.bk A12 .fl K724jl.j .fd log and journal entries, K721-724 .ei jl .ed K724 .rd K724 .ri jl -sg In k26, our first plan is to clear away the last section of ^aa on top of the newly discovered floor, f348. We need to decide how to proceed to find the presumed stone floor beneath the plaster. Also, we will clean the W face of f326, the mud ledge, until we have removed all of the ^aa, and a few other remaining pedestals. In k27, we will continue digging down across the locus. v 127 ph v127 is a view of some of the large bones found in k27. Subview a is a tight view of the bones, subview b of the bones in relation to f326, the mud ledge, and subviews c and d are closeups of the leg and horn, respectively. These views are important since it is possible that the large bones came from the same animal and might document part of the ritual use of the structure. .rd K721 i 111 df bo ds two-thirds of a carinated bowl with disk base w1 12.7 w2 12.7 w3 4.5 co pink c# 7.5YR7/4 wm RC1 ht 3.2 th 0.4 P99 sent to be photographed i 105 df bd ds black and white colored bead, probably frit material, splotchy color w1 0.75 lg 1.6 co black and white wm frit P2 ZS13.10 i 101 df fg ds body and rump of animal ^fg w1 3.4 lg 6.4 ht 4.0 co light gray c# 2.5YR7/2 wm cl P99 sent to rah for description and analysis i 97 df si ds possible seal impression wm cl P99 sent to mkb for analysis i 99 df ma ds metal wire, curved into ring th 0.2 w1 1.5 wm mt P99 sent to sb for conservation i 100 df bd ds carved stone bead, smooth surface, one face broken off. Pierced at thin end, incised designs around piercing. Also chipped on side and on thin end. w1 0.6 th 0.5 lg 2.4 co brown and gray wm stone P2 ZS13.10 i 109 df cv ds base of ceramic vessal, rest of vessal missing P99 sent to mkb i 112 df ma ds piece of bronze wire, bent in middle th 0.1 lg 4.0 wm mt P99 sent to sb for conservation .rd K723 i 110 df si ds possible seal impression, in need of cleaning P99 sent to sb for cleaning i 106 df fg ds forequarters of animal ^fg w1 2.3 ht 3.2 lg 2.8 c# 10YR5/1 co gray wm cl P99 sent to rah for analysis i 103 df bd ds bead, possibly frit, with a large, bulbous middle and 3 rings of decreasing diameter on either end w1 1.1 lg 1.7 co green-white wm frit P2 ZS13.10 .rd K724 f 348 26 fa f 348 ds plastered floor i 116 347 27 734 si cl possible seal impression .ri ed 117 344 26 733 ma mt very small piece of bronze q 730 pb 345 26 NE corner of the locus m2337 0 187 10 .ri jl 731 pi 345 26 platform around lowest stone 732 p 345 26 N edge of locus ^aa against N wall and plaster face 733 pi 344 26 ^aa against base of mud ledge f326 734 pbi 347 27 E part of locus m2337 16 154 10 735 pb 347 27 W part of locus m2338 0 190 10 736 pbi 347 27 W part of locus, W of q735 m2338 0 190 10 .ri smp 737 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2338 0 190 10 738 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2338 0 190 10 .ri jl 733.1 la li lithic lot 734.1 cl cl clay lump lot 733.2 ca cl sling bullet 736.1 cl cl clay lump lot 736.2 ca cl piece of tannur 736.3 ca cl baked clay lump lot 730.51 sp shell lot 731.1 cl clay lump 730.52 sm sample of white layer of f348 .rd K723 v 125 OV va32 vk27,26 125a m OV va32 vk26,25,24,23 126 OV va32 vk23,24,25,26,27 126a OV va32 126b OV va32 .rd K724 127 OS va32 vf347,326,346,343,331,324,329,259,258,339,340 vq740 vk27 127a t OS va32 vf347 vq740 vk27 tight shot of bones and horn 127b m OS va32 vf347,326,343,331,324,329,259,258,339,340 vq740 vk27 shows mud ledge 127c c OV vk27 vf347 vq740 127d c OV vk27 vf347 vq740