.bk A12 .fl M922ms.j .fd view logs and descriptions .ed M922 .ei ms .rd M911 .ri jl v 205 S ga32 gk26,27 gf345,348,393,344,338,349,400 205a c OS gk26 gf348,393 white floor 205b t OS ga32 gk26 gf349,352,348,393,345,344,400 newly revealed stone beneath floor 205c c S gk26 gf348,393,349,400 bricky mass 205d c S gk26 ga32 gf348,400 plaster 205e c OV gk26 gf393,349,400 bricks 206 OS ga32 gk26, gf348,349,393,400,330,336,338,344,345,394 bricks, bricky mass 206a t S gk26 gf393,348,400 W portion of bricky mass f345 206b t S gk26 gf393,348,349,400 E portion of bricky mass f345 .rd M913 .ri ms 207 SE gk26 gf393,394,400,349 white floor under f393 207a S gk26 gf393,394,400,349 207b ov S ga32 gk26 gf393,394,400,349 .ri jl 208 OS ga32 gk26 gf393,394,400,349,348,326 208a t OS ga32 gk26 gf393,394,400,349,348 208b t OS ga32 gk26 gf393,394,400,349,348 209 E ga32 gk27 gf392 gq959 209a w E ga32 gk27 gf392 gq959 v 207 ds This view show the probable first floor, f394, which runs under the bricky mass, f393. It runs N from the baulk into f348 and runs N up to plaster, f400. We will continue to remove f393 to follow the floor to the E. See v206 and v208. v 208 ds This view also shows the relationhip of the floor, f394 and how it runs under the bricky mass, f393. This is similar to v206 as well.