.bk A12 .fl K706jl.j .fd journal and log entries .ei jl .ed K706 .rd K706 .ri jl -dy This morning, we finished leveling the surface of k26 (f320) and cleaned in preparation for an aerial photo. Unfortunately, the kite rig would not work, so instead okk took a few photos from the ladder and we continued to excavate in k26. We did get a picture of the face of the fissure before they cut it down. Also, Steph articulated the brickfall and ascertained that it was all broken, then he started working with the small pick. Work has progressed more quickly thanks to a few workers from A13, who did not excavate today. f 320 dy Today, while excavating in the ^a in k26, we came across a very interesting discovery. The ^a to the W of the fissure for about 30cm horizontally is in fact not ^a at all: it appears to be the crumbled top of a wall, a circular wall with the ashy ^a f307 piled against it, and the top of f308 (presumably) below that. Also, there is a possible plaster face partly preserved on the E side. If these observations are indeed correct, then it would solve many of our problems. The existence of a wall would explain the fissure and the lack of intersection between the strata on either side, and a coat of plaster would explain the smooth W face of the fissure. The presumed wall is itself bricky and red, but we cannot yet see individual bricks. -sg We are going to continue digging in k26 for the time being, in order to expose the W face of the wall and to see if the pit in k27 continues on this side of the wall as well. -dy We have come upon a startling discovery that would seem to solve most of our confusion about the nature of a22's stratigraphy: the fissure seems to be the result of a semicircular wall of brick, of which we have only just found a physical trace. Perhaps also this wall is related to the original use of the building; we will know better as we continue down. .rd K705 f 322 23 is 323 23 pt-a 324 27 ac m2338 90 140 325 27 pt-a f 322 ds large stones outside of a32 on S side of k23 tc si f319 f 323 ds ashy pit in f319 tc si f319 f 324 ds possible red layer below f316 f 325 ds white truncated pit at edge of f321 tc si f316 tc ab f321 f 316 tc co f324 .ri okk a 34 22 pb f322,f332 scattered line of stones S of south wall of a32 .ri lr q 603 pbi 316 27 E half of locus m2338 81 143 10 ashy ^ac .ri jl 604 pb 324 27 E part of locus 100E m2338 90 140 10 trying to define red layer f324 605 pbi 316 27 W part of locus 100E m2338 81 154 over white pit f325 .ri lr 606 p 319 23 SW 200E 100N m2317 90 154 25 red ^bf .ri jl 607 pbi 320 26 W third of locus m2338 108 154 10 leveling locus 608 pb 320 26 center third of locus m2338 108 154 10 leveling locus .rd K706 .ri ed 609 pb 320 26 E third of locus m2338 108 154 610 pb 319 23 from SW corner 100E 150N m2317 82 155 ^bf .ri lr 611 pbi 320 26 W half of locus m5019 78 146 10 ^ac .ri jl 612 pb 320 26 E half of locus m5019 78 146 10 .ri lr 613 pbi 320 26 W half of locus m5019 74 146 15 ^ac