.bk A09 .fl J705jlw.j .fd daily journal .ei jlw .ed J705 .rd J705 .ri jlw -wk 6 large picks and 33 in support. k 9 dy continued to excavate rapidly with 3 large picks. Found a large quantity of sherds along east baulk. At the end of the day, exposed what looks like a wall, a sherd and pebble surface, and an in situ door socket imbedded in a brick mass along the north baulk. k 6 dy excavated the area just to the north of the doorway a17. The goals were to determine the western extent of a line of stones , f117, that extends northward from the east end of the doorway; and to excavate an ashey layer f116 that extends directly north from the doorway. Excavating from the east face of the stones, at first it was difficult to discern the depth of f116 and some mixing with a more red layer, f138, under it probably occurred. Changed q-lots as soon as we could pick up f116 to keep the sherds properly segregated. k 3 dy finished the probe of excavating a 1-meter strip of f136 along the west baulk to see if the brick fall covered a wall or its foundation. It appears that the bricky material sits on top of the ashey layer, f98, which will be carefully excavated next. k 4 dy finished excavating f136 and began excavating f98, an ashey layer underneath, in the western half of the locus. We are preserving a baulk along the western edge of the eastern half to monitor the stratigraphy.