.bk A06 .fl ZGx10aMA.j .fd feature log .ei aMA .ed ZGx10 f .rd C715 .ri rK 51 169 ac ash layer below f34 52 170 gully .rd C716 53 219 ac below f46 54 217 ac below f45 .rd C718 55 170 ac buff pink--prob. same as f49--not topsoil 56 217 pit in f23 57 169 dw between k169 & 168, bounded by f8 and A1f76 58 169 f2 gypsum floor below f51 59 170 wa EW, borders k169 & 170 60 169 ac top layer in f57 61 169 ac below f60 62 169 ac below f61 63 168 ac below f48 .rd C720 64 217 br NE quad 65 217 bowl large bowl in NE quad.; initially thought to be assocd. with burial .rd C721 66 219 well circular pit/well in W 1/2 of locus 67 168 stone layer plastered horizontal layer of sones below topsoil in N baulk 68 168 ac brickfall of f16 69 170 ac at level of stone wall f29 70 217 br at level layer wall stone in SE quadrant of the locus .rd C722 71 171 ac N baulk 72 170 wa EW clay S of locus 73 168 f2 below f63--at the surface peak .rd C723 74 170 drain fired limestone -drainage? 75 171 ac at level of f74 76 171 ly in A1f55 wall 77 168 ac from E at level of brickwall .rd C726 78 217 brickwall f16 79 217 brickwall f78 A1f44 .rd G703 101 168 f2 floor same as f 102 218 ac E terrace in the locus. Below f37 103 217 ly ac on top of wall which a11 104 218 he clay went to f31 ashpit 105 217 ly below the level to S of a11 .rd G704 106 217 ly ac on top of wall on NE of platform, parallel to f105 107 217 ly ac below f106 108 218 ac below level E 120 cm .ri jO 109 169 ac wadi ac. south of k168 110 169 ac equal to f101 k168 + below f109 111 218 ac part of what was prev. f108 112 217 ly ov f107 113 169 ac gray ac below f110 114 169 ac below f113 115 169 ac below f114 116 218 sod ly W. baulk and N. baulk 117 218 ac grey ac below f116 W baulk 118 217 ly below f112 lower part of f112 119 168 step steps on the threshold 2 mud bricks 30*30 and 30x49 .rd G708 .ri rK 120 169 section clay W doorway g704 .rd G709 .ri jO 121 169 ho a door socket .ri rK 122 218 ac NE corner .ri jO 123 168 w NS k168 this wall has a feature in A1 124 218 ac underneath brick larger on NE corner of W baulk .rd G710 125 168 bk below f119 126 218 assamblage stores slap + assoc layer, f code, NW corner of baulk 127 217 ac to the S of wall f44 of the level wall 128 168 ac 28 cm deep same ac f101 the lower part of f101 .ri rK 129 217 ac parallel to f127, W the new wall 130 168 lense + plaster a 1.5 cm lense below the plaster cover the brick f119 .rd G713 .ri jO 131 168 ac the last 1/3 of the red ac A1f101 A1f128 132 168 w E wall of the doorway 2,12, it has previous 133 168 w W wall of the doorway 2,12, it has previous .rd G714 134 169 f1 below f115 135 169 ac wadi ac inside what might be a negative wall .rd G714 136 169 ac ac underneath the treace of the negative wall, belaw f134 137 169 stone wall stones moved but not removed fallen dowen while the removal of the beger stones 138 168 ac A1f101 in E k168 139 169 w neggative wall S k168, NS in line with f123 .rd G714 140 217 ac N side of the wall f44 141 217 pt seem in section .rd G717 142 168 bk E k169 143 168 w SE k169, in the E doorway, this wall has a f# in A6 previous season 144 168 ac A1f101 in k168 145 168 ac A1f101 A1f144 inside vault .rd G721 146 168 bk bricks inside the vault below f145 147 168 ac below f146 148 168 ac ac of bricks f146 below f145 .rd G724 149 219 ash soil 110*90 cm ashy soil extend to E and N baulk corner, small stones and sherds .rd G713 .ri rK 150 218 ac under sod large in N baulk 151 218 ash layer 50 cm W from E baulk wedge 152 218 ac below f151 153 218 ac below f152 154 218 ac below f153 155 218 ac below f154 156 218 ac ac top of f126 - 1/3 of baulk 157 218 ash pit in N baulk .rd G714 158 218 ac ac below f111 159 218 ac underneath f124? 160 218 ac underneath f158 161 218 f1 floor of pit f29 .rd G716 162 218 rim of ash pit and section 163 218 ac NW corner 164 218 ash layer ashy strip between f160 and f163 165 218 pt 166 218 ac below f163 and f164 167 218 ac section 170x100 at NW corner of locus .rd G720 168 218 ashy layer below f166 NW corner, narrow section in the middle 169 218 hard ac below f166 NW corner 170 218 ac below burial jutting out of E baulk 171 218 ac NW corner above ash layer 172 218 ac E part of NW corner, narrow strip cutting down into ash layer .rd G721 173 218 ac W of f169 & of same thickness--see relays 270-273 174 218 ac band of gray 175 218 ac section small section cut N-S to join f167 on the E 176 218 ac red ac below f169, cutting f174 .rd G723 177 21 ac red ac below f176 178 217 pedestal under f70 against E baulk; 2 lots .rd G724 179 219 ac NE corner 20cm to the E of f149 and below it 180 219 ts ts N baulk 181 219 ac N baulk, below level of f180 182 219 shaft 183 219 ac fill of the shaft .rd G725 184 219 ac light brown hard, below f179 185 169 ac 25 cm of E baulk 186 219 ac gray ac below f184 187 168 f2 surface on which f113 rests 188 219 ac below f186, NS 210, EW 150, hight 42 189 169 ts E baulk 190 169 ac gray ac below f189 in E baulk 191 169 ac hard gray below f190 in the E doorway 192 169 w N doorway (a15) E k169 .rd G729 193 219 ts N baulk 194 219 w below f193 W 1/2 of N baulk, secondary wall on top of original AK building wall 195 219 w below f193 E 1/2 of N baulk, secondary wall on top of origgginal AK building wall 196 219 w NE k219 between k219/218, EW wall might equal f41 197 219 ac between f194/195 filling of cut? doorway? 198 169 ac E of doorway k169/219 (a15) 199 169 w N of doorway k169/219 (a15) 200 218 wa extends into locus + s baulk from E .rd G731 201 169 w S of doorway k169/219 (a15) 202 169 p2 installation of a vertical line of bricks abuts f199 N a15 203 169 p2 installation of a vertical line of bricks abuts f201 S a15 204 219 ac N part of the N baulk of k219, N of f195 205 219 ac N of the N baulk , N of f194 .rd G801 206 219 ac around f66 .rd G803 .ri jO 207 219 bk bricks lining the pit f66 208 219 ac below f206, brown soft .rd G804 .ri rK 209 218 bu a12 .rd G731 210 22 wa A1A8 f599 211 22 ac below f177 212 22 ac A1f177 cut the area in section A8 213 22 ac/pit ashy area near f78 close to doorway to the N; below f177 214 22 stone in k22 near f210 215 22 ac below f211 216 22 ash layer ash layer below f213 at the level of f211 217 22 d from k217 N, W of f78 218 22 pot-smash on k215 near f78 just below f211 219 22 plaster on stone wall on f78 S face 220 22 a/f2 at the level of f142 at the top 221 22 ac ashy, by f78 and f217 @ level of 211 below f213 222 22 st in the middle of locus, top in f211, base in f215 .rd G806 223 219 ac red below f208 .rd G807 224 219 w EW wall, N k219 = f41+f196 225 219 ac dark gray below f197 in between f41 and f196 226 219 ac gray below f223 227 219 ac below f225, in between f41 and f196 228 219 threshold in a15 229 219 ac below f227 .rd G809 230 219 p2 flat bricks on the floor of the doorway a15 231 219 ac below f226, (probe)