.bk A12 .fl K731rah.j .fd figurines, this unit, provisional description .fn it is assumed that provisional measurements, including at least one diagnostic measure, and Munsell have been taken by the excavators. .rd K729 .ri rah .ei rah .ed K729 i 76 tc si f316 df fg ds Ovis TYPE I, buttocks fused, tail quite small and carried high in the manner of A1.62. There may be an udder. wm A fine red ware, different in quality from that found in A10 and in A6, which was quite coarse. nt The only problem with this identification is that there is a slight mane; although some sheep do carry same (long hairs hanging down), this, combined with the wide forequarters stance is troublesome P2 ZS13.22 i 101 tc si f342 df fg ds Ovis TYPE II, hindquarters and partial torso. There is the slight trace of the thick tail curving down and to the left on the hindquarters, which are fused high up. Compare Ovis hindquarters A1.52, quite similar in the way the tail is laid onto the body; Ovis hindquarters A1.53, another way of laying in the tail; and Ovis A5q135-f, quite a good parallel with tail intact. Ratio of tail/hindquarters is 1/3. wm fine with medium chaff temper lg 5.94 ht 3.76 @hindquarters w2 2.75 w3 3.15 w3 0.89 @tail c# 7.5YR 7/3 co pink P2 ZS13.16 i 122 tc si f344 df fg ds a tiny fragment bearing the marks of a pelt. The incisions are not deep and are evenly spaced. Depending upon breakage this could be a Capra tail, although one might expect a sharper angular object, were this to be this case. See A1.44 P2 ZS13.22 q 769.1 tc si f349 df fg ds fragment, so broken as to render identification difficult. The fragment may be an Equus mane. The termination of the muzzle is flat, blunt, if so. P2 ZS13.22 i 119 tc si f349 df fg ds head, miniature, there are horns, and a muzzle, nostrils well-defined. Bos. P2 ZS13.22 i 124 tc si f351 df fg ds equid neck and mane [1]; torso [2]; the piece is solidly founded, probably TYPE II. Compare A5.30 pv 2 pieces P99 Conservation P2 ZS13.22 q 765.1 tc si f349 df fg ds equid foreleg. Compare A5.30, terminated P2 ZS13.22 q 770.1 tc si f349 df fg ds likely Bos torso fragmentary P2 ZS13.22 .bk Zy2 i 7 nv locus H df fg ds fragment, part of torso P2 ZS13.22 .bk B1 i 95 tc si f123 nv 86.605 df fg ds finely modeled leg [gracile] wm fine P2 ZS13.22 .bk A12 i 106 tc si f343 df fg ds forequarters pv fragmentary P2 ZS13.22 q 627.2 tc si f328 df fg ds fragmentary tail carried high, thick P2 ZS13.22 i 96 tc si f336 df fg ds long torso, narrow forequarters, extremely wide hindquarters nt re-examine typology. This is similar to A10.20, obviously; but the form gives pause. [Ovis TYPE II]. P2 ZS13.22 i 83 tc si f328 df fg ds hindquarters, striated mane, Ovis TYPE II See example found in two loci; mended/wheeled. P2 ZS13.22 i 79 tc si f320 df fg ds hindquarters, deep incision between buttocks, veterinary strap, solidly founded hindquarters, possible carnivore. No other diagnostic feature, sexual parts broken/missing. P2 ZS13.22 i 88 tc si f329 df fg ds wide hindquarters, breast ridge, some body modeling pv heavily eroded P2 ZS13.22 i 86 tc si f330 df fg ds humanoid, female. The body is not hollow, but may have been formed in two parts, as with some examples of Aves pedestals. There was an impressed pastille at the navel, which is lost. P2 ZS13.22 q 561.2 tc si f258 df fg ds wide forequarters, legs widespread, there is a mane wm medium fine P2 ZS13.22 i 94 tc si f331 df fg ds Bos head only, finely modeled, heavily abraided P2 ZS13.22 q 644.2 tc si f328 df fg ds terminated leg, quite heavy; Ovis? Geometric, clean lines P2 ZS13.22 i 81 tc si f328 df fg ds equid neck. Comapre A5q63-f. Two Ponctus on mane which is raised, but abraded. Neck quite long. P2 ZS13.22 i 78 tc si f320 df fg ds narrow hindquarters contained within a solidly founded inverted U. P2 ZS13.22 i 98 tc si f331 df fg ds forequarters, carnivore, rather heavy neck join. Incised mane. nt detail of mane and incisions is unusual; they were modelled together. wm red ware P2 ZS13.22 q 586.1 tc si f314 df fg ds heavily eroded Ovis, TYPE II, torso P2 ZS13.22