.bk A12 .fl K708jl.j .fd journal entries K708 .ei jl .ed K708 .rd K708 .ri jl -sg Since excavation in the S half of k26 next to wall f326 did not reveal a trace of the pit f325, we will excavate the N half of the locus until it is level with the S half, then we will section the N face of the ^ac against f326. Once we have examined the section for traces of brick, then we will slowly remove it, hopefully to reveal a preserved brick face of the wall. f 320 tc co f328 =l f308 f 328 ds this feature appears to be the layer of sterile earth underneath f320. If so, it might seal the contents of the apsidal structure. -dy We spent the morning looking in k26 for traces of the pit f325. When we found nothing, we leveled the locus and instead turned to the possible wall f326. Picking against the W face of f326, we found no brick face, but the possible face of a simple mud wall. The workmen suggested that the room was actually a grain silo, but that would not explain the stone construction.