.bk A12 .fl K802smp1.j .fd object descriptions .fn various dates .ed K802 .ei smp .rd K726 .ri lr i 117 df ma ds small round ma lg 0.4 P99 to SB i 116 df cl ds possibly sealed P2 ZS13.23 q 731.1 df sl lg 2.1 w1 1.7 th 1.0 ds grey squarish lump of clay no impression P2 ZS13.23 q 733.2 df ca lg 4.6 w1 3.1 ds oval shaped clay sling ball P2 ZS13.25 .rd K730 .ri smp q 733.1 cp 2 df la ds lithic lot, two pieces of debitage P2 ZS13.15 q 734.1 df cl P1 K730smp q 736.3 df cl cp 2 ds two lumps of clay P2 ZS13.24 q 730.52 df sm ds sample of white layer f348 P2 ZS13.9 q 736.1 df cl ds box of clay lumps P2 ZS13.24 q 680.1 df la ds possible worked lithic P2 ZS13.26 q 715.1 df ca ds rectangular piece of small clay lg 3.55 w1 1.5 th .9 c# 7.5YR 7/4 co pink P2 ZS13.9 q 717.6 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball half broken lg 4.9 w1 2.7 P2 ZS13.25 q 717.2 df cl cp 3 ds clay lumps P2 ZS12.24 q 714.2 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball/half broken lg 4.3 w1 2.06 P2 ZS13.25 q 714.1 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball lg 4.7 w1 3.17 P2 ZS13.25 q 717.1 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball lg 5.63 w1 3.53 P2 ZS13.25 q 717.4 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball lg 4.65 w1 2.99 P2 ZS13.25 q 717.3 df sl ds sealing with rope mark P2 ZS13.23 q 707.3 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball lg 5.25 w1 2.9 P2 ZS13.25 q 713.3 df ca ds oval shaped sling ball lg 4.94 w1 3.04 P2 ZS13.25 q 714.4 df la ds lithic blade with some denticulations P2 ZS13.26 q 712.1 df la ds smooth, polished stone P2 ZS13.26 q 717.51 df sm ds clay sample P2 ZS13.9 q 714.3 df sl ds with fingernail marks P2 ZS13.23 q 714.51 df sm ds shell P2 ZS13.1 q 718.1 df la ds worked lithic fragment P2 ZS13.26 q 716.51 df sp ds shell P2 ZS13.26 i 97 df cl ds no seal impression P2 ZS13.24 q 700.1 df sl ds sealing with fingerpring mark and rope mark P2 ZS13.23 q 701.1 df cl ds clay lumps P2 ZS13.24 q 703.51 df sm ds soil f338 P2 ZS13.9 q 705.51 df sm ds soil f338 P2 ZS13.9 .rd K731 .ri smp q 783.2 df ca ds piece of irregularly shaped clay with markings P2 ZS13.25 i 104 df la ds blade in 3 pieces from f331 has denticulations lg 6 w1 3 c# 7.5YR 6/2 co pinkish grey P2 ZS13.26 i 127 df sl ds sealing, not rolled with a container P2 ZS13.28 i 126 df fg ds to rah P2 ZS13.27 i 114 df fg ds to rah P2 ZS13.27 q 646.2 ds sl ds sealing P2 ZS13.23 i 113 df fg ds to rah P2 ZS13.27 i 115 df fg ds to rah P2 ZS13.27 q 706.1 df fg ds to rah P2 ZS13.27 q 731.1 df sl ds sealing P2 ZS13.23 q 681.2 df sl ds two clay lumps with markings P2 ZS13.23 q 700.1 df sl ds sealings with rope mark P2 ZS13.23 q 683.1 df ca ds sling ball lg 5.09 w1 3.53 P2 ZS13.25 q 783.1 df cl cp 1 ds clay lump with undulations P2 ZS13.24 q 684.1 df cl cp 1 ds one with various undulations P2 ZS13.24 q 784.1 df ca ds sling ball P2 ZS13.25 q 713.2 df la ds fine lithic blade lg 1.86 w1 .95 th .35 P2 ZS13.26 q 784.52 df sm ds carbon f351 P2 ZS13.8 q 716.52 df sm ds lithic sample, unsure of stone type P2 ZS13.26 q 717.51 df sm ds clay lumps (baked) f345 P2 ZS13.9 q 783.52 df sm ds clay lumps (baked) P2 ZS13.9 q 713.51 df sm ds clay lump (baked) P2 ZS13.9 q 784.51 df sm ds clay lump baked P2 ZS13.9 q 701.1 df la ds lot with large pumice stone and pieces of debitage f338 P2 ZS13.26 q 668.1 df la ds lot including a chopping tool with many denticulations and encrustations P2 ZS13.26 .rd K728 .ri jl q 723.53 ds sample of white material in floor P2 ZS13.9 i 120 df ma ds bronze rod lg 7.0 w1 0.9 wm mt P99 to sb i 121 df bd ds cylindrical, perforated bead maybe frit lg 1.8 w1 0.6 co white P2 ZS13.10 q 742.6 cp 4 ds four pieces of clay molded in shape of sling balls P2 ZS13.21 q 742.52 ds carbon sample df cs P2 ZS13.8 q 742.2 df la ds piece of crystal P2 ZS13.15 q 742.4 df ca ds chunk of clay with round depression P2 ZS13.21 q 762.1 df la ds piece of obsidion P2 ZS13.15 q 748.2 df ca ds sherd with possible design or impression P99 to mkb i 118 df ma ds bronze wire wm mt w1 0.7 lg 5.5 P99 to sb i 119 df fg ds small crudely molded animal figurine wm cl lg 2.2 w1 1.3 ht 2.1 c# 10YR 3.1 co very dark grey P99 to rah q 742.53 df cs ds carbon sample P2 ZS13.8 q 748.1 df la ds flint core P2 ZS13.15 q 742.3 df la ds worked piece of basalt P2 ZS13.15 q 742.1 df cl ds four clay lumps discarded P1 K729 jl q 748.51 df sm ds piece of shell P2 ZS13.1 .rd K728 .ri jl q 779.1 df ca ds wheel type one, most missing wm cl lg 4.5 w1 2.7 th 3.8 c# 10YR 7/2 co light grey P2 ZS13.19 i 122 df fg ds possible piece of figurine pelt or beard wm cl w1 1.8 lg 1.9 th 0.9 c# 7.5YR 5/1 co gray P99 to rah i 124 df fg ds body and neck of animal figurine broken in two at forequarters, one ear and mane wm cl lg 6.9 w1 3.1 ht 6.1 co light gray c# 2.5YR 7/2 P99 to rah q 770.1 df ca ds clay cylinder P99 to rah