D14V126398 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D15V126108 [V126CJCR.J]
R0949D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D04V12639578 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D05V12649893 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D06V1269120 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D07V126S corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D08V126f274.2 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D13V126m4166: 9281+3-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D14V126440 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D15V126207 [V126CJCR.J]
R0950D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D04V12639604 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D05V12649883 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D06V1269126 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D07V126W corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D08V126f274.2 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D13V126m4166: 9281+9-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D14V126415 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D15V126181 [V126CJCR.J]
R0951D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D04V12639607 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D05V12649902 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D06V1269130 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D07V126N corner [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D08V126f274.2 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D11V126mm4069 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D12V126mm4166 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D13V126m4166: 9281+13-164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D14V126427 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D15V126179 [V126CJCR.J]
R0952D16V126164 [V126CJCR.J]
R0961C30V125This relay can not be resolved because it was measured from relay points instead of markers. [V125CJC.J]
R0981C30V125This relay did not resolve because the angle of measurement was not large enough. [V125CJC.J]
R1023D04T72139461 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D05T72150054 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D06T7218947 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D07T721corner point [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D08T721f335 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D10T721t [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D11T721mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D12T721mm6129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D13T721m6128: 8908+100-61 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D14T721187 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D15T721510 [T728CJCR.J]
R1023D16T72161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D04T72139382 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D05T72150329 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D06T7218807 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D07T721NE corner [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D07T721pt [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D08T721f336 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D10T721t [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D11T721mm6117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D12T721mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D13T721m6128: 8908+54-155 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D14T721388 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D15T721400 [T728CJCR.J]
R1024D16T721155 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D04T72239646 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D05T72250455 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D06T7228855 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D07T722NE corner [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D07T722corner point [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D08T722f337 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D10T722t [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D11T722mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D12T722mm6129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D13T722m6128: 8908+102-155 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D14T722427 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D15T722432 [T728CJCR.J]
R1025D16T722155 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D04T72539568 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D05T72550419 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D06T7258806 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D07T725SE corner [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D08T725k14 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D11T725mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D12T725mm6129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D13T725m6128: 8908+54-156 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D14T725399 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D15T725471 [T728CJCR.J]
R1026D16T725156 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D04T72539654 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D05T72550464 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D06T7258819 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D07T725NE corner [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D08T725k14 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D11T725mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D12T725mm6129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D13T725m6128: 8908+67-156 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D14T725436 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D15T725433 [T728CJCR.J]
R1027D16T725156 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D04T72539487 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D05T72550008 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D06T7258859 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D07T725NE corner of removal of baulk stub in k14, k15 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D08T725f341 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D11T725mm6128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D12T725mm6129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D13T725m6128: 8908+44-93 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D14T725160 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D15T725496 [T728CJCR.J]
R1028D16T72593 [T728CJCR.J]
R1029C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. It may be due to problems locating markers at beginning of 2009. [V125CJC.J]
R1030D04T72538895 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D05T72550752 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D06T7258759 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D07T725NE corner [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D08T725f343 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D11T725mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D12T725mm6150 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D13T725m6150: 8759+129-129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D14T725122 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D15T725128 [T728CJCR.J]
R1030D16T725129 [T728CJCR.J]
R1031C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. It may be due to problems locating markers at beginning of 2009. [V125CJC.J]
R1032C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. It may be due to problems locating markers at beginning of 2009. [V125CJC.J]
R1033D04T72538782 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D05T72550706 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D06T7258784 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D07T725SW corner of f344 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D08T725f344 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D11T725mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D12T725mm6150 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D13T725m6151: 8757+188-161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D14T725239 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D15T725244 [T728CJCR.J]
R1033D16T725161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D04T72538826 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D05T72550712 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D06T7258779 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D07T725NW corner of f344 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D07T725point [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D08T725f344 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D10T725t [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D11T725mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D12T725mm6150 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D13T725m6151: 8757+183-161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D14T725195 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D15T725206 [T728CJCR.J]
R1034D16T725161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D04T72738965 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D05T72750268 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D06T7278749 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D08T727f345.1 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D11T727mm6152 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D12T727mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D13T727m6152: 8747+163-161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D14T727223 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D15T727486 [T728CJCR.J]
R1035D16T727161 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D04T72738985 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D05T72750202 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D06T7278744 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D08T727f345.2 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D11T727mm6152 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D12T727mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D13T727m6152: 8747+114-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D14T727247 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D15T727550 [T728CJCR.J]
R1036D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D04T72739038 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D05T72750110 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D06T7278741 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D08T727f345.3 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D11T727mm6152 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D12T727mm6151 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D13T727m6152: 8747+111-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D14T727293 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D15T727641 [T728CJCR.J]
R1037D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D04T72739122 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D05T72749945 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D06T7278742 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D08T727f345.4 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D11T727mm6153 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D12T727mm6157 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D13T727m6153: 8752+107-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D14T727346 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D15T727405 [T728CJCR.J]
R1038D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D04T72739204 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D05T72749953 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D06T7278766 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D08T727f345.5 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D11T727mm6153 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D12T727mm6157 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D13T727m6153: 8752+131-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D14T727330 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D15T727440 [T728CJCR.J]
R1039D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D04T72739256 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D05T72749908 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D06T7278768 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D07T727center of stone [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D07T727pt [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D08T727f345.6 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D11T727mm6153 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D12T727mm6157 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D13T727m6153: 8752+133-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D14T727380 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D15T727507 [T728CJCR.J]
R1040D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D03T7271041 (39471 50088 - 8765 / Relay location: NW corner of q-lot) [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D04T72739471 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D05T72750088 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D06T7278765 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D07T727NW corner of q-lot [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D07T727point [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D08T727q [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D10T727t [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D11T727mm6166 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D12T727mm6167 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D13T727m6167: 8832+50-117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D14T727466 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D15T727220 [T728CJCR.J]
R1041D16T727117 [T728CJCR.J]
R1072D04T90139523 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D05T90150105 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D06T9018801 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D07T901edge of stone [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D07T901point [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D08T901f346.5 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D10T901t [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D11T901mm6183 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D12T901mm6153 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D13T901m6167: 8832+120-151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D14T901317 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D15T901374 [T901CJCR.J]
R1072D16T901151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D04T90139552 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D05T90150030 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D06T9018776 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D07T901edge of stone [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D07T901point [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D08T901f346.6 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D10T901t [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D11T901mm6183 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D12T901mm6153 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D13T901m6167: 8832+95-151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D14T901390 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D15T901438 [T901CJCR.J]
R1073D16T901151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D04T90139616 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D05T90150126 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D06T9018788 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D07T901center of stone [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D07T901point [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D08T901f346.18 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D10T901t [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D11T901mm6183 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D12T901mm6153 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D13T901m6167: 8832+107-151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D14T901300 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D15T901450 [T901CJCR.J]
R1074D16T901151 [T901CJCR.J]
R1076C10V125It appears this relay number was never used. [V125CJC.J]
R1077D04T73038757 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D05T73050755 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D06T7308726 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D07T730SW corner of k110 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D07T730point [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D08T730k110 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D10T730t [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D11T730mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D12T730mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D13T730m6154: 8747+66-87 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D14T730552 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D15T730260 [T820CJCR.J]
R1077D16T73087 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D04T73038659 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D05T73051030 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D06T7308726 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D07T730SE corner of k110 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D07T730point [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D08T730k110 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D10T730t [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D11T730mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D12T730mm6154 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D13T730m6154: 8747+66-87 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D14T730642 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D15T730460 [T820CJCR.J]
R1078D16T73087 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D04T80138752 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D05T80151000 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D06T8018738 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D07T801Point on east edge of f358 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D07T801point [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D08T801f358 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D12T801mm6154 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D13T801m6154: 8747+78-87 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D14T801585 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D15T801362 [T820CJCR.J]
R1079D16T80187 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D04T80138795 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D05T80150856 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D06T8018730 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D07T801Point on north-east edge of f358 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D07T801point [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D08T801f358 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D12T801mm6154 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D13T801m6154: 8747+70-87 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D14T801435 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D15T801300 [T820CJCR.J]
R1080D16T80187 [T820CJCR.J]
R1081D04V12638831 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D05V12650900 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D06V1268732 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D07V126Point on northern edge of f358 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D08V126f358 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D11V126mm6165 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D12V126mm6154 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D13V126m6154: 8747+72-87 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D14V126472 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D15V126264 [V126CJCR.J]
R1081D16V12687 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D04V12638816 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D05V12650860 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D06V1268729 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D07V126East point on northern edge of f358 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D07V126point [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D08V126f358 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D10V126t [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D11V126mm6165 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D12V126mm6154 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D13V126m6154: 8747+69-87 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D14V126434 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D15V126279 [V126CJCR.J]
R1082D16V12687 [V126CJCR.J]
R1083D04T80138794 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D05T80150674 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D06T8018775 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D07T801SW corner eastbaulk [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D07T801pt [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D08T801k5 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D12T801mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D13T801m6151: 8757+162-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D14T801262 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D15T801236 [T820CJCR.J]
R1083D16T801144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D04T80138867 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D05T80150683 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D06T8018751 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D07T801east point north edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D07T801pt [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D08T801f361 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D12T801mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D13T801m6151: 8757+138-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D14T801252 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D15T801165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1084D16T801144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D04T80138871 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D05T80150637 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D06T8018751 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D07T801center point north edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D07T801pt [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D08T801f361 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D12T801mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D13T801m6151: 8757+138-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D14T801206 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D15T801185 [T820CJCR.J]
R1085D16T801144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D04T80138874 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D05T80150593 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D06T8018753 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D07T801north edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D07T801pt [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D08T801f361 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D11T801mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D12T801mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D13T801m6151: 8757+140-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D14T801162 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D15T801213 [T820CJCR.J]
R1086D16T801144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D04T80138862 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D05T80150518 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D06T8018749 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D07T801pt [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D07T801west point [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D08T801f361 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D10T801t [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D11T801mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D12T801mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D13T801m6151: 8757+136-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D14T801329 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D15T801280 [T820CJCR.J]
R1087D16T801144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1089C04V125This relay did not resolve. It has a problem with tie measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1093D04T80838998 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D05T80850717 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D06T8088724 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D07T808SE corner of f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D11T808mm6157 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D12T808mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D13T808m6151: 8757+105-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D14T808410 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D15T808376 [T820CJCR.J]
R1093D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D04T80839003 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D05T80850554 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D06T8088719 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D07T808Middle point of south edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D11T808mm6157 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D12T808mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D13T808m6151: 8757+100-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D14T808250 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D15T808236 [T820CJCR.J]
R1094D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D04T80839072 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D05T80850361 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D06T8088711 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D07T808SW corner of f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D11T808mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D12T808mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D13T808m6151: 8757+92-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D14T80888 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D15T808394 [T820CJCR.J]
R1095D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D04T80839110 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D05T80850369 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D06T8088724 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D07T808NW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D11T808mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D12T808mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D13T808m6151: 8757+105-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D14T80850 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D15T808393 [T820CJCR.J]
R1096D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D04T80839122 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D05T80850488 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D06T8088722 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D07T808Middle point of north edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D11T808mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D12T808mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D13T808m6151: 8757+103-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D14T808283 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D15T808233 [T820CJCR.J]
R1097D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D04T80839055 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D05T80850752 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D06T8088729 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D07T808NE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D07T808point [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D08T808f367 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D10T808t [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D11T808mm6151 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D12T808mm6165 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D13T808m6151: 8757+110-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D14T80838 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D15T808356 [T820CJCR.J]
R1098D16T808138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D04T80939011 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D05T80950718 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D06T8098714 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D07T809Center point of SW small patch f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D07T809point [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D08T809f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D10T809t [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D11T809mm6155 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D12T809mm6150 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D13T809m6151: 8757+95-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D14T809118 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D15T809130 [T820CJCR.J]
R1099D16T809138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D04T80939048 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D05T80950695 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D06T8098712 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D07T809center point middle patch f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D07T809point [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D08T809f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D10T809t [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D11T809mm6155 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D12T809mm6150 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D13T809m6151: 8757+93-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D14T809107 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D15T809164 [T820CJCR.J]
R1100D16T809138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D04T80939083 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D05T80950674 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D06T8098719 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D07T809NW patch of plaster f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D07T809center point [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D08T809f370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D10T809t [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D11T809mm6155 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D12T809mm6150 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D13T809m6152: 8747+110-138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D14T809111 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D15T809198 [T820CJCR.J]
R1101D16T809138 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D04T81039154 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D05T81049915 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D06T8108705 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D07T810SW corner of remaining portion [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D07T810edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D12T810mm6153 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D13T810m6180: 8718+136-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D14T810179 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D15T810370 [T820CJCR.J]
R1102D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D04T81039211 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D05T81050023 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D06T8108721 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D07T810Center point of NW edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D07T810edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D12T810mm6181 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D13T810m6180: 8718+152-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D14T810166 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D15T810492 [T820CJCR.J]
R1103D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D04T81039232 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D05T81050175 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D06T8108733 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D07T810NE corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D11T810mm6153 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D12T810mm6166 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D13T810m6180: 8718+164-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D14T810115 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D15T810225 [T820CJCR.J]
R1104D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D04T81039233 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D05T81050100 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D06T8108724 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D07T810NW corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D12T810mm6181 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D13T810m6180: 8718+155-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D14T810214 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D15T810469 [T820CJCR.J]
R1105D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D04T81039041 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D05T81050098 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D06T8108714 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D07T810SE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D12T810mm6153 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D13T810m6180: 8718+145-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D14T810347 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D15T810240 [T820CJCR.J]
R1106D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D04T81039148 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D05T81050173 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D06T8108724 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D07T810edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D07T810point on eastern edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D08T810f339 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D12T810mm6181 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D13T810m6180: 8718+155-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D14T810321 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D15T810564 [T820CJCR.J]
R1107D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D04T81039065 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D05T81050327 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D06T8108714 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D07T810SE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D08T810f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D12T810mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D13T810m6152: 8747+116-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D14T810495 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D15T810106 [T820CJCR.J]
R1108D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D04T81039041 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D05T81050234 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D06T8108707 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D07T810SW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D08T810f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D12T810mm6153 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D13T810m6153: 8752+104-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D14T810436 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D15T810161 [T820CJCR.J]
R1109D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D04T81039116 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D05T81050160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D06T8108712 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D07T810edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D07T810point on western edge f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D08T810f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D11T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D12T810mm6153 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D13T810m6153: 8752+109-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D14T810330 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D15T810146 [T820CJCR.J]
R1110D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D04T81039178 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D05T81050269 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D06T8108728 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D07T810NW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D08T810f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D11T810mm6166 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D12T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D13T810m6153: 8752+125-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D14T810208 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D15T810390 [T820CJCR.J]
R1111D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D04T81039078 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D05T81050340 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D06T8108723 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D07T810NE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D07T810corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D08T810f375 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D10T810t [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D11T810mm6166 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D12T810mm6180 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D13T810m6153: 8752+120-149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D14T810205 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D15T810499 [T820CJCR.J]
R1112D16T810149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D04T81239096 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D05T81250360 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D06T8128725 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D07T812NE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D07T812corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D08T812q888 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D10T812t [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D11T812mm6166 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D12T812mm6152 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D13T812m6153: 8752+114-141 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D14T812230 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D15T81265 [T820CJCR.J]
R1113D16T812141 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D04T81342303 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D05T81350281 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D06T8138861 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D07T813NE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D07T813corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D08T813f377 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D13T813m6224: 8885+120-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D14T813306 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D15T813309 [T820CJCR.J]
R1114D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D04T81342479 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D05T81350271 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D06T8138861 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D07T813center point north edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D07T813edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D08T813f377 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D13T813m6224: 8885+120-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D14T813287 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D15T813140 [T820CJCR.J]
R1115D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D04T81342562 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D05T81350242 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D06T8138862 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D07T813NW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D07T813corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D08T813f377 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D13T813m6224: 8885+121-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D14T813293 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D15T81353 [T820CJCR.J]
R1116D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D04T81342230 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D05T81350102 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D06T8138837 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D07T813SE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D07T813corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D08T813f379 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D13T813m6224: 8885+96-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D14T813209 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D15T813389 [T820CJCR.J]
R1117D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D04T81342331 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D05T81350070 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D06T8138845 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D07T813East edge south point [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D07T813edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D08T813f379 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D13T813m6224: 8885+104-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D14T813109 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D15T813306 [T820CJCR.J]
R1118D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D04T81342394 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D05T81350218 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D06T8138848 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D07T813East edge [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D07T813edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D08T813f379 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D13T813m6224: 8885+107-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D14T813225 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D15T813210 [T820CJCR.J]
R1119D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D04T81342457 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D05T81350232 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D06T8138854 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D07T813edge point [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D07T813north edge center point [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D08T813f379 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D10T813t [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D11T813mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D12T813mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D13T813m6224: 8885+113-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D14T813244 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D15T813149 [T820CJCR.J]
R1120D16T813144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1121C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1122D04T81738692 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D05T81751240 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D06T8178604 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D07T817NE corner q892 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D07T817point [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D08T817q892 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D13T817m6227: 8693+55-144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D14T817260 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D15T817303 [T820CJCR.J]
R1122D16T817144 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D04T81738563 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D05T81751069 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D06T8178571 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D07T817SE point of cut near section [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D07T817point [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D08T817f383 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D13T817m6227: 8693+38-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D14T817178 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D15T81790 [T820CJCR.J]
R1123D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D04T81738566 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D05T81751104 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D06T8178560 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D07T817NW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D08T817f384 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D13T817m6227: 8693+27-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D14T817158 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D15T817118 [T820CJCR.J]
R1124D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D04T81738546 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D05T81751128 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D06T8178556 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D07T817SW corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D08T817f384 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D13T817m6227: 8693+23-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D14T817128 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D15T817130 [T820CJCR.J]
R1125D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D04T81738609 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D05T81751223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D06T8178548 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D07T817SE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D08T817f384 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D13T817m6227: 8693+15-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D14T817175 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D15T817242 [T820CJCR.J]
R1126D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D04T81738631 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D05T81751224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D06T8178548 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D07T817NE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D08T817f384 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D13T817m6227: 8693+15-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D14T817197 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D15T817254 [T820CJCR.J]
R1127D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D04T81738686 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D05T81751242 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D06T8178553 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D07T817NE corner cut [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D08T817f382 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D13T817m6227: 8693+20-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D14T817255 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D15T817301 [T820CJCR.J]
R1128D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D04T81738566 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D05T81751027 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D06T8178667 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D07T817SW corner k100 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D08T817k100 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D13T817m6227: 8693+134-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D14T817212 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D15T81772 [T820CJCR.J]
R1129D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D04T81738514 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D05T81751205 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D06T8178667 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D07T817SE corner [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D08T817k100 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D11T817mm6227 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D12T817mm6228 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D13T817m6227: 8693+134-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D14T81779 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D15T817198 [T820CJCR.J]
R1130D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D04T81742169 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D05T81750444 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D06T8178775 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D07T817NE corner q894 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D07T817corner point [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D08T817q894 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D10T817t [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D11T817mm6223 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D12T817mm6224 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D13T817m6223: 8853+82-160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D14T817510 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D15T817494 [T820CJCR.J]
R1131D16T817160 [T820CJCR.J]
R1132C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1133C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1134C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1135C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1136C04V125This relay did not resolve. There is an error in the field measurements. [V125CJC.J]
R1137D04T82239239 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D05T82249894 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D06T8228712 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D07T822NW corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D08T822f348 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D11T822mm6183 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D12T822mm6153 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D13T822m6180: 8718+76-82 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D14T822614 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D15T822392 [T823CJCR.J]
R1137D16T82282 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D04T82239175 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D05T82250160 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D06T8228719 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D07T822NE corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D08T822f348 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D11T822mm6183 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D12T822mm6157 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D13T822m6180: 8718+83-82 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D14T822460 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D15T822273 [T823CJCR.J]
R1138D16T82282 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D04T82239106 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D05T82249934 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D06T8228632 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D07T822SW corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D08T822k15 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D11T822mm6180 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D12T822mm6153 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D13T822m6180: 8718+60-146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D14T822228 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D15T822360 [T823CJCR.J]
R1139D16T822146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D04T82239004 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D05T82250172 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D06T8228706 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D07T822SW corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D08T822f367 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D11T822mm6153 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D12T822mm6165 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D13T822m6153: 8752+100-146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D14T822220 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D15T822282 [T823CJCR.J]
R1140D16T822146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D04T82239065 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D05T82250217 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D06T8228711 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D07T822NW corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D08T822f367 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D11T822mm6153 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D12T822mm6165 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D13T822m6153: 8752+105-146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D14T822145 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D15T822274 [T823CJCR.J]
R1141D16T822146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D04T82239044 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D05T82251072 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D06T8228745 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D07T822NE corner [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D07T822corner point [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D08T822k110 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D10T822t [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D11T822mm6223 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D12T822mm6224 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D13T822m6224: 8751+140-146 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D14T822418 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D15T822256 [T823CJCR.J]
R1142D16T822146 [T823CJCR.J]
S0-J2BA21VY11Unassigned [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0146 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0153 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0170 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0172 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0221 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0237 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0264 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0313 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0343 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI02VY11f0360 [VY11CJC.J]
S0-J2BI03VY11h9z-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BA21VY11Interseason accumulations [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0001 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0040 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0041 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0104 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0173 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0179 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI02VY11f0192 [VY11CJC.J]
S10-J2BI03VY11h9p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BA21VY11Accumulations after use, beginning to cover ^wall1 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BA21VY11Revetment wall being covered [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0081 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0082 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0087 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0095 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0097 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0098 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0099 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0109 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0116 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0126 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0157 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0158 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0159 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0160 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0168 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0185 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0186 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0190 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0193 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0195 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0203 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0206 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0220 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0222 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0242 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI02VY11f0249 [VY11CJC.J]
S122-J2BI03VY11h7v-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BA21VY11Post-brickfall use [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BA21VY11Second apron, see description in topics [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BA21VY11Use on top of brickfall, when area was continuing to be used but no longer the primary entrance to temple terrace [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0020 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0101 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0102 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0103 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0105 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0106 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0108 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0110 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0111 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0112 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0119 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0125 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0132 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0134 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0137 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0154 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0156 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0161 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0162 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0163 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0164 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0165 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0166 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0175 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0176 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0177 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0241 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0254 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0255 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0259 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI02VY11f0314 [VY11CJC.J]
S148-J2BI03VY11h7m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BA21VY11Second phase of brickfall [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0135 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0136 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0139 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0149 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0152 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0155 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0178 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0180 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0181 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0188 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0189 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0191 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0200 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0202 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0207 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0208 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0210 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0233 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0261 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0305 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI02VY11f0318 [VY11CJC.J]
S158-J2BI03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BA21VY11Use during brickfall associated with curtain walls [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0138 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0140 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0141 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0142 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0143 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0144 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0145 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0147 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0148 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0150 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0151 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0197 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0198 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0199 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0204 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0216 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0217 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0218 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0224 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0226 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0230 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0232 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0265 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0271 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0273 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0296 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0298 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0299 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0300 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI02VY11f0301 [VY11CJC.J]
S159-J2BI03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BA21VY11First brickfall layers [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0211 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0225 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0260 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0270 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0277 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0279 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0281 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0283 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0285 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0286 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0324 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0331 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0338 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0340 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0341 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0342 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0345 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI02VY11f0356 [VY11CJC.J]
S160-J2BI03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BA21VY11Erosion in southern J2. This erosion removes any trace of earlier erosion or other Mittani building or remodeling. [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BI02VY11f0339 [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BI02VY11f0354 [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BI02VY11f0366 [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BI02VY11f0371 [VY11CJC.J]
S161-J2BI03VY11h7j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BA21VY11Unclear Mittani transition features. Some possible build-up between ^ctwl1 and the revetment wall. May actually be part of the Mittani construction of previous stratum. Often mixed with EDIII material since features were sloping and when excavated could have included lower layers by accident [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BA21VY11Use of terrace before brickfall [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0171 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0174 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0290 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0293 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0317 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI02VY11f0322 [VY11CJC.J]
S176-J2BI03VY11h7f-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BA21VY11Early Mittani accumulations associated with curtain wall, including cut of f393 which cuts through the earlier features to make room for the new curtain wall. [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BA21VY11Mittani curtain wall [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0269 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0288 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0289 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0311 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0312 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0320 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0334 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0335 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0336 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0337 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0346 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0349 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0351 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0352 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI02VY11f0393 [VY11CJC.J]
S190-J2BI03VY11h7c-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BA21VY11Topsoil [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0002 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0003 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0006 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0018 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0019 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0029 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0033 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0034 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0035 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0036 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0038 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0039 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0042 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0044 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0050 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0052 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0053 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0056 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0057 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0058 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0063 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0064 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0068 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0070 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0071 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0077 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0088 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0092 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0167 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0184 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI02VY11f0243 [VY11CJC.J]
S20-J2BI03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BA21VY11Accumulations just below topsoil [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0004 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0005 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0023 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0025 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0030 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0037 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0043 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0046 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0075 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0079 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0113 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0117 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0118 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0124 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0169 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0187 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0274 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI02VY11f0323 [VY11CJC.J]
S30-J2BI03VY11h9m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BA21VY11Scattered use associated with tannurs [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0007 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0009 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0010 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0011 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0012 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0031 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0047 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0048 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0049 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0054 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0055 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0059 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0066 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0067 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0069 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0072 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0073 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0078 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0085 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0086 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0094 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0096 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0201 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI02VY11f0252 [VY11CJC.J]
S60-J2BI03VY11h8r-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BA21VY11Accumulations against revetment wall after the second escarpment was built in J1 (J1^esc2) [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BA21VY11Accumulations at base of revetment wall, could also be late EDIII. [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0182 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0183 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0219 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0227 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0228 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0229 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0231 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0234 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0235 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0236 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0250 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0251 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0295 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0297 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0303 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0306 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0310 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0315 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0316 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0321 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0325 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0326 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0327 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0328 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0329 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0330 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0344 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0347 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0350 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0353 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0355 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0361 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0362 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI02VY11f0363 [VY11CJC.J]
S610-J2BI03VY11h3u-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BA21VY11Accumulations associated with period just after second escarpment in J1, use of complex [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BA21VY11Buildup after flanking wall [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0307 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0308 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0309 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0332 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0357 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0358 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0364 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0365 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0367 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0370 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0372 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0375 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI02VY11f0376 [VY11CJC.J]
S620-J2BI03VY11h3s-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BA21VY11Rebuilding [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI02VY11f0127 [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI02VY11f0257 [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI02VY11f0333 [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI02VY11f0359 [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI02VY11f0373 [VY11CJC.J]
S630-J2BI03VY11h3p-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BA21VY11Use of complex [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BA21VY11Use of complex before rebuilding with flanking wall [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0238 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0239 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0240 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0244 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0245 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0246 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0253 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0348 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0368 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0369 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0377 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0378 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0379 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI02VY11f0381 [VY11CJC.J]
S640-J2BI03VY11h3n-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BA21VY11Construction of monumental access [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0021 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0074 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0089 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0128 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0129 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0130 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0131 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0133 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0212 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0247 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0248 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0278 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0280 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0282 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0284 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0319 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0374 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI02VY11f0392 [VY11CJC.J]
S650-J2BI03VY11h3m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BA21VY11Pit in corner of k100 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0268 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0304 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0382 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0383 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0384 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI02VY11f0385 [VY11CJC.J]
S660-J2BI03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BA21VY11Pebble floors with EDIII sherds [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0194 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0196 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0205 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0209 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0213 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0214 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0215 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0223 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0256 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0258 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI02VY11f0266 [VY11CJC.J]
S665-J2BI03VY11h3l-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BA21VY11Early sherd floors and pebble floors with mixed EDIII and Ninevite 5 sherds [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0267 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0272 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0276 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0287 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0291 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0292 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0294 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI02VY11f0302 [VY11CJC.J]
S670-J2BI03VY11h3j-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BA21VY11Early sherd floors with Ninevite 5 sherds and early Metallic [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0386 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0387 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0388 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0389 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0390 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI02VY11f0391 [VY11CJC.J]
S685-J2BI03VY11h3h-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BA21VY11Layers with floating stones above the second apron [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0008 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0013 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0014 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0015 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0016 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0017 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0022 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0024 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0026 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0027 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0028 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0032 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0045 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0051 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0060 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0061 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0062 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0083 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0084 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0090 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0091 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0093 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0100 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0107 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0122 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0262 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0263 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI02VY11f0275 [VY11CJC.J]
S70-J2BI03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S730-J2BA21VY11Construction before Ninevite 5 floors of s685-J2B. Construction Date unclear. Based on comparisons with J1 and J5 [VY11CJC.J]
S730-J2BI02VY11f0380 [VY11CJC.J]
S730-J2BI03VY11h3b-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BA21VY11Accumulation after wall is covered [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BA21VY11Area no longer in use, casual build-up with stones of s70-J2B over [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0065 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0076 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0080 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0114 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0115 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0120 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0121 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI02VY11f0123 [VY11CJC.J]
S80-J2BI03VY11h8m-J2B [VY11CJC.J]
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V0004AO40Z608L_V17d0105 J02v4 O705 jjj.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0005AO40Z608L_V17d0108 J02v5a O705 jjj.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0008AO40Z608L_V17d0113 J02v8 O707 jjj.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0008AO40Z608L_V17d0114 J02v8a O707 jjj.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0010BO40Z608L_V17d0117 J02v10 O711 jjj x f45 k3.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0147A30T825Northern view of all of J2 prior to cleaning in the MZ22 season. This view was taken from the surface south of J2. All conservation measures are still in place (such as netting and sandbags). [T825CJC.J]
V0147O12T719f128,f129,f130,f131,f334,f337 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147O15T719k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147O22T719N [T729CJC2.J]
V0147O25T719Overall view to show the whole of J2 prior to excavation in MZ22 (2009). This view is before any cleaning or before the backfill is removed [T729CJC2.J]
V0147O40Z608L_V22d2001 J2v147a T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147O40Z608L_V22d2002 J2v147 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147O40Z608L_V22d2003 J2v147b T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147AO12T719f127,f128,f129,f130,f131 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147AO15T719k54,k100 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147AO21T719t [T729CJC2.J]
V0147AO22T719N [T729CJC2.J]
V0147AO25T719Narrower view of the eastern half of J2 looking north, this includes the staircase and the apron. [T729CJC2.J]
V0147AO40Z608L_V22d2001 J2v147a T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147AO40Z608L_V22d2002 J2v147 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147AO40Z608L_V22d2003 J2v147b T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0147BO12T719f127,f128,f130,f334,f335,f336,f337,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147BO15T719k13,k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0147BO21T719t [T729CJC2.J]
V0147BO22T719N [T729CJC2.J]
V0147BO25T719Narrower view of the western half of J2 looking north, including the wall west of the apron (f127), the revetment wall and the cross-wall [T729CJC2.J]
V0147BO40Z608L_V22d2001 J2v147a T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0148A30T825View west of J2 before cleaning or before beginning excavation. f338 and f341 were heavily eroded before being cut back later in the season [T825CJC.J]
V0148O12T719f127,f132,f338,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148O15T719k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148O22T719W [T729CJC2.J]
V0148O25T719View west of area in front of the apron prior to cleaning or excavation in MZ22 (2009) . This is the area we plan to excavate this year. [T729CJC2.J]
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V0148O40Z608L_V22d2008 J2v148 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0148AO12T719f338 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148AO15T719k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148AO21T719t [T729CJC2.J]
V0148AO22T719S [T729CJC2.J]
V0148AO25T719View of south section of area in front of the apron prior to cleaning or excavation in MZ22 (2009) [T729CJC2.J]
V0148AO40Z608L_V22d2004 J2v148a T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0148BO12T719f127,f131,f338,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148BO15T719k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0148BO21T719t [T729CJC2.J]
V0148BO22T719W [T729CJC2.J]
V0148BO25T719Closer view of the western section of J2 before cutting back the south section (f338) or the west section (f341). This view is before cleaning in MZ22 (2009). [T729CJC2.J]
V0148BO40Z608L_V22d2007 J2v148b T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0148BO40Z608L_V22d2008 J2v148 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0149A30T825This view is the eastern half of J2 before cleaning. The stairs (f130) and the apron are dirty and there is some garbage accumulation at the base of the apron (f131). The stand for the site presentation project is in place as are the conservation measures such as sandbags and netting. [T825CJC.J]
V0149O12T719f128,f129,f130,f131 [T729CJC2.J]
V0149O22T719N [T729CJC2.J]
V0149O25T719View of the staircase and apron at the beginning of MZ22 (2009) [T729CJC2.J]
V0149O40Z608L_V22d2005 J2v149 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0150A30T825View of the large trench, k100 between J2 and J6. It had been partially backfilled and also was filled with dirt and garbage during the winter. [T825CJC.J]
V0150O12T719f130,f131 [T729CJC2.J]
V0150O15T719k100 [T729CJC2.J]
V0150O22T719N [T729CJC2.J]
V0150O25T719k100 showing accumulation of dirt and garbage over the winter prior to excavations in MZ22 (2009) [T729CJC2.J]
V0150O40Z608L_V22d2006 J2v150 T719 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0151A30T825View of the area in front of the apron (f131) before beginning excavation but after the area was cleaned any backfill removed. The sections with f338 and f341 have not yet been cut back. [T825CJC.J]
V0151O12T721f127,f130,f131,f338,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0151O15T721k54,k100 [T729CJC2.J]
V0151O22T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0151O25T721View showing the area in front of the apron after cleaning before beginning excavation [T729CJC2.J]
V0151O40Z608L_V22d2009 J2v151 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152O12T721f128,f129,f130,f131,f334,f337 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152O15T721k13,k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152O22T721NE [T729CJC2.J]
V0152O25T721Overall view showing J2 after cleaning before beginning excavation [T729CJC2.J]
V0152O40Z608L_V22d2010 J2v152 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152O40Z608L_V22d2011 J2v152b T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0152AO12T721f128,f129,f130,f131,f132,f334,f337 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152AO15T721k13,k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152AO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0152AO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0152AO25T721Closer overall view of J2 after cleaning [T729CJC2.J]
V0152AO40Z608L_V22d2010 J2v152 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152AO40Z608L_V22d2011 J2v152b T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0152AO40Z608L_V22d2013 J2v152c T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152BO12T721f127,f128,f129,f130,f131,f132 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152BO15T721k54,k100 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152BO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0152BO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0152BO25T721Closer view of just the apron and staircase after cleaning [T729CJC2.J]
V0152BO40Z608L_V22d2010 J2v152 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152BO40Z608L_V22d2011 J2v152b T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0152BO40Z608L_V22d2013 J2v152c T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152CO12T721f127,f128,f132,f334,f335,f336,f337,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152CO15T721k13,k14,k54 [T729CJC2.J]
V0152CO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0152CO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0152CO25T721Close-up of the area west of the staircase and apron, showing the area in front of the revetment wall (f128) before beginning work. The baulks (f337 and f341) and the wall (f334) have not yet been removed [T729CJC2.J]
V0152CO40Z608L_V22d2010 J2v152 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152CO40Z608L_V22d2011 J2v152b T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152CO40Z608L_V22d2012 J2v152a T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0152CO40Z608L_V22d2013 J2v152c T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0153O12T721f127,f334,f335,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0153O15T721k14 [T729CJC2.J]
V0153O22T721E [T729CJC2.J]
V0153O25T721Overhead view (tilted toward the East) showing the placement of the wall f334 in relation to the west wall of the apron (f127). Also visible is the accumulation f335 under the wall. [T729CJC2.J]
V0153O40Z608L_V22d2014 J2v153 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0153O40Z608L_V22d2015 J2v153a T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0153AO12T721f127,f128,f334,f335 [T729CJC2.J]
V0153AO15T721k14 [T729CJC2.J]
V0153AO21T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0153AO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0153AO25T721North view of wall f334 before removal. This view shows the relationship of f334 to the revetment wall f128. It encloses an area in front of the wall, acting as a barrier. [T729CJC2.J]
V0153AO40Z608L_V22d2014 J2v153 T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0153AO40Z608L_V22d2015 J2v153a T721 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154O12T721f127,f128,f129,f130,f131 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154O15T721k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k110 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154O22T721NE [T729CJC2.J]
V0154O25T721View of all of J2 with the loci strung after cleaning before beginning excavation. This view is after the removal of wall f334 and after all the baulks have been removed or cut back. Intended to show the irregularity of the loci and the small size of some of the loci. [T729CJC2.J]
V0154O40Z608L_V22d2016 J2v154 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154O40Z608L_V22d2017 J2v154a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154O40Z608L_V22d2018 J2v154b T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154O40Z608L_V22d2019 J2v154c T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154AO12T721f127,f130,f132,f339 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154AO15T721k4,k5,k14,k15,k110 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154AO21T721OV [T729CJC2.J]
V0154AO22T721E [T729CJC2.J]
V0154AO25T721Overhead view towards the east of the loci before beginning excavation. [T729CJC2.J]
V0154AO40Z608L_V22d2016 J2v154 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154AO40Z608L_V22d2017 J2v154a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154AO40Z608L_V22d2018 J2v154b T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154AO40Z608L_V22d2019 J2v154c T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154BO12T721f127,f128,f130,f132 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154BO15T721k4,k5,k100,k110 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154BO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0154BO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0154BO25T721View showing the loci in front of the apron and the staircase closer up. This view is taken after cleaning but before beginning excavation. [T729CJC2.J]
V0154BO40Z608L_V22d2016 J2v154 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154BO40Z608L_V22d2017 J2v154a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154BO40Z608L_V22d2018 J2v154b T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154BO40Z608L_V22d2019 J2v154c T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154CO12T721f127,f128,f335,f341,f345,f346 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154CO15T721k13,k14,k15 [T729CJC2.J]
V0154CO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0154CO22T721N [T729CJC2.J]
V0154CO25T721View of the area west of wall f127, loci k14 and k13 after removing the wall f334 and during removal of the west baulk f341. This view shows the western loci before beginning excavation but after cleaning. [T729CJC2.J]
V0154CO40Z608L_V22d2016 J2v154 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154CO40Z608L_V22d2017 J2v154a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154CO40Z608L_V22d2018 J2v154b T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0154CO40Z608L_V22d2019 J2v154c T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0155O12T721f127,f131,f338,f341 [T729CJC2.J]
V0155O15T721k4,k5,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T729CJC2.J]
V0155O22T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0155O25T721View of J2 with the loci strung. This view shows the layout of all the southern loci we intend to excavate this season. It also shows the sections to the west and south that have been cut back to reveal the brickfall f338 and f341. [T729CJC2.J]
V0155O40Z608L_V22d2020 J2v155 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0156O12T721f335,f339,f341,f345,f346 [T729CJC2.J]
V0156O15T721k14,k15 [T729CJC2.J]
V0156O22T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0156O25T721View showing the placement of several stones (f345) and the wall f346 within the brickfall. This view also shows how the brickfall comes down and covers the wall f346 and stops at the floor f339. Also remaining in this view is f335 which is the accumulation underneath the wall f334 which has been removed prior to this photograph. [T729CJC2.J]
V0156O40Z608L_V22d2021 J2v156 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0157O12T721f338,f339,f341,f345 [T729CJC2.J]
V0157O15T721k15 [T729CJC2.J]
V0157O22T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0157O25T721View to show the placement of six floating stones (f345) in the brickfall (f338, f341) before the stones were removed. [T729CJC2.J]
V0157O40Z608L_V22d2022 J2v157 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0157O40Z608L_V22d2023 J2v157a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0157AO12T721f339,f341,f345 [T729CJC2.J]
V0157AO15T721k15 [T729CJC2.J]
V0157AO21T721t [T729CJC2.J]
V0157AO22T721W [T729CJC2.J]
V0157AO25T721Closer view of floating stones f345 to illustrate their postion in the brickfall. Only components f345.4, f345.5 and f345.6 are visible in this subview. [T729CJC2.J]
V0157AO40Z608L_V22d2022 J2v157 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0157AO40Z608L_V22d2023 J2v157a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0158O12T721f131,f338,f339,f344,f357 [T826CJC3.J]
V0158O15T721k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0158O22T721S [T826CJC3.J]
V0158O25T721Showing f344 and the area of k110 after cutting back south section to remove brickfall [T826CJC3.J]
V0158O40Z608L_V22d2024 J2v158 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0158O40Z608L_V22d2025 J2v158a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0158AO12T721f344 [T826CJC3.J]
V0158AO15T721k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0158AO21T721t [T826CJC3.J]
V0158AO22T721S [T826CJC3.J]
V0158AO25T721Close-up of f344 [T826CJC3.J]
V0158AO40Z608L_V22d2024 J2v158 T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0158AO40Z608L_V22d2025 J2v158a T727 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159O12T725f353,f355,f357,f359,f378,f379,f381 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159O15T725k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159O22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0159O25T725West section k100 without string [T826CJC3.J]
V0159O40Z608L_V22d2026 J2v159 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159AO12T725f353,f355,f357,f359,f378,f379,f381 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159AO15T725k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159AO22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0159AO25T725West section k100 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0159AO40Z608L_V22d2053 J2v159a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159AO40Z608L_V22d2054 J2v159b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159AO40Z608L_V22d2055 J2v159c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159BO12T725f344,f347,f353,f355,f357,f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159BO15T725k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159BO21T725t [T826CJC3.J]
V0159BO22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0159BO25T725South half of west section k100 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0159BO40Z608L_V22d2053 J2v159a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159BO40Z608L_V22d2054 J2v159b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159BO40Z608L_V22d2055 J2v159c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159CO12T725f344,f347,f353,f355,f357,f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159CO15T725k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0159CO21T725t [T826CJC3.J]
V0159CO22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0159CO25T725North half of west section k100 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0159CO40Z608L_V22d2053 J2v159a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159CO40Z608L_V22d2054 J2v159b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0159CO40Z608L_V22d2055 J2v159c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0160A30T824This view shows the west section of k100 after it had been scraped at the beginning of MZ22. This section shows the accumulations coming up to the second staircase f130 at its very base. It was suggested in MZ22 that f359 is the floor associated with the construction of the staircase (f130) and the apron (f131) although it is also possible that the gray layer, 6th from the top, is the first floor. This is an open question for further excavation. This section was drawn and the section string is seen in the subview. The features that were excavated this season are labeled while the others were only identified in section and have not been assigned feature numbers. [T824CJC.J]
V0160O12T725f130,f357,f359,f378,f380 [T826CJC3.J]
V0160O15T725k100 [T826CJC3.J]
V0160O22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0160O25T725Small north portion of west section k100 without section string. This portion was drawn separately from the rest of the section and so was also photographed separately [T826CJC3.J]
V0160O40Z608L_V22d2027 J2v160 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0160O40Z608L_V22d2028 J2v160a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0160AA30T824View of west section k100 with the section string in place. Samples of this section were removed for future micromorphology tests. The features that were excavated this season are labeled while the others were only identified in section and have not been assigned feature numbers. [T824CJC.J]
V0160AO12T725f130,f357,f359,f378,f380 [T826CJC3.J]
V0160AO15T725k100 [T826CJC3.J]
V0160AO22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0160AO25T725Small north portion of west section k100 with section string [T826CJC3.J]
V0160AO40Z608L_V22d2027 J2v160 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0160AO40Z608L_V22d2028 J2v160a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161A30T826View of the collapsed portion of the wall f346. The internal soil of the wall is f351. Each stone has been assigned a separate component number. This view clearly shows the brickfall, f341, coming up to the wall in south but not covering it. It is notable that the collapsed stones of the wall (such as f346.18, f346.5, f346.6) are under the brickfall indicating that the wall had already collapsed by the time the brickfall came and covered it.This wall is probably a continuation of the wall f334/f288. [T826CJC.J]
V0161O12T725f335,f341,f346,f351 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161O15T725k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161O22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0161O25T725Showing large k15, k14 west section and the relationship of the brickfall (f341) to the wall f346 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161O40Z608L_V22d2029 J2v161 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161O40Z608L_V22d2030 J2v161a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161O40Z608L_V22d2031 J2v161b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161O40Z608L_V22d2032 J2v161c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161O40Z608L_V22d2033 J2v161d T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161AA30T826View of the collapsed portion of the wall f346 showing its position south of the revetment wall (f128). The collapsed stones have fallen away from the revetment wall. [T826CJC.J]
V0161AO12T725f128,f335,f346 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161AO15T725k13,k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161AO22T725N [T826CJC3.J]
V0161AO25T725View of wall f346 and its location south of the revetment wall f128 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161AO40Z608L_V22d2029 J2v161 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161AO40Z608L_V22d2030 J2v161a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161AO40Z608L_V22d2031 J2v161b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161AO40Z608L_V22d2032 J2v161c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161AO40Z608L_V22d2033 J2v161d T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161BA30T826View looking north at the collapse of the wall f346. [T826CJC.J]
V0161BO12T725f346 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161BO15T725k14 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161BO21T725t [T826CJC3.J]
V0161BO22T725N [T826CJC3.J]
V0161BO25T725Close-up of the wall f346 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161BO40Z608L_V22d2029 J2v161 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161BO40Z608L_V22d2030 J2v161a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161BO40Z608L_V22d2031 J2v161b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161BO40Z608L_V22d2032 J2v161c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161BO40Z608L_V22d2033 J2v161d T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161CA30T826View of f351 the internal soil of wall f346. [T826CJC.J]
V0161CO12T725f335,f346,f351 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161CO15T725k14 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161CO21T725t [T826CJC3.J]
V0161CO22T725W [T826CJC3.J]
V0161CO25T725Close-up of f335 under the wall f346 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161CO40Z608L_V22d2029 J2v161 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161CO40Z608L_V22d2030 J2v161a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161CO40Z608L_V22d2031 J2v161b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161CO40Z608L_V22d2032 J2v161c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161CO40Z608L_V22d2033 J2v161d T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161DO12T725f335,f341,f346,f351 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161DO15T725k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0161DO21T725t [T826CJC3.J]
V0161DO22T725S [T826CJC3.J]
V0161DO25T725Looking south at wall f346 and the brickfall f341 to the south. [T826CJC3.J]
V0161DO40Z608L_V22d2029 J2v161 T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161DO40Z608L_V22d2030 J2v161a T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161DO40Z608L_V22d2031 J2v161b T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161DO40Z608L_V22d2032 J2v161c T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0161DO40Z608L_V22d2033 J2v161d T728 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162A30T826View of floor f355 with sherds laying flat on it. This view shows the location of f355 under several level accumulations (f350, f353, f347, f344). This area was in constant use with the buildup of several floors after the use of f355. [T826CJC.J]
V0162O12T730f344,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162O15T730k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162O22T730S [T826CJC3.J]
V0162O25T730View showing floor f355 in the south portion of k110. [T826CJC3.J]
V0162O40Z608L_V22d2034 J2v162 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162O40Z608L_V22d2035 J2v162a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162O40Z608L_V22d2036 J2v162b T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162O40Z608L_V22d2037 J2v162c T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162AO12T730f355,f357 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162AO15T730k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162AO21T730w [T826CJC3.J]
V0162AO22T730E [T826CJC3.J]
V0162AO25T730Showing relation of floor f355 across the trench k100 to J6 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162AO40Z608L_V22d2034 J2v162 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162AO40Z608L_V22d2035 J2v162a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162AO40Z608L_V22d2036 J2v162b T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162AO40Z608L_V22d2037 J2v162c T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162BO12T730f355 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162BO15T730k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162BO21T730ov [T826CJC3.J]
V0162BO22T730W [T826CJC3.J]
V0162BO25T730Overhead showing close-up of pebbles and sherds that compose the surface of f355 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162BO40Z608L_V22d2034 J2v162 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162BO40Z608L_V22d2035 J2v162a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162BO40Z608L_V22d2036 J2v162b T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162BO40Z608L_V22d2037 J2v162c T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162CO12T730f355,f357 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162CO15T730k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0162CO21T730w [T826CJC3.J]
V0162CO22T730E [T826CJC3.J]
V0162CO25T730Showing floor f355 and J6 floors [T826CJC3.J]
V0162CO40Z608L_V22d2034 J2v162 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162CO40Z608L_V22d2035 J2v162a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162CO40Z608L_V22d2036 J2v162b T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0162CO40Z608L_V22d2037 J2v162c T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0163O12T730f356 [T826CJC3.J]
V0163O15T730k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0163O22T730N [T826CJC3.J]
V0163O25T730Showing brickfall in north section of J7k5 that was drawn and excavated as part of J2 this year. This is the main view of the section without the section string in place [T826CJC3.J]
V0163O40Z608L_V22d2038 J2v163 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0163O40Z608L_V22d2039 J2v163a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0163AO12T730f356 [T826CJC3.J]
V0163AO15T730k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0163AO22T730N [T826CJC3.J]
V0163AO25T730North section J7k5 with section string in place [T826CJC3.J]
V0163AO40Z608L_V22d2038 J2v163 T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0163AO40Z608L_V22d2039 J2v163a T730 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164A30T826View showing extent of the lens of pebbles, f358 sitting in f357. f358 is contained to the southern section of k110. The even layers above f358 are visible in the south section. [T826CJC.J]
V0164O12T801f131,f357,f358 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164O15T801k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164O22T801S [T826CJC3.J]
V0164O25T801View of removal of f357 with f358 in the south portion of k110, with the south section visible. [T826CJC3.J]
V0164O40Z608L_V22d2040 J2v164 T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164O40Z608L_V22d2041 J2v164a T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164O40Z608L_V22d2042 J2v164b T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164AA30T826View of pebbles and sherds in f358. They are not all lying flat and appear to be somewhat disturbed, especially in the southeast corner. It is possible that this lens was created by water. [T826CJC.J]
V0164AO12T801f357,f358 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164AO15T801k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164AO21T801t [T826CJC3.J]
V0164AO22T801S [T826CJC3.J]
V0164AO25T801Close-up of f358 showing sherds and pebbles in place. [T826CJC3.J]
V0164AO40Z608L_V22d2040 J2v164 T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164AO40Z608L_V22d2041 J2v164a T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164AO40Z608L_V22d2042 J2v164b T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164BA30T826View to the northeast showing f358's location in the south of k110 and its location relative to the apron (f131). [T826CJC.J]
V0164BO12T801f131,f357,f358 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164BO15T801k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164BO21T801w [T826CJC3.J]
V0164BO22T801NW [T826CJC3.J]
V0164BO25T801View showing location of f358 in relation to the apron f131 [T826CJC3.J]
V0164BO40Z608L_V22d2040 J2v164 T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164BO40Z608L_V22d2041 J2v164a T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0164BO40Z608L_V22d2042 J2v164b T801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0165A30T824This view was taken of the west section of the large trench that was excavated by the German team. This section borders the eastern edge of J7k6 and in MZ22 is part of J2k111. It was drawn but none of the features were excavated except the top 20cm of brickfall (f356). The lines are projected features based on visible layers in the section. This section was drawn as part of J2. The subview is the same section with the section string in place. [T824CJC.J]
V0165O12T802f356 [T826CJC3.J]
V0165O15T802k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0165O22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0165O25T802Section of large trench (south of k100) bordering J7k5 and J7k6 and in the east and J2k100 in the west without the section string in place [T826CJC3.J]
V0165O40Z608L_V22d2043 J2v165 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0165O40Z608L_V22d2044 J2v165a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0165AA30T824This view was taken of the west section of the large trench that was excavated by the German team. This section borders the eastern edge of J7k6 and in MZ22 is part of J2k111. It was drawn but none of the features were excavated except the top 20cm of brickfall (f356). The lines are projected features based on visible layers in the section. This section was drawn as part of J2. This view has the section string in place from when it was drawn. [T824CJC.J]
V0165AO12T802f356 [T826CJC3.J]
V0165AO15T802k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0165AO22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0165AO25T802Section of large trench, west of k100 with the section string in place [T826CJC3.J]
V0165AO40Z608L_V22d2043 J2v165 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0165AO40Z608L_V22d2044 J2v165a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166A30T826View of the salmon-colored floor, f359, after it had been exposed in all of k110. It appears to cover the entire locus. The small baulk by the stairs is the area where we intend to remove micromorphology samples from. [T826CJC.J]
V0166O12T802f130,f131,f357,f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166O15T802k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166O22T802N [T826CJC3.J]
V0166O25T802Showing salmon-colored floor f359 and relation to apron f131 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166O40Z608L_V22d2045 J2v166 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166O40Z608L_V22d2046 J2v166a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166O40Z608L_V22d2047 J2v166b T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166O40Z608L_V22d2048 J2v166c T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166AA30T826View west showing f359 after it has been exposed in all of k110. In the background the unexcavated loci, k4, k5 and k15 can be seen. [T826CJC.J]
V0166AO12T802f130,f131,f359,f380 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166AO15T802k4,k5,k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166AO22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0166AO25T802Showing salmon-colored floor f359 and relation to apron f131 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166AO40Z608L_V22d2045 J2v166 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166AO40Z608L_V22d2046 J2v166a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166AO40Z608L_V22d2047 J2v166b T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166AO40Z608L_V22d2048 J2v166c T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166BA30T826View south of f359 covering all of k110. In the south section the level layers (f358, f357, f355, f353, f350, f347 and f344) can all be seen indicating that this area was continually in use after the construction of the salmon-colored floor. [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T802f131,f357,f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166BO12T826f344 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f347 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f350 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f353 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f355 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f357 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO12T826f358 [T826CJC.J]
V0166BO15T802k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166BO22T802S [T826CJC3.J]
V0166BO25T802Showing salmon-colored floor f359 and relation to apron f131 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166BO40Z608L_V22d2045 J2v166 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166BO40Z608L_V22d2046 J2v166a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166BO40Z608L_V22d2047 J2v166b T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166BO40Z608L_V22d2048 J2v166c T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166CA30T826View of layer sloping up to the base of the apron (f131). When this photograph was taken we initially assumed this to be the same as f359 but after further investigation it is probably f378 instead of f359. There are some reddish portions close to the base of the apron and so we can still infer that f359 originally extended across all of k110 and right up to the base of f131. [T826CJC.J]
V0166CO12T802f131,f359,f378 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166CO15T802k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166CO21T802t [T826CJC3.J]
V0166CO25T802Showing close-up of f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0166CO40Z608L_V22d2045 J2v166 T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166CO40Z608L_V22d2046 J2v166a T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166CO40Z608L_V22d2047 J2v166b T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0166CO40Z608L_V22d2048 J2v166c T802 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167A30T826View of west section k110. The raised small stub in the south is what remained after the cement stairs were removed. In the south corner the correlation of f357 with f363, f364 and f365 is visible. In k110 we only identified one feature with many natural accumulations but in section we were able to more clearly identify different natural accumulations which we then excavated as f363, f364, and f365. [T826CJC.J]
V0167O12T802f131,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f362,f363,f364,f365 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167O15T802k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167O22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0167O25T802West section of k110 after drawing before removing the features across the baulk into k5 without section string in place. [T826CJC3.J]
V0167O40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167O40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167O40Z608L_V22d2057 J2v167a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167O40Z608L_V22d2058 J2v167b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167O40Z608L_V22d2059 J2v167c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167AA30T826View of west section k110 with the section string in place. [T826CJC.J]
V0167AO12T802f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f362,f363,f364,f365 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167AO15T802k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167AO22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0167AO25T802West section of k110 after drawing before removing the features across the baulk into k5 with section string in place. [T826CJC3.J]
V0167AO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167AO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167AO40Z608L_V22d2057 J2v167a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167AO40Z608L_V22d2058 J2v167b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167AO40Z608L_V22d2059 J2v167c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167BO12T802f131,f364,f365 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167BO15T802k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167BO21T802t [T826CJC3.J]
V0167BO22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0167BO25T802South portion of the west section of k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167BO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167BO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167BO40Z608L_V22d2057 J2v167a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167BO40Z608L_V22d2058 J2v167b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167BO40Z608L_V22d2059 J2v167c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167CO12T802f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f362,f363,f364,f365 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167CO15T802k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167CO21T802t [T826CJC3.J]
V0167CO22T802W [T826CJC3.J]
V0167CO25T802North portion of the west section of k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0167CO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167CO40Z608L_V22d2056 J2v167 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167CO40Z608L_V22d2057 J2v167a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167CO40Z608L_V22d2058 J2v167b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0167CO40Z608L_V22d2059 J2v167c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168A30T826This view shows the location of the patch of sherds and pebbles, f362 in relation to the brickfall (f338) and the erosion cut (f366) in the south section. It appears that the erosion has removed the western portion of f362 as it does not extend to the west. [T826CJC.J]
V0168O40Z608L_V22d2049 J2v168 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168O40Z608L_V22d2050 J2v168a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168O40Z608L_V22d2051 J2v168b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168O40Z608L_V22d2052 J2v168c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168AA30T826View of f362, the patch of sherds and pebbles, showing its location in relation to the apron f131. f362 does not extend northwards towards the apron but instead is contained to the southern portion of k5. [T826CJC.J]
V0168AO40Z608L_V22d2049 J2v168 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168AO40Z608L_V22d2050 J2v168a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168AO40Z608L_V22d2051 J2v168b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168AO40Z608L_V22d2052 J2v168c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168BA30T826View of pebbles and sherds of f362 looking west showing how far west it extends before being cut by f366. [T826CJC.J]
V0168BO40Z608L_V22d2049 J2v168 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168BO40Z608L_V22d2050 J2v168a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168BO40Z608L_V22d2051 J2v168b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168BO40Z608L_V22d2052 J2v168c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168CA30T826Close-up overhead view of f362 showing the emplacement of the sherds and pebbles. [T826CJC.J]
V0168CO40Z608L_V22d2049 J2v168 T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168CO40Z608L_V22d2050 J2v168a T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168CO40Z608L_V22d2051 J2v168b T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0168CO40Z608L_V22d2052 J2v168c T803 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0169A30T826View of the naturally accumulated floors of f364 and f365 in k4 and k5. Both floors were composed of very flaky layers, often different to separate. This view shows the many levels of accumulation in front of the apron (f131). [T826CJC.J]
V0169O12T806f131,f364,f365 [T826CJC3.J]
V0169O15T806k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0169O22T806NW [T826CJC3.J]
V0169O25T806Showing exposure of floors f365 and f364 and their location in front of apron (f131). [T826CJC3.J]
V0169O40Z608L_V22d2060 J2v169 T806 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0169O40Z608L_V22d2061 J2v169a T806 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0169AA30T826View looking south showing naturally accumulated floors (f365 and f634) in relation to the erosion cut (f366) and the brickfall (f338). [T826CJC.J]
V0169AO12T806f338,f364,f365,f366 [T826CJC3.J]
V0169AO15T806k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0169AO21T806t [T826CJC3.J]
V0169AO22T806S [T826CJC3.J]
V0169AO25T806Showing floor f365 and relation to brickfall in south section (f338) [T826CJC3.J]
V0169AO40Z608L_V22d2060 J2v169 T806 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0169AO40Z608L_V22d2061 J2v169a T806 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170A30T826View of the north section of k5 immediately in front of the apron (f131). This view is only of the eastern half of the section. The west half of the section is seen in subview 170a, but the features are the same. Only one feature, f365 is visible in this section. We left this small portion when we excavated k5 so we could draw the north section immediately in front of the apron (f131) but we removed the baulk after removing all of f365 in k5. We never continued this practice of leaving the north baulk because we only removed f365 in k4 before stopping in these two loci (k4 and k5). This section was drawn. This view is without the section string. [T826CJC.J]
V0170O12T808f131,f365,f368 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170O15T808k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170O22T808N [T826CJC3.J]
V0170O25T808View of north section k5 with f365 after drawing section, without string [T826CJC3.J]
V0170O40Z608L_V22d2062 J2v170 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170O40Z608L_V22d2063 J2v170a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170O40Z608L_V22d2064 J2v170b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170O40Z608L_V22d2065 J2v170c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170AA30T826View of west half of k5 north section. This view is the western half of the main view. This section was too large to really see in a wide view so there are subviews of each half of the section. This view is without the section string in place. [T826CJC.J]
V0170AO12T808f131,f365,f368 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170AO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170AO21T808t [T826CJC3.J]
V0170AO22T808N [T826CJC3.J]
V0170AO25T808Other half of north section k5 with f365 without string [T826CJC3.J]
V0170AO40Z608L_V22d2062 J2v170 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170AO40Z608L_V22d2063 J2v170a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170AO40Z608L_V22d2064 J2v170b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170AO40Z608L_V22d2065 J2v170c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170BA30T826View of east half of k5 north section with the section string in place. This section was too large to really see in a wide view so there are subviews of each half of the section. [T826CJC.J]
V0170BO12T808f131,f365,f368 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170BO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170BO21T808t [T826CJC3.J]
V0170BO22T808N [T826CJC3.J]
V0170BO25T808View of north section k5 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0170BO40Z608L_V22d2062 J2v170 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170BO40Z608L_V22d2063 J2v170a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170BO40Z608L_V22d2064 J2v170b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170BO40Z608L_V22d2065 J2v170c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170CA30T826View of west half of k5 north section with the section string in place. This section was too large to really see in a wide view so there are subviews of each half of the section. [T826CJC.J]
V0170CO12T808f127,f131,f365,f368 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170CO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0170CO21T808t [T826CJC3.J]
V0170CO22T808N [T826CJC3.J]
V0170CO25T808View of north section k5 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0170CO40Z608L_V22d2062 J2v170 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170CO40Z608L_V22d2063 J2v170a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170CO40Z608L_V22d2064 J2v170b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0170CO40Z608L_V22d2065 J2v170c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0171A30T826View of the west section of k5. f375 was at first only identified in section as a thin yellow white line. It was later exposed fully in k15. It is inside of the naturally accumulated floors of f364 and f365. This is the view of the section after it was drawn without the section string. [T826CJC.J]
V0171O12T808f364,f365,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0171O15T808k5,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0171O22T808W [T826CJC3.J]
V0171O25T808View of west section k5 without string [T826CJC3.J]
V0171O40Z608L_V22d2066 J2v171 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0171O40Z608L_V22d2067 J2v171a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0171AA30T826View of the west section of k5. f375 was at first only identified in section as a thin yellow white line. It was later exposed fully in k15. It is inside of the naturally accumulated floors of f364 and f365. This is the view of the section after it was drawn with the section string still in place. [T826CJC.J]
V0171AO12T808f364,f365,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0171AO15T808k5,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0171AO22T808W [T826CJC3.J]
V0171AO25T808View of west section k5 with string [T826CJC3.J]
V0171AO40Z608L_V22d2066 J2v171 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0171AO40Z608L_V22d2067 J2v171a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172A30T826View of cut of erosion f376 and its fill f367 when they were first exposed. In this view the northern edge of f359 can be seen. The fill, f367, can be seen overlaying both f368, f369 and f359. [T826CJC.J]
V0172O12T808f131,f359,f367,f368,f369,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172O15T808k4,k5,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172O22T808E [T826CJC3.J]
V0172O25T808View of erosion [T826CJC3.J]
V0172O40Z608L_V22d2068 J2v172 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172O40Z608L_V22d2069 J2v172a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172O40Z608L_V22d2070 J2v172b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172O40Z608L_V22d2071 J2v172c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172AA30T826Close-up view of f368 lapping up to the bottom visible step of the apron (f131) and the fill of the erosion f367 overlaying that. Also visible are some small patches of plaster, f370. [T826CJC.J]
V0172AO12T808f131,f359,f367,f368,f369,f370,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172AO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172AO21T808t [T826CJC3.J]
V0172AO22T808N [T826CJC3.J]
V0172AO25T808Closer view showing eroded features and fill of erosion f367 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172AO40Z608L_V22d2068 J2v172 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172AO40Z608L_V22d2069 J2v172a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172AO40Z608L_V22d2070 J2v172b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172AO40Z608L_V22d2071 J2v172c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172BA30T826West view of the eroded features clearly showing f367 overlaying f369, f368 and f369. Some small spots of f370 are also visible. [T826CJC.J]
V0172BO12T808f131,f359,f368,f369,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172BO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172BO21T808t [T826CJC3.J]
V0172BO22T808E [T826CJC3.J]
V0172BO25T808East view erosion [T826CJC3.J]
V0172BO40Z608L_V22d2068 J2v172 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172BO40Z608L_V22d2069 J2v172a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172BO40Z608L_V22d2070 J2v172b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172BO40Z608L_V22d2071 J2v172c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172CA30T826Overhead view of erosion channel (f376) and the fill f367 in front of the apron (f131). The fill, f367, can be seen overlaying f368, f369 and f359. [T826CJC.J]
V0172CO12T808f131,f359,f367,f368,f369,f369,f370,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172CO15T808k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0172CO21T808ov [T826CJC3.J]
V0172CO22T808E [T826CJC3.J]
V0172CO25T808Overhead shwoing whide shot of erosion f376 and fill f367 in front of apron [T826CJC3.J]
V0172CO40Z608L_V22d2068 J2v172 T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172CO40Z608L_V22d2069 J2v172a T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172CO40Z608L_V22d2070 J2v172b T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0172CO40Z608L_V22d2071 J2v172c T808 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173A30T822View of the erosion (cut f376) and its fill f367. Also this view shows the location of the small patches of plaster, f370. This view clearly illustrates the erosion and subsequent fill in front of the apron (f131) with the erosion of f359 and the fill of the erosion (f376) by f367. [T822CJC.J]
V0173O12T809f131,f359,f368,f369,f370,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173O15T809k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173O22T809N [T826CJC3.J]
V0173O25T809Showing plaster floor (f370) and apron (f131) [T826CJC3.J]
V0173O40Z608L_V22d2072 J2v173 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173O40Z608L_V22d2073 J2v173a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173O40Z608L_V22d2074 J2v173b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173O40Z608L_V22d2075 J2v173c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173O40Z608L_V22d2076 J2v173d T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173AA30T826Close-up view showing the area where the plaster patches (f370) were found. [T826CJC.J]
V0173AO12T809f131,f359,f367,f368,f369,f370 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173AO15T809k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173AO21T809t [T826CJC3.J]
V0173AO22T809OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0173AO25T809Looking east with section showing plaster (f370) and eroded layers [T826CJC3.J]
V0173AO40Z608L_V22d2072 J2v173 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173AO40Z608L_V22d2073 J2v173a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173AO40Z608L_V22d2074 J2v173b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173AO40Z608L_V22d2075 J2v173c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173AO40Z608L_V22d2076 J2v173d T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173BA30T826Overhead close-up view showing the location of small patch of plaster f370. There were three patches and in this view the small arrow indicates the middle patch. f370 appears to be sitting on top of the erosion fill f367 although due to the erosion many of the features in this area are complicated and difficult to separate. [T826CJC.J]
V0173BO12T809f367,f368,f369,f370,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173BO15T809k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173BO21T809t [T826CJC3.J]
V0173BO22T809OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0173BO25T809Showing extent of remaining plaster floor (f370) with small arrow pointing at one section [T826CJC3.J]
V0173BO40Z608L_V22d2072 J2v173 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173BO40Z608L_V22d2073 J2v173a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173BO40Z608L_V22d2074 J2v173b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173BO40Z608L_V22d2075 J2v173c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173BO40Z608L_V22d2076 J2v173d T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173CA30T826Overhead close-up view showing the location of small patch of plaster f370. There were three patches and in this view the small arrow indicates the northwest patch. This portion of the plaster appears to be sitting on top of f368. [T826CJC.J]
V0173CO12T809f367,f368,f369,f370,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173CO15T809k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173CO21T809t [T826CJC3.J]
V0173CO22T809OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0173CO25T809Showing extent of remaining plaster floor (f370) with small arrow pointing at one section [T826CJC3.J]
V0173CO40Z608L_V22d2072 J2v173 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173CO40Z608L_V22d2073 J2v173a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173CO40Z608L_V22d2074 J2v173b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173CO40Z608L_V22d2075 J2v173c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173CO40Z608L_V22d2076 J2v173d T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173DA30T826Zoom view of plaster to show its fragmentary nature and the small size of each patch. [T826CJC.J]
V0173DO12T809f367,f368,f370 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173DO15T809k4 [T826CJC3.J]
V0173DO21T809t [T826CJC3.J]
V0173DO22T809OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0173DO25T809Close-up showing detail of remaining portion of plaster floor [T826CJC3.J]
V0173DO40Z608L_V22d2072 J2v173 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173DO40Z608L_V22d2073 J2v173a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173DO40Z608L_V22d2074 J2v173b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173DO40Z608L_V22d2075 J2v173c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0173DO40Z608L_V22d2076 J2v173d T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174A30T826Overhead view of f339 with before the laminations of f371 are removed. This very hard feature overlays several other features including f374 and f372. [T826CJC.J]
V0174O40Z608L_V22d2077 J2v174 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174O40Z608L_V22d2078 J2v174a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174O40Z608L_V22d2079 J2v174b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174O40Z608L_V22d2080 J2v174c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174AA30T826View south of f339, the hard erosion surface, showing its relationship to the brickfall f338. The brickfall rests directly on top of f339 suggesting that f339 was the last surface before the brickfall and was a result of the erosion (f366). [T826CJC.J]
V0174AO40Z608L_V22d2077 J2v174 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174AO40Z608L_V22d2078 J2v174a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174AO40Z608L_V22d2079 J2v174b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174AO40Z608L_V22d2080 J2v174c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174BA30T826View of hard layer f339 showing its location relative to the revetment wall f128. Originally it was thought that f339 might be the a glacis, as was suggested for f319 in the previous excavations but now we assume it was a result of the erosion we see in the south section in front of the apron (f366). [T826CJC.J]
V0174BO40Z608L_V22d2077 J2v174 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174BO40Z608L_V22d2078 J2v174a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174BO40Z608L_V22d2079 J2v174b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174BO40Z608L_V22d2080 J2v174c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174CA30T826Overhead view of f339 showing the laminations of f371 on its surface in the northern part of f339. The flakes came off very easily and may have originally been part of f339 that was damaged by water creating the laminations we have called f371. [T826CJC.J]
V0174CO40Z608L_V22d2077 J2v174 T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174CO40Z608L_V22d2078 J2v174a T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174CO40Z608L_V22d2079 J2v174b T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0174CO40Z608L_V22d2080 J2v174c T809 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0175A30T826Overhead view of eroded features in k15. The features are lowest in the northern portion, with f374 overlaid by f348 which is overlaid by f373. The red color of f348 and the pink color of f373 are well represented in this photo. The small brick and pebble portion, f372 is shown in the upper right corner. These features were probably cut by ancient erosion and all of them were originally overlaid by f339, the hard erosion surface. [T826CJC.J]
V0175O12T811f348,f365,f372,f373,f374,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0175O15T811k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0175O21T811t [T826CJC3.J]
V0175O22T811OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0175O25T811Overhead showing eroded floors [T826CJC3.J]
V0175O40Z608L_V22d2081 J2v175 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0175O40Z608L_V22d2082 J2v175a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0175AA30T826View looking south of eroded features, f348, 374 and f373 and their relationship to the brickfall, f338 and f341. The brickfall rests almost immediately on top of the eroded features suggesting there was not much time between the moment of erosion and the brickfall. [T826CJC.J]
V0175AO12T811f338,f348,f365,f373,f374,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0175AO15T811k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0175AO21T811w [T826CJC3.J]
V0175AO22T811S [T826CJC3.J]
V0175AO25T811Showing eroded layers under brickfall f338 [T826CJC3.J]
V0175AO40Z608L_V22d2081 J2v175 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0175AO40Z608L_V22d2082 J2v175a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176A30T826View showing extent of plaster-inclusion floor f375. This feature was first identified in the west section of k5 and then exposed in k15. It does not extend across the whole area, in the south it simply fades out while to the west it is probably damaged by the same erosion that damaged the other features. [T826CJC.J]
V0176O12T811f338,f345,f348,f365,f372,f373,f374,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176O15T811k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176O22T811W [T826CJC3.J]
V0176O25T811Looking west, showing location of plaster-inclusion floor (f375) [T826CJC3.J]
V0176O40Z608L_V22d2083 J2v176 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176O40Z608L_V22d2084 J2v176a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176O40Z608L_V22d2085 J2v176b T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176O40Z608L_V22d2086 J2v176c T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176AO12T811f127,f131,f365,f372,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176AO15T811k5,k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176AO21T811ov [T826CJC3.J]
V0176AO22T811N [T826CJC3.J]
V0176AO25T811Overhead from high baulk showing extent of plaster floor [T826CJC3.J]
V0176AO40Z608L_V22d2083 J2v176 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176AO40Z608L_V22d2084 J2v176a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176AO40Z608L_V22d2085 J2v176b T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176AO40Z608L_V22d2086 J2v176c T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176BO12T811f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176BO15T811k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176BO21T811t [T826CJC3.J]
V0176BO22T811OV [T826CJC3.J]
V0176BO25T811Close-up of plaster floor inclusions [T826CJC3.J]
V0176BO40Z608L_V22d2083 J2v176 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176BO40Z608L_V22d2084 J2v176a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176BO40Z608L_V22d2085 J2v176b T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176BO40Z608L_V22d2086 J2v176c T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176CA30T826View looking south showing the plaster floor f375 showing that it does not extend all the way south to the baulk. [T826CJC.J]
V0176CO12T811f338,f338,f345,f348,f365,f372,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176CO15T811k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0176CO21T811w [T826CJC3.J]
V0176CO22T811S [T826CJC3.J]
V0176CO25T811Showing relation of f375 to south section and brickfall [T826CJC3.J]
V0176CO40Z608L_V22d2083 J2v176 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176CO40Z608L_V22d2084 J2v176a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176CO40Z608L_V22d2085 J2v176b T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0176CO40Z608L_V22d2086 J2v176c T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0177A30T826View of plaster floor f375 after it has been completely exposed. v176 was thought to be the full extent but when excavating we found that it extended slightly further south so we re-photographed it. [T826CJC.J]
V0177O12T811f127,f131,f354,f365,f372,f374,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0177O15T811k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0177O22T811N [T826CJC3.J]
V0177O25T811Showing full extent of f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0177O40Z608L_V22d2087 J2v177 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0177O40Z608L_V22d2088 J2v177a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0177AA30T826View west of full extent of plaster floor f375. v176 was thought to be the full extent but when excavating we found that it extended slightly further south so we re-photographed it. [T826CJC.J]
V0177AO12T811f348,f365,f373,f374,f375 [T826CJC3.J]
V0177AO15T811k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0177AO21T811w [T826CJC3.J]
V0177AO22T811W [T826CJC3.J]
V0177AO25T811Showing plaster floor (f375) at its full extent with eroded features [T826CJC3.J]
V0177AO40Z608L_V22d2087 J2v177 T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0177AO40Z608L_V22d2088 J2v177a T811 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178A30T826View of the erosion channel f376 as it extends from k5 into k15. It is filled with f367 in which you can see several pebbles and larger sherds. This view, with the south section clearly shows that there were at least two moments of erosion, that which created f376 and its fill f367 and the cut of f366 seen in the south section which comes down and cuts through several features that overlay f367. [T826CJC.J]
V0178O12T811f127,f131,f338,f345,f359,f365,f366,f367,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178O15T811k4,k5,k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178O22T811S [T826CJC3.J]
V0178O25T811Looking south with eroded layers, erosion channel (f376) and its location under the brickfall (f338) [T826CJC3.J]
V0178O40Z608L_V22d2089 J2v178b T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178O40Z608L_V22d2090 J2v178 T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178O40Z608L_V22d2091 J2v178a T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178AA30T826View of the erosion channel f376 as it extends from k5 into k15. It is filled with f367 in which you can see several pebbles and larger sherds. This view shows the location of the channel in relation to the wall f127 and the apron f131. [T826CJC.J]
V0178AO12T811f131,f338,f348,f359,f367,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178AO15T811k4,k5,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178AO21T811ov [T826CJC3.J]
V0178AO22T811N [T826CJC3.J]
V0178AO25T811Showing erosion f376 in front of the apron (f131) [T826CJC3.J]
V0178AO40Z608L_V22d2089 J2v178b T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178AO40Z608L_V22d2090 J2v178 T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178AO40Z608L_V22d2091 J2v178a T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178BA30T826View of erosion channel looking west from k5 into k15 showing that the channel extends from k5 into k15 towards the southwest. Also visible in the background are the eroded features f373, f348 and f372. [T826CJC.J]
V0178BO12T811f338,f348,f348,f359,f365,f367,f372,f374,f376 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178BO15T811k4,k5,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0178BO22T811W [T826CJC3.J]
V0178BO25T811Looking west showing erosion channel with eroded features [T826CJC3.J]
V0178BO40Z608L_V22d2089 J2v178b T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178BO40Z608L_V22d2090 J2v178 T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0178BO40Z608L_V22d2091 J2v178a T812 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179A30T826Overall view of J2 after f359 had been fully exposed. Multiple views of the full exposure of f359 were taken as it was supposed that f359 may represent the first floor associated with the construction of the apron (f131), however, f359 was cut by erosion (f376) and also it is likely that the gray floor f369, f374, f378 is the first floor. In this view the cut of f359 is clearly visible showing how it does not extend all the way south to the bottom of the apron (f131). Also clearly visible in this view is the dramatic cut in the south section that has removed many features and is covered by the brickfall. [T826CJC.J]
V0179O12T812f127,f131,f338,f348,f359,f366,f369 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179O15T812k4,k5,k110,k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179O22T812S [T826CJC3.J]
V0179O25T812Overall view of f359 with its full exposure in front of the apron f131 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179O40Z608L_V22d2092 J2v179a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179O40Z608L_V22d2093 J2v179 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179O40Z608L_V22d2094 J2v179b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179AA30T826View south of k110, k4 and k5 showing the full exposure of the salmon-colored floor f359. [T826CJC.J]
V0179AO12T812f131,f338,f359,f366,f369 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179AO15T812k4,k5,k110,k111 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179AO21T812t [T826CJC3.J]
V0179AO22T812S [T826CJC3.J]
V0179AO25T812k110, k5 looking south showing exposure of f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179AO40Z608L_V22d2092 J2v179a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179AO40Z608L_V22d2093 J2v179 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179AO40Z608L_V22d2094 J2v179b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179BA30T826View south of k14, k15 after the full exposure of f359. In this view it can be seen that f359 does not turn the corner around from in front of the apron (f131) and extend north towards the revetment wall (f128). It is not clear if it originally did and was damaged by erosion or if f359 never extended this far. [T826CJC.J]
V0179BO12T812f127,f319,f338,f346,f348,f359,f373,f374 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179BO15T812k4,k5,k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0179BO21T812t [T826CJC3.J]
V0179BO22T812S [T826CJC3.J]
V0179BO25T812k15, k14 looking south showing f359 fully exposed [T826CJC3.J]
V0179BO40Z608L_V22d2092 J2v179a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179BO40Z608L_V22d2093 J2v179 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0179BO40Z608L_V22d2094 J2v179b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0180A30T826View of the full exposure of f359 in k110 looking south. [T826CJC.J]
V0180O12T812f131,f357,f359 [T826CJC3.J]
V0180O15T812k4,k5,k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0180O22T812S [T826CJC3.J]
V0180O25T812k110 showing f359 with section [T826CJC3.J]
V0180O40Z608L_V22d2095 J2v180 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0180O40Z608L_V22d2096 J2v180a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0180AA30T826View of full exposure of f359 in k110 showing how it extends out from the apron across the whole locus. Although the trench of k100 cuts f359 to the east it probably extended across in front of the stairs covering the lower staircase (f380) and reaching the middle of the last step of the second staircase f130. [T826CJC.J]
V0180AO12T812f130,f131,f357,f359,f380 [T826CJC3.J]
V0180AO15T812k100,k110 [T826CJC3.J]
V0180AO22T812N [T826CJC3.J]
V0180AO25T812k110 showing f359 with apron [T826CJC3.J]
V0180AO40Z608L_V22d2095 J2v180 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0180AO40Z608L_V22d2096 J2v180a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181A30T826View of the salmon-colored floor f359 in front of the apron (f131) in k4 and k5. f359 does not extend all the way north to the base of the apron as it is cut by the erosion and instead f369, the layer under f359 is visible in the northern part of k5 and in k4. A small red patch, possibly f359 is preserved immediately in front of the apron. This patch may be f359 or it may be part of the same feature that forms f379 and f348 which are both also red in color. It is labeled as f359 in this photograph as we suggest that f359 probably did extend all the way up to the base of the apron before the erosion as indicated by this small red piece. [T826CJC.J]
V0181O12T812f131,f338,f359,f366,f369 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181O15T812k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181O22T812S [T826CJC3.J]
V0181O25T812k5 looking south showing f359 with section and erosion cut f366 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181O40Z608L_V22d2097 J2v181 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181O40Z608L_V22d2098 J2v181a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181O40Z608L_V22d2099 J2v181b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181AA30T826View north of the eastern portion of k4 and k5 bordering k110 showing the exposure of f359 and how it does not extend up to the base of the apron (f131). [T826CJC.J]
V0181AO12T812f131,f359,f369,f378 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181AO15T812k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181AO22T812N [T826CJC3.J]
V0181AO25T812k5 east portion showing f359 with apron (f131) [T826CJC3.J]
V0181AO40Z608L_V22d2097 J2v181 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181AO40Z608L_V22d2098 J2v181a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181AO40Z608L_V22d2099 J2v181b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181BA30T826View of the western portion of k4 and k5 showing the small portions of what appear to be f359 that remain touching the apron (f131). [T826CJC.J]
V0181BO12T812f131,f359,f365,f369 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181BO15T812k4,k5 [T826CJC3.J]
V0181BO22T812N [T826CJC3.J]
V0181BO25T812k5 west portion showin f359 with apron (f131) [T826CJC3.J]
V0181BO40Z608L_V22d2097 J2v181 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181BO40Z608L_V22d2098 J2v181a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0181BO40Z608L_V22d2099 J2v181b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0182A30T826View looking north in k15, k14 and k15 showing whole area and how f359 does not come around the corner of the wall and extend up to the revetment wall. Visible in this picture are the eroded features f348 and f372, the laminations of f352. f319 is the last feature assigned in the previous excavations and is probably the surface we still have visible in MZ22. There is a sloping feature in k13 that was also previous excavated, most likely can be correlated with f248, the last feature assigned in k13. [T826CJC.J]
V0182O12T812f127,f128,f248,f319,f348,f348,f354,f372,f374 [T826CJC3.J]
V0182O15T812k13,k14,k15 [T826CJC3.J]
V0182O22T812N [T826CJC3.J]
V0182O25T812k15 looking north showing f359 fully exposed [T826CJC3.J]
V0182O40Z608L_V22d2101 J2v182 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0183A30T826View of all of all J2 showing the full extent of the salmon-colored floor f359. The places where f359 have been eroded (now showing f369) are clearly visible. [T826CJC.J]
V0183O12T818f127,f128,f131,f359,f365,f369,f374 [T827CJC.J]
V0183O15T818k4,k5,k14,k15,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0183O22T818NE [T827CJC.J]
V0183O25T818Showing all of J2 with f359 visible [T827CJC.J]
V0183O40Z608L_V22d2102 J2v183 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0184A30T826View of all of J2 in front of the apron showing the extent of the salmon-colored floor f359. It is possible to see where the floor f359 does not extend all the way to the base of the apron (f131), a problem probably caused by erosion. This view is taken from J6 as the floors probably extended across the cut of the trench into J6 but we no longer have the stratigraphic connection due to the cut of the trench. See also v187 [T826CJC.J]
V0184O12T818f127,f130,f131,f348,f359,f365,f369,f374,f380 [T827CJC.J]
V0184O15T818k4,k5,k14,k15,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0184O22T818W [T827CJC.J]
V0184O25T818View looking west with J6 and J2 showing full extent of f359 [T827CJC.J]
V0184O40Z608L_V22d2103 J2v184 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0184O40Z608L_V22d2104 J2v184a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0184AO12T818f127,f130,f131,f347,f348,f359,f365,f369,f380 [T827CJC.J]
V0184AO15T818k4,k5,k14,k15,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0184AO22T818W [T827CJC.J]
V0184AO25T818Alternate view of f359 looking west [T827CJC.J]
V0184AO40Z608L_V22d2103 J2v184 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0184AO40Z608L_V22d2104 J2v184a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0185O25T818This view was never assigned and was not used [T827CJC.J]
V0186A30T826View of the erosion cut (f376) after the fill f367 has been removed. This view shows the angle of the cut in relation to apron (f131). The erosion was possibly caused by water coming down off the stairs of the apron, which are angled slightly to the southwest as is the erosion channel. [T826CJC.J]
V0186O12T818f129,f130,f131,f359,f365,f369,f376 [T827CJC.J]
V0186O15T818k4,k5,k15,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0186O22T818NE [T827CJC.J]
V0186O25T818Showing erosion channel f376 after it has been excavated [T827CJC.J]
V0186O40Z608L_V22d2105 J2v186 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0186O40Z608L_V22d2106 J2v186a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0186AA30T826This view was taken to demonstrate the possibility that the cut and removal of the northern portion of f359 was caused by water coming down from the apron (f131). This view shows the angle of the stairs of the apron in relation to the erosion. [T826CJC.J]
V0186AO12T818f129,f130,f131,f359,f365,f376 [T827CJC.J]
V0186AO15T818k4,k5,k15 [T827CJC.J]
V0186AO22T818NE [T827CJC.J]
V0186AO25T818Closer view of erosion channel and its relation to possible water coming down from slope of staircase and apron [T827CJC.J]
V0186AO40Z608L_V22d2105 J2v186 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0186AO40Z608L_V22d2106 J2v186a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187A30T826View of the full extent of f359 in the morning light. It is possible to see where the floor f359 does not extend all the way to the base of the apron (f131), a problem probably caused by erosion. This view is taken from J6 as the floors probably extended across the cut of the trench into J6 but we no longer have the stratigraphic connection due to the cut of the trench. See also v184 [T826CJC.J]
V0187O12T813f127,f128,f130,f131,f348,f359,f365,f369,f374,f380 [T827CJC.J]
V0187O15T813k4,k5,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0187O22T813W [T827CJC.J]
V0187O25T813Wide view of f359 in the morning light,looking west [T827CJC.J]
V0187O40Z608L_V22d2107 J2v187 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187O40Z608L_V22d2108 J2v187a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187O40Z608L_V22d2109 J2v187b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187O40Z608L_V22d2110 J2v187c T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187AA30T826View of the whole area of J2 showing exposure of f359. This view was taken in the morning light to try and capture the color of the salmon-colored floor f359. See also v179. [T826CJC.J]
V0187AO12T813f127,f131,f338,f348,f359,f369,f374 [T827CJC.J]
V0187AO15T813k4,k5,k15,k110,k111 [T827CJC.J]
V0187AO21T813t [T827CJC.J]
V0187AO22T813S [T827CJC.J]
V0187AO25T813Whole area showing f359's full exposure in the morning light [T827CJC.J]
V0187AO40Z608L_V22d2107 J2v187 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187AO40Z608L_V22d2108 J2v187a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187AO40Z608L_V22d2109 J2v187b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187AO40Z608L_V22d2110 J2v187c T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187BA30T826Overhead view of the area in front of the apron (f131) showing extent of f359 in the morning light. See also v183. [T826CJC.J]
V0187BO12T813f127,f130,f131,f359,f365,f369,f374,f376 [T827CJC.J]
V0187BO15T813k4,k5,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0187BO21T813w [T827CJC.J]
V0187BO22T813NE [T827CJC.J]
V0187BO25T813Whole area of J2 showing exposure of f359 [T827CJC.J]
V0187BO40Z608L_V22d2107 J2v187 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187BO40Z608L_V22d2108 J2v187a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187BO40Z608L_V22d2109 J2v187b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187BO40Z608L_V22d2110 J2v187c T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187CA30T826Closer overhead view of area in front of the apron showing full extent of f359 and the cut of the erosion f367 which exposes f369. This view was taken in the morning light. [T826CJC.J]
V0187CO12T813f131,f359,f365,f369 [T827CJC.J]
V0187CO15T813k4,k5,k15,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0187CO21T813ov [T827CJC.J]
V0187CO22T813E [T827CJC.J]
V0187CO25T813area in front of apron (f131) showing full exposure of f359 [T827CJC.J]
V0187CO40Z608L_V22d2107 J2v187 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187CO40Z608L_V22d2108 J2v187a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187CO40Z608L_V22d2109 J2v187b T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0187CO40Z608L_V22d2110 J2v187c T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0188A30T825View of f378 lapping up to the edge of the bottom stair of the apron (f131). At first we thought the salmon-colored floor (f359) came up to the apron, but when we looked closer this feature, which was never excavated, appears to be more similar to f369 than to f359. [T825CJC.J]
V0188O12T813f131,f378 [T827CJC.J]
V0188O15T813k4,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0188O22T813N [T827CJC.J]
V0188O25T813Showing gray (f379) sloping up to apron f131 [T827CJC.J]
V0188O40Z608L_V22d2111 J2v188 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0189A30T825View of f377 showing it extending from the south northwards but not quite reaching the bottom step of the apron (f131). This feature may form the subfloor for the salmon-colored floor f359. [T825CJC.J]
V0189O12T813f131,f357,f359,f377,f378 [T827CJC.J]
V0189O15T813k4,k5,k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0189O22T813S [T827CJC.J]
V0189O25T813Showing extent of f377 and the south section [T827CJC.J]
V0189O40Z608L_V22d2112 J2v189 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0189O40Z608L_V22d2113 J2v189a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0189AA30T825View looking north of f377 showing how it does not quite reach the bottom step of the apron (f131). It is probably eroded at the northern part explaining why it does not cover all of k110 [T825CJC.J]
V0189AO12T813f131,f357,f359,f377,f378 [T827CJC.J]
V0189AO15T813k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0189AO22T813N [T827CJC.J]
V0189AO25T813Showing extent of f377 and how it does not quite reach the apron (f131) [T827CJC.J]
V0189AO40Z608L_V22d2112 J2v189 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0189AO40Z608L_V22d2113 J2v189a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0190A30T825View of an animal print, probably canine, impressed in the surface of f381. The small pointer indicates the location of the impression. [T825CJC.J]
V0190O12T813f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0190O15T813k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0190O22T813N [T827CJC.J]
V0190O25T813Pawprint in f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0190O40Z608L_V22d2114 J2v190 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0190O40Z608L_V22d2115 J2v190a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0190AA30T825View of animal print, probably canine, in f381. Baby powder was used to fill the impression to try and take a clearer photograph of the impression. [T825CJC.J]
V0190AO12T813f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0190AO15T813k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0190AO22T813N [T827CJC.J]
V0190AO25T813Pawprint in f381 filled in with white powder [T827CJC.J]
V0190AO40Z608L_V22d2114 J2v190 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0190AO40Z608L_V22d2115 J2v190a T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0191A30T827View of k110 showing the location of the ashy red layer f379. The dotted line in the southeast corner shows where f379 probably extended as it was partially removed before we could photograph it as it was thought to be part of f377 instead of its own feature. Especially important in this view is the particularly red patch in the center of k110, which shows that f379 is very similar to f348 in k15. f379 does not extend to the base of the apron (f131). [T827CJC3.J]
V0191O12T814f131,f378,f379,f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0191O12T827f131,f378,f379,f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0191O15T814k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0191O15T827k110 [T827CJC3.J]
V0191O22T814S [T827CJC.J]
V0191O25T814Showing extent of f379 covering mud f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0191O40Z608L_V22d2142 J2v191 T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0191O40Z608L_V22d2143 J2v191a T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0191AA30T827View of k110 looking north showing the position of f379 relative to the apron (f131). [T827CJC3.J]
V0191AO12T814f131,f378,f379,f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0191AO12T827f131,f378,f379,f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0191AO15T814k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0191AO15T827k110 [T827CJC3.J]
V0191AO22T814N [T827CJC.J]
V0191AO25T814Showing extent of f379 covering mud f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0191AO40Z608L_V22d2142 J2v191 T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0191AO40Z608L_V22d2143 J2v191a T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192A30T825View of k100 after removing all backfill. This view shows the condition of k100 after removing the backfill. The cut of k105 and the pebbles of f292 are clearly visible. This view should be compared to v127 which was the last photo of k100 before backfilling in 2005. [T825CJC.J]
V0192O12T816f292,f380,f382,f383 [T827CJC.J]
V0192O15T816k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0192O22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0192O25T816k100 after removing backfill [T827CJC.J]
V0192O40Z608L_V22d2116 J2v192 T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192O40Z608L_V22d2117 J2v192a T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192O40Z608L_V22d2118 J2v192b T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192O40Z608L_V22d2119 J2v192c T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192AA30T825View of k100 after removing all the backfill showing the exposure of the remaining pebbles of f292, the outline of the sounding k105 and the accumulation (f383) in the southeast corner. [T825CJC.J]
V0192AO12T816f292,f380,f382,f383 [T827CJC.J]
V0192AO15T816k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0192AO22T816N [T827CJC.J]
V0192AO25T816After cleaning out k100 backfill before beginning excavation [T827CJC.J]
V0192AO40Z608L_V22d2116 J2v192 T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192AO40Z608L_V22d2117 J2v192a T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192AO40Z608L_V22d2118 J2v192b T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192AO40Z608L_V22d2119 J2v192c T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192BA30T825View of k100 after removing backfill. The damaged west section is clearly shown in this view. [T825CJC.J]
V0192BO12T816f292,f380,f382,f383 [T827CJC.J]
V0192BO15T816k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0192BO22T816W [T827CJC.J]
V0192BO25T816After cleaning out k100 backfill before beginning excavation [T827CJC.J]
V0192BO40Z608L_V22d2116 J2v192 T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192BO40Z608L_V22d2117 J2v192a T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192BO40Z608L_V22d2118 J2v192b T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192BO40Z608L_V22d2119 J2v192c T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192CA30T825View of k100 after removing backfill. In this view it is possible to see the cut of f382 cutting through all the pebble floors seen in the east section. We first identified the cut after we removed all the backfill and re-exposed this section. [T825CJC.J]
V0192CO12T816f292,f380,f382,f383 [T827CJC.J]
V0192CO15T816k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0192CO22T816E [T827CJC.J]
V0192CO25T816Showing damaged section in k100 looking east after removing backfill before beginning excavation [T827CJC.J]
V0192CO40Z608L_V22d2116 J2v192 T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192CO40Z608L_V22d2117 J2v192a T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192CO40Z608L_V22d2118 J2v192b T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0192CO40Z608L_V22d2119 J2v192c T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0193A30T825View of a12, the cut (f382) and its fill (f383). In this view it is possible to see the outline of some bricks pieces in the matrix of f383. This photograph was taken during the process of excavating f383 and shows the straight edge of the cut and the relative cleanliness of the fill in contrast to the features that were cut, such as f292. [T825CJC.J]
V0193O11T816a12 [T827CJC.J]
V0193O12T816f292,f382,f383 [T827CJC.J]
V0193O15T816k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0193O22T816W [T827CJC.J]
V0193O25T816Showing pit [T827CJC.J]
V0193O40Z608L_V22d2120 J2v193 T816 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0194A30T825View of human footprint impressed into the surface of f381. It is a right foot and it is the clearest of four human footprints in this surface. The pointer indicates the location of the footprint. [T825CJC.J]
V0194O12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0194O15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0194O22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0194O25T816View of footprints [T827CJC.J]
V0194O40Z608L_V22d2121 J2v194 T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0194O40Z608L_V22d2122 J2v194a T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0194AA30T825Alternate view of the human footprint impressed in f381. This view is shaded from the sun to try and increase the visibility of the print. [T825CJC.J]
V0194AO12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0194AO15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0194AO22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0194AO25T816close-up of footprint [T827CJC.J]
V0194AO40Z608L_V22d2121 J2v194 T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0194AO40Z608L_V22d2122 J2v194a T815 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0195A30T827View showing close-up of a footprint imprinted in f381. It is a right foot print and it is oriented with the toes to the south. This footprint is the southeast-most print. See v196 for wide view. [T827CJC3.J]
V0195O12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0195O12T827f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0195O15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0195O22T816OV [T827CJC.J]
V0195O25T816East-most footprint,close-up of right footprint next to large indentation [T827CJC.J]
V0195O40Z608L_V22d2144 J2v195 T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0195O40Z608L_V22d2145 J2v195a T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0195O45T825L_V22d2144 J2v195 T825 cJC.jpg [J02V22.J]
V0195AA30T827View showing close-up of a human footprint imprinted in f381. It is a right foot print and the small white pointer is pointed at the arch of the foot. see v196 for a wideview. [T827CJC3.J]
V0195AO12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0195AO12T827f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0195AO15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0195AO15T827k110 [T827CJC3.J]
V0195AO25T816NW-most footprint,close-up showing impression of right foot [T827CJC.J]
V0195AO40Z608L_V22d2144 J2v195 T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0195AO40Z608L_V22d2145 J2v195a T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0195AO45T825L_V22d2145 J2v195a T825 cJC.jpg [J02V22.J]
V0196A30T827Wide view showing the location of the human footprints in the southern portion of k110. The close-up views of each footprint is indicated in the template, the southeast print is v195, the center print v194 and the northwest print is v195a, each of which has its own template. [T827CJC3.J]
V0196O12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0196O12T827f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0196O15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0196O15T827k110 [T827CJC3.J]
V0196O21T816w [T827CJC.J]
V0196O22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0196O25T816Wide-shot showing location footprints,this print can be seen in close-up v194 [T827CJC.J]
V0196O40Z608L_V22d2146 J2v196 T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196O40Z608L_V22d2147 J2v196a T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196O40Z608L_V22d2148 J2v196b T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196O45T825L_V22d2146 J2v196 T825 cJC.jpg [J02V22.J]
V0196AA30T827Wide view showing the location of the human footprints in the southern portion of k110. The southeast print is indicated by the pointer in this subview. [T827CJC3.J]
V0196AO12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0196AO15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0196AO21T816w [T827CJC.J]
V0196AO22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0196AO25T816Wide-shot showing location footprints,view of NE footprint in relation to other prints,see v195 for close-up [T827CJC.J]
V0196AO40Z608L_V22d2146 J2v196 T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196AO40Z608L_V22d2147 J2v196a T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196AO40Z608L_V22d2148 J2v196b T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196AO45T825L_V22d2147 J2v196a T825 cJC.jpg [J02V22.J]
V0196BA30T827Wide view showing the location of the human footprints in the southern portion of k110. The northwest print is indicated by the pointer in this subview. [T827CJC3.J]
V0196BO12T816f381 [T827CJC.J]
V0196BO12T827f381 [T827CJC3.J]
V0196BO15T816k110 [T827CJC.J]
V0196BO15T827k110 [T827CJC3.J]
V0196BO21T816w [T827CJC.J]
V0196BO22T816S [T827CJC.J]
V0196BO25T816Wide-shot showing location footprints,view of NW print see v195a [T827CJC.J]
V0196BO40Z608L_V22d2146 J2v196 T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196BO40Z608L_V22d2147 J2v196a T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196BO40Z608L_V22d2148 J2v196b T825 cJC.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0196BO45T825L_V22d2148 J2v196b T825 cJC.jpg [J02V22.J]
V0197A30T825View of the cut in the southeast corner of k100. This view shows how straight the cut of f382 is. Visible at the bottom is a row of small stones, f384 that follow the same line as the cut. The stones are embedded in a very hard layer (f385). This is perhaps the bottom of the cut. [T825CJC.J]
V0197O40Z608L_V22d2124 J2v197 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197O40Z608L_V22d2125 J2v197a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197O40Z608L_V22d2126 J2v197b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197AA30T825Alternate view of the cut (f382) and the stones (f384) at the bottom of the cut. [T825CJC.J]
V0197AO40Z608L_V22d2124 J2v197 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197AO40Z608L_V22d2125 J2v197a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197AO40Z608L_V22d2126 J2v197b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197BA30T825Alternate view of f384. This view shows the relation of the stones (f384) to the fill f383 in the south and east sections. Particularly notable is the total absence of stones in the fill of the pit (f383) in contrast to the positioning of the stones of f384 parallel to the cut of the pit (f382). [T825CJC.J]
V0197BO40Z608L_V22d2124 J2v197 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197BO40Z608L_V22d2125 J2v197a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0197BO40Z608L_V22d2126 J2v197b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0198A30T825View of cut f382. This view shows that the cut of f382, despite being incredibly straight (unlike a pit which has curved edges), is not artificially straightened but instead follows a straight line. This view was taken after the fill f383 was removed but before we scraped the cut f382. The inside face of the cut is relatively straight and does not slope in towards the bottom. [T825CJC.J]
V0198O12T817f292,f382,f385 [T827CJC.J]
V0198O15T817k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0198O22T817NW [T827CJC.J]
V0198O25T817Showing pit-cut f382 [T827CJC.J]
V0198O40Z608L_V22d2123 J2v198 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199A30T825View of k100 after removing f292, showing the full extent of the sherd and bone pavement f386. The small square in front of the staircase f380 in northwest k100 is a sounding, k105, from the previous excavations. Presumably f386 continued across this area as well. f386 goes all the way up to the bottom visible stair of f380 in the northeast corner. In the southeast corner the cut f382 is visible after the removal of the fill f383. [T825CJC.J]
V0199O12T817f380,f382,f385,f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199O15T817k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0199O22T817N [T827CJC.J]
V0199O25T817Showing extent of sherd and bone pavement f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199O40Z608L_V22d2127 J2v199 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199O40Z608L_V22d2128 J2v199a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199O40Z608L_V22d2129 J2v199b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199O40Z608L_V22d2130 J2v199c T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199O40Z608L_V22d2131 J2v199d T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199AA30T825View south of k100 with the sherd and bone pavement f386 exposed. [T825CJC.J]
V0199AO12T817f380,f382,f385,f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199AO15T817k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0199AO21T817w [T827CJC.J]
V0199AO22T817S [T827CJC.J]
V0199AO25T817Showing extent of sherd and bone pavement f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199AO40Z608L_V22d2127 J2v199 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199AO40Z608L_V22d2128 J2v199a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199AO40Z608L_V22d2129 J2v199b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199AO40Z608L_V22d2130 J2v199c T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199AO40Z608L_V22d2131 J2v199d T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199BO12T817f380,f382,f385,f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199BO15T817k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0199BO21T817w [T827CJC.J]
V0199BO22T817E [T827CJC.J]
V0199BO25T817Showing extent of sherd and bone pavement f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199BO40Z608L_V22d2127 J2v199 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199BO40Z608L_V22d2128 J2v199a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199BO40Z608L_V22d2129 J2v199b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199BO40Z608L_V22d2130 J2v199c T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199BO40Z608L_V22d2131 J2v199d T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199CO12T817f380,f382,f385,f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199CO15T817k100,k105 [T827CJC.J]
V0199CO21T817w [T827CJC.J]
V0199CO22T817W [T827CJC.J]
V0199CO25T817Showing extent of sherd and bone pavement f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199CO40Z608L_V22d2127 J2v199 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199CO40Z608L_V22d2128 J2v199a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199CO40Z608L_V22d2129 J2v199b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199CO40Z608L_V22d2130 J2v199c T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199CO40Z608L_V22d2131 J2v199d T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199DO12T817f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199DO15T817k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0199DO21T817t [T827CJC.J]
V0199DO22T817OV [T827CJC.J]
V0199DO25T817Close-up showing the the size and shape of the sherds and bones that make up the pavement f386 [T827CJC.J]
V0199DO40Z608L_V22d2127 J2v199 T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199DO40Z608L_V22d2128 J2v199a T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199DO40Z608L_V22d2129 J2v199b T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199DO40Z608L_V22d2130 J2v199c T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0199DO40Z608L_V22d2131 J2v199d T817 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200A30T825View north of the pebble and sherd floor f388 covering k100 except in the southeast corner where it is cut by f382. f388 goes right up to the lowest visible stones of f380. [T825CJC.J]
V0200O12T818f380,f382,f385,f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200O15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0200O22T818N [T827CJC.J]
V0200O25T818Showing floor f388 covering all of k100 and the how the pit cut f382 cuts f388 in the southeast corner [T827CJC.J]
V0200O40Z608L_V22d2132 J2v200 T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200O40Z608L_V22d2133 J2v200a T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200O40Z608L_V22d2134 J2v200b T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200O40Z608L_V22d2135 J2v200c T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200O40Z608L_V22d2136 J2v200d T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200AA30T825View south of the pebble and sherd floor f388 showing how it is cut in the southeast corner by the cut of the pit f382. [T825CJC.J]
V0200AO12T818f380,f382,f385,f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200AO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0200AO22T818S [T827CJC.J]
V0200AO25T818Showing floor f388 covering all of k100 and the how the pit cut f382 cuts f388 in the southeast corner [T827CJC.J]
V0200AO40Z608L_V22d2132 J2v200 T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200AO40Z608L_V22d2133 J2v200a T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200AO40Z608L_V22d2134 J2v200b T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200AO40Z608L_V22d2135 J2v200c T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200AO40Z608L_V22d2136 J2v200d T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200BA30T825View east of full exposure of f388 showing how it extends under the pebbles in the section, except in the southeast corner where it is cut by f382. [T825CJC.J]
V0200BO12T818f380,f382,f385,f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200BO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0200BO22T818E [T827CJC.J]
V0200BO25T818Showing floor f388 covering all of k100 and the how the pit cut f382 cuts f388 in the southeast corner [T827CJC.J]
V0200BO40Z608L_V22d2132 J2v200 T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200BO40Z608L_V22d2133 J2v200a T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200BO40Z608L_V22d2134 J2v200b T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200BO40Z608L_V22d2135 J2v200c T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200BO40Z608L_V22d2136 J2v200d T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200CA30T825View west of full exposure of f388 covering all of k100. [T825CJC.J]
V0200CO12T818f380,f382,f385,f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200CO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0200CO22T818W [T827CJC.J]
V0200CO25T818Showing floor f388 covering all of k100 and the how the pit cut f382 cuts f388 in the southeast corner [T827CJC.J]
V0200CO40Z608L_V22d2132 J2v200 T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200CO40Z608L_V22d2133 J2v200a T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200CO40Z608L_V22d2134 J2v200b T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200CO40Z608L_V22d2135 J2v200c T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200CO40Z608L_V22d2136 J2v200d T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200DA30T825Overhead view close-up showing the kinds of sherds and pebbles that compose the pavement of f388. [T825CJC.J]
V0200DO12T818f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200DO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0200DO22T818OV [T827CJC.J]
V0200DO25T818Close-up showing the elements that compose the surface of the pavement f388 [T827CJC.J]
V0200DO40Z608L_V22d2132 J2v200 T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200DO40Z608L_V22d2133 J2v200a T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200DO40Z608L_V22d2134 J2v200b T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200DO40Z608L_V22d2135 J2v200c T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0200DO40Z608L_V22d2136 J2v200d T818 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0201A30T825View of the west section of k100 at the end of excavations in MZ22. This section is damaged immediately above the pebble floors. Visible in the bottom part of the section is the sequence of pavements and accumulations (f386, f387, f389, f388, f390). The top portion of the section was not excavated this season and so no feature numbers were assigned. [T825CJC.J]
V0201O12T818f205,f215,f258,f267,f276,f287,f292,f386,f387,f388,f389,f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0201O15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0201O22T818W [T827CJC.J]
V0201O25T818West section k100 after cutting back at the end of excavation [T827CJC.J]
V0201O40Z608L_V22d2137 J2v201 T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202A30T825View of k100 at the end of excavation. The last feature exposed in k100 was the pebble and sherd floor, f390 which covers the whole area, except the area cut by the pit (f282). At the bottom of the pit is a very hard feature, f385. Near the bottom of the staircase, extending from the last stones of the stair about 10cm south is a small red bayaka feature (f391). [T825CJC.J]
V0202O12T818f380,f382,f385,f390,f391 [T827CJC.J]
V0202O15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0202O22T818N [T827CJC.J]
V0202O25T818All k100 showing extent of pebble and sherd floor f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202O40Z608L_V22d2138 J2v202 T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202O40Z608L_V22d2139 J2v202a T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202O40Z608L_V22d2140 J2v202b T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202O40Z608L_V22d2141 J2v202c T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202AA30T825View north of k100 at the end of the excavation. In this view you can clearly see the cut of f382 and the clean fill (f385) in the east and south section. In the foreground you see the lower staircase (f380) and the full exposure of the pebble and sherd pavement (f390). [T825CJC.J]
V0202AO12T818f380,f382,f385,f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202AO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0202AO22T818S [T827CJC.J]
V0202AO25T818All k100 showing extent of pebble and sherd floor f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202AO40Z608L_V22d2138 J2v202 T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202AO40Z608L_V22d2139 J2v202a T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202AO40Z608L_V22d2140 J2v202b T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202AO40Z608L_V22d2141 J2v202c T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202BA30T825View east of k100 at the end of excavations. The section has been cut back and scraped. In the east section you can clearly see the cut of f382 as it cuts through the pebble floors (f205, f215, f258, f267, f276, f287, f292). [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T818f380,f382,f385,f390,f391 [T827CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f205 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f215 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f258 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f267 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f276 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f287 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO12T825f292 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0202BO15T825k100 [T825CJC.J]
V0202BO22T818E [T827CJC.J]
V0202BO25T818All k100 showing extent of pebble and sherd floor f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202BO40Z608L_V22d2138 J2v202 T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202BO40Z608L_V22d2139 J2v202a T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202BO40Z608L_V22d2140 J2v202b T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202BO40Z608L_V22d2141 J2v202c T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202CA30T825View west of k100 at the end of excavations with the section cut back and scraped. Portions of the section are still damaged but the pebble floors (f205, f215, f258, f267, f276, f287, f292) are visible. The bottom of k100 is entirely covered by f390 except where cut by the pit f382. [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T818f380,f382,f385,f390,f391 [T827CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f205 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f215 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f258 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f267 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f276 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f287 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO12T825f292 [T825CJC.J]
V0202CO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0202CO22T818W [T827CJC.J]
V0202CO25T818All k100 showing extent of pebble and sherd floor f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202CO40Z608L_V22d2138 J2v202 T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202CO40Z608L_V22d2139 J2v202a T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202CO40Z608L_V22d2140 J2v202b T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202CO40Z608L_V22d2141 J2v202c T819 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0202DA30T825Overhead view showing a close-up of the pebble and sherd pavement f390. This pavement was not excavated and when k100 is backfilled it will be covered. When excavations in J2k100 resume they should begin with f390. [T825CJC.J]
V0202DO12T818f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202DO15T818k100 [T827CJC.J]
V0202DO22T818ov [T827CJC.J]
V0202DO25T818Overhead detail of floor f390 [T827CJC.J]
V0202DO40Z608L_V22d2149 J2v202d T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0203O12T921f380,f390,f391 [T921CJC.J]
V0203O15T921k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0203O22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0203O25T921View of red bakaya-like layer in front of lowest step of f380 [T921CJC.J]
V0203O40Z608L_V22d2150 J2v203 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0203O40Z608L_V22d2151 J2v203a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0203AO12T921f380,f390,f391 [T921CJC.J]
V0203AO15T921k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0203AO22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0203AO25T921View of red bakaya-like layer in front of lowest step of f380 after it has been sprayed with water [T921CJC.J]
V0203AO40Z608L_V22d2150 J2v203 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0203AO40Z608L_V22d2151 J2v203a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0204O12T921f205,f215,f258,f267,f287,f292,f344,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f358,f359,f379,f380,f381,f386,f387,f388,f389,f390 [T921CJC.J]
V0204O15T921k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0204O22T921W [T921CJC.J]
V0204O25T921View of west section k100 after section was drawn, without section string [T921CJC.J]
V0204O40Z608L_V22d2152 J2v204 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0204O40Z608L_V22d2153 J2v204a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0204AO12T921f205,f215,f258,f267,f287,f292,f386,f387,f388,f389,f390 [T921CJC.J]
V0204AO15T921k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0204AO22T921W [T921CJC.J]
V0204AO25T921View of west section k100 after section was drawn, with section string [T921CJC.J]
V0204AO40Z608L_V22d2152 J2v204 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0204AO40Z608L_V22d2153 J2v204a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0205O12T921f131,f359,f378,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0205O15T921k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0205O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0205O25T921Final view of k110, showing the exposure of f381 and f378 at the end of excavations. This is the view before the area was backfilled at the end of the 2009 season. [T921CJC.J]
V0205O40Z608L_V22d2154 J2v205 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0205O40Z608L_V22d2155 J2v205a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0205AO12T921f131,f378,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0205AO15T921k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0205AO22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0205AO25T921Final view of k110, showing the exposure of f381 and f378 at the end of excavations looking north with the apron visible. This is the view before the area was backfilled at the end of the 2009 season. [T921CJC.J]
V0205AO40Z608L_V22d2154 J2v205 T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0205AO40Z608L_V22d2155 J2v205a T831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206O12T921f127,f128,f129,f130,f131,f319,f348,f359,f365,f369,f372,f374,f378,f380,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0206O15T921k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0206O22T921NE [T921CJC.J]
V0206O25T921Final view of all of J2 at the end of the 2009 excacavations showing the full exposure of all the features before the area was backfilled. [T921CJC.J]
V0206O40Z608L_V22d2156 J2v206 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206O40Z608L_V22d2157 J2v206a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206O40Z608L_V22d2158 J2v206b T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206O40Z608L_V22d2159 J2v206c T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206AO12T921f127,f128,f129,f130,f131,f348,f359,f369,f374,f378,f380,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0206AO15T921k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0206AO22T921NE [T921CJC.J]
V0206AO25T921Alternate final view of all J2 at the end of 2009 excavations. [T921CJC.J]
V0206AO40Z608L_V22d2156 J2v206 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206AO40Z608L_V22d2157 J2v206a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206AO40Z608L_V22d2158 J2v206b T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206AO40Z608L_V22d2159 J2v206c T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206BO12T921f129,f130,f131,f380 [T921CJC.J]
V0206BO15T921k4,k5,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0206BO22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0206BO25T921Final view showing the apron and the staircase at the end of the 2009 excavations. [T921CJC.J]
V0206BO40Z608L_V22d2156 J2v206 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206BO40Z608L_V22d2157 J2v206a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206BO40Z608L_V22d2158 J2v206b T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206BO40Z608L_V22d2159 J2v206c T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206CO15T921k13,k14,k15 [T921CJC.J]
V0206CO22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0206CO25T921Final view looking north in the western loci of the J2 2009 excavations. This is how the area appeared at the end of the excavations. [T921CJC.J]
V0206CO40Z608L_V22d2156 J2v206 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206CO40Z608L_V22d2157 J2v206a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206CO40Z608L_V22d2158 J2v206b T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0206CO40Z608L_V22d2159 J2v206c T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0207O12T921f127,f131,f319,f338,f341,f348,f359,f366,f369,f378,f381,f390 [T921CJC.J]
V0207O15T921k4,k5,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0207O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0207O25T921Final view of J2 at the end of the 2009 excavations. This view, in particular, shows the south section of the J2 illustrating the large brickfall, the cut (f366) and the regular layers underneath. It sums up the amount of work done in 2009 and our concentration on understanding the layers in front of the apron, the erosion and the subsequent brickfall. [T921CJC.J]
V0207O40Z608L_V22d2170 J2v207 T917 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0207O40Z608L_V22d2171 J2v207a T917 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0207AO12T921f319,f348,f373,f374 [T921CJC.J]
V0207AO15T921k5,k14,k15 [T921CJC.J]
V0207AO22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0207AO25T921Final view of the western loci of the J2 2009 excavations, showing the area at the end of the excavations, particularly after the wall (f288, f344, f346) has been removed. [T921CJC.J]
V0207AO40Z608L_V22d2170 J2v207 T917 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0207AO40Z608L_V22d2171 J2v207a T917 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0207BO12T921f127,f131,f338,f359,f366,f369,f378,f381,f390 [T921CJC.J]
V0207BO15T921k4,k5,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0207BO22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0207BO25T921Final view of the eastern loci of the J2 2009 excavations. [T921CJC.J]
V0207BO40Z608L_V22d2167 J2v207b T903 fab.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0208O12T921f127,f130,f131,f338,f341,f359,f369,f378,f380,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0208O15T921k4,k5,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0208O22T921W [T921CJC.J]
V0208O25T921Final view looking west of the area in front of the apron showing the stopping point of the excavations in 2009. This is how the area appeared before it was backfilled. [T921CJC.J]
V0208O40Z608L_V22d2160 J2v208 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0208O40Z608L_V22d2161 J2v208a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0208AO12T921f127,f130,f131,f338,f341,f359,f369,f378,f380,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0208AO15T921k4,k5,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0208AO22T921W [T921CJC.J]
V0208AO25T921Alternate final view of J2 loci in front of the apron at the end of the 2009 excavations. [T921CJC.J]
V0208AO40Z608L_V22d2160 J2v208 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0208AO40Z608L_V22d2161 J2v208a T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0209O12T921f129,f130,f131,f380,f382,f385,f390,f391 [T921CJC.J]
V0209O15T921k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0209O22T921N [T921CJC.J]
V0209O25T921Final view of the area of the trench (J7k200) showing the 2009 excavations in k100 and the state of the excavations before backfilling at the end of the 2009 season. [T921CJC.J]
V0209O40Z608L_V22d2162 J2v209 T901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0210O12T921f127,f130,f131,f338,f348,f359,f365,f366,f369,f378,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0210O15T921k4,k5,k15,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0210O22T921SW [T921CJC.J]
V0210O25T921Oblique view showing J2 at the end of excavations. It shows all the remaining features and illustrates the work done in the 2009 season in exposing f359, understanding the erosion (f366) and uncovering the footprints in f381. [T921CJC.J]
V0210O40Z608L_V22d2172 J2v210 T917 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0211O12T921f338,f344,f347,f359,f361,f362,f363,f364,f365,f366 [T921CJC.J]
V0211O15T921k5 [T921CJC.J]
V0211O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0211O25T921South section of k5 when it was drawn. This view is without the section string. The south section was drawn as we do not have a north section due to the location of the loci in relation to the apron (f131). [T921CJC.J]
V0211O40Z608L_V22d2163 J2v211 T902 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0211O40Z608L_V22d2164 J2v211a T902 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0211AO12T921f338,f344,f347,f359,f361,f362,f363,f364,f365,f366 [T921CJC.J]
V0211AO15T921k5 [T921CJC.J]
V0211AO22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0211AO25T921South section of k5 with the section string in place. [T921CJC.J]
V0211AO40Z608L_V22d2163 J2v211 T902 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0211AO40Z608L_V22d2164 J2v211a T902 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0212O12T921f338,f345,f359,f364,f365,f366 [T921CJC.J]
V0212O15T921k15 [T921CJC.J]
V0212O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0212O25T921South section k15 without the section string. The south section was drawn to complete the sequence with the south sections of k5 and k110. [T921CJC.J]
V0212O40Z608L_V22d2165 J2v212 T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0212O40Z608L_V22d2166 J2v212a T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0212AO12T921f338,f345,f359,f365,f366 [T921CJC.J]
V0212AO15T921k15 [T921CJC.J]
V0212AO22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0212AO25T921South section of k15 with the section string. [T921CJC.J]
V0212AO40Z608L_V22d2165 J2v212 T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0212AO40Z608L_V22d2166 J2v212a T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0213O12T921f338,f340,f344,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f358,f359,f366,f379,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0213O15T921k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0213O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0213O25T921South section of k110 showing the long sequence of floors and accumulations. [T921CJC.J]
V0213O40Z608L_V22d2168 J2v213 T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0213O40Z608L_V22d2169 J2v213a T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0213AO12T921f338,f340,f344,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f359,f366,f379,f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0213AO15T921k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0213AO22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0213AO25T921South section k110 with the section string in place. [T921CJC.J]
V0213AO40Z608L_V22d2168 J2v213 T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0213AO40Z608L_V22d2169 J2v213a T903 fAB.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0214O12T921f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0214O15T921k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0214O22T921S [T921CJC.J]
V0214O25T921Showing modern human foot by ancient human footprint. [T921CJC.J]
V0214O40Z608L_V22d2173 J2v214 T813 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215O12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0215O15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0215O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0215O25UZ17Overhead view of possible human footprint, n5, near western edge of k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0215O40Z608L_V22d2174 J2v215 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215O40Z608L_V22d2175 J2v215a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215O40Z608L_V22d2176 J2v215b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215O40Z608L_V22d2177 J2v215c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215AO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0215AO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0215AO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0215AO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0215AO25UZ17Overhead view of possible human footprint, n5. [T921CJC.J]
V0215AO40Z608L_V22d2174 J2v215 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215AO40Z608L_V22d2175 J2v215a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215AO40Z608L_V22d2176 J2v215b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215AO40Z608L_V22d2177 J2v215c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215BO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0215BO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0215BO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0215BO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0215BO25UZ17Overhead view of possible human footprint, n5 [T921CJC.J]
V0215BO40Z608L_V22d2174 J2v215 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215BO40Z608L_V22d2175 J2v215a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215BO40Z608L_V22d2176 J2v215b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215BO40Z608L_V22d2177 J2v215c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215CO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0215CO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0215CO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0215CO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0215CO25UZ17Overhead view of possible human footprint, n5 [T921CJC.J]
V0215CO40Z608L_V22d2174 J2v215 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215CO40Z608L_V22d2175 J2v215a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215CO40Z608L_V22d2176 J2v215b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0215CO40Z608L_V22d2177 J2v215c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216O12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0216O15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0216O22UZ17S [T921CJC.J]
V0216O25UZ17View of human footprint, n2 [T921CJC.J]
V0216O40Z608L_V22d2178 J2v216 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216O40Z608L_V22d2179 J2v216a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216O40Z608L_V22d2180 J2v216b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216O40Z608L_V22d2181 J2v216c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216O40Z608L_V22d2182 J2v216d T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216AO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0216AO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0216AO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0216AO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0216AO25UZ17View of human footprint, n2 [T921CJC.J]
V0216AO40Z608L_V22d2178 J2v216 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216AO40Z608L_V22d2179 J2v216a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216AO40Z608L_V22d2180 J2v216b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216AO40Z608L_V22d2181 J2v216c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216AO40Z608L_V22d2182 J2v216d T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216BO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0216BO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0216BO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0216BO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0216BO25UZ17View of human footprint, n2 [T921CJC.J]
V0216BO40Z608L_V22d2178 J2v216 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216BO40Z608L_V22d2179 J2v216a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216BO40Z608L_V22d2180 J2v216b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216BO40Z608L_V22d2181 J2v216c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216BO40Z608L_V22d2182 J2v216d T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216CO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0216CO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0216CO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0216CO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0216CO25UZ17View of human footprint, n2 [T921CJC.J]
V0216CO40Z608L_V22d2178 J2v216 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216CO40Z608L_V22d2179 J2v216a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216CO40Z608L_V22d2180 J2v216b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216CO40Z608L_V22d2181 J2v216c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216CO40Z608L_V22d2182 J2v216d T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216DO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0216DO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0216DO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0216DO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0216DO25UZ17View of human footprint, n2 [T921CJC.J]
V0216DO40Z608L_V22d2178 J2v216 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216DO40Z608L_V22d2179 J2v216a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216DO40Z608L_V22d2180 J2v216b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216DO40Z608L_V22d2181 J2v216c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0216DO40Z608L_V22d2182 J2v216d T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217O12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0217O15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0217O22UZ17S [T921CJC.J]
V0217O25UZ17View of human footprint [T921CJC.J]
V0217O40Z608L_V22d2183 J2v217 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217O40Z608L_V22d2184 J2v217a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217O40Z608L_V22d2185 J2v217b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217O40Z608L_V22d2186 J2v217c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217AO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0217AO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0217AO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0217AO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0217AO25UZ17View of human footprint impression [T921CJC.J]
V0217AO40Z608L_V22d2183 J2v217 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217AO40Z608L_V22d2184 J2v217a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217AO40Z608L_V22d2185 J2v217b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217AO40Z608L_V22d2186 J2v217c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217BO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0217BO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0217BO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0217BO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0217BO25UZ17View of human footprint impression [T921CJC.J]
V0217BO40Z608L_V22d2183 J2v217 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217BO40Z608L_V22d2184 J2v217a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217BO40Z608L_V22d2185 J2v217b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217BO40Z608L_V22d2186 J2v217c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217CO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0217CO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0217CO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0217CO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0217CO25UZ17View of human footprint [T921CJC.J]
V0217CO40Z608L_V22d2183 J2v217 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217CO40Z608L_V22d2184 J2v217a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217CO40Z608L_V22d2185 J2v217b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0217CO40Z608L_V22d2186 J2v217c T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0218O12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0218O15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0218O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0218O40Z608L_V22d2187 J2v218 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219O12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0219O15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0219O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0219O25UZ17overhead of possible human footprint, n5 [T921CJC.J]
V0219O40Z608L_V22d2188 J2v219 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219O40Z608L_V22d2189 J2v219a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219O40Z608L_V22d2190 J2v219b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219AO12UZ17f381 [T921CJC.J]
V0219AO15UZ17k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0219AO21UZ17t [T921CJC.J]
V0219AO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0219AO25UZ17Human footprint, n5 [T921CJC.J]
V0219AO40Z608L_V22d2188 J2v219 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219AO40Z608L_V22d2189 J2v219a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219AO40Z608L_V22d2190 J2v219b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219BO40Z608L_V22d2188 J2v219 T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219BO40Z608L_V22d2189 J2v219a T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0219BO40Z608L_V22d2190 J2v219b T923 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0220O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0220O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0220O25UZ17Overhead view of all of J2 taken from kite. Shows the monumental access (^mnaccs) including revetment wall, flanking walls, staircase and apron. [T921CJC.J]
V0220AO15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0220AO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0220AO25UZ17Overhead view of all of J2 taken from kite. Shows the monumental access (^mnaccs) including revetment wall, flanking walls, staircase and apron. [T921CJC.J]
V0220BO15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0220BO22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0220BO25UZ17Overhead view of all of J2 taken from kite. Shows the monumental access (^mnaccs) including revetment wall, flanking walls, staircase and apron. [T921CJC.J]
V0500O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0500O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0500O25UZ17Overhead view of J2 showing the important aspects of the monumental acces including the revetment wall (^wall1), first apron (^apr1), second apron (^apr2), first staircase (^stair1) and second staircase (^stair2) and the flanking walls (^wall2 and ^wall3). Additionally, in this view one of the curtian walls (^ctwl1) is still standing. [T921CJC.J]
V0502O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0502O22UZ17NW [T921CJC.J]
V0502O25UZ17Oblique view of all of J2 showing the monumental access. [T921CJC.J]
V0503O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0503O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0503O25UZ17High kite view of all of J2, specifically highlighting the features of the monumental access [T921CJC.J]
V0504O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0504O22UZ17N [T921CJC.J]
V0504O25UZ17View looking north at the monumental access with the location of Temple BA visible in the background. [T921CJC.J]
V0505O15UZ17k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0505O22UZ17E [T921CJC.J]
V0505O25UZ17View looking west at accumulations (^accum1) above the staircase (^stair2). [T921CJC.J]
V0506O12UZ17f127,f128,f129,f130,f131,f132 [T921CJC.J]
V0506O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k14,k15,k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0506O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0506O25UZ17Overhead view of monumental access before it was fully excavated. Note how the staircase extends down into the trench of k100 while the apron has not yet been fully exposed. [T921CJC.J]
V0507O15UZ17k3,k4,k13,k14 [T921CJC.J]
V0507O22UZ17N [T921CJC.J]
V0507O25UZ17View north showing the exposure of the top of the second apron (^apr2) and the edge of the first apron (^apr1) with some of the collapse stones from ^use4 visible sitting on the second apron. [T921CJC.J]
V0508O15UZ17k13 [T921CJC.J]
V0508O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0508O25UZ17View showing one of the floors associated with ^use2 at the point where the revetment wall (^wall1) meets the apron (^apr1) [T921CJC.J]
V0509O11UZ17a8 [T921CJC.J]
V0509O15UZ17k13 [T921CJC.J]
V0509O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0509O25UZ17View of pit, a8, in a floor, f249 that is part of second use area (^use2) dated to just after the brickfall. [T921CJC.J]
V0509O40Z608L_V18d4001 J2v509 P828 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0510O12UZ17f154 [T921CJC.J]
V0510O22UZ17NW [T921CJC.J]
V0510O25UZ17View of stone, f154, on ^apr1 associated with the use area ^use2, with the revetment wall (^wall1) in the background. [T921CJC.J]
V0510O40Z608L_V18d4002 J2v510 P803 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0511O12UZ17f234 [T921CJC.J]
V0511O15UZ17k13 [T921CJC.J]
V0511O22UZ17ov [T921CJC.J]
V0511O25UZ17View of the surface/floor associated with the strata s610-J2A. This is the period right after ^wall3 is built while hard layers are packed down in sloping layers in front of the revetment wall (^wall1). [T921CJC.J]
V0511O40Z608L_V18d4003 J2v511 P825 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0512O25UZ17This view number was not assigned [T921CJC.J]
V0512O40Z608L_V18d4004 J2v512 P827 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0513O15UZ17k5 [T921CJC.J]
V0513O22UZ17S [T921CJC.J]
V0513O25UZ17View of the sequence of floors ^fl2 related to the ongoing use of ^apr1. This sequence is composed of multiple floors which are delineated by the lines. While the floors are individually marked as features together they form the period of use that was characterized by the continuous use of the area and the build-up of thin floors that were repeatedly used and covered. [T921CJC.J]
V0513O40Z608L_V18d4005 J2v513 P906 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0514O15UZ17k4,k5,k13,k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0514O22UZ17E [T921CJC.J]
V0514O25UZ17Overview of Phase 7e with ^ctwl2 and ^ctwl3 visible associated with ^use1. Also ^bf is visible building up south of ^ctwl2. [T921CJC.J]
V0514O40Z608L_V18d4005 J2v514 P824 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0515O12UZ17f257 [T921CJC.J]
V0515O22UZ17N [T921CJC.J]
V0515O25UZ17View of ^ctwl1 abutting the flanking wall, ^wall3, and the apron (^apr1). The oblique stone (f257) added to match the original oblique stones in J6 is visible. [T921CJC.J]
V0515O40Z608L_V18d4006 J2v515 P912 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0516O15UZ17k3,k4,k5,k13,k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0516O22UZ17E [T921CJC.J]
V0516O25UZ17View of ^use 1 during the brickfall process. The curtain walls are built in two layers (clearly visible in ^ctwl2 in this view) [T921CJC.J]
V0516O40Z608L_V18d4007 J2v516 P829 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0517O15UZ17k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0517O22UZ17N [T921CJC.J]
V0517O25UZ17View of the uppermost pavement floor of ^pv2 abutting the lower staircase. The upper staircase and apron are visible as well. This view shows the connection between the two staircases as well as illustrating the kinds of pebble pavements that make up ^pv2 [T921CJC.J]
V0517O40Z608L_V18d4008 J2v517 P904 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0518O15UZ17k4,k5,k100,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0518O22UZ17S [T921CJC.J]
V0518O25UZ17General view showing the postion of ^bf covering J2, J6 and J7. This view indicates how the brickfall originates somewhere in the SE before sloping NW across J2. [T921CJC.J]
V0519O15UZ17k5 [T921CJC.J]
V0519O22UZ17S [T921CJC.J]
V0519O25UZ17This view illustrates how ^ctwl2 was built in 2 phases during the brickfall with the brickfall around it. A the same time the ^ctwl2 was being built the area was being used with ashy patches attributed to ^use1 [T921CJC.J]
V0519O40Z608L_V18d4009 J2v519 P807 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0520O11V104a9 [T921CJC.J]
V0520O12V104f286 [T921CJC.J]
V0520O15V104k5,k110 [T921CJC.J]
V0520O22V104W [T921CJC.J]
V0520O25V104View of ^use1 illustrating the location of the pits (a9) in front of the apron area. [T921CJC.J]
V0520O40Z608L_V18d4010 J2v520 P903 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0521O12V104f247 [T921CJC.J]
V0521O15V104k13 [T921CJC.J]
V0521O22V104ov [T921CJC.J]
V0521O25V104View of sloping layer f247 that may serve a similar function to the escarpments in J1 and the glacis in J6 which is to protect the base of walls. [T921CJC.J]
V0521O40Z608L_V18d4011 J2v521 P828 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0522O11V104a1 [T921CJC.J]
V0522O15V104k33 [T921CJC.J]
V0522O22V104S [T921CJC.J]
V0522O25V104View of pit (a1) sitting in the upper layers of J2, in the layer just below the topsoil, labeled ^accum1 [T921CJC.J]
V0523O15V104k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0523O22V104N [T921CJC.J]
V0523O25V104View of mutliple pavements that form ^pv2 in front of the lower staircase (^stair1). [T921CJC.J]
V0523O40Z608L_V18d4012 J2v523 P824 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0524O15V104k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0524O22V104N [T921CJC.J]
V0524O25V104View of one of the pavements of ^pv2, showing the large size of the pebbles and demonstrating how the pebble floors come up against ^stair1 [T921CJC.J]
V0524O40Z608L_V18d4013 J2v524 P829 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0525O15V104k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0525O22V104N [T921CJC.J]
V0525O25V104View of one of the pavements of ^pv2, showing the large size of the pebbles and demonstrating how the pebble floors come up against ^stair1 [T921CJC.J]
V0525O40Z608L_V18d4014 J2v525 P831 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0526O15V104k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0526O22V104N [T921CJC.J]
V0526O25V104View of one of the pavements of ^pv2, showing the large size of the pebbles and demonstrating how the pebble floors come up against ^stair1 [T921CJC.J]
V0526O40Z608L_V18d4015 J2v526 P901 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0527O15V104k100 [T921CJC.J]
V0527O22V104N [T921CJC.J]
V0527O25V104View of one of the pavements of ^pv2, showing the large size of the pebbles and demonstrating how the pebble floors come up against ^stair1 [T921CJC.J]
V0527O40Z608L_V18d4016 J2v527 P831 dM .jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900O40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900AO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900BO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900CO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900DO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900EO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900FO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900GO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900HO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2908 J2v900g P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2909 J2v900h P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2910 J2v900i P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2911 J2v900j P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2912 J2v900k P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2913 J2v900l P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2914 J2v900m P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2915 J2v900n P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2916 J2v900o P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2917 J2v900p P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900IO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2903 J2v900b P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2904 J2v900c P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2905 J2v900d P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2906 J2v900e P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900JO40Z608L_V18d2907 J2v900f P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900KO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900KO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900LO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900LO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900MO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900MO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900MO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900NO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900NO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900NO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900NO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900OO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900OO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900OO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900OO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900PO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900PO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900PO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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V0900PO40Z608L_V18d2918 J2v900q P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900QO25V523The 900 series of views was taken in 2005 to assess the state of conservation of the stone constructions. [V523CJC.J]
V0900QO40Z608L_V18d2901 J2v900 P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
V0900QO40Z608L_V18d2902 J2v900a P801 dM.jpg [ZA608CJC.J]
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W0001B11UY19Overhead drawing of the location of the tannur, f9, in k14. In the upper corner the stone f13 is also drawn. [UY19CJC.J]
W0001B11UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0001O12UY19f9,f13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0001O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0002B11UY19Unlabeled overhead drawing of stones f26 in k14. [UY19CJC.J]
W0002O12UY19f17,f26 [UY19CJC.J]
W0002O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0002O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0003B11UY19File corrupted and drawing lost [UY19CJC.J]
W0004B11UY19File corrupted and drawing lost [UY19CJC.J]
W0005B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k5: f2 is the topsoil, f4 a natural accumulation, f4 a layer; f16 is the layer associated with a concentration of small stones f24, which is probably a use area after the monumental access was anymore used as a sacral area, being covered by natural acumulations [UY19CJC.J]
W0005O12UY19f2,f4,f8,f16 [UY19CJC.J]
W0005O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0005O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0006B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k4: f3 is the topsoil, f5 and f11 the accumulation below; f12 is probably a floor associated to tannur f9 and f28 a floating stone [UY19CJC.J]
W0006O12UY19f3,f5,f6,f11,f12 [UY19CJC.J]
W0006O15UY19k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0006O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0007B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k14: f6 is the topsoil, f7 a natural accumulation in which tannur f9 sits, f15 a natural accumulation and f17 a layer associated with group of stones f26, which is a use area in later time, when the monumental access was almost covered and no more sacral area. [UY19CJC.J]
W0007O12UY19f6,f7,f15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0007O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0007O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0008B11UY19Drawing of the northern part of the East baulk of k13: topsoil f29 and accumulations f30 and f31 [UY19CJC.J]
W0008O12UY19f3,f29,f30 [UY19CJC.J]
W0008O15UY19k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0008O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0009B11UY19Drawing of the east section of k4 and k5: f3 is the topsoil and f4, which is the same as f5, is the accumulation below [UY19CJC.J]
W0009O12UY19f2,f3,f4,f5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0009O15UY19k4,k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0009O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0010B11UY19Drawing of the southern part of the East baulk of k15: topsoil f58 and accumulation below f65 [UY19CJC.J]
W0010O12UY19f58,f65 [UY19CJC.J]
W0010O15UY19k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0010O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0011B11UY19Eastern section of k14 showing thick f11 with stones inside. [UY19CJC.J]
W0011O12UY19f11 [UY19CJC.J]
W0011O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0011O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0012B11UY19East section of k2 [UY19CJC.J]
W0012O12UY19f64,f74,f78 [UY19CJC.J]
W0012O15UY19k2 [UY19CJC.J]
W0012O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0013B11UY19Drawing of the North baulk of k95: f68 is the topsoil of the locus [UY19CJC.J]
W0013O12UY19f68 [UY19CJC.J]
W0013O15UY19k95 [UY19CJC.J]
W0013O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0014B11UY19Drawing of the East section of k93, showing the deposits covering the staircase f130: f51 and f47 abut f130, f1 was the collapse of the walls of the german trench in k100, wich was covering the staircase f130 ; f47 and f37 are accumulation characterized by bricky material, which probably belongs to a collapse of a structure to the North, or could be the mudbrick terrace that partly crumbled to the South [UY19CJC.J]
W0014O12UY19f1,f34,f37,f47,f51,f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0014O15UY19k93,k100 [UY19CJC.J]
W0014O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0015B11UY19Drawing of the east section of k13: f30, f80, f87 are cut by the German Trench f104; f103, which is a hard layer with some pebbles and sherds, abuts wall f128 [UY19CJC.J]
W0015O12UY19f30,f80,f87,f95,f103,f104,f128 [UY19CJC.J]
W0015O15UY19k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0015O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0016B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k14: f76 is a layer dated to mittani period, which was cut by f104 the german trench; f111 is a natural accumulation [UY19CJC.J]
W0016O12UY19f76,f104,f111 [UY19CJC.J]
W0016O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0016O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0017B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k4: f102 is probably a floor, which was found only a small part. Pebbles and hardness characterize this feature, f105 is the layer below f102 and is a compact accumulatio, similar to f103 [UY19CJC.J]
W0017O12UY19f81,f102,f105 [UY19CJC.J]
W0017O15UY19k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0017O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0018B11UY19Drawing of the Eastern section of k4: f81 is a layer dated to mittani time, f105 is a compact surface with pebbles [UY19CJC.J]
W0018O12UY19f81,f105 [UY19CJC.J]
W0018O15UY19k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0018O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0019B11UY19East baulk of k14 near top. No elevation given in drawing. scale 1:20 [UY19CJC.J]
W0019O12UY19f104,f109 [UY19CJC.J]
W0019O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0019O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0020B11UY19Drawing of the East section of k5: are drawn the first layers of the locus, f4 under topsoil f2 and f8 [UY19CJC.J]
W0020O12UY19f4,f8 [UY19CJC.J]
W0020O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0020O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0021B11UY19Drawing of the south section of k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021O12UY19f103,f125 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021O15UY19k13,k101 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021O22UY19S [UY19CJC.J]
W0021AB11WX17Drawing of top part of north section in k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021AO12WX17f111 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021AO15WX17k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021AO22WX17N [UY19CJC.J]
W0021BB11WX17Drawing of top part of north section in k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021BO12WX17f105 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021BO15WX17k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021BO22WX17N [UY19CJC.J]
W0021CB11WX17Drawing of top part of esat section in k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021CO12WX17f103 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021CO15WX17k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0021CO22WX17E [UY19CJC.J]
W0022B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k85: f124 is the feature assigned to the North baulk of k85, which includes the accumulation f118 under topsoil f68; f118 is the same as f117 in k84 and f113, overlaying wall f129 [UY19CJC.J]
W0022O12UY19f118,f124 [UY19CJC.J]
W0022O15UY19k85 [UY19CJC.J]
W0022O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0023B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k5: f157 is the top suface of k5 and was exposed through the winter; f158 accumulation immediatly below [UY19CJC.J]
W0023O12UY19f157,f158 [UY19CJC.J]
W0023O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0023O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0024B11UY19Drawing of the East baulk of k5: f158 is sandy and grey, which is the same accumulation as f164 [UY19CJC.J]
W0024O12UY19f157,f158,f164 [UY19CJC.J]
W0024O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0024O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0025B11UY19Drawing of the North baulk of k5: f164 is the same accumulation as f158 [UY19CJC.J]
W0025O12UY19f158,f164 [UY19CJC.J]
W0025O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0025O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0026B11UY19Drawing of the East section of k14: f156 is the first 20 cm top surface of k14 exposed during the winter; f159 consists of a mixture of hard surfaces with soft patches, due to the presence of water; f161 is characterized by laminations, pottery, pebbles and sand [UY19CJC.J]
W0026O12UY19f156,f159,f161 [UY19CJC.J]
W0026O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0026O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0027B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k15: f168 and f193 are accumulations contaminated by the german trench; f168 is also cutted by the trench [UY19CJC.J]
W0027O12UY19f168,f193 [UY19CJC.J]
W0027O15UY19k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0027O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0028B11Y104East section of k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0028O12Y104f162 [UY19CJC.J]
W0028O15Y104k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0028O22Y104E [UY19CJC.J]
W0029B11UY19Drawing of the South section of k13 and k101: f140 and f138 are the saame features, but distinguished because excavated in different loci; f171 and f174 are the saame featureas, and are interesting layers, being use area with tannur peaces and ashy lenses. Theese features are the same as f150 in k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0029O12UY19f138,f140,f166,f171,f174 [UY19CJC.J]
W0029O15UY19k13,k101 [UY19CJC.J]
W0029O22UY19S [UY19CJC.J]
W0030B11Y104East section of k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0030O12Y104f185 [UY19CJC.J]
W0030O12Y104f206 [UY19CJC.J]
W0030O15Y104k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0030O22Y104E [UY19CJC.J]
W0031B11UY19Drawing of the east section of k14: f202 is the eastern baulk: is an accumulation which presents the same characteristics of f208, the bricky debris in k4, and probably is a part of the brickfall in k4, that expanded through k14; f202 covers wall f127 [UY19CJC.J]
W0031O12UY19f127,f202 [UY19CJC.J]
W0031O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0031O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0032B11UY19Western portion of drawing w33 [UY19CJC.J]
W0032O12UY19f181,f188,f216 [UY19CJC.J]
W0032O15UY19k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0033B11UY19Drawing of the south section of k4: it is a small part of it, because was excavated in different time (see v103), but it is the eastern continuation of w32; f189 is the brick crumble and f188 is the brick melted; in the western part is visible the brickfall, in which distinguible part of bricks of 2-3 cm are visible. All this feature belong to a brickfall of a structure not excavated yet to the south [UY19CJC.J]
W0033O12UY19f188,f189 [UY19CJC.J]
W0033O15UY19k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0033O22UY19S [UY19CJC.J]
W0034B11Y104Southern section of k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0034O12Y104f210 [UY19CJC.J]
W0034O15Y104k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0034O22Y104S [UY19CJC.J]
W0035B11UY19Drawing of the East section of k23: the topsoil f201 and natural accumulation f203, which is very thick (130 cm); f203 covers and abuts revetment wall f128;floor f249 abuts wall f128 [UY19CJC.J]
W0035O12UY19f128,f184,f187,f201,f203,f241,f242 [UY19CJC.J]
W0035O15UY19k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0035O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0036B11Y104South pseudo baulk of f232 [UY19CJC.J]
W0036O12Y104f188,f216,f232 [UY19CJC.J]
W0036O15Y104k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0036O22Y104S [UY19CJC.J]
W0037B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k24: f243 is the topsoil and underneath the accumulations f252, f263: the West part of f263 is not excavated [UY19CJC.J]
W0037O12UY19f243,f252,f263 [UY19CJC.J]
W0037O15UY19k24 [UY19CJC.J]
W0037O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0038B11UY19Drawing of East section of k24: topsoil f243 and natural accumulation f252 and f263 underneath; two floating stones f262 are sitting in f263 [UY19CJC.J]
W0038O12UY19f243,f252,f262,f263 [UY19CJC.J]
W0038O15UY19k24 [UY19CJC.J]
W0038O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0039B11UY19Drawing of the North section of k23: the topsoil f184 and the natural accumulations below it are f187 and f203; the West part of f203 is not excavated [UY19CJC.J]
W0039O12UY19f184,f187,f201 [UY19CJC.J]
W0039O15UY19k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0039O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0040B11UY19Overhead drawing of the visible stones of the revetment wall f128 in k23. Elevations are marked to indicate the changes in elevation. [UY19CJC.J]
W0040O12UY19f128 [UY19CJC.J]
W0040O15UY19k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0040O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0040O45UZ07L_W18d0818 J2w040 Uz07 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0041B11UY19Overhead sketch drawing of the upper portion of the staircase f130. This sketch is based on p27. [UY19CJC.J]
W0041O12UY19f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0041O15UY19k100 [UY19CJC.J]
W0041O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0041O45UZ07L_W18d0819 J2w041 Uz07 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0042B11UY19Overhead sketch drawing of the lower portion of the staircase f130. This sketch is based on p28 [UY19CJC.J]
W0042O12UY19f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0042O15UY19k100 [UY19CJC.J]
W0042O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0042O45UZ07L_W18d0820 J2w042 Uz07 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0043B11UY19Overhead drawing of stones of the apron. This is a sketch based on measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0043O12UY19f131 [UY19CJC.J]
W0043O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0043O45UZ08L_W18d0821 J2w043 Uz08 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0044B11UY19Drawing of the east section of k15; f305 corresponds to the east baulk; thesouthern part has been not excavated [UY19CJC.J]
W0044O12UY19f305 [UY19CJC.J]
W0044O15UY19k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0044O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0045B11UY19Overhead drawing of stones of upper portion of the apron. This sketch is based on measured relays [UY19CJC.J]
W0045O12UY19f131 [UY19CJC.J]
W0045O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0045O45UZ08L_W18d0823 J2w045 Uz08 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0046B11UY19Upper half of apron. This sketch is based on measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0046O12UY19f131 [UY19CJC.J]
W0046O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0046O45UZ10L_W18d0824 J2w046 Uz10 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0047B11UY19Lower portion of apron, overhead sketch. This drawing is based on measured relays. The gap space is where f154 was resting on the apron, covering it. [UY19CJC.J]
W0047O12UY19f131 [UY19CJC.J]
W0047O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0047O45UZ10L_W18d0824 J2w047 Uz10 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0048B11UY19Overhead drawing of stones that make up the western flanking wall of the apron (f127). This sketch is based on measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0048O12UY19f127 [UY19CJC.J]
W0048O22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0048O45UZ10L_W18d0825 J2w048 Uz10 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0049AB11UY19Overhead drawing of stones of second staircase. This is based on a sketch made from measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0049AO12UY19f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0049AO22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0049AO45UZ13L_W18d0826 J2w049a Uz13 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0049BB11UY19Overhead drawing of stones of second staircase. This is based on a sketch made from measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0049BO12UY19f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0049BO22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0049BO45UZ13L_W18d0826 J2w049b Uz13 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0049CB11UY19Overhead drawing of stones of second staircase. This is based on a sketch made from measured relays. [UY19CJC.J]
W0049CO12UY19f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0049CO22UY19ov [UY19CJC.J]
W0049CO45UZ13L_W18d0826 J2w049c Uz13 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0050B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0050O15Y104k2 [UY19CJC.J]
W0051B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0051O15Y104k3 [UY19CJC.J]
W0052B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0052O15Y104k4 [UY19CJC.J]
W0053B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0053O15Y104k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0054B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0054O15Y104k12 [UY19CJC.J]
W0055B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0055O15Y104k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0056B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0056O15Y104k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0057B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0057O15Y104k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0058B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0058O15Y104k22 [UY19CJC.J]
W0059B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0059O15Y104k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0060B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0060O15Y104k24 [UY19CJC.J]
W0061B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0061O15Y104k33 [UY19CJC.J]
W0062B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0062O15Y104k43 [UY19CJC.J]
W0063B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0063O15Y104k53 [UY19CJC.J]
W0064B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0064O15Y104k82 [UY19CJC.J]
W0065B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0065O15Y104k83 [UY19CJC.J]
W0066B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0066O15Y104k84 [UY19CJC.J]
W0067B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0067O15Y104k92 [UY19CJC.J]
W0068B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0068O15Y104k93 [UY19CJC.J]
W0069B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0069O15Y104k100 [UY19CJC.J]
W0070B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0070O15Y104k101 [UY19CJC.J]
W0071B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0071O15Y104k103 [UY19CJC.J]
W0072B11Y104Localization of locus relative to other loci [UY19CJC.J]
W0072O15Y104k105 [UY19CJC.J]
W0073B11YX24Loci map showing relative location of k110 [YX24CJC.J]
W0073O15YX24k110 [YX24CJC.J]
W0074B11YX24Loci map showing relative location of k111 [YX24CJC.J]
W0074O15YX24k111 [YX24CJC.J]
W0075B11YX24Loci map showing relative location of k104 [YX24CJC.J]
W0075O15YX24k104 [YX24CJC.J]
W0100B11UY19k24 North section [UY19CJC.J]
W0100O12UY19f243,f252,f263 [UY19CJC.J]
W0100O15UY19k24 [UY19CJC.J]
W0100O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0102B11UY19Eastern section of k13 showing accumulations in front of the revetment wall and covering the revetment wall. The cut of the German trench is also visible. [UY19CJC.J]
W0102O12UY19f29,f30,f31,f80,f87,f89,f95,f103,f104,f125,f127,f128,f137 [UY19CJC.J]
W0102O15UY19k13 [UY19CJC.J]
W0102O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0103B11UY19Eastern section of k14 showing the area south of the trench f104. [UY19CJC.J]
W0103O12UY19f104,f127,f159,f162,f200,f210 [UY19CJC.J]
W0103O15UY19k14 [UY19CJC.J]
W0103O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0104B11UY19Eastern section of k23 showing features covering upper layers of revetment wall. [UY19CJC.J]
W0104O12UY19f128,f184,f187,f201,f203,f241,f242 [UY19CJC.J]
W0104O15UY19k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0104O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0105B11UY19Eastern section of k24 showing layers of topsoil and just below. [UY19CJC.J]
W0105O12UY19f243,f252,f262 [UY19CJC.J]
W0105O15UY19k24 [UY19CJC.J]
W0105O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0106B11UY19Eastern section of k93 showing the layers covering the upper parts of the apron, f130. [UY19CJC.J]
W0106O12UY19f1,f34,f37,f47,f51,f130 [UY19CJC.J]
W0106O15UY19k93 [UY19CJC.J]
W0106O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0107B11UY19Combination drawing incorporating the north section of k13 with the south section of k13 and k101. This composite drawing shows the complete view of 4meters of depsoist from the topsoil down in front of the revetment wall. [UY19CJC.J]
W0107O12UY19f6,f7,f15,f76,f109,f111,f137,f140,f166,f171,f174 [UY19CJC.J]
W0107O15UY19k13,k101 [UY19CJC.J]
W0107O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0108B11UY19North section of k3 showing layers just under the surface. [UY19CJC.J]
W0108O12UY19f3,f5,f11,f22,f28,f81,f102,f105 [UY19CJC.J]
W0108O15UY19k3 [UY19CJC.J]
W0108O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0109B11Y103Drawing of the western section in the cut of k100 in front of the stairs. Features were not labeled when the drawing was done in W18, but colors were recorded. [X925CJC.J]
W0109O15Y103k100 [X925CJC.J]
W0109O22Y103W [X925CJC.J]
W0109O45W110L_W18d0914 J02w109 W110 cJC.jpg [J02W18.J]
W0200B11UY19Composite section combining the south section k4 and k14 with the north section of k5 and k15 to create a complete section showing the north section across J2. The elevations included depict the upper layers of brickfall and the deposits above the brickfall to the surface. [UY19CJC.J]
W0200O12UY19f2,f4,f8,f16,f40,f82,f157,f158,f164,f168,f181,f188,f193,f207,f208,f210,f211 [UY19CJC.J]
W0200O15UY19k4,k5,k14,k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0200O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0201B11UY19Combined East section of k2 and k3 showing upper level deposits covering the staircase f130. [UY19CJC.J]
W0201O12UY19f18,f25,f32,f45,f64,f74,f131 [UY19CJC.J]
W0201O15UY19k2,k3 [UY19CJC.J]
W0201O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0202B11UY19Combined East section of k4 and k5. This section depicts the upper levels and the small curtain walls (f144 and f232). [UY19CJC.J]
W0202O12UY19f2,f3,f4,f5,f8,f11,f16,f22,f81,f82,f105,f144,f158,f188,f216,f232 [UY19CJC.J]
W0202O15UY19k4,k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0202O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0203B11UY19Combined East section of k13, k14 and k15. This section shows the layers extending south from the revetment wall. The big cut of the trench f20 is shown as well. [UY19CJC.J]
W0203O12UY19f18,f20,f29,f30,f31,f58,f65,f80,f87,f95,f103,f125,f127,f128,f137,f159,f161,f162,f185,f193,f200,f210,f305 [UY19CJC.J]
W0203O15UY19k13,k14,k15 [UY19CJC.J]
W0203O22UY19E [UY19CJC.J]
W0205B11UY19Combined section of north k23, k13 and k3 with the south section k14 to show a complete North section across J2. [UY19CJC.J]
W0205O12UY19f3,f5,f6,f7,f11,f15,f22,f28,f76,f81,f102,f105,f109,f111,f127,f131,f137,f140,f152,f166,f171,f174,f243,f263 [UY19CJC.J]
W0205O15UY19k3,k13,k14,k23 [UY19CJC.J]
W0205O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0206B11UY19North section of k5 showing the thin layer of f365 that had been removed with f359 just exposed underneath. f359 was not removed. [UY19CJC.J]
W0206O12UY19f359,f365 [UY19CJC.J]
W0206O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0206O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0207B11UY19West section of k5 showing the features removed during the 2009 season. The uneven top portion of the section is due to the fact that the area was exposed for several seasons. [UY19CJC.J]
W0207O12UY19f364,f365,f375 [UY19CJC.J]
W0207O15UY19k5 [UY19CJC.J]
W0207O22UY19N [UY19CJC.J]
W0208B11UY19West section of k110. The raised portion in the south is due to the cut back of the south section. The section illustrates the thin layers lapping up against the stone of the apron. [UY19CJC.J]
W0208O12UY19f131,f310,f347,f350,f353,f355,f364 [UY19CJC.J]
W0208O15UY19k110 [UY19CJC.J]
W0208O22UY19W [UY19CJC.J]
W0209B11UY19South section across J2. Shows the sharp cut of the erosion, f366. The brickfall can clearly be seen resting directly on the EDIII accumulations. The thin layers of the floors that built up are clearly seen in the western portion of the section. [UY19CJC.J]
W0209O12UY19f338,f344,f345,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f358,f359,f361,f362,f363,f364,f365,f379 [UY19CJC.J]
W0209O15UY19k4,k5,k110 [UY19CJC.J]
W0209O22UY19S [UY19CJC.J]
W0210B11UY19Western section of k100 down in front of the lower staircase (f380). It shows the lower pavements and the series of pebble pavements above them abutting the stairs. [UY19CJC.J]
W0210O12UY19f130,f338,f344,f347,f350,f353,f355,f357,f357,f359,f378,f378,f379,f380,f381,f389,f390 [UY19CJC.J]
W0210O15UY19k100 [UY19CJC.J]
W0210O22UY19W [UY19CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0081 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0082 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0087 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0095 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0097 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0098 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0099 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0109 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0157 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0158 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0160 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0168 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0181 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0185 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0186 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0193 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0195 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0203 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0206 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0220 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0222 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0242 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2A02VY18f0249 [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2B11VY18Accumulations covering the top of the revetment wall. Part of a process of slow build-up and accumulation after the post-brickfall use. [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2I04VY18s122-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^ACCUM2I10VY18Stratigraphically these accumulations are above the post-brickfall use and are part of the late Mittani covering of the revetment wall known from J1 and J5. [T914CJC.J]
^APR1A02T914f0021 [T914CJC.J]
^APR1A02T914f0131 [T914CJC.J]
^APR1A21T914apron [T914CJC.J]
^APR1B11T914The apron is the set of more widely placed steps to the west of the main staircase (^stair2). It is built of limestone blocks and the steps are spaced so that it is approximately one apron step for every two staircase steps. It is flanked on the western edge by a small wall (^wall3). It is constructed at the same time as the second staircase (^stair2) and the eastern flanking wall (^wall2). [T914CJC.J]
^APR1C10T914On W514 the strata assignment information was updated to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^APR1I04T914s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^APR1I10T914The apron was assigned to s650-J2B based on the ceramic material that abuts its base. The ceramics that are just below and just above the first step both date to this strata so the apron can safely be assigned to the strata s650-J2B as well. [T914CJC.J]
^APR1K01T914Composed of 18 steps [T914CJC.J]
^APR2A02T914f0020 [T914CJC.J]
^APR2A02T914f0132 [T914CJC.J]
^APR2B11T914The second apron was built to mimic the first apron, after the first apron and the revetment wall had been covered. It is built up limestone blocks and displays a similarity to the first apron in style. It is dated to the Mittani based on Mittani deposits that run under it. The second apron is part of the Mittani reenvisioning of the sacral area after the first apron (^apr1) and the staircase (^stair2) was almost covered. [T914CJC.J]
^APR2C05W514Upon further discussion during the September/October 2011 study season we decided that the assignment of the second apron to the Mittani period is not certain. See discussion on left hand side under topics for futher details. [T914CJC.J]
^APR2C05WX16After discussion regarding the date of the second apron again in the Fall 2012 study season we again are resolved that the apron belongs in the Mittani period, specifically to the period of rebuilding and construction across the temple terrace area dated to s148-J2B. See discussion under topics for full explanation of different options. [T914CJC.J]
^APR2I04WX16s148-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^APR2I10T914The second apron is primarily dated based on the ceramics that go under it, recovered during the German excavations of the area. Additionally, the materials constituting the fill between the revetment wall and the second apron are also dating to the Mittani period. [T914CJC.J]
^APR2I12WX16Mittani sherds go under the apron in J3 and J5. [T914CJC.J]
^APR2K01T914Composed of 11 steps [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0106 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0112 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0155 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0177 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0178 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0180 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0181 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0188 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0189 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0202 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0207 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0208 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0210 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0211 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0216 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0217 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0218 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0226 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0230 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0260 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0261 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0273 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0340 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0342 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA02T914f0356 [T914CJC.J]
^BFA21T914bf [T914CJC.J]
^BFB11T914Large brickfall of red and gray bricks sloping from the east down to the west. It falls on top of the erosion (f366). It is probably Mitanni in date and in J7 some skulls of children were found. The brickfall is composed of both red and gray bricks and has many inclusions, notably pottery - some of it from large storage jars. It is more eroded in the upper layers indicating it was exposed for some time. It appears to have taken place in two phases or slowly as two small walls were discovered inside the brickfall (^ctwl2, ^ctwl3). Associated with these curtain walls are small burned patches and some shallow pits. It appears that as the brickfall began they tried to continue to use the area but were unsuccessful as the first wall was covered as well as the second attempt. The area was then not used until after the brickfall had ended. [T914CJC.J]
^BFC10W514On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^BFI04T914s158-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^BFI04T914s160-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^BFI04W514s158-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^BFI04W514s160-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^BFI11T914The brickfall is dated to the middle Mittani based on the ceramics. [T914CJC.J]
^BFI12T914The brickfall is assigned to two different strata as it took place slowly and in two phases (see description). Also see topic on left-hand side. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1A02T914f0288 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1A02T914f0334 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1A02T914f0346 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1A21T914wall [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1B11T914Curtain wall built in front of the revetment wall, perpendicular to ^wall3 during the Mittani period. It was presumably built to screen off the bottom of the revetment wall. It was used until it collapsed and was covered over by brickfall. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1C10W514On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1I04T914s190-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1I04W514s190-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1I10T914Because the brickfall comes over this wall after it already collapsed it is presumed to be dated to an earlier Mittani phase. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL1I11T914The ceramics found in and around this wall were mixed EDIII and Mittani. The excavators suggested that this may because the wall was placed on top of EDIII deposits and those deposits might have been disturbed during construction and incorporated. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2A02T914f0144 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2A02T914f0232 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2A21T914wall [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2B11T914So-called 'curtain' walls in front of the apron built during the brickfall. They were built to screen off certain areas, particularly after the area of the plaza began to fill in. The two features are each separate lines of stones that are placed one on top of each other with a slight layer of fill between them. The wall was built during the time of the brickfall and presumably the first level was covered and so the second layer was added. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2C10T914On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2I04T914s159-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL2I10T914This wall was constructed during the brickfall, which is securely dated to the Middle Mittani. The period of use during the brickfall, including the construction of the curtain walls was assigned to it separate strata, s159-J2A based on the supposition that it was a distinct event that occured during the brickfall. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL3A02UY15f0224 [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL3A21UY15wall [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL3B11UY15Curtain wall built in front of the revetment wall, extending perpendicularly from ^wall3, during the period of the brickfall. This wall is above ^ctwl1 and follows the same lines although it is higher. It is separated from ^ctwl1 by a thick accumulation. [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL3I04UY15s159-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^CTWL3I12UY15This wall is built during the brickfall as evidenced by the brickfall layers around it. It is similar to ^ctwl2 in construction and appears to be built at the same time (See v100). [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN1A02UY28f0376 [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN1B11UY28Erosion in front of ^apr1 caused by water. Damages some of the floors that are part of ^fl2 [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN1I04UY28s610-J2A [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN1I12UY28Sits inside of the use floors (^fl2) of the EDIII period [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN2A02UY28f0366 [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN2B11UY28Long erosion cut, sloping east to west that cuts the floors in front of ^apr1. [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN2C10UY28The strata was updated to reflect J2B sequence by cJC on Wx16 [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN2I04UY28s161-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^ERSN2I12UY28The layers that are cut by this erosion date to the EDIII and immediately on top of the cut is Mittani brickfall. This lead the excavators to date the erosion to the strata immediately preceding the Mittani brickfall as there was not time for any other materials to accumulate. [T914CJC.J]
^FL1A02UY28f0369 [T914CJC.J]
^FL1A02UY28f0392 [T914CJC.J]
^FL1B11UY28First floor associated with ^apr1 and ^stair2. [T914CJC.J]
^FL1C03UY28Currently it is not known which floor is the first floor associated with the construction of the apron. The reasons for each floor are elucidated on their respective feature pages. [T914CJC.J]
^FL1I04UY28s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^FL1I10UY28The first floor, is by definition associated with the construction of the apron, staircase and revetment wall. Based on the material from J2 and othe units these constructions are dated to s650-J2B. [T914CJC.J]
^FL1I12UY28f369 is dated to the mid-EDII by ceramics [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0326 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0327 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0328 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0329 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0330 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0344 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0347 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0350 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0353 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0355 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0357 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2A02UY28f0358 [T914CJC.J]
^FL2B11UY28Series of EDIII floors relating to the use of ^apr1. These floors are very thin and represent a continual use of the area. [T914CJC.J]
^FL2I04UY28s620-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^FL2I10UY28Ceramics are dated to the EDIII. [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA01T817a0007 [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA02T817f0127 [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA02T817f0128 [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA02T817f0130 [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA02T817f0131 [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSA21T817Accessway [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSB11T817Monumental access to the temple terrace. In the third millennium this complex served as the main access to the temple. The complex was used for a long period of time which is indicated by the continual build up of floors in front of the apron. This monumental access is composed of the second staircase, the first apron, the flanking walls (f127 and f129). Most of the monumental access was built at the same time as the revetment wall with the exception of the second flanking wall which was added later. This specific label subsumes several important features and other specific labels. [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSI04T817s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSI12T817The individual components of the monumental access have been primarily dated to this strata using the materials found against the base. The only exception is the western flanking wall which was added later. [T914CJC.J]
^MNACSM02T817The monumental access serves to both connect and separate the Plaza at the base of the staircase with the temple terrace at the top. The revetment wall serves to separate the Plaza from the temple terrace and acts as a restrictive force. As a consequence the staircase and apron become the focus as the point of entry and passage between the two points. [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A02T914f0386 [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A02T914f0387 [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A02T914f0388 [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A02T914f0389 [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A02T914f0390 [T914CJC.J]
^PV1A21T914pavement [T914CJC.J]
^PV1B11T914Sequence of sherd, bone and pebble pavements with sandy subfloors. These pavements are in front of the first staircase and are associated with the lowest steps of the staircase. These pavements were grouped together as they show a typological similarity in their construction with small sherds and other small inclusions of stones and bones. Additionally, the ceramics from these floors were typologically similar. [T914CJC.J]
^PV1C10W514On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^PV1I04W514s685-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^PV1I10T914Below the early EDIII floors, up against the earlier construction of the first staircase (^stair1). [T914CJC.J]
^PV1I11T914mKB identifed some Ninevite 5 sherds [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0267 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0272 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0276 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0287 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0291 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0292 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0294 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A02WX16f0302 [T914CJC.J]
^PV2A21T914pavement [T914CJC.J]
^PV2B11T914Pebble floors in front of the first staircase just coming up to the very base of second staircase. Composed of an sequence of pebble floors with thin layers of accumulation between them. These pavements are grouped together based on their stratigraphic continuity and typological similarities. The pebbles are much larger than those of the earlier pavements (^pv1). [T914CJC.J]
^PV2B11WX16Pebble pavements that run up against the first staircase (^stair1). This grouping of pavements is characterized by mixed EDIII and Ninevite 5 sherds indicating they were in use during the transition of those periods. [T914CJC.J]
^PV2C10W514On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^PV2I04W514s665-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^PV2I04WX16s670-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^PV2I11T914mKB identified early EDIII sherds embedded in the pavements. [T914CJC.J]
^PV2I11WX16This grouping of pebble pavements is based on the similarity of the typology of sherds amongst them. The floors have a mix of Ninevite 5 and early EDIIIa sherds. [T914CJC.J]
^PV2I12WX16These floors are constructed using the same techniques as the later ^pv3 grouping of floors, however, they are distinguished on the basis of their pottery typology which diverges from the ^pv3 grouping through the inclusion of Ninevite 5 materials. [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0205 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0209 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0213 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0214 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0215 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0256 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0258 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A02WX16f0266 [T914CJC.J]
^PV3A21WX16pavement [T914CJC.J]
^PV3B11WX16Upper-most pebble pavements against the first staircase ^stair1. These prebble floors are characterized by EDIII sherds. [T914CJC.J]
^PV3I04WX16s665-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^PV3I11WX16Sherds in these floors are from the early EDIIIa period, a slight variation in the distribution of sherds from the preceding sequence of pebble floors (^pv2) which included a mix of EDIIIa and Ninevite 5 sherds. [T914CJC.J]
^PV3I12WX16The pebble floors of this grouping show no distinct composition to distinguish them from the from the earlier pebble floors but the ceramics are typologically different therefore they have been separated into two groupings. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1A02T914f0380 [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1A21T914staircase [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1B11T914First staircase of an earlier construction phase. There are three main steps visible and it goes underneath the second staircase. It is unclear if this staircase continued all the way up to the top of the temple mound as the second staircase covers it or if it is the top of a deeper structure. Further excavations will be needed to answer this question. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I04T914s850-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I04WX20s730-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I10T914This feature is assigned to the LC based on comparisons with other excavated areas. The earlier structures in front of the revetment wall in J1 are dated to the LC based on ceramics. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I10WX20After discussion with lC and jW in 2012 study season we decided that it is possible that the earlier structures across the JP area may date to the Ninevite 5 period rather than the LC3. Since the dating of ^stair1 was based on comparisons with J1 and J5 the date of this structure was also revised to a slightly later stratum, s730-J2B. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I11T914The earliest materials against this feature are dated to s685-J2B, but as we have not yet reached the base of the feature it is presumed to be earlier. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1I11WX20The lowest sherds recovered are Ninevite 5, however, they indicate the period of use of this structure, not the period of construction, since we have not yet reached the base of the structure. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR1K01T914Composed of 3 steps. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2A02T914f0130 [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2A21T914staircase [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2B11T914Second staircase, associated with the first apron. It goes from the bottom of the apron up to the top of the temple terrace. There are two steps of the staircase for every one step of the first apron. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2I04T914s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2I10T914This feature is part of the monumental access that was constructed together as part of the major construction dated to s650-J2B. It is bonded to the apron (^apr1) and the eastern flanking wall (^wall2). The apron is constructed together with the revetment wall (^wall1) and therefore all these constructions are assigned to the same strata. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2I11T914Materials against the lowest step of this staircase were part of the German excavation of the area. When considered with the other features that are part of the monumental access it is clear that the materials at the base of the apron and revetment wall are both EDIII, which indicates that presumably the materials at the base of the staircase would be EDIII as well. [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2K01T914Composed of 22 steps [T914CJC.J]
^STAIR2M02T914The staircase connects the Plaza at the bottom with the temple terrace at the top. [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0002 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0003 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0006 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0018 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0019 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0029 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0033 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0034 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0036 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0038 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0042 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0050 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0053 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0057 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0058 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0064 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0067 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0068 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0167 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0184 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0243 [T914CJC.J]
^TSA02UZ17f0360 [T914CJC.J]
^TSB11UZ17Topsoil layers including modern materials and growing plants [T914CJC.J]
^TSI04UZ17s20-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^TSI10UZ17Stratigraphically the topsoil belongs to the most recent periods, with the exception of activities associated with the excavation (backfill etc.) which are attributed to s10-J2A. [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A01UZ03a0006 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03a0009 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0141 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0142 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0143 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0145 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0150 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0171 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0174 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0197 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0198 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0199 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0200 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0224 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0298 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0299 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0300 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A02UZ03f0301 [T914CJC.J]
^USE1A21UZ03use area [T914CJC.J]
^USE1B11UZ03Use area inside of the brickfall, contemporaneous with the construction of the curtian walls (^ctwl2, ^ctwl3). The use was probably an attempt to reclaim and reuse the area after the first brickfall began, but it was unsuccessful due to the continued brickfall which covered the first and second attempts at walls in the area. [T914CJC.J]
^USE1I04UZ03s159-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^USE1I12UZ03The brickfall is dated based on ceramics to the mid-Mittani. This use area is after the brickfall begins, but before it is completely over. Because it is sandwiched by brickfall it is known to be also in the Middle-Mittani. [T914CJC.J]
^USE2A02UZ03f0101 [T914CJC.J]
^USE2A02UZ03f0103 [T914CJC.J]
^USE2A02UZ03f0105 [T914CJC.J]
^USE2A02UZ03f0125 [T914CJC.J]
^USE2A21UZ03use area [T914CJC.J]
^USE2B11UZ03Use areas at elevations level with the large stone, f154 placed on the apron (^apr1). This use area is directly on top of the crumbled bricks of the brickfall indicating an attempt to reclaim and reuse the area after the brickfall. [T914CJC.J]
^USE2I04UZ03s148-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^USE2I12UZ03This use area occurs after the brickfall but likely before the construction of the second apron. It is dated primarily using it's stratigraphic location between these two phases. [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A02UZ03a0005 [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A02UZ03f0015 [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A02UZ03f0016 [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A02UZ03f0017 [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A02UZ03f0022 [T914CJC.J]
^USE3A21UZ03use area [T914CJC.J]
^USE3B11UZ03Use areas associated with the scattered stones at or above the levels of the second apron (^apr2). This includes the collapsed or placed stones (see v507) [T914CJC.J]
^USE3C10UZ03The stratum for this use was updated to J2B sequence on Wx16 by cJC [T914CJC.J]
^USE3I04UZ03s70-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^USE3I12UZ03The scattered stones are in the uppermost accumulations after the monumental access had already been covered. [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0007 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0009 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0010 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0012 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0067 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0069 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4A02UZ03f0078 [T914CJC.J]
^USE4B11UZ03Use areas associated with tannurs in upper levels. [T914CJC.J]
^USE4C10UZ03Stratum updated to J2B sequence on Wx16 by cJC [T914CJC.J]
^USE4I04UZ03s60-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^USE4I12UZ03Stratigraphically these layers appear to be relatively late due to their proximity to the surface of the tell. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1A02T914f0128 [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1A21T914wall [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1A30T914Revetment wall surrounding the temple terrace. This wall extends across the whole JP area, into stretching from J6 in the east to J5 in the west, through J2, J3, J4 and J1. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1B11T914The revetment wall is part of the larger monumental access that defines J2. It is a wall, about 2 rows of stones in thickness that acts as an interface between the temple terrace area and the Plaza. The wall is about 2.5 meters high in J2. It is constructed of rough stones that are placed on top of each other, the area between the stones is filled with dirt. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1C10T914On W514 the strata assignment information was updated by cJC to reflect the J2B sequence. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1I04T914s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1I10T914The revetment wall was assigned to s650-J2B based on the materials found at the base and through comparisons with the materials such as the first escarpment in J1. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL1M99T914Based on excavations in J3 it is thought that the revetment wall is backed (on the northern inside face) with a bakaya layer to prevent water from seeping through and causing damage. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2A02UY15f0129 [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2A21UY15wall [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2B11UY15Flanking wall to the east of the staircase (^stair2). The wall is bonded with ^stair2 and is part of the original construction of the monumental access (^mnacs). The wall is built of shaped limestones. It is over 2 meters high at the base of the staircase. The wall is level on the top so it becomes lower relative to the staircase as one moves up the stair. At the base 2 stones are placed obliquely leaning against the south face of the wall. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2I04UY15s650-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2I10UY15This flanking wall is bonded to the second staircase. The second staircase is dated by the materials at its base to the mid EDIII and therefore the flanking wall has been assigned to the same strata. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL2M02UY15The wall separates the access way from the non-sacral space to the east. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL3A02UY15f0127 [T914CJC.J]
^WALL3A21UY15wall [T914CJC.J]
^WALL3B11UY15Flanking wall to the west of the apron (^apr1). The top of the wall follows the slope of the apron. It is slightly lower than the apron and was probably added later to bolster the western edge of the apron and protect it. It is composed of rougher stones than any of the original components of the monumental access (^mnacs). An stone (f257)is placed obliquely at the base to mimic the oblique stones in front of ^wall2. [T914CJC.J]
^WALL3I04UY15s630-J2B [T914CJC.J]
^WALL3I12UY15This wall was added after the monumental access had already been constructed. It is not bonded to the revetment wall or the apron suggesting it was added later. The accumulations at the base of the revetment wall, however, seem to be relatively uninterrupted so it is assumed that it was added relatively soon after the construction to bolster the apron and protect the western edge. It is dated to the same phase as the escarpment in J1 which presumably served a similar function of protecting the constructions. [T914CJC.J]

Total entries: 12724