.bk A12 .fl K725jl.j .fd journal and log entries K725, one entry from K703 .ei jl .ed K725 .rd K725 .ri jl f 349 26 pc m5018 0 265 f 349 ds sherd floor f 348 P1 K725jl i 118 349 26 750 ma 5.5 0.5 mt bronze rod 119 349 26 750 fg 2.4 2.3 2.1 cl very tiny ^fg 120 349 26 762 ma bronze rod 121 349 26 762 bd bead .ri smp q 739 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2338 0 190 10 740 b 347 27 W part of locus m2337 0 163 large animal bones, pedestalled, components -01 and -02 741 pb 347 27 W part of locus m2337 0 163 742 pbis 348 26 W part of locus m5018 0 261 5 743 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2337 0 163 10 .ri jl 744 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2337 0 163 5 745 pb 348 26 E part of locus m5018 0 261 5 746 pb 347 27 W part of locus m2338 0 210 10 747 p 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 748 pbi 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 749 p 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 750 p 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 751 pb 347 27 W part of locus m2338 0 210 15 752 pb 347 27 E part of locus m2338 0 210 15 753 p 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 754 p 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 755 p 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 756 p 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 265 10 757 pbi 347 27 E part of locus m2338 0 223 15 758 pb 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 167 10 759 pb 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 167 10 760 pb 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 167 10 761 pb 349 26 NE quadrant of locus m5018 0 167 10 762 pi 349 26 NW quadrant of locus m5018 0 167 10 742.1 cl clay lump lot 742.51 sm 2 bags of soil sample from soil over f349 742.52 cs 742.2 la worked (?) quartz 742.3 la grinding stone 742.53 cs carbon sample 742.4 ca cl piece of clay with round impression 742.5 la li lithic lot 742.6 ca cl fragments of unknown ^ca 748.1 la li lithic lot 748.2 ca cl uk (si?) 748.51 sp shell 762.1 la lithic lot 757.1 ca inscribed/sealed sherd .rd K703 .ri lr 591 p 318 23 SE 150N 250W m2315 0 183 .rd K725 .ri jl v 128 OE va32 vf348,326,315,350 vk26,24 128a m OE vf348,350 vk26 128b c OV vf348 vk26 128c m E vf326,348,350 vk26 va32 128d m OS vf326,348 vk26 va32 slide film only 129 E va32 vk26,24 vf326,349,350,315 129a t OV vk26 vf349 129b c OV va32 vk26 vf349 -sg Because there is so little time left, we have switched strategies somewhat. Now, we essentially have the entire workforce available to us, since the other squares have finished, so we are attempting to start a continuous process of digging and, at the same time, shoveling and removing dirt. Whether it will work properly remains to be seen. In k26, we will excavate the possible plaster floor f348 to see if we find more floors/stones underneath. Our guide for the potential depth of the floor will be, for the time being, the wall to the W: as long as we continue seeing stones going down, we will presume that we have not yet reached the floor. In k27, we will remove all of the pedestalled bones except for the burial in the baulk, and continue digging down across the locus. f 348 ds Originally, this was described as ^fa, since it appeared to be a plastered floor. There were patches of red, orange, and white material, as well as large ashy patches. Also, the dirt above flaked off in a very even layer. However, if it was a plastered floor, then it has decayed considerably. There were no large patches of red or orange material, and in fact it looked as if it had fallen from above, since they were little islands over the even surface. Also, when excavated, the even surface proved to be the first of a few very thin ^aa over the sherd floor, f349. However, it should be noted that in the NW corner of the locus, the orange material seemed to slope up and cover the wall, as if the wall was plastered, and there is a very clear vertical face on the wall in the NW corner. Perhaps there was a layer of plaster, mostly decayed, and in a few places fell from the wall onto the floor. v 128 ph This view is a photograph of f348, the possible plaster floor, before we excavated it. The main view, taken with the wide-angle lens, shows the whole locus, including the two spots of bright red and the large patch of white in the NE corner. v128a is the same view with the regular lens. v128b is a closeup of a red patch, and v128c is the whole locus viewed from the doorway. v128d is looking S, taken only with slide film. i 119 df fg in tilted 30 degrees down to W or head facing SE ro 45 degrees on left side