.bk A12 .fl K802smp.j .fd object descriptions .fn various dates .ed K802 .ei smp .rd K802 .ri lr i 81 df fg lg 6.7 th 2 ds head of a long necked animal with mane P99 to rah q 624.51 df sp lg 2.4 ds shell of snail P2 ZS13.1 q 623.52 df cs P2 ZS13.8 q 623.51 df kw cp 1 ds small piece of kiln waste, green in color P2 ZS13.9 q 623.1 df la cp 4 ds 3 pieces appear to be worked P2 ZS13.15 q 623.2 df cl cp 4 ds clay lumps P2 ZS13.14 i 85 df ma lg 5.9 th .8 ds long metal object P99 to sb q 641.51 df cs P2 ZS13.8 i 86 df fg lg 5.3 th 1.8 c# 10YR 7/4 co very pale brown ds woman fg, hips and arms, back of hair, circular depression at backside P99 to rah q 644.1 df cv ds tripod vessel P99 to vp q 639.1 df la wm ob P2 ZS13.15 q 666.2 df la wm ob lg 2 w1 1.7 th .7 ds ob, possible core, shows signs of cutting either natural or by man P2 ZS13.15 i 92 df ma lg 2.7 th .15 ds long thin piece of metal with curving ends, of light color P99 to sb q 650.1 df ca w2 1.5 ds flat round clay artifact with perferation at center P2 ZS13.6 q 646.3 df bl wm ob lg 2.5 w1 1 th .5 ds ob with one flat surface, other surface is sloping with worked edges P2 ZS13.15 q 648.1 df ca lg .5 w1 3.6 ds square clay piece elongaded with rounded edges P2 ZS13.6 q 645.1 df la cp 2 ds two pieces of light grayish stone, one long blade 5 cm long and one piece that appears to be a core with many irregular cuts P2 ZS13.15 q 650.2 df la cp 2 ds one smooth stone flat with a break at one end, uncertain if natural, one piece of light grayish material probably flint with irregular breaks P2 ZS13.15 q 644.52 df sm lg 3 th .35 ds rim of a shell with shiny side visible P2 ZS13.1 q 647.51 df cs P2 ZS13.8 q 646.1 df ta cp 3 ds fragment of tannur P2 ZS13.6 q 653.1 df bl lg 3 w1 .9 th .25 wm ob ds obsidian blade with one flat surface and one surface with sloping edges P2 ZS13.15 i 87 df ma lg 1.3 th .4 ds small rounded metal object P99 to sb q 658.3 df sl lg 3.2 th 1.6 w1 2 ds sealing with some kind of impression P2 ZS13.13 q 657.2 df ca lg 3.6 w1 2.3 ds round clay piece broken into four pieces P2 ZS13.6 q 658.2 df kw lg 8.9 w1 7.7 th .9 ds long flat kiln waste greenish and pourous i 88 df fg lg 5.6 w1 3.4 th 2.4 ds body of fg with broken neck and legs wider backside P99 to rah q 658.1 df la cp 3 ds one piece of ob and 2 pieces of flint, appear to be debitage P2 ZS13.15 q 644.51 df cl cp 2 P1 K802lr i 93 df ma lg 1.7 th 1.5 ds metal ring bent out of shape P99 to sb q 615.3 df la lg 5.8 w1 4.4 th 2.3 ds stone with rounded indentation P2 ZS13.3 nd This object was originally numbered as q415-03, due to a mistake in numbering. It may be filed under this number. i 79 df fg ds back and incised tail c# 7.5YR 7/4 co pink P99 to rah q 616.1 df kw lg 9 w1 7.5 ds greenish irregular shaped clay object bubble visible and large white inclusions P2 ZS13.9 nl This object was originally mistakenly numbered as q416.1. It may still be boxed according to that number. q 619.1 df la lg 4.3 w1 4.5 th 1.4 ds lithic in a triangular shape with sloping edges and flat on both sides nl This object was originally mistakenly numbered as q419.1. It may still be boxed according to that number. i 80 df ma lg 6 th .3 ds metal pin P99 to sb q 616.2 df ca lg 10 w1 5.5 th 5 ds piece of bk or ta, two flat surfaces lighter in color than inside the object P2 ZS13.6 nl This object was originally mistakenly numbered as q416.2. It may still be boxed according to that number. q 613.2 df la lg 2.8 w1 1.8 th .4 ds piece of flint, appears to be worked at edge P2 ZS13.3 nl This object was originally numbered as q413-02, due to a mistake in the numbering system. It may be boxed under that number. .rd K714 .ri okk q 658.52 df sm ds part of a shell, pearlescent in color P2 ZS13.15 q 654.1 df la ds piece of obsidion-probably debitage P2 ZS13.15 q 656.1 df sl ds sealing of grey clay with possible peg impression lg 4 w1 2 th 1.5 q 640.1 df cl cp 2 ds two clay lumps, one with smooth surface, like seen with sealings, possible faint seal impression P2 ZS13.14 q 646.2 df cl lg 12 w1 1.4 th 8.8 ds clay lump with possible seal impression clay is greyish in color P99 to mkb q 644.2 df ca lg 2 w1 2 th 1.6 ds muzzle from an equid figurine, might also be a foreleg P99 to rah q 639.1 df la lg 2.7 w1 1.9 th 0.7 ds obsidian blade P2 ZS13.15 q 657.51 df la cp 2 ds two lithic artifacts, on is a piece of worked flint, the other is probably not worked P2 ZS13.15 q 655.3 df ca cp 2 ds clay artifact, appears to be a large docket, but there is no whole for a peg P2 ZS13.6 .rd K721 .ri lr q 671.1 df ca lg 6 w1 5.8 th 4.5 ds clay object in the shape of a "y", flat sides. One end is wider than the other and hollow P2 ZS13.6 q 677.1 df cl lg 2.5 w1 1.8 th .8 ds clay lump with one flat surface P2 ZS13.14 i 94 df fg lg 3.4 w1 2.5 ds head of an equid with main, ears P99 to rah q 694.51 df uk ds ashy lump P2 ZS13.9 q 661.51 df sm ds soil sample of a white substance found in soil P2 ZS13.9 q 661.2 df la cp 2 ds one small piece of unworked ob and one piece of worked ob P2 ZS13.15 q 685.1 df la lg 4.8 w1 3.8 th .8 ds flat on one side P2 ZS13.15 q 681.2 df sl cp 2 ds one larger gray piece with several indentations P2 ZS13.23 q 560.2 df bd wm li lg 2.1 w1 1.4 ds long round bead with a perforation running lengthwise P2 ZS13.3 q 558.1 df ma lg 8.3 th .3 ds long metal pin P99 to sb q 561.1 df ma lg 5.1 th .2 ds piece of metal pin P99 to sb q 560.1 df ca lg 2 th 1.5 ds rounded clay with one surface flat P2 ZS13.6 q 561.3 df ca lg 2.6 th 1.7 ds triangular clay piece with top thinner than bottom P2 ZS13.6 q 561.2 df fg wm cl lg 2.5 ds front quarters of fg with neck broken, two legs and a mane visible P99 to rah q 666.1 df cl cp 4 ds one lump is a sealing with some kind of flat impression, rest do not appear to have any kind of impression P2 ZS13.14 q 657.1 df cl cp 2 ds two lumps of clay with long thin line impressions, possible roofing pieces P2 ZS13.14 q 665.1 df cl ds burnt clay lump lg 3.3 w1 2.7 th 1.3 P2 ZS13.14 q 693.2 df kw ds small piece of kw or slag P2 ZS13.9 q 664.2 df cl cp 2 ds clay lumps-one with possible impression P2 ZS13.14 q 673.1 df ls ds flat piece of lithic no signs of work lg 3.3 w1 2.6 th .8 P2 ZS13.15 q 689.3 df la cp 2 ds one flat large piece of brownish grey stone and one smaller dark brown stone P2 ZS13.15 q 694.2 df ca cp 3 ds possible brick, clay piece with three flat surfaces P2 ZS13.6 q 659.1 df cl cp 7 ds burnt clay lumps P2 ZS13.14 q 694.1 df la cp 3 ds one small piece of ob, one basalt and one smooth grey stone cut P2 ZS13.15 q 661.1 df ca cp 3 ds one round clay ball, piece of ta or bk and one clay lump