.bk A12 .fl K713jl.j .fd log entries K712-K713 .ei jl .ed K713 .rd K713 .ri jl f 331 27 ac m2338 7 102 i 87 329 27 657 ma 88 329 27 658 fg 3.0 6.1 3.4 cl animal torso 89 331 27 661 ca possible tablet blank 90 331 27 661 ma metal ring, maybe silver 91 331 27 661 ma metal ring, maybe silver .rd K713 92 331 27 663 ma 2.8 0.15 mt metal wire, maybe silver 93 331 27 664 ma 1.7 0.15 mt metal wire, maybe silver q 663 pbi 331 27 center part of locus m5018 41 157 10 .ri ed 664 pbi 331 27 W half of locus m5018 18 152 10 665 pbis 331 27 center/E part of locus m5018 18 152 .ri jl 666 pbi 331 27 S half of locus m5018 0 131 667 i 259 27 stone fallen from packing/mortar of stone wall a22 668 pbi 331 27 SW part of locus m5018 0 131 q 663.1 sl cl possible sealing 664.1 ma mt bronze bead 664.2 cl clay lump lot 665.1 cl clay lump lot 665.2 bk chunk of brick 665.51 sp unworked stone 666.1 cl clay lump lot 667.1 la stone fallen from the mortar of wall of a22 666.2 la lithic lot 668.1 la lithic lot