Entries authored by jw

Processed on 01-27-2020

--IT719Two new loci will be designated: k105 is to the north and west and ranges in width from one to two meters. k106 is to the south and east and ranges in width from one to two meters. They about each other at the buttresses, f155 and f161. The escarpment has already been exposed in J1. Although ideally one could follow it to the west along the revetment wall face, there are two layers of cut stone blocks which seem to abut the revetment wall, atop the escarpment's path. As a result, we will first dig down at the western end and follow to the southeast any revetment wall and any escarpment. If the escarpment slopes severely down it indicates that the tell was mounded in that region in Late Chalcolithic times. A severe slope also means that the staircase was probably part of the Third Millennium temple mound and plaza. If the escarment is relatively level and uniformly deep, it means that the staircase was built late atop Third Millennium structures, most likely in the Mittani period. [T719JW.J]
--I.riS709On the basis of our initial excavations on the temple complex, it was assumed that its general form was symmetrical and that it formed an oval, walled in stone and sitting above an open plaza, with the temple at the center and possibly with several points of access. Based on the excavations of the last two seasons and on an extensive geophysical survey, we have modified our hypothesis. Among other things, the formal boundary of the temple complex now seems to be confined to the southwest. The eastern part may well end at the staircase. Excavations in unit J1 in the MZ19 season (2006-Q) revealed that, at its western extremity, the revetment wall made a sharp turn to the north. Furhermore the wall in that vicinity seemed to comprise a double line of stones, separated by about 5 meters with possibly a paving of large flat stones between them. This season, we wish to follow this wall to the north, to determine the nature of the relationship of the components of that part of the wall system, and to determine the physical links, if any, between the temple complex and the Tupkish palace. The geomagnetic survey data show there may be a northern boundary to the plaza in this general location, possibly through a link with a substantial building, which may be associated with the palace. Sharing importance with excavation will be the production of a completed field portion of the global record by the close of the study season in late September. [S709JW1.J]
--I.riS920The ending numbers for selected constituents are as follows: aggregates = a2; features = f200; items = i31; q-lots = q284; relays = r1164; views = v144; drawings = w25; plots = p63; sketches = sk44. [S920JW.J]
--I.riT719At the end of the MZ21 excavation season, we had exposed at least the first meter of the southern face of the revetment wall of the BA Temple mound. In addition, we excavated additional monumental stonework, including a staircase of five steps, at the western end of the revetment wall. This staircase is considerably higher than the monumental staircase at the eastern end of the revetment wall excavated as part of J2 in prior seasons. We tentatively dated this stonework to the late Mittani period by analysis of the ceramics which were layered against the staircase and associated wall extension, as well as in shallow probes behind those features. The revetment wall has been securely dated to the Early Dynastic period and the excavations in J1 and J3 immediately to the east of J5 show that the revetment wall was built atop structures that are dated to the Late Chalcolithic period. The research question to be addressed this season is to verify the date of the western extension without destroying it. If the western structures (higher than their counterparts to the east) are Early Dynastic, then they must have been built atop Late Chalcolithic structures which rose in elevation west of J1. If the western structures are Mittani, then they could have been built atop Early Dynastic structures at the same elevation as the revetment wall. To test the hypothesis, we intend to expose the south face of the eastern part of the revetment wall and the west face of the western wall system until we reach the escarpments of each. The area that will be excavated is bounded by the walls to the east and north and the baulks of loci k32 and k100 to the south and west. [T719JW.J]
-ACT815Ahmed Hawaz cut his finger while moving a large stone from near the west baulk of k106. [T815JW.J]
-ACT816Just after breakfast, Anwar slipped on the stairs of f205 and hurt his wrists. After a consultation with Kamiran, jW dismissed him to seek medical care. [T816JW.J]
-AC.riS806Removal man Karghraman, while standing on a baulk and leanining on a tent pole, fell into the excavation when the support for the pole gave way. Fortunately, he was not injured. All workmen and staff were warned to be more careful in the future. [S807JW.J]
-DP.riT927The following problems are known to exist:
(1)The JD program does not process view, drawing, and plot logs entries for specific labels (i.e. g^wall1).

(2) Although they run as separate files, the JD program does not process the following types of J files in the batch mode:
(a) Best photo containing view numbers for specific labels (i.e.. J5 T915jW.-j)
(b) Strata Log (i.e. J5 T902jW.-j).
(c) Strata Rationale entries (i.e. J5 T903jW.j).

(3) Text entries do not process properly (i.e. J3 R824jW1.j-, J3 R824jW2.j, J3 R726jW.j-)

(4) When the "S" program output file is processed by the JD program, its output (strata and phase) for q-p is placed in the QI folder not the QP folder (i.e. J5 S-CUMUL.-J-).

(5) The JD program does not process nested specific labels.

(6) The JD program does not process assemblage files (i.e. J5 T405jW.j-).

(7) The JD program has a limit of 400 input files. J5 already has more than that.

(8) In her .J files mKB uses several pottery codes from a new list provided to her by gB (e.g. K81) that are not recognized by the current JD program. We have had to change the codes to existing ones (e.g. K91) to get the data into the UGR (i.e. J5 T914aC.-j).

(9) Text links between books does not work (e.g. J1f296 in a J5 entry).

(10) A link within text to a specific label does not work (e.g. ^wall1).

(11) When a view is open and one clicks on a thumbnail for other related views (photos), nothing is linked to it. The thumbnails are linked to a file in the unit book which does not exist. (The photos are in V22/G/LoRes, while the views are in J05/D/V.) [T927JW.J]
-DYS826gB assigned a project to excavate a walkway along the south face of revetment wall, f3, from J1 into the southeastern corner of J5. Its purpose is to emphasize that the wall spans several excavation units. [S826JW.J]
-DYT720At the start of the day, we set all workmen to clean the area of J5, removing trash and green plants. Then, we organized into two groups to begin excavating the surface soil that had accumulated over the winter and covered the last features exposed in MZ21 (2008-S) to the south and west of the revetment wall system that we want to dig this year. To facilitate paperwork we designated this part of the area a separate locus, k104. When the surface soil, f201, was cleared, we began to excavate soil features f74 to the northwest and f158 to the southeast. We plan to leave baulks at the northwest and southeast extremities of this locus. [T720JW.J]
-DYT725eA and sE drew the section of the east face of k106 in the afternoon so that removal of accumulation, f158, to trace escarpment, f169 to the west could continue. [T725JW.J]
-DYT811In k106 we completed the test probe towards the wall by excavating the balance of the f241 layered escarpment toward the revetment wall, f189. There was no evidence of a single, sloping mass of baqaya as the layers each continued northward against the wall face. At the bottom, we noticed that the stone escarpment, ^esc1, had another row of stones to the north which either abutted or bonded with the wall. We removed the remaining Mittani accumulation of f243, south of the Third Millennium sherd layer, f242. Then, we excavated f242 westward, uncovering additional stones of the sloping part of the stone escarpment, ^esc1. Also, we removed an additional layer of Mittani accumulation, f252, from atop the Third Millennium layered escarpment, ^esc2, so that when we excavate it we will minimize any chances of contamination with later material.
In k105 we removed an accumulation, f253, which covered what appears to be a pebble floor, f254, and its retaining wall, f255. We also uncovered a fourth stone, f257, which may be associated with stone stairs, f205. The stone, f257, is perpendiclar to stone wall, f41. [T811JW.J]
-DYT812In k106 we continued to excavate west in f252 and f242 in a strip about one meter wide next to the north baulk of k100. The purpose was to expose the southernmost rows of stones of ^esc1, f225. As we proceeded northward, the lowest row of stones disappeared, and the next highest was covered by a dense layer of sherds. This may indicate that we are reaching the west end of the Third Millennium revetment wall, f189.
In k105 we cleared the last of the sloping surface, f251 from atop the brick wall, a11. [T812JW.J]
-DYT813In k105, we concentrated our attention in three areas, north and south of the brick wall, f255; and in the southeastern corner, near the baulk separating k105 from k106 to the east. In the southeast corner of pebble fill, f254, adjacent to f255, we exposed a fifth "step" of the stepped stone structure, f205. It was below and south of the fourth "step" f257. To the south of the southeast corner of wall, a11, we made a small test probe to find the bottom of wall, f41. The accumulation just above what we believe to be the bottom was very clean and had few sherds. However, mKB and hQ evaluated them as from Phase 3 (JPB sequence). This is the earliest material found so far in k105. At this level, we also discovered a large, flat stone oriented, southeast to northwest, f265, about 50cm west of wall, f41. Between this stone and the wall was a surface of broken stones, f267. In the southeast corner we continued to remove accumulations above what we hypothesize is the stone escarpment to the revetment wall, f189, assuming that it continues to the west from k106 into k105.In k106 we continued to excavate to the west, following the southernmost line of stones of ^esc1. We also began to excavate a two-meter wide sounding next to the entire extent of the west baulk of k106. After one pick run we encountered a hard, reddish mass of soil, f268, which may have served as part of ^esc2 during one of the use phases of the revetment wall, f189. [T813JW.J]
-DYT816In the northern sector of k105 we removed the last of the river pebbles, f254, revealing a surface of greenish yellow soil, f279. On the south this surface was bounded by a line of cut stones, f277. On the east this surface was bounded by another line of stones, f276. The stones did not abut in a SE corner. Immediately to the south of a11, we uncovered two additional lines of stones to the west of f265. We continued to excavate accumulation, f259, in anticipation of reaching companion stones to f265, which are expected to continue to the southeast. In k106 we continued to expose stones which are a part of the first escarpment, ^esc1. [T816JW.J]
-DYT817In k105 we removed the balance of accumulation, f280, from atop the pebble natural floor, f278. Pickman Su'ar noticed that there was an ashy accumulation, f282, to the southwest of the stones of ^esc1 under the natural floor, f278. In k106, we removed the baulk between k105 and k106 in two parts: first the volumetric material above the red "escarpment," then f268 itself. Further east we removed the layered escarpment, f241, from the west baulk to the exploratory cut to the east. [T817JW.J]
-DYT818Removed the remaining soil and stones from the afternoon excavations of T817. Removed the remaining portion of the red soil, f268 from the bottom of the north part of the east baulk of k106. Excavated the sherd layer, f242, a part of the layered second escarpment, ^esc2. Cleaned the natural floor, f278, atop the stones of the first escarpment, f265, then began to remove it to expose the stones and the ashy accumulation to the southwest, f282. In the afternoon session we finished removing f278 and f242. Then we cleaned thoroughly the numerous exposed stones of ^esc1, which stretch from the east end to almost the northern end of the unit. In the north sector, we removed the bricks of f245, the east end of a11, in order to determine if the stone first escarpment, ^esc1, rose to the north at that point to the level of the f266 "step." We found another large, high-founded flat stone at the same elevation to the south of f266, but not the rise in the first escarpment that we hypothesized. If ^esc1 does rise, it must occur further to the north. However, it is possible that the two stones of f255 are part of a stone second escarpment, installed after the first escarpment was covered in that region. [T818JW.J]
-DYT826In k105 we removed the pedestal of accumulation, f289, under the shaffatshaffat. We learned little new about the deposition process beneath the f3 Mittani revetment wall in the process. [T826JW.J]
-DYT827Removed the northeast corner of the high baulk in k100 to improve sight-lines down and to the north so that the first escarpment, ^esc1 could be seen in conjunction with the revetment wall, f189. Backfilled the previously excavated exploratory trench, f286, in k33. Straightened sections along the north baulk of k100 and the west baulk of k105. Finished drawing the southern half of the southwest section of k106. [T827JW.J]
-DYT901We are nearing the end of the First Study Period, having already finished the Second UGR period. Except for a brief time when we performed additional field work, the staff has worked in the house to prepare the first draft of the final UGR. It includes entering and checking all logs, checking relays and making plots, finishing templates, processing objects, drawing sections, and stratigraphic analysis. So far, there have been no significant problems. In the next study period we will cross-check entries and correct discrepancies. jW will prepare the discursive side for publication. [T901JW1.J]
-DY.riS721At the end of the day, excavation in five loci, k23, k24, k34, k44, and k54 has begun to clarify the stratigraphy associated with the occupation of this part of the [S721JW.J]
-DY.riS727Today, the unit archaeologists worked in the house rather than in the field. No workmen were present on site. We focused on drawing templates, entering data, processing objects, and stratigraphic analysis. There were several meetings in the house and in the field with gB, fAB, mKB and unit archaeologists to review progress to date and to revise the excavation strategy for the next period. [S727JW1.J]
-DY.riS904Today in the field we drew the east section of k14, w26. We recorded data for new features and described them. jW and lH met with gB and fAB to tentatively allocate features to the phases set forth in the Phase Sequence for Mittani Horizon, dated S902. [S904JW.J]
-DY.riT729High winds and blowing soil made outside work impossible today. [T729JW.J]
-EQS817A shafat to remove the dirt from baulk removal was installed along the north baulk of k34. [S817JW.J]
-EQS819For much of the day, the shafat was operating at less than full capacity because no trailer was available to carry away the dirt. Less efficient wheelbarrows were used instead. [S819JW.J]
-EQS821Moved the shafat to locus k32 to assist in removing the north and east baulks. [S821JW.J]
-EQT721All four pickmen complained that the trowels issued to them were ineffective for the work we were asking of them. Also, the bristles on the brushes are too worn to pick up the dirt. sE, tool co-ordinator, was notified. [T721JW.J]
-EQT723Upon inspection of the unit, we determined that a four-meter shafat would not be long enough to lift the excavated dirt to the surface. The six-meter unit was not ready to be installed. [T723JW.J]
-EQT723jW and fAB spoke about the sub-standard trowels. Some new ones will be issued. [T723JW.J]
-EQT725The long shafat was installed and began operating late in the day. It will ease the removal problem developing as we excavate far below the surface. After the shafat was installed we installed a safety fence around a previously excavated deep sounding to the south of k100. [T725JW.J]
-EQT726Distributed two new trowels to Ibrahim and Anwar. [T726JW.J]
-EQT816Shifted shafat from the baulk between k105 and k106 to a point about two meters to the west to facilitate removal of soil from the southeast corner of k105 where most of the heavy excavation was taking place. [T816JW.J]
-EQT818We suspended the use of the shafat because it was unstable on its perch when a workman sat on it to clear stones from the input tray. We then carried the rocky soil up to the surface using previously excavated "steps" and a ladder. [T818JW.J]
-PWS803Ibrahim, Daoud, and Kaghran worked with mOmo to begin to construct a new observation platform south of the unit. [S803JW.J]
-SFS814lH is still in Damascus arranging her course of study for next year. sNP worked in the house after breakfast preparing plots. [S814JW.J]
-SFS816lH still in Damascus registering for a post-graduate program in archaeology. sNP worked in the house after breakfast processing objects. [S816JW.J]
-SFS817dL and sNP drew the north baulks of k13 (w15), k43 (w16), and the lower part of k33 (w17). lH remained in Damascus to register for post-graduate study. [S817JW.J]
-SFS819lH still in Damascus preparing for post-graduate study. sNP spent most of the morning in the house processing objects and plots. [S819JW.J]
-SFS821lH still in Damascus for Masters Degree examinations. sNP worked on the objects in the house after breakfast. [S821JW.J]
-SFS826dL sick in bed at home. [S826JW.J]
-SFT719The staff assignments are: jW #1, sE #2, and jN and eA #3's. [T719JW.J]
-SFT720All staff members spent the first day of excavtions in the field to become familiar with data collection and recording, the location and appearance of features, and the names of the workmen. [T720JW.J]
-SFT721jN worked in the house after breakfast to process objects from previous seasons. Her work on that project continued into the afternoon. [T721JW.J]
-SFT722jN worked in the house after breakfast to process objects from previous seasons. Her work on that project continued into the afternoon. [T722JW.J]
-SFT725jW working on the URG at home before and after breakfast. After breakfast, jN cntinued working on the site-wide item processing system. sE spent time after breakfast at home identifying photos for views. [T725JW.J]
-SFT726jW worked at home for parts of the time before and after breakfast preparing the UGR. jN worked at home refining the object processing system for all units. [T726JW.J]
-SFT729All staff members worked in the house. jW worked on updating the UGR; sE prepared logs and templates for views; eA processed objects for J5 and J2; jN worked on site-wide object processing. [T729JW.J]
-SFT730jN worked at home after breakfast on the site-wide item processing and storage system. eA departed early to prepare lunch. [T730JW.J]
-SFT801jW worked at home on the UGR before breakfast. sE worked on the UGR at home after breakfast. [T801JW.J]
-SFT802sE worked at home after breakfast entering data and preparing templates. [T802JW.J]
-SFT803jW worked at home for substantial periods before and after breakfast peparing the UGR for a stratigraphic review by the staff tomorrow. [T803JW.J]
-SFT804This was a scheduled UGR preparation day for all of the staff, who worked at home. eA continued to process objects. sE completed templates and prepared Harris Matrices for all new features. jN worked on accouting for all items site-wide. jW pepared a stratigraphic analysis and worked on resolving surveying issues with Adib. The staff met with gB, mKB, and fAB to develop a new stratigraphic sequence, J5A, based on the site-wide sequence, MZA, and the MZ21 sequence, JPC. The focus of this initial session was on the early periods (pre-Mittani) since the work of last season established a good sequence for the Mittani period and thereafter. After a field review tomorrow we will assign strata to features f201 to f240 and to review types of contact. [T804JW.J]
-SFT805gB and mKB met with the staff in the field to examine and discuss the proposed stratigraphic sequence, J5A. [T805JW.J]
-SFT818Due to illness, jW worked at home some of the day preparing the UGR. [T818JW.J]
-SFT826eA worked at home on the UGR before breakfast. jW worked on the UGR at home after breakfast. [T826JW.J]
-SFT827jN worked at home before breakfast processing objects. After breakfast, jW and sE worked at home for one-hour periods on the UGR. [T827JW.J]
-SF.riS726mO departed the unit and Tell Mozan to prepare for graduate studies in Tunisia. His contributions are greatly appreciated. [S726JW.J]
-SGS709To accomplish these goals we will incorporate and build upon that portion of unit J1 that contains the double wall. First, we will clean and document the previously excavated portion of the revetment wall. Next, we will open two new loci, k23 and k24, north of the west face of the outer of the two lines of stone. There, at a depth of about 150cm below the surface we expect to be able to follow this face which runs roughly north northwest. The geophysical survey indicates the prescence of a structure to the west within the range of the new loci. If we find the turn we will follow it to the west with additional loci in that direction. In order to define the nature of the wall system as it turns north we will remove some isolated pillars of soil which partially cover it in the portion previously exposed as a part of the J1 excavation. If necessary to further explore the construction, we will open a second line of loci running north and located to the east of k23 and k24. In order to accomplish the publishing goal, we will station an experienced assistant in the house on a rotating basis to process objects and enter and process data and photographs as they are recorded in the field. [S709JW1.J]
-SGS725Based on the assumption that we need to excavate the staircase in the least destructive way possible, jW, the J5 archaeologists, gB, mKB, and fAB met on site to determine how. We decided to excavate locus k33 to understand what may be the southern boundary of the staircase. We will excavate the south half of locus k34, which has throughout, a hard, naturally compacted floor, f45. By doing so, we expect to find lower steps of the staircase. We will keep f45 as a stratigraphic reference because it in all likelihood is the transition layer between Mittani and Middle Assyrian phases. [S725JW2.J]
-SGS727We began excavating staircase f21 from top to bottom and from east to west. After locating all of the steps (3) in k24 (the third ended in the west baulk), we moved to k34 to begin searching along the east baulk for a continuation. We wanted to preserve the Middle Assyrian to Mittani transitional floor surface, f45, in the north half of the locus while excavating it and laminations, f63 in the south. mKB posed the question of what happens if the staircase, f21, does not contine through the baulk. If not, there would be a distinct possibility that we would dig through several strata and learn little. As a result, we decided to excavate the east baulk of k34, then follow the staircase down and to the west. As to the western loci, k34 and k44, we will stop in k44 and excavate k34 to see if stone installations f28 and f49 continue to the south through the baulk which separates these loci. The geosurvey plot shows that a large structure makes a turn to the east in that general area. Our working hypothesis is that stone installation f49 is the source of the trace on the plot and that it turns west in k34. In k23, when the k22 north baulk removal is complete, we will excavate down to find the northern extension of revetment wall, f3, which penetrates the baulk from the south. [S727JW1.J]
-SGS802gB, fAB and jW met on site to discuss the apparent conflict between the layers of Middle Assyrian pottery found in this locus, (and in k23, and in k44) and the strong Mittani identity with nearby features such as the houses in A19 and A20. gB suggested that it would be useful to our overall understanding of unit J05 to first remove the east baulks of k34 and k44 to evaluate the relalationship between the rows of stones in k44 and k43 and the staircase, f21, to the east. However, we must still remove, at a later date, the north baulk of k43 to understand the relationships among the stone structures in k43 and k44. [S802JW.J]
-SGS806gB and fAB reviewed with jW and lH the need to remove the south parts of the remaining baulks in k21, k22, k11, and k12 to improve sightlines from the new observation platform being built to the south of the unit. The surveyor, bKP will create relays for the outline of material to be excavated, k100. The entire crew from J1 will report tomorrow to begin work. J5 crews will continue to remove the baulks in k43 and k33 and to excavate k14. [S806JW.J]
-SGS810In several meetings over the last two days, gB, fAB, jW, and the J5 staff have discussed excavation plans for the last two-week period. There are several conflicting strategies that needed to be resolved. The highest priority will be to excavate k33 down to the glacis, f74, and its associated wall systems, including f41, by carefully removing the horizontally layered and laminated accumulations above it. Loci k13 and k14 have yielded a number of interesting stone installations and bricky residues. However, we have not been able to fit them together with stonework in loci k22, k23, and k24. To clarify this area of "four corners," we had scheduled removing the baulk that extends from k43 on the west to k13 on the east starting on Wednesday, S813. In today's discussions, we decided that it would be more effective and illustrative to remove the shorter N-S baulks between k24, and k14 and k23 and k13 respectively after they are drawn and photographed. This work can be accomplished by the crews who are already excavating in k13 and k4 without disturbing the work on the wall systems in k33. As the E-W baulk has been documented, we can remove it at anytime resources are available. As to work in the soutern part of the unit, we need to excavate k32 to trace the glacis we have found in k22 to the west. We also need to finish excavating k100. We do not expect to find significant architecture or artifacts in either k32 or k100. We believe that there are adequate resources and enough time to complete this work. In summation, considering the progress made to date, we can execute the plan if our assumptions are correct. [S810JW.J]
-SGS813On S814, we will finish excavating accumulation, f135, in locus k33, then clean and photograph it. Then we will begin removing floor accumulation, f137, from the southeast corner, then west and north. We expect to find the northern extension of wall, f41, and the follow the escarpment, f74, seen in the northwest corner of k22. In locus k24, we will clean it well, along with k14, k34 and k44, for a major photograph. In locus k13, we will remove the south safety baulk to trace featues found in the north part of the locus. For locus k22, we will follow the escarpment, f74, into the southwest corner. [S813JW.J]
-SGS814On S816 we will continue to excavate the accumulations in k32 with two large picks. In k33, we will contine to excavate, with a small pick, floor accumulation, f137, which covers escarpment, f74. In k22, we will excavate, with a small pick, the five accumulations (f86, f87, f88, f89, and f90) seen in section to the east of revetment wall, f3. In k13 and k14, we will clean, photograph, and measure several features not yet documented. [S814JW.J]
-SGS816In a meeting between gB, fAB, and jW it was decided to focus the work in the last days on presentation of what has already been found rather than additional exploration. Therefore, we will assign two pickmen to excavate k100 and two pickmen to excavate k32 so that the sightlines to major features such as the revement walls f3 and f41, the escarpment, f74, the staircase, f21, and the stone installations in k43 and k44 can be seen from the new viewing platform being constructed south of k32. As soon as possible, two pickmen will follow the escarpment east to see if it links with the one in unit J1. After the north sections of k13, k23, k33, and k43 are drawn we will remove the long north baulk that links them. [S816JW.J]
-SGS817We will draw and photgraph the north and east baulks before removing them. [S817JW.J]
-SGS821In a meeting with jW and dL, gB suggested that the only way we might possibly determine whether wall f3 and its associated pavement was built during Phase 6 and whether wall 41 was built in Phase 1 was to sink a 50cm square probe behind each and then examine the ceramics. (There is a recognizable change in the stones used to construct f3 to the east and to the west so it will be possible to chose an appropriate location even though we will not be able to trace f41. [S821JW.J]
-SGS825gB and jW met to discuss the strategy to complete the assigned work in the last two field days, which begin tomorrow. First we will improve the sightline from the new panorama by expanding the trianular cut, f167, in k32 by an additional meter. Ali, Ramadan, Mizer and the crew from A20 will accomplish this task. Second, we will continue to excavate loci k101, k102, and k103 to obtain additional ceramic material that will help us to date when revetment wall, f3 and staricase, f21, were built. Abd'l Rahman will do this. Third, we will complete the excavation of the sloping section, f159, east to the boundary of J1. Masood and Majid will accomplish this task. Fourth, we will follow the escarpment, f167, to the west from the western border of J1. Huessein will do this. Fifth, we will cut a ramp to prepare a staircase that will lead visitors from J1 upward into J5. Amer and Kamiran will accomplish this task. [S825JW.J]
-SGS826As tomorrow is the last day of excavation, the following projects must be completed. First, mKB must analyze today's ceramic finds from k101, k102, and k103 to assure that we have sufficent data from them to determe the phase when parts of revetment wall, f3, and staircase, f21 were built. Then, we will cover and backfill these loci. Second, we must complete excavating the access stairway from J1 to J5 along the south face of revetment wall, f3. Third, we must complete the removal of volumetric material, f159, in k100 to enhance the sightline from the panorama into J1. Fourth we must complete excavation of volumetric material, f167, in k32 to enhance the sightline from the panorama into k22 so that wall, f41, can be seen. Fifth, we will continue to explore for the escarpment that should continue west from excavation unit J1 into J5 along the bottom stones which form the south face of revetment wall, f3. [S826JW.J]
-SGS913Over the next two days we will complete the types of contact and Harris matrices in preparation for assigning each feature to a stratum and phase. These assignments must also be justified. After this work we must also review the objects to assure that they have been measured, photographed, and perhaps drawn. [S913JW2.J]
-SGT719After organizing the teams we will spend much of the time before breakfast cleaning the entire J5 area that was excavated last season. Then, we will remove the winter accumulation from both loci and clean the exposed surface thoroughly to determine the nature of the accumulation below. After that we will begin excavating those accumulations in earnest. [T719JW.J]
-SGT721Director gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA, and jN met to review excavation progress and strategy. A large cut stone, f205, adjacent to wall, f41, and under escarpment, f74, had just been exposed. There were an adequate number of sherds for mKB to identify as coming from the Mittani period. gB used the opportunity to stress the need to proceed carefully and be evermindful of the research question being addressed. The strategy developed earlier in the day was seen to be appropriate. [T721JW.J]
-SGT721Excavation director fAB met with jW, sE, eA, and jN on site to discuss strategy for the next several days. Originally, we planned only one locus for the excavations in J5 this season, and it was designated k104. However, due to its length, fAB suggested that we split it into two parts - k105 to the north and west and k106 to the south and east. A baulk (east baulk of k105) would separate the two. A north baulk would be also maintained in k105. The shafat for dirt removal will sit on the new east baulk of k105. The two easternmost north projections (sawteeth) of k100 should be removed to facilitate excavations along the south face of the revetment wall. These excavations will proceed from east to west, starting near unit J1 where we have already exposed a baqaya escarpment, f184, which is covered by what we called a floor accumulation, f169. We will use small picks throughout the unit from now on as the subtle differences between accumulations and the escarpments we are looking for can be easily obscured by the use of heavier tools. We will draw the east face of a N-S oriented baulk on the eastern side of k105. This will be removed as a part of the search for the escarpment, but provides a good section reference point. [T721JW.J]
-SGT723An on-site meeting was held with gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA and jN to deal with the problem of how to excavate in the vicinity of stair, f205, so as to preserve and study the stratigraphic relationships between the early wall, f41; stair, f205, floor accumulation, f74, and late wall, f3. One problem is the restricted working space in the north part of locus k105. To solve this problem we will remove the late buttresses, f155 and f161, and the floating stone, f207. Also we will cut back the NE face of locus k32. Finally we will remove the stones of f200, which appear to block the water channel, f205 and f202. fAB pointed out that as seen in the NE section of k32, a distinct ash layer (not yet designated a feature) separates the laminar accumulations above from the dense packed soil of f74 below. As we cut back the section of k32, we will carefully trace this layer for clues as to the shape of the temple mound in this area. For the moment we will not expose more of the stair steps, until we know more about the likely shape of the temple mound at the time they were built. However, we do know that the ceramics above the highest step and the ceramics above the lower steps northeast of the revetment wall, f3, are both from the Mittani period. [T723JW.J]
-SGT726During the staff progress review on T724, jW noticed that stair, f21, was built on the line of what we believe is the Third Millennium revetment wall, f41. The stones of the bottom step of f21 appear to be laid atop f41. However, the Mittani revetment wall extension, f3, follows a different course and its north end stops short of the platform to the east of the top step of f21. This raises the possibility that stair, f21, was built in the Third Millennium. One way to test this hypothesis is to follow the top step of stair, f205, to the north to see if it links to staircase, f21. Then we could excavate to the west of the link to collect sherds associated with its construction. Another way is to excavate along the north edge of f21 to collect sherds associated with its construction. The problem with either approach is that it destroys the monument that we want to preserve. gB encouraged the J5 staff to develop other alternatives. [T726JW.J]
-SGT726Held an on-site meeting with gB, fAB, jW, sE, eA, jN and the staff of J1 (lC, mM, aA) to discuss the impact of J1's discovery of a floor surface directly adjacent to the portion of stone installation, f188, that is in J1. The surface, J1f313, contains many pebbles and sherds pressed horizontally. It was agreed that we should excavate f204 in k100 down to the level of this surface, then try and follow the sherd floor to the west. Since the escarpment that we are looking for appears to overlay part of the stones of f188, it will help locate the escarpment and clarify the stratigraphy. There are two large stones just below the extant surface of f204 that may be associated with similar stones at the same elevation located just to the east in J1. [T726JW.J]
-SGT727On T728 we have to resolve two issues. The easy one is how to excavate the ashy soil, f214, and the hard lens, f213, which it surrounds. As the soft ash was most likely deposited after the hard lens, we will remove it first, down to the level of floor accumulation, f74 which it covers. The more difficult issue is in k100. We removed accumulation, f204 and, at the eastern edge of the locus, found the continuation of the J1f313 floor under f204. However, about one meter to the west of the J1 and J5 boundary we found plastic, presumably marking the bottom of backfill from a previous season's excavation. In the vicinity of the westernmost excavated stone of installation, f184, there is a hard, dense soil layer. This may be silt acted upon by water just atop the plastic. Or, it could be an accumlation from the time that f184 was in use. To resolve the issue, we must dig a narrow, N-S strip of the soil layer to see if there is plastic underneath. [T727JW.J]
-SGT727We will excavate laminar soil, f209, in k105, down to the ash layer, then follow it carefully, as it seals the soil layer covering the steps (possibly Third Millenium) upon which the late Mitanni revetment wall, f3 was built. We will excavate f204 in k100 down to the floor J1f313 just to the east. [T727JW.J]
-SGT727gB and fAB met with the unit staff to discuss the stratigraphic relationship among the monumental staircase, f21; early revetment wall, f41, the stairs which abut that wall, f205, (including their possible continuation to the north); and the area immediately west of these components. The first step in resolving these issues is to follow the top step of f205 to the north to see its relationship with f21 and f41. [T727JW.J]
-SGT728The unit staff met with fAB and gB to review the strategy for gathering evidence that would help identify when the components of the monumental western staircase, f21; early revetment wall, f41; stairway, f205; and late revetment wall, f3 were built. The basic strategy is to follow the top step of f205 north. We expect it to intercept the staircase, f21. We will then clear the accumulation from an exploratory trench to the west of wall, f41, down to the level of the top step to stairs, f205, and extend it north to the middle of f21. Then, one will be able to see the wall and stair system as it existed at its construction as well as its later phases of use. [T728JW.J]
-SGT728The unit staff met with fAB to discuss the strategy for excavating a complex intersection of soil features along the northwest baulk of k104. We wanted to know their relationship since all covered an important feature, the f74 floor which covers the f205 stairs and which abuts the early revetment wall, f41. We had a choice of excavating the hard one first, the soft one first, or cutting an exploratory trench perpendicular to the baulk. Since time was limited and the features themselves were not individually important, we decided to excavate the smaller feature of harder soil first. [T728JW.J]
-SGT730After drawing the section of the north baulk of k105 we plan to excavate north to the bottom steps of the monumental staircase, f21. First we will follow floor accumulation, f74 (here an exposed strip about 150 cm wide) to the north. It covers not only the steps of stairs, f205, but also what appears to be a stone pavement north of the top step. Adjacent to the west we will first excavate accumulation f218 which covers f74, then excavate f74 itself to expose more of the material (expected to be stone pavement) to the west of wall f41 as it continues north to f21. In k106 the gigantic stone, f216, was broken up by sledge. After removing it we will excavate floor f213, then, the accumulation below and to the south of stone installation, f188. [T730JW.J]
-SGT801The staff met with fAB to discuss strategy for the next several days. The proximity of the high north baulk of k100 makes it impractical to excavate in k106 the limited area south of the southernmost row of the stones of stone installation, f225. The possibility of contamination by late material dictates that the second escarpment be fully exposed and the surrounding Mittani gully wash soil be removed before excavating to the west the floor accumulation, f226, covering f225. Since the shafat is even farther to the west, contamination of f226 should be minimized. As to excavating in k105 and k33 to its north, we will follow the top stone of stairs, f205 to the north until it intersects with the bottom steps of staircase, f21. We will also excavate a parallel strip immediately to the west to this level. [T801JW.J]
-SGT801The staff met with gB and fAB to discuss the longer-term strategy for the last two weeks of excavation. We need to determine the relationship between the monumental stairway, f21, and wall, f41, which we believe to be older. gB suggested excavating in k33 farther north to the middle of the third stone from the south. Then we would excavate below the first stone from the south, to see exactly how it interfaces with f41, on which the east end of the first row of the steps of f21 appear to rest. We will prop up the stone of f21 below which we excavate with cement blocks to prevent collapse. fAB suggested that we excavate a test trench on the east side of wall, f41, to determine when it was built. This would require the removal of some of the stones of f99, many of which seem to be displaced from their original position. Finally, gB and fAB suggested the possibility of removing a major portion of the southeastern part of k100, under which is what we believe to be major components (f184, f188, f225) of the first and second escarpments to revetment wall, f189. A pickman and a few extra removal crew as well as an additional shafat would be added to the crew and equipment. Three pickmen would be devoted to the k100 project while two would continue to work in k105, k33, and k106. [T801JW.J]
-SGT802Comparing this result with that obtained in J1, we are confident we are at the top of the same escarpment which rises in elevation as one moves from west to east. In k33 we have positively identified an early floor, f230, that goes with wall k41 and extends to the west from the northern part that we see. (It is possible that f41 extends even farther north beyond the staircase, f21, but we will not be able to determine that this season.) We will trace this floor surface north to the middle step of f21 and west to the west baulk of k33. If time permits, we should also trace the floor farther west to determine its relationship with brick wall, f196, whose top was exposed at the end of MZ21. Finally, we need to determing the relationship between the staircase, f21, and wall, f41, which appears to run beneath it. A small block of soil will be removed from accumlation, f128, to the east, undercutting bottom stones of f21 at a gap between them. If we encounter the stones of f41, then we know that f21 rests on f41 and is therefore later. How much later can not be determined. [T802JW.J]
-SGT802In several meetings among gB, fAB, and the unit staff, several pending issues were resolved. First, we decided to begin the excavation of the high bulks to the south by removing the part of k100 to the east of what was formerly J1k7. Then, if time permits, we will remove the part k100 that was to the north of J1k7. This will allow us to take maximum advatage of the typology of J1k7, which was excavated in three steps, descending from south to north. Since the bottom step is about at the elevation of the second escarpment, f184, we will get much more exposure and working room to trace the escarpment and underlying stone work, f225 and f188, south and west. With respect to tracing the second escarpment from J1 to the west, we have been hindered by the fact that it is covered by a thin crust, f236, which matches the color of accumulations nearby. jW decided to cut a thin section (5cm) running N-S across the escarpment, then follow it east and west. At the bottom, the soil was considerably more red, and the pottery was exclusively from ED III or before. [T802JW.J]
-SGT803As we excavate the portion of k100 to the east of J1k7, we will extend the "steps down" to the east to reduce the amount of excavation required this season and provide a sufficient sight line to the northeast from the viewing platform. In k33, we will clear enough accumulation to follow floor surface, f230, to the north and west. There will be no excavations in k105 or k106 today. [T803JW.J]
-SGT805In several meetings among gB, fAB and the staffs of J1 and J5 we decided to excavate the accumulation, f226, which covered f225, further westward. If f225 continues to the west, then we would surmise that stone installation, f188, also does. (We expect it to be hidden by the second escarpment, which we will not excavate.) gB believes that, although lower in elevation, f226 was deposited after f241, perhaps as a result of erosion effects of water scouring out higher levels during the Mittani period. Therefore we will excavate f226 before 241. In k33 we will follow floor, f230, to its maxmimum extents to the north and west. We will also remove a small section of floor, f70, to match the deeper excavation of f230. In k100, we continue to excavate the high baulks east and north of J1k7, matching the steps down to the north previously excavated. In k106 we will continue to excavate to find the western extent of the second escarpment. In k105, we will shift attention back to excavating the stairs, f205 to the south. To facilitate this, we will remove the stones of k200. [T805JW.J]
-SGT810As a result of several meetings throughout the day among gB, fAB, mKB, and jW the strategy over the last week was altered to assure that we could meet the major goal of the excavation; namely to clarify the nature of the Late Chalcolithic mound upon which the Early Dynastic revetment wall, f189, and accompanying structures were built. As a result of the discovery of the stone first escarpment (f188 and f225) and the clarification of the nature of the layered second escarpment above it (f184, f241, and f242) in locus k106, we can now follow the first escarpment west to the west section of k106. We will carefully remove the Mittani accumulations above and abutting the second escarpment (f243 and f252) then excavate as much of this Early Dynastic layered escarpment, ^esc2, as necessary to expose the stones of the first escarpment, ^esc1. The situation farther to the west and north in locus k105 is more problematical. Here there are a multitude of accumulations, floors, and structures above the Third Millennium levels. The key to our understanding of the shape of the Late Chalcolithic mound in this locus is to fully expose a portion of the southwest face of wall, f41, which we hypothesize was built in the Third Millennium atop the Late Chalcolithic mound as an adjunct or continuation of the revetment wall. Hopefully, we can date f41 and expose the first escarpment, esc1, which we expect rests directly on the LC mound based on the findings in J1. We will need all our resources to accomplish this and we will have to work with large picks when we are removing accumulations and structures we understand and have documented. To accomplish this we will cease excavations in k100. We will also closely monitor the ceramics to detect the transitions between constuction phases. gB suggested that when we use the big pick to excavate a feature, we note this under the procedures code. He also suggested that we discuss our two strategic options for excavating in k106. [T810JW.J]
-SGT811In k106, first we will verify that we have removed all of the Mittani accumlations atop of, and to the south of, the layered escarpment, ^esc2, in locus k106. When we are certain that this has been accomplished, we will begin to excavate the southern part of the escarpment, f241, following it to the west to expose the southern lines stones of ^esc1, f225. We expect that they will continue to the western end of the revetment wall, f189, which they protect. If we need to clarify the situation at the western edge of f189, we can excavate as much of the remaining part of ^esc2 as necessary, perhaps exposing all of ^esc1 in the process. We will preserve about one meter of ^esc2 in the east near J1 to illustrate its layered construction, and construction directly atop the stone escarpment, ^esc1.
In k105, we will continue to clarify the relationship between the pebble pavement, f254 and bricks, f255, to the south. Together, they seem to form a floor and its retaining wall, inhibiting erosion to the south. In the process, we will remove sloping surface, f251 which covers part of f255. Then we expect to see a link between brick segments f255 and f245 to the west. Further to the south we will continue to remove accumlations in front of the late Mittani period revetment wall, f3, in the hope of establishing a link between stone wall, f41 and the revetment wall, f189. [T811JW.J]
-SGT812On T813, we will concentrate our resources near the baulk which separates k105 from k106. In k105, we will excavate accumlation, f259, just south of brick wall, a11. It is probable that we are near the bottom of stone wall, f41. If so, we may be able to date the approximate time of its construction by analyzing the sherds from f259, which abuts f41. Just to the south, we will continue to excavate accumlation, f258, which is a part of the east baulk of k106 and extents north and west from it to accumlation, f259. Thus, we will fully expose the installation of large cut stone blocks, f261, and can then determine the form and function of them. At the northeast corner of wall, a11, there is a small patch of the pebble pavement, f254, which when excavated, will tell us whether or not there is a fifth "step" of the stone structure, f205. We will also revmove the rest of the f254 pebbles north of the a11 brick wall.
In k106, we will concentrate all of our resources toward excavating westward the 100cm wide strip of soil features, f252 and f242, which either abut or are a part of ^esc2. When we reach the west baulk of k106, we will turn to the north and excavate along the baulk to the revetment wall, f189. Since the stones of ^esc1 are retreating toward f189, it may mean that we are nearing the west end of f189. If ^esc1 is not found, it means that the wall end is farther to the east. If so, we will excavate ^esc2 to the east until the western end is found. [T812JW.J]
-SGT815In the northern sector of k105 we will continue to excavate the pebbles of fill, f254, hoping to locate the surface upon which they rest. In the southeastern sector, we will continue to remove f271, excavating to the level of flat stones, f265 to the north, hoping to follow them east to the expected stones of ^esc1, through the baulk separating k105 and k106.In k106, we will excavate a two-meter wide strip along the face of the west baulk of the locus, removing the reddish mass of soil, f268. [T815JW.J]
-SGT816fAB, gB, and the J5 staff met several times during the day to discuss strategy for the next two days, when excavation will cease. In k106, we decided to finish exposing the stones of the first escarpment, ^esc1, to the baulk separating k106 from k105. After photographing the stones against the baulk to document the extent of the red material, f268 which covers them, we will excavate the baulk down to the level of ^esc1. The afternoon work crew may assist us by removing the soil from the excavated baulk. To more fully expose the extent of ^esc1 to the east, we will remove the layered escarpment, ^esc2, from the small exploratory cut in the east to its western end. In k105 we will excavate the southeastern sector down to the level of the stones of f265, following them to the southeast, hopefully to their juncture with the stones of ^esc1 in k106. [T816JW.J]
-SGT817For the last day's excavation we will clean and photograph the natural floor surface, f278, then we will remove it to expose the stones of the stone escarpment, ^esc1. In k106 we will excavate the sherd layer, f242, to fully expose the stones of ^esc1. When most of the soil is removed, we will remove the shafat and trim the high dirt foundations of the Mittani revetment wall, f3. [T817JW.J]
-SGT818In a meeting with the unit staff, gB and fAB discussed the possibility of removing the east half ,f245, of wall, a11, to see if there is a connection between the stones of the first escarpment, f265, and the "bottom step" of the f205 staircase, f266. This step has a different orientation and composition and seems to be associated with the stones of installation, f276. Initially, we will make a one-meter probe parallel to wall, f41, to resolve this issue, so that we can still finish today. Similar to yesterday, we will need an eight-man afternoon crew to finish the work and clean properly. [T818JW.J]
-SGT824Two additional tasks were added to the four specific investigations (f265, f284, f287, f286) proposed by gB, fAB and the unit staff. First, we need to remove stone, f275, upon which the shafat sits. then excavate the accumulation below, f289.
Second, we need to remove a small baulk on the west end of the north face of k100 to improve the sightlines into the excavation so that ^esc1 can be safely viewed from above. [T824JW.J]
-SG.rdS805Removing the east baulks of k43 and k33 were scheduled as high priority tasks for today. However, due to delays associated with photography and baulk drawing, we moved all three crews to the new loci k13 and k14 and excavated there for the day. Tomorrow we will excavate each baulk and k14 with one crew each. Excavation of k13 will be temporarily suspended until the baulks are fully removed. [S805JW1.J]
-SG.riS730This morning, gB, fAB, jW and the unit archaeologists met on site to discuss how best to define and understand the relationship between the staircase, f21, the revetment wall, f3, and the dressed stones, f41, to the southwest of f3. We decided to finish excavating the redefined north section of k22, down to the level where excations in previous seasons were halted. Then, after we draw and photograph the baulk, we will excavate by following the features seen in section to the north. As to the staircase, we will excavate k34 to the level where soil feature, f70, meets the top of the bottom step of staircase, f12. We will score and photograph the combined south baulks of k34 and k24 so that we can see where the various accumulations and floor surfaces abut or cover the staircase. As to the baulk separating k34 and k44, we will score and draw and photograph it as the west baulk of k34, then remove it to develop a clear sightline to the Middle Assyrian structures, f28 and f49 to the west. In k43, we will contine to excavate with the prospects of finding the source of the bright lines on the geomagnetic survey done several years ago. It is most likely that they are from stone installation, f49. We will also continue, as resources permit to excavate locus k33. We expect that architecture in it will be a key in understanding the relationships among stones f41, its glacis, f74, and the staircase, f21. [S730JW.J]
-SG.riS804gB, fAB, and jW met with the J5 staff to discuss an excavation strategy for the next week in light of the extensive stone work found in k23 and k24. Excavation in k33 has indicated that it is free of structures to a depth of 170cm from the surface. Identical conditions were found in k34. The last feature in both was a dense, highly compacted, clean accumulation composed of fine-grained silt. We are reluctant to continue excavating here until we understand better the relationship between the stonework (f3, f41, f99) and glacis (f74) of k22 and k23 and the stone staircase (f21) found in k24. The east baulk of k33 should reveal the connection and it will be removed after the baulks are drawn and photographed and the west baulks of k23 and k22 are photographed. The transition from the clean, flat surface in k33 to the stonework in k34 is similar to that now seen in k34 an k44. We will remove the east baulk of k44 (after drawing and photographing its reverse, the west baulk of k34) to better interpret the stratigraphy. An examination of the extensive stonework (f3, f4, f5) found in k22, k21, k12, and k11 (excavated in previous seasons as a part of J1) shows that it may be a result of late (Mittani) modifications to earlier (Akkadian or Early Dynastic structures. Several lines of this stonework extend north to the east of k23 and k24. In addition, the line of stones, f14, in k24, which border the staircase, f21, extend to the east. To explore these relationships, if any, we will excavate loci k3, k4, k13, and k14. [S805JW1.J]
-SUS830A probe directly to the east of a stone of the top step yielded ceramics securely dated to Phase 6 (Mittani). 2) The situation along the southern edge of the staricase was not as clear. This ecge had been damaged and may have been subjected to rebuilding at the end of the Mittani occupation. In this area we did find the top of another wall of dressed stones rising from the southeast to the northwest which was under the northern extension of the revetment wall. It was abutted by an escarpment which fell from the northeast to the soughwest. At this point the excarpment was 2.2 meters higher than the latest one in J1, 20 meters to the east. Although we have yet to positively link the two escarpments, the evidence strongly suggests tht the western end of the plaza as defined by the revetment wall is higher than the eastern end. This means that the wall was not founded as deeply here. 3) We did not have time to fully explore the apparent phenomenon of two separate revetment walls turning north at the northwest corner. There are several large blocks of of late accumulation which cover much of this area. A probe directly to the north of each wall section showed that the western section yielded ceramics securely dated to Phase 6. The eastern probe yielded ceramics dated to much earlier phases. This suggests that the western section was a late additon to an earlier revetment wall that included the lower wall of well-dressed stones and the excarpment. 3) The pillars of accumulation also prevented us from fully investigating the glacis of the temple mound. We did make a small probe along the east side of the northern part of the revetment wall, stopping when we reached baqaya-like material at the base of the lowest stone. [S831JW.J]
-SUS830The results for unit J5 were as follows: 1) excavtion at the northern limits of the revetment wall revealed a monumental, unfounded staircase made of large, dressed, limestone blocks. The staircase was bordered on the north by large, uncut, limestone boulders. It ran E-W, rising to the east in five steps to a platform roughly defined by flat stones and, in some places, a pavement made of reddish, bricky material. [S831JW.J]
-SUS830There is also a line of baqaya-like material which can be seen in section of a baulk that runs perpendicular to the face of the east section of the revetment wall. This indiates that the glacis in this part of the temple mound is similar to that which was found in the previous excavations in J3. 4) Approximately one week of the six allotted was spent on presentation. A new observation platform was built and sightlines were opened from it by trimming and removing baulks and protrusions. It is now possible to see along the length of the revetment wall from the west staircase, east though the plaza excavation, to the eastern staircase and apron. 5) As of the end of the excavation season we have entered and run most of the systematic portion of the J5 UGR. Major things yet to be completed are the graphics and stratigraphic analysis, assignments, and rationale. [S831JW.J]
-SUS830Time and resources were not available bo open excavation unit A21; however, the following questions were to be investigated by J5: 1) The first question was to explain the presence of two revetment walls at the point where the wall turned from an E-W orientation to a N-S one. 2) The second question was to brobe the height of the wall in relation to the plaza. The mehtodology was to follow the southern an western faces of the revetment wall. Excavation to the north would expose the terminus. Excavations along the faces would expose the height of various segments. Excavations to the north of the south face would tell us more about the glacis associated with this part of the revetment wall. 3) We needed to be aware of the presentation aspects of the temple complex so that visitors could see the monumental architecture from the same perspective as the ancients. 5) All units were to write and process the data portions of the Urkesh Global Record during the excavation season. [S831JW.J]
-SUT719The starting numbers for season MZ22 (2009-T) for various components of the UGR are: feature 201; q-lot 285; item 33; view 145; plot 8; aggregate 8; composite 2; relay 1171; drawing 22 and 122; sketch 46; and off-grid loci 104. [T719JW.J]
-SUT801jW does not believe that in two weeks we can remove the amount of k100 required to significantly excavate south and west of the parts of f188 and f225 we have already exposed. Granted the accumulations are not expected to yield culturally significant material, but the high baulk that would remain to the south in the west part of k106 would still impede progress to understanding the stratigraphy in the region immediately south of the south face of revetment wall, f189. jW believes that if we are to remove parts of k100 this season, we should begin to excavate more of k100 in preparation for significant excavations in that part of k106 next season. That way, if time runs out before we finish in MZ22, we can easily complete the work in the first week of MZ23. This approach has the added advantage of providing better sight lines from the observation platform over the winter to the revetment wall, the glacis, and into J1. [T801JW.J]
-SUT804Throughout season 21 and into season 22 we have observed the deleterious effects of running water on the surfaces immediately outside of the revetmment wall systems. The erosion problem has occasioned the construction of stone structures to channel water and to stabilize horizontal surfaces. From the late Mittani period to at least the Early Dynastic II period we have observed the erosion effects and what remains of the stabilization structures. One of the goals of the season was to determine the shape of the temple mound in the Late Chalcolithic period. The constant erosion problem is strong circumstantial evidence that the Early Dynastic revetment wall system was built on earlier period remains which included a rise to the north and west. [T804JW.J]
-SU.rdT929gB, fAB, pC, jG, rE, and jW met at the site to discuss several stratigraphic issues in J1 and J5 which have arisen during the study periods and in the preparation of the analytical sections of the UGR. The results with respect to J1 will be discussed in that book. The results for the affected J5 features will be discussed in the specific labels which incorporate them. [T929JW.J]
-SU.riS830Before the start of the excavation season, we had hoped to explore two aspects of the northwestern section of the temple complex. First, we wanted to investigate what the geophysical survey indicated was the northern limit of the revetment wall. This would be accomplished as excavation unit J5. Second we wanted to investigate what the survey indicated might be a substantial building at the northwestern edge of the plaza. This would be accomplished as excavation unit A21. [S831JW.J]
-SU.riS913The focus of the first two weeks of the study period, S831 to S911, has been to complete feature descriptions, complete and edit the feature log, measure coordinates of features that were not clearly understood at the time of excavation, group feaures for specific labels, finish final photographs, prepare templates, and make preliminary assessments of strata and phases represented in this unit. We have also reviewed template and plot entries that will appear in the global record, along the way consolidating files that appear in several places in the computer systems we are using. [S913JW2.J]
-SYS810Corner stakes m4667 and m4749 removed because they were loose and a tripping hazard to workmen who had to use that baulk to remove backdirt from eastern loci. [S810JW.J]
-SYS813Markers m4972, m4673, m4903, and m4771 loosened and removed. Surveyor hB extended the south boundary of k100 westward to its intersection with the southern boundary of k32. Surveyor hB measured the distance between the first escarpment J1f189, and the escarpment, f74, in J5. The horizontal distance is 18.9 meters and f74 is 2.2 meters above J1f189. [S813JW.J]
-SYS814Markers m4674, m4716, and m4828 loosened and removed. [S814JW.J]
-SYS818Markers m4991 and m4927 loosened and removed. Relayed excavation limits for expansion of f100. Installed control points for excavation of escarpment. [S818JW.J]
-SYS819Markers m4805, m4741, m4752, m4825, and m4827 removed during baulk clearance. Markers m6014, m6015, m6016, and m6017 installed to facilitate geo-referencing of photographs v96 and v97 prior to drawing multiple stone features. [S819JW.J]
-SYS820Markers m4904, m4855, m4961, and m6016 were loosened and removed. [S820JW.J]
-SYS821Removed markers m4968, m4829, m4425, m4906, m4959, and m4960 because of baulk removals. [S821JW.J]
-SYS823Markers m4969, m4424, and m4426 loosened amd removed. [S824JW.J]
-SYS826Markers m4322 and m4886 loosened and removed. hB took and processed relays for k101 that we were unable to measure. [S826JW.J]
-SYT719The surveyor established and measured a number of new control points so that we could relay along the corridors of loci k104 and k105. [T719JW.J]
-SYT721Surveyor Adib installed new markers along the east end of the north face of k100. fAB, gB, and jW discussed putting markers on the south side of the revetment wall to measure objects close to k100. fAB authorized the use of dirt-filled chawals into which is inserted a wooden stake. [T721JW.J]
-SYT726dM took a photo of a corner stake to show the advantage of the two-prong design. The soil surrounding the front prong had been excavated but the stake was still held securely in place by the back prong. [T726JW.J]
-SYT811We removed the following markers from J5 because we excavated the features in which they were installed: m6112, m6113, m6114, m6137, and m6175. [T811JW.J]
-SYT815Since the production of surveyed points has been delayed this season, the surveyor measured, with the level, the elevation of a number of key features in the unit, including parts of wall, f41; revetment wall, f189; and escarpments ^esc1 and ^esc2. [T815JW.J]
-SYT824On T823, aAJ took 17 relays and 24 elevations on various features and loci. [T824JW.J]
-SYT825jAA measured 50 relays. [T825JW.J]
-SYT826aAJ took 50 additional relays of the important stonework in the unit. [T826JW.J]
-WKS806All twenty assigned workmen in J5 reported. Daoud excused at 0600 on account of illness. [S807JW.J]
-WKS806All workmen from J1 were detailed to us to begin removing the stepped baulk system, f110, in k100. Masoom excused at 0800 to take ill daughter to doctor. [S807JW.J]
-WKT719We have been assigned four pickmen (Anwar, Mizar, Su'ar, and Ibrahim). We have been assigned six shovelmen (Fahed, Muhammad, Omo, Safwan, Ahmed, and Juma). We have been assigned three wheelbarrow men (Sipan, Akram, and Juan). They will be distributed initally into two teams, one for each locus. [T719JW.J]
-WKT729All assigned workmen sent home for the day at O500. [T729JW.J]
-WKT825While excavating accumulation, f282, to the south of the last row of flat stones in f225 in k105 we discovered another row of large stones which run east to west. To the south of these was a high quality pebble floor, f288. While removing the bricks atop wall f255, we discoved that the bricks were founded on a base of large stones, f277. The width of the base was 1m, and was formed by two parallel rows at the north and south outside edges which extended into the west baulk. [T825JW.J]
-WK.rdS806Twenty assigned workmen reported. Sherhad excused for medical consultation for a sore throat before breakfast. Returned after breakfast. [S806JW.J]
-WK.riS731Eighteen assigned workmen reported. In addition, pickman Ahmer was assigned, bringing the total to six. [S731JW.J]
-WK.riS802Two new workmen (Sherwan and M'hd Fareed) assigned bringing the total to twenty. The work crews are distributed as follows: Crew 1 - Ali Halal and Majid pick, Abdi and Sherhad shovel, and Kaghraman removal; Crew 2 - Hussein and Masaud pick, Mahmood, Osmat and Muhammad Fareed shovel, and Ali Halal removal; Crew 3 - Kamiran and Amer pick, Sherwan, Ahmed Muhammad, and Ahmed shovel, and Daoud, Imrahim Juma and Ibrahim Heshu removal. Majid ill and excused to return home by fAB at 0700. Ibrahim Juma will go to Hassake tomorrow to prepare for study at university. [S802JW.J]
-WK.riS804Nineteen assigned workmen reported. Majid still absent. [S804JW.J]
-WK.riS805Twenty assigned workmen reported. [S806JW.J]
-WK.riS809Twenty workmen assigned to J5 reported. Abdi excused one hour early for personal business. Eleven workmen from J1 assigned to J5 temporarily before breakfast to excavate in locus k100. [S809JW.J]
-WK.riS810Twenty assigned workmen reported. [S810JW.J]
-WK.riS813Twenty assigned workmen reported. Sixteen workmen from A20 detailed to J05 for the day. They excavated in k32 and k100. [S813JW.J]
-WK.riS814Twenty assigned workmen reported. Re-distributed pickmen and removal personnel to focus on fine work and to complete the major remaining locus excavations. Hussein will work alone in k22, Kamiran will work alone in k33, Masaud and Majid will work in k32, and Ali and Amer will work in k13. [S814JW.J]
-WK.riS816Nineteen of twenty assigned workmen reported. Sherwan arrived late, saying that he had been excused by a doctor due to stomach problems. Magid excused by fAB and departed at 0830 for a medical appointment. He said that he would likely be absent on S817. [S816JW.J]
-WK.riS817Sixteen of twenty assigned workmen reported on time. Majid previously excused to take sick baby to doctor. Sherwan previously excused for illness. Ibrahim Hessu reported one half hour late. Muhammad Fereed reported one hour late. [S817JW.J]
-WK.riS818Twenty assigned workmen reported. [S818JW.J]
-WK.riS819Twenty assigned workmen reported. [S819JW.J]
-WK.riS820Eighteen workmen reported. Sherhad has permanently departed for Damascus. Ibrahim Hessu missing. Eight workmen from A20 reported after breakfast. [S820JW.J]
-WK.riS821All nineteen workmen currently assigned reported. Ibrahim Hessu excused at breakfast for possible injury. Eight workmen from A20 assigned to this unit for the rest of the season reeported. [S821JW.J]
-WK.riS823Nineteen assigned workmen reported. Eight workmen detailed from A20 reported. Abdel Rahman from J1 will work with us to help trace the escarpment, feature 239, discovered in J1, west along the south face of revetment wall, f3. [S824JW.J]
-WK.riS825Nineteen assigned workmen reported. Eight workmen detailed from A20 reported. One workman detailed from J1 reported. [S825JW.J]
-WK.riS826Eighteen assigned workmen reported. Eight detailed workmen from A20 reported. One workman (Abd'l Rahman) from J1 detailed. One workman (Thayer) from J6 detailed. Pickman Kamiran out sick. Kagharan excused at 0600 for illness. Majid excused at 0700 to attend to sick child. Reported back at 1000. [S826JW.J]
-WK.riT720Twelve of thirteen assigned workmen reported. Pickman Anwar was absent. [T720JW.J]
-WK.riT721All thirteen assigned workmen reported. [T721JW.J]
-WK.riT722All thirteen assigned workmen reported. [T722JW.J]
-WK.riT723All thirteen assigned workmen reported. Juan moved by fAB to J2 and promoted to shovelman. Hassan is his replacement. [T723JW.J]
-WK.riT725All assigned workmen reported. [T725JW.J]
-WK.riT726All assigned workmen reported. [T726JW.J]
-WK.riT727All assigned workmen reported. Three removal personnel detailed for one hour from J1 to assist in removing excavated soil from k100. Jamal complained of back soreness. Shifted him to a job that did not require lifting. [T727JW.J]
-WK.riT728All assigned workmen reported. After breakfast, Anwar said he was ill. Detailed him for one half hour to gW for some light work, then gave him permission to go home. [T728JW.J]
-WK.riT730Twelve of thirteen workmen reported. Sipan absent. Anwar detailed to work with conservation project after breakfast. [T730JW.J]
-WK.riT801All thirteen assigned workmen reported. After informing Muhammad Omo, Juma was excused at 1100 to attend to business at home. [T801JW.J]
-WK.riT802All thirteen assigned workmen reported. fAB added Ahmed Hawaz and Salah Muhammad Kher to unit. [T802JW.J]
-WK.riT803All fifteen assigned workmen reported. After informing Muhammad Omo, jW allowed Anwar to depart after breakfast to attend to family business (mother was ill). [T803JW.J]
-WK.riT804No field workmen reported today. [T804JW.J]
-WK.riT805All fifteen assigned workmen reported. [T805JW.J]
-WK.riT806All fifteen assigned workmen reported. Sipan excused after breakfast for dental appointment. [T806JW.J]
-WK.riT807All assigned workmen reported. Ibrahim excused at noon to attend to personal business. [T807JW.J]
-WK.riT808Fourteen assigned workmen reported. Omo absent to attend to official business in Qamishlie. From today, the workday will start 15 minutes later and will end 15 minutes later because the sunlight at 0500 is insufficient to work properly and safely. [T808JW.J]
-WK.riT810Twelve of fifteen assigned workmen reported. Omo in Hassake for baculauriate exam administration. Sipan's absence unexplained. [T810JW.J]
-WK.riT811Fourteen of fifteen assigned workmen reported. Sipan again absent. [T811JW.J]
-WK.riT812Fourteen of fifteen assigned workmen reported. Sipan again absent. Omo became ill and was sent home at breakfast. [T812JW.J]
-WK.riT813Fourteen of fifteen workmen reported. Sipan again absent. jW and fAB discussed the need for a replacement. [T813JW.J]
-WK.riT815Fifteen assigned workmen reported. Mudir replaced Sipan. [T815JW.J]
-WK.riT816Fifteen assigned workmen reported. [T816JW.J]
-WK.riT817Thirteen of fifteen assigned workmen reported. Anwar and Omo absent. Muhammad temporarily assigned to us from conservation project. A crew of 8 (2 pickmen, four shovelmen, and 2 wheelbarrowmen) worked in the afternoon to assure that we could finish on schedule T818. [T817JW.J]
-WK.riT818Fourteen of sixteen assigned workmen reported. Anwar and Omo absent. We worked in the afternoon with a crew of nine. [T818JW.J]
-WK.riT824A crew of nine (four picks and five removal) reported. [T824JW.J]
-WK.riT825All nine assigned workmen reported. [T825JW.J]
-WK.riT826Nine assigned workmen reported. Faji injured his shoulder while shoveling and was sent home for treatment by jW after consultation with Muhammad Omo and the pharmacist, Kamiron. [T826JW.J]
-WK.riT827All nine assigned workmen reported. Detailed pickman Juan and one removalman to J1. [T827JW.J]
A0001A21S917pit-a [S917JW.J]
A0001A35T414v14 [T414JW.J]
A0001B11S917Pit in the southern half of k23. It consists of a cut, f26, two fills, f25 and f31, which were covered by the stones of f24. In the bottom fill, f31, were bones, identified by hPU as part of the leg of a cow. Although not a part of this aggregate, the pit was overlain by a pillar of soil, f22, which supported a large stone, f11. [S917JW.J]
A0001D01S917k23 [S917JW.J]
A0001G09S917f26,f24,f25,f31,i14 [S917JW.J]
A0002A21T406wall [T406JW.J]
A0002A35T414v139 [T414JW.J]
A0002B11T406A wall system consisting of two layers of melon-sized stones running roughly N-S through loci k44 and k43. The top layer is narrower than the bottom, but neither has been fully excavated as of the end of MZ21. It is possible that the wall system extends both further to the north and south. It is also possible that this wall system is the structure reveiled on the geophysical survey conducted in previous seasons. Its purpose seems to be to delimit the western boundary of the sacral space which includes the BA temple mound and the monumental staircase, f21. [T406JW.J]
A0002D01T406k44 [T406JW.J]
A0002G09T406f49,f91 [T406JW.J]
A0002O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
A0003A21T406wall [T406JW.J]
A0003A35T414v139 [T414JW.J]
A0003B11T406A wall system consisting of two lines of melon-sized stones, f28 and f71, running roughly N-S through loci k44 and k43, and separated by an entranceway threshold, f163. They are very near the surface and probably represent the westernmost boundary of the last realization of the late Mittani period sacral space which includes the BA temple mound and the monumental staircase, f21. [T406JW.J]
A0003D01T406k44 [T406JW.J]
A0003G09T406f28,f71,f163 [T406JW.J]
A0003O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
A0004A21T406room [T406JW.J]
A0004A35T414v82 [T414JW.J]
A0004B11T406The ruins of a late period room in locus k13. There is a packed mud floor, f143, a threshold entrance on the north side, f148, a line of stones on the north border (possibly a wall foundation), f144, and a cluster of stones and sherds which rests on the floor in the southeast corner, f146, that was possibly a work area [T406JW.J]
A0004D01T406k13 [T406JW.J]
A0004G09T406f143,f144,f146,f148 [T406JW.J]
A0004O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
A0005A21T406wall [T406JW.J]
A0005A35T414v56 [T414JW.J]
A0005B11T406A wall system consisting of an arc of large, square-cut stones extending to the west from underneath a much later rough stone wall, then gradually turning to the north. It appears to also run under the bottom step of staircase, f21. A mud escarpment, f21, extends south and west from the wall's outer edge. The function of the wall is not known. Because it is partially covered by the later, Mittani wall, f3, and its stone glacis, f4 and f199, we do not know its origin or function. Stratigraphically it should fit with the wall system, specific label wall 3. [T406JW.J]
A0005D01T406k22 [T406JW.J]
A0005G09T406f41,f74 [T406JW.J]
A0006A21T406staircase [T406JW.J]
A0006A35T414v118 [T414JW.J]
A0006B11T406A monumental staircase rising from the west to the east and consisting of large, rectangular-cut stones, f21; a line of large uncut stones, f14, forming a border on the north; and a line of large cut stones, f21, forming a border on the south. A probe, k103, just to the west securely dated the staircase to the Mittani period. [T406JW.J]
A0006D01T406k24 [T406JW.J]
A0006G09T406f14,f20,f21 [T406JW.J]
A0007A21T406wall [T406JW.J]
A0007A35T414v116 [T414JW.J]
A0007B11T406The capstones forming a "memory" of revetment wall, f3. The capstones were probably added in the last phase of the use of the Mittani period western entrance to the BA temple mound, after the f3 wall was covered with accumulation. [T406JW.J]
A0007D01T406k22 [T406JW.J]
A0007G09T406f192,f151 [T406JW.J]
A0008A03T917^wka2 [T917JW.J]
A0008A21T901sb [T901JW.J]
A0008B11T722A cache of sling balls in several clusters of complete balls and fragments found in soil (f74) in a 50 cm long rectangle atop the steps of stair, f205. Aside one of the clusters was a lump of raw clay, which by visual inspection was identical to that seen in the balls. This suggests that they were being manufactured here. [T722JW.J]
A0008B11T901A cache of 31 sling balls in several clusters of complete balls and fragments found in soil ( f74) in a 50 cm long rectangle atop the steps of stair, f205. Aside one of the clusters was a lump of raw clay (q299.1), which by visual inspection was identical to that seen in the balls. This suggests that they were being manufactured here. [T901JW.J]
A0008D01T901k105 [T901JW.J]
A0008G09T901f74 q299.1 i39,40,41,42 [T901JW.J]
A0009A03T917^wka2 [T917JW.J]
A0009A21T901gr [T901JW.J]
A0009B11T722Two fist-sized basalt pestals and and some flakes of bronze found just to the west of the top exposed step of stair, f205. One of the pestals had a piece of bronze imbedded in it. [T722JW.J]
A0009B11T901Two fist-sized basalt pestals and and some flakes of bronze found just to the west of the top exposed step of stair, f205. One of the pestals had a piece of bronze imbedded in it. [T901JW.J]
A0009D01T901k105 [T901JW.J]
A0009G09T901f74 i34,35 [T901JW.J]
A0010A21T901st-is [T901JW.J]
A0010B11T901The decorative top of a Mittani rebuild of the revetment wall system. The extant parts are several clusters of melon-sized stones, but from their position, we can hypothesize that the area bounded by the EDIII revetment wall, f189 to the south; a double line of stones, f186 to the east; and the Mittani revetment wall, f3, to the west includes all of them. (Note that the location of the northern boundary has not been established due to the fact that the features which cover it have not been excavated.) [T901JW.J]
A0010D01T901k12 [T901JW.J]
A0010G09T901f186,4 [T901JW.J]
A0011A21T901dam [T901JW.J]
A0011B11T812A low brick wall running roughly west to east across the middle of k105. It intersects stone wall, f41 at an oblique angle at its western terminus. The components, discovered several weeks apart are: the bricks of f245 near f41, the bricks of f255 near the west baulk of the locus, and the cut of a water channel, f260, in the middle of the wall. The purpose seems to be to be a retaining wall for the pebble pavement, f254 which abuts it to the north. [T812JW.J]
A0011B11T901A low brick wall running roughly west to east across the middle of k105. It intersects stone wall, f41 at an oblique angle at its western terminus. The components, discovered several weeks apart are: the bricks of f245 near f41, the bricks of f255 near the west baulk of the locus, and the cut of a water channel, f260, in the middle of the wall. The purpose seems to be to be a retaining wall for the pebble pavement, f254 which abuts it to the north. The system is the last attempt to control the water flow from north to south past the west face of revetment wall, f41. [T901JW.J]
A0011D01T901k105 [T901JW.J]
A0011G09T901f245,255,260 [T901JW.J]
A0012A21T901staircase [T901JW.J]
A0012B11T901A complex stepped stone structure high and square in the north and stepped down to the south. It abuts the northern extension of the EDIII revetment wall, f41, and appears to be constructed on accumulations preliminarily dated to the Early Dynastic III period by mKB. Its purpose appears to provice access to the top of the pre-EDIII revetment wall from accumulations covering its escarpment. It also served to deflect the north to south flow of flood water away from the revetment wall system. [T901JW.J]
A0012D01T901k105 [T901JW.J]
A0012G09T901gf194,205,257,266,276 [T901JW.J]
A0013A03T917^wka1 [T917JW.J]
A0013A21T901gr [T901JW.J]
A0013B11T901A collection of twelve basalt grindstones (pestals) found in adjacent accumlations (f23 and f30) surrounding a late Mittani period stone structure, ^bin1. Neither debitage nor mortars were found in the vicinity. This suggests that they were not manufactured or used in processing there. It is possible that the bin was a distribution point. [T901JW.J]
A0013D01T901k23 [T901JW.J]
A0013G09T901q38.1,38.2,38.3,38.6,38.7,38.8,38.9,38.10,38.11 i16,17,18 f23,30 [T901JW.J]
F0001A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0001A30WZ16Topsoil in k24 [WZ16JW.J]
F0001I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0001I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0002A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0002A30WZ16Topsoil in k23 [WZ16JW.J]
F0002I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0002I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0003A03T914^wall3 [T914JW.J]
F0003A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0003A30WZ16Middle Mittani stone curtain wall in k22. [WZ16JW.J]
F0003C03S802As we exposed the top and west face of the revetment wall, f3 in the north baulk of k22 and into the southwestern quarter of k23, we noticed that the stones here are more organized and more carefully dressed than those directly to the south (which were excavated in previous seasons as a part of J1). To the south, the top stones are large boulders, laid atop a mud mortar base. As the wall approaches the stones of f37, two characteristics emerge: 1. There is a spur of well-dressed stones which emerge from the base of f3; 2. The stones of f3 themselves become better dressed and more carefully laid. As we excavate more extensively in k22 and k23, the situation and meaning should clarify. [S802JW.J]
F0003F02U804<5si q0484 [U804JW1.J]
F0003I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0003I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0003O01S814v0084 [S823JW.J]
F0003O01S814v0085 [S823JW.J]
F0003O01S814v0085a [S823JW.J]
F0003O01S814v0085b [S823JW.J]
F0003O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0098a [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0098b [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0100 [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0100a [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0101 [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0101a [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0101b [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0103 [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0103a [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0104 [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S824v0104a [S824LH1.J]
F0003O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0003O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0003O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0003O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0130a [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0131a [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01S922v0137 [S922JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0222a [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0222c [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0223a [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0003O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0003O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0004A03T914^aprn1 [T914JW.J]
F0004A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0004A30WZ16Cluster of large stones in k22, possibly serving as an apron or glacis to revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0004I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0004I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0004O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0004O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0005A30WZ16Block of unexcavated soil atop what is possibly the apron or glacis to wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0005I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0005I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0005O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0005O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0006A03T914^wall2 [T914JW.J]
F0006A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0006A30WZ16Cluster of large stones in k12, possibly serving as an apron or glacis to revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0006I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0006I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0006O01S824v0100 [S824LH1.J]
F0006O01S824v0100a [S824LH1.J]
F0006O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0006O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0007A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k24 under topsoil f1 and covering accumulation f12. [WZ16JW.J]
F0007I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0007I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0008A30WZ16Two large stone fragments in k24 that sit in accumulation f7. [WZ16JW.J]
F0008I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0008I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0009A03V610^a3 [V610JW.J]
F0009A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k23 under topsoil f2 and covering accumulations f16 and f23. [WZ16JW.J]
F0009I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0009I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0010A30WZ16Cluster of small stones in k23 that sits in accumulation f9. [WZ16JW.J]
F0010I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0010I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0011A30WZ16Displaced stone in k23 that sits in accumulation f9. [WZ16JW.J]
F0011I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0011I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0012A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k24 containing Middle Assyrian ceramics under accumulation f7 and overlying accumulation f52. [WZ16JW.J]
F0012I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0012I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0013A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k24 containing Middle Assyrian ceramics under accumulation f7, overlaying accumulation f52, and atop accumulation f69. [WZ16JW.J]
F0013I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0013I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0014A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0014A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0014A30WZ16A line of large stones in k24 forming the northern border to staircase f21. [WZ16JW.J]
F0014I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0014I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0014O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0014O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0014O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0014O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0014O01S814v0083a [S823JW.J]
F0014O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0014O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0014O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0014O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0014O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0014O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0014O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0015A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0015A30WZ16Topsoil in k34 [WZ16JW.J]
F0015I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0015I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0016A03V610^a3 [V610JW.J]
F0016A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f9 atop accumulation f30 and abutting f23. [WZ16JW.J]
F0016D06U8179145 @ bottom (corrected) [U817JW.J]
F0016D06U8179169 @ top (corrected) [U817JW.J]
F0016D06U8199145 @ bottom (corrected) [U819JW1.J]
F0016D06U8199161 @ top (corrected) [U819JW1.J]
F0016I01WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0016I03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0017A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k34 under topsoil f15 and covering accumulation f29. [WZ16JW.J]
F0017I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0017I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0018A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0018A30WZ16Topsoil in k44. [WZ16JW.J]
F0018I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0018I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0018O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0018O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0018O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0018O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0018O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0019A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0019A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0019A30WZ16Quarter-circle of large stones in k23, part of a late Mittani access to the temple mound abutting floors f53 and f54. [WZ16JW.J]
F0019I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0019I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0019O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0019O01S814v0082e [S823JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0117a [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0019O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0019O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0020A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0020A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0020A30WZ16Line of dressed stones in k23 forming the southern border to staircase f21. [WZ16JW.J]
F0020I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0020I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0020O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0020O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0020O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0020O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0020O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0020O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0020O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0020O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0020O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0020O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0021A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0021A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0021A30WZ16Staircase of dressed stones in k24, part of the middle-Mittani westward extension. [WZ16JW.J]
F0021A35S725v29 [S725JW1.J]
F0021B11S729This feature, originally identified as a stone installation in k24 and now more appropriately called a staircase in both k24 and k34, descends in at least 6 steps from west to east, towards the palace. At least three accumulations abut it from top to bottom; Midddle Assyrian floor accumulation, f42; Mittani natural floor, f45, and Mittani laminations, f63. When we exposed the top of the last step at elevation 9090 (same elevation as the top stones in the revetment wall, f3, to the southeast), we found that it was abutted by a dense, clean, highly compacted accumulation, f72. Furthermore the stones of the northern border, turned south at this step. A probe with a sheesh to the west of the sixth step, through f72, did not strike any additional step stones. [S729JW.J]
F0021B11S802We sank a sheesh between the stones of the bottom step of staircase, f21. It hit a stone below. As similar actions to the east of the lowest stone did not hit stones below, the lowest step either marks: 1. the top of a wall or 2. A large transitional step between building phases (similar to the large bottom step of the staircase in J2, which marks a transition between Akkadian and Early Dynastic construction. [S802JW.J]
F0021C02S729mKB, fAB, and jW met on site to discuss the short term strategy to deal with this finding. We decided to photograph the situation as it exists, then excavate floor f45 and laminations, f63 in the north half of k34 to the level of the sixth step of f12 and the top of f72. When this is done, we will meet on S730 to revise our overall strategy. [S729JW.J]
F0021C03S725After locus k24 was excavated to the level of the soil, f52, which surrounded stone installations f14 and f21, we saw better the relationship between them. It seemed as if the line of irregularly cut stones which formed f14 was a northern border of part of a more substantial structure formed of dressed large stones, f21. When we probed to the west of the line of stones which formed f21 with a sheesh, we found a second line of stones about 20cm below it. After removing the accumulation atop this row, we probed and found a third row about 20cm below the second. This row was against the east side of the east baulk of k34. From this evidence we hypothesize that f21 is a staircase, descending to the west, of unknown length and depth. [S725JW2.J]
F0021F02T802>7re f0041 [T802JW.J]
F0021F02VX04>7re f0295 [VX04JW.J]
F0021I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0021I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0083d [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S814v0083e [S823JW.J]
F0021O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0021O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0021O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0021O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0021O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0021O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0021O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0021O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0021O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0022A30WZ16Soil lens in k23 that sits in f16 and covers f24. [WZ16JW.J]
F0022I01WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0022I03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0023A03T917^wka1 [T917JW.J]
F0023A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f16, abutting accumulation f30, and covering accumulation f33. [WZ16JW.J]
F0023I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0023I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0024A30WZ16Three stones in k23 that sit in fill f25 of pit a1. [WZ16JW.J]
F0024I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0024I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0025A30WZ16Topmost of two fills of pit a1 in k23 that covers fill f31. [WZ16JW.J]
F0025I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0025I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0026A30WZ16Cut of pit a1 in k23 that cuts accumulations f23 and f33 and intrudes f34. [WZ16JW.J]
F0026I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0026I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0027A30WZ16Infant burial in k44 that sits in accumulation f62. [WZ16JW.J]
F0027I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0027I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0028A03T914^bdr1 [T914JW.J]
F0028A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0028A30WZ16Single-layer stone structure in k44 that rests on accumulation f57. [WZ16JW.J]
F0028I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0028I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0028O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0028O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0028O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0028O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0028O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0028O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0028O01S922v0139b [S922JW.J]
F0028O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0028O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0028O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0028O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0028O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0029A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k34 under accumulation f17 and atop accumulation f42. [WZ16JW.J]
F0029I01WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0029I03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0030A03T917^wka1 [T917JW.J]
F0030A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f16 and atop accumulation f48. [WZ16JW.J]
F0030I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0030I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0031A30WZ16Bottom-most of two fills of pit a1 in k23. [WZ16JW.J]
F0031I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0031I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0032A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0032A30WZ16Topsoil in k54 [WZ16JW.J]
F0032I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0032I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0033A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f23 and atop accumulation f34. [WZ16JW.J]
F0033I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0033I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0034A30WZ16Accumulation in k23 under accumulation f33 and atop floor surface f39. [WZ16JW.J]
F0034I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0034I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0035A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k54 under topsoil f32 and atop accumulation f36. [WZ16JW.J]
F0035I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0035I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0036A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f35 and atop accumulation f44. [WZ16JW.J]
F0036I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0036I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0037A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0037A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0037A30WZ16Semi-circle of large stones in k23, most likely a bin associated with late Mittani access to the temple mound. [WZ16JW.J]
F0037I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0037I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0037O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0037O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0037O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0037O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0037O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0037O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0037O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0037O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0037O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0037O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0037O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0038A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0038A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0038A30WZ16Displaced stone in k23 that sits in accumulation f33. [WZ16JW.J]
F0038I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0038I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0117a [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0038O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0038O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0039A30WZ16Floor-like surface in k23 below accumulation f34. [WZ16JW.J]
F0039I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0039I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0040A30WZ16Line of stones in k54 that sits in accumulation f36. [WZ16JW.J]
F0040I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0040I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0041A03T914^wall2 [T914JW.J]
F0041A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0041A30WZ16Wall of dressed stones forming a Ninevite V revetment wall. [WZ16JW.J]
F0041B11S730Now that the north baulk of k22 has been cleaned and straightened, it is apparent that the well-dressed stones of this feature are aligned in a row extending from a point on revetment wall, f3, northwest toward the general direction of the staircase, f21. Furthermore, we discovered a glacis, f72, which abuts f41 along its entire exposed length. [S730JW.J]
F0041C03S821gB has stated that this curving line of stones may be a bin structure associated with a very early phase of the temple complex. As it became covered, f3, then a combination of stones and pavement was built as a substitue. Finally, when that was covered, the stone circle formed by installations, f37 and f46 was a replacement in the final stages of use before abandonment. [S821JW.J]
F0041C10T218As the excavations around this feature continued, its relationship with the extension of the revetment wall, f3, was clarified. At first this structure appeared to abut wall, f3. Later, as f3 was more fully excavated, it became clear that structure, f41, was earlier than and continued under f3 to the southeast. Thus, we concluded that f3 overlaid f41, they being separated by a thin layer of soil which was not assigned a separate feature number. See v98b. [T218JW.J]
F0041F02T802<7re f0021 [T802JW.J]
F0041F02T802<8ab f0230 [T802JW.J]
F0041F02T812<8ab f0259 [T812JW.J]
F0041F02VX04<8ab z0002 [VX04JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0230 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0266 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0267 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0293 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041F02WZ31<8ab f0295 [WZ31JW.J]
F0041I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0041I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0041O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
F0041O01S824v0098a [S824LH1.J]
F0041O01S824v0098b [S824LH1.J]
F0041O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0041O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0041O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0041O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0041O01S922v0136a [S922JW.J]
F0041O01U312v0221 [U312JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0223a [U812JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0223b [U812JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0041O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0041O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0042A30WZ16Floor accumulation in k34 under accumulation f29 and atop floor f45. [WZ16JW.J]
F0042C31T218A sentence in the description says "It is similar to the floor accumulation, f39, in k23." This cannot be the case as the colors, hardnesses, textures, and strata differ greatly. After the fact, we cannot resolve the contradiction, so the quoted sentence should be disregarded. [T218JW.J]
F0042I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0042I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0042I99S815Phase is indeterminate based on analysis of several q-lots. q147, containing Mittani sherds, but no Middle Assyrian sherds, was taken from the excavation of the east baulk and may have contained sherds from the Mittani accumulation below, f45. Q-lots q47 and q50 were taken from the main accumulation and contained Middle Assyrian sherds. [S815JW.J]
F0043A30WZ16Fill in k23 surrounding the stones of f37. [WZ16JW.J]
F0043I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0043I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0044A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k54 under accumulation f36. [WZ16JW.J]
F0044I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0044I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0045A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0045A30WZ16Compacted soil floor in k34 that covers another compacted soil floor f63. [WZ16JW.J]
F0045I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0045I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0046A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0046A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0046A30WZ16Partially excavated cluster of stones in k23 associated with late Mittani access to the temple mound. [WZ16JW.J]
F0046I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0046I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0046O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0046O01S919v0117a [S919JW.J]
F0046O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0046O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0046O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0046O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0047A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k44 under accumulation f62 and atop accumulation f57. [WZ16JW.J]
F0047I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0047I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0047O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0047O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0047O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0047O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0047O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0048A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0048A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0048A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f30 and atop the stones of f99. [WZ16JW.J]
F0048I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0048I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0048O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0048O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0048O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0048O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0048O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0048O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0049A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0049A30WZ16Double-layered stone structure in k44 covered by accumulation f57and atop accumulation f58. [WZ16JW.J]
F0049I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0049I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0049O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0049O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0049O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0049O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0049O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0139b [S922JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0049O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0049O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0049O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0050A30WZ16Floor-like accumulation in k23 under accumulation f30 and atop floor f53. [WZ16JW.J]
F0050I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0050I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0051A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k23 under accumulation f33 and atop melted brick f54. [WZ16JW.J]
F0051I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0051I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0052A30WZ16Compacted natural accumulation in k24 under accumulation f13 and atop accumulations f66 and f69. [WZ16JW.J]
F0052I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0052I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0053A30WZ16Highly compacted floor-like accumulation in k23 under accumulation f50. [WZ16JW.J]
F0053I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0053I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0053O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0053O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0053O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0053O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0054A03S903^bin1 [S903JW2.J]
F0054A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0054A30WZ16Melted brick in k23 under accumulation f51. [WZ16JW.J]
F0054I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0054I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0054O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0054O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0054O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0054O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0054O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0054O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0055A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0055A30WZ16Topsoil in k33 [WZ16JW.J]
F0055I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0055I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0056A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0056A30WZ16Topsoil in k43 [WZ16JW.J]
F0056I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0056I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0057A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k44 under accumulation f47 and atop accumulations f58 and f61. [WZ16JW.J]
F0057I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0057I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0057O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0057O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0057O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0057O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0057O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0057O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0058A30WZ16Floor-like accumulation in k44 under accumulation f57 and atop compacted floor f60. [WZ16JW.J]
F0058I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0058I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0058O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0058O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0058O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0058O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0058O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0059A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k33 under topsoil f55 and covering accumulation f94. [WZ16JW.J]
F0059I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0059I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0060A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0060A30WZ16Naturally compacted floor surface in k44 under accumulation f58 and atop accumulation f180. [WZ16JW.J]
F0060I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0060I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0060O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0060O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0060O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0060O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0061A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k44 under accumulation f57. [WZ16JW.J]
F0061I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0061I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0061O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0061O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0061O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0061O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0061O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0061O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0062A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k44 under topsoil f44 and covering accumulation f47. [WZ16JW.J]
F0062I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0062I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0062O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0062O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0062O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0062O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0062O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
F0063A30WZ16Compacted and laminated soil floor in k34 under floor f45 and above soil floor f70. [WZ16JW.J]
F0063I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0063I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0064A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0064A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north baulk of k22 and covering natural accumulation f77. [WZ16JW.J]
F0064I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0064I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0065A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0065A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0065A30WZ16Highly compacted floor-like accumulation in k24 under accumulation f52. [WZ16JW.J]
F0065I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0065I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0065O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0065O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0065O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0066A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0066A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0066A30WZ16Highly compacted natural accumulation in k24 under accumulation f52. [WZ16JW.J]
F0066I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0066I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0066O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0066O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0066O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0067A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0067A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k34 and covering elements of ^strc1 [WZ16JW.J]
F0067I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0067I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0068A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k43 under topsoil f56 and covering accumulation f75. [WZ16JW.J]
F0068I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0068I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0069A30WZ16Compacted floor accumulation in k24 under accumulation f52 and abutting the top step of stair f21. [WZ16JW.J]
F0069I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0069I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0069O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0070A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0070A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0070A30WZ16Compacted soil floor in k34 under accumulation f63, abutting the bottom step of stair f21, and covering accumulation f128. [WZ16JW.J]
F0070I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0070I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0070O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0070O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0070O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0070O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0070O01S814v0083e [S823JW.J]
F0070O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0070O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0070O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0070O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
F0071A03T914^bdr1 [T914JW.J]
F0071A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0071A30WZ16Single-layer stone structure in k43 that rests on accumulation f75. [WZ16JW.J]
F0071I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0071I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0071O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0071O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0071O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0071O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0071O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0072A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north baulk of k22 that overlays glacis f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0072I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0072I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0073A30WZ16Lens of small stones in k43 that sits in accumulation f68. [WZ16JW.J]
F0073I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0073I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0074A03T917^wka2 [T917JW.J]
F0074A30WZ16Escarpment of hard-packed soil in k22 (and k105) that abuts revetment wall f41. [WZ16JW.J]
F0074B11S730A hard-surfaced mud escarpment in k22 which abuts stone wall, f41, along its entire exposed length and slopes down to the southwest. It is covered by several accumulations and is covered by ash in some places. According to gB, it is most likely equivalent to the Ninevite V escarpment, J1 features 239 and 189, previously excavated. [S730JW.J]
F0074B11T721A hard, dense soil which abuts cut stone wall, f41, and may have served as a late phase escarpment for it. It appears to slope to the southwest. One lot of sherds from it, q289, was preliminarily evaluated as from the Mittani period by mKB. [T721JW.J]
F0074C03T722This soil feature has previously been identified as a purpose-built mud escarpment, primarily because of its hardness and its proximity to stone wall, f41. As we have excavated it, we find that it covers a stone staircase, f205, three steps of which have been exposed which abuts f41. The surface of feature 74 follows the general slope of wall, f41, (NW to SE), its depth conforms with the steeper slope of the stairs, f205, which abut f41. It is consistently dense and hard-packed. The better view is that f74 is a natural escarpment for wall, f41. It was formed when loess began to cover the steps of ^strc2. The path along the wall continued in use and it was compacted by the weight of those who walked there. [T722JW.J]
F0074F02T725<1ov f0208 [T725JW.J]
F0074F02T801<8ab f0137 [T801JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<1ov f0208 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<1ov f0212 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<1ov f0215 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<1ov f0218 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<1ov f0219 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<3in f0206 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074F02WZ31<3in f0221 [WZ31JW.J]
F0074I01WX16s174-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0074I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0074O01S814v0079c [S823JW.J]
F0074O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0074O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0074O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0075A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k43 under accumulation f68 and atop accumulations f92 and f93. [WZ16JW.J]
F0075I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0075I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0076A30WZ16Arc of stones in k43 that sits in accumulation f75. [WZ16JW.J]
F0076B11T218A truncated arc of three large and a number of smaller limestone blocks running roughly N-S and located between stone installations f71 and f91 in k43. Its function is not yet clear. [T218JW.J]
F0076F02S817<5si q0218 [S817DL1.J]
F0076I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0076I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0076O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0077A30WZ16One of four bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0077B11S731A thin band of natural accumulation bounded by the west baulk of k22 and the west face of revetment wall, f3. It is the highest accumulation to meet, but not cover, the wall. It is the first distinct soil feature under the recently removed north baulk of k22. It is mostly uniform - a mix of silt and sand - and contains numerous small pebbles and randomly oriented sherds. [S731JW.J]
F0077B11S802This feature, excavated by both the large and small pick, was characterized by a hard crust over laminated layers of aeolian soil. There was an abrupt transition from silt to pebbles at the intersection of this and feature 78 below. Comparing elevations, this feature should be equivalent to the natural floor, f39 found directly to the north in k23. This accumlation was horizontal and extended from the south face of the north baulk of k22 northward into k23 until it met the large stones of f37. As stated before, it was bounded on the east by the west face of revetment wall, f3. [S802JW.J]
F0077I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0077I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0078A30WZ16One of four bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0078B11S731A laminar layer of sand, pebbles, and silt beneath natural accumulation, f77, in the NE quadrant of k22. It is bounded by the west baulk of k22 and the west face of revetment wall, f3. Its laminations vary in thickness and consistency, with more sand, more, silt, or more pebbles in one rather than the other. It is relatively free of sherds. [S731JW.J]
F0078B11S802This feature was excavated using both the large and the small pick. It was characterized by large areas of mixed laminated pebbles, sand, and silt, interspersed with areas of laminated silt, which was easily removed with the trowel. This accumlation was horizontal and extended from the south face of the north baulk of k22 northward into k23 until it met the large stones of f37. As stated before, it was bounded on the east by the west face of revetment wall, f3. The associated q-lot, q129-p, contained at least one painted rim sherd, which according to mKB could be either late Khabur or early Mittani. [S802JW.J]
F0078I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0078I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0078O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0079A30WZ16One of four bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0079B11S731A lens, composed mainly of sand, contained within the lamininations of f78 in the far northwest corner of k22. [S731JW.J]
F0079B11S803There was no pottery, bones, or objects in this clean lens of lamination. [S803JW.J]
F0079I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0079I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0080A30WZ16One of four bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0080B11S731A band of natural accumulation in the north baulk of k22, under laminations of f78. It is bounded by the west baulk of k22 and the west face of revetment wall, f3. The boundary between f78 and f80 was distinct, both in color and in texture, chaging from softer sandy laminations to densely packed dust. [S731JW.J]
F0080B11S803There was a marked transition into and out of this feature. Atop was a soft lamination of silt, pebbles, and sand, f78. Below was a soft lamination of silt, pebbles, and sand, f81. However, this accumulation was hard, laminated silt. It covered the top of one large stone. [S803JW.J]
F0080I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0080I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0081A30WZ16One of five bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0081B11S731A band of natural accumulation of mixed compostion seen in the north baulk of k22. It is bounded by the west baulk of k22 and the west face of revetment wall, f3. In particular, the bottom is relatively sandy at the trasition to the accumulation below it, f82. [S731JW.J]
F0081B11S803The transition to this feature was again dramatic. Accumulation above, f80, was hard and silty, while this feature comprised sand, silt and pebbles. Covers the tops of some large stones to the south of installation f37 and to the west of revetment wall, f3. [S803JW.J]
F0081I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0081I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0082A30WZ16One of five bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0082B11S731A band of hard, dense natural accumulation which covers the top of the stones of wall, f41, along the north baulk of k22. It is bounded by the west baulk of k22 and the west face of revetment wall, f3. Its shape is roughly triangular, with the top being relatively flat and level. Its west side is bounded by natural accumulation, f84 and its east side is bounded by wall, f3. In the vicinity of wall, f41, it is bounded by an ashy layer, f85 to the east of wall, f41 and an ashy layer, f83 to the west of wall, f41. [S731JW.J]
F0082I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0082I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0083A21S804aa [S804JW.J]
F0083A30WZ16One of five bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0083B11S731A small lens of ashy soil seen in the north section of k22 which abuts the east face of stone wall, f41, and rests its escarpment, f74. [S731JW.J]
F0083C99S804This feature was originally described as a natural accumulation below natural accumulation, f82, which covered the stones of f99 and of f41. Once f83 was exposed, it was clear that it was actually the living accumulation above the glacis, f74, to installation, f41. The pottery will be analyzed specially to help identify the phase of the glacis and wall system. [S804JW.J]
F0083I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0083I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0084A30WZ16One of five bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0084B11S731A wedge of hard, dense natural accumulation which juts out of the west baulk of k22 and abuts the triangularly shaped natural accumulation, f82. [S731JW.J]
F0084B11S804This feature was a small wedge of soil which was seen in section during drawing. Upon excavation, it was incorporated into f101 and the pottery was mixed between them. [S804JW.J]
F0084I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0084I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0085A30WZ16One of five bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the west side of wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0085B11S731A band of ashy accumulation seen in the north section of k22. It is below natural accumulation, f82, and bounded on the west by wall, f41, and on the bottom and east by revetment wall, f3. [S731JW.J]
F0085I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0085I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0086A30WZ16One of three bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the east side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0086B11S731The first of five layers of soil and pebbles, seen in section, which abut the east side of the capstones, f192, to revetment wall, f3, then extend into the east baulk of k22. It does not cover the top of that wall. It is impossible to tell at this point whether it is natural accumulation which built up against the highest line of stones (perhaps memory stones), whether it is part of a late mud glacis or whether it is fill placed behind the wall during construction. [S731JW.J]
F0086I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0086I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0087A30WZ16One of three bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the east side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0087B11S731A laminar layer, seen in section, which abuts the east side of revetment wall, f3, then extends into the east baulk of k22. It covers layer f88 and is covered by f86. The layers are distinguished by small variations in color and texture. [S731JW.J]
F0087I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0087I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0088A30WZ16One of three bands and lenses of accumulation in k22 that abut the east side of wall cap f192. [WZ16JW.J]
F0088B11S731A layer of accumulation or fill, seen in section, which abuts the east side of revetment wall, f3, then extends into the east baulk of k22. It covers layer f89 and is covered by f87. The layers are distinguished by small variations in color and texture. [S731JW.J]
F0088I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0088I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0089A30WZ16Band of accumulation in k22 abutting the east side of wall f3, under f88 and f87 and atop f90. [WZ16JW.J]
F0089B11S731A layer of accumulation or fill, seen in section, which abuts the east side of revetment wall, f3, then extends into the east baulk of k22. It covers layer f90 and is covered by f88. The layers are distinguished by small variations in color and texture. [S731JW.J]
F0089B11S816This laminar accumulation is very similar to those on the west side of the revetment wall, f3. This may mean that the top stones were above any glacis which may have been a part of the temple mound. [S816JW.J]
F0089I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0089I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0090A30WZ16Floor-like surface of melted brick and pebbles below accumulation f89 and adjacent to wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0090B11S731The bottom of a series of five layers of accumulation or fill, which abut the east side of revetment wall, f3, then extend into the east baulk of k22. It is distinguished from the layer above, f89, in that this feature contains a large quantity of fist-sized pebbles. [S731JW.J]
F0090B11S816jW noticed that the top stones of the revetment wall, f3, in the vicinity of this narrow band of accumulation rest on the bricky material which constitutes f90 north of the stone dam. This may indicate that the top stones of f3 were laid just as the main wall became covered. [S816JW.J]
F0090I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0090I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0090O01S814v0084 [S823JW.J]
F0090O01S814v0085 [S823JW.J]
F0090O01S814v0085a [S823JW.J]
F0090O01S814v0085b [S823JW.J]
F0090O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0090O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0090O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0090O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0090O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0090O01S922v0138a [S922JW.J]
F0091A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0091A30WZ16Double-layered stone structure in k43 covered by accumulation f75. [WZ16JW.J]
F0091I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0091I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0091O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0091O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0091O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0091O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0091O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
F0091O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0091O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0091O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0092A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k43 under accumulation f75 and to the west of stone installation f91. [WZ16JW.J]
F0092B11S802Natural accumulation found in a trapezoid between the west edge of the N-S stones of f91 and to the east of the pedestal for the line of stones, f71 in the middle of k33. [S802JW.J]
F0092I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0092I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0093A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k43 under accumulation f75 and overlaying accumulation f95 to the east of stone installation f91. [WZ16JW.J]
F0093B11S802Natural accumulation between the east face of stone installation, f91, and the east baulk of k33, being excavated with the big pick. [S802JW.J]
F0093I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0093I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0094A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f59 and atop accumulation f98. [WZ16JW.J]
F0094B11S802Natural accumulation under natural accumulation, f59, in locus k33. Although the color is similar between the two, the texture is not. This feature, f94, has a soft surface and changes into dust when picked with the big pick. Accumulaiton, f59 had a hard surface, filled with soft pockets, probably formed by the action of water on wind-blown soil. It broke into large chunks when picked. Many large roots of surface plants have penetrated both features. [S802JW.J]
F0094I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0094I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0095A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k43 under accumulation f93 and atop accumulation f97. [WZ16JW.J]
F0095I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0095I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0096A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0096A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k44 and overlaying accumulation f42. [WZ16JW.J]
F0096I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0096I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0097A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k43 under accumulation f95 and atop accumulation f196. [WZ16JW.J]
F0097I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0097I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0097O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0098A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f94 and atop accumulation f100. [WZ16JW.J]
F0098B11S804Hard-crusted laminar natural accumulation throughout locus k33. It was a marked transition from the soil feature above, f94, which was soft and granular. [S804JW.J]
F0098I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0098I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0099A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0099A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0099A30WZ16Roughly triangular arrangement of large stones in k23 that may be the apron for revetment wall f41. [WZ16JW.J]
F0099B11S804A triangular arrangement of very large stones between the N-S revetment wall, f3; the E-W line of stones, f37, and the SE to NW stone structure, f41. The function is unclear and will remain so until the east baulk of k33 is removed. [S804JW.J]
F0099I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0099I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0099O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0099O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0099O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0099O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0099O01S922v0136a [S922JW.J]
F0099O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0099O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0100A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f98 and atop accumulation f102. [WZ16JW.J]
F0100B11S804A layer of laminations consisting of silt, sand and pebbles throughout locus k33. It is at least equivalent to if not a continuation to the south of laminations, f63, found in k34. [S804JW.J]
F0100I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0100I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0101A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k22 supporting a survey marker and atop glacis f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0101B11S804a pedestal of soil beneath marker m4881 extending from the bottom of baulk accumulation f64 downward to the top of glacis, f74. [S804JW.J]
F0101I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0101I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0102A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0102A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0102A30WZ16Compacted soil floor in k33 under accumulation f100 and atop accumulation f122. [WZ16JW.J]
F0102B11S804A naturally compacted soil layer throughout k33. It has a dense, flat surface, formed of fine grains, which is almost free of any pottery sherds, stones or inclusions. It is at least equivalent to if not a continuation to the south of the compact accumulation, f70, found in k34. [S804JW.J]
F0102C03S809A few days ago, gB noticed that the identical accumulation to the north, f70 in k34, had ripples on its surface. We found the same characteristics in this accumulation, f102, in k33. As we removed f102, we were finding stones, f126, along the eastern baulk of k33 that were at the same elevation and in the same alignment as the bottom step of staircase, f21. Accumulation f102 had the same surface texture as f70 and is probably a continuation of it to the south. [S809JW.J]
F0102I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0102I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0102O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0102O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
F0103A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0103A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k43 and covering accumulations f94 and f114. [WZ16JW.J]
F0103B11S805Volumetric material comprising the upper layers of late accumulation (f55, and f59) in the eastern baulk of k43, which will be removed as one feature, f103. We divided the last mentioned baulk into three parts to collect pottery that will help understand the transition between the Middle Assyrian Mittani phases. The top layers are late accumulation, f103. The Middle Assyrian accumulation is f94, a separate feature. Also the Mittani features, f98 and f100 will be another separate feature. [S805JW1.J]
F0103C10S805Features for the east baulk of k43 are the features located in the west baulk of k33 (identical but opposite side) because there was insufficient room between the east baulk of k43 and the stone structure f71 (immediately to its west) to properly see and designate features, then excavate the baulk from its (normal) west side. [S805JW1.J]
F0103I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0103I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0104A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0104A30WZ16Topsoil in k14. [WZ16JW.J]
F0104B11S805The topsoil in k14. The surface is smooth, having served as a wheelbarrow path in past seasons as units J1 and J3 were excavated. Under the surface one can see the typical tangle of dark brown decayed roots. [S805JW1.J]
F0104F02S805<5si q0152 [S805DL1.J]
F0104I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0104I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0104O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0104O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0104O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0104O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0105A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0105A30WZ16Topsoil in k13 [WZ16JW.J]
F0105B11S805The topsoil in k13. The surface is smooth, having served as a wheelbarrow path in past seasons as units J1 and J3 were excavated. Under the surface one can see the typical tangle of dark brown decayed roots. [S805JW1.J]
F0105I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0105I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0105O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0105O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0106A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k14 under topsoil f104 and covering accumulation f112. [WZ16JW.J]
F0106B11S805Natural accumulation under topsoil f104 in k14. It is typical of such accumulations near the surface in that it has a hard, undulating surface with scattered soft pockets of soil. When struck with the large pick, it breaks up into chunks and dust. It was probably formed by the action of water on aeolian soil. [S805JW1.J]
F0106I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0106I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0106O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0106O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0106O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0106O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0107A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0107A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k33 and overlaying soil floor f102. [WZ16JW.J]
F0107B11S806Volumetric material comprising various layers of soil in the east baulk of k33 which are to be excavated as one unit during its removal. [S806JW.J]
F0107I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0107I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0108A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0108A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0108A30WZ16A line of large stones in k14 that are the eastward extension of stone border f14. [WZ16JW.J]
F0108B11S806A group of large limestone blocks in the northern third of k14. Their function is not yet known, although they roughly continue an E-W line of stones, f14, found in the north half of k24. [S806JW.J]
F0108I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0108I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0083a [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0083c [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S814v0083d [S823JW.J]
F0108O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0108O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0108O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0108O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0108O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0108O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0108O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0108O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0108O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0109A30WZ16Two large, displaced, unfounded stones in k14 that sit in accumulation f106. [WZ16JW.J]
F0109B11S806Two large, adjacent, unfounded, limestone boulders which sit in natural accumulaton, f106, in the northern half of k14. Their relationship to other nearby stonework is not known at this time. [S806JW.J]
F0109I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0109I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0109O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0109O01S814v0083c [S823JW.J]
F0109O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0109O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0109O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0109O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0109O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0110A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0110A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k100 in the form of saw-teeth and covering f174. [WZ16JW.J]
F0110B11S806Volumetric material contained in a saw-tooth shaped pillar of soil in k 100. It is the remnant of previously excavated J1 loci to define the extent and form of the revetment wall, f3. It is formed by previously excavated features and is being removed to enhance the sightlines from a new observation platform being constructed. [S807JW.J]
F0110I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0110I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0111A30WZ16Cluster of small stones in k33 that sat in its east baulk, f107. [WZ16JW.J]
F0111B11S806A small cluster of melon-sized stones imbedded in a soil matrix about 50 cm below the surface and located along the northern edge of the east baulk of k33. It could have been associated with the stone installations, f49 and f76, about 5 m to the west. It was probably a result of scattered occupation after the tell was abandoned. It was measured, photographed, and removed. [S807JW.J]
F0111I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0111I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0112A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k14 under accumulation f106 and atop stone installation f123. [WZ16JW.J]
F0112B11S806The natural accumulation under natural accumulation, f106, in k14 It was relatively soft and was of uniform texture throughout the locus. [S807JW.J]
F0112I01WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0112I03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0112O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0112O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0112O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0112O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0113A30WZ16Three displaced stones in k12 that sit in an unexcavated block of accumulation f5 [WZ16JW.J]
F0113B11S806Three large limestone blocks atop a pillar of soil, f5, remaining from previous excavations in the vicinity of J1. The blocks do not seem to be organized into a pattern or complement any other stones or groups of stones at that elevation in the vicinity. They will be measured and photographed, then removed when we excavate f5 at the end of the season. [S807JW.J]
F0113I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0113I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0114A30WZ16Natural accumulation in the east baulk of k43 that was covered by f104 and which overlays floor f102. [WZ16JW.J]
F0114B11S806The Mittani deposits near the bottom of the east baulk of k43. They are a continuation to the west of the crusted natural accumulation, f98, and laminations, f100 , found in above the hard, packed surface, k102, in k33. [S807JW.J]
F0114I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0114I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0115A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k13 under topsoil f105 and covering accumulation f129 and floor f143. [WZ16JW.J]
F0115B11S806The natural accumulation below the topsoil, f105, in k13. It has an irregualr surface with hard and soft spots corresponding to the actions of water on aeolian soil and animal burrows respectively. [S807JW.J]
F0115I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0115I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0115O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0115O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0115O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0116A30WZ16Large displaced stone in k13 that sits in accumulation f115. [WZ16JW.J]
F0116B11S806An isolated, large limestone block near the surface in the middle of k13. [S807JW.J]
F0116I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0116I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0117A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0117A30WZ16Topsoil in k3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0117B11S806The topsoil in k3. It has a hard surface with dark brown root systems and nodules of soil beneath. In previous seasons, backdirt removal took place in the vicinity. [S807JW.J]
F0117I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0117I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0118A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0118A30WZ16Topsoil in k4. [WZ16JW.J]
F0118B11S806The topsoil in k4. It has a hard surface with dark brown root systems and nodules of soil beneath. In previous seasons, backdirt removal took place in the vicinity. [S807JW.J]
F0118I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0118I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0119A30WZ16Arc of small stones in k14 that sits in f112. [WZ16JW.J]
F0119B11S806An semicircular arc of stones along the eastern baulk of k14. The stones at north and south extremities are a bit larger than a modern brick, with rectangular crossections. No nearby structures suggest a use for this feature, which was photographed, measured, and removed. [S807JW.J]
F0119I01WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0119I03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0120A30WZ16Amalgamation of stones in k13 that sit in f115 [WZ16JW.J]
F0120B11S806A cluster of melon-sized stones in a soil matrix in the southwest corner of k13. There was no nearby structure at this elevation to suggest a use for it or to determine whether or not it was deposited naturally. [S807JW.J]
F0120I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0120I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0121A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f122 and abutting stone installation f126. [WZ16JW.J]
F0121B11S809A relatively horizontal layer of mixed sand and silt with an extremely hard surface in the NE corner of k33. To the east, it abuts the dressed stones which form f126, and which are approximately aligned with wall, f41. Although higher than the glacis, f74, to wall, f41, the hard surface led jW to initially conclude that this feature was a glacis to stone installation, f126. However, a detailed investigation by fAB, rE, and jW led to the conclusion that, considering the stratigraphy of the west baulk of k22 and k23 and the somewhat sandy texture of f122 which covered it, that f121 was a glacis-like feature formed by the action of water on sedimentation. We conclude that f121 is equal to natural accumulation, f124. [S809JW.J]
F0121I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0121I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0122A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0122A30WZ16Laminar natural accumulation in k33 that covers accumulations f121 and f124. [WZ16JW.J]
F0122B11S809A very sandy laminar layer of natural accumulation in the eastern half of k33, which covers the natural glacis, f121, and the hard, natural accumulation, f124. [S809JW.J]
F0122I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0122I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0123A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0123A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0123A30WZ16Threshold of large stones in k14 under accumulation f112 and abutting floors f125 and f195. [WZ16JW.J]
F0123B11S809An installation consisting of a layer of large limestone blocks with dressed, flat top surfaces (a lone exception is the middle stone which is not dressed) running NW to SE in the southeast quadrant of k14. To the NW they are bounded by a stone laid vertically which abuts the stone installation, f109, which is about 50cm higher. To the SW they enter the south baulk. On the other side of the baulk, there is a group of large stones 50cm higher than f123. This arrangement and its alignment suggests a portal and threshold leading from the staircase, f21, to the BA temple. [S809JW.J]
F0123I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0123I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0123O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0123O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0123O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0123O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0123O01S814v0083b [S823JW.J]
F0123O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0123O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0123O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0123O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0123O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0123O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0123O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0123O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0124A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0124A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f122 and covering accumulation f127. [WZ16JW.J]
F0124B11S809A hard, natural accumulation under the more sandy lamination, f122 in the east half of k33. It is one of the numerous alternating layers of such accumulations which were deposited in the later stages of the Mittani phase of occupation. [S809JW.J]
F0124I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0124I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0125A30WZ16Soil floor in k14 to the east of threshold f123 and a part of the temple access route. [WZ16JW.J]
F0125B11S809This is a layer of red soil with numerous limestone nodules scattered uniformly throughout. It is located in the NE corner of k14, at about the same elevation as the stone installation, f123. It may be part of an access pathway from staircase, f21, to the BA temple. [S809JW.J]
F0125I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0125I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0125O01S814v0083b [S823JW.J]
F0125O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0125O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0126A30WZ16Disorganized group of large stones in k23 above wall f41 and south of border f20. [WZ16JW.J]
F0126B11S809A N-S line of dressed, limestone blocks to the south of the bottom step of staircase, f21, and at the same approximate elevation. They are arranged along the east baulk of k33. They may be a part of the f41 wall, but we must excavate further to determine this. [S809JW.J]
F0126I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0126I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0126O01S814v0079a [S823JW.J]
F0126O01S814v0079b [S823JW.J]
F0126O01S814v0081 [S823JW.J]
F0126O01S814v0081a [S823JW.J]
F0126O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0126O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0126O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0126O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0126O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0126O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0127A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0127A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f124 and covering f128. [WZ16JW.J]
F0127I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0127I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0127O01S814v0079b [S823JW.J]
F0128A03V610^flr2 [V610JW.J]
F0128A30WZ16Laminar natural accumulation in k33 below accumulation f127 and covering accumulation f135. [WZ16JW.J]
F0128F02VX04<8ab f0295 [VX04JW.J]
F0128I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0128I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0128O01S814v0079b [S823JW.J]
F0128O01S814v0081b [S823JW.J]
F0128O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0128O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0128O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0128O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
F0129A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k13 under both accumulation f115 and the stones of f130. [WZ16JW.J]
F0129I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0129I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0129O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0129O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0130A30WZ16Amalgamation of stones in k13 under the stones of k120 and over accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0130I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0130I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0131A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k4 under topsoil f118. [WZ16JW.J]
F0131I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0131I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0132A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0132A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k23 that overlays floor f54. [WZ16JW.J]
F0132B11S813The volumetric material in the east baulk of k23. It is a conglomeration of features previously excavated and documented. [S813JW.J]
F0132I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0132I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0133A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0133A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the east baulk of k24 that covers the stones of f140. [WZ16JW.J]
F0133B11S813The volumetric material in the east baulk of k24. It is a conglomeration of features previously excavated and documented. [S813JW.J]
F0133I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0133I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0134A03V610^a4 [V610JW.J]
F0134A30WZ16Topsoil in k32. [WZ16JW.J]
F0134B11S813The topsoil of k32. It is a mixture of roots, nodules, silt and backdirt from previous excavations. It has been packed down by foot, wheelbarrow, and tractor traffic over the years. [S813JW.J]
F0134I01WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0134I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0135A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 under accumulation f128 and covering floor accumulation f137. [WZ16JW.J]
F0135B11S813The laminar accumulation under accumulation, f128, in k33. It has a moderately hard surface, but readily separates from the layer of soil immediately below, f137, when struck with the small pick and troweled. It was softer and more granular than the accumulation above, f128. From the east section of the western half-square, it can be seen that a small N-S strip of of both f135, and floor accumulation, f137 was removed near that section earlier during excavation of accumulation, f128. [S813JW.J]
F0135B11S814This feature differed markedly from those above and below. The laminations above it, f128, were relatively soft, greyish brown in color, and contained a mixture of silt, sand and pebbles. f128 could be removed with light strokes of the large pick. The floor accumulation below, f137, was very hard, had no sand or pebbles, and was very gray. When picked with a small pick it came of in rectangular chunks. It had surface sherds. This accumulation, f135, was noticeably brown. Although laminar, the individual layers were very thin and contained only silt. [S814JW.J]
F0135C03S814In a meeting with the unit staff and fAB, gB contrasted the depositional process between laminations (which were found above this feature) and a laminar floor (which describes this surface. Laminations are deposited when water flow is blocked and debris remains after evaporation. The resulting surface is not regularly used. On the other hand, a laminar outdoor floor is formed when dust and other debris settles on it and is compressed layer by layer as people walk on it. [S814JW.J]
F0135I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0135I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0135O01S814v0079a [S823JW.J]
F0135O01S814v0079b [S823JW.J]
F0135O01S814v0081 [S823JW.J]
F0135O01S814v0081b [S823JW.J]
F0136A30WZ16Highest layer of natural accumulation in k32 under topsoil f134 and covering natural accumulation f167. [WZ16JW.J]
F0136B11S813The natural accumulaton under topsoil, f134 in k32. It has a hard crust, with scattered soft spots throughout. The crust was caused by the action of water on aeolian soil. The soft spots were animal holes. Seen in section, it consists of laminar, alternating layers of silt (crust) and sand. [S813JW.J]
F0136F02V922<2cu f0202 [V922JW.J]
F0136F02WZ31<3in f0202 [WZ31JW.J]
F0136I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0136I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0136O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0136O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
F0136O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
F0137A30WZ16Floor accumulation in k33 under accumulation f135 and above escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0137B11S813A very hard, dense floor accumulation above the escarpment, f41, in k33. It contains sherds and rises in elevation from east to west, just opposite to what we had predicted from the parts of f41 which are visible in k22. Along the east part of the west half baulk, it can be seen in section since we accidentally removed several centimeters of it along that baulk as we were excavating f128 with the big pick. Because of the rise to the west instead of the expected fall, we will excavate it very carefully with the small pick on S814. As this layer was well-sealed, hopefully the sherds will tell us something about when it was in service. [S813JW.J]
F0137C03S813In deciding that this layer was not an escarpment but a floor accumulation associated with wall, f41, and its escarpment, f74, previously excavated in k22 to the south, we made four observations: First, as we excavate accumlation, f135, above it, we can see that pottery sherds are embedded in the surface of f137, which one would not expect in an escarpment. Second, according to rE, supervisor of unit J1, this layer resembles hard accumulations above the highest escarpment in J1. Third, escarpment, f74, touches stones of wall, f41, but here, f137 seems to cover stones. Fourth, we expect that an escarpment would fall away to the west from the stone installation, f126. From what we see so far, this feature, f137, does not. [S813JW.J]
F0137C10T901When this feature was originally excavated in MZ21, it was observed that it was unusual in that it sloped down from west to east. Further excavation in MZ22 revealed that downslope was the west side of a gully that was cut into f137 by fast-flowing water. A number of such gullys are in this and adjacent loci in many strata. Overall, f137 slopes up from west to east as it meets the revetment wall, f41. [T901JW1.J]
F0137F02S817<5si q0215 [S817DL1.J]
F0137F02T801>0co f0229 [T801JW.J]
F0137F02T801>8ab f0074 [T801JW.J]
F0137I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0137I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0137O01S814v0079a [S823JW.J]
F0137O01S814v0079c [S823JW.J]
F0137O01S814v0081 [S823JW.J]
F0137O01S814v0081a [S823JW.J]
F0137O01S814v0081b [S823JW.J]
F0137O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0137O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0137O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
F0137O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
F0137O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0137O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0138A30WZ16Large, unfounded, displaced stone in k13 that sits in accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0138B11S813Very large, unfounded limestone block found in the north east quadrant of k13. Judging from its position and elevation it is not associated with any other nearby structures or insstallations. [S813JW.J]
F0138I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0138I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0138O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0138O01S814v0082c [S823JW.J]
F0138O01S814v0082d [S823JW.J]
F0138O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0138O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0139A30WZ16Large, unfounded, displaced stone in k13 that sits in accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0139B11S813Very large, unfounded limestone block found in the center of k13. Judging from its position and elevation it is not associated with any other nearby structures or insstallations. [S813JW.J]
F0139I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0139I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0139O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0139O01S814v0082c [S823JW.J]
F0139O01S814v0082d [S823JW.J]
F0139O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0139O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0140A03S902^strc1 [S902JW.J]
F0140A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0140A30WZ16A line of large stones in k24 that roughly bisect the area between stairs f21 and threshold f123. [WZ16JW.J]
F0140B11S813A line of limestone blocks, found in the east baulk of k24, that runs from the E-W stone border, f14, on the north south to the north baulk of k23. They could form part of the north edge of a platform associated with stairway, f21. [S813JW.J]
F0140I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0140I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0140O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0140O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0140O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0140O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0140O01S814v0083d [S823JW.J]
F0140O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0140O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0140O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0140O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0140O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0140O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0141A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil from previous excavations in the vicinity of k22. [WZ16JW.J]
F0141B11S814A very soft mixed accumulation which covers escarpment, f74, in the southeast corner of k22. It consists of spilled backdirt from the excavation of k100 above, aeolian soil deposited over several seasons of earlier excavations in J1 and some ancient laminations. There was scant evidence in the west baulk of k22 of an accumulation similar to f137 covering the sharply sloping escarpment in this locus. [S814JW.J]
F0141I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0141I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0142A30WZ16A short line of large stones in k14 running N-S perpendicular to staircase border stones f108 and resting on floor f195. [WZ16JW.J]
F0142B11S814A projection of several dressed stones in the middle of k14 which jut out to the south from the line of E-W stones, f14 and f108, which frame staircase, f21, to the north. At present, we do not know their function. [S814JW.J]
F0142I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0142I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0142O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0142O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0142O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0142O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0142O01S814v0083c [S823JW.J]
F0142O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0142O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0142O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
F0142O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0142O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0143A03S903^flr1 [S903JW2.J]
F0143A30WZ16Mud plastered surface of unknown purpose in k13 that abuts stone installation f144. [WZ16JW.J]
F0143B11S814A hard, plastered floor surface bounded on the north by an E-W stone installation, f144, and on the northeast by northwest to southeast stone installation. It is in the southern quarter of k13. [S814JW.J]
F0143D03T3191170 (42926 46373 - 9204 / Relay location: replaces r715) [T326JW-R.J]
F0143I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0143I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0143O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0143O01S814v0082a [S823JW.J]
F0143O01S814v0082b [S823JW.J]
F0143O01S814v0086 [S823JW.J]
F0143O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0143O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0143O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
F0144A03S903^flr1 [S903JW2.J]
F0144A30WZ16Line of four stones in k13 forming the northeastern border of floor 143. [WZ16JW.J]
F0144B11S814A line of four watermelon-sized limestone boulders running northwest to southeast, which form the northeastern border to a plastered floor surface, f143, in the southern quarter of k13. [S814JW.J]
F0144I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0144I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0144O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0144O01S814v0082a [S823JW.J]
F0144O01S814v0082b [S823JW.J]
F0144O01S814v0086 [S823JW.J]
F0144O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
F0145A30WZ16Two large stones in k13 that sit accumulation f115. [WZ16JW.J]
F0145B11S814Two large limestone boulders in the middle of k13, which are aligned north to south, and which appear to form a stairway which ascends to threshold, f148, forming an entrance to floor, f143, to the south. The stones appear to be re-used in place, but were likely originally moved from another installation either by man or natural forces. [S814JW.J]
F0145I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0145I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0145O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0145O01S814v0082a [S823JW.J]
F0145O01S814v0082b [S823JW.J]
F0145O01S814v0086 [S823JW.J]
F0145O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0146A03S903^flr1 [S903JW2.J]
F0146A30WZ16Lens of stones and sherds in k13 that rests on floor f143. [WZ16JW.J]
F0146B11S814A lens of stones and sherds which rests on floor surface, f143 in the southeastern quadrant of k13. [S814JW.J]
F0146I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0146I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0146O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0146O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
F0147A30WZ16Displaced stone in k13 that sits in accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0147B11S814A very large limestone boulder in the southeastern corner of k13. [S814JW.J]
F0147I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0147I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0147O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0147O01S814v0082c [S823JW.J]
F0147O01S814v0082d [S823JW.J]
F0147O01S824v0102 [S824LH1.J]
F0147O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
F0147O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
F0148A03S903^flr1 [S903JW2.J]
F0148A30WZ16Line of stones, possibly a threshold, in k14 that abut floor f143 and stone installation f144. [WZ16JW.J]
F0148B11S814A line of stones running east to west which forms a threshold to floor surface, f143, in the southern quarter of k13. [S814JW.J]
F0148B11S816The apparent threshold of a northern entrance to highly compacted floor, f143, along the southern edge of k22. It consists of two flat stones at floor level flanked by a stone from installation, f144, on the east and a cluster of smaller stones on the west. [S816JW.J]
F0148I01WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0148I03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0148O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0148O01S814v0082a [S823JW.J]
F0148O01S814v0082b [S823JW.J]
F0148O01S814v0086 [S823JW.J]
F0148O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
F0149A30WZ16Line of stones roughly aligned with stone installation f144 in k14 that sit in accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0149B11S816A row of at least four flat-topped stones running east to west in the northeast quadrant of k13. They are roughly aligned between isolated stones, f138 to the east and f139 to the west, but are not in physical contact with them. The stones of f149 are also roughly aligned with the stones of f150 to the west, but are separated from them by a gap of over one meter. [S816JW.J]
F0149I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0149I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0149O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0149O01S814v0082c [S823JW.J]
F0149O01S814v0082d [S823JW.J]
F0150A30WZ16Cluster of stones in k13 that sit in accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0150B11S816A row of at least four stones running east to west in the northwest quadrant of k13. Two are flat topped, similar to those of f149 to the east, and roughly aligned with them. Two others are rough-hewn and may not be associated with this installation. [S816JW.J]
F0150I01WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0150I03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0150O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
F0151A03T914^wall3 [T914JW.J]
F0151A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0151A30WZ16Stone in k21, a part of wall capstones f192 that had been displaced in antiquity. [WZ16JW.J]
F0151B11S816A very large limestone block in k21 which may have been a top stone in the final version of revetment wall, f3. It is the first of those aligned north-south after f3 turns to the north at its western edge after running basically east-west for most of its length to the east. The stone is displaced to the west from other stones in the line and is at least partially founded on soil, which suggests that it was displaced from its original position (which may be as little as 10cm to the east. [S816JW.J]
F0151I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0151I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0151O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0151O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0151O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0151O01S922v0137 [S922JW.J]
F0151O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0151O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0151O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0152A21S817st [S914LH.J]
F0152A30WZ16Three isolated stones in k34 that rest on floor f70. [WZ16JW.J]
F0152B11S816A group of three isolated stones in k34 that rest on soil pillars near the bottom step of staircase f21. Their function is unclear. [S816JW.J]
F0152D01S817k34 [S914LH.J]
F0152D06S8179108 @bottom [S914LH.J]
F0152D06S8179117 @top [S914LH.J]
F0152I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0152I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0152K03S817li [S914LH.J]
F0152K05S817light gray [S914LH.J]
F0152O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
F0152O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
F0152O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
F0152O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
F0152O01S814v0083e [S823JW.J]
F0152O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0152O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
F0153A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0153A21S817vm [S914LH.J]
F0153A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north baulk of k13 that covers accumulation f129. [WZ16JW.J]
F0153B11S817The volumetric material in the north baulk of k13. It is a combination of topsoil, f105, and natural accumulation, f115 which will be removed as a single feature, having been previously well-documented during excavation and by drawing and photography. [S817JW.J]
F0153D01S817k13 [S914LH.J]
F0153D06S8179170 @bottom [S914LH.J]
F0153D06S8179283 @top [S914LH.J]
F0153F02S817<5si q0217 [S817DL1.J]
F0153I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0153I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0153K03S817so [S914LH.J]
F0153K08S817baulk soil [S914LH.J]
F0153P02S817S810 [S914LH.J]
F0154A21S817vm [S914LH.J]
F0154A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k22 supporting stone f151. [WZ16JW.J]
F0154B11S817The soil in a pillar that supported the large limstone block, f151, that had most likely shifted to the west from its original position as one of the top stones at the southwest corner of revetment wall, f3, along the south edge of k22. [S817JW.J]
F0154D01S817k22 [S914LH.J]
F0154D06S8178961 @bottom [S914LH.J]
F0154D06S8179046 @top [S914LH.J]
F0154F02S817<5si q0216 [S817DL1.J]
F0154I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0154I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0154K03S817so [S914LH.J]
F0154K05S817light yellowish brown [S914LH.J]
F0154K06S81710 YR 7/2 [S914LH.J]
F0154K07S8173 [S914LH.J]
F0154K08S817powdery chunks [S914LH.J]
F0154P02S817S810 [S914LH.J]
F0155A03T914^eps2 [T914JW.J]
F0155A30WZ16Two lines of large stones in k22 extending south from stone installation f161. [WZ16JW.J]
F0155B11S818A line of unfounded irregularly shaped stone blocks extending to the southwest from the southwestern corner of k22. The purpose is unknown. They may serve, in conjunction with f161, as a buttress to the sharp turn of the wall corner. [S818JW.J]
F0155B11T722Two parallel rows of melon-sized stones running north to south which abut a buttress-like clump of stones, f161, which extend southeast from the corner of revetment wall extension, f3. They are high founded and may have served to divert running water away from f3 and f161. There is evidence (sand-filled channels cut into harder accumulations near the revetment wall) that this was a problem of long standing. [T722JW.J]
F0155I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0155I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0155O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
F0155O01S824v0098a [S824LH1.J]
F0155O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0155O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0155P01T722T723 [T722JW.J]
F0156A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0156A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north baulk of k43 and that covers stone installation f163. [WZ16JW.J]
F0156B11S818The volumetric material in the north baulk of k43, which will be removed as one feature, having been previously well-documented during excavation and by drawing and photography. [S818JW.J]
F0156I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0156I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0157A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k22 excavated to clean and align features from previous excavations and covering accumulation f158. [WZ16JW.J]
F0157B11S818The accumulation between the south face of the final iteration of revetment wall, f3, and the northeast excavated face of k100. It extends from the southwest corner of k22, through k11 and k1 to J1. There is a relatively thin surface layer which probably reflects the natural aeolian accumulation that has built up since f3 was partially excavated in several previous seasons. Underneath is a brown layer of soil, then patches of reddish baqaya, then the top of an ashy series of laminiations, f158. [S818JW.J]
F0157I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0157I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0158A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k22 below soil f157 and above accumulations f169 and f264. [WZ16JW.J]
F0158B11S819Natural accumulation under accumulation f157 in k22. It runs between the south face of the final iteration of revetment wall, f3, and the northeast excavated face of k100. It extends from the southwest corner of k22, through k11 and k1 to J1. This accumulation is expected to cover escarpment, f74, as it runs southeastward toward a similar escarpment in J1, J1 feature 189 and J1 feature 239. A section along the east baulk of k1 indicates that it is up to one meter deep and composed of layers of ashy laminations. [S819JW.J]
F0158B11T722An accumulation consisting of densly packed fine grained soil with imbedded sherds and stones along and south of revetment wall, f189. It is atop early, f184, and late, f169, escarpments to revetment wall, f189. Its source was probaly loess, which gradually covered the escarpments. Its compaction may be explained by its use as a footpath. [T722JW.J]
F0158F02WZ31<2cu f0228 [WZ31JW.J]
F0158F02WZ31<5si f0210 [WZ31JW.J]
F0158F02WZ31<5si f0211 [WZ31JW.J]
F0158I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0158I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0158O01S824v0104 [S824LH1.J]
F0158O01S824v0104a [S824LH1.J]
F0159A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0159A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k100 extending from the surface to the top of undifferentiated soil f174. [WZ16JW.J]
F0159B11S820The volumetric material in an extension of locus 100 to the southwest by 150cm to improve the sightlines from the new observation platform south of k32. We plan to excavate the northeastern two thirds of the southwest extension to the level already excavated along the northeastern edge. Then, we will slope the remaing 50cm slice from the surface on the southwest to the lower level to the northeast. [S820JW.J]
F0159I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0159I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0159O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
F0159O01S922v0125a [S922JW.J]
F0159O01S922v0125b [S922JW.J]
F0160A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0160A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north baulk of k33 that overlays floor f102. [WZ16JW.J]
F0160B11S820The volumetric material in the north baulk of k33, which will be removed as one feature, having been previously well-documented during excavation and by drawing and photography. [S820JW.J]
F0160I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0160I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0161A03T914^eps2 [T914JW.J]
F0161A30WZ16Line of large stones in k22 that abut wall f3 and run E-W from where f3 turns to the east. [WZ16JW.J]
F0161B11S820A line of medium-sized boulders running north to south and originating at the southwest corner of revetment wall, f3. Although the function is unknown, it is possible that they in combination with stones, f155, form an buttress to the revetment wall. [S820JW.J]
F0161B11T722A high-founded cluster of stones held together by mud mortar that projects southwest from a sharp corner of the late Mittani revetment wall, f3. In conjunction with stone installation, f155, it may have served to divert running water away from f3 to prevent the corner from eroding and collapse. There is evidence (sand-filled channels cut into harder accumulations near the revetment wall) that this was a problem of long standing. [T722JW.J]
F0161I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0161I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0161O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
F0161O01S824v0098a [S824LH1.J]
F0161O01S922v0130a [S922JW.J]
F0161O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0161O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0162A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0162A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north and east baulks of k32, equal to accumulations f134 and f136, overlaying accumulation f168. [WZ16JW.J]
F0162B11S820The volumetric material in the north and east baulks of k32, which will be removed as one feature, having been previously well-documented during excavation and by drawing and photography. [S820JW.J]
F0162C32T725This feature was verbally defined as the volumetric material in the north and east baulks of locus k32. It is the same soil as natural accumulation f136. However, in view 124, f162 it is depicted as the accumulation below f136. Now that we are cutting back this northeast face of k105 to make more room for excavating to the southwest of the Third Millennium wall, f41 and the adjacent stairs, f205, we will the soil we are removing will be designated as f209. [T725JW.J]
F0162I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0162I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0163A03T914^bdr1 [T914JW.J]
F0163A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0163A21S823st-is [S914LH.J]
F0163A30WZ16Stones in k43 covered by accumulation f57 and forming a threshold between stone structures f28 and f71. [WZ16JW.J]
F0163B11S821A stone threshold and pavement running east to west in the far northwest corner of k43. It links stone installation, f28, in k44 with stone installation, f71, in k44. The stones are melon-sized, with larger stones where the pavement meets the edge of each line of stones closest to it. [S821JW.J]
F0163D01S823k43 [S914LH.J]
F0163D06S8239218 @top [S914LH.J]
F0163I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0163I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0163K03S823li [S914LH.J]
F0163K05S823light gray [S914LH.J]
F0163O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0163O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0164A21S823gully [S914LH.J]
F0164A30WZ16Natural sediments in k33 in a gully that intrudes accumulation f158 and runs N-S outside of and parallel to wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0164D01S823k22 [S914LH.J]
F0164I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0164I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0164K03S823so [S914LH.J]
F0164O01S824v0104 [S824LH1.J]
F0164O01S824v0104a [S824LH1.J]
F0164O01S922v0130a [S922JW.J]
F0165A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k101 (a sounding to date the construction of the revetment walls f189 and f41) and covering accumulation f170. [WZ16JW.J]
F0165I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0165I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0165O01S824v0101 [S824LH1.J]
F0165O01S824v0101a [S824LH1.J]
F0165O01S824v0101b [S824LH1.J]
F0166A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 (a sounding to date the construction of the revetment walls f189 and f41) covering accumulation f171. [WZ16JW.J]
F0166I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0166I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0166O01S824v0103 [S824LH1.J]
F0166O01S824v0103a [S824LH1.J]
F0167A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k32 under accumulation f136 and atop accumulation f137. [WZ16JW.J]
F0167I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0167I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0167O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
F0167O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
F0167O01S922v0124b [S922JW.J]
F0168A30WZ16Natural sediments in k33 in a gully that intrudes accumulation f137 and runs N-S outside of and parallel to wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0168I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0168I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0168O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0168O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
F0168O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
F0168O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0168O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0169A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k12 that covers the top of the second escarpment f184 to revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0169I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0169I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0169O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
F0169O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
F0169O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
F0169O01S922v0132 [S922JW.J]
F0170A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k101 under accumulation f165 and above accumulation f177. [WZ16JW.J]
F0170I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0170I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0171A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 under accumulation f166, abutting accumulation f176, and above accumulation f175. [WZ16JW.J]
F0171I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0171I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0172A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k103 (a sounding to date the construction of the staircase f21) and covering accumulation f173. [WZ16JW.J]
F0172I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0172I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0173A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k103 under natural accumulation f172. [WZ16JW.J]
F0173I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0173I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0174A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from the north edge of k100 and covering accumulation f169. [WZ16JW.J]
F0174I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0174I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0174O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
F0174O01S922v0125a [S922JW.J]
F0174O01S922v0125b [S922JW.J]
F0175A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 under accumulation f171 and covering accumulation f178. [WZ16JW.J]
F0175I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0175I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0176A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 that abuts accumulation f171. [WZ16JW.J]
F0176I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0176I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0177A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k101 under accumulation f170 and abutting accumulation f179. [WZ16JW.J]
F0177I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0177I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0178A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 under accumulation f175. [WZ16JW.J]
F0178I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0178I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0179A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k101 that abuts accumulation f177. [WZ16JW.J]
F0179I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0179I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0180A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k44 under floor f60 and over bricks f196. [WZ16JW.J]
F0180F02S910<5si i0032 [T323JW.J]
F0180I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0180I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0180O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
F0180O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
F0180O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0180O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0180O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0181A30WZ16Tannur in k44 that sits in accumulation f180. [WZ16JW.J]
F0181I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0181I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0181O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0181O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0182A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 abutting accumulation f178 to the north. [WZ16JW.J]
F0182I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0182I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0183A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k102 under accumulation f182 and abutting accumulation f178 to the south. [WZ16JW.J]
F0183I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0183I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0184A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0184A30WZ16Soil layer in k2 that form that forms the weathered top of the second escarpment ^esc2 to revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0184B11S904The latest of two original escarpments that abut the revetment wall, f189, in k2. It is a continuation to the west of the escarpment originally found in J1 and designated by them as feature, J1f239. It is a coating comprised of layers of very fine grained reddish soil. Farther to the west it is covered by floor accumulation, f169. [S904JW.J]
F0184F02WZ31<0co f0236 [WZ31JW.J]
F0184F02WZ31<5si f0283 [WZ31JW.J]
F0184I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0184I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0184O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
F0184O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
F0184O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
F0184O01S922v0132 [S922JW.J]
F0184O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0184O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0184O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0184O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0184O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0184O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0185A03T914^wall2 [T914JW.J]
F0185A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0185A30WZ16Baqaya layer in k2 that is most likely the glacis for EDIII revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0185B11S904The glacis associated with oldest version of the revetment wall, f189. It can only be seen in section because it was excavated in a previous season during the search for the western extension of the revetment wall system which originates in unit J2 to the east and continues west through units J3 and J1 and now into J5. It is made of the red baqaya virgin soil of this region, which charateristically contains small nodules of limestone. From the section it cannot be determined whether it abutted or bonded with the revetment wall. [S904JW.J]
F0185I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0185I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0185O01S922v0126 [S922JW.J]
F0185O01S922v0126a [S922JW.J]
F0186A03T914^aprn1 [T914JW.J]
F0186A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0186A30WZ16Double row of large stones running N-S in k12 that abut EDIII revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0186B11S904A double row of large, roughly dressed limestone blocks running south to north and bonded with the earliest revetment wall, f189, which runs east to west in k12.. It is likely that this wall formed the western face of the revetment wall system when it was originally constructed. A later western extension, f3 was added during remodeling conducted during the Mittani period. [S904JW.J]
F0186F02WZ31<3in f0248 [WZ31JW.J]
F0186I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0186I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0186O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0186O01S922v0131a [S922JW.J]
F0186O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0186O01U812v0222b [U812JW.J]
F0186O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0186O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0187A30WZ16Large lens of soil in k14 under topsoil f104 and intruding accumulation f106. [WZ16JW.J]
F0187B11S904A large natural lens of relatively soft, sandy brown soil seen only in the east section of k14. It would have been excavated as part of the surrounding natural accumulation, f106, without being recognized at the time as a separate feature. [S904JW.J]
F0187I01WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0187I03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0187O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
F0187O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
F0187O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0187O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0188A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0188A30WZ16Row of cut limestone blocks in k2 that form a part of stone escarpment ^esc1. [WZ16JW.J]
F0188B11S904A row of dressed limestone blocks with flat tops laid horizontally in the eastern part of locus k2. They are seen in a narrow trench running east to west that was dug to assist in tracing escarpment f184 from J1 into J5. We cannot yet see the bottom of the revetment wall, f189, in this area, but the stones of f188 are considerably lower and better cut than the part we can see. Although pottery above this feature has not been analyzed, these stones were probably cut and placed during the Late Chalcolithic period. [S904JW.J]
F0188F02VX04<8ab z0001 [VX04JW.J]
F0188F02WZ31<0co f0242 [WZ31JW.J]
F0188F02WZ31<0co f0268 [WZ31JW.J]
F0188F02WZ31<8ab f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0188F02WZ31<8ab f0287 [WZ31JW.J]
F0188I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0188I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0188O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
F0188O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
F0188O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
F0188O01S922v0132 [S922JW.J]
F0188O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0188O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0188O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0188O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0189A03T914^wall2 [T914JW.J]
F0189A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0189A30WZ16EDIII revetment wall in k2 excavated in previous seasons as part of other units . [WZ16JW.J]
F0189B11S904The westward extension of the revetment wall, feature 72 in unit J1, excavated in several previous seasons. At the start of the season we assigned f3 to the entire revetment wall, but subsequently we realized that it had both components that were built in Phase 1, eastern (this) section, and others that were built during Phase 6, western section, still f3. [S904JW.J]
F0189F02WZ31<8ab f0241 [WZ31JW.J]
F0189F02WZ31<8ab f0242 [WZ31JW.J]
F0189I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0189I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0189O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
F0189O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
F0189O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
F0189O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0189O01S922v0131a [S922JW.J]
F0189O01S922v0132 [S922JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0222a [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0222b [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0222c [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0223d [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0225 [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0189O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0189O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0190A30WZ16Second natural accumulation in k2 atop EDIII glacis and above accumulation f191. [WZ16JW.J]
F0190B11S904An ashy lens of natural accumulation covering naturally compacted floor, f191, which in turn covers glacis, f185. It is seen only in section in k2 because it was excavated in a previous season during the search for the western extension of the revetment wall system which originates in unit J2 to the east and continues west through units J3 and J1 and now into J5. Its texture is sandy and dusty. [S904JW.J]
F0190I01WX16s180b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0190I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0190O01S922v0126 [S922JW.J]
F0190O01S922v0126a [S922JW.J]
F0191A30WZ16First natural accumulation in k2 atop EDIII glacis 185 and below accumulation f190. [WZ16JW.J]
F0191B11S904A highly compacted natural floor accumulation above glacis, f185. It is seen only in section in k2 because it was excavated in a previous season during the search for the western extension of the revetment wall system which originates in unit J2 to the east and continues west through units J3 and J1 and now into J5. It is stone-like in hardness and texture, and probably represents the surface of the glacis which was exposed to rain and sunlight. [S904JW.J]
F0191I01WX16s180b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0191I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0191O01S922v0126 [S922JW.J]
F0191O01S922v0126a [S922JW.J]
F0192A03T914^wall3 [T914JW.J]
F0192A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0192A21S827st-is [S914LH.J]
F0192A30WZ16Capstones in k22 atop Mittani curtain wall f3. [WZ16JW.J]
F0192B11S904A single line of stones atop revetment wall, f3, in k22. It extends from the southwestern corner of the revetment wall, north and into ^bin1. Its stones are roughly cut and placed atop f3 on a layer of mud mortar. They are above glacis, and therefore seem to be late additions (perhaps functioning as memeory stones) to revetment wall, f3. [S904JW.J]
F0192D01S827k22 [S914LH.J]
F0192D06S8279041 @bottom [S914LH.J]
F0192D06S8279055 @top [S914LH.J]
F0192I01WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0192I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0192K03S827li [S914LH.J]
F0192K05S827light gray [S914LH.J]
F0192O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S919v0117a [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0137 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
F0192O01S922v0138a [S922JW.J]
F0192O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0192O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0192O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0192O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0192O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0192O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
F0193A03T914^bdr1 [T914JW.J]
F0193A30WZ16Cluster of large stones in k44 that sit in accumulation f91 near the stones of stone installation f49. [WZ16JW.J]
F0193B11S913A small tapezoidally-shaped cluster of flat stones which are near the threshold of ^ent1 along the southern edge of locus k44 and in the north baulk of k43. Their function, if any, is unknown. [S913JW2.J]
F0193I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0193I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0193O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0193O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0193O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0194A03T914^strc2 [T914JW.J]
F0194A30WZ16Cluster of large stones in k23 that stand to the west (outside) of the west temple entrance and rest on accumulation f137. [WZ16JW.J]
F0194B11S913An outcropping to the west from the west face of wall, f41, comprising five founded dressed stones and one unfounded stone. It is located to the south of staircase, f21, in the eastern quarter of k33. However, it does not appear to be functionally related to the BA temple entrance, ^ent1. [S913JW2.J]
F0194F02WZ31<0co f0240 [WZ31JW.J]
F0194I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0194I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0194O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
F0194O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0194O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0194O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
F0194O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
F0194O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
F0194O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
F0195A30WZ16Soil floor in k14 to the west of threshold f123 and part of the temple access route. [WZ16JW.J]
F0195B11S913A trapezoidally-shaped natural, mediumly compacted, floor surface between stone installation, f140, on the west and threshold, f123, on the east. It is bounded on the north by stone installation, f108. The southern boundary is less defined, but it may be associated with either stone installation, f19, or the brick floor, f54. It is located in the middle of k14. [S913JW2.J]
F0195I01WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0195I03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0195K05S922pink [S923JW.J]
F0195K06S9227.5YR7/3 [S923JW.J]
F0195O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
F0195O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
F0195O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
F0195O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
F0196A03T917^sa1 [T917JW.J]
F0196A30WZ16Brick floor or wall in k44 below accumulation f180. [WZ16JW.J]
F0196B11S913A pavement or wall top beneath the accumulations upon which stone installation, f49, sit. It is located along the eastern boundaries of k44 and k34, Along the north edge of the best preserved bricks there was a reddish plaster face. To the north of that was a pot smash, q279, and a tannur, f181, which were excavated on the last day, S827. Further exploration will have to be accomplished in a future season. [S913JW2.J]
F0196I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0196I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0196K05S922light gray [S923JW.J]
F0196K06S92210YR7l2 [S923JW.J]
F0196O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
F0196O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
F0196O01S922v0139b [S922JW.J]
F0196O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
F0196O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
F0196O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
F0197A30WZ16Group of large stones in k23 extending to the south from installation f20 and possibly forming the west border of the alternate temple entrance. [WZ16JW.J]
F0197B11S913A group of at least 3 dressed stones arranged in a step-like pattern south of the southern border, f20, of staircase, f21, in the northwest quadrant of k23. Originally we thought that they were part of f21, but although they are approximately in line with the steps, the elevations do not match. [S913JW2.J]
F0197I01WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0197I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0197O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
F0197O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
F0197O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
F0197O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
F0197O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
F0197O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
F0198A03T914^aprn1 [T914JW.J]
F0198A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0198A30WZ16Components of stone pavement in k22 possibly a part of a stone glacis to an early revetment wall. [WZ16JW.J]
F0198B11S913A section of stone pavement to the east and north of revetment wall, f3, and its capstones, f192. They are in the northeast corner of k22 and many are still covered by accumulation, f5, in k12. There are other patches of similar stonework to the south, f4, and to the east, f6 and f199. [S913JW2.J]
F0198I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0198I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0198O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0198O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
F0198O01S922v0137 [S922JW.J]
F0199A03T914^aprn1 [T914JW.J]
F0199A03T917^sb2 [T917JW.J]
F0199A30WZ16Components of stone pavement in k12 possibly a part of a stone glacis to an early revetment wall. [WZ16JW.J]
F0199B11S913A triangular section of stone paving just to the northwest of the intersection of revetment walls, f3 and f189, and wall f186, in k12. Its function is unknown and may range from a single layer floor or decoration, to a substantial corner buttress. [S913JW2.J]
F0199C31T403In the course of a comprehensive review of features associated with Specific Labels it became apparent that the evidence suggesting that this feature was a buttress to the original revetment wall, f189, and hence belonged to Stratum 65 (Early Dynastic period), was weak. Although f199 abuts f189, it also abuts the late Mittani period wall, f3. All we see of f199 are surface stones. (We have not dug the surrounding accumulation.) They are similar to other groups of stones near both f3 (f4) and f189 (f6). Since we know so little about what comprises f199, the more conservative view is to associate it with the wall structure which encloses it, f3. Therefore the appropriate stratum of f199 should be Stratum 14c (Mittani period) in the JPC series. [T403JW.J]
F0199I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0199I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0199O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
F0199O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
F0200A21V922st [V922JW.J]
F0200A30WZ16Line of isolated stones in k105 that sit in natural sediment soil f206. [WZ16JW.J]
F0200B11T726A small patch of sandy soil to the south of stone installation, f200 in the southern part of locus k105. It was stratigraphically linked to, and was probably an extension of, soil in a water channel, f206 found on the north side of f200. [T726JW.J]
F0200B11V922Five randomly oriented, medium-sized, boulders which sit in a sandy soil, 206, which fills a gully which cut the Mittani period soil escarpment, f74, to Early Dynastic period wall, f74. It is likely that they were carried by swift flowing water from a deteriorated installation higher on the temple mound; however, we can not rule out the possibility that they were intentionally placed in the gully to mitigate erosion from flowing water. [V922JW.J]
F0200C32V922At the very end of the first excavation season (2008-S) five large, loose stones in a water channel were designated as feature, f200. It appears that a description was never entered. At the beginning of the second excavation season (2009-T) the number was used to designate sandy soil in the vicinity of the original five stones. The description mentions that the soil is to the south and is an extension of other nearby sandy soil, f206, to the north. The best resolution of this issue is to incorporate this soil into f206 and designate f200 as the stones which sit in the soil. [V922JW.J]
F0200F02V922>5si f0206 [V922JW.J]
F0200F02WZ31>5si f0206 [WZ31JW.J]
F0200I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0200I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0201A30WZ16Inter-seasonal accumulation in k104 atop natural accumulation f203. [WZ16JW.J]
F0201B11T722The thin layer of natural accumulation and material fallen from baulks which accreted onto the surface of locus k104 during the winter after the MZ21 excavation ended and the MZ22 excavation season began. We removed it to uncover the top surface of features that we intended to excavate in MZ22. [T722JW.J]
F0201F02WZ31>0co f0203 [WZ31JW.J]
F0201I01WX16s10-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0201I03WX16h9p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0202A30WZ16Natural soil deposit south of soil escarpment f74.. [WZ16JW.J]
F0202B11V922One of a series of sandy deposits formed when high volumes of storm water flowed along the outside of the BA temple mound's revetment wall systems. Chances are that the flowing water cut into the silt and sand accumulation, f136, carrying the silt down stream and depositing the sand. [V922JW.J]
F0202F02V922>2cu f0136 [V922JW.J]
F0202F02WZ31>3in f0136 [WZ31JW.J]
F0202I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0202I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0203A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f201 and above stair f205. [WZ16JW.J]
F0203B11T725Natural accumulation in the eastern half of locus k105 beneath accumulation f201. [T725JW.J]
F0203F02WZ31<0co f0201 [WZ31JW.J]
F0203F02WZ31>0co f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0203I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0203I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0204A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k100 extending from bottom of undifferentiated soil f174 to floor f213 below. [WZ16JW.J]
F0204B11T725This is the volumetric material in the eastern most northeast projections ("teeth") of the sawtooth-shaped eastern part of locus k100. It is below natural accumulation f174 which was excavated during season MZ21. [T725JW.J]
F0204C01T727noticed a few animal bones as we dug lower toward the level of floor J1f313. However, the soil in f204 was soft, brown, and sandy. The bones were about 24 cm above the north edge of the J1 floor. The floor surface we are seeking is hard and gray, so we conclude that we did not dig into it. [T727JW.J]
F0204C06T727In the process of removing excavated soil adjacent to J1f313, our shovelmen damaged several animal bones there, even though they were covered with plastic. Somewhat fortunately J1 had already photographed the floor with the bones in situ. [T727JW.J]
F0204F02WZ31>0co f0213 [WZ31JW.J]
F0204I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0204I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0205A03T914^strc2 [T914JW.J]
F0205A03T917^wka2 [T917JW.J]
F0205A30WZ16Stone stairs in k105 that lead from pavement f246 to the top of revetment wall f41. [WZ16JW.J]
F0205B11T725A stairway ascending to the north and which either abuts or is bonded with revetment wall, f41. The steps are constructed of large, flat rectangular cut stones. As of T725, three steps have been exposed, with more expected to the south. We have not yet traced the stairway to its extremities because we need to understand better its stratigraphic relationship with the surrounding soil features to its immediate west. This is needed to determine when it was built and how long it remained in use. [T725JW.J]
F0205F02T801<1ov f0231 [T801JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31<0co f0203 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31<1ov f0231 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31<8ab f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31>1ov f0257 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205F02WZ31>8ab f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0205I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0205I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0206A30WZ16Sandy sediment in k105 in a gully cut into soil escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0206B11T721A sandy deposit in a north-south water-cut channel in the middle of excarpment, f74. It was stratigraphically linked to sandy deposit, f202, excavated to the south of stones, f200, which were in the channel. This was the earliest (deepest) found so far in a series of such channels which ran just outside of the revetment wall system. sE, consulting with unit J1 noted that a similar channel was found there at about the same orientation (parallel) to the revetment wall and elevation (9020). [T721JW.J]
F0206F02V922<5si f0200 [V922JW.J]
F0206F02WZ31<5si f0200 [WZ31JW.J]
F0206F02WZ31<5si f0207 [WZ31JW.J]
F0206F02WZ31>3in f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0206I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0206I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0207A30WZ16Large stone in k105 that sits in gully f206 and may have been deposited at the same time as the stones of f200. [WZ16JW.J]
F0207B11T725A large isolated limestone boulder in locus k105. It is apparently not a part of any structure. It is located near the northwest corner of the intersection of the older revetment wall, f41 and its late westward extension, f3. It sits in floor accumulation, f74. It is not apparent whether it was natrually deposited or deliberately placed. [T725JW.J]
F0207F02WZ31>5si f0206 [WZ31JW.J]
F0207I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0207I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0208A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k105 under the stones of f155 and f161 and atop escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0208B11T725The volumetric material under stone installations f155 and f161, which in turn are a late addition to the revetment wall extension, f3. The installations probably protected the corner of f3 from damage from water which flowed along its outside perimeter in the last phase of the use of the wall. Its phase is expected to be Late Mittani from the stratigraphy. This material is soil and it overlays the south end of floor accumulation, f74. [T725JW.J]
F0208F02T725>1ov f0074 [T725JW.J]
F0208F02WZ31>1ov f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0208I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0208I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0209A30WZ16Laminar natural accumulation in k105 that is identical to accumulation f167 and covers accumulations f212, f215, and f224 as well as lens f223. [WZ16JW.J]
F0209B11T725The laminar sand and silt accumulation below natural accumulation, f135 in the eastern half of k105. It is being excavated to clear space for more extensive excavation of stair, f205, to the east. The layers are clearly visible and are from one to five centimeters thick, alternating between sand containing small pebbles and compressed silt. It probably was formed during a post-Mittnai phase as buildings were destroyed by weathering. The total accumulation is over one meter thick and can also be seen further to the southeast on the north face of locus k100. [T725JW.J]
F0209F02U804<5si q0485 [U804JW1.J]
F0209F02WZ31<0co f0235 [WZ31JW.J]
F0209F02WZ31>0co f0212 [WZ31JW.J]
F0209F02WZ31>0co f0223 [WZ31JW.J]
F0209F02WZ31>1ov f0215 [WZ31JW.J]
F0209F02WZ31>1ov f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0209I01WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0209I03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0210A30WZ16Displaced stone in k106 that sits in accumulation f158. [WZ16JW.J]
F0210B11T725An isolated worked stone block located very close to, but not abutting, the revetment wall, f189, on the north side of locus k106. It sits in natural accumulation, f158. Although the top is horizontal, it is high founded and does not appear to be associated with any nearby stones. [T725JW.J]
F0210F02WZ31>5si f0158 [WZ31JW.J]
F0210I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0210I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0211A30WZ16Cluster of stones in k105 that sit in accumulation f158. [WZ16JW.J]
F0211B11T726A large, cut, high founded stone block adjacent to revetment wall, f189, in the west end of k106. It neither bonds with or abuts f189. Two smaller stones below it suggest that the stone was placed for some purpose which we cannot know. [T726JW.J]
F0211F02WZ31>5si f0158 [WZ31JW.J]
F0211I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0211I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0212A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f209 and above accumulations f215 and f218 and escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0212B11T727A layer of yellowish brown natural accumulation in the eastern half of k105, under the laminiar sand and silt accumulation, f209, which seals it. In turn, f212 effectively seals two accumulations below, f213 and f214. The soil is silted clay and resists the large pick, coming off in large chunks. [T727JW.J]
F0212F02WZ31<0co f0209 [WZ31JW.J]
F0212F02WZ31>0co f0218 [WZ31JW.J]
F0212F02WZ31>1ov f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0212F02WZ31>1ov f0214 [WZ31JW.J]
F0212F02WZ31>1ov f0215 [WZ31JW.J]
F0212I01WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0212I03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0213A30WZ16Mud, pebble, and sherd floor in k106 below soil f204 and above accumulation f226. [WZ16JW.J]
F0213B11T728A floor surface of grayish mud, containing pebbles, sherds, and animal bones. The sherds are pressed flat. This floor begins as J1f313 to the east of J5 and continues north into J5 for about one meter. It is bounded on the north by the stones of f184 and on the south by the north face of f204 in k100. [T728JW.J]
F0213F02WZ31<0co f0204 [WZ31JW.J]
F0213F02WZ31<7re f0216 [WZ31JW.J]
F0213F02WZ31<7re f0217 [WZ31JW.J]
F0213F02WZ31>1ov f0226 [WZ31JW.J]
F0213I01WX16s174-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0213I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0214A30WZ16Natural soil lens in k105 that sits in accumulation f215. [WZ16JW.J]
F0214B11T727An irregularly shaped lens of hard, dense, baqaya-like soil in the eastern half of k105. More of it to the east had been excavated without recognition in previous seasons; MZ21 as part of J5 and earlier seasons as part of other units. [T727JW.J]
F0214F02WZ31<1ov f0212 [WZ31JW.J]
F0214F02WZ31>5si f0215 [WZ31JW.J]
F0214I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0214I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0215A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 under accumulation f212 and atop escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0215B11T727A layer of soft, black ashy soil in the eastern half of k105 which abuts lens f213 and overlays floor, f74, for which it provides a good seal. [T727JW.J]
F0215F02WZ31<1ov f0209 [WZ31JW.J]
F0215F02WZ31<1ov f0212 [WZ31JW.J]
F0215F02WZ31<5si f0214 [WZ31JW.J]
F0215F02WZ31>1ov f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0215I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0215I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0216A30WZ16Displaced stone in k106 that rests on floor f213. [WZ16JW.J]
F0216B11T728A single isolated, gigantic limestone boulder along the eastern edge of k106. It is located to the south of stone installation, f184. It is one of a rough line of five large stones (three in J1 to the east) extending approximately E-W for about 8 meters. After we moved it off its pedestal we found that floor f213 continued westward underneath. This indicates that it probably was not a part of the line of the other four and that it came to rest sometime after the floor went out of use. [T728JW.J]
F0216F02WZ31>7re f0213 [WZ31JW.J]
F0216I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0216I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0217A30WZ16Displaced stone in k106 that rests on floor f213. [WZ16JW.J]
F0217B11T728A large, isolated boulder along the eastern edge of k106. It is located to the south of stone installation, f184. It is the western-most of a rough line of five large stones (three in J1 to the east) extending approximately E-W for about 8 meters. After we removed it we found that it seems to have rested on a surface containing baqaya, just below the wadi soil, f204. As we excavate deeper in the coming days we will further explore this phenomenon. [T728JW.J]
F0217F02WZ31>7re f0213 [WZ31JW.J]
F0217I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0217I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0218A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f214, above escarpment f74 and abutting accumulation f234. [WZ16JW.J]
F0218B11T728A lens of fine-grained yellowish brown soil seen in a northeast section of k105 after we excavated an ash layer, f215, immediately to the east. During the pick run on the ash layer from east to west, jW noted a slight color change from brownish gray to yellowish brown. When the new baulk was cleaned we did not see ash at this elevation. jW estimates that this lens was about 10 cm thick, about 200 cm in length and about 50 cm wide. [T728JW.J]
F0218F02WZ31<0co f0212 [WZ31JW.J]
F0218F02WZ31<3in f0222 [WZ31JW.J]
F0218F02WZ31<8ab f0234 [WZ31JW.J]
F0218F02WZ31>1ov f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0218F02WZ31>8ab f0234 [WZ31JW.J]
F0218I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0218I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0219A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in the north baulk of k105 and covering escarpment f74.. [WZ16JW.J]
F0219B11T728The volumetric material in a 10 cm-wide section of the north baulk of k105. It consists in large part of wash from a gulley which ran along the west face of the northwestern part of the revetment wall system. [T728JW.J]
F0219F02WZ31>1ov f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0219I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0219I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0220A30WZ16Ashy lens in k105 that sits in lens f224. [WZ16JW.J]
F0220B11T730Ash in a pit-like depression formed in accumulation, f224. Nearby were several pockets of ash and pieces of a tannur. In the within two meters to the north we find grindstones and metal slag. One possible explanation is that these were the remnants of a metal recycling facility. [T730JW.J]
F0220F02WZ31>5si f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0220I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0220I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0221A30WZ16Sandy sediment in k105 in a gully intruding soil escarpment f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0221B11T730Wash soil in a channel cut into floor accumulation by flowing water into floor accumulation, f74, on the west edge of k105. It corresponds to wash soil, f206 in another channel just to the east. The same process cut the channels and deposited the sandy soil, but at different times. [T730JW.J]
F0221F02WZ31>3in f0074 [WZ31JW.J]
F0221I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0221I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0222A30WZ16Sediment in k105 in a gully intruding accumulation f218. [WZ16JW.J]
F0222B11T730Wash soil in a triangular-shaped water channel (apex north) cut into the harder accumulation, f218, above f74. It is on the west side of the north extension of k105. f218 was first seen in the section of the northeast baulk of k32. [T730JW.J]
F0222F02WZ31>3in f0218 [WZ31JW.J]
F0222I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0222I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0223A30WZ16Ashy soil lens in k105 below accumulation f209 and above accumulation f224. [WZ16JW.J]
F0223B11T730An ashy lens seen in section (northeast) in the south west quadrant of k105. It is one of a number of soil features above floor accumulation f74 that have been formed by accretion and altered by water flowing along the west and south faces of the revetment wall system. [T730JW.J]
F0223F02WZ31<0co f0209 [WZ31JW.J]
F0223F02WZ31>1ov f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0223I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0223I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0224A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below lens f223, soil escarpment f74, and accumulation f244. It covers accumulation f250 and the bricks of f255. It is probably equal to f246. [WZ16JW.J]
F0224B11T730A lens of brown soil under f223 seen in section (northeast) in the southwest quadrant of k105. It is one of a number of soil features under escarpment, f74, that have been formed by accretion and altered by water flowing along the west and south faces of the revetment wall system. [T730JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31<1ov f0209 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31<1ov f0223 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31<3in f0292 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31<5si f0220 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31>0co f0250 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31>0co f0253 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224F02WZ31>0co f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0224I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0224I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0225A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0225A30WZ16Lines of stones in k106 to abutting f188 to the south and forming part of stone escarpment ^esc1. [WZ16JW.J]
F0225B11T730Two rows of large, roughly cut limestone blocks stones which abut stone installation, f188, in the east half of k106. The rows descend to the south from stone installation, f188. While the stones of f188 are dressed on the top and lie horizontally, the stones of f225 are not dressed and lie at an angle which form a slope. gB suggested that the Akkadian work KESU best describes what function these stones and f188 performed. [T730JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<0co f0242 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<0co f0262 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<0co f0268 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<0co f0274 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<8ab f0226 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<8ab f0247 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<8ab f0249 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31<8ab f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225F02WZ31>8ab f0188 [WZ31JW.J]
F0225I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0225I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0225O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0225O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0225O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0222c [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0223b [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0223c [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0223d [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0225 [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0225O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0226A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k106 partially under floor f213, atop pavement f247 and abutting the stones of f225. [WZ16JW.J]
F0226B11T730Floor accumulation covering stone installation, f225, in the south half of k106. The soil is moist, reflecting a partial barrier to water penetration into f225. The east half of the feature was sealed by Mittani floor f213. The west half was sealed by a surface crust. However, the west half was also in the path of a series of gullies which may have cut the surface of f226 and deposited some Mittani sherds. A preliminary analysis of the ceramics in lot q325 shows a mix of phases, from ED2 to Mittani. Her preliminary assessment dated this feature to ED3, indicating that the stone installation was at least that old. One small piece of plastic was found near the north end of gigantic stone f216. Our best explanation is that it was carried down from above by a burrowing animal. [T730JW.J]
F0226C03WZ16It is more likely that the plastic came from backfilling at the conclusion of these earlier excavations. Therefore it is more suitable to assign this feature to s0-J5B. [WZ17JW.J]
F0226C31WZ16During excavation this feature, described as a floor accumulation, was said to be sealed to the west by a surface crust and to the east by Mittani floor f213. It was assigned to stratum s180b-J5B. Recovered ceramics ranged from Early Dynastic II to Mittani. Problematical was a piece of plastic found in the vicinity of a large stone, f216. At the time its presence was attributed to burrowing animimals even though it was over two meters below the surface. In previous seasons, this area adjacent to the EDIII revetment wall f189 had been partially excavated to trace the wall's outside face. [WZ17JW.J]
F0226F02T808>0co f0247 [T808JW.J]
F0226F02U826<5si q0900 [U826JW.J]
F0226F02WZ31<0co f0243 [WZ31JW.J]
F0226F02WZ31<1ov f0213 [WZ31JW.J]
F0226F02WZ31>1ov f0247 [WZ31JW.J]
F0226F02WZ31>8ab f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0226I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0226I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0227A30WZ16Soil lens in k106 in a pit-like channel f228 abutting accumulation f158 and cut into accumulation 264 by flowing water. [WZ16JW.J]
F0227B11T801The fill of a large pit cut into accumulation, f158, in the southwestern corner of k106. Only the northern half of the pit was excavated as the southern part is in the north baulk of k100. [T801JW.J]
F0227C31T810This feature was originally described as the fill of a large pit cut into accumulation, f158. Further investitgation has clarified the situation; it is rather a Mittani deposit in a channel cut into the Third Millennium deposit by an erosion event. [T810JW.J]
F0227F02WZ31>5si f0228 [WZ31JW.J]
F0227I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0227I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0228A30WZ16Channel in k105 cut into natural accumulation f158, intruding f264, and containing lens f227. [WZ16JW.J]
F0228B11T801The cut of a large pit cut into accumulation, f158, in the southwestern corner of k106. Only the northern half of the pit was excavated as the southern part is in the north baulk of k100. [T801JW.J]
F0228B11T810This feature was originally described as the cut of a large pit. Further investigation indicates that it was rather the cut of a catastrophic erosion event into accumulation, f158, in the southwestern corner of k106. [T810JW.J]
F0228F02WZ31<5si f0227 [WZ31JW.J]
F0228F02WZ31>2cu f0158 [WZ31JW.J]
F0228F02WZ31>3in f0264 [WZ31JW.J]
F0228I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0228I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0229A30WZ16Floor accumulation in k33 below accumulation f128 and above soil escarpment f230. [WZ16JW.J]
F0229B11T801The floor accumulation above the surface of what may be an early escarpment to the northern part of wall, f41, in k33. It is covered by accumulation, f137, which is equal to f74 in k105. [T801JW.J]
F0229C03T806mKB examined the pottery from one lot from this floor accumlation to help determine the period of use of the floor, f230, which it covered. Floor f230 is important because it is the first surface below staircase, f21, and predates it. Since f230 also abuts wall, f41, which predates f21, it might possible to help date f41 by dating f229. The sherds from f229 were solidly Mittani, meaning only that f41 was built on or before that period. [T806JW.J]
F0229F02T801<0co f0137 [T801JW.J]
F0229F02WZ31<0co f0234 [WZ31JW.J]
F0229F02WZ31<3in f0232 [WZ31JW.J]
F0229F02WZ31<8ab f0231 [WZ31JW.J]
F0229F02WZ31>0co f0230 [WZ31JW.J]
F0229I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0229I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0230A30WZ16Dense, hard packed soil in k33 below accumulation f229 and probably equal to f74. [WZ16JW.J]
F0230B11T801A packed mud floor surface just to the west of wall, f41 in k33. It begins at two large stones, f233, near the west face of f41 and continues south, sloping downward in that direction. [T801JW.J]
F0230C01T802A horizontal probe through accumulation, f128, underneath the stones of f21, to the stones of f41 showed that the floor, f230 abuts f41. [T802JW.J]
F0230F02T801<5si f0232 [T801JW.J]
F0230F02T801<8ab f0231 [T801JW.J]
F0230F02T802>8ab f0041 [T802JW.J]
F0230F02WZ31<0co f0229 [WZ31JW.J]
F0230F02WZ31<0co f0239 [WZ31JW.J]
F0230F02WZ31<3in f0238 [WZ31JW.J]
F0230F02WZ31<5si f0233 [WZ31JW.J]
F0230F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0230I01WX16s174-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0230I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0231A30WZ16Cluster of stones in k33 that overlays stair f205 and abuts accumulation f229. [WZ16JW.J]
F0231B11T801A cluster of fist-sized stones on the north side of the top step of stair, f205. [T801JW.J]
F0231F02T801>1ov f0205 [T801JW.J]
F0231F02T801>8ab f0230 [T801JW.J]
F0231F02WZ31>1ov f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0231F02WZ31>8ab f0229 [WZ31JW.J]
F0231I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0231I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0232A30WZ16Displaced stone that rests on accumulation f229. [WZ16JW.J]
F0232B11T801A large stone near the north side of the top step of stair, f205. [T801JW.J]
F0232F02T801>5si f0230 [T801JW.J]
F0232F02WZ31>3in f0229 [WZ31JW.J]
F0232I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0232I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0233A30WZ16Two stones in a line in k33 that intrude f230. [WZ16JW.J]
F0233B11T801Two large stones adjacent to, but not abutting, the west face of wall, f41 in k33. They are laid vertically and appear to be imbedded in floor, f230. They are also just south of the southernmost bottom step of monumental staircase, f21. [T801JW.J]
F0233F02WZ31>5si f0230 [WZ31JW.J]
F0233I01WX16s174-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0233I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0234A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k33 that covers accumulation f229 and abuts accumulation f218. [WZ16JW.J]
F0234B11T802Accumulation abutting accumulation, f218 in the northwest corner of k33. It covers floor accumulation, f229, which in turn covers floor, f230. [T802JW.J]
F0234F02WZ31<8ab f0218 [WZ31JW.J]
F0234F02WZ31>0co f0229 [WZ31JW.J]
F0234F02WZ31>8ab f0218 [WZ31JW.J]
F0234I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0234I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0235A03V610^a5 [V610JW.J]
F0235A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil excavated from k100 above accumulation f209. [WZ16JW.J]
F0235B11T802The highest natural accumulation in the portion of k100 to the east of J1k7. It is a mixture of topsoil, some backdirt from shafats, and the natural accumlation above the Mittani laminar accumulations. [T802JW.J]
F0235C06T803Pickman Mizar found the cartridge casing from a modern bullet while picking. Perhaps not understanding that we keep all items, regardless of age, he discarded it. Despite two searches of the area, it could not be located. [T803JW.J]
F0235F02WZ31>0co f0209 [WZ31JW.J]
F0235I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0235I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0236A30WZ16Soil crust in k106 atop the second escarpment ^esc2 to revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0236B11T802Floor accumulation above escarpment, f184. Its top is a hard crust, which seals the material below. It probably results from weathering of the original surface of the escarpment. Preliminary analysis by mKB of the pottery lot from this feature tentavely dates it to the Early Dynastic III period. This confirms the phase assignment of last season to f184, both here and in J1. [T802JW.J]
F0236F02U826<5si q0901 [U826JW.J]
F0236F02WZ31>0co f0184 [WZ31JW.J]
F0236I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0236I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0237A30WZ16Displaced stone in k33 that rests on soil pillar f240. [WZ16JW.J]
F0237B11T803A single unfounded stone atop volumetric material, f240, which in turn rests atop stone installation, f194, which was a structure probably built to stabilize the flat area to the west of the monumental staircase, f21. This area was subject to constant erosion from water flowing from north to south hroughout the Mittani period and before. [T803JW.J]
F0237F02WZ31>7re f0240 [WZ31JW.J]
F0237I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0237I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0238A30WZ16Sediment in k33 in a gully cut into escarpment f230. [WZ16JW.J]
F0238B11T803Sandy gully wash in the southwest corner of k33. [T803JW.J]
F0238F02WZ31<3in f0286 [WZ31JW.J]
F0238F02WZ31>3in f0230 [WZ31JW.J]
F0238I01WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0238I03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0239A30WZ16Four stones in a line in k33 that intrude f230. [WZ16JW.J]
F0239B11T803A line of at least four melon-size limestone boulders in the middle of k33. They are roughly aligned north to south. Their function is unkown, but is more likely than not associated with erosion control along the west face of wall, k41. [T803JW.J]
F0239F02WZ31>0co f0230 [WZ31JW.J]
F0239I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0239I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0240A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k33 below stone f237 and atop the stones of f194. [WZ16JW.J]
F0240B11T803The pillar of soil upon which isolated stone, f237 sits. [T803JW.J]
F0240F02WZ31<7re f0237 [WZ31JW.J]
F0240F02WZ31>0co f0194 [WZ31JW.J]
F0240I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0240I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0241A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0241A30WZ16Upper layer of soil and sherd escarpment in k106 below accumulation f184, above layer f242, and abutting revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0241B11T805A natural accumulation which abuts the south edge of the second escarpment, f184 in k106. [T805JW.J]
F0241C03T808Many pieces of circumstantial evidence indicate that the revetment wall system was built atop earlier structures which rose to the west and north of J1. Occasional heavy rains produced a water flow along the west and south faces of the wall which eroded the escarpments and forced them to be rebuilt (J1 escarpment 2, f239).
One such area that was constantly subject to erosion was the south wall face near the current juncture of J1 and J5. Although we have not excavated into the wall base, we hypothesize that erosion occurred frequently here. In the first phase of wall use, it was protected by a stone escarpment, f188 and f225. which extended south and down from the south face of the revetment wall, f189. Later, a second escarpment (f184 and perhaps f241). It may have been due to erosion affecting the stone escarpment or for decorative effect.
Based on a J1 section of this escarpment, we expected to see it made of a solid, tapering mass of baqaya. What we have found so far in J5 is a series of layers which alternate between dense, red material and softer gray material. Near the bottom are layers of sherds, f242. Each layer can be clearly seen in N-S and E-W sections of f241 about a meter south of the wall face.
The question is how f241 was formed. [T801JW1.J]
F0241C04T808We will determine the nature of the relationship between f241 and 184 by digging a narrow trench from the exposed south face of f241, northward to the revetment wall face. The west face of the section should resolve the issue. If the layers of f241 came from accumulation, then we should encounter a solid baqaya face for f184 before we reach the wall. It the layers resulted from construction, they should extend to the wall face. [T801JW1.J]
F0241C05T807This feature consistes of alternate layers of hard red and softer grayish soil, interspersed at the bottom by layers of sherds, one of which is f242. It could be one of two things: either a series of accumulations which lay against the second escarpment, f184, or the second escarpment itself, comprised of layers instead of a single mass of baqaya. Later we will cut a trench into f241 toward the revetment wall, f189, to see if we can resolve this dilemma. [T807JW.J]
F0241C05T808The first possibility is that for a time, water flow was dammed in the western part of J1 and the layers are the result of accumulation and sherd placement which hardened before the next weather event. The second is that f184 is a continuation of f241 and that it was purposely built in layers over a short period of time.
Regardless of how or why they were built, the first and second escarpment systems (^esc1 and ^esc2)appear to have successfully protected the revetment wall from the Early Dynastic period into the Mittani period (some 1,000 years). In the Mittani period, the second escarpment was damaged. This damage can be seen in the west section of k106. Then, the Mittani builders attempted to protect the wall by building a series of pebble floors (f247, f249) which appear to abut the stones of the stone escarpment, ^esc1, and slope down to the south from it. Eventually, they lost control of the water problem and the lack of maintenance caused debris to fill the plaza and cover the revetment wall, f189. [T801JW1.J]
F0241C40T808The staffs from J1 and J5, gB, and fAB have discussed the evolution of wall protection systems from the time that the revetment wall, f189, was built, through the various additions, through the Mittani remodeling, to abandonment. Within a given phase the protections system may also have varied according to its relative position along the wall and what destructive elements were acting on it. The highest part of the earliest extant revetment wall (in J1) is high founded and the base is protected by a baqaya projection (J1 escarpment 1, J1f196) which tapers to the south into the plaza. At the wall base it covers the first row of stones. [T801JW1.J]
F0241F02U826<5si q0905 [U826JW.J]
F0241F02U826<5si q0906 [U826JW.J]
F0241F02U826<5si q0907 [U826JW.J]
F0241F02WZ31>0co f0242 [WZ31JW.J]
F0241F02WZ31>8ab f0189 [WZ31JW.J]
F0241I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0241I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0241O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0241O01T809v0183a [T810SE1.J]
F0241O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0241O01T809v0183c [T810SE1.J]
F0241O01U812v0225 [U812JW.J]
F0241O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0242A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0242A30WZ16Lower layer of soil and sherd escarpment in k106 below accumulation f241, above stone escarpment ^esc1, and abutting revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0242B11T807This is a layer of sherds and a few bones which extends south from the excavated south face of f241. Close inspection reveals it to be one of the composit layers of f241, the top ones having been excavated or eroded away. [T807JW.J]
F0242F02T812<5si q0409 [T813JN.J]
F0242F02U826<5si q0910 [U826JW.J]
F0242F02U826<5si q0911 [U826JW.J]
F0242F02U826<5si q0912 [U826JW.J]
F0242F02U826<5si q0913 [U826JW.J]
F0242F02WZ31<0co f0241 [WZ31JW.J]
F0242F02WZ31<8ab f0243 [WZ31JW.J]
F0242F02WZ31>0co f0188 [WZ31JW.J]
F0242F02WZ31>0co f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0242F02WZ31>8ab f0189 [WZ31JW.J]
F0242I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0242I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0242O01T809v0183a [T810SE1.J]
F0242O01T809v0183c [T810SE1.J]
F0242O01U812v0225 [U812JW.J]
F0242O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0243A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k106 under accumulation f268, above accumulation f226, and abutting ^esc1. [WZ16JW.J]
F0243B11T807This is a soft, grayish layer of accumulation to the south of the sherd layer, f242, in k106. Its northern edge is irregular, suggesting that it is the detritus from an erosion event. [T807JW.J]
F0243F02WZ31>0co f0226 [WZ31JW.J]
F0243F02WZ31>8ab f0242 [WZ31JW.J]
F0243I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0243I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0244A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below escarpment f74 and above floor f246. [WZ16JW.J]
F0244B11T807This is a brownish accumulation under floor, f74, in the western part of k105. Floor, f74, was grayish and uniformly compacted to a high degree. This accumulation is more moist and has a hard, irregular surface pockmarked with areas of soft accumulation. It was well sealed by f74. [T807JW.J]
F0244F02WZ31>0co f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0244I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0244I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0245A03T914^eps1 [T914JW.J]
F0245A30WZ16East-west wall of mudbricks in k105 under accumulation f251 and that abuts revetment wall f41 and covers accumulations f258 and f285, and stone installation f266. [WZ16JW.J]
F0245B11T807This is a layer of mudbrick which abuts wall, f41, and lies south of the third exposed "step" of stone installation, f205. We are in the process of excavating higher levels of floors and accumulations to the west so that we can determing the western and southern extent. It was well sealed by f74 above. [T807JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31<0co f0251 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31<3in f0260 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31<8ab f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31>0co f0258 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31>0co f0266 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31>0co f0285 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245F02WZ31>9bo f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0245I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0245I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0245O01U312v0221 [U312JW.J]
F0246A30WZ16Soil and pebble pavement in k105 below accumulation f244 and above accumulations f250, f251, f253, and f254, and abutting stairs f205. [WZ16JW.J]
F0246B11T807This is a level floor surface of grayish soil, very small pebbles and relatively few sherds. It slopes slightly to the south and it abuts the third step of stair, f205. It goes into the north and southwestern baulks of k106 and extends for about 5 meters southward into an area damaged by water flow. It was well-sealed by f244 above. [T807JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31<0co f0244 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31<8ab f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31>0co f0250 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31>0co f0251 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31>0co f0253 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31>0co f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246F02WZ31>8ab f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0246I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0246I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0247A30WZ16Soil, pebble and sherd pavement in k106 below accumulation f226 and above pavement f249. [WZ16JW.J]
F0247B11T808A roughly made floor surface of sherds, pebbles and bones which abuts stone installation, f225, and was covered by accumulation, f226. It is similar to several such floors at the same elevation in J1, immediately to the east. It slopes down to the south and its function was probably to divert water flowing along the revetment wall away from its base and escarpment. [T808JW.J]
F0247F02T808<0co f0226 [T808JW.J]
F0247F02WZ31<1ov f0226 [WZ31JW.J]
F0247F02WZ31>0co f0249 [WZ31JW.J]
F0247F02WZ31>8ab f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0247I01WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0247I03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0248A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k107 and intruding f186 (excavated to date the construction of that stone installation). [WZ16JW.J]
F0248B11T808This is the accumulation in a test trench, k107, which was dug between the rows of stones of what was originally called f186, which in turn was presumed to be a northen extension of the Early Dynastic period revetment wall, f189. [T808JW.J]
F0248F02WZ31>3in f0186 [WZ31JW.J]
F0248I01WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0248I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0249A30WZ16Soil, pebble and sherd pavement in k106 below pavement f247 and equal to J1f325. [WZ16JW.J]
F0249B11T808This is a high quality mud and pebble floor surface which abuts stone installation, f225. It is similar to a pebble floor at the same elevation in J1, immediately to the east. It slopes down to the south and its function was probably to divert water flowing along the revetment wall away from its base and escarpment. Sherd analysis indicates that it was built during the Mittani period. [T808JW.J]
F0249F02WZ31<0co f0247 [WZ31JW.J]
F0249F02WZ31>8ab f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0249I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0249I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0249O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
F0249O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
F0250A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below floor f246 and above accumulation f251. [WZ16JW.J]
F0250B11T808Accumulation below floor, f246, and above surface, f251, in the northern part of k105. It is well-sealed by floor, f246 and covers surface, f251. [T808JW.J]
F0250F02WZ31<0co f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0250F02WZ31<0co f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0250F02WZ31>0co f0251 [WZ31JW.J]
F0250I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0250I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0251A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f250 and above accumulations f256 and f290 and bricks f245. [WZ16JW.J]
F0251B11T808A hard-packed soil surface under accumulation, f250. It slopes down to the west, being the highest surface in k105 to do so. [T808JW.J]
F0251F02WZ31<0co f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0251F02WZ31<0co f0250 [WZ31JW.J]
F0251F02WZ31>0co f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0251F02WZ31>0co f0290 [WZ31JW.J]
F0251I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0251I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0252A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k106 that most likely is equal to accumulation f264 and covers accumulation f262. [WZ16JW.J]
F0252B11T811A layer of soft reddish accumulation in the west half of k106. It was granular and had few sherds, which pottery specialist, hQ, evaluated on site as Mittani. It covers ^esc2, particularly f241. [T811JW.J]
F0252C03WZ16By comparing elevations, color, and approximate location, accumulation f252 is almost certainly equal to accumulation f264, both of which cover reddish accumulations, f262 and f268 respectively. In turn, f268 covers ranks of the stone escarpment, f188 and f225, which is covered by the soil escarpment, f241 and f242. [WZ17JW.J]
F0252C31WZ16This accumulation was described as a soft reddish accumulation, but the measured color was yellowish brown. It was described as covering f241, a component of the soil and sherd second escarpment, but both have approximately the same elevations. [WZ17JW.J]
F0252F02WZ31>0co f0262 [WZ31JW.J]
F0252I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0252I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0253A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f246 and above accumulation f256 and the pebbles of f254 as well as the bricks of walls f245 and f255. [WZ16JW.J]
F0253B11T811A hard, dark yellowish brown accumlation in the northwestern half of k105. It contained relatively many sherds and items. It covered pebble floor, f254, to the north; brick wall segment, f255, in the middle; and reddish accumulation, f256, to the south. It may be a continuation to the west of the sloping surface, f251, that perhaps was cut by water. [T811JW.J]
F0253F02WZ31<0co f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0253F02WZ31<0co f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0253F02WZ31>0co f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0253F02WZ31>0co f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0253F02WZ31>0co f0256 [WZ31JW.J]
F0253I01WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0253I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0254A03T914^eps1 [T914JW.J]
F0254A30WZ16Settling basin of river pebbles in k105 below accumulation f253, above stone f257 and accumulation f279, and abutting the bricks of f245 and f255. [WZ16JW.J]
F0254A40V904When we first discovered a pebble surface adjacent to the stone stairway, a12, we defined it as a pavement (pv). Further excavation and analysis showed that it was in fact a mass of pebbles behind dam, a11. They were contained by the dam to the south and the stairway or the revetment wall, f41, to the east. Although we have not yet excavated there, the dam had to have been anchored to the west by another wall, which would have provided the western containment for the pebble mass. Although we can only speculate as to the function of the pebbles, it seems likely that they functioned as either a filter or settling basin. For these reasons we have re-defined it as a stone installation (st-is). [V904JW.J]
F0254B11T811A floor comprised of fist-sized river pebbles that is bounded on the south by wall a11 in k105. The top three steps of f205 are laid atop this surface and it extends north into the north baulk. We found some of the pebbles in the middle of bricks f255, which indicates that at one time a flood of water breached the top of f255. We probably cut the southeast corner of this surface when we excavated stairs, f205, to find the fourth "step," f257. [T811JW.J]
F0254C31T813We continued to remove the pebbles of this feature. What had originally appeared to be a single layer pavement is much deeper in many places than one would expect of a floor. It now appears as if it may have been pebble-rich fill to level and stabilize a surface below, which sloped away to the southwest from the Mittani period revetment wall, f41. [T813JW.J]
F0254C40T815For the last several days we have removed stones from this feature. fAB noted that it is too thick to be a pavement and it is not a sewage drainage because it is not contained by walls. [T815JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31<0co f0246 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31<0co f0253 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31<8ab f0257 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31>0co f0279 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31>8ab f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31>8ab f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254F02WZ31>8ab f0277 [WZ31JW.J]
F0254I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0254I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0255A03T914^eps1 [T914JW.J]
F0255A30WZ16East-west wall of mudbricks in k105 that bonds with the bricks of f245 to the east and covers accumulation f285. [WZ16JW.J]
F0255B11T811A horizontal surface comprised of bricks and mortar in the middle west section of k105. It appears to form a brick wall with f254 which runs northwest to southeast, eventually abutting the f41 stone wall. This brick wall may be a retaining wall for the pebble floor, f254, which abuts it to the north. [T811JW.J]
F0255C01T812The bricks used to construct this wall are 40cm wide and the course is two and a half bricks wide. The width of the wall is 102cm. [T812JW.J]
F0255F02T812<2cu f0260 [T812JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31<0co f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31<0co f0253 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31<3in f0260 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31<8ab f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31<9bo f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255F02WZ31>0co f0285 [WZ31JW.J]
F0255I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0255I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0256A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 under accumulations f251, f253, f290 and f291 and above accumulations f259, and f271. [WZ16JW.J]
F0256B11T811A reddish accumulation which is south of bricks, f255, in the middlewest part of k105. [T811JW.J]
F0256F02WZ31<0co f0253 [WZ31JW.J]
F0256F02WZ31<1ov f0290 [WZ31JW.J]
F0256F02WZ31<1ov f0291 [WZ31JW.J]
F0256F02WZ31>0co f0259 [WZ31JW.J]
F0256F02WZ31>0co f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0256I01WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0256I03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0257A03T914^strc2 [T914JW.J]
F0257A30WZ16Large worked stone in k105 below stone stair f205 and the stones of f254, and over the stones of f266. [WZ16JW.J]
F0257B11T811A long, irreglarly cut limestone block below and to the south of stairs, f205. [T811JW.J]
F0257F02WZ31<1ov f0205 [WZ31JW.J]
F0257F02WZ31>1ov f0266 [WZ31JW.J]
F0257F02WZ31>8ab f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0257I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0257I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0258A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f245 and above accumulation f263. [WZ16JW.J]
F0258B11T812A soft, brown, powdery soil in the far southwest part of k105. It surrounds the southwestern corner of the Mittani period revetment wall, f3, but is not a part of it or its soil foundation, being more than a meter lower than the lowest stone of f3. It covers an organized stone installation, f261, whose form and function we do not yet know. [T812JW.J]
F0258F02WZ31<0co f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0258F02WZ31>0co f0263 [WZ31JW.J]
F0258I01WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0258I03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0259A01T815f0271 [T815JW.J]
F0259A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f256 and above accumulation f280. [WZ16JW.J]
F0259B11T812Clean, yellowish-brown accumlation under accumulation, f256, to the south of wall, a11, in the middle of k105. It abuts the early cut stone wall, f41 and may have been the first accumulation against it after it was built. [T812JW.J]
F0259C01T812At the end of the day, we excavated below a large stone and found a group of smaller stones, which may or may not be the foundation for f41. f259 should be the earliest accumulation against it and if it contains sufficient sherds, we may be able to approximately date the time of construction. hQ made a rapid examination of the pottery and noticed that it contained some sherds from Phase 3. [T812JW.J]
F0259F02T812>8ab f0041 [T812JW.J]
F0259F02U826<5si q0904 [U826JW.J]
F0259F02WZ31<0co f0256 [WZ31JW.J]
F0259F02WZ31>0co f0280 [WZ31JW.J]
F0259I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0259I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0260A03T914^eps1 [T914JW.J]
F0260A30WZ16Water channel in k105 intruding the bricks of features f245 and f255. [WZ16JW.J]
F0260B11T812A channel cut into the bricks of a11 by the action of flowing water. In the channel are elements of pebble pavement, f254, immediately to the north and slightly uphill from wall, a11. [T812JW.J]
F0260F02T812>2cu f0255 [T812JW.J]
F0260F02WZ31>3in f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0260F02WZ31>3in f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0260I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0260I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0261A21T815st [T815JW.J]
F0261A30WZ16Displaced stone in k105 that sits in accumulation f271. [WZ16JW.J]
F0261B11T812A group of large, cut limestone blocks in the far southeast corner of k105. As they are just being uncovered, we do not know the organization, extent, of function of them. However, as a first impression, they do seem organized. [T812JW.J]
F0261B11T815One large, rounded, limestone boulder, apparently unfounded and not associated with any extant structure. It is close to five other large stones, none of which appear to be a part of an extant structure. [T815JW.J]
F0261C31T815When we first assigned a number to this feature, it appeared to comprise a cluster of large cut and uncut limestone blocks gathered in the southeast corner of k105. They were under the soil pedestal of the Mittani revetment wall, f3 and seemed possibly to have been placed to support an earlier structure. However, as the soil surrounding the stones was excavated, it actually comprises two isolated, unfounded stones, f261 and f272, and two clusters of two each of unfounded stones, f269 and f270. [T815JW.J]
F0261F02WZ31>5si f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0261I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0261I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0262A30WZ16Soil escarpment in k106 (most likely equal to escarpment f268) below accumulation f252 and above stone escarpment f225. [WZ16JW.J]
F0262B11T815A granular, red soil atop and south of layered escarpment, f241 in the west part of k106. It may indeed be the top layers of f241 which were softened by water and erosion. [T815JW.J]
F0262F02WZ31<0co f0252 [WZ31JW.J]
F0262F02WZ31>0co f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0262I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0262I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0263A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulations f258 and f285 and above stone escarpments f265 and f267. [WZ16JW.J]
F0263B11T815Dense, hard, reddish accumulation under accumulation, f259. There were no sherds in the inclusions, but there were bits of charcoal and pieces of deteriorated red mudbrick. [T815JW.J]
F0263F02WZ31<0co f0258 [WZ31JW.J]
F0263F02WZ31<0co f0285 [WZ31JW.J]
F0263F02WZ31>0co f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0263F02WZ31>0co f0267 [WZ31JW.J]
F0263I01WX16s640a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0263I03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0264A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k106 below accumulation f158 and above accumulation f268. [WZ16JW.J]
F0264B11T815Soft, brown natural accumulation in the far west corner of k106. [T815JW.J]
F0264F02U826<5si q0902 [U826JW.J]
F0264F02WZ31<3in f0228 [WZ31JW.J]
F0264F02WZ31<5si f0273 [WZ31JW.J]
F0264F02WZ31>0co f0268 [WZ31JW.J]
F0264I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0264I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0265A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0265A30WZ16Line of cut stones in k105 that abut the stones of f267and that forms one of the ranks of stone escarpment ^esc1. [WZ16JW.J]
F0265B11T815Two large, flat stones in the middle east of k105, oriented northwest to southeast, approximatedly in line with the stones of stone escarpment, ^esc1. They are about 40cm to the northwest of the base of stone wall, f41, and separated from it by a layer of broken limestones, f267. [T815JW.J]
F0265C01T826ACTION: We finished removing wall, f255, its foundation, f277, and the soil beneath down to the level of the stones of ^esc1, f265, and the pebble floor abutting it to the west, f288.
RESULT: It is clear that all of the large, cut stones that we exposed belong to f265 and that there is no pavement of these large stone extending to the west in the north corner of k105. [T826JW.J]
F0265C02T824PRPOPOSED ACTION: We must remove the remaining western part of wall, a11, namely f255 and f260 and excavate the accumulations underneath to the level of ^esc1.
PURPOSE: To determine what happens to the first escarpment, f265, as it follows wall, f41, to the north. Is it similar to f225 and f184 or does it change to a stone pavement extending to the west from f41? [T824JW.J]
F0265F02VX04<8ab z0002 [VX04JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<0co f0263 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<0co f0278 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<0co f0289 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<1ov f0294 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<8ab f0267 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<8ab f0288 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31<8ab f0293 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31>8ab f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265F02WZ31>8ab f0267 [WZ31JW.J]
F0265I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0265I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0223a [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0265O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
F0266A03T914^strc2 [T914JW.J]
F0266A30WZ16Platform of stones in k105 below stone f257 and abutting wall f41. [WZ16JW.J]
F0266B11T815Fifth "step" down at the bottom of stepped stone structure, f205. However, it differs from the higher steps in two respects: first, it consists of a large stone and several smaller ones rather than a solid slab; second, it is oriented slightly more southward and is more horizantal than the others, which slope slightly downward into f41. [T815JW.J]
F0266F02WZ31<0co f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0266F02WZ31<1ov f0257 [WZ31JW.J]
F0266F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0266I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0266I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0266O01U312v0221 [U312JW.J]
F0267A03T914^wall1 [T914JW.J]
F0267A30WZ16Broken stones in k105 abutting wall f41 and escarpment f265. [WZ16JW.J]
F0267B11T815Pieces of broken limestones between stone wall, f41, and the large stones of f265 in the middle west of k105. [T815JW.J]
F0267F02WZ31<0co f0263 [WZ31JW.J]
F0267F02WZ31<8ab f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0267F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0267F02WZ31>8ab f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0267I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0267I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0268A03T917^a2 [T917JW.J]
F0268A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0268A30WZ16Soil escarpment in k106 below accumulation f264 and above stone escarpments f188 and f225. [WZ16JW.J]
F0268B11T815Red mass of soil under natural accumulation, f264, in the far west part of k106, adjacent to the west baulk. It had a hard surface and was relatively clean, except along the bottom. It probably served as one of the intermediate escarpments along the south edge of the revetment wall, f189. [T815JW.J]
F0268F02WZ31<0co f0264 [WZ31JW.J]
F0268F02WZ31>0co f0188 [WZ31JW.J]
F0268F02WZ31>0co f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0268I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0268I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0269A30WZ16Two displaced stones in k105 that sit in accumulation f271. [WZ16JW.J]
F0269B11T815Two large, flat slabs of cut limestone, one atop the other in the southeast sector of k105. They were unfounded and not a part of an extant structure. [T815JW.J]
F0269F02WZ31>5si f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0269I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0269I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0270A30WZ16Two displaced stones in k105 that sit in accumulation f271. [WZ16JW.J]
F0270B11T815Two large, limestone boulders, near the east baulk of k105. They wer unfounded and not associated with any extant structure. [T815JW.J]
F0270F02WZ31>5si f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0270I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0270I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0271A01T815f0259 [T815JW.J]
F0271A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 under accumulation f256 and above accumulation f280. [WZ16JW.J]
F0271B11T815Yellowish-brown accumulation below accumulation, f228. It should be a continuation to the south of a similar accumulation, f259. Unfortunately, so far there have only been a few body sherds from this feature for use in dating, although we expect it to be Phase 3 in the JP3 sequence. [T815JW.J]
F0271F02U826<5si q0903 [U826JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<0co f0256 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<5si f0261 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<5si f0269 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<5si f0270 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<5si f0272 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31<5si f0275 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271F02WZ31>0co f0280 [WZ31JW.J]
F0271I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0271I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0272A30WZ16Displaced stone in k105 that sits in accumulation f271. [WZ16JW.J]
F0272B11T815Large, isolated, unfounded limestone boulder imbedded in the east baulk of k105. It could not be associated with an extant structure. [T815JW.J]
F0272F02WZ31>5si f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0272I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0272I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0273A30WZ16Displaced stone in k106 that sits in accumulation f264. [WZ16JW.J]
F0273B11T815A large, isolated, unfounded limestone boulder near both the west baulk of k106 and the south face of revetment wall, f189. [T815JW.J]
F0273F02WZ31>5si f0264 [WZ31JW.J]
F0273I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0273I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0274A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k106 that covers stone escarpment f225. [WZ16JW.J]
F0274B11T816Accumulation which covers the southernmost stones of ^esc1 in the western sector of k106. It contained large quantities of sherds and animal bones. [T816JW.J]
F0274F02WZ31>0co f0225 [WZ31JW.J]
F0274I01WX16s640a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0274I03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0275A30WZ16Displaced stone in k105 that sits in accumulation f271 and covers the soil of f289. [WZ16JW.J]
F0275B11T816Large, cut limestone boulder that is under the pedestal of the Mittani revetment wall, f3, in the southeast sector of k105. It is unfounded and not a part of an extant structure. [T816JW.J]
F0275F02WZ31>0co f0289 [WZ31JW.J]
F0275F02WZ31>5si f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0275I01WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0275I03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0276A03T914^strc2 [T914JW.J]
F0276A30WZ16N-S line of stones in k105 under the stones of f254 and atop natural accumulation f279. [WZ16JW.J]
F0276B11T816A north south line of melon-sized cut limestones just to the west of stair f205 in the north sector of k105. They do not bond or abut with a similar east west line of cut stones, f277. They may contain the accumulation, f279. [T816JW.J]
F0276F02WZ31>0co f0279 [WZ31JW.J]
F0276I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0276I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0277A03T914^eps1 [T914JW.J]
F0277A30WZ16E-W line of stones in k105 under part of wall f245 and f255 and atop accumulation f279 [WZ16JW.J]
F0277B11T816An east west line of cut limestone blocks under wall, a11, in the north sector of k105. They do not bond or abut a similar line of north south stones, f276. They may contain the accumlation f279. [T816JW.J]
F0277F02WZ31<8ab f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0277F02WZ31>0co f0279 [WZ31JW.J]
F0277I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0277I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0278A03T917^a2 [T917JW.J]
F0278A30WZ16Soil, stone and sherd floor in k105 under accumulation f280 that covers layer f282 and partially covers the stones of escarpment f265. [WZ16JW.J]
F0278B11T816An accumlation under f259 and atop the stones of f265. It is red, dense, wet, and contains marble-size stones. As of yet we do not know whether this accmulation is natural or intentionally placed above the stone. [T816JW.J]
F0278F02U826<5si q0908 [U826JW.J]
F0278F02WZ31<0co f0280 [WZ31JW.J]
F0278F02WZ31>0co f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0278F02WZ31>0co f0282 [WZ31JW.J]
F0278I01WX16s640b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0278I03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0279A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 under the stones of settling basin f254. [WZ16JW.J]
F0279B11T816An accumlation under the stones of f254 in the north sector of k105. It may have been contained to the west and to the south by the stones of f276 and f277 respectively. [T816JW.J]
F0279C03T816gB, fAB, and the pickman, Anwar saw some similarities with soil eminating from drains in A10. We investigate this possibility later. [T816JW.J]
F0279F02WZ31<0co f0254 [WZ31JW.J]
F0279F02WZ31<0co f0276 [WZ31JW.J]
F0279F02WZ31<0co f0277 [WZ31JW.J]
F0279F02WZ31>8ab f0285 [WZ31JW.J]
F0279I01WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0279I03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0280A03T917^a2 [T917JW.J]
F0280A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0280A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below accumulation f259 and f271, and above floor f278. [WZ16JW.J]
F0280B11T817A soft, red accumulation which covers the natural floor, f278, in the southeast sector of k105. It is possibly a remnant of the red mass of soil, f268, which covered the stones of ^esc1 farther to the east. If so, it may have been a part of the later escarpment, ^esc2, which appears in layered form farther to the east. [T817JW.J]
F0280F02U826<5si q0909 [U826JW.J]
F0280F02WZ31<0co f0259 [WZ31JW.J]
F0280F02WZ31<0co f0271 [WZ31JW.J]
F0280F02WZ31<0co f0281 [WZ31JW.J]
F0280F02WZ31>0co f0278 [WZ31JW.J]
F0280I01WX16s640a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0280I03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0281A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in the north baulk of k106 that covers accumulation f280 [WZ16JW.J]
F0281B11T817The volumetric material in the baulk between k105 and k106, from the top down to the red mass of material, f280, which was excavated separately to provide pottery for the dertermination of the approximate date of deposition. [T817JW.J]
F0281F02WZ31>0co f0280 [WZ31JW.J]
F0281I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0281I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0282A03T917^a1 [T917JW.J]
F0282A21T816aa [T901SE.J]
F0282A30WZ16Ashy soil layer in k105 below floor f278 and above pavement f288. [WZ16JW.J]
F0282B11T817A thin layer of ash under the natural floor, f278 and adjacent (to the southwest) of the stones of the first escarpment, f265. [T817JW.J]
F0282D01T816k105 [T901SE.J]
F0282D06T8168752 @bottom [T901SE.J]
F0282D06T8168758 @top [T901SE.J]
F0282F02U826<5si q0915 [U826JW.J]
F0282F02WZ31<0co f0278 [WZ31JW.J]
F0282F02WZ31>0co f0288 [WZ31JW.J]
F0282I01WX16s650c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0282I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0282K03T816so [T901SE.J]
F0282K05T816grayish brown [T901SE.J]
F0282K06T81610YR 5/2 [T901SE.J]
F0282K07T8162.5 [T901SE.J]
F0282K08T816ashy [T901SE.J]
F0283A30WZ16Large stone in k106 that sits in escarpment f184. [WZ16JW.J]
F0283F02WZ31>5si f0184 [WZ31JW.J]
F0283I01WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0283I03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0284A03T914^wall1 [T914JW.J]
F0284A30WZ16Line of cut stones in k106 under the stones of revetment wall f189. [WZ16JW.J]
F0284C01T826ACTION: We finished excavating the accumulation, f287, between the northenmost stones of ^esc1, f188, and the top of an earlier wall, f284, which formed the foundation for the revetment wall, f189.
RESULT: We were hoping to find enough ceramics to help date the time of construction of f284, but there were fewer than 20 sherds after two days of excavation in that restricted space (about 20cm), almost all of which were body sherds. The most mKB could say was that they were earlier than the revetment wall, f189, which was built during the Early Dynastic period. Because we dug down as much as 20cm we could tell that the stones of f284 were large and dressed. They formed a smooth face on the top and on the south side. [T826JW.J]
F0284C02T824PROPOSED ACTION: We will excavate a narrow channel of soil, f288, between f189 and f284.
PURPOSE: To determine the relationship between the northenmost line of the stones of ^esc1 and the line of stones, f284, beneath the revetment wall, f189. [T824JW.J]
F0284F02WZ31>8ab f0287 [WZ31JW.J]
F0284I01WX16s850-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0284I03WX16h2m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0284O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0284O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0284O01U812v0223d [U812JW.J]
F0285A30WZ16Natural accumulation in k105 below the bricks of f255 and above accumulation f263. [WZ16JW.J]
F0285F02WZ31<0co f0245 [WZ31JW.J]
F0285F02WZ31<0co f0255 [WZ31JW.J]
F0285F02WZ31<8ab f0279 [WZ31JW.J]
F0285F02WZ31>0co f0263 [WZ31JW.J]
F0285I01WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0285I03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0285O01U312v0221 [U312JW.J]
F0286A30WZ16Soil in k33 (from a sounding to determine the relationship between stairs f205 and the stones of f239) that intrudes accumulation f238. [WZ16JW.J]
F0286C01T826ACTION: We finished excavating the exploratory trench, f286.
RESULT: We found that the stones of installation, f194, are bonded with the stones of the top four steps of installations, f205 and f257. The lowest set of stones, f266, appear associated with the line of stones, f276, and appear to form an escarpment above accumulations above the stones of ^esc1. Their relationsip with f205, f257, and f194 will have to be determined in a future excavation season. [T826JW.J]
F0286C02T824PROPOSED ACTION: We will make a small 50cm-wide probe to the north from the stairs of f205 to the stone structure, f194, just to the west of stones, f276.
PURPOSE: The purpose is to see how these features are related and their place in the stratigraphic sequence. [T824JW.J]
F0286F02WZ31>3in f0238 [WZ31JW.J]
F0286I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0286I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0287A30WZ16Soil in k106 (from a sounding to determine the relationship of wall f284 and the stones of f188) below accumulation f274 and that abuts wall f284 and escarpment f188. [WZ16JW.J]
F0287C01T826ACTION: We excavated the remaining floor accumulation, f282, covering the pebble pavement, f287, which abuts the first escarpment, ^esc1, to the west.
RESULT: There is some erosion in the pavement's southeastern corner, probably caused by water flow along the southwestern most row of escarpment stones. Sherds from the pavement and from the floor accumulaion above have been idenmtified by mKB as Late Ninevite V. [T826JW.J]
F0287C02T824PROPOSED ACTION: We will remove accumulation, f282, to the south of the southernmost line of exposed stones in the first escarpment, ^esc1.
PURPOSE: To see if there is another row of stones to the south and if not, what does abut the escarpment. [T824JW.J]
F0287F02WZ31<8ab f0284 [WZ31JW.J]
F0287F02WZ31>8ab f0188 [WZ31JW.J]
F0287I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0287I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0287O01U812v0223d [U812JW.J]
F0288A30WZ16Pavement of pebbles and soil in k105 below accumulation f282 and that abuts the lowest stones of escarpment f265. [WZ16JW.J]
F0288B11T827A stone pavement in k105 which abuts the lowest line of stones of ^esc1, f265. The stones range from fist size downward and are laid in a matrix of brown silty soil. [T827JW.J]
F0288F02T930<5si q0483 [T829SE.J]
F0288F02WZ31<0co f0282 [WZ31JW.J]
F0288F02WZ31>8ab f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0288I01WX16s660-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0288I03WX16h3l-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0289A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k105 from a pedestal that supported stone f275 atop escarpment f265.. [WZ16JW.J]
F0289B11T827The volumetric material under the large boulder, f275. The material comprised soil layers whose stratigraphy matched the soil beneath the late Mittani revetment wall, f3. [T827JW.J]
F0289F02WZ31<0co f0275 [WZ31JW.J]
F0289F02WZ31>0co f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0289I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0289I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0290A30WZ16Natural accumulation in the west baulk of k105 under accumulation f253 and atop accumulation f256. [WZ16JW.J]
F0290B11T827Natural brown accumulation seen only in the west section of k105. It contains broken bricks from wall, f255. It is covered by f251, and covers f291, and overlays f256. [T827JW.J]
F0290F02WZ31<0co f0251 [WZ31JW.J]
F0290F02WZ31>0co f0291 [WZ31JW.J]
F0290F02WZ31>1ov f0256 [WZ31JW.J]
F0290I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0290I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0291A30WZ16Natural soil lens in k105 that intrudes accumulation f290 and overlays accumulation f256. [WZ16JW.J]
F0291B11T827A lens of gray, hard soil, seen only in the west section of k105. It overlays f256. It also abuts f255. [T827JW.J]
F0291F02WZ31<0co f0290 [WZ31JW.J]
F0291F02WZ31>1ov f0256 [WZ31JW.J]
F0291I01WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0291I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0292A30WZ16Natural soil lens in k105 that intrudes accumulation f224. [WZ16JW.J]
F0292B11T901A small wedge of soil seen in the west section of k105. It is most likely one of the many water channels cut into accumulations in this area. [T901JW1.J]
F0292F02WZ31>3in f0224 [WZ31JW.J]
F0292I01WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0292I03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0293A03T917^sb1 [T917JW.J]
F0293A30WZ16Cut stone in k105 that leans against revetment wall f41 and is founded on the stone escarpment f265. [WZ16JW.J]
F0293B11T901A cut limestone block whose thickness is considerably less than its height or width. Its top leans obliqely against revetment wall, f41, while its base rests on the east edge of the top stone, f265, of the first escarpment, ^esc1. This feature, f293 appears placed to deflect water dripping over the top of the wall away from the base, thus reducing the possibility of erosion. [T901JW1.J]
F0293F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0293F02WZ31>8ab f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0293I01WX16s650a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0293I03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0293O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0293O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0293O01U812v0223a [U812JW.J]
F0294A21U312vm [U312JW1.J]
F0294A30WZ16Undifferentiated soil in k105 that temporarily supports the stones of curtain wall f3 and overlays escarpment f265. [WZ16JW.J]
F0294B11U312Exposed soil directly beneath the portion of wall, f3, which is to the southwest of walls, f41 and f289. Its sole function following the excavations of MZ22(2009-T) is to support the stones of f3. [U312JW1.J]
F0294F02WZ31>1ov f0265 [WZ31JW.J]
F0294I01WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0294I03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0222a [U812JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0222c [U812JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
F0294O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
F0295A21VX04w [VX04JW.J]
F0295A30WZ16Small section of cut stone wall in k23 supporting the stones of stairway f21. [WZ16JW.J]
F0295B11VX04A section of a stone wall seen through a "window" cut into the western section of accumulation, f128, under the bottom step of monumental staircase, f21. The purpose of the cut was to verify how the staircase stones were founded. The stones follow the general alignment of the western face of the revetment wall, f41, but a definite stratigraphic link has not yet been established. [VX04JW.J]
F0295F02VX04<7re f0021 [VX04JW.J]
F0295F02VX04>8ab f0128 [VX04JW.J]
F0295F02WZ31>8ab f0041 [WZ31JW.J]
F0295I01WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
F0295I03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H2M-J5BI04WX16s850-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3D-J5BI04WX16s720-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3L-J5BI04WX16s660-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3M-J5BI04WX16s650a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3M-J5BI04WX16s650b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3M-J5BI04WX16s650c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3N-J5BI04WX16s640a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3N-J5BI04WX16s640b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3P-J5BI04WX16s630-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H3S-J5BI04WX16s620-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7C-J5BI04WX16s190-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7F-J5BI04WX16s174-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7F-J5BI04WX16s176-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7F-J5BI04WX16s178-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7F-J5BI04WX16s180a-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7F-J5BI04WX16s180b-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7J-J5BI04WX16s161-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7M-J5BI04WX16s148-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7S-J5BI04WX16s130-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7V-J5BI04WX16s120-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7V-J5BI04WX16s122-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H7V-J5BI04WX16s128-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H8M-J5BI04WX16s70-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H8R-J5BI04WX16s60-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H9C-J5BI04WX16s50-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H9M-J5BI04WX16s20-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H9M-J5BI04WX16s30-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H9P-J5BI04WX16s10-J5B [WX16JW.J]
H9S-J5BI04WX16s0-J5B [WX16JW.J]
I0001A35TX01L_V21d4610 J5i1 S723 dM fg f7.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0001O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0002O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0003A35TX01L_V21d4602 J5i3 S723 dM ca f7.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0003O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0004A35TX01L_V21d4638 J5i4 S723 dM la f10.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0004O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0005A35TX01L_V21d4506 J5i5 S721 dM fg f7.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0005O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0005P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0006A35TX01L_V21d4688 J5i6 S723 dM la f9.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0006D03S71698 (43128 46297 - 9155 / Relay location: center) [S716DL-R.J]
I0006O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0007A35TX01L_V21d4686 J5i7 S723 dM la f9.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0007D03S71699 (43300 46086 - 9182 / Relay location: center) [S716DL-R.J]
I0007O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0008A35TX01L_V21d7715 J5i8 S819 dM fg f15.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0008O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0009A35TX01L_V21d4513 J5i9 S721 dM ca f18.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0009O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0009P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0010A35TX01L_V21d4587 J5i10 S723 dM cv f11.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0010O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0011O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0012A35TX01v15 [TX01JW.J]
I0012O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0012P99TX17Physical Anthropology Lab [TX17JW.J]
I0013O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0013P99TX17Physical Anthropology Lab [TX17JW.J]
I0014O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0014P99TX17Paleozoology Lab [TX17JW.J]
I0015A35TX01L_V22d3876 J5i15 T824 dM cl f36.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0015O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0016A35TX01L_V21d4617 J5i16 S723 dM la f30.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0016O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0017A35TX01L_V21d4630 J5i17 S723 dM la f30.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0017O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0018A35TX01L_V21d4625 J5i18 S723 dM la f20.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0018O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0019A35TX01L_V21d4696 J5i19 S723 dM bd f44.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0019O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0020A35TX01L_V21d4668 j5i20 S723 dM ca f29.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0020O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0021A35TX01L_V21d7670 J5i21 S826 dM f57.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0021O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0021P99TX17Probably in Conservation Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0022A35TX01L_V21d4916 J5i22 S823 dM fg f63.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0022O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0023A35TX01L_V21d4735 J5i23 S806 dM la f68.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0023O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0024A35TX01L_V21d7604 J5i24 S824 dM ma f63.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0024O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0024P99TX17Probably in Conservation Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0025A35TX01L_V21d4780 J5i25 S817 dM la f111.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0025O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0026A35TX01L_V21d4906 J5i26 S823 dM pi f112.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0026O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0026P99TX17Probably in Conservation Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0027O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I002701A35TX01L_V21d4785 J5i27.1 S817 dM la f102.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I002702A35TX01L_V21d4805 J5i27.2 S817 dM la f102.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0028A35TX01L_V21d4873 J5i28 S818 dM ma f135.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0028O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0028P99TX17Probably in Conservation Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0029A35TX01L_V21d4995 J5i29 S824 dM ma f156.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0029O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0029P03S91814-S918 [S918JW1.J]
I0029P99TX17In Deir ez-Zor Museum [TX17JW.J]
I0030A35TX01v102 [TX01JW.J]
I0030O01S824v0102 [S824LH1.J]
I0030O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0030P99TX17Paleozoology Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0031A21S924fg [S924JW2.J]
I0031A35TX01L_V21d7689 J5i31 S828 dM fg f167.jpg [TX01JW.J]
I0031B11S924The broken forebody of a humped animal. [S924JW2.J]
I0031J01S9246.2 [S924JW2.J]
I0031J02S9247.2 [S924JW2.J]
I0031J04S9244.3 [S924JW2.J]
I0031K03S924cl-baked [S924JW2.J]
I0031K05S924very pale brown [S924JW2.J]
I0031K06S92410YR8/2 [S924JW2.J]
I0031K10S924The front legs, parts of the head, and the hindquarters are missing. [S924JW2.J]
I0031O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0032A21S924ja [S924JW2.J]
I0032A35TX01v139b [TX01JW.J]
I0032B11S924whole jar, partially excavated on the last day, and left in situ to be removed and evaluated in a future season. [S924JW2.J]
I0032BA1S910ja [T323JW.J]
I0032BA6S910cl [T323JW.J]
I0032BA8S910light brown [T323JW.J]
I0032BA9S910whole jar left in situ [T323JW.J]
I0032D01S910k44 [T323JW.J]
I0032F02S910>5si f0180 [T323JW.J]
I0032G03S910associated q-lot: 279 [T323JW.J]
I0032J99S924Field measurements only. [S924JW2.J]
I0032K03S924cl-baked [S924JW2.J]
I0032O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
I0032O08T323p0002 [T323JW1.J]
I0032O99S924Field photos only. [S924JW2.J]
I0032P99S924Remains in situ. [S924JW2.J]
I0033P99TX17Paleozoology Laboratory [TX17JW.J]
I0034D03T7211194 (42997 45787 - 8965 / Relay location: bottom) [T721SE-R.J]
I003401A35TX01L_V22d3598 J5i34.1 T804 dM gr f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I003401P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I003402A35TX01L_V22d7735 J5i34.2 Tx04 dM uc_maf f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I003402P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0035A35TX01L_V22d3510 J5i35 T801 dM la f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0036A35TX01L_V22d3558 J5i36 T803 dM wh f158.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0037A35TX01L_V22d3561 J5i37 T803 dM la f158.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0038A35TX01L_V22d3603 J5i38 T808 dM slag f203.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0038P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0039A35TX01L_V22d3592 J5i39 T804 dM we f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0040A35TX01L_V22d3589 J5i40 T804 dM we f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0041A35TX01L_V22d3595 J5i41 T804 dM we f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0042A35TX01L_V22d3601 J5i42 T804 dM we f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0043A35TX01L_V22d3551 J5i43 T803 dM bd f158.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0044A35TX01L_V22d3856 J5i44 T820 dM ca f202.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0045A35TX01L_V22d3505 J5i45 T801 dM la f74.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0046A35TX01L_V22d3655 J5i46 T811 dM la f208.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0046P99TX17Lab Room A-1 [TX17JW.J]
I0047A35TX01L_V22d3553 J5i47 T803 dM bd f208.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0048A35TX01L_V22d7723 J5i48 Tx04 dM pi f214.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0049A35TX01L_V22d3635 J5i49 T811 dM ca f213.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0050A35TX01L_V22d3640 J5i50 T811 dM la f226.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0051A35TX01L_V22d3627 J5i51 T811 dM wh f227.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0052A35TX01L_V22d7703 J5i52 Tx04 dM cv f158.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0052P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0053A35TX01L_V22d3718 J5i53 T813 dM bd f229.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0054A35TX01L_V22d3634 J5i54 T811 dM fg f229.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I005501A35TX01L_V22d7718 J5i55.1 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I005501P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I005502A35TX01L_V22d7704 J5i55.2 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I005502P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I005503A35TX01L_V22d7707 J5i55.3 Tx04 dM cv f226.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I005503P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0056A35TX01L_V22d7717 J5i56 Tx04 dM pi f226.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0056P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
I0057A35TX01L_V22d3752 J5i57 T816 dM ca_loom_wt f253.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0058A35TX01L_V22d3733 J5i58 T816 dM wh f253.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0059A35TX01L_V22d3791 J5i59 T819 dM fg f254.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0060A35TX01L_V22d3803 J5i60 T819 dM fg f271.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0061A35TX01L_V22d7727 J5i61 Tx04 dm we f259.jpg [TX01JW1.J]
I0061P99TX17Sighted by jW in Special Objects Room on Tx03 [TX17JW.J]
K0001A35T313L_W21d1205 j5w104 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0001B11T318A rectangle with its longer sides running N-S, immediately to the south of k2. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region to the south of revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . [T318JW1.J]
K0001D03T3191165 (41973 47165 - 9000 / Relay location: NE corner) [T319JW1R.J]
K0001D03T3191166 (42147 46701 - 9000 / Relay location: NW corner) [T319JW1R.J]
K0001D03T3191168 (41317 46916 - 9000 / Relay location: SE corner) [T319JW1R.J]
K0001D03T3191169 (41487 46456 - 9000 / Relay location: SW corner) [T319JW1R.J]
K0001D20T318r1166 [T318JW1.J]
K0001D21T318700 cms South, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0001D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: r1166, r1165, r1168, and r1169. [T318JW.J]
K0001O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0001O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0002A35T313L_W21d1206 j5w105 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0002B11T318A square, immediately to the south of k3. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region containing revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . [T318JW1.J]
K0002D20T318m4920 [T318JW1.J]
K0002D21T318500 cms South, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0002D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: m4920, m4923, r1165, and r1166. [T318JW.J]
K0002O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
K0002O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
K0002O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
K0002O01S922v0126 [S922JW.J]
K0002O01S922v0126a [S922JW.J]
K0002O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
K0002O01S922v0131a [S922JW.J]
K0002O01S922v0132 [S922JW.J]
K0002O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0003A35T313L_W21d1207 j5w106 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0003B11T318This locus was the expected location of link between the BA temple and the west edge of the stone staircase installation, f21. Due to time constraints in 2008, this locus was not excavated in 2008. [T318JW1.J]
K0003D20T318m4920 [T318JW1.J]
K0003D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0003O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0004A35T313L_W21d1208 j5w107 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0004B11T318This locus was the expected location of link between the BA temple and the west edge of the stone staircase installation, f21. Due to time constraints in 2008, excavation was halted near the surface. [T318JW1.J]
K0004C01S809Began excavating topsoil, f118, with the large pick. [S809JW.J]
K0004D20T318m4919 [T318JW1.J]
K0004D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0004O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0011A35T313L_W21d1209 j5w108 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0011B11T318An irregularly shaped polygon to the south of k21 and west of k1. Most of its southern and western borders are shared with k100. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region to the south of revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . Its NW corner is r1167 [T318JW1.J]
K0011D03T3191167 (42323 46237 - 9000 / Relay location: NW corner) [T319JW1R.J]
K0011D20T318r1167 [T318JW1.J]
K0011D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: r1167, r1166, r1169, r543, r542, r541, r540, r539, r538. [T318JW.J]
K0011O01S824v0100 [S824LH1.J]
K0011O01S824v0100a [S824LH1.J]
K0011O01S824v0102 [S824LH1.J]
K0011O01S824v0104 [S824LH1.J]
K0011O01S824v0104a [S824LH1.J]
K0011O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0011O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0012A35T313L_W21d1210 j5w109 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0012B11T318A square, immediately to the south of k13. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region containing revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . [T318JW1.J]
K0012D20T318m4324 [T318JW1.J]
K0012D21T318500 cms South, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0012D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: m4324, m4920, r1166, r1167. [T318JW.J]
K0012O01S824v0103 [S824LH1.J]
K0012O01S824v0103a [S824LH1.J]
K0012O01S824v0104 [S824LH1.J]
K0012O01S824v0104a [S824LH1.J]
K0012O01S919v0115 [S919JW.J]
K0012O01S919v0115a [S919JW.J]
K0012O01S919v0115b [S919JW.J]
K0012O01S922v0131 [S922JW.J]
K0012O01S922v0131a [S922JW.J]
K0012O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
K0012O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0012O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0013A35T313L_W21d1211 j5w110 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0013B11T318This locus was excavated to explore the southern half of the eastern extension of the stone staircase installation, f21, and associated access to the BA temple. [T318JW1.J]
K0013C01S806After finishing the removal of the east baulk of k34, we resumed excavating in this locus. In natural accumulation, f115, we uncovered a large, isolated limestone block, f116, in the middle of the locus. In the southeastern quadrant was a cluster of melon-sized stones, f120. [S807JW.J]
K0013C01S809Continued to excavate natural accumulation, f115, with large picks. Documented and removed isolated floating stone, f116, and isolated cluster of stones, f120. [S809JW.J]
K0013C01S816Took a series of photographs, v82, to document features excavated in the past week. Finished excavating the safety baulk accumulation under topsoil, f115. In the process, we exposed more of floor, f143, which extended to the east. [S816JW.J]
K0013C01S817We cleaned and photographed, v86, the full extent of the exposed floor surface, f143. We began removing the volumetric material in the north baulk, f153. [S817JW.J]
K0013C01S818Began to remove the north baulk as volumetric material, f155. [S818JW.J]
K0013D20T318m4324 [T318JW1.J]
K0013D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0013O01S814v0082 [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S814v0082a [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S814v0082b [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S814v0082c [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S814v0082d [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S814v0086 [S823JW.J]
K0013O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
K0013O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
K0013O01S922v0133 [S922JW.J]
K0013O01S922v0133a [S922JW.J]
K0013O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0013O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
K0013O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0013O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
K0014A35T313L_W21d1212 j5w111 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0014B11T318This locus was excavated to explore the northern half of the eastern extension of the stone staircase installation, f21, and associated access to the BA temple. [T318JW1.J]
K0014C01S806At the beginning of the day, began to remove natural accumulation, f112, which was present throughout the locus and surrounded the stones of installation, f108. Uncovered a semi-circular arc of small stones, along the eastern baulk. [S807JW.J]
K0014C01S809Continued to excavate natural accumulation, f112, with large picks. Documented and removed an arc of stones, f119, along the eastern baulk. Uncovered a stone installation, f123, running NW to SE in the southeastern quadrant. [S809JW.J]
K0014C01S814We began to remove the safety baulk on the south side of the locus. We used features previously identified from excavation in the main part of the locus. One floor surface and what were probably crude walls associated with it were identifed near the end of the day. Features have not been assigned. The locus is filled with isolated limestone blocks and organized rows of stones which we have not been able to link with others nearby. [S814JW.J]
K0014C01S814We prepared and photographed, v80, a long view looking east and west across 4 loci (k14, k24, k34, k44) that documented the relationship between the portion of the temple mound which includes the staircase, f21, and various stone installations in k14 and k24; the mini-plaza to the west in k34; and the stonework in k44 which forms the western boundary of the mini-plaza. dL analyzed the open spaces between the various stoneworks in k14 and k24 to see if they had been paved. [S814JW.J]
K0014C01S816Took a series of photographs, v83, to document features excavated so far this season. [S816JW.J]
K0014D20T318m4670 [T318JW1.J]
K0014D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0014O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0083a [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0083b [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0083c [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S814v0083d [S823JW.J]
K0014O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
K0014O01S919v0119a [S919JW.J]
K0014O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
K0014O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0014O01S922v0127 [S922JW.J]
K0014O01S922v0127a [S922JW.J]
K0014O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
K0014O01S922v0134 [S922JW.J]
K0014O01S922v0134a [S922JW.J]
K0014O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
K0014O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0014O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0021A35T313L_W21d1213 j5w112 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0021B11T318An irregularly shaped polygon to the south of k22 and west of k1. Most of its southern, and western borders are shared with k100. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region to the south of revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . Its NW corner is m4424 [T318JW1.J]
K0021D20T318m4424 [T318JW1.J]
K0021D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: m4424, r1167, r538, r537, r536. [T318JW.J]
K0021O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0021O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0021O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
K0022A35T313L_W21d1214 j5w113 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0022B11T318A square, immediately to the south of k23. It delimits the previously excavated (as unit J1) region containing revetment wall, f189. It was not surveyed this season - rather the coordinates were obtained by extending to the south and east existing survey lines . [T318JW1.J]
K0022C01S731We drew and photographed the section of the north baulk which was approximately bisected by revetment wall, f3, which continued to the north into k23. Because we could not verify that the soil features we see in the baulk had been properly identified and documented, we assigned them new J5 numbers and described all of them. Features f77 to f85 are located to the west of f3 and are assumed to have built up outside the mound, while features f86 to f90 are located to the east of f3 and are presumed to be part of the temple mound complex. [S731JW.J]
K0022C01S803took dirty photo of the area bounded as follows; to the south by the south baulk of k22; to the east by the revetment wall, f3; to the north by the stones of installation, f37; and to the west by the west baulks of k22 and k23. The purpose was to draw templates to assist in pottery analysis of features which abut wall, f3. [S803JW.J]
K0022C01S814We traced the excarpment from the northwest corner of the locus where it was first discovered, south along the outer face of wall, f41, to which it belongs. The soil above the escarpment was defined as mixed since it was deposited by a combination of backdirt from locus k100 and aeolian soil deposited since the revetment wall system was first excavated several seasons ago. As a result the pottery will tell us little about when the excarpment was built and used. [S814JW.J]
K0022C01S816Removed accumulations and laminations f86, f87, f88, and f89, from a narrow strip east of revetment wall, f3 and west of the west face of the west baulk of k12. The purpose was to determine when the top stones of f3 were placed. We stopped before excavating f90, which comprised a dam of small stones on the south and red, bricky material to the north. To fully explore this feature, k12 must be completely excavated to this elevation, which will not happen this season. jW looked at the pottery lots in the field, which seemed to be Mittani, Phase 6, which we would expect from the stratigrapy. The results were documented in view, v84. [S816JW.J]
K0022C01S817We photographed ,v85, the results of excavating the series of layers between the east face of revetment wall, f3, and the west face of the unexcavated portion of k12. Although we halted work before the lowest layer, f90, was excavated. mKB reported that some Phase 1 sherds were present in the q-lot for f89. We measured and photographed the location, v85. The large limestone block, f151, had almost certainly shifted away from its original place at the southwest corner of revetment wall, f3, and was resting on a soil pillar, f154, After measuring and photography, v89, v90, we moved it back to its likely original position atop the lower wall stones and removed the pillar. [S817JW.J]
K0022C01S818Began to excavate laminar, natural accumulation, f157. It is a narrow strip that follows the south face of revetment wall, f3. The goal is to determine if the escarpment to the plaza is continuous from the west face (where it is f74) to the plaza itself, excavated as J1f239 in this and previous seasons. [S818JW.J]
K0022C01S821With two teams we excavated a considerable amount of natural accumulation, f157, from the area to the south of revetment wall, f3, in a strip about 100cm wide. Because we expect that the escarpment rises from east to west and because we see part of it as f74 as it abuts wall, f41 along the outer west face of f3, we expected to trace f74 around the corner of f3 as it turned to the east. However, pickman Hussein stated that he was seeing a variety of textures, colors, and inclusions (including brick pieces and ash) in the soil he was excavating, not the hard material he had encountered next to f41. [S821JW.J]
K0022C01S823Removed natural accumulation, f157, from a 100cm strip immediately south of revetment wall, f3. Of interest was a gulley, which began to the northwest along the west face of wall, f41, in k33 and then ran along the south face of revetment wall, f3. [S824JW.J]
K0022C02S731gB, fAB, and jW discussed the approach to excavating the glacis/escarpment, f74. It descends to the southwest rapidly from wall, f41 and has been broken by at least one pit which is filled with ashy soil. In the SW corner of k22 it is covered by a number of layers of modern and ancient accumulations. Since a partial baulk at the intersection of k22 and k21 would have to be removed to complete the task we decided to cover the exposed part of f74 (which has been photographed) with plastic and finish tracing its extents at the end of the season when we expect that more of it will be present in k33 to the northwest, which is presently being excavated. As to the new features, we will excavate those to the west of f3 first, assuming as elsewhere, that those would have built up on the outside of the wall, eventually covering it. We will not excavate the features to the east of f3 until we need to know how it was built. [S731JW.J]
K0022C03S821In a meeting with jW, gB stated that he believed that the part of the revetment wall, f3, that we are seeing may be a late addition which includes the pavement of stones contained by it and juts out to the south of the original line of f41. On the other hand, f41, is a much earlier structure that passes under f3. As such we still may have not yet reached the escarpment even though we are below the third course of stones which comprise f3. [S821JW.J]
K0022D20T318m4424 [T318JW1.J]
K0022D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0022D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NW corner: m4425, m4324, r1167, m4424. [T318JW.J]
K0022O01S814v0084 [S823JW.J]
K0022O01S814v0085 [S823JW.J]
K0022O01S814v0085a [S823JW.J]
K0022O01S814v0085b [S823JW.J]
K0022O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S824v0098a [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S824v0098b [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S824v0101 [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S824v0101a [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S824v0101b [S824LH1.J]
K0022O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
K0022O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
K0022O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0130a [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0137 [S922JW.J]
K0022O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
K0022O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0022O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0022O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
K0023A35T313L_W21d1215 j5w114 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0023B11S820We excavated the north baulk of k13 as f153. We extended the scope of this volumetric material to encompass the north baulk of k23 as well and began to excavate it. [S820JW.J]
K0023C01S813The east and north baulks were drawn and photographed on S811 and S813 respectively. See v76, v77, w111, w12. We began removing the east baulk as f132. Other than a one-stone extension to the east for stone installation, f19, no significant architecture was found. We designated two large stones previously found as f138 and f139. [S813JW.J]
K0023C01S821Finished excavating the volumetric material, f153, comprising the north baulk. The southern part of staircase, f21, was exposed, but we still do not understand the link between it and the arrangement of stones to its south, f126, which may represent a damaged structure that originally abutted the staircase. [S821JW.J]
K0023O01S814v0082e [S823JW.J]
K0023O01S814v0084 [S823JW.J]
K0023O01S814v0085 [S823JW.J]
K0023O01S814v0085a [S823JW.J]
K0023O01S824v0098 [S824LH1.J]
K0023O01S919v0116 [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0116a [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0117 [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0117a [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S919v0121a [S919JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0128 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0128a [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0128b [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0129 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0129a [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0135 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0135a [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0136 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0136a [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0138 [S922JW.J]
K0023O01S922v0138a [S922JW.J]
K0023O01U812v0226a [U812JW.J]
K0023O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0023O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0023O08T326p0004 [T326JW2.J]
K0023O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0023O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0023O08T330p0007 [T330JW1.J]
K0024A35T313L_W21d1216 j5w115 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0024C01S813The east and north baulks were drawn and photographed on S812 and S813, respectively. See v74, v75, w14, w13. We began removing the east baulk as f133. In the baulk were an extension to the north of stone installation, f14, and a clear indication that f14 was identical to installation, f108, in k14. In addition we found an N-S line of stones, f140, which resemble those that form the west face of the top of staircase, f21. [S813JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0083a [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S814v0083e [S823JW.J]
K0024O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
K0024O01S919v0119 [S919JW.J]
K0024O01S919v0120 [S919JW.J]
K0024O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0024O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
K0024O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
K0024O01U812v0226a [U812JW.J]
K0024O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0024O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0024O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0032A35T313L_W21d1217 j5w116 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0032B11T318This locus was excavated to clear sightlines into J5 from an observation platform built directly to the south. [T318JW1.J]
K0032C01S813After photography, v78, a crew from A20 began to excavate the topsoil, f134, with the large pick. After two pick runs, we began to excavate the naturual accumulation under the topsoil, f136. [S813JW.J]
K0032C01S814We resumed excavation of natural accumulation, f136, with large picks. Except for a few isolated small stones, there was nothing of interest, which so far matches our hypothesis, that this locus overlays the western extension of escarpment, f74 - first discovered in k22 to the east - and that nothing else was ever built thereafter in that location. [S814JW.J]
K0032C01S816We continued to excavate natural accumulation, f136, which has not changed since we removed the topsoil. The outside sections of the east and north baulks confirm that the accumulation is uniform to a depth of about two meters from the surface. [S816JW.J]
K0032C01S817We continued to excavate natural accumulation, f136. At the end of the day we decided to cease excavations there and document the results. [S817JW.J]
K0032C01S818Drew, w18, and photographed, v93 the north baulk. Drew, w19, and photographed, v94, the east baulk in preparation for removal. [S818JW.J]
K0032C01S821Removed the north baulk, which was treated as volumetric material, f162, since the stratigraphy had already been documented by drawing and photography as topsoil and a single accumulation under it. [S821JW.J]
K0032C01S823Removed the volumetric material in the east baulk, f162. [S824JW.J]
K0032D20T318m4966 [T318JW1.J]
K0032D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0032O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0032O01S922v0124 [S922JW.J]
K0032O01S922v0124a [S922JW.J]
K0032O01S922v0124b [S922JW.J]
K0032O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0033A35T313L_W21d1218 j5w117 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0033B11S820Removed north baulk as volumetric material, f160. [S820JW.J]
K0033B11T318This locus was the expected location of link between the monumental staircase, f21, and the stonework of locus k43. [T318JW1.J]
K0033C01S731We continued to remove natural accumulation, f59 with two crews using large picks. Although not of uniform consistency having areas of soft and hard patches due to the action of water and erosion after abandonment, we kept digging it as one feature because the overall color and texture did not change. It contained few inclusions. [S731JW.J]
K0033C01S806Finished removing the east baulk, f107, and a cluster of melon-sized stones that was imbedded in it, f111. Began excavating packed floor surface, f102, in order to define the interface between the staircase, f21; the wall, f41; and its glacis, f74. [S807JW.J]
K0033C01S809Continued to carefully excavate the clean, hard, naturally compacted, fine-grained accumulation, f102. Under it was a very sandy laminar accumulation, f122. As we removed this acccumulation, we noticed a very hard-surface accumulation, f124, underneath, which abutted the N-S line of stones, f126, in the same way that glacis f74 abutted wall, f41 to the south. On this basis, jW tentatively called the accumulation in this area, glacis, f121. Later detailed analysis with the assistance of fAB and rE established that f121 was a continuation of f124, and that it was a natural glacis formed atop f74, which is several layers of accumulation below. Late in the day we began removing f124. [S809JW.J]
K0033C01S813Began excavating laminated accumulation, f128, with the large pick as planned. Along the western face of the midline boundary, pickman Kamiran reported that the feature was now much harder and was breaking up into rectangular pieces of dense material. On the south end of the eastern border with stone installation f126, a lower stone in line with the staircase, f21, appeared. These data were evidence that the escarpment that we were searching for may possibly slope up to the west rather than down as we had expected. After thorough cleaning, the locus was photographed, v79. After shifting to the small pick, we started excavating a new soil accumulation, f135, below f128. We started from the far southeast corner, where we could see the escarpment, f74, about 10cm below and to the east. We began to remove f135 and found that it covered a very hard, gray layer with some embedded sherds. As it was still about 5cm above f74, we designated it floor accumulation, f137. Traces of f137 could be seen in the west section of the east half square in k33 and in the north edge of the west section of k22. [S813JW.J]
K0033C01S814We finished excavating laminar floor accumulation, f135. It could be seen in section and differed in both color (brown versus gray) and texture (hard versus very hard) from the floor accumulation, f137, below it which in turn covers the almost stone-like escarpment, f74. Consulted with rE, supervisor of unit J1 (which has several similar escarpment surfaces with hard accumulations above) to properly instruct pickman. [S814JW.J]
K0033C01S816We continued to excavate floor accumulation, f137. Two pottery lots, q204 and q209 were tagged for immediate evaluation of the phase by mKB. [S816JW.J]
K0033C01S817We removed two more q-lots from floor accumulation, f137. There is a miniature wadi that has formed about 50 cm west of the stone installation, f126, and most of the pottery and bones came from the bottom of it. The situation was documented in v88. [S817JW.J]
K0033C01S818Drew, w17, and photographed, v90, the bottom part of the north baulk in preparation for removal. [S818JW.J]
K0033C02S806We will excavate f102 and the accumulations below it by starting in the far SE corner of the locus, move west to the N-S midline, then move north toward f21. [S807JW.J]
K0033C02S813On S814 we will remove the balance of f135, which is primarily located in the eastern quarter of the locus. We well clean well and photgraph, then consult with gB and fAB before we begin to excavate f137. [S813JW.J]
K0033C02S817as of today we will cease excavation in this locus for the MZ21 season. [S817JW.J]
K0033D20T318m4823 [T318JW1.J]
K0033D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0033O01S814v0079a [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S814v0079b [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S814v0079c [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S814v0081 [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S814v0081a [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S814v0081b [S823JW.J]
K0033O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
K0033O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0033O01S922v0130 [S922JW.J]
K0033O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
K0033O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0033O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0033O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0033O08T330p0006 [T330JW1.J]
K0034A35T313L_W21d1219 j5w118 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0034C01S823After a false start to excavate a 100cm-wide test trench along the staircase [S824JW.J]
K0034C02S802Score, draw and photograph the west section of locus k34 in lieu of the east section of k44, which is obstructed by several lines of stones. Then, remove it to better understand the relationship among the stone installations of k44, the staircase, f21, and the accumulations between them, f42, f45, f63, and f70 [S802JW.J]
K0034O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
K0034O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
K0034O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
K0034O01S814v0083 [S823JW.J]
K0034O01S919v0118 [S919JW.J]
K0034O01S919v0121 [S919JW.J]
K0034O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
K0034O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
K0034O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0034O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0034O08T330p0005 [T330JW1.J]
K0043A35T313L_W21d1220 j5w119 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0043B11T318This locus was excavated to explore the nature and extent of the stone installations to the west of the stone staircase installation, f21. [T318JW1.J]
K0043C01S818Began to remove the north baulk as volumetric material, f156. Photographed north section, v91. [S818JW.J]
K0043C01S819Finished excavating the north baulk of this locus. We found that the stone installations f28 in k44 and f71 were linked by a threshold, f163. Although the bottom rows of stone installations f49 in k44 and f91 in k43 were continuous across the baulk, the top rows were not. [S819JW.J]
K0043D20T318m4822 [T318JW1.J]
K0043D21T318500 cms North, 500 cms East [T318JW1.J]
K0043O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
K0043O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
K0043O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
K0043O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
K0043O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
K0043O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0043O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0043O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
K0044A35T313L_W21d1221 j5w120 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0044O01S814v0080 [S823JW.J]
K0044O01S814v0080a [S823JW.J]
K0044O01S814v0080b [S823JW.J]
K0044O01S919v0114 [S919JW.J]
K0044O01S919v0114a [S919JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0139 [S922JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0139a [S922JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0139b [S922JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0140 [S922JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0141 [S922JW.J]
K0044O01S922v0141a [S922JW.J]
K0044O01U812v0226c [U812JW.J]
K0044O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0044O08T326p0003 [T326JW2.J]
K0054A35T313L_W21d1222 j5w121 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0054C01S818Photographed the halted excavation, v95. Placed plastic sheeting on the bottom and began to backfill it using soil from a number of loci under excavation. [S818JW.J]
K0054O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0100A35T313L_W21d1201 j5w100 R314 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0100A35T331L_W22d9504 j5w125 U911 jW.jpg [Y331JW.J]
K0100B11S806A truncated, sawtooth-shaped block of soil which obscures the sightlines to the revetment wall, f3; the various platforms associated with it; the stone staircase, f21; the stone wall, f41; and the glacis associated with it, f74. [S806JW.J]
K0100B11S820Removed upper portions of the northern projections, f110, to provide proper sightlines for the viewing platform. [S820JW.J]
K0100B11T318An irregularly shaped polygon whose NW corner is m4966. This locus was excavated to clear sightlines into J5 from an observation platform built directly to the southwest. [T318JW1.J]
K0100C01S806Excavated the baulk, f110, consisting of previously documented layers of soil which formed the locus, to a depth of 40cm below the surface. [S807JW.J]
K0100C01S806Removed approximately 40cm of the stepped baulk line using workmen from J1. [S807JW.J]
K0100C01S809Workmen temporarily detailed from J1 excavated natural accumulation, f110 in this locus. About 30cm were removed before they departed. [S809JW.J]
K0100C01S813A crew from A20 resumed the excavation of the volumetric material, f110. [S813JW.J]
K0100C01S816We continued to excavate natural accumulation, f110. It is very similar to natural accumulation, f136, in the adjacent locus, k32. [S816JW.J]
K0100C01S817We continued to excavate natural accumulation, f110. We need to adjust the north and south borders of this locus to improve the sight-lines from the observation platform. [S817JW.J]
K0100C01S818We exended the locus to the southwest by 150cm to improve the sightlines from the new observation platform south of k32. [S818JW.J]
K0100C01S819Two crews excavated here, removing the projections to the northeast of the locus in preparation for excavating f157 to find the eScarpment linking units J5 and J1. We found two rows of stones. Unfounded f155, running northeast to southwest off the corner of revetment wall, f3, and f161, running north to south. [S819JW.J]
K0100C01S821Finished excavating the northern projections of unexcavated baulks, f110. Near the south face of revetment wall, f3, continued to excavate natural accumulation, f157, to find the escarpment which we have found to the west, f74, which abuts wall f41 and to the east, features 189 and 239 in unit J1. gB believes that we will have to dig deepaer to reach it since it slopes severely from northeast to southwest and from north to south. [S821JW.J]
K0100C02S818We will dig out the northeast teeth to within 100cm of the old baulk line. Also, we will excavate the northeastern two thirds of the southwest extension to the level already excavated along the northeastern edge. Then, we will slope the remaing 50cm slice from the surface on the southwest to the lower level to the northeast. [S818JW.J]
K0100D20T318m4966 [T318JW1.J]
K0100D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding counterclockwise from the NW corner: m4966, r740, r741, r543, r542, r541, r540, r539, r538, r537, r536. [T318JW.J]
K0100O01S922v0125 [S922JW.J]
K0100O01S922v0125a [S922JW.J]
K0100O01S922v0125b [S922JW.J]
K0100O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0101A35T313L_W21d1202 j5w101 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0101B11T318An irregular pentagon which defines the perimeter of a test probe dug to obtain ceramic material to date the revetment wall extension, f3. Relay r827 marks the NW corner. [T318JW1.J]
K0101D20T318r827 [T318JW1.J]
K0101D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding counterclockwise from the SE corner: r824, r825, r826, r827, r828. [T318JW.J]
K0101O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0102A35T313L_W21d1203 j5w102 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0102B11T318An irregular pentagon which defines the perimeter of a test probe dug to obtain ceramic material to date the revetment wall, f189. Relay r833 marks the NW corner. [T318JW1.J]
K0102D20T318r833 [T318JW1.J]
K0102D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, proceding clockwise from the NE corner: r829, r830, r831, r832, r833. [T318JW.J]
K0102O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0103A35T313L_W21d1204 j5w103 R316 jW.jpg [T313JW.J]
K0103B11T318A quadrangle which defines the perimeter of a test probe dug to obtain ceramic material to date the stone staircse installation, f21. Relay r814 marks the NW corner. [T318JW1.J]
K0103D20T318r814 [T318JW1.J]
K0103D99T318The perimeter points that define this locus are, counterclockwise form the SE corner are: r812, r813, r814, r815. [T318JW.J]
K0103O08T323p0001 [T323JW1.J]
K0104A35T331L_W22d9501 j5w122 U911 jW.jpg [Y331JW.J]
K0104B11T722A long, narrow, banana-shaped locus bounded on the north by the south side of locus, k22; on the east by the face of wall, f41; on the west by the extant northeast face of locus, k32, on the north by the south faces of revetment walls, f3 and f189; on the south by the north face of locus k100; and on the east by the border between units J1 and J5. It has subsequently been divided into a north half, k105, and a south half, k106. [T722JW.J]
K0105A35T331L_W22d9502 j5w123 U911 jW.jpg [Y331JW.J]
K0105B11T722A long, narrow locus consisting of the north half of locus, k104. It has an east baulk conforming to the Mozan grid separating it from locus k106. The purpose of this baulk is to preserve a section prependicular to the revetment walls. [T722JW.J]
K0105C02T808The issue in this locus is to determine how the shape of the architecture of the construction in the periods Early Dynastic through Mittani were influenced by the shape of the preexisting mound in the Late Chalcolithic period. A wall of cut stones, f41, is the key to this analysis. We cannot sink a probe behind it or in front of it because later structures would be damaged. However, we can examine floor surfaces which either abut or whose eastward extensions were cut by later construction. Hopefully the earliest of these floors will have been constructed about the same time as the f41 wall. So far we have removed floor f74, which abutted f41 and contained Mittani ceramics. We have exposed a stepped stone structure, f205, which was covered by f74 in the vicinity of f41. Farther west from the wall, f74 covered an accumulation, f244 over a rough sherd and pebble floor, f246. This floor was roughly horizontal and abuts the second of the f205 "steps." Under and along the southeastern edge of f246 there are two hard surfaces which slope down from east to west. It is possible that these are earlier escarpments to f41. We will expose all of one floor surface before proceeding to excavate the next. Pottery from each floor and its floor accumulation will be sent to mKB for special analysis. [T808JW.J]
K0105O01U312v0221 [U312JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0222a [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0222c [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0223a [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0223b [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0223c [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0224 [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
K0105O01U812v0226a [U812JW.J]
K0106A35T331L_W22d9503 j5w124 U911 jW.jpg [Y331JW.J]
K0106B11T722A long, narrow locus consisting of the south half of locus, k104. We are not maintaining an east baulk on this locus. [T722JW.J]
K0106B11T808A long, narrow locus consisting of the south half of locus, k104. It has a west baulk conforming to the Mozan grid separating it from locus k105 to the northwest. It is bounded on the north by the revetment wall, f189, and on the south by the irregular north face of locus k100. [T808JW.J]
K0106O01T809v0183 [T810SE1.J]
K0106O01T809v0183a [T810SE1.J]
K0106O01T809v0183b [T810SE1.J]
K0106O01T809v0183c [T810SE1.J]
K0106O01U812v0222 [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0222b [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0223 [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0223d [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0224a [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0225 [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0226 [U812JW.J]
K0106O01U812v0226b [U812JW.J]
K0107B11T808A small rectangular probe between the rows of stones of f186. The purpose was to ascertain whether the space could have served as a water channel. [T808JW.J]
P0001B11T323Master plot of all loci excavated in MZ21 (2008-S) [T323JW1.J]
P0001O15T323k1,k2,k3,k4,k11,k12,k13,k14,k21,k22,k23,k24,k32,k33,k34,k43,k44,k54,k100,k101,k102,k103 [T323JW1.J]
P0001O22T323oh [T323JW1.J]
P0002B11T323Plot of all items excavated in MZ21 (2008-S). Note the cluster of grinding stones in locus k23. [T323JW1.J]
P0002O13T323i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10,i11,i12,i13,i14,i15,i16,i17,i18,i19,i20,i21,i22,i23,i24,i25,i26,i27,i28,i29,i30,i31,i32 [T323JW1.J]
P0002O22T323oh [T323JW1.J]
P0003B11T326This is a plot of specific label wall 4 which forms the western boundary of the structures excavated this season, MZ21(2008-S). Wall 4 is a series of wall complexes running N-S. The highest one, a3, is a late entrance-way, f163, separating two narrow N-S lines of stones, f49 and f91. the middle one, a2, comprises two wide N-S lines of stones, f28 and f78, which are made of melon-sized stones in several layers, held together by mud. The lowest one, f196, is made of mudbrick. [T326JW2.J]
P0003O11T326a2,a3 [T326JW2.J]
P0003O12T326f28,f49,f78,f91,f163,f196 [T326JW2.J]
P0003O15T326k43,k44 [T326JW2.J]
P0003O22T326oh [T326JW2.J]
P0004B11T326This is a plot of specific label, room 1. It consists of a mud floor surface, f143, and associated stone installations which bound the surface, f144, f146, and f148. [T326JW2.J]
P0004O11T326a4 [T326JW2.J]
P0004O12T326f143,f144,f146,f148 [T326JW2.J]
P0004O15T326k13,k23 [T326JW2.J]
P0004O22T326oh [T326JW2.J]
P0005B11T330This is a plot of specific label apr 1, which forms the late Mittani western entrance to the BA temple. Its primary feature is the monumental staircase, f21, located on the western side of the entrance complex. To the north the staircase is bordered by an E-W row of large boulders, f14 and f108. To the south, on the west end it was bordered by a row of large, cut stones, f20. To the north of the northern border were two hard packed surfaces, f65 and f66, which may have been the surface of the mound during later phases. On the east side of the entrance was a stone threshold, f123. The threshold and the staircase were linked by packed earth surfaces, f140 (west) and f195 (east). [T330JW1.J]
P0005O12T330f14,f20,f21,f65,f66,f108,f123,f140,f195 [T330JW1.J]
P0005O15T330k13,k14,k23,k24,k33,k34 [T330JW1.J]
P0005O22T330oh [T330JW1.J]
P0006B11T330This is a plot of three specific labels (groups of related features). Wall 1 is the lowest in elevation, and has only its top exposed. It consists of a line of cut stones, f42, and an associated escarpment, f74. Wall 2 is the westward extension of the E-W revetment wall previously found in units J1, J2, and J3. It dates to the Early Dynastic period and consists of the wall itself, f189, a N-S segment on its westward end, f186, an escarpment, f184, and a surface of large stones within the temple enclosure, f6. [T330JW1.J]
P0006O12T330f3,f4,f6,f41,f74,f99,f155,f161,f184,f186,f189,f199 [T330JW1.J]
P0006O15T330k1,k11,k12,k21,k22,k23,k33 [T330JW1.J]
P0006O22T330oh [T330JW1.J]
P0007B11T330This is a plot of a specific label, bin 1. A bin is a circular enclosure found in the vicinity of a temple. It may have had a ceremonial function since it was close to the pathway that lead from the Mittani monumental staircase, f21, to the BA temple. Its circular elements are stone installations, f37 and f46. A row of stones, f192, was placed atop Mittani wall, f3, and led to the south entrance to the bin. Stone block, f38, sat atop wall, f192. Features f48 and f52 were packed earth surfaces which formed the floor of the bin. [T330JW1.J]
P0007O12T330f19,f37,f38,f46,f48,f54,f192 [T330JW1.J]
P0007O15T330k13,k21,k22,k23 [T330JW1.J]
P0007O22T330oh [T330JW1.J]
Q0001B21S923qi000101 [S926JW2.J]
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Q0016-P02K99Y211rL Z422: changed during horizon review from xrg to xrl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
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Q0016-P04K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
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Q0017B21Y211qp001703 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001705 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001706 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001707 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001708 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001709 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017B21Y211qp001770 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0017-P02A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02J03Y21129 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02K03Y211FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P02ZcaS3Y211901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03J03Y21117 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03K03Y211RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03ZcaS1Y211s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P03ZcaS3Y211901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05J03Y21126 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05K03Y211RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P05ZcaS3Y211901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06J03Y21122 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P06ZcaS3Y211902 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07A21Y211xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07J04Y2115 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07K99Y211rL Z422: changed from xdcw to xfc during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P07ZcaS4Y211xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08J03Y21137 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P08ZcaS3Y211903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09A21Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09J03Y21112 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09K03Y211FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09K04Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review, ZA211 cJC: code updated [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09ZcaS1Y211n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09ZcaS3Y211901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P09ZcaS4Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0017-P70B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0017-P70K99Y211mKB X123: painted body sherd of Mittani carinated vessel, probably bowl [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0017-P70ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0017-P70ZcaD1Y2111 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0017-P70ZcaD2Y211M [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0018B21Y308qp001805 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05A21Y308cg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05B20Y3081 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05J03Y30819 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05K03Y308RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05ZcaA1Y308M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0018-P05ZcaS4Y308cg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0021B21Y303qp002179 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0021-P79B20Y3031 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0021-P79K03Y303CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0021-P79K99Y303Incised body sherd. Changed from p17 because duplicate [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0021-P79ZcaD1Y3032 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0021-P79ZcaD2Y303I [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0023B21Y211qp002301 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023B21Y211qp002302 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01A21Y211xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01J04Y2118 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P01ZcaS4Y211xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02A21Y211xrh [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02J04Y21111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0023-P02ZcaS4Y211xrh [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21S923qi002401 [S926JW2.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002401 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002402 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002403 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002404 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002405 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002406 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002407 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002409 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024B21Y211qp002410 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P01B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024-P01K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024-P02A21Y211xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P02B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P02J04Y2113 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P02K03Y211FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P02ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P02ZcaS4Y211xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03A21Y211l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03J03Y21129 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03K04Y211l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P03ZcaS3Y211901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P04B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024-P04K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0024-P05A21Y211ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P05B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P05K03Y211FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P05K99Y211handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P05ZcaS4Y211ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06A21Y211sq [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06J03Y21116 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06K99Y211rL Z420: ds added based on drawing and mKB note [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P06ZcaS4Y211sq [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07A21Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07J03Y21110 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07K03Y211G [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07K04Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07K99Y211cJC ZA225: Revised type number to conform to cross-horizons for conical cups. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07ZcaS1Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P07ZcaS3Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09A21Y211xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09J04Y21116 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09K99Y211rL Z422: changed during horizon review from xrl to xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P09ZcaS4Y211xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10A21Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10A21Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10J03Y21111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10K04Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review, ZA212 cJC: code updated [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10ZcaS1Y211n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10ZcaS3Y211903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0024-P10ZcaS4Y211c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0034B21Y303qp003477 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0034-P77B20Y3031 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0034-P77K03Y303FC [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0034-P77K99Y303Painted sherd with checkerboard pattern [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0034-P77ZcaD1Y3031 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0034-P77ZcaD2Y303M32 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0036B21Y211qp003601 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01A21Y211xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01J04Y2116.5 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01K03Y211CH? [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01K99Y211rL Z422: changed from xd to xdf during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01ZcaA1Y211M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0036-P01ZcaS4Y211xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044B21Y211qp004401 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01A21Y211xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01J04Y21111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01K99Y211rL Z422: changed from xd to xdf during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0044-P01ZcaS4Y211xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y211qp004801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y211qp004802 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y211qp004803 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004804 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004806 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004807 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004808 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004811 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048B21Y215qp004814 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01A21Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01J03Y21112 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01K03Y211RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01K04Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01ZcaS1Y211n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01ZcaS2Y211f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P01ZcaS3Y211802 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02A21Y211gf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02A21Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02J03Y21133 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02K04Y211j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02K99Y211rL Z420: shape detail added based on mKB review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P02ZcaS4Y211gf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03A21Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03B20Y2111 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03J03Y21130 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03K03Y211CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03K04Y211b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03K99Y211rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review, ZA211 cJC - corrected from 906 to 905 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03ZcaS1Y211d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P03ZcaS3Y211905 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P04A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P04B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P04J04Y21511 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P04K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P04ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06J03Y21527 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P06ZcaS3Y215902 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07J03Y21515 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07K99Y215rL Z420: sh code corrected (was bc). Changed from 815 to 813 during review. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07ZcaS2Y215sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P07ZcaS3Y215813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08J03Y21531 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P08ZcaS3Y215903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10A21Y215dp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10J03Y21511 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P10ZcaS4Y215dp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P11A21Y215xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P11B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P11J04Y2154 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P11K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P11ZcaS4Y215xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12A21Y215f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12J03Y21526 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P12ZcaS4Y215f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P13A21Y215tk [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P13B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P13K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P13K99Y215rL Z420: ds added based on drawing. ZA215 cJC: code revised by mKB [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P13ZcaS4Y215tk [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P14A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P14B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P14J04Y21511 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P14K03Y215RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0048-P14ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004906 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004910 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004911 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004912 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049B21Y215qp004913 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01J03Y21521 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P01ZcaS3Y215901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03J03Y21523 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03K99Y215rL Z422: changed during horizon review from 815 to 813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03ZcaS2Y215sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P03ZcaS3Y215813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06J03Y21518 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06ZcaS1Y215h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P06ZcaS3Y215801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10J03Y21512 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10K03Y215P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10ZcaS1Y215h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P10ZcaS3Y215904 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11J03Y21523 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11K99Y215rL Z422: changed during horizon review from 801 to 810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11ZcaS2Y215sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P11ZcaS3Y215810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12J03Y21513 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P12ZcaS3Y215904 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13J03Y21517 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0049-P13ZcaS1Y215d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052B21Y215qp005202 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052B21Y215qp005203 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052B21Y215qp005204 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052B21Y215qp005205 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02J03Y21515 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02K03Y215RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02ZcaA1Y215K [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02ZcaS1Y215d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P02ZcaS3Y215906 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P03A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P03B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P03J03Y21520 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P03K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P03K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P04A21Y215xp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P04B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P04K03Y215RC1 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P04ZcaS4Y215xp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0052-P05ZcaS2Y215sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058B21Y215qp005822 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22J03Y21534 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22ZcaS1Y215d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0058-P22ZcaS3Y215907 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069B21Y215qp006901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01J03Y21513 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01ZcaS1Y215r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0069-P01ZcaS3Y215804 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0076B21Y304qp007679 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0076-P79B20Y3041 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0076-P79K03Y304FC [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0076-P79K99Y304Painted body sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0076-P79ZcaD1Y3041 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0076-P79ZcaD2Y304M22 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0083B21Y215qp008303 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03J03Y21512 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03K99Y215rL Z422: 812 added during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03ZcaS2Y215sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0083-P03ZcaS3Y215812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0089B21S923qi008901 [S926JW2.J]
Q0102B21Y215qp010202 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102B21Y215qp010203 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102B21Y215qp010206 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102B21Y215qp010209 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02J04Y2156 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P02ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03J04Y2158.5 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03K03Y215G [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03K99Y215rL Z422: changed during horizon review from xrh to xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P03ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P06A21Y215xp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P06B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P06K03Y215RC1 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P06ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P06ZcaS4Y215xp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09J03Y21523 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09ZcaS1Y215o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0102-P09ZcaS3Y215803 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0106B21S923qi010601 [S926JW2.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010803 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010804 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010805 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010806 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010807 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010808 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010809 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010811 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010814 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108B21Y215qp010815 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01J04Y21510 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P01ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03A21Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03J04Y21511 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P03ZcaS4Y215xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04J03Y21520 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04K99Y215rL Z421: duplicate entry - one moved to p15. Sh corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04ZcaS1Y215s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P04ZcaS3Y215902 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05J03Y21521 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05K03Y215P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05ZcaS1Y215h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P05ZcaS3Y215801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06J03Y21513 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P06ZcaS3Y215905 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07A21Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07J03Y21523 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07K04Y215l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P07ZcaS3Y215906 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08J03Y21519 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08K04Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08K99Y215rL Z422: changed during horizon review from bcr-801 to bcrr901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08ZcaS1Y215cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08ZcaS2Y215r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P08ZcaS3Y215901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09A21Y215dr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09J03Y21511 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09ZcaS1Y215n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P09ZcaS4Y215dr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11A21Y215r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11J03Y21523 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P11ZcaS4Y215r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13J03Y21518 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13K03Y215CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13ZcaS1Y215n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13ZcaS2Y215f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P13ZcaS3Y215903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14A21Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14A21Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14J03Y21510 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14K03Y215FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14K04Y215j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14K99Y215rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P14ZcaS4Y215b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15A21Y215xsf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15B20Y2151 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15J04Y2152 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15K03Y215RC1 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15K99Y215rL Z421: changed from p4 due to duplicate entry [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15ZcaA1Y215M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0108-P15ZcaS4Y215xsf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135B21S923qi013501 [S926JW2.J]
Q0135B21S923qi013502 [S926JW2.J]
Q0135B21S924qi013501 [S924JW2.J]
Q0135B21S924qi013502 [S924JW2.J]
Q0135B21Y217qp013535 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135B21Y217qp013536 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35A21Y217xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35B20Y2171 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35J04Y21710 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35K03Y217CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35K99Y217rL Z421: previously q135-p2, but chnaged due to triple entry [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35ZcaA1Y217M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P35ZcaS4Y217xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36A21Y217xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36B20Y2171 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36J04Y21715 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36K03Y217LCH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36K99Y217rL Z421: previously q135-p2, but chnaged due to triple entry [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36ZcaA1Y217F [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0135-P36ZcaS4Y217xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137B21Y218qp013703 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03A21Y218xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03J04Y2187 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03K99Y218rL Z422: changed from xrg to xfc during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0137-P03ZcaS4Y218xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0150C99S804Pottery from this q-lot contains sherds from f84 and f101, which were excavated separately. [S804JW.J]
Q0152A21S805p [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D01S805k14 [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D13S805m4924 (9289) + 154 (height of instrument) - 156 - 15 @bottom [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D20S805m4924 [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D21S805400 cms East, 400 cms South [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D22S8059291 [S805DL1.J]
Q0152D23S8059276 [S805DL1.J]
Q0152F02S805>5si f0104 [S805DL1.J]
Q0155B21Y218qp015501 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01J03Y21824 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01ZcaS1Y218cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01ZcaS2Y218sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0155-P01ZcaS3Y218802 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160B21Y218qp016015 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160B21Y303qp016076 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0160-P15A21Y218xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160-P15B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160-P15J04Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160-P15K03Y218LCH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160-P15ZcaS4Y218xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0160-P76B20Y3031 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0160-P76K03Y303CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0160-P76K99Y303Painted sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0160-P76ZcaD1Y3031 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0160-P76ZcaD2Y303M13 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0168B21S918qi016801 [S918JW1.J]
Q0180B21S923qi018001 [S926JW2.J]
Q0187B21Y218qp018701 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187B21Y218qp018703 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P01A21Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P01K99Y218Handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P01ZcaS4Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P03A21Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P03B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P03K99Y218Handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P03ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0187-P03ZcaS4Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206B21Y218qp020601 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0206B21Y218qp020604 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0206-P01K99Y218Handle or Leg. Added based on drawing. [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0206-P04A21Y218xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P04B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P04J04Y2189 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P04K99Y218rL Z421: ds added based on drawing; changed from xd to xdf during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P04ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0206-P04ZcaS4Y218xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0213B21S817qi021301 [S818DL1.J]
Q0215A21S817p, b [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D01S817k33 [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D03S817700 (43336 45976 - 9012 / Relay location: NE corner) [S817DL2R.J]
Q0215D13S817m4960 (9144) + 156 (height of instrument) - 24 - 5 @bottom [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D20S817r700 [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D21S81750 cms West, 200 cms South [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D22S8179012 [S817DL1.J]
Q0215D23S8179007 [S817DL1.J]
Q0215F02S817>5si f0137 [S817DL1.J]
Q0216A21S817p, b [S817DL1.J]
Q0216D01S817k22 [S817DL1.J]
Q0216D13S817m4887 (9096) + 74 (height of instrument) - 24 - 100 @bottom [S817DL1.J]
Q0216D20S817wf [S817DL1.J]
Q0216D22S8179046 [S817DL1.J]
Q0216D23S8178946 [S817DL1.J]
Q0216F02S817>5si f0154 [S817DL1.J]
Q0217A21S817p [S817DL1.J]
Q0217D01S817k13 [S817DL1.J]
Q0217D13S817m4926 (9289) + 0 (height of instrument) - -6 - 80 @bottom [S817DL1.J]
Q0217D22S8179283 [S817DL1.J]
Q0217D23S8179203 [S817DL1.J]
Q0217F02S817>5si f0153 [S817DL1.J]
Q0218A21S817p [S817DL1.J]
Q0218D01S817k43 [S817DL1.J]
Q0218F02S817>5si f0076 [S817DL1.J]
Q0226B21Y218qp022601 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226B21Y218qp022602 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01A21Y218xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01J04Y2185 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01K03Y218G [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01K99Y218rL Z421: wm added based on mKB note; changed from xf to xdf during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P01ZcaS4Y218xdf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02J03Y21827 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02K99Y218rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02ZcaS1Y218cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02ZcaS2Y218sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0226-P02ZcaS3Y218801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228B21Y218qp022801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228B21Y218qp022802 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01J03Y21838 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01K99Y218rL Z421: ds added based on drawing; sh corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01ZcaS1Y218r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P01ZcaS3Y218806 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02J03Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02K99Y218rL Z421: ds added base on drawing. Interpreted as both br and bcrr. Changed from 801 to 902 during review. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02ZcaS1Y218cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02ZcaS2Y218r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0228-P02ZcaS3Y218902 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232B21Y218qp023201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232B21Y218qp023204 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232B21Y218qp023209 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01J03Y21824 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01K99Y218rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01ZcaS1Y218d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P01ZcaS3Y218803 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P04A21Y218xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P04B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P04J04Y2182 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P04ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P04ZcaS4Y218xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P09A21Y218xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P09B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P09J04Y2181.8 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P09ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0232-P09ZcaS4Y218xdc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242B21Y218qp024202 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242-P02A21Y218xd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242-P02B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242-P02J04Y2188 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242-P02ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0242-P02ZcaS4Y218xd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245B21Y218qp024501 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245B21Y218qp024504 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245B21Y218qp024505 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245B21Y218qp024508 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245B21Y218qp024509 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01J03Y21816 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01ZcaS1Y218sh [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P01ZcaS3Y21813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04A21Y218gt [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04J03Y21810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04K03Y218FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04ZcaS1Y218n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04ZcaS2Y218h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04ZcaS3Y218118 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P04ZcaS4Y218gt [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05J03Y21834 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05K99Y218ZA215 cJC, mKB: code revised based on drawing [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05ZcaS1Y218s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P05ZcaS3Y218101 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08J03Y2183 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08K03Y218FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08ZcaS1Y218sh [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P08ZcaS3Y2187 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09J03Y2187 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09K03Y218RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09ZcaS1Y218cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09ZcaS2Y218sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0245-P09ZcaS3Y2182 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0255B21S923qi025501 [S926JW2.J]
Q0261B21Y218qp026101 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01A21Y218l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01J03Y2189 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01K03Y218RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01K04Y218l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01K99Y218ZA223 mKB: Halaf sherd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0261-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267B21Y218qp026701 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267B21Y218qp026702 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267B21Y218qp026733 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01A21Y218xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01J04Y21852 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01K99Y218Unusually wide base [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P01ZcaS4Y218xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02J03Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02K99Y218Carinated bowl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02ZcaS1Y218cr [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02ZcaS2Y218sa [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P02ZcaS3Y218801 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33A21Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33K99Y218Handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0267-P33ZcaS4Y218ts [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269B21Y218qp026901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269B21Y218qp026902 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269B21Y218qp026903 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01J03Y21813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01K03Y218WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01K99Y218ZA215 cJC, mKB: code revised based on drawing [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01ZcaS1Y218r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P01ZcaS3Y2184 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02A21Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02J03Y2185 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02K03Y218WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02K04Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02ZcaS1Y218o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P02ZcaS3Y2183 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03J03Y21816 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03K03Y218LCH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03ZcaS1Y218o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0269-P03ZcaS3Y21811 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271B21S923qi027101 [S926JW2.J]
Q0271B21Y218qp027101 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271B21Y218qp027108 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01A21Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01J03Y2189 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01K03Y218WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01K04Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01ZcaS1Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P01ZcaS3Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08J03Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08ZcaS1Y218d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0271-P08ZcaS3Y218810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0279B21S918qi027901 [S918JW1.J]
Q0280B21Y218qp028001 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01A21Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01J03Y2189 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01K03Y218S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01K04Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01ZcaS1Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0280-P01ZcaS3Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0311C32T726Pottery from this lot was mis-identified as coming from f158. It really came from f169, immediately below. [T726JW.J]
Q0362B21Y308qp036201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362B21Y308qp036202 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01A21Y308b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01A21Y308xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01B20Y3081 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01J03Y30828 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01J04Y30812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01K04Y308b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01K99Y308Complete profile [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01ZcaA1Y308M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01ZcaS1Y308r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P01ZcaS4Y308xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02A21Y308j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02B20Y3081 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02J03Y30817 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02K04Y308j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02K99Y308rL Z422: code corrected during horizon review [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02ZcaA1Y308M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02ZcaS1Y308o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0362-P02ZcaS3Y308810 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375B21Y218qp037503 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375B21Y218qp037504 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375B21Y218qp037505 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375B21Y218qp037507 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03J03Y21826 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03K03Y218P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03ZcaD2Y218B4 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03ZcaS1Y218n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P03ZcaS2Y218h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04A21Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04J03Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P04ZcaS4Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05A21Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05J03Y21813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05K03Y218WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P05ZcaS4Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07A21Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07A21Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07J03Y21812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07K03Y218WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07K04Y218j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07ZcaS1Y218o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07ZcaS3Y218107 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0375-P07ZcaS4Y218fl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038101 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038104 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038105 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038106 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038107 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381B21Y218qp038108 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01A21Y218p [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01J03Y21813 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01K03Y218S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01ZcaS1Y218s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01ZcaS3Y218102 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P01ZcaS4Y218p [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04J03Y21821 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04K03Y218RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04ZcaS1Y218d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04ZcaS2Y218s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P04ZcaS3Y218103 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05J03Y21831 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05ZcaS1Y218r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P05ZcaS3Y2183 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06J03Y21814 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06K03Y218CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06ZcaA1Y218M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P06ZcaS1Y218r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07A21Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07J03Y2186 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07K03Y218FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07K04Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07K99Y218cJC ZA225: Revised type number to conform to cross-horizons for conical cups. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07ZcaS1Y218c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P07ZcaS3Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08A21Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08J03Y21837 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08K03Y218RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08K04Y218b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08ZcaS1Y218w [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0381-P08ZcaS3Y218101 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0389B21U303qi038901 [U303JW.J]
Q0395B21Y218qp039560 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0395-P60A21Y218xd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0395-P60B20Y2181 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0395-P60J04Y21816 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0395-P60K03Y218LCH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0395-P60ZcaS4Y218xd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0400B21T813qi040001 [T813JW.J]
Q0407B21Y220qp040708 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08A21Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08J03Y22019 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08K03Y220FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08K04Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08ZcaS1Y220s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0407-P08ZcaS3Y2206 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0409A21T812p,b [T813JN.J]
Q0409D01T812k106 [T813JN.J]
Q0409D13T812m6174 (8855) + 164 (height of instrument) - 78 - 20 @bottom [T813JN.J]
Q0409D20T812r1432 [T813JN.J]
Q0409D21T812100 cms South, 200 cms East [T813JN.J]
Q0409D22T8128769 [T813JN.J]
Q0409D23T8128749 [T813JN.J]
Q0409F02T812>5si f0242 [T813JN.J]
Q0413B21Y220qp041301 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413B21Y220qp041302 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413B21Y220qp041303 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P01A21Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P01B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P01J03Y22045 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P01K03Y220R [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P01K04Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02A21Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02J03Y22016 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02K03Y220S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02K04Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02ZcaS1Y220s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P02ZcaS3Y220104 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03A21Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03J03Y22019 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03K03Y220CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03K04Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03K99Y220ZA215 cJC, mKB: updated code based on drawing [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0413-P03ZcaS1Y220s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042001 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042003 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042005 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042008 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042010 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042012 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042015 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042016 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420B21Y220qp042056 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P01A21Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P01B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P01J04Y2208 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P01K03Y220WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P01ZcaS4Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03A21Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03J03Y22010 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03K03Y220RC1 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03K04Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03ZcaS1Y220s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P03ZcaS3Y220102 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P05A21Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P05B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P05J04Y2206 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P05K03Y220WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P05ZcaS4Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08A21Y220fd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08A21Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08J03Y22020 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08K03Y220R [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08K04Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08ZcaS1Y220n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08ZcaS2Y220f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08ZcaS3Y220102 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P08ZcaS4Y220fd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P10A21Y220d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P10B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P10K03Y220CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P10K04Y220d [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P10K99Y220stand [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P12A21Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P12B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P12J04Y2209 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P12K03Y220WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P12ZcaS4Y220xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15A21Y220c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15J03Y22010 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15K03Y220WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15K04Y220c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15ZcaS1Y220c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P15ZcaS3Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16A21Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16J03Y22023 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16K03Y220CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16K04Y220b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16ZcaS1Y220r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P16ZcaS3Y2203 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56A21Y220fwe [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56A21Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56B20Y2201 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56J03Y22027 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56K03Y220P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56K04Y220j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56K99Y220ZA215 cJC, mKB: updated code based on drawing [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0420-P56ZcaS4Y220fwe [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423B21Y308qp042305 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423-P05A21Y308xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423-P05B20Y3081 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423-P05J04Y30831 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423-P05K03Y308CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0423-P05ZcaS4Y308xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043002 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043003 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043004 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043006 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043007 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430B21Y225qp043070 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0430-P02A21Y225i [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02A21Y225j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02J03Y22521 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02K03Y225CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02K04Y225j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P02ZcaS4Y225i [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03A21Y225j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03J03Y2255 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03K03Y225WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03K04Y225j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03ZcaS1Y225n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P03ZcaS2Y225h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04A21Y225b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04A21Y225sl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04J03Y22527 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04K03Y225CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04K04Y225b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04ZcaS1Y225r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P04ZcaS4Y225sl [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P06A21Y225xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P06B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P06K03Y225S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P06ZcaS4Y225xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P07A21Y225xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P07B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P07J04Y2258 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P07K03Y225WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P07ZcaS4Y225xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0430-P70B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0430-P70K99Y225Incised body sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0430-P70ZcaD1Y2252 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0430-P70ZcaD2Y225I [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0432B21Y225qp043207 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0432-P07A21Y225xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0432-P07B20Y2251 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0432-P07J04Y2258 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0432-P07K03Y225RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0432-P07ZcaS4Y225xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433B21Y226qp043301 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433B21Y226qp043303 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433B21Y226qp043304 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433B21Y226qp043326 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433B21Y226qp043360 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P01A21Y226xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P01B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P01K03Y226WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P01ZcaS4Y226xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P03A21Y226xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P03B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P03J04Y22612 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P03K03Y226CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P03ZcaS4Y226xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P04A21Y226sp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P04B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P04K03Y226WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P04K99Y226Spout [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P04ZcaS4Y226sp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P26A21Y226sp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P26B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P26K03Y226FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P26K99Y226Spout [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P26ZcaS4Y226sp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P60A21Y226xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P60B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P60J04Y22620 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P60K03Y226CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0433-P60ZcaS4Y226xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439B21Y226qp043901 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439B21Y226qp043904 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439B21Y226qp043907 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439B21Y226qp043960 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01A21Y226b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01J03Y22621 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01K03Y226CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01K04Y226b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01ZcaA1Y226M [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01ZcaS1Y226r [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P01ZcaS3Y226806 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04A21Y226j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04J03Y22612 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04K03Y226RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04K04Y226j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04ZcaS1Y226n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04ZcaS2Y226f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P04ZcaS3Y226803 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P07B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439-P07K03Y226RC [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439-P07K99Y226Painted sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439-P07ZcaD1Y2261 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439-P07ZcaD2Y226K5 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0439-P60A21Y226xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P60B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P60J04Y22611 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P60K03Y226DBR [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0439-P60ZcaS4Y226xrg [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0440B21U303qi044001 [U303JW.J]
Q0441B21Y226qp044175 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0441D03T8171482 (42268 46113 - 8815 / Relay location: NW corner) [T819SE-R.J]
Q0441-P75B20Y2261 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0441-P75K03Y226CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0441-P75K99Y226Incised body sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0441-P75ZcaD1Y2262 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0441-P75ZcaD2Y226I [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0443B21Y227qp044323 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0443-P23A21Y227to [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0443-P23B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0443-P23K03Y227CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0443-P23K99Y227ZA218 mKB: pierced semi-circular handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0443-P23ZcaS4Y227to [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445B21Y227qp044501 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445-P01A21Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445-P01B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445-P01J04Y2275 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445-P01K03Y227RC1 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0445-P01ZcaS4Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447B21Y227qp044703 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447-P03A21Y227tp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447-P03B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447-P03K03Y227CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447-P03K99Y227Handle [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0447-P03ZcaS4Y227tp [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450B21Y227qp045001 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450B21Y227qp045004 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01A21Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01J03Y22712 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01K03Y227WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01K04Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01ZcaS1Y227s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P01ZcaS3Y2272 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P04A21Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P04B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P04J04Y2276 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P04K03Y227WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0450-P04ZcaS4Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451B21Y227qp045112 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12A21Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12J03Y22711 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12K03Y227CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12K04Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12ZcaS1Y227n [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12ZcaS2Y227f [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0451-P12ZcaS3Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046001 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046003 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046010 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046011 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046013 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046014 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046017 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046020 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460B21Y227qp046070 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0460-P01A21Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01J03Y2279 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01K03Y227S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01K04Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01ZcaS1Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P01ZcaS3Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P03A21Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P03B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P03K03Y227RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P03ZcaS4Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10A21Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10J03Y22711 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10K03Y227WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10K04Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P10ZcaS1Y227s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11A21Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11J03Y2279 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11K03Y227S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11K04Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11K99Y227cJC ZA225: Revised type number to conform to cross-horizons for conical cups. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11ZcaS1Y227c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P11ZcaS3Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P13A21Y227xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P13B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P13J04Y2274 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P13K03Y227FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P13ZcaS4Y227xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14A21Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14J03Y22715 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14K03Y227S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14K04Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14ZcaS1Y227s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P14ZcaS3Y227102 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17A21Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17J03Y22717 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17K03Y227P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17K04Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17ZcaS1Y227h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P17ZcaS3Y227107 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P20A21Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P20B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P20J03Y22719 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P20K03Y227LCH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P20K04Y227j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0460-P70B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0460-P70K03Y227FC [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0460-P70K99Y227body sherd with incised geometric decoration [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0460-P70ZcaD1Y2272 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0460-P70ZcaD2Y227I [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0473B21Y227qp047360 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60A21Y227l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60J03Y22719 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60K03Y227RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60K04Y227l [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0473-P60ZcaS3Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474B21Y227qp047403 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474B21Y227qp047405 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474B21Y227qp047475 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0474-P03A21Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03J03Y22717 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03K03Y227RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03K04Y227b [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03ZcaS1Y227s [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P03ZcaS3Y227102 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P05A21Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P05B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P05J04Y22719 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P05K03Y227CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P05ZcaS4Y227xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0474-P75B20Y2271 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0474-P75K03Y227CH [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0474-P75K99Y227Incised body sherd (pot mark) [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0474-P75ZcaD1Y2272 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0474-P75ZcaD2Y227I9 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047502 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047503 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047504 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047507 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047510 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047513 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475B21Y228qp047517 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P02A21Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P02B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P02J04Y2287 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P02K03Y228FC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P02ZcaS4Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P03A21Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P03B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P03J04Y2286 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P03K03Y228WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P03ZcaS4Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P04A21Y228xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P04B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P04K03Y228WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P04ZcaS4Y228xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P07A21Y228xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P07B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P07K03Y228RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P07ZcaS4Y228xrd [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10A21Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10J03Y22825 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10K03Y228IM [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10K04Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10ZcaS1Y228h [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P10ZcaS3Y2284 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13A21Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13J03Y22812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13K03Y228WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13K04Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13K99Y228cJC ZA225: Revised type number to conform to cross-horizons for conical cups. [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13ZcaS1Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P13ZcaS3Y2282 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17A21Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17J03Y2287 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17K03Y228S [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17K04Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17ZcaS1Y228c [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0475-P17ZcaS3Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048003 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048004 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048005 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048006 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048009 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048012 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048013 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480B21Y228qp048015 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P03A21Y228xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P03B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P03J04Y2286 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P03ZcaS4Y228xfc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P04A21Y228xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P04B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P04J04Y22812 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P04K03Y228CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P04ZcaS4Y228xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05A21Y228xsc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05J04Y2285 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05K03Y228WS [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05K99Y228rL Z421: ds added based on drawing; sh changed from xfc to xsc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P05ZcaS4Y228xsc [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P06A21Y228xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P06B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P06J04Y22817 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P06K03Y228CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P06ZcaS4Y228xfx [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P09A21Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P09B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P09J03Y22814 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P09K03Y228RC [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P09K04Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P12A21Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P12B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P12J04Y22817 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P12K03Y228CH [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P12ZcaS4Y228xf [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P13A21Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P13B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P13K03Y228P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P13K04Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P15A21Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P15B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P15K03Y228R [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0480-P15K04Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0482B21Y228qp048270 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0482-P70B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0482-P70K99Y228Painted body sherd [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0482-P70ZcaD1Y2281 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0482-P70ZcaD2Y228M29 [J5ZCZ30B.J]
Q0483A21T930i [T829SE.J]
Q0483B21T930qi048301 [T826SE.J]
Q0483B21TX03qi048301 [T831SE.J]
Q0483D01T930k105 [T829SE.J]
Q0483D20T930wf [T829SE.J]
Q0483F02T930>5si f0288 [T829SE.J]
Q0484A21U804i [U804JW1.J]
Q0484B21U804qi048401 [U804JW.J]
Q0484D01U804k23 [U804JW1.J]
Q0484D20U804wf [U804JW1.J]
Q0484F02U804>5si f0003 [U804JW1.J]
Q0485A21U804p [U804JW1.J]
Q0485D01U804k105 [U804JW1.J]
Q0485D20U804wf [U804JW1.J]
Q0485F02U804>5si f0209 [U804JW1.J]
Q0800D99T727This lot contains pottery recovered from the shafat. It comes from two widely separated features; f204 in k100 and f212 in k105. [T727JW.J]
Q0801D99T728This lot contains pottery recovered from the shafat. It comes from widely separated features; f204 in k100; f157 in k106; f158 in k106; f214 and f215 in k105. [T728JW.J]
Q0900A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0900B21Y228qp090056 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0900D06U8268771 @top - 35@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0900D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0900F02U826>5si f0226 [U826JW.J]
Q0900K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0900-P56A21Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900-P56B20Y2281 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900-P56J03Y22823 [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900-P56K03Y228P [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900-P56K04Y228j [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0900-P56ZcaS1Y228o [J5ZCZ30S.J]
Q0901A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0901D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0901D06U8268855 @top - 4@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0901D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0901F02U826>5si f0236 [U826JW.J]
Q0901K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0902A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0902D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0902D06U8268873 @top - 47@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0902D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0902F02U826>5si f0264 [U826JW.J]
Q0902K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0903A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0903D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0903D06U8268852 @top - 81@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0903D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0903F02U826>5si f0271 [U826JW.J]
Q0903K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0904A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0904D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0904D06U8268868 @top - 86@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0904D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0904F02U826>5si f0259 [U826JW.J]
Q0904K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0905A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0905D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0905D06U8268844 @top - 73@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0905D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0905F02U826>5si f0241 [U826JW.J]
Q0905K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0906A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0906D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0906D06U8268844 @top - 73@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0906D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0906F02U826>5si f0241 [U826JW.J]
Q0906K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0907A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0907D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0907D06U8268844 @top - 73@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0907D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0907F02U826>5si f0241 [U826JW.J]
Q0907K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0908A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0908D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0908D06U8268771 @top - 24@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0908D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0908F02U826>5si f0278 [U826JW.J]
Q0908K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0909A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0909D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0909D06U8268782 @top - 19@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0909D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0909F02U826>5si f0280 [U826JW.J]
Q0909K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0910A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0910D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0910D06U8268771 @top - 20@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0910D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0910F02U826>5si f0242 [U826JW.J]
Q0910K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0911A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0911D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0911D06U8268771 @top - 20@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0911D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0911F02U826>5si f0242 [U826JW.J]
Q0911K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0912A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0912D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0912D06U8268771 @top - 20@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0912D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0912F02U826>5si f0242 [U826JW.J]
Q0912K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0913A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0913D01U826k106 [U826JW.J]
Q0913D06U8268771 @top - 20@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0913D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0913F02U826>5si f0242 [U826JW.J]
Q0913K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
Q0915A21U826p [U826JW.J]
Q0915D01U826k105 [U826JW.J]
Q0915D06U8268758 @top - 6@bottom [U826JW.J]
Q0915D20U826wf [U826JW.J]
Q0915F02U826>5si f0282 [U826JW.J]
Q0915K99U826shape sherds only [U826JW1.J]
QI000101P99S923Storage pends verification of drawing completion. [S926JW2.J]
QI002401P99S923Storage pends verification of drawing completion. [S926JW2.J]
QI008901P99S923Completion of drawing has not been verified. [S926JW2.J]
QI010601P99S923Completion of drawing has not been verified. [S926JW2.J]
QI013501A21S924pl [S924JW2.J]
QI013501B11S924Ten fragments of a red-edged platter reassembled to form the larger part of the whole. Also included are seven fragments which could not be incorporated into the re-assembly. Its rim is decorated on the inside with a band of red paint. The other portion that could be partially reassembled has been designated q135.2. [S924JW2.J]
QI013501J01S9248 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501J03S92432 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501J05S92412 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K03S924CH [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K04S924Ml 802 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K05S924reddish yellow [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K06S9245YR7/6 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K09S924M18 [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K11S924cleaned by conservator bA and reassembled under her direction. [S924JW2.J]
QI013501K99S924paint color is 5YR5/6, yellowish red. Height is estimated. [S924JW2.J]
QI013501O99S924This item is at the bottom (platter) and left side (fragments) of the photographs which were taken of the obverse and reverse of the platter sections and fragments. [S924JW2.J]
QI013501P99S923Drawn and photographed and returned to mKB for storage. [S926JW2.J]
QI013502A21S924pl [S924JW2.J]
QI013502B11S924Five fragments of a red-edged platter reassembled to form the smaller part of two pieces. Its rim is decorated on the inside with a band of red paint. The larger portion that could be partially reassembled has been designated q135.1. Some fragments remain that do not belong to or link the "halves." [S924JW2.J]
QI013502J01S9248 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502J03S92432 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502J05S92412 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K03S924CH [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K04S924Ml 802 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K05S924redish yellow [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K06S9245YR7/6 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K09S924M18 [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K11S924cleaned by conservator bA and reassembled under her direction. [S924JW2.J]
QI013502K99S924paint color is 5YR5/6, yellowish red. This is the more complete of the two halves. [S924JW2.J]
QI013502O99S924See item q135.1 for photograph. This item is at the top of the photographs which were taken of the obverse and reverse of the platter sections and fragments. [S924JW2.J]
QI013502P99S923Drawn and photographed and returned to mKB for storage. [S926JW2.J]
QI016801P03S9187-S918 [S918JW1.J]
QI018001P99S923Completion of drawing has not been verified. [S926JW2.J]
QI021301BA1S817to [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA2S8171 [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA3S8171 [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA5S8170.3 [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA6S817ob [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA7S817fragment [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA8S817black [S818DL1.J]
QI021301BA9S817obsidian blade fragment [S818DL1.J]
QI025501P99S923All required actions are complete, but this object is not yet boxed. It is in the conservation room. [S926JW2.J]
QI027101P99S923All required actions are complete, but this object is not yet boxed. It is in the conservation room. [S926JW2.J]
QI027901P03S91812-S918 [S918JW1.J]
QI038901A21U303sherd [U303JW.J]
QI038901B11U303Rim sherd shaped like an equilateral triangle. The rim forms one on the three sides. The top of the rim is flat. Under the rim on the interior side are two incised circles, which may be potters marks as decoration is usually applied to the exterior. [U303JW.J]
QI038901C99U303Sherd came from pottery analysts and was not recorded in the Q Item Log. [U303JW.J]
QI038901J99U303Lab measurements not yet recorded. [U303JW.J]
QI038901K03U303CL-BAKED [U303JW.J]
QI038901P99U303Storage pends. [U303JW.J]
QI040001D99T813Object found in a small ash lens imbedded in the pebble floor, f254, near the northeastern corner of brick wall, a11. [T813JW.J]
QI044001A21U303sherd [U303JW.J]
QI044001B11U303Body sherd from a clay vessel. On the exterior is a part of an incised decoration. It consists of three curved rays emanating from a point. [U303JW.J]
QI044001C99U303Sherd came from pottery analysts and was not recorded in the Q Item Log. [U303JW.J]
QI044001J99U303Lab measurements not yet recorded. [U303JW.J]
QI044001K03U303CL-BAKED [U303JW.J]
QI044001P99U303Storage pends. [U303JW.J]
QI048301A21TX03sb [T831SE.J]
QI048301B11TX03Eight fragments of a burned clay slingball which was found on an EDIII pavement during a stratigraphic review. We do not know if the ball was part of the floor, the deposit above it, or fell onto the floor from a higher stratum. [T831SE.J]
QI048301BA1T930slingball [T826SE.J]
QI048301BA3T9305.5 [T826SE.J]
QI048301BA5T9303.0 [T826SE.J]
QI048301BA6T930clay [T826SE.J]
QI048301BA7T930black [T826SE.J]
QI048301BA8T930broken, burned slingball [T826SE.J]
QI048301D10TX03Measurements are approximate, having been made from a partial assembly of the pieces. [T831SE.J]
QI048301J02TX035.5 [T831SE.J]
QI048301J04TX033.0 [T831SE.J]
QI048301K03TX03CL-DRIED [T831SE.J]
QI048301K05TX03blackish brown (burned brown clay) [T831SE.J]
QI048301K10TX03broken into pieces [T831SE.J]
QI048301P99TX03No storage data as of U216. [T831SE.J]
QI048401A21U804si [U804JW.J]
QI048401B11U804possible seal impression on a clay sealing which has clear string impressions on the reverse side. [U804JW.J]
QI048401H99U804This clay item was found by Su'ar while he was cleaning the area around stone wall f3 in k23. It was in the residue from wahal used to seal the cracks in the mortar between the wall stones. As such it has dubvious stratigraphic value. [U804JW.J]
QI048401J01U8041.8 [U804JW.J]
QI048401J02U8043.5 [U804JW.J]
QI048401J04U8043.0 [U804JW.J]
QI048401K03U804CL [U804JW.J]
QI048401K05U804tan [U804JW.J]
QI048401P99U804Hand-delivered to mKB for cleaning and analysis. [U804JW.J]
R0098D04S71643128 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D05S71646297 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D06S7169155 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D07S716center [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D07S716k23 NE quadrant [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D08S716i6 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D10S716t [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D11S716mm4675 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D12S716mm4716 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D13S716m4675: 9275+22-142 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D14S716177 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D15S716304 [S716DL-R.J]
R0098D16S716142 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D04S71643300 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D05S71646086 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D06S7169182 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D07S716center [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D07S716k23 NW quadrant [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D08S716i7 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D10S716t [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D11S716mm4674 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D12S716mm4675 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D13S716m4674: 9274+50-142 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D14S71644 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D15S716385 [S716DL-R.J]
R0099D16S716142 [S716DL-R.J]
R0700D04S81743336 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D05S81745976 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D06S8179012 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D07S817NE corner [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D07S817k33 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D08S817q215 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D10S817t [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D11S817mm4960 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D12S817mm4959 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D13S817m4960: 9144+24-156 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D14S817352 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D15S817392 [S817DL2R.J]
R0700D16S817156 [S817DL2R.J]
R1165D04T31941973 [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D05T31947165 [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D06T3199000 [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D07T319NE corner [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D07T319virtual relay [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D08T319k1 [T319JW1R.J]
R1165D10T319k [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D04T31942147 [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D05T31946701 [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D06T3199000 [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D07T319NW corner [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D07T319virtual relay [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D08T319k1 [T319JW1R.J]
R1166D10T319k [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D04T31942323 [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D05T31946237 [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D06T3199000 [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D07T319NW corner [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D07T319virtural relay [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D08T319k11 [T319JW1R.J]
R1167D10T319k [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D04T31941317 [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D05T31946916 [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D06T3199000 [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D07T319SE corner [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D07T319virtual relay [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D08T319k1 [T319JW1R.J]
R1168D10T319k [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D04T31941487 [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D05T31946456 [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D06T3199000 [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D07T319SW corner [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D07T319virtual relay [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D08T319k1 [T319JW1R.J]
R1169D10T319k [T319JW1R.J]
R1170D04T31942926 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D05T31946373 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D06T3199204 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D07T319NW corner in k13 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D07T319replaces r715 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D08T319f143 [T326JW-R.J]
R1170D10T319k [T326JW-R.J]
R1194D04T72142997 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D05T72145787 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D06T7218965 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D07T721NW corner k105 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D07T721bottom [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D08T721i34 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D10T721t [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D11T721mm6108 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D12T721mm6112 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D13T721m6112: 9054+77-166 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D14T721597 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D15T721269 [T721SE-R.J]
R1194D16T721166 [T721SE-R.J]
R1482D04T81742268 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D05T81746113 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D06T8178815 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D07T817NW corner [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D07T817point of f280 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D08T817q441 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D10T817t [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D11T817mm6110 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D12T817mm6111 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D13T817m6225: 8887+56-128 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D14T817217 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D15T817233 [T819SE-R.J]
R1482D16T817128 [T819SE-R.J]
S0-J5BA21WX16Volumetric material [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0005 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0064 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0067 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0072 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0096 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0103 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0107 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0110 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0111 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0113 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0132 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0133 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0141 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0153 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0154 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0156 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0157 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0159 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0160 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0162 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0174 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0204 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0208 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0219 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0226 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0235 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0237 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0240 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0281 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0286 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0289 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI02WX16f0294 [WX16JW.J]
S0-J5BI03WX16h9s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S10-J5BA21WX16Inter-seasonal accumulations [WX16JW.J]
S10-J5BI02WX16f0201 [WX16JW.J]
S10-J5BI03WX16h9p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BA21WX16Point of Mittani abandonment [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0039 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0044 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0050 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0051 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0052 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0057 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0075 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0077 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0078 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0079 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0080 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0086 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0087 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0088 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0098 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0163 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0167 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI02WX16f0209 [WX16JW.J]
S120-J5BI03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BA21WX16Alternate access to temple mound. [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0019 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0037 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0043 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0046 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0048 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0049 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0053 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0054 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0061 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0091 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0092 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0093 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0095 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0100 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0114 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0151 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0193 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI02WX16f0197 [WX16JW.J]
S122-J5BI03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BA21WX16Remodeling of entrance [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0045 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0058 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0060 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0097 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0101 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0152 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI02WX16f0192 [WX16JW.J]
S128-J5BI03WX16h7v-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BA21WX16Use of western temple entrance [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0063 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0081 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0082 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0083 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0084 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0085 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0089 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0122 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0180 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0181 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI02WX16f0212 [WX16JW.J]
S130-J5BI03WX16h7s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BA21WX16Building of western temple entrance and court [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0003 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0014 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0020 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0021 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0065 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0066 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0069 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0070 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0090 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0102 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0108 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0121 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0123 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0124 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0125 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0126 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0127 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0128 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0140 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0142 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0172 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0173 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI02WX16f0195 [WX16JW.J]
S148-J5BI03WX16h7m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BA21WX16Continued erosion of surfaces [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0135 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0137 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0155 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0161 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0168 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0200 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0202 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0203 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0206 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0207 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0214 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0215 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0216 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0217 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0218 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0220 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0221 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0222 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0229 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0231 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0232 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0234 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI02WX16f0238 [WX16JW.J]
S161-J5BI03WX16h7j-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BA21WX16Soil escarpment to protect NW revetment wall [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BI02WX16f0074 [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BI02WX16f0213 [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BI02WX16f0230 [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BI02WX16f0233 [WX16JW.J]
S174-J5BI03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BA21WX16Accumulations atop soil and sherd floors. [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0158 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0164 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0210 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0211 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0223 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0224 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0227 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0228 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0239 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0244 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI02WX16f0292 [WX16JW.J]
S176-J5BI03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BA21WX16Stone staircase and associated floor. [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0194 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0205 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0246 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0250 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0251 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI02WX16f0253 [WX16JW.J]
S178-J5BI03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BA21WX16Dam to control water [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0243 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0245 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0254 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0255 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0257 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0260 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0266 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0276 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0277 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0290 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI02WX16f0291 [WX16JW.J]
S180A-J5BI03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S180B-J5BA21WX16Accumulations atop EDIII glacis [WX16JW.J]
S180B-J5BI02WX16f0190 [WX16JW.J]
S180B-J5BI02WX16f0191 [WX16JW.J]
S180B-J5BI03WX16h7f-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BA21WX16Transition from EDIII to Mittani use [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI02WX16f0247 [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI02WX16f0256 [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI02WX16f0258 [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI02WX16f0279 [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI02WX16f0285 [WX16JW.J]
S190-J5BI03WX16h7c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BA21WX16topsoil [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0001 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0002 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0015 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0018 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0032 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0055 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0056 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0104 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0105 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0117 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0118 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI02WX16f0134 [WX16JW.J]
S20-J5BI03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BA21WX16Buildup under topsoil [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0007 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0008 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0009 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0010 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0011 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0017 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0027 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0035 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0059 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0062 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0106 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0109 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0115 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0116 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0120 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0131 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0136 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0145 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI02WX16f0187 [WX16JW.J]
S30-J5BI03WX16h9m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BA21WX16Burials. [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI02WX16f0016 [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI02WX16f0022 [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI02WX16f0029 [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI02WX16f0112 [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI02WX16f0119 [WX16JW.J]
S50-J5BI03WX16h9c-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BA21WX16Temporary occupations [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0023 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0024 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0025 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0026 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0030 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0031 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0033 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0038 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0143 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0144 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0146 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI02WX16f0148 [WX16JW.J]
S60-J5BI03WX16h8r-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BA21WX16Accumulations covering and abutting escarpments. [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0169 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0236 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0249 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0252 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0259 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0261 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0264 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0269 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0270 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0271 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0272 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0273 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI02WX16f0275 [WX16JW.J]
S620-J5BI03WX16h3s-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BA21WX16Construction of Second Escarpment [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0184 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0241 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0242 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0262 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0268 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI02WX16f0283 [WX16JW.J]
S630-J5BI03WX16h3p-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S640A-J5BA21WX16Deposits beginning to cover floors and First Escarpment [WX16JW.J]
S640A-J5BI02WX16f0263 [WX16JW.J]
S640A-J5BI02WX16f0274 [WX16JW.J]
S640A-J5BI02WX16f0280 [WX16JW.J]
S640A-J5BI03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S640B-J5BA21WX16First floor after SE wall construction [WX16JW.J]
S640B-J5BI02WX16f0278 [WX16JW.J]
S640B-J5BI03WX16h3n-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S650A-J5BA21WX16Construction of escarpment for SE wall [WX16JW.J]
S650A-J5BI02WX16f0293 [WX16JW.J]
S650A-J5BI03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BA21WX16Construction of SE revetment wall [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0004 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0006 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0165 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0166 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0170 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0171 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0175 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0176 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0177 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0178 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0179 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0182 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0183 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0185 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0186 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0189 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0196 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0198 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0199 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI02WX16f0248 [WX16JW.J]
S650B-J5BI03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S650C-J5BA21WX16First accumulations on pebble floor. [WX16JW.J]
S650C-J5BI02WX16f0282 [WX16JW.J]
S650C-J5BI03WX16h3m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S660-J5BA21WX16Pebble floor abutting stone escarpment [WX16JW.J]
S660-J5BI02WX16f0288 [WX16JW.J]
S660-J5BI03WX16h3l-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BA21WX16Minor Middle Assyrian structures and accumulations [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0012 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0013 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0028 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0034 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0036 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0040 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0042 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0047 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0068 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0071 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0073 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0076 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0094 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0129 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0130 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0138 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0139 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0147 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0149 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI02WX16f0150 [WX16JW.J]
S70-J5BI03WX16h8m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BA21WX16Construction of NW section of revetment wall and first escarpment. [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0041 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0099 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0188 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0225 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0265 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0267 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0287 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI02WX16f0295 [WX16JW.J]
S720-J5BI03WX16h3d-J5B [WX16JW.J]
S850-J5BA21WX16Earliest wall. Date uncertain. [WX16JW.J]
S850-J5BI02WX16f0284 [WX16JW.J]
S850-J5BI03WX16h2m-J5B [WX16JW.J]
V0079AO12S814f126,f135,f137 [S823JW.J]
V0079AO15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0079AO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0079AO22S814E [S823JW.J]
V0079AO25S814This subview shows the containment of f135 by the stones of f126, which are considerably higher. [S823JW.J]
V0079BO12S814f126,f127,f128,f135 [S823JW.J]
V0079BO15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0079BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0079BO22S814NE [S823JW.J]
V0079BO25S814This subview shows the laminations, f127, f128, above f135, all of which are contained by the stones of f126 to the west. [S823JW.J]
V0079CO12S814f74,f137 [S823JW.J]
V0079CO15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0079CO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0079CO22S814NW [S823JW.J]
V0079CO25S814This subview, taken in poor light conditions shows the floor accumulation, f137, which rests on the escarpment, f74. [S823JW.J]
V0080O12S814f14,f21,f28,f49,f70,f71,f91,f108,f123,f140,f142,f152 [S823JW.J]
V0080O15S814k14,k24,k34,k43,k44 [S823JW.J]
V0080O22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0080O25S814This major view shows the important features associated with the western side of the monumental temple complex. Most would have been visible and in use in the late Mittani phase. The principal feature is the monumental staircase, f21, and the line of large limestone boulders which define its northern limits. Other associated stone installations that channel attention to the BA temple are shown in the foreground. In the middle is a flat, open area with a natural pavement, f70. In the background are a series of stone installations that run N-S. Their function may be to define the western edge of the sacral area. [S823JW.J]
V0080AO12S814f14,f21,f28,f49,f70,f71,f91,f108,f123,f140,f142,f152 [S823JW.J]
V0080AO15S814k14,k24,k34,k43,k44 [S823JW.J]
V0080AO21S814m [S823JW.J]
V0080AO22S814E [S823JW.J]
V0080AO25S814This subview shows the perspective from the western side, looking towards the temple to the northeast. [S823JW.J]
V0080BO12S814f14,f21,f28,f49,f70,f71,f91,f108,f123,f140,f142,f152 [S823JW.J]
V0080BO15S814k14,k24,k34,k43,k44 [S823JW.J]
V0080BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0080BO22S814E [S823JW.J]
V0080BO25S814This subview shows the perspective from the plaza level, looking toward the BA temple. [S823JW.J]
V0081O12S814f126,f135,f137 [S823JW.J]
V0081O15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0081O22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0081O25S814This view shows the relationship between three types of accumulation and stone installation, f126. Acumulation above floor accumulation, f134, was clean and consisted of multiple layers of silt compacted by people walking on an outdoor surface. It is brown and relatively free from inclusions. Floor accumulation, f137, above escarpment, f74, is harder, gray, and has sherds pressed flat by people walking on it. The wall to which the excarpment is associated is hidden by the lower stones of f126. [S823JW.J]
V0081AO12S814f126,f137 [S823JW.J]
V0081AO15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0081AO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0081AO22S814E [S823JW.J]
V0081AO25S814This sub-view shows that the floor accumulation, f137, touches the stone structure, 126. [S823JW.J]
V0081BO12S814f128,f135,f137 [S823JW.J]
V0081BO15S814k33 [S823JW.J]
V0081BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0081BO22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0081BO25S814This sub-view, taken after floor accumulation, f137, was accidentally cut when excavating f135, shows clearly the differences between the laminations, f128, covering the accumulation over floor accumulation, f135, which in turn covers floor accumulation, f137. Note the contrasting colors and textures. [S823JW.J]
V0082O12S814f19,f115,f138,f139,f143,f144,f145,f146,f147,f148,f149,f150 [S823JW.J]
V0082O15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0082O22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0082O25S814This view shows the important features in the combined loci, k13, and k23 after the east baulk to k23 had been removed. Although few links between features on either side of the baulk were exposed we did gain a better idea of how this part of the site was used late in Phase 6 (Mittani period). [S823JW.J]
V0082AO12S814f143,f144,f145,f148 [S823JW.J]
V0082AO15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0082AO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0082AO22S814OHW [S823JW.J]
V0082AO25S814This subview shows a floor surface, f143, its associated entrance, 148, and a line of stones, f144, which could have been the foundation for a northeastern boundary wall. [S823JW.J]
V0082BO12S814f143,f144,f145,f148 [S823JW.J]
V0082BO15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0082BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0082BO22S814SE [S823JW.J]
V0082BO25S814This subview was taken from the perspective of someone who may have entered through the threshold. It shows floor, 143, threshold, 148 and the southernmost stone of f145 which may have been a step up to the entrance. [S823JW.J]
V0082CO12S814f138,f139,f147,f149 [S823JW.J]
V0082CO15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0082CO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0082CO22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0082CO25S814This subview shows three isolated stones (f147, f138, f139) and a line of smaller stones, f149, below them. The relationship among these features, if any, is not known. [S823JW.J]
V0082DO12S814f138,f139,f147,f149 [S823JW.J]
V0082DO15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0082DO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0082DO22S814S [S823JW.J]
V0082DO25S814This subview is the same as v82c exept that the perspective differs. [S823JW.J]
V0082EO12S814f19 [S823JW.J]
V0082EO15S814k23 [S823JW.J]
V0082EO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0082EO22S814S [S823JW.J]
V0082EO25S814This subview shows a line of stones on a bent axis, f19, which could have defined a path to the BA temple late in Phase 6. It may be associated with the latest construction of the revetment wall, f3. [S823JW.J]
V0083O12S814f14,f21,f70,f108,f109,f123,f140,f142,f152 [S823JW.J]
V0083O15S814k14,k24,k34 [S823JW.J]
V0083O22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0083O25S814This view shows the important features in the combined loci, k14, k24, and k34 after the east baulk to k24 had been removed. Links between features on either side of the baulk were established and we gained a better idea of how this part of the site was used late in Phase 6 (Mittani period). The stairway, f21, which was bounded on the north side by the stones of f14 and f108, probably formed a pathway to the BA temple that was defined by the stones of f140 and f123. [S823JW.J]
V0083AO12S814f14,f108 [S823JW.J]
V0083AO15S814k14,k24 [S823JW.J]
V0083AO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0083AO22S814W [S823JW.J]
V0083AO25S814This subview shows that the north border stones f14 and f108 are a part of the same line and were probably placed at the same time. [S823JW.J]
V0083BO12S814f123,f125 [S823JW.J]
V0083BO15S814k14 [S823JW.J]
V0083BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0083BO22S814NE [S823JW.J]
V0083BO25S814This subview shows the northeastern part of a possible entryway, f123, onto a paved path, f125, that leads in the direction of the BA temple. [S823JW.J]
V0083CO12S814f108,f109,f142 [S823JW.J]
V0083CO15S814k14 [S823JW.J]
V0083CO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0083CO22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0083CO25S814This subview shows two large boulders founded on soil, f109, and a line of three dressed stones, f142, which extend south from the border stones, f108. The function of these stones is not known. [S823JW.J]
V0083DO12S814f21,f108,f140 [S823JW.J]
V0083DO15S814k14 [S823JW.J]
V0083DO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0083DO22S814S [S823JW.J]
V0083DO25S814This subview shows a line of stones, f140, that may be the eastern limit of a platform at the top step of staircase, f21. [S823JW.J]
V0083EO12S814f21,f70,f152 [S823JW.J]
V0083EO15S814k24 [S823JW.J]
V0083EO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0083EO22S814OHS [S823JW.J]
V0083EO25S814This subview shows three isolated unfounded stones, f152, that rest on a small pillar accumulation near the bottom step of staircase, f21, and atop naturally compacted soil, f70. [S823JW.J]
V0084O12S814f3,f90 [S823JW.J]
V0084O15S814k22,k23 [S823JW.J]
V0084O22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0084O25S814This view shows the results of a test excavation done inside the arc of revetment wall, f3, to determine when the top stones of it were laid. The bottom accumulation, f90, consisted of baqaya-like material and was contained to the south by a line of small stones. [S823JW.J]
V0085O12S814f3,f90 [S823JW.J]
V0085O15S814k22,k23 [S823JW.J]
V0085O22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0085O25S814This view is a repeat of v84 in better light conditions and shows the results of a test excavation done inside the arc of revetment wall, f3, to determine when the top stones of it were laid. The bottom accumulation, f90, consisted of baqaya-like material and was contained to the south by a line of small stones. [S823JW.J]
V0085AO12S814f3,f90 [S823JW.J]
V0085AO15S814k22,k23 [S823JW.J]
V0085AO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0085AO22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0085AO25S814This subview is a wide shot to show the setting of the revetment wall, f3 and the accumulation on its eastern (temple) side. [S823JW.J]
V0085BO12S814f3,f90 [S823JW.J]
V0085BO15S814k22 [S823JW.J]
V0085BO21S814t [S823JW.J]
V0085BO22S814N [S823JW.J]
V0085BO25S814This subview shows that the topmost and northernmost stones of the revetment wall, f3, are laid on reddish soil, not the lower stones of earlier versions of the wall. [S823JW.J]
V0086O12S814f143,f144,f145,f148 [S823JW.J]
V0086O15S814k13 [S823JW.J]
V0086O22S814S [S823JW.J]
V0086O25S814This vies shows the full extent of floor, f143, after the safety baulk was removed. Also shown are components of the entrance and northwestern containment. [S823JW.J]
V0098O12S824f3,f41,f155,f161 [S824LH1.J]
V0098O15S824k22,k23 [S824LH1.J]
V0098O22S824N [S824LH1.J]
V0098O25S824This view shows the relationship of features that form the southwestern corner of the revetment wall, f3. The stones of wall, f41, pass under the stones of f3. The stones of f155 to the southwest of the southwestern corner of f3 may buttress the revetment wall. Also, there is a miniature wadi which runs along wall f41 and the stones of f155 and f161 may divert the water away from the wall corner. [S824LH1.J]
V0098AO12S824f3,f41,f155,f161 [S824LH1.J]
V0098AO15S824k22 [S824LH1.J]
V0098AO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0098AO22S824E [S824LH1.J]
V0098AO25S824This subview is a closeup of the revetment wall corner and its components. [S824LH1.J]
V0098BO12S824f3,f41 [S824LH1.J]
V0098BO15S824k22 [S824LH1.J]
V0098BO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0098BO22S824E [S824LH1.J]
V0098BO25S824This subview shows that there is a thin layer of soil between the higher (and later) stones of revetment wall, f3, and the earlier wall, f41. [S824LH1.J]
V0100O12S824f3,f6 [S824LH1.J]
V0100O15S824k11 [S824LH1.J]
V0100O22S824N [S824LH1.J]
V0100O25S824This view is a study to find the possible point where a later addition to the west was made to revetment wall, f3. [S824LH1.J]
V0100AO12S824f3,f6 [S824LH1.J]
V0100AO15S824k11 [S824LH1.J]
V0100AO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0100AO22S824N [S824LH1.J]
V0100AO25S824This subview shows a portion of the wall where the stones to the east are well dressed and similar to the revetment wall in J1 which was built in phase 1. The stones to the west are rough and similar to the memory stones found in J3. [S824LH1.J]
V0101O12S824f3,f165 [S824LH1.J]
V0101O15S824k22 [S824LH1.J]
V0101O22S824EN [S824LH1.J]
V0101O25S824This view shows the test probe which was opened behined the southwestern corner of the late revetment wall addition. [S824LH1.J]
V0101AO12S824f3,f165 [S824LH1.J]
V0101AO15S824k22 [S824LH1.J]
V0101AO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0101AO22S824E [S824LH1.J]
V0101AO25S824This subview shows a closeup shot for the test probe which was opened behined the southwestern corner of the late revetment wall addition. [S824LH1.J]
V0101BO12S824f3,f165 [S824LH1.J]
V0101BO15S824k22 [S824LH1.J]
V0101BO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0101BO22S824SW [S824LH1.J]
V0101BO25S824This subview shows the test probe which was opened behined the southwestern corner of the late revetment wall addition in its relationship with the last mentioned wall. [S824LH1.J]
V0102O12S824f147 [S824LH1.J]
V0102O13S824i30 [S824LH1.J]
V0102O15S824k11 [S824LH1.J]
V0102O22S824S [S824LH1.J]
V0102O25S824This view shows the animal bones insitu, before we remove them. [S824LH1.J]
V0103O12S824f3,f166 [S824LH1.J]
V0103O15S824k12 [S824LH1.J]
V0103O22S824W [S824LH1.J]
V0103O25S824This view shows the test probe which was opened behined the early revetment wall. [S824LH1.J]
V0103AO12S824f3,f166 [S824LH1.J]
V0103AO15S824k12 [S824LH1.J]
V0103AO21S824t [S824LH1.J]
V0103AO22S824S [S824LH1.J]
V0103AO25S824This subview shows a closeup shot for the test probe which was opened behined the early revetment wall. [S824LH1.J]
V0104O12S824f3,f158,f164 [S824LH1.J]
V0104O15S824k11,k12 [S824LH1.J]
V0104O22S824WS [S824LH1.J]
V0104O25S824This view shows the water chanel, f164, that parallel the revetment wall, f3, in k12 and k11. It disturped the compact layer, f158 [S824LH1.J]
V0104AO12S824f3,f158,f164 [S824LH1.J]
V0104AO15S824k11,k12 [S824LH1.J]
V0104AO22S824EN [S824LH1.J]
V0104AO25S824This subview is the same of v104, but from another direction. [S824LH1.J]
V0114O12S919f18,f28,f47,f49,f57,f58,f60,f61,f62,f180 [S919JW.J]
V0114O15S919k44 [S919JW.J]
V0114O22S919N [S919JW.J]
V0114O25S919This photograph documents the section of the north baulk of locus k44, and was taken without the reference string. [S919JW.J]
V0114AO12S919f18,f28,f47,f49,f57,f58,f60,f61,f62,f180 [S919JW.J]
V0114AO15S919k44 [S919JW.J]
V0114AO21S919m [S919JW.J]
V0114AO22S919N [S919JW.J]
V0114AO25S919This photograph documents the section of the north baulk of locus k44, and was taken with the reference string [S919JW.J]
V0115O12S919f169,f184,f188,f189 [S919JW.J]
V0115O15S919k2,k12 [S919JW.J]
V0115O22S919W [S919JW.J]
V0115O25S919This final photograph documents the fully excavated parts of loci k2 and k22, which follow the revetment wall, f189 and f3, to the east into unit J1. The line of stones, f188, is most likely the earliest feature excavated this year and may date to the Late Chalcolithic period. There is no physical connection to other elements in k2. Revetment wall, f189, is shown with its escarpment, f184, which was only partly excavated. The accumulation above, f169, appears to the west in the background. [S919JW.J]
V0115AO12S919f169,f184,f188,f189 [S919JW.J]
V0115AO15S919k2,k12 [S919JW.J]
V0115AO21S919w [S919JW.J]
V0115AO22S919W [S919JW.J]
V0115AO25S919This subview shows the same elements but is taken from farther away and at a lower angle. [S919JW.J]
V0115BO12S919f169,f184,f188,f189 [S919JW.J]
V0115BO15S919k2,k12 [S919JW.J]
V0115BO21S919m [S919JW.J]
V0115BO22S919E [S919JW.J]
V0115BO25S919This subview was taken from the opposite direction , and shows the same elements against the backdrop of J1 and the plaza. [S919JW.J]
V0116O12S919f3,f19,f37,f38,f41,f99,f151,f192 [S919JW.J]
V0116O15S919k22,k23 [S919JW.J]
V0116O22S919E [S919JW.J]
V0116O25S919This final photgraph documents the northern terminus of the revetment wall system as it intersects the southern border of the stairway. At the bottom of the photgraph is the oldest component of the wall system, f41, which runs southeast to northwest and may date to the early dynastic period. Crossing, but not abutting it, is the major Mittani wall system, f3, which runs south to north. The stones of f99 form a triangle which smooths the transition between the wall systems and the edge of the staircase. The stones of f37 and f46 are seen as a line but actually form a circular bin structure. In time the revetment wall, f3, began to be covered by accumulations, so during remodeling another line of stones, f196 and f151, were added to the top. Stone, f38, is an isolated one with not known function. Another line of stones, f19, probably frames a late pathway. [S919JW.J]
V0116AO12S919f3,f19,f37,f38,f41,f99,f151,f192 [S919JW.J]
V0116AO15S919k22,k23 [S919JW.J]
V0116AO21S919t [S919JW.J]
V0116AO22S919E [S919JW.J]
V0116AO25S919This sub-view shows in more detail the stonework of f99, the transitional element between the Mittani revetment wall, f3, the ancient wall, f41, and the stonework directly to the south of the monumental staircase. [S919JW.J]
V0117O12S919f3,f19,f38,f46,f90,f192 [S919JW.J]
V0117O15S919k23 [S919JW.J]
V0117O22S919OHN [S919JW.J]
V0117O25S919This final photograph illustrates the depositional sequence at the interstection of the revetment wall, f3, and its later top stones, f192, with structures between it and the south border, f20, of the Mittani staircase, f21 (neither shown). Feature 90 comprises baqaya material found elsewhere on the mound in glacis and escarpments. Here it is on the east side of the revetment wall. It intersects the top stones of f3, but is below the stones added at the time of late remodeling, f192. (This indicates that f3 and f90 were built at the same time.) These top stones,f192, are at the same elevation as(contemporary with) those of f46, but well below those of f38 and f19, which had to have been built after f192 was covered. [S919JW.J]
V0117AO12S919f19,f38,f46,f192 [S919JW.J]
V0117AO15S919k23 [S919JW.J]
V0117AO21S919t [S919JW.J]
V0117AO22S919E [S919JW.J]
V0117AO25S919This sub-view shows that the northernmost stones of the revetment wall top, f192, are dressed limestones rather than the boulders which comprise it in the southern portion. The purpose of this change or possible added function of the stones is not known, [S919JW.J]
V0118O12S919f14,f20,f21,f37,f41,f99,f108,f109,f126,f128,f137,f142,f142,f152,f192,f194 [S919JW.J]
V0118O15S919k23,k24,k33,k34 [S919JW.J]
V0118O22S919NE [S919JW.J]
V0118O25S919This final photograph shows the major elements of the stonework of Mittani Phase 14 in relationship to the BA temple, seen on the top of the mound in the upper right hand photograph. The focal point is a monumental staircase, f21, which leads upward to the east from a small plaza, f102 and f70. It is bounded on the north by stone borders, f14 and f108, and on the south by f20. Prior to the time the staircase was built, the wall defining the sacred space was f41 which had a buttress, f194, and a mud glacis, f137. The revetment wall, f3, (not shown here) that is below the late addition to the top, f192, uses the triangular stone installation, f99, to fill the space between f3 and f41. The stones of f37, f126, and f142 are later additions whose function is unclear. The stones of f152 and f109 are isolated, high-founded blocks whose function and source is unknown. [S919JW.J]
V0119O12S919f14,f19,f20,f21,f69,f108,f109,f112,f123,f140,f142,f195 [S919JW.J]
V0119O15S919k14,k24 [S919JW.J]
V0119O22S919W [S919JW.J]
V0119O25S919This final photograph shows the organization of stonework, stones and floor surfaces which comprise the area at the top of the monumental staircase, f21. Stone installations f14 and f108 form the northern border of the staircase and the temple access path. Stone installation f20 forms the southern border of the staircase, but the access path is not bounded on its southern side. The top of the staircase and stone installations f140 and f123 delimit areas of pavement, f69 and f195. Isolated stone f109 sits on a pillar of accumulation f112. The stones of installation f142 project south from border f108, but we do not yet understand their function. [S919JW.J]
V0119AO12S919f108,f109,f112,f123,f140,f142 [S919JW.J]
V0119AO15S919k14 [S919JW.J]
V0119AO21S919t [S919JW.J]
V0119AO22S919N [S919JW.J]
V0119AO25S919This sub-view shows the details of the stonework in the eastern part of locus k14. [S919JW.J]
V0120O12S919f14,f21,f65,f66,f70,f108,f128,f152 [S919JW.J]
V0120O15S919k14,k24 [S919JW.J]
V0120O22S919E [S919JW.J]
V0120O25S919This final photograph documents the region along the northern border of the monumental staircase, f21. The main border is formed by a line of large limestone boulders, f14 and f108. Three isolated boulders, f152, can be seen to the south, but it is not clear if they were purposely placed. To the north of the line of border boulders are two hard-packed surfaces; a floor, f65, to the west and an accumulation, f66, to the east. [S919JW.J]
V0121O12S919f3,f14,f19,f20,f21,f37,f38,f41,f46,f48,f54,f70,f108,f128,f136,f137,f168,f197 [S919JW.J]
V0121O15S919k14,k22,k23,k24,k32,k33,k34 [S919JW.J]
V0121O25S919This final photograph shows all of the important stonework which has been excavated in the eastern portion of J5. It includes loci k14, k22, k23, k24, k32, k33, and k34. We assume that the works were constructed in the Mittani period in service of the BA temple, which is shown in the background. We also assume that this construction was part of a major shift to the west of sacral functions from a revetment wall, plaza, and staircase in the far southeast of the temple mound. Features shown here include the staircase, f21 and its northern and southern boundaries, f14 and f108, and f20 respectively. To the west are several iterations of the west plaza, including f137, f128, and f70. The plaza was cut at various times by a gully, f168, which carried water from the north along the iterations of the revetment wall. The earliest wall seen here is f41, with later additions f3 and f192. The stones of f99 serve as a transitional element between the staircase and walls f3 and f41, which are not oriented to the same axis. The purpose if the stones of f194 are not known, but they may have served as a berm to protect the wall from water damage. The stones of f37 and f46 form a bin similar to those found on the eastern side of the mound complex and at the temple. Floor f48 and stonework f197 is associated with the bin. Stones f19 and f38 along with floor f54 are high founded and may have been built as the sacral use finally broke down. [S919JW.J]
V0121AO12S919f19,f37,f38,f46,f48,f54,f99,f126,f192,f194,f197 [S919JW.J]
V0121AO15S919k23 [S919JW.J]
V0121AO22S919NE [S919JW.J]
V0121AO25S919This sub-view shows the details of the later stonework which comprised this portion of the monumental entrance as the staircase became covered with accumulation and the sacral traditions declined. [S919JW.J]
V0122O22S919NE [S919JW.J]
V0122O25S919This final photograph shows six of the eight assigned specific labels, which are groupings of elements with a specific, common function but that were not necessarily deposited in the same stratum (here, built at the same time). There are three wall systems: ^wall1 was probably built as early as the Early Dynastic period, and may have served to delimit the sacred area to the west of the temple; ^wall3 is a continuation of the original revetment wall system which extends from J2 in the east and was built in the Early Dynastic period; ^wall2 is a Mittani period extension that was probably associated with the shift of sacral functions from the east to the west. ^stair1 is a structure associated with ^wall2 and was built during the Mittani when access to the temple was shifted from the east to the west. ^bin1 is a late Mittani period addition, probably made to preserve the sacred functions after ^stair1 was covered by accumulations. ^room1 is a very late working area with a plaster floor surface. [S919JW.J]
V0124O12S922f136,f137,f167,f168 [S922JW.J]
V0124O15S922k22,k32 [S922JW.J]
V0124O22S922SW [S922JW.J]
V0124O25S922This final photograph shows the state of k32 at the end of excavations. Although this season the primary purpose was to improve sightlines to the monumental staircase and revetment wall from the viewing platform shown on the upper right, in future seasons we planned to excavate it to learn more about the escarpment, 74, to the earliest wall system, f41, which lays below the laminations, f167. (The laminations probably represent the material from mudbrick and pise buildings on the surrounding hillsides that went out of use and disolved due to weathering. At the time the monumental staircase was built, f137, was the surface of the plaza to the west of it, and covered f74. However, over time it was cut by a gully, f168. The natural accumulation, f136, started just below the topsoil and continued to the laminations. It is primarily post-abandonment accumulation of aeolian soil hardened by standing water. [S922JW.J]
V0124AO12S922f136,f137,f167,f168 [S922JW.J]
V0124AO15S922k22,k32 [S922JW.J]
V0124AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0124AO22S922SW [S922JW.J]
V0124AO25S922This sub-view shows the northen part of the laminations, f167. [S922JW.J]
V0124BO12S922f167 [S922JW.J]
V0124BO15S922k32 [S922JW.J]
V0124BO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0124BO22S922SW [S922JW.J]
V0124BO25S922This sub-view shows the southern part of the laminations, f167. [S922JW.J]
V0125O12S922f3,f159,f174,f192 [S922JW.J]
V0125O15S922k22,k100 [S922JW.J]
V0125O22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0125O25S922This is the final photograph of locus k100, which collects odd-shaped projections due to excavation in several different grid orientations. It shows the dual nature of accumulations which built up against and eventually covered the revetment wall, f3, and its top stones, f192. The lower of the two accumulations is laminar, f174. It is the debris from decaying mudbrick and pise buildings that was washed down from the surrounding hills and collected in a bounded space. After abandonment, aeolian soil was deposited and formed natural accumualtion f159. [S922JW.J]
V0125AO12S922f159,f174 [S922JW.J]
V0125AO15S922k100 [S922JW.J]
V0125AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0125AO22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0125AO25S922Sub-view of the west half of the southern excavated section. [S922JW.J]
V0125BO12S922f159,f174 [S922JW.J]
V0125BO15S922k100 [S922JW.J]
V0125BO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0125BO22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0125BO25S922Sub-view of the east half of the southern excavated section. [S922JW.J]
V0126O12S922f185,f190,f191 [S922JW.J]
V0126O15S922k2 [S922JW.J]
V0126O22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0126O25S922This is a photgraphic study of the deposits which formed the glacis associated with the earlier revetment wall, f189, (not shown but just beyond the right edge of the photo) in locus k2, which was not excavated this season. In a previous excavation to trace the revetmet wall, all soil features above it were excavated. However, we can see in section that under and behind the wall stones was a layer of baqaya, f185. There was a hard surface, f191, above the baqaya which would have met the top wall stones and formed the surface of the temple mound behind the revetment wall. This surface was covered by a layer of ash, f190. [S922JW.J]
V0126AO12S922f185,f190,f191 [S922JW.J]
V0126AO15S922k2 [S922JW.J]
V0126AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0126AO22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0126AO25S922This sub-view is a closeup of the glacis and its covering. The hole to the left of the vertical reference is a modern animal burrow. [S922JW.J]
V0127O12S922f104,f106,f112,f123,f125,f187 [S922JW.J]
V0127O15S922k14 [S922JW.J]
V0127O22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0127AO12S922f104,f106,f112,f123,f125,f187 [S922JW.J]
V0127AO15S922k14 [S922JW.J]
V0127AO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0127AO22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0128O12S922f19,f20,f37,f38,f41,f46,f48,f53,f54,f90,f99,f192,f197 [S922JW.J]
V0128O15S922k22,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0128O22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0128AO12S922f19,f37,f38,f46,f48,f53,f54,f90,f99,f145,f192,f197 [S922JW.J]
V0128AO15S922k13,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0128AO21S922w [S922JW.J]
V0128AO22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0128AO25S922This sub-view shows the late features in locus k23 and some form the same general time period in k13. These include ^room1 and large stone boulders, f145. [S922JW.J]
V0128BO12S922f19,f20,f37,f38,f41,f46,f48,f53,f54,f90,f99,f192,f197 [S922JW.J]
V0128BO15S922k22,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0128BO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0128BO22S922SW [S922JW.J]
V0128BO25S922This sub-view duplicates the contents of the main view, but from a slightly different perspective. [S922JW.J]
V0129O12S922f3,f19,f20,f21,f37,f38,f41,f46,f74,f99,f126,f137,f168,f192,f194,f197 [S922JW.J]
V0129O15S922k13,k14,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0129O22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0129O25S922This final photograph shows the major structures and elements associated with the southwest corner of the temple mound from the Early Dynastic (ED)period through the time of Middle Assyrian influence. Wall, f41, stone structure, f194, and escarpment, f74, are the only visible ED elements. With the Mittani western expansion of the ceremonial function came revetment wall, f3, stone installation, f99, staircase, f21 and its southern border stones, f20, and the second escarpment, f137. In the Mittani remodeling, stone circle, f37, f46, and f126, platform, f197, and topstones f192 were added. Also a gully, f168 formed along the line of f41. In the last stages of occupation, stone structure f19 and stone f38 were added. [S922JW.J]
V0129AO12S922f19,f20,f21,f37,f38,f41,f46,f99,f126,f192,f194 [S922JW.J]
V0129AO15S922k23 [S922JW.J]
V0129AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0129AO22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0129AO25S922This sub-view shows, in closeup, the arrangement of the various elements previously identified as those in the northern part of the southwestern corner of the temple mound complex. [S922JW.J]
V0130O12S922f20,f21,f126,f137,f168,f194 [S922JW.J]
V0130O15S922k22,k23,k24,k33 [S922JW.J]
V0130O22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0130O25S922This final photograph shows two parts of a gully (f164 and f168) formed by water which flowed along the western and southern outside edges of the wall system associated with the temple mound. In the main view, the staircase and its border, f20 and f21, are shown as a reference, with the gully, f168, which cut escarpment, f137, shown just to the west of it. Stonework, f194, seems to be a berm that was built over the years to divert the water away from the wall. [S922JW.J]
V0130AO12S922f3,f161,f164 [S922JW.J]
V0130AO15S922k22 [S922JW.J]
V0130AO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0130AO22S922W [S922JW.J]
V0130AO25S922This related photograph documents the same situation which existed along the south face of the revetment wall, f3. A gully formed, f164, which ran west to east, and stone structures f155 and 161 were built at the corner of the turn of f3 from south to east to protect it. [S922JW.J]
V0131O12S922f3,f4,f5,f6,f186,f189,f198,f199 [S922JW.J]
V0131O15S922k2,k12 [S922JW.J]
V0131O22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0131O25S922This final photograph shows the relationships among various stone structures in the vicinity of where the revetment wall which runs east to west and seen in units J2, J3, and J1, turns to the north. Feature f189 is the westward continuation of the ancient revetment wall. We assume that f186 is its turn to the north in the general direction of the BA temple. We further assume that f3 is a later addition, made to develop the western plaza and staircase (not shown) when its more extensive counterpart to the southeast became covered. Stone clusters f4, f198 and f188 seem to part of paving between the turns of the ancient and more recent walls. Stone cluster f6 may have served the same function for the ancient wall. Feature f5 is a baulk which remains from excavation in previous seasons. [S922JW.J]
V0131AO12S922f3,f186,f189 [S922JW.J]
V0131AO15S922k2,k12 [S922JW.J]
V0131AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0131AO22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0131AO25S922This sub-view is a closeup of the junction between the ancient (possible Early Dynastic) revetment wall system (f186 and f189) and the more recent Mittani addition, f3. The addition seems to begin along the left hand edge of the photograph as evidenced by the use of larger, undressed limestone blocks set in a mud mortar. [S922JW.J]
V0132O12S922f169,f184,f188,f189 [S922JW.J]
V0132O15S922k2 [S922JW.J]
V0132O22S922OHNE [S922JW.J]
V0132O25S922This final photograph shows the eastern end of the revetment wall system (which we assume was built during the Early Dynastic period) at the junction of excavation units J1 and J5. The wall, f189, had a baqaya escarpment, f184, which gradually became covered with mud residue, f169. At the bottom of the photograph, one can see a line of stones which may be part of another, earlier wall system, possibly built in the Late Chalcolithic period. [S922JW.J]
V0133O12S922f105,f115,f129,f138,f139,f143,f147 [S922JW.J]
V0133O15S922k13 [S922JW.J]
V0133O22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0133O25S922This is a photograph of the section of the east baulk of locus k13 taken without the reference string. It shows topsoil, f105, which is covered by natural accumulation, f115. This, in turn covers natural accumulation, f129, which marked the point excavation ceased for this season. Also shown are large, floating limestone boulders, f138 and f139, and a large, partially excavate limestone boulder, f147. Along the left side of the photo, one can see a floor surface, f143 and a line of stones which helped to define it, f144. [S922JW.J]
V0133AO12S922f105,f115,f129,f138,f139,f143,f147 [S922JW.J]
V0133AO15S922k13 [S922JW.J]
V0133AO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0133AO22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0133AO25S922This is the photograph of the section of the east baulk of k13 taken with the elevation reference string. [S922JW.J]
V0134O12S922f104,f106,f108,f109,f123,f140,f142,f195 [S922JW.J]
V0134O15S922k14 [S922JW.J]
V0134O22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0134O25S922This is a photograph of the section of the north baulk of locus k14 taken without the elevation reference string. Under the topsoil, f104, is natural accumulation, f106, which continued to the bottom of the excavated portion. It either covered or contained a number of stone and pavement features. They included the stone northern border, f108, of the temple access; two large floating limestone boulders, f109; projection, f142; thresholds, f123 and f140, and pavement areas f125 and f195. [S922JW.J]
V0134AO12S922f104,f106,f108,f109,f123,f140,f142,f195 [S922JW.J]
V0134AO15S922k14 [S922JW.J]
V0134AO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0134AO22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0134AO25S922This is a photograph of the section of the north baulk of locus k14 taken with the elevation reference string. [S922JW.J]
V0135O12S922f3,f5,f151,f155,f161,f192,f198 [S922JW.J]
V0135O15S922k12,k22,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0135O22S922NE [S922JW.J]
V0135O25S922This is a final photograph which shows the stonework at the southwestern corner of the Mittani addition to the revetment wall system. It features the wall itself, f3 and later capstones, f151 and f192. There are two sections of stone pavement (f4 and f198) shown on the temple (northeastern) side of the wall. These pavements are probably equal and covered by the residual volumetric material from previous excavations, f5. In the lower left of the photograph are two relatively crude stone structures, f155 and f161. It is more likely than not that they served as berms to divert water from gullies, f168 and f164, away from the corner of the revetment wall. They do not seem substantial enough to be buttresses for strengthening the corner. [S922JW.J]
V0135AO12S922f3,f41,f99,f126,f192,f194 [S922JW.J]
V0135AO15S922k22,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0135AO21S922m [S922JW.J]
V0135AO22S922SE [S922JW.J]
V0135AO25S922This sub-view shows the south face of berm f155 and the course of the gully, f168 that leads to it. [S922JW.J]
V0136O12S922f3,f41,f74,f99,f192,f194 [S922JW.J]
V0136O15S922k23 [S922JW.J]
V0136O22S922SE [S922JW.J]
V0136O25S922This final photograph shows the non-structural intersection between the earliest wall system (f41), its escarpment (f74) and its berm (f194) which were probably built in the Early Dynastic period) and the later Mittani period walls (f3 and f192), stonework (f99), and escarpment (f137). The intersection is non-structural because f3 crosses an an angle and overlays but does not abut or bond with f41. [S922JW.J]
V0136AO12S922f41,f99 [S922JW.J]
V0136AO15S922k23 [S922JW.J]
V0136AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0136AO22S922E [S922JW.J]
V0136AO25S922This sub-view shows the details of how the Mittani stonework, f99, was laid over the Early Dynastic wall, f41. The undressed stones of f99 are laid atop part of f41 using mud mortar. [S922JW.J]
V0137O12S922f3,f151,f192,f198 [S922JW.J]
V0137O15S922k22 [S922JW.J]
V0137O22S922S [S922JW.J]
V0137O25S922This final photograph shows the late modification to the Mittani period revetment wall system, f3, and the stone pavement, f198. We assume that eventually this wall system became covered with aeolian accumulation and a line of capstones (f192 and f151) was laid on mud atop f3 to preserve the perimeter line of the wall system. [S922JW.J]
V0138O12S922f19,f38,f46,f53,f90,f192 [S922JW.J]
V0138O15S922k22,k23 [S922JW.J]
V0138O22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0138O25S922This final photograph documents the timing of the late modification to the northern part of the Mittani revetment wall system. In an attempt to identify the strata associated with this, we excavate a narrow trench to the east of the east face of the wall. Five separate layers were identified as features (f86 to f90) running from the top of the capstones (f192) of the wall down to the glacis, f90. The top three layers contained Mittani sherds. The floor accumulation, f89, above the glacis contained a mixture of sherds from Late Chalcolithic, through Early Dynastic to Mittani. We interpret this to mean that the revetment wall addition, f3, was laid against a much earlier glacis, possibly associated with wall f41 (not shown). On the other hand, the capstones, f192, were laid against the MIttani accumulations, as were the stones of f46 to the north. The line of stones, f19, was laid atop soil which covered f192 and f46, indicating that they were a very late addition, likely in the time of non-sacral use, the Middle Assyrian period. [S922JW.J]
V0138AO12S922f90,f192 [S922JW.J]
V0138AO15S922k23 [S922JW.J]
V0138AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0138AO22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0138AO25S922This sub-view is a closeup which shows that the stones of f192 were laid above the floor accumultion, f89, above the early glacis, f90. [S922JW.J]
V0139O12S922f28,f49,f57,f61,f70,f71,f76,f91,f97,f102,f163,f180,f181,f193,f196 [S922JW.J]
V0139O15S922k33,k34,k43,k44 [S922JW.J]
V0139O22S922W [S922JW.J]
V0139O25S922This final photograph documents the relationship among various stone and brick structures which served to define the western limit of the sacral area associated with the BA temple complex. There was a packed earth plaza (f70, f102, f97, and f180) which extended westward from the western monumental entrance to the temple. It abutted a brick wall/floor, f196, with which a tannur, f181, was associated. As accumulations built up against the steps of the entrance, lines of stones (f49, f91, and f76) were added to retain the definition of the space. When the staircase was covered, accumulation, f61, was the highest level which contained Mittani sherds. Then, Middle Assyrian ceramics were deposited in accumulation, f57, upon which the stones of structure f28, f193, f163, and f71 were laid. [S922JW.J]
V0139AO12S922f49,f70,f91,f102,f196 [S922JW.J]
V0139AO15S922k43,k44 [S922JW.J]
V0139AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0139AO22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0139AO25S922This subview shows the lateral extent of the partially excavated brickwork, f196. [S922JW.J]
V0139BO12S922f28,f49,f196 [S922JW.J]
V0139BO15S922k44 [S922JW.J]
V0139BO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0139BO22S922W [S922JW.J]
V0139BO25S922This subview shows the nature of the brickwork and the accumulation under the earliest line of stones, f49. The body of a large jar laying on its side can be seen to the north of the brickwork on the right side of the photo. [S922JW.J]
V0140O12S922f18,f28,f47,f49,f57,f58,f60,f61,f62,f91,f180,f181,f193,f196 [S922JW.J]
V0140O13S922i32 [S922JW.J]
V0140O15S922k34,k44 [S922JW.J]
V0140O22S922NNW [S922JW.J]
V0140O25S922This photograph is a study of the buildup and use of the west end of the plaza associated with the Mittani remodeling of the temple mound complex (the move west). It was taken to help determine and interpret the stratigraphic sequence. Brickwork f196 was probably associated with the construction of the staircase. Floor f180 (in which tannur f181 and whole jar i32 sat) met the top of the bottom step of the staircase. Thereafter, Mittani floor accumulation, f60 and natural accumulations f58 and f61 built up, occasioning the need to construct successive lines of stones (f49 and f91) to maintain the definition of the plaza. Eventually the sacred function of the plaza ended and a Middle Assyrian accumulation (f57) built up, upon which was built another stone structure, f28 and f193. After abandonment, aeolian accumulations f49, f62 and f18 covered everything. [S922JW.J]
V0141O12S922f18,f28,f47,f49,f57,f58,f60,f61,f62,f180,f193,f196 [S922JW.J]
V0141O15S922k44 [S922JW.J]
V0141O22S922N [S922JW.J]
V0141O25S922This final photgraph documents the realtionships of stonework and accumulations associated with the use, abandonment, and re-use of the area along the western border of the sacred space created when the temple mound complex was re-oriented from the eastern side to the western side. The interface between accumulation f61 in which Mittani ceramics were found and accumulation f57 (=f42) in which Middle Assyrian ceramics were found marks the time that the Mittani sacral traditions of the temple mound ended. The stones of structure f49 are laid on f61 and f58 mark this structure as the last Mittani construction. Therefore, the stones of f28, which were laid on f57 which covers f49, are the only structures at Tell Mozan which we know were built in the time of Middle Assyrian influence. [S922JW.J]
V0141AO12S922f18,f28,f47,f49,f57,f58,f61,f62 [S922JW.J]
V0141AO15S922k44 [S922JW.J]
V0141AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0141AO22S922NNW [S922JW.J]
V0141AO25S922This sub-view is a closeup of the interface among stone structures f28 and f49 and accumulations f57, f58, and f61. [S922JW.J]
V0142O22S922OH [S922JW.J]
V0142O25S922This is a kite photograph taken at high altitude which shows all of the BA temple mound complex, including the active JP excavation units J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, C2, A18, A19, and A20. [S922JW.J]
V0142AO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0142AO22S922OH [S922JW.J]
V0142AO25S922This subview is a kite photograph taken at a medium altitide and which shows J5 and the excavation units immediately surrounding it - J1, A19, and A20. [S922JW.J]
V0142BO21S922t [S922JW.J]
V0142BO22S922OH [S922JW.J]
V0142BO25S922This subview is a kite photograph taken at a medium altitide and which shows J5, the BA temple and the excavation units immediately to the east, J1 and J3. The white oval is an observation platform built to view the western part of the temple mound complex. [S922JW.J]
V0143O22S922OH [S922JW.J]
V0143O25S922This view is a kite photograph taken from medium altitude. It shows clearly the east-west revetment wall as it extends west from unit J3 into J1 and then into J5 where it turns to the north into a stairway complex. Part of unit A19, excavated in previous seasons, is shown along the left edge of the photo. [S922JW.J]
V0144O22S922OH [S922JW.J]
V0144O25S922This low altitude kite photograph shows all of the elements associated with the eight specific labels which were assigned this season in J5. [S922JW.J]
V0183O12T809f184,f187,f188,f225,f241,f249 [T810SE1.J]
V0183O15T809k106 [T810SE1.J]
V0183O22T809OH [T810SE1.J]
V0183O25T809Shows the overall relationship of various elements of the revetment wall protection system over time. [T810SE1.J]
V0183AO12T809f241,f242 [T810SE1.J]
V0183AO15T809k106 [T810SE1.J]
V0183AO21T809t [T810SE1.J]
V0183AO22T809NW [T810SE1.J]
V0183AO25T809Shows the relationship of two components of the second escarpment. [T810SE1.J]
V0183BO12T809f184,f187,f188,f225,f241,f249 [T810SE1.J]
V0183BO15T809k106 [T810SE1.J]
V0183BO21T809m [T810SE1.J]
V0183BO22T809W [T810SE1.J]
V0183BO25T809Shows the relationship among various elements of the protection system for the revetment wall along the path that water would have flowed after a rain. [T810SE1.J]
V0183CO12T809f241,f242 [T810SE1.J]
V0183CO15T809k106 [T810SE1.J]
V0183CO21T809t [T810SE1.J]
V0183CO22T809N [T810SE1.J]
V0183CO25T809Specifically shows that the sherd "floor", f242, was one of a number of layers composing the second escarpment, f241. [T810SE1.J]
V0208BO45T825L_V22d3143 J5v208b T825 jW.jpg [J05_V22.J]
V0208CO45T825L_V22d3144 J5v208c T825 jW.jpg [J05_V22.J]
V0209O45T825L_V22d3145 J5v209 T825 jW.JPG [J05_V22.J]
V0221O12U312f41,f245,f266,f285 [U312JW.J]
V0221O15U312k105 [U312JW.J]
V0221O22U312NW [U312JW.J]
V0221O25U312Documents the fact that the base of stones in f66 are at the same elevation. This suggests that they were installed at the same time even though their orientations are different. [U312JW.J]
V0222O12U812f3,f41,f184,f186,f189,f192,f225,f265,f284,f293,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0222O15U812k105,k106 [U812JW.J]
V0222O22U812nw [U812JW.J]
V0222O25U812This view shows all of the wall systems built in this place from before the EDIII period through the late Mittani period. The top stones of wall, f284, are the earliest, but cannot yet be dated. The stone escarpment, ^esc1 consisting of f184, f225, f265, and f293, has EDIII deposits overlaying it. Its alignment with wall, f41, to the west and its divergence from the main EDIII revetment wall, f189, to the east suggest that f41 and ^esc are associated and were built before f189. Wall, f3, was dated to the late Mittani period, and only roughly follows the alignment of the f41 and f189 walls (a portion of it rests on a soil pillar, f294). Finally, a layer of stones, f192 was laid atop f3 in the final stages of Mittani occupation. [U812JW.J]
V0222AO12U812f3,f189,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0222AO15U812k105 [U812JW.J]
V0222AO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0222AO22U812n [U812JW.J]
V0222AO25U812This sub-view shows the eastern end of the Mittani wall, f3. It consists of three courses of rough stones laid in mud atop EDIII wall, f189. Not shown here, but to the west, f3 turns sharply to the north and does not follow wall, f41, whose orientation is northwest. [U812JW.J]
V0222BO12U812f186,f189 [U812JW.J]
V0222BO15U812k106 [U812JW.J]
V0222BO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0222BO22U812n [U812JW.J]
V0222BO25U812This sub-view shows a line of stones, f186, which run south to north and are perpendicular to the EDIII revetment wall, f189. Because we have not excavated below the surface here, we do not know functionally whether f186 is a decorative line of stones or the top of another wall. Neither do we know the time that it was built. [U812JW.J]
V0222CO12U812f3,f189,f225,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0222CO15U812k105 [U812JW.J]
V0222CO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0222CO22U812n [U812JW.J]
V0222CO25U812This sub-view shows the junction of the Mittani, EDIII, and possibly earlier walls. The soil pillar obscures the actual joining of f189 and f41. [U812JW.J]
V0223O12U812f3,f41,f184,f186,f189,f192,f225,f265,f284,f293,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0223O15U812k105,k106 [U812JW.J]
V0223O22U812e [U812JW.J]
V0223O25U812The purpose of this view is to provide construction details of the various wall systems that may aid in the identification of the sequence and time of their construction. [U812JW.J]
V0223AO12U812f3,f41,f265,f293 [U812JW.J]
V0223AO15U812k105 [U812JW.J]
V0223AO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0223AO22U812ne [U812JW.J]
V0223AO25U812This sub-view shows the relationship between early revetment wall, f41, its stone escarpment, f265, and a stone, f293, which leans against both and would seem to have been placed there to divert water away from the base of the wall. [U812JW.J]
V0223BO12U812f41,f225 [U812JW.J]
V0223BO15U812k105 [U812JW.J]
V0223BO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0223BO22U812n [U812JW.J]
V0223BO25U812This sub-view shows that the stones of escarpment ^esc1, abut, but do not bond with the stones of the revetment wall, f41, which appears to end here and merge with the western end of EDIII wall, f189. [U812JW.J]
V0223CO12U812f225 [U812JW.J]
V0223CO15U812k105 [U812JW.J]
V0223CO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0223CO22U812e [U812JW.J]
V0223CO25U812This sub-view of the f225 portion of stone escarpment ^esc1, shows how the stones of each step are laid, on a mud mortar base with negligible overlap of stones on adjacent levels. [U812JW.J]
V0223DO12U812f189,f225,f284,f287 [U812JW.J]
V0223DO15U812k106 [U812JW.J]
V0223DO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0223DO22U812e [U812JW.J]
V0223DO25U812This sub-view shows that, unlike revetment wall, f41, which abuts the stones of ^esc1, the eastern part of the EDIII revetment wall, f189, does not abut the escarpment. There is a gap, illustrated by the test probe, f287, between the two, which suggests that the wall and the escarpment were built at different times at a different alignment. In addition, the row of stones, f284, below f189 suggests that it was built along the line of an earlier wall, perhaps of the Late Chalcolithic period. Also significant is that the bottom of f189 seen here is considerably higher than that found farther to the east in J1. The tops are more or less at the same elevation. [U812JW.J]
V0224O12U812f3,f14,f20,f21,f41,f65,f66,f99,f108,f123,f140,f151,f189,f192,f225,f265 [U812JW.J]
V0224O15U812k14,k24,k105 [U812JW.J]
V0224O22U812on [U812JW.J]
V0224O25U812This photograph is an overhead taken from a ladder in late morning light which emphasizes contrasts (enhanced by a gentle rain which washed the stones). It shows the structures associated with: the late Mittani western expansion (monumental staircase, revetment wall); the early Mittani use (wall stair); and the early ED structures (revetment wall system). [U812JW.J]
V0224AO12U812f3,f151,f184,f189,f192,f225,f265,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0224AO15U812k105,k106 [U812JW.J]
V0224AO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0224AO22U812on [U812JW.J]
V0224AO25U812This sub-view is taken from a steeper angle, showing the base of the revetment wall system. [U812JW.J]
V0225O12U812f189,f225,f241,f242 [U812JW.J]
V0225O15U812k106 [U812JW.J]
V0225O22U812oe [U812JW.J]
V0225O25U812This photograph is an overhead taken from a high ladder in the strong sunlight of late morning. It was taken after a rain washed the stones, yielding a high contrast image. It looks east along most of the portion of the revetment wall, f189, which runs west to east. It includes excavation units J5, J1, J3, J2 and J6. It also shows the lines of memory stones atop the wall, placed after the main wall was covered by accumulation in the late Mittani period. Not only is f189 continuous, but one can see that the stone and baqaya escarpments continue from J5 into the western part of J2. [U812JW.J]
V0225AO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0225AO22U812one [U812JW.J]
V0225AO25U812In this sub-view, the camera was turned more to the north to show better the transition in architecture between the J5 and J1 excavations. J5 focused on the revetment wall and its accoutrements, while J1 focused on the plaza to the south of the revetment wall. The revetment wall, f189, and the baqaya escarpment, ^esc2 continue through the transition, while the stone escarpment, ^stops at the western edge of J1. [U812JW.J]
V0226O12U812f3,f41,f151,f188,f189,f192,f225,f265,f294 [U812JW.J]
V0226O15U812k105,k106 [U812JW.J]
V0226O22U812one [U812JW.J]
V0226O25U812This photograph is an overhead taken from a ladder in early morning light which is softer and allows us to see deep into the excavation. This main view shows well the wall systems of various periods. The earliest, f41, is shown on the upper left. In the upper middle is the Mittani revetment wall, ^wall3, while in the upper right is the EDIII revetment wall, f189. The stone escarpment, ^esc1, appears in the middle of the photograph, and on the middle right one can see how it diverges from the alignment of f189. [U812JW.J]
V0226AO15U812k23,k24,k105 [U812JW.J]
V0226AO21U812w [U812JW.J]
V0226AO22U812ow [U812JW.J]
V0226AO25U812This sub-view is roughly perpendicular to the main view and shows the western features excavated in seasons MZ21 and MZ22. Prominent among them are the revetment walls, the stone escarpment, the access stairway and the monumental western expansion staircase. [U812JW.J]
V0226BO12U812f188,f189,f225,f241,f242,f265 [U812JW.J]
V0226BO15U812k106 [U812JW.J]
V0226BO21U812w [U812JW.J]
V0226BO22U812one [U812JW.J]
V0226BO25U812This sub-view is taken from a point slightly to the east of the main view and shows how, in a modification to the original EDIII revetment wall and escarpment systems, a second baqaya escarpment, f241 and f242, was added to protect the western portion of wall, f189, from water damage. [U812JW.J]
V0226CO12U812f14,f28,f49,f71,f91,f128 [U812JW.J]
V0226CO15U812k23,k24,k33,k34,k43,k44 [U812JW.J]
V0226CO21U812w [U812JW.J]
V0226CO22U812onw [U812JW.J]
V0226CO25U812This sub-view is taken from a point to the west of the main view. It shows the northern portion of the unit, mostly excavated in season MZ21. In MZ22, we removed some of the surfaces of a small plaza, f128, which linked the western staircase, ^strc1, with its western boundary stones, ^bdr1, to explore the continuous problem of water erosion just to the west of the staircase and revetment wall, f41. [U812JW.J]
V0227O22U812ov [U812JW.J]
V0227O25U812This kite photograph, taken in the diffused light of late afternoon (allowing one to see into the deepest parts of the excavation), shows well all of the specific label groupings of features excavated in seasons MZ21 and MZ22. It also shows the transition between the excavations in J5 and J1 immediately to the east. [U812JW.J]
V0228O22U812ov [U812JW.J]
V0228O25U812This kite photograph, taken from a high elevation and in the diffused light of late afternoon shows the spatial relationships among the excavated sectors relating to unit J5. At the lower left is the BA Temple. On the far upper right is the southeast corner of the AP Palace. In the middle left is the JP Plaza, which includes J5 at its northwestern corner. In the upper left is a residential sector, C2. [U812JW.J]
V0228AO21U812t [U812JW.J]
V0228AO22U812ov [U812JW.J]
V0228AO25U812This sub-view shows a relatively tight image of sector JP, with unit J5 shown on the middle-right. Note the oval viewing platform just to the south of J5. [U812JW.J]
V0228BO21U812m [U812JW.J]
V0228BO22U812ov [U812JW.J]
V0228BO25U812This sub-view shows the excavated JP sector and its relationship to the excavated BA Temple sector in the upper left hand corner. [U812JW.J]
V0229O22U812ov [U812JW.J]
V0229O25U812This kite photograph, taken from an extremely high elevation in diffuse light shows the relationship between the excavated portion of the AP Palace and the western part of the JP plaza sector which includes J5 at its northwest extremity. We have postulated a physical link between the palace and the plaza, but have not excavated to a sufficient depth to find it. [U812JW.J]
W0100O45R314L_W21d1201 j5w100 R314 jW.jpg [J05_W21.J]
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Z0001A21VX04w [VX04JW.J]
Z0001B11VX04The projected path to the southeast of a now-removed revetment wall whose extant portion, f295 and f41 orginates to northwest. The outer edge of the extant portion of the NE wall abuts a stone escarpment, ^esc1, which protects the base from water damage. To the southeast the escarpment continues. However, here the excavated portion of the revetment wall, although continuous, diverges to the north to follow the alignment of the revetment wall sections excavated in units J1, J3, and J2. At the point of divergence a widening gap between the south face of the wall and the north edge of the stone escarpment begins. Also, at the point that the alignment between the revetment wall and its stone escarpment diverges, the wall construction technique changes. These data provide evidence that only the NW section of the original wall remains and that the SE section either collapsed or was removed to allow a newer section, f189, (which extends west from the eastern staircase in J2, through J5 and J1) to be built. [VX04JW.J]
Z0001F02VX04>8ab f0188 [VX04JW.J]
Z0002A21VX04st-is [VX04JW.J]
Z0002B11VX04The projection to the east of a series of flat stone slabs inclined at a 45 degree angle such that the top would have abutted the Early Dynastic revetment wall, f41, and the bottom would have abutted the stone escarpment, ^esc1. The purpose would have been to protect the wall by diverting water running down the wall face or along the inner edge of the escarpment away from the base. One stone, f293, is still in place, the others probably having been removed, when the later baquaya escarpment, ^esc2, was built. [VX04JW.J]
Z0002F02VX04>8ab f0041 [VX04JW.J]
Z0002F02VX04>8ab f0265 [VX04JW.J]
^A1A02T917f0282 [T917JW.J]
^A1A21T917ab [T917JW.J]
^A1A35T915v217 [T915JW.J]
^A1B11T917Early Dynastic III accumulations atop the outside (western most and southern most) stones of the first escarpment ^esc1 and floor f288. It is ashy and contains a lot of pottery. It differs from accumulations above (^a2) in that they are more reddish, perhaps being the result of run-off from the second escarpment, ^esc2. Presumably ^a1 results from the use of the f288 floor between the building of the two escarpments. [T917JW.J]
^A2A02T917f0268 [T917JW.J]
^A2A02T917f0278 [T917JW.J]
^A2A02T917f0280 [T917JW.J]
^A2A21T917ac [T917JW.J]
^A2A35T915v217 [T915JW.J]
^A2B11T917Early Dynastic III accumulations atop deposit ^a1, and the inside stones of ^esc1. It is reddish and contains a layer (f278) of small pebbles and sherds. It may be the reminants of the seceond escarpment, ^esc2, or the result of its use and deterioration. [T917JW.J]
^A3A02V610f0009 [V610JW.J]
^A3A02V610f0016 [V610JW.J]
^A3A21V610ad [V610JW.J]
^A3A35V609v5 [V609JW.J]
^A3B11V610This label collects a series of accumulations from just below the topsoil to the last Mittani period soil feature before abondonment. Generally, the accumlations are uniform in color (reflecting their loess content) and contain a series of crusty laminations with soft spots caused by roots and animal burrows. In total, the deposits cover the Mittani ruins to a depth of approximately one meter. [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0001 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0002 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0015 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0018 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0032 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0055 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0056 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0104 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0105 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0117 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0118 [V610JW.J]
^A4A02V610f0134 [V610JW.J]
^A4A21V610ad [V610JW.J]
^A4A35V609v1 [V609JW.J]
^A4B11V610This label collects topsoil, a surface accumulation that supports the growth of vegetation. Generally, not more than 10cm deep, it contains the roots of living grasses and plants as well as decayed vegetative matter, which adds a darker brown color to the normally light grayish brown hue of loess. [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0064 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0067 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0096 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0103 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0107 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0110 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0132 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0133 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0153 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0156 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0159 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0160 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0162 [V610JW.J]
^A5A02V610f0235 [V610JW.J]
^A5A21V610vm [V610JW.J]
^A5A35V609v91 [V609JW.J]
^A5B11V610This specific label collects the soil layers that are excavated typologically as a unit rather than stratigraphically, as is the usual case. It most often arises in the removal of baulks, where clearly the accumulations on one side match the other, and no more objects are needed to establish their stratigraphic sequence. Occasionally, for example in the excavation of locus k100, one layer was deep, uniform, and well understood so removed as one unit, f110. [V610JW.J]
^APRN1A02T914f0004 [T914JW.J]
^APRN1A02T914f0186 [T914JW.J]
^APRN1A02T914f0198 [T914JW.J]
^APRN1A02T914f0199 [T914JW.J]
^APRN1A21T914apron [T914JW.J]
^APRN1A35T915v122 [T915JW.J]
^APRN1B11T914This group of features comprises decorative stonework inside the perimeter of the Mittani revetment wall, ^wall3. It roughly corresponds to a mirror image of the apron systems in J2 and J3 found to the west of the eastern staircase. Here the stones are not so specifically arranged in rows although they are bounded to the east by a double line of large stones, f186. What we see are isolated patches of large stones, f4, f198, and f199, covered by a large, unexcavated block of soil, f5. Analysis of the ceramics found in the vicinity indicates that it was built during the Mittani period's western retrenchment. [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A02T914f0028 [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A02T914f0071 [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A02T914f0163 [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A02T914f0193 [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A21T914st-is [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A22T914border [T914JW.J]
^BDR1A35T915v139 [T915JW.J]
^BDR1B11T914Two lines of stones running north to south, f28 and f71, joined by a threshold, f173, and another cluster of stones, f193. [T914JW.J]
^BDR1I99S903Top rows of stones and threshold tentatively assigned to Phase 7b in the J5A phase sequence. This structure is clearly linked and associated with Middle Assyrian ceramics found in natural accumulation, f42. [S903JW4.J]
^BDR2A35T915v139 [T915JW.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0019 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0037 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0038 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0046 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0048 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A02S903f0054 [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A21S903is [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1A35T915v122 [T915JW.J]
^BIN1B11S903A late cluster of stones and pavement which forms an entrance to the last temple. Starting at the lowest point, it is framed by an arc of stones, f37 and f46, which are separated by a pathway consisting of accumulation, f48, to the south and melted brick, f54, to the north. To the north it is framed by stone installation, f19. [S903JW2.J]
^BIN1I99S903Tentatively assigned to Mittani Stratum 14a in the JPB phase sequence when the staircase complex was being remodeled. This structure rests on a layer of soil atop revetment wall, f3, and therefore must be later. [S903JW4.J]
^EPS1A02T914f0245 [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A02T914f0254 [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A02T914f0255 [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A02T914f0260 [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A02T914f0277 [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A21T914is [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A22T914erosion protection [T914JW.J]
^EPS1A35T915v192 [T915JW.J]
^EPS1B11T914The first of two water protections systems designed to keep flowing water from damaging the north part of the revetment wall, f41, and related structures during the middle part of the Mittani period. It consisted of an east to west mudbrick wall, f245 to the east (founded on stones f266) and a mudbrick wall, f255 to the west (founded on stones, f277). Behind the dam (to the north) there was a pocket of fist-sized river pebbles which sat atop a greenish layer of soil, f279. There was a channel, f260, which breached the middle of the dam. [T914JW.J]
^EPS1C03T929Although this large, stepped stone structure probably did divert water flowing north to south away from the revetment wall segment, f41, post-excavation analysis reveals another, more important function. From appearance, it looks like a stairway built against the wall which leads to a platform near the top of the wall. However, it has been unclear why it might have been needed. It is now clear from the excavation of the stone escarpment that the bottom of the revetment wall, f41, almost certainly rises rapidly, perhaps in a single jump near the platform, f194. If people needed to get from lower levels to the west up to the floors in front of and west of the new monumental staircase, f20, this would have been the most convenient way to get there. [T929JW.J]
^EPS2A02T914f0155 [T914JW.J]
^EPS2A02T914f0161 [T914JW.J]
^EPS2A21T914st-is [T914JW.J]
^EPS2A22T914erosion protection [T914JW.J]
^EPS2A35T915v135 [T915JW.J]
^EPS2B11T914The second of two water protections systems designed to prevent erosion of the revetment wall. In this case it protected the late Mittani addition, f3. It was simple and consisted of several rows of stones projecting southwest from the corner where the wall turned from running east to west to running from the south to the north. [T914JW.J]
^ESC1A35T915v214 [T915JW.J]
^ESC1C10T929The revetment wall, f189, in J5 is 2.4m high, while in J1 it is 3.4m high. The tops are at about the same elevation, implying that the base of the J5 segment must be 1m higher, stepping up between the units. An E-W line of stones atop the baqaya first escarpment in J1 is aligned with, is the same elevation as, and joins the top row of ^esc1 stones in J5. Where is the baqaya in J5? The best answer is that it stops at the point where it abuts the step, while the stones continue on. [T929JW.J]
^ESC1C40T812fAB raised the issue of which wall system ^esc1 follows as it approaches the western extent of the revetment wall, f189. Does it follow f189 and end with it, or does it continue further to the west and protect wall, f41 also, receeding under the Mittani revetment wall, f3. [T812JW.J]
^ESC2A35T915v195 [T915JW.J]
^FLR1A02S903f0143 [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1A02S903f0144 [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1A02S903f0146 [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1A02S903f0148 [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1A21S903mix [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1A35T915v86 [T915JW.J]
^FLR1B11S903A floor surface and associated stonework constructed in the uorganized occupation phase. It consists of a hard mud floor, f143, what may be a stone entrance on the north side, f148, a line of stones, f144, which forms the northern border, and a cluster of stones and sherds, f146, which rests on the floor in the southwestern corner. [S903JW2.J]
^FLR1I99S903Tentatively assigned to Phase 8r, unorganized occupation, in the J5A phase sequence. This crude structure was immediately under the topsoil. [S903JW4.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0045 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0060 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0070 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0102 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0122 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0124 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0127 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A02V610f0128 [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A21V610fb [V610JW.J]
^FLR2A35V609v123 [V609JW.J]
^FLR2B11V610This label collects a series of natural accumulations (some loess and some water deposits) leveled, then compacted by foot traffic, to form the floors for the sacred plaza located to the west of the monumental staircase that was associated with the Mittani period western extension of the entrance to the BA temple. Where the deposit was loess, the surface is hard and the texture when picked is chunky. Where the deposit was from rain runoff, the entire mass is uniformly soft and sandy. [V610JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0014 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0019 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0020 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0021 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0028 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0037 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0038 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0046 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0048 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0049 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0054 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0065 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0066 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0070 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0071 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0091 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0099 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0102 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0108 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0123 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0140 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0163 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A02T917f0196 [T917JW.J]
^SA1A21T917mix [T917JW.J]
^SA1A22T917sacral area [T917JW.J]
^SA1A35T915v123 [T915JW.J]
^SA1B11T917The Mittani staircase, ^strc1; ^bin1; the floors to the west, f70 and f102; and its western border stones, ^bdr1. Its purpose was to provide a transitional area for sacral use - an interface between the lay participants and those who conducted the rituals. [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0006 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0041 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0184 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0185 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0188 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0189 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0225 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0241 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0242 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0265 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0268 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0280 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A02T917f0293 [T917JW.J]
^SB1A21T917st-is [T917JW.J]
^SB1A22T917sacral boundary [T917JW.J]
^SB1A35T915v227 [T915JW.J]
^SB1B11T917The combination of the EDIII revetment wall, ^wall2; its two escarpments, ^esc1 and ^esc2; and its glacis, f185. Its purpose was to clearly delimit the border between the sacral area (the BA temple and its mound) from the assembly areas and structures to the south and to the west. [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0003 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0004 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0151 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0186 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0192 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0198 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A02T917f0199 [T917JW.J]
^SB2A21T917st-is [T917JW.J]
^SB2A22T917sacral boundary [T917JW.J]
^SB2A35T915v123 [T915JW.J]
^SB2B11T917The combination of the Mittani revetment wall, ^wall3; and its apron, ^aprn1. Its purpose was to clearly delimit the border between the sacral area (the BA temple and its mound) from the assembly areas to the west during the westward retrenchment. [T917JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0014 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0020 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0021 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0065 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0066 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0099 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0108 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0123 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A02S902f0140 [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A21S902stair [S902JW.J]
^STRC1A35T915v123 [T915JW.J]
^STRC1B11S902This specic label describes a monumental stone strucure comprising a dressed stone staircase, f21, which rises from west to east; a row of boulders which forms the northern edge, f14 and f108; a row of dressed stones and small boulders, f20 and f99, which forms the southern edge; accumulations, f65 and f66, which border f14 immediately to the north; the north edge of a platform, f140, at the top of the staircase, and a threshold, f123, that probably leads to a path to the BA temple. These components were built in the Mittani period during the westward retrenchment. [S902JW.J]
^STRC2A02T914f0194 [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A02T914f0205 [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A02T914f0257 [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A02T914f0266 [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A02T914f0276 [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A21T914stair [T914JW.J]
^STRC2A35T915v218 [T915JW.J]
^STRC2B11T914This group of features comprise an early Mittani period staircase which leads from the Early Dynastic escarpment to the top of its accompanying revetment wall. It consists of a series of stepped, large stones, f205, f257 and f266, which were placed against the revetment wall, f41. They were founded in part by a north-south line of watermelon-sized stones, f276. To the north, the stepped structure abuts another square stone installation, f194. We have not excavated enough of it to see how deep it is. It seems to be laid atop EDIII accumulations at the elevation where nearby accumulations shift directly to Mittani. Therefore we conclude that this specific label was built early in the Mittani period as they began to adapt the western part of the wall system to replace eastern structures that were being covered by soil accumulations. [T914JW.J]
^WALL1A02T914f0267 [T914JW.J]
^WALL1A02T914f0284 [T914JW.J]
^WALL1A21T914w [T914JW.J]
^WALL1A35T915v214 [T915JW.J]
^WALL1B11T914This group of features comprises two small, isolated components which we believe are the top of a pre-EDIII wall system atop which ^wall2 was built. Although we have no direct evidence of the date of its construction, a wall to the east, J1^wall2, which has a similar orientation and construction, was securely dated to the Late Chalcolithic period. [T914JW.J]
^WALL1I99S903Tentatively assigned to Phase 2h in the J5A Phase sequence. This is primarily due to Late Chalcolithic ceramics found in a similar wall segment in J1 and the fact that the EDIII revetment wall was built atop segment f284. [S903JW4.J]
^WALL2A02T914f0006 [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A02T914f0041 [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A02T914f0185 [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A02T914f0189 [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A21T914w [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A30T914This specific label defines the EDIII revetment wall, which extends throughout J5. Other Mittani components were improperly associated with the main revetment wall, f189, in specific label ^wall3. [T914JW.J]
^WALL2A35T915v225 [T915JW.J]
^WALL2A35T915v226 [T915JW.J]
^WALL2B11T914This wall system is the Early Dynastic III period revetment wall, which is the prominent visible structure in J5. It is the western extension of J1^wall1. This wall system has two components, identified by their constituents. f189 is nearest to J1 and is constructed of large, uncut stones arranged in a pattern of triangles. f41 is the component that turns toward the north at the end of f189. It is constructed of dressed stones and could be considered to be the more decorative of the two, which are stratigraphically linked by the same stone escarpment, ^esc1. In addition, the baqaya glacis associated with f189 can be seen in section near the wall top. [T914JW.J]
^WALL2C02T929More information can be obtained resolve this issue by removing the southern and eastern parts of the Mittani wall, f3, and its soil pillar. Here we expect to find the intersection of the earlier walls, f41 and f189. This should be done in the next excavation season. [T929JW.J]
^WALL2C03T929The first escarpment, ^esc1, doesn't precisely follow the line of component wall, f189, as it runs from J1 into J5 and begins a gradual turn to the northwest. In fact, there is a large gap (30cm maximum decreasing to zero) between the top stones of the escarpment and the wall's south face. This gap is partially filled by the top stones of the earlier ^wall1 (f284). Since escarpments are built to protect walls from being undermined, the gap is inconsistent with this function. One possible explanation is that the escarpment was built to protect an earlier wall segment which was removed or which collapsed. One candidate is the cut stone component wall, f41, whose southeastern end is obscured by the soil pillar supporting Mittani ^wall3. f41 has the same gradual curve as the escarpment in this region and can be projected southeast to fill the gap. [T929JW.J]
^WALL2C10T914This grouping of features reflects our current understanding of the dates that they were built. Last season we grouped wall, f41; escarpment, f74; and limestone blocks, f99 into specific label ^wall1, which we believed was constructed early, at an uncertain period. Further excavation has revealed that f74 and f99 are from the Mittani period and should not have been associated with the EDIII wall, f41. [T914JW.J]
^WALL2I99S903Tentatively assigned to Phase 3m in the J5A Phase sequence. All ceramics from abutting elements are from the Early Dynastic III period. In addition, the same wall in J1 was dated to EDIII on the basis of ceramics found there. [S903JW4.J]
^WALL3A02T914f0003 [T914JW.J]
^WALL3A02T914f0151 [T914JW.J]
^WALL3A02T914f0192 [T914JW.J]
^WALL3A21T914w [T914JW.J]
^WALL3A35T915v224 [T915JW.J]
^WALL3B11T914This group of features comprises the components of the Mittani period revetment wall system, which was built during the western retrenchment after the EDIII revetment wall, ^wall5, the eastern apron, and the eastern staircase were no longer visible. [T914JW.J]
^WALL3I99S903Tentatively assigned to Phase 7g in the J5A Phase sequence on the basis of the assignment of late revetment wall, f3, which is a component of this label. [S903JW4.J]
^WKA1A02T917a0013 [T917JW.J]
^WKA1A02T917f0023 [T917JW.J]
^WKA1A02T917f0030 [T917JW.J]
^WKA1A21T917mix [T917JW.J]
^WKA1A22T917work area [T917JW.J]
^WKA1A35V609v22 [V609JW.J]
^WKA1B11T917This non-sacred area consists of two adjacent accumulations, f23 and f30 surrounding a late Mittani bin. There were 12 basalt pestals found here, but no mortars or debitage. Although this area is close to sacred space, we presume from the material that this space was used for commercial, not sacred purposes. [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A02T917a0008 [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A02T917a0009 [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A02T917f0074 [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A02T917f0205 [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A21T917mix [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A22T917work area [T917JW.J]
^WKA2A35V609v153 [V609JW.J]
^WKA2B11T917This non-sacred area consists of the top step of a stone staircase, f205, the surrounding dirt escarpment, f74, and two collections of artifacts; a cluster of 31 sling balls and two basalt pestals in which were imbedded bronze flakes. These collections suggest that this area just outside the revetment wall to the temple mound was used for commercial activity. [T917JW.J]

Total entries: 6146