1: G. Buccellati, November 2009


Cf. also the other dedicated webpage.

The concept
The plans

The concept

     The physical landscape around Mozan is still in its pristine state, almost completely immune to the semi-industrial development that has marred many of the most important archaeological sites in the Jezirah (e.g., Halaf, Fekheriyah, Beydar, Brak). My first goal is to protect this environment, so that the larger aesthetic impact of a visit to the site may benefit from the beauty of its natural setting.
     In order to achieve this goal, and in order as well o enhance the archaeological fruition of the site, I have developed the concept of an eco-archaeological park. This might encase the archaeology within the horizons of the physical and human geography that surrounds the site today as it did, in large measure, at the time of Urkesh. This is a complex undertaking that is germane to the overall program of the Mozan/Urkesh Archaeological Project, but exceeds the frame of this website, and will eventually be developed on its own. Here I will only describe some of the factors that most closely link it to the main archaeological project, and indicate some of the aspects that more closely define it.
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The plans

     The archaeological component of the Park is already fully implemented with regard to the High Mound, as it has been described under the heading of Site Presentation. We will of course develop it further, in a number of ways that will both expand existing models and introduce new ones. But the structure is completely in place and full fruition is already possible.
     The major dimension that needs to be developed within the Park is the one that pertains to the environment. I have prepared a proposal with a detailed description of the concept, which has been submitted to the Syrian authorities. We are now in the process of elaborating a more formal proposal, to which colleagues from a variety of other fields participate.
     Two components that are specifically archaeological are included in the park proposal. On the one hand, we will integrate, throughout the Park, data gathered from the excavations at the site – as they pertain for instance to information from representational art about the physical landscape or the artisans' crafts.
     On the other hand, given the wider logistical scope of the Park, that entails the use of vehicles, we will develop as well the archaeological site presentation of the Outer City, which is otherwise too vast (well over a square kilometer).

     A proposal for an Urkesh National Trust: see Akrawi 2006, Palumbo 2006.
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