.bk A12 .fl M914jl.j .fd log entries .ed M914 .ei jl .rd M905 .ri jl -dy This morning, gb decided to transfer ap to A16, because there was a greater need for her there. Later, while studying the excavated portion of the baulk, I noticed more clearly the curvature of the fissure, f303, visible on the top surface of the excavated area (see v185 and 185a). Previously, it had been too high up to see clearly, and much of the area around it had been washed away by rainwater. At this lower, better preserved level, it is very clear and must be taken into account during excavation. -sg Because I have observed the curve of the fissure extending into the south baulk in k26/k27 (a32), I have had to change our excavation strategy. Before, we had been cutting into the baulk as if the locus had a square corner. In fact, it is (somewhat obviously in hindsight) circular, and we had actually been cutting into a part of k26 the whole time. Now that we can see the divide between the two loci clearly, I have instructed the digger, Stef, to excavate into the baulk no further than the fissure. .rd M914 .ri ms q 961 pb 392 27 r680 130E 137N 8137 156 11 962 pb 392 27 r681 230E 137N 8132 156 6 963 bi 393 26 r682 55S 130W 8252 164 3 964 pbi 392 27 r683 150S 408E 8126 156 8 965 pbi 392 27 r684 150S 408E m2937 52 129 5 elevation taken from different location as q967, hence different bottom and top elevations .ri jl 966 pib 371 27 r685 250W 138S 8130 173 4 red material in south half of locus 967 p 392 27 r686 100E 124N 8133 169 2 over the laminations, empty q-lot .rd M912 .ri jl i 158 384 27 941 la pestle 159 26 sm 160 345 26 943 ca egg 161 384 27 942 si seal impression .rd M914 162 392 27 965 fg 163 393 26 963 sm red material, maybe floor plaster from first floor, as we saw in season 13 excavations in k26 .rd M913 .ri ms f 392 27 a 8136-157 7966 M914 ms 393 26 is 8243-140 8078 M914 jl 394 26 fa 8231-153 .ri jl f 392 ds This is a rather dirty accumulation or fill underneath f384 and f387. It contains large stones, many sherds and bones, ash deposits, and chunks of bricky material. In the lower levels, it merges into f371. f 372 nd These laminations extend across the whole locus, under f369 and merging with f371. f371 and f372 could be the same feature, at least in f371's lower levels. f 384 ds This ^a is probably (at least away from its edge) stratified. At its highest levels, it was (like f382) universally brown and moist, with a hard, gummy texture. It contained small pieces of bricky red material and ash. In its lower levels (right around f387), it maintained its texture, but both the ash chunks and the brick chunks increased dramatically in size. We will make this newer, dirtier material a new feature from now on, f392. f 371 nd This layer seems to be linked to f372. Our discovery of the striations on the north of f371 (v___) led us to excavate the laminations there as a layer. Much of what we called f371 lay on top of these laminations. However, the upper f371 material which we removed merged gradually with f369 in the south and west. It is possible that there were never three features in this layer: there may have only been f369 (the dirty brown which looks much like f392, above) and f372, the red-brown laminations. f371, although its solid red was very distinctive at its higher levels, may have only been the misunderstood intersection between these two features. f 393 ds This installation is the installation of discolored, brick-shaped material in the southeast corner of k26. The components do not seem to be actual bricks, in that they are not significantly different in consistency from the accumulation around them. However, their color is distinctly different, allowing one to outline patches, some of which are rectangular in shape and some of which are less regular. It was at a very low elevation, but as the white plastered floor, f394, continued underneath it, we removed it. f 394 ds This is the white plastered floor found at the very bottom of the southern baulk of k26. It is probably equivalent to f348 from season 13, since directly underneath it is the leveling material f349. However, a discrepancy between the recorded elevations of the two features caused us to make a new feature for it, until we can settle the problem with the older data. .rd M911 .ri ms v 204 OV gk27 ga32 gf371,gf372 205 S gk26 gf345,gf348,gf393,gf344,gf338,gf349,gf400, ga32 205a c OS gk26 gf348 white floor 205b t 0S gk26 gf349,gf353,gf348,gf393,gf345,gf344,gf400 ga32 newly revealed stone beneath floor 205c c S gk26 gf348,gf393,gf349,gf400 bricky mass 205d c S gk26 ga32 gf348,gf400 plaster 205e c OV gk26 gf393,gf349,gf400 bricks .ri ms 206 OS gk26 ga32 gf348,gf349,gf393,gf400,gf330,gf336,gf338,gf344,gf345 bricks, bricky mass 206a t OV gk26 gf393,gf345,gf400 west portion of the bricky mass in f345 206b t OV gk26 gf393,gf348,gf349,gf400 east portion of the bricky mass in f345 .rd M913 .ri ms 207 SE gk26 gf393,gf394 white floor under f393 207a S 207b OW S .ri jl 208 OS gf348,gf349,gf393 gk26 ga32 208a t OS gf348,gf393 gk26 ga32 208b t OS gf348,gf349 gk26 ga32 209 E gf392 gq959 ga32 gk27 209a w E 210 OS gf392,gf371,gf372 gk27 210a t S gf392,gf384,gf382,gf351 ga32 210b t OS gf392,gf372 gk27 210c t OS gf371 gk27 .rd M910 f 371 nd ms and I observed today that the material in the northern half of the feature is rather different from the southern half. In the north, the material is a solid red, while in the south, it is predominantly brown with red, bricky chunks, eventually merging into the brown f369. In all cases, the soil is very damp, compact, and gummy, almost like clay. f 390 ds This is the ashy mass inside f336 in the k26 south baulk. It is very wide and long, but not deep. It clearly belongs to one object; what that object was, however, is unclear. .rd M912 .ri ms f 384 ds Bricky matter fairly common throughout f384 west of f387. Seems to be found in conjunction with ashy material. .rd M913 -dy k27: evened out f392. The fill seems to be less dirty at this elevation (7070) so created f395 to differentiate. We are above the laminations in the north half of the circle and I have told the workmen to be aware. We will watch closely to see where we meet them on this side. Later: did not create f395 after all. However, leaving a small baulk on the eastern side of the feature (against the eastern wall of a32) because the fill seems to be different and we are unclear about the relationship between the different soils. k26: are following the white floor, f394. It goes under f393, bricky mass in south baulk. We are removing f393 to follow the floor.