.bk A6 .fl H704dns.j .fd log entries for H629 through H703 .ed H704 .ei dns .rd H702 .ri dns f 401 31 a 402 31 ac 403 31 ac .rd H703 404 31 a .rd H629 338 30 wa .rd H701 339 30 ac 340 30 ac 341 30 s 342 30 f 343 30 wa 344 30 ac q .rd H630 806 pb 333 30 from under f335 807 p 302 30 from removal of baulk 808 p 302 30 S baulk removal, from 302-309 809 i 332 30 E baulk section straightening .rd H701 810 pb 336 30 digging of pit, f336 811 pb 339 30 8793 -168 50 W half 812 pb 341 30 possible burial? 813 pbi 339 30 ac below 333, E half of square qi 813.1 wh 3 1.9 cl gray broken wheel .rd H702 q 814 pbi 339 30 leveling in E half 815 pb 339 30 cut following possible wall 816 pb 339 30 cut in N, creating a section qi 808.1 fi 4 4 33.5 cl yellowish tan rear end of fi? 816.1 sq 1 2 1 blue and green glassy kiln waste 816.2 si 2 3 2.5 cl 816.3 la 3 2 reddish q 951 pb 401 31 removing S strip 952 pb 402 31 10 ac 953 p 402 31 cont 953 954 pb 402 31 10 2nd cut 955 p 402 31 leveling qi 952.1 fi 5.5 4.3 4.5 cl front part of figuring 952.2 ca decorative brick? 951.1 bd .rd H703 q 817 pbi 339 30 cuts in NE and S 818 p 339 30 cont of 818 819 pb 341 30 within f341 outlines 820 pb 344 30 ac against wall, looking for wall definition 821 pb 339 30 leveling of square qi 821.1 ca 5 3 cl slingshot? 956.1 ca 5 4 cl yellowish tan cylindrical object with hole through center q 956 pb 403 31 1633 -137 10 10 to 15 cms down - whole locus 957 pb 403 31 cont of 956 958 p 403 31 1633 -150 20 959 p 403 31 M1721 -60 20 960 p 404 31 M1721 -63