.bk A12 .fl K807smp1.j .fd notes on views .ei smp .ed K807 .rd K807 .ri jl v 129 ph This view documents the top of the sherd layer f349,underneath the plaster floor f348. Note the stones visible, the tops of stones suggesting that the sherd layer covers/surrounds them. Since it appears that there still might be mnore architecture underneath, we will excavate half of the layer. v129a is a closeup, overhead, showing the sherd layer. v129b is a closeup of one of the stones emerging from the sherds. v 128 ph This view documents the plastered floor f348 in k26. Although very little plaster remains, the whole surface was clearly a floor, since the accumulation above flaked off very clearly. However, the tops of stones in a few locations suggest that this is not teh firest floor so we will continue digging. v128a is a slightly tighter view of the same area. v128b is a closeup of a piece of red plaster. v128c looks out at the floor from the doorway. v 130 ph This view is an overhead photograph of the underground structure. It shows very clearly the inherant circularity of the structure, the wing extending out from the wall. v130a only shows the N half of the structure. v 131 ph This view shows the architecture revealed under f349 in k26. The circular stoen wall f353 suggests that there is indeed more underneath the sherd layer. We will excavate teh SE cornerof f349 to uncover the rest of it. The sherd layer,however,is much thicker than any other similar floor that Ive seen.v131 and v131b are also tight and close shots of the step f350 over f349. Finally v131e and v131f are tight and close views of the cut bricks surrounding the stone apron. .bk A12 .fl K807smp2.j .fd notes on views .ei smp .ed K807 .rd K807 .ri jl v 132 ph This view shows the emplacement of A12.124, an animal figurine. v132a is a closeup of the figurine. v 133 ph This view shows the NE corner of k26, where f354 and f353 continue under the stones, and the sherds of f349 go amidst the stones. v 134 ph This view is of the stones of the a32 wall. For view angles, see template v130. It faces North. v 135 ph This view is of the stones on the W wall of k26 for view angles, see template v130. v 136 ph This view is of the stones on the S wall of k26, for view angles see templatte v130. v 137 ph This view is of the stones in the SE portion of k27. For angles see template v130. v 138 ph This view is of the stones in the NE portion of k27. For complete view angles see template v130. v 130 ph This template is being used to show the view angles of the a32 stone photographs, v134-v138 v 139 ph This view shows all of a32, to show the extent of excavation v 140 ph This view tries to capture the many mentalities of the structure and the depth of the current excavation. v 141 ph this view shows how the top of the subterranean structure is at the level of the packing of the floor of AF. The iron frame to tne N shows the probably foundation of AF wall. Therefore, the structure was clearly subterranean. v141a shows the wing of the circle jutting out, emphacizing its circularity. v141b is a closeup of the stone. v 142 ph This is a final phot of the excavated limits of k26. Note, f353, f354 and f355, the remains of a previous structure of similar shape. v143 ph is view of the location of the mud plaster on the wall in the NW corner, v142b is a closesup of the thickness itself. v 144 ph This final photo, similar to others before it, tries to show the sherds f349 continuing into the wall helping date it. v 145 ph This final photo shows the stone circle f353 in relation to f326 and the brick layer underneath it. v 146 ph This shows the relationship between f326, f346, the mud plaster and the walls of a32. Also it shows how f326 bonds with the stone wing. v145 shows the ground at the base of f326, including f352, the stones underneath the mud ledge. v146b is a closeup of the bonding. v 147 ph This view focuses on f352,the line of stones under f326, to show how it links the circle and justifies the mud ledge. v149a is a vertical shot, shows the height of the mud ledge. v 148 ph This is a good photograph of the stairs. v148 shows the top step with the meter stick. It has less foreshortening than previous views. v 149 ph This is the strata photo of the S baulk of a32. v149a is a tight shot of k26, v149b-e is are closeups of the section. v149f-k are closeups of the section in k27, v149l is a closeup of the stratigraphy across the baulk, and v149m shows the mud ledge bonding with the section. v 150 ph v150 shows the floor discovered in k28. v150a is the W baulk, v150b is the N baulk, v150c is the E side, and v150d is the S baulk. v150e is the context shot with jl for scale. v 151 ph This photo was taken from the cherry picker. It is a good general photo. v 152 ph This is one of the night photos of a32.