.bk A12 .fl M909jl.j .fd log entries .ed M909 .ei jl .rd M909 .ri ms -dy gb has decided that we should stop excavating in f384 for the time being and concentrate on f369/f371 in the trench in the northern half of k27. This decision was made as a result of our discovering f387 both in section and in excavation in f384. Since it has not been properly drawn, he and mkb think that it would be wise to maintain the section and use our excavations in the northern half of the locus as a guide for our later excavations in the southern half. Furthermore, since time is running short, a limited excavation in the circle is more likely to reveal to us the bottom of the structure. .ri jl f 387 27 pt 8138-122 7996 M913 ms 388 27 s 8237-129 8069 M909 jl f 387 ds This is the ashy layer found within f384. It starts very sharply about 30cm away from the eastern wall of the structure, and continues at a slight downward slope for about 2 meters to the west before merging into f384. Since it does not extend all of the way to either wall, we have not labeled it as a ^ly or ^a, but instead as a ^pt, following gb and mkb's observations about the large number of shallow pits found within the building. Another hypothesis is that it was a layer, but the gap on the eastern side is the result of rain water turning the soil to mud and washing away the ash and depositing mud from above in its place. However, the lack of any break or other sign of discontinuity in the surrounding soil argues against this hypothesis. The most curious thing about this very obvious layer is how we missed it while excavating in the northern half of k27 during season L, since it comes all of the way up to the baulk and clearly extended further. sg Since we do not understand this new feature and time is running short, we have decided to hold off excavating this area for the time being, and instead to draw it properly and excavate in the northern trench in the meantime. f 388 ds This is the small outcrop of red material from the base of the old southern baulk of k27 at its eastern edge, i.e. at the edge of the fissure and k26. It was left over from the cutting back of the baulk during season L, and since we neither understood it nor could excavate further into the baulk, we left it alone. We finally decided to remove it primarily to remove the material underneath it, the accumulation at the edge of the circle pressed up against the stones of f352. Its purpose is unknown, but it may have been related to f326, the mud ledge. .ri ms q 917 pbi 384 27 r622 140N 205E 8192 168 8 918 pbi 330 26 r623 59S 340W 8305 108 21 .ri jl 919 p 388 27 r624 30E 58N 8237 129 39 920 pi 336 26 r625 59S 340W 8240 64 3 921 pb 382 27 r626 30E 160N 8215 136 54 922 pb 336 26 r629 59S 340W 8231 58 10 923 p 384 27 r630 30E 160N 8192 168 10 .ri ms 924 pb 369 27 r627 100E 90N 8153 167 20 a few pieces of q925 were accidentally put into q924, but as the whole q-lot is apparently contaminated from the winter rains before season L, this is not a great problem 925 pb 369 27 r628 160E 210N 8133 167 8 this q-lot contained much unstratified material, including a large plastic bag. A few pieces of its pottery were accidentally placed in the bag of q924, but since this q-lot was above q925 and is therefore also unstratified, it is not a great problem. f 369 nd Upon discovery of a plastic bag and some styrofoam in this feature, gb has decided to make the outer 30 cms of any layer within the circle into a separate q-lot, to avoid contamination of the inner, presumably stratified material.