.bk A12 .fl A10-12~1.j .fd pottery .ei mkb .ed j630 .rd j630 .ri mkb f 194 ar POTTERY (j630) a number of unexpected whole vessels may have been stratified in this feature including a number of carinated bowls and carinated small jars. These vessels cannot be reconstructed because the discovery was made after the body sherds had been counted and discarded. sg It was decided to wash all future lots and check for whole vessels before the individual sherd analysis cp POTTERY (j630) Even though not completely excavated as yet, some conclusions can be drawn as to the ceramic contents of the feature. A minimum estimate of the whole vessels includes 6 high necked jars, -- 2 medium necked jars, 2 straight sided bowls or pots, 1 carinated pot with turned out rim, 12 small carinated bowls including two whole examples, 1 medium high necked jar with black painted neck and rim, little S ware.--Decoration: 1 straight rim jar with incised undulating lines with straight lines below (A10q467-p1), 1 straight sided bowl or pot with flat ridged rim, on the shoulder with incised undulating lines with punched alternating diagonals (imitation rope?) beneath (A10q480-p8,13,19-all from the same vessel) I4 POTTERY (j630) Date: Bitumen Painted and Repaired Tradition; post AK floor levels ar POTTERY (j630) question of why do f222 and f227 (f226 has not been processed so far) look more like AK levels and f194 later? Possible answers: this is a pit, a stratified pit (i.e. used over a long period of time, but I consider this unlikely given the number and date of the whole vessels in it), or that the strata changed without any noticible stratigraphic indications (most likely explanation). f 222 ns see my notes (j630) under f194 f 227 ns see my notes (j630) under f194 .bk A12 f 103 sg POTTERY (j702) the few sherds excavated near k6 f103, found near a new wall, will be processed as soon as possible by AB and the team of workmen .bk A12 f 128 sg POTTERY (j705) since the female clay statue (A12.30) was discovered in this feature, we decided to look at all the sherds excavated in this feature to see if there were the few missing parts in the lots. None were found. sg we are looking at all the lots from features 128, 123, 124 for whole vessels cp in the sherd lots from f228 there are two ceramic pedestal bases which may be ceramic statue bases similar to the one I am presently reconstructing for A12.30. One similar example had been excavated in A12f222. It is possible that these bases are part of low pedestal bases but this type of base has the open portion all the way to the base. These three examples have a concave base at the bottom and the hollow portion above. The statue has the hollow above the base, so not parallel in type to the pedestal bases.