.bk A09 .fl H627jo.j .fd h/j .ei jo .ed H627 .rd H619 .ri jo f 10 ds Assemblage of medium size stones f 10 tc si f8 f 11 ds Assemblage of small stones f 11 tc si f8 k 2 dy There is no apearent conection between f6, f7, f10, f11, and f12, each of them form a contanjus unit by itself no assuciation with others k 2 dy We thought that f6, f7, f10, f11, and f12 were burials, at this point there is no apearent shaft around the stones or eny other evidance of burials underneath any of these featueres other than the assemblege of the stones .rd H621 .ri jm -sg Plan to photograph k2 before removing features 6, 7 and 11. They dont seem to have signifigance or relationships .ri jo k 1 sg Will start excavating k1, will begin removing topsoil from the highest point of the square , the NE corner of k1 f 13 ds Ashy material layer f13 in NW corner f 12 ds Hared compacted accumulation extends to the south into A6k217 northern baulk f 8 dy To make a determenation of the nature of the layer below f6, f10 and f11 , we dug f8 in k2 locus for allmost the entier day with the small picks, no difference of the type of accumulation was occured, thus we started again to dig with big picks